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. 2014 Aug 7;6:plu045. doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plu045

Molecular phylogenetics and character evolution of morphologically diverse groups, Dendrobium section Dendrobium and allies

Tomoko Takamiya 1, Pheravut Wongsawad 2, Apirada Sathapattayanon 3, Natsuko Tajima 2, Shunichiro Suzuki 1, Saki Kitamura 1, Nao Shioda 1, Takashi Handa 4, Susumu Kitanaka 1, Hiroshi Iijima 1, Tomohisa Yukawa 5,*
PMCID: PMC4172198  PMID: 25107672

The genus Dendrobium, one of the largest genera in Orchidaceae, exhibits enormous vegetative diversification. Such a situation has hindered the establishment of consistent classification systems. To clarify phylogenetic relationships in Dendrobium section Dendrobium and allied groups, we performed molecular phylogenetic analyses of 210 taxa. The results showed that many sections are not monophyletic. Most of the morphological characters that have been believed to reflect phylogenetic relationships are, in fact, the results of convergence. Consequently, recircumscription of the infrageneric classification is required.

Keywords: Dendrobium, evolution, ITS, matK, Orchidaceae, phylogeny, systematics, taxonomy.


It is always difficult to construct coherent classification systems for plant lineages having diverse morphological characters. The genus Dendrobium, one of the largest genera in the Orchidaceae, includes ∼1100 species, and enormous morphological diversification has hindered the establishment of consistent classification systems covering all major groups of this genus. Given the particular importance of species in Dendrobium section Dendrobium and allied groups as floriculture and crude drug genetic resources, there is an urgent need to establish a stable classification system. To clarify phylogenetic relationships in Dendrobium section Dendrobium and allied groups, we analysed the macromolecular characters of the group. Phylogenetic analyses of 210 taxa of Dendrobium were conducted on DNA sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of 18S–26S nuclear ribosomal DNA and the maturase-coding gene (matK) located in an intron of the plastid gene trnK using maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods. The parsimony and Bayesian analyses revealed 13 distinct clades in the group comprising section Dendrobium and its allied groups. Results also showed paraphyly or polyphyly of sections Amblyanthus, Aporum, Breviflores, Calcarifera, Crumenata, Dendrobium, Densiflora, Distichophyllae, Dolichocentrum, Holochrysa, Oxyglossum and Pedilonum. On the other hand, the monophyly of section Stachyobium was well supported. It was found that many of the morphological characters that have been believed to reflect phylogenetic relationships are, in fact, the result of convergence. As such, many of the sections that have been recognized up to this point were found to not be monophyletic, so recircumscription of sections is required.


It is always difficult to construct coherent classification systems for plant lineages having diverse morphological characters. Dendrobium Sw. (Orchidaceae) represents such difficult groups and so far has been established in many alternative systems (e.g. Lindley 1830; Bentham and Hooker 1883; Kränzlin 1910; Schlechter 1912; Brieger 1981; Clements 2003; Wood 2006; Schuiteman 2011). This genus is one of the largest orchid genera, with around 1100 species (Wood 2006). The distribution range extends from Sri Lanka and India throughout tropical Asia and Oceania, north to Japan, east to Tahiti and south to New Zealand. Enormous diversification of the vegetative organs in accordance with habitat shifts and lack of accessory structures of the pollinarium, a cardinal character in orchid classification, has hindered establishment of consistent classification systems covering all major groups of this genus. Previous studies of systematics based on the morphological characteristics of the group were reviewed by Wood (2006). Given the limits to what can be understood of affinities using morphological characters, Yukawa et al. (1993) analysed the molecular phylogenetics of the subtribe Dendrobiinae (Lindley 1830), which includes the genus Dendrobium and putatively related genera Cadetia, Diplocaulobium, Flickingeria, Epigeneium and Pseuderia based on chloroplast DNA restriction site variation. This analysis resulted in presentation of the first probable phylogenetic relationship between members of this genus. Yukawa et al. (1993) demonstrated that Dendrobium is not monophyletic and comprises two major clades (Asian and Australasian clades: sensu Clements 2003). The Asian clade is predominantly diversified west of Weber's line, and the Australasian clade, containing genera Cadetia, Diplocaulobium and Flickingeria, is distributed mostly in Australasia and the Pacific Islands. Subsequent studies on representative members of subtribe Dendrobiinae (e.g. Yukawa et al. 1996, 1999, 2000; Yukawa 2001; Clements 2003, 2006; Schuiteman 2011) incorporated additional macromolecular markers and taxa in their analyses. In addition to providing further support for the above-mentioned phylogeny, these studies identified other infrageneric monophyletic groups.

