FIG 6 .
IL-1R-deficient mice have impaired neutrophil recruitment. (A) Blood neutrophil counts in WT and IL-1RI−/− mice before and after an i.p. challenge with 1 × 106 GBS. (B to G) Cell counts in peritoneal lavage fluid after an i.p. challenge with heat-killed GBS (0.5 mg). (B) Numbers of peritoneal cells positive for F4/80 (macrophages), CD3 (T lymphocytes), CD19 (B lymphocytes), and GR1 (granulocytes) in WT and IL-1-RI−/− mice under resting conditions. (C) Kinetics of cell recruitment in the peritoneal cavities of IL-1RI KO and WT mice after a challenge with killed GBS. (D to G) Numbers of peritoneal cells positive for F4/80 (macrophages), CD3 (T lymphocytes), CD19 (B lymphocytes), and GR1 (granulocytes) in WT and IL-1RI−/− mice at 3 (D), 6 (E), 24 (F), and 48 (G) h after a challenge with heat-killed GBS. Data are expressed as means ± standard deviations of three duplicate observations, each conducted with a different animal, in the course of a single experiment. *, P < 0.05 relative to WT mice by one-way analysis of variance and the Student-Keuls-Newman test.