Dendrobium section Dendrobium is one of the largest sections in the genus Dendrobium, comprising ∼60 species (Wood 2006) distributed across almost the entire geographical range of the genus, with the exception of Micronesia and Melanesia. A number of species are considered important as crude drug sources and are highly sought-after genetic resources with potential value in medicine (Takamiya et al. 2011, 2013). Yukawa et al. (1993) demonstrated that section Dendrobium is nested within the Asian clade. Wongsawad et al. (2001, 2005) analysed sequences for the maturase-coding gene (matK) located in the plastid genome and the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA of 78 Asian clade species including 35 of section Dendrobium (Wongsawad et al. 2001) and 93 Asian clade species including 42 members of section Dendrobium (Wongsawad et al. 2005). Based on these analyses, Wongsawad et al. demonstrated that section Dendrobium is not monophyletic; that its core clade includes species of sections Breviflores, Densiflora, Holochrysa and Stuposa; and that sections Amblyanthus, Breviflores, Densiflora, Formosae, Holochrysa, Oxyglossum and Pedilonum are not monophyletic. These relationships were confirmed by Xiang et al. (2013). However, given that these studies did not include several species of section Dendrobium and only included a small number of species in sections Aporum, Calcarifera, Calyptrochilus, Crumenata, Distichophyllae, Oxyglossum, Pedilonum, Platycaulon, Stachyobium and Stuposa, which are likely to be closely related to section Dendrobium, our understanding of the relationships between section Dendrobium and other groups within the Asian clade remains incomplete. In this study, we conducted comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of representative species in the Asian clade using the ITS and matK regions to clarify the relationships and the taxonomic position of section Dendrobium.


Plant materials

The samples for analysis consisted of 210 Asian clade species (214 samples), including 56 species belonging to section Dendrobium. As an outgroup, we chose 10 species of the Australasian clade, based on the results of Yukawa (2001). Plant materials were collected from the living collection of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, National Museum of Nature and Science. All voucher specimens were deposited at the Herbarium, National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS). Voucher information and GenBank accession numbers for all ITS and matK sequences used in this study are listed in Appendix 1. We adopted an infrageneric classification based on that proposed by Schlechter (1912) and modified by Wood (2006).

DNA extraction and sequencing

Genomic DNA was isolated from fresh leaves or flowers by a DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hamburg, Germany) following the manufacturer's instructions, and was used as a template for PCR amplification. ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regions were amplified and sequenced as described by Sun et al. (1994) and Hidayat et al. (2005). The amplification reactions included GC buffer I or II and LA Taq DNA polymerase (Takara Bio, Shiga, Japan). The PCR profile consisted of an initial 2-min premelt at 94 °C and 30 cycles of 50 s at 94 °C (denaturation), 1 min at 60 °C (annealing) and 30 s at 72 °C (extension), followed by a final 7-min extension at 72 °C. matK regions were amplified and sequenced as described by Hidayat et al. (2005). The amplification reactions included Ex Taq buffer and Ex Taq DNA polymerase (Takara Bio). The PCR profile consisted of an initial 5-min premelt at 94 °C and 30 cycles of 30 s at 94 °C (denaturation), 30 s at 53 °C (annealing) and 3 min at 72 °C (extension), followed by a final 7-min extension at 72 °C.

The PCR products were cleaned using a Montage PCR centrifugal filter device (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA) and then sequenced in both forward and reverse directions using primers described by Hidayat et al. (2005). Sequences were obtained with an ABI PRISM 377 sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) following the manufacturer's instructions for auto-cycle sequencing reactions.

Molecular phylogenetic analysis

Except for ITS and matK sequences of Dendrobium ovatum obtained from GenBank (accession ID for ITS: HM054721; matK: HM055325), all sequence data were obtained by our own analyses. Two hundred and twenty-four DNA sequences were aligned with ClustalW software. A phylogenetic analysis based on the maximum parsimony (MP) was performed using PAUP* version 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002) for three data sets: ITS, matK and a combination of the two. Gaps were treated as missing data. All characters were equally weighted and unordered (Fitch 1971). Each data set was analysed by a heuristic search method with tree bisection–reconnection branch swapping and the MULTREES option on 100 replications of random addition sequence with the stepwise addition option, and each replicate after 1 × 106 rearrangements was assessed. Bootstrap support values were obtained from 1000 replicates using ‘fast’ stepwise addition. Although the fast stepwise addition analyses are expected to provide a lower support value than obtained when comprehensive branch-swapping is performed (DeBry and Olmstead 2000; Mort et al. 2000; Barkman et al. 2004), we used this option because bootstrap analyses with a full heuristic search method were not computationally feasible with a large data set. Bootstrap percentages (BPs) of 50–74 were defined as weak, 75–84 as moderate and 85–100 as strong, as in Chase et al. (2000) and Kim et al. (2010). The number of steps, consistency index (CI) and retention index (RI) were calculated with one of the most parsimonious trees in each analysis using the TREE SCORES command in PAUP*. To test congruence among data partitions, the incongruence length difference test (Farris et al. 1994, 1995), also designated the partition homogeneity test in PAUP*, was employed to measure character conflicts under a parsimony framework among data sets using 100 heuristic search replications.

The same data sets were analysed by Bayesian analysis using MrModeltest ver. 2.3 (Nylander 2004) to determine the sequence evolution model that best described the data. The GTR + I + G model was chosen for ITS, matK and the combined data by hierarchical likelihood ratio tests. The chosen model was used to perform a Bayesian analysis using the program MrBayes ver. 3.1.2 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001; Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003). For analysis, two simultaneous runs of four chains each were carried out with the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for 8 000 000 generations, sampling every 100 generations. Data from the first 20 000 generations were discarded as the ‘burn-in’ period. The 50 % majority rule consensus phylogeny and posterior probability (PP) of nodes were calculated from the remaining samples. Clades with PP ≥95 were regarded as strongly supported (Martínez-Azorín et al. 2011).

Ancestral state reconstruction of morphological characters

Among various morphological characters, stem shape and leaf number were examined with ancestral state reconstruction analysis due to their complex pattern of character states even among closely related taxa. Character states for each taxon were obtained from the literature (Seidenfaden 1985; Wood 2006) and observation by the authors. A parsimony reconstruction was performed with the ‘Unordered’ model in Mesquite 2.75 (Maddison and Maddison 2011). The Bayesian tree based on the combined sequence data (ITS and matK) was used as the standard tree topology (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Consensus phylogram of 210 taxa of Dendrobium section Dendrobium and allied groups obtained from 96 596 Bayesian trees from the combined ITS and matK sequence data set. Values below and above branches indicate percentage bootstrap values from maximum parsimony analysis and Bayesian posterior probabilities, respectively.


Parsimony analyses of ITS, matK and combined sequences of the two

Table 1 shows statistics from ITS, matK and combined sequences. We compared topologies between strict consensus trees of ITS and matK data sets [see Supporting Information]. Visual inspection of the topologies between the two regions did not show significant incongruence, although an incongruence length difference test did not support congruence (P value = 0.01). Inconsistent topologies where bootstrap support is weak can be ignored as a soft incongruence (Johnson and Soltis 1998). Moreover, strongly supported clades by matK were generally strongly supported by ITS except for six inconsistent regions [see Supporting Information]. Since analyses of combined data sets provide more resolution and internal support for relationships than individual data sets (Soltis et al. 1998), we combined ITS and matK data for further analysis.

Table 1.

Characteristics of DNA datasets used in this study.

Characteristics ITS matK Combined data
Number of taxa 224 224 224
Total number of characters 906 1630 2536
Number of constant characters 303 1092 1395
Number of parsimony uninformative characters 102 279 381
Number of parsimony informative characters 501 259 760
Tree length 5522 1092 6692
Consistency index (CI) 0.226 0.6016 0.2847
Retention index (RI) 0.715 0.7915 0.7198
Number of trees 140 4638 103
Bayesian model of evolution GTR + I + G GTR + I + G GTR + I + G

In the majority of cases, BPs for trees based on the combined data set were higher than those obtained from analysis based on ITS or matK alone. For example, six clades supported by BP at <85 % in both genetic regions when based on either individual data set had BP >85 % in the combined case.

Bayesian analyses of ITS, matK and combined sequences of the two

Comparing the Bayesian trees and strict consensus tree of the most parsimonious trees constructed from ITS and matK sequences, we found that in terms of the differences in results based on the sequence used, the clades of strict consensus trees that were strongly supported by bootstrap value in both ITS and matK trees were also strongly supported by the PP value [see Supporting Information]. However, when we compared the strict consensus tree of the most parsimonious trees and the Bayesian trees with the ITS sequence, we found phylogenetic relationships in four parts where they were not strongly supported by PP value, even if they were by BP value. Specifically, these were the clade comprising Dendrobium amoenum, D. gratiosissimum, D. wardianum, D. lituiflorum, D. transparens, D. luteolum, D. ruckeri and D. tetrachromum (BP86, PP90); the clade comprising D. aff. densiflorum, D. densiflorum, D. cf. griffithianum and D. griffithianum (BP87, PP84); the clade comprising D. farmeri and D. palpebrae (BP87, PP75); and the clade comprising D. speckmaieri and D. ypsilon (BP89, PP92). That said, the PP values for these regions were still fairly high. Furthermore, as in the case for MP analysis, Bayesian analysis revealed that there are no inconsistencies between ITS and matK data sets, so the two regions were combined for subsequent analysis.

The combined tree obtained from a majority-rule consensus of 96 596 trees produced by two runs of the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is presented in Fig. 1. With the exception of one clade consisting of D. aff. densiflorum, D. densiflorum, D. cf. griffithianum and D. griffithianum (BP91, PP92), all of the clades that were strongly supported in bootstrap tests based on MP analysis were also strongly supported by PP values in Bayesian analysis. In this study, major clades whose BP values from MP analysis were >50 % and those whose PP values from Bayesian analysis were >95 %—i.e. clades at least weakly supported by bootstrap values and strongly supported by PP values—were assigned letters A through M. Clade A comprises the majority of sections Dendrobium and Holochrysa, as well as sections Breviflores and Stuposa, and Dendrobium chrysotoxum in section Densiflora. Clade B comprises Dendrobium albosanguineum in section Dendrobium and Dendrobium braianense and D. capillipes in section Holochrysa. Clade C comprises the majority of section Densiflora and section Amblyanthus. Clade D consists of some members of sections Pedilonum and Calcarifera along with sections Dolichocentrum, Oxyglossum and Calyptrochilus. Clade E comprises sections Aporum, Crumenata and Bolbodium. Clade F comprises section Platycaulon and some members of sections Pedilonum and Calcarifera. Clade G comprises D. cf. jenkinsii, D. jenkinsii and D. lindleyi in section Densiflora. Clade H comprises section Conostalix and the majority of section Distichophyllae. Clade I comprises the majority of section Formosae. Clade J comprises D. dearei, D. parthenium, D. sanderae and D. schuetzei in section Formosae. Clade K comprises section Stachyobium and Dendrobium oligophyllum in section Distichophyllae. Clade L comprises section Herbaceae. Clade M comprises section Fytchianthe. No clear relationship to other clades was indicated for Dendrobium gibsonii in section Holochrysa, D. senile in section Dendrobium, or D. jerdonianum and D. trigonopus in section Formosae.

Ancestral state reconstruction of morphological characters

In the analysis of stem shape morphology, the terete, non-succulent stem was supported as the plesiomorphic state in the Asian clade (Fig. 2A). The other stem character states, namely, pseudobulbous, heteroblastic, succulent stem; clavate, non-heteroblastic, succulent stem; basally bulged stem; entirely flattened stem; and thin, wiry stem, were inferred to evolve twice, more than 14 times, twice, three times, and more than seven times, respectively. As for the evolution of leaf number, a character state bearing more than five leaves was suggested to be plesiomorphic in the Asian clade (Fig. 2B). The other character states of leaf number, namely, between three and five; two; and one, were inferred to evolve more than 10 times, once, and once, respectively.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Ancestral state reconstruction of morphological characters ((A) stem shape; (B) leaf number) of 210 taxa of Dendrobium section Dendrobium and allied groups. All analyses were based on the parsimony reconstruction.


Phylogenetic relationships at the section level

Section Dendrobium is divided into three subclades. The first is the core clade, which includes the type species Dendrobium moniliforme (Clade A). The second is D. albosanguineum, included in Clade B, and the final subclade is D. senile, with a phylogenetic position that is unresolved. The possibility is suggested (PP72) that D. senile and D. gibsonii in section Holochrysa may form a clade. Furthermore, while there is a support of PP100 suggesting that these two species are sister groups to Clade A, due to the weak bootstrap support in MP analysis (BP < 50), they were not included in Clade A for the purposes of this study. In addition, Clade A also contains all species in section Breviflores, D. chrysotoxum in section Densiflora, all species in section Stuposa, and the majority of species in section Holochrysa, thus rendering section Dendrobium polyphyletic and paraphyletic. These results support the findings of Wongsawad et al. (2001, 2005) and Xiang et al. (2013).

Five species in section Breviflores (Dendrobium aduncum, D. bifurcatum, D. hercoglossum, D. linguella and D. trantuanii) are divided into three subclades within Clade A, making them a polyphyletic group. These results are consistent with the findings of Wongsawad et al. (2005) and Xiang et al. (2013). Two species in section Stuposa (Dendrobium stuposum and D. praecinctum) represent a monophyletic group within Clade A (BP100, PP100), supporting the findings of Wongsawad et al. (2005). Section Holochrysa was found to not be monophyletic, and its eight species (Dendrobium atavus, D. chryseum, D. dixanthum, D. fimbriatum, D. henryi, D. lohohense, D. moschatum and D. pulchellum) in Clade A are divided into six lineages. Further, a subclade comprising D. braianense and D. capillipes is placed within Clade B and the phylogenetic position of D. gibsonii is unresolved. These results are consistent with the analyses by Yukawa (2001), Wongsawad et al. (2001, 2005) and Xiang et al. (2013).

Section Densiflora was also found to not be monophyletic but rather to consist of three groups comprising the majority of Clade C, including the type species D. densiflorum, D. chrysotoxum belonging to Clade A, and Clade G, which is made up of D. jenkinsii, D. cf. jenkinsii and D. lindleyi. The analyses by Yukawa (2001), Wongsawad et al. (2001, 2005) and Xiang et al. (2013) also demonstrated the polyphyly of section Densiflora. Section Amblyanthus was found to nest within Clade C. Four species of section Amblyanthus were found to be divided into two subclades within Clade C, and were polyphyletic, supporting the results of Yukawa (2001) and Wongsawad et al. (2005).

Section Pedilonum was found to not be monophyletic, its members forming eight polyphyletic groups within Clade D and three polyphyletic groups within Clade F. The type species of section Pedilonum, D. secundum, was included in Clade F. Our results were consistent with analyses by Yukawa (2001), Wongsawad et al. (2001, 2005) and Clements (2003, 2006), which also revealed section Pedilonum to not be monophyletic.

Section Calcarifera represents another non-monophyletic group, which is divided into three subclades within Clade D and six subclades within Clade F. Consistent with our results, Clements (2003, 2006) also found that the section was not monophyletic and that its members formed two distinct groups. It is clear that the type species Dendrobium pedicellatum, which was not investigated in this study, belongs to Clade F because a morphologically related species, Dendrobium mutabile, is placed in this clade.

Clade D was shown to also include sections Dolichocentrum, Oxyglossum and Calyptrochilus. Section Dolichocentrum was found to be polyphyletic, with its three species splitting into a lineage represented by Dendrobium furcatum and a subclade (BP100, PP100) made up of Dendrobium auriculatum and D. papilio.

Section Oxyglossum was also found to not be monophyletic. Its six constituent species were divided into two groups, one comprising Dendrobium cyanocentrum, D. masarangense subsp. theionanthum and D. violaceum (BP99, PP100) and the other comprising D. cuthbertsonii, D. laevifolium and D. prasinum, along with D. bracteosum, a member of section Pedilonum (BP73, PP100). Consistent with our results, Clements (2003, 2006) also found that section Oxyglossum was not monophyletic and that its members split into two groups.

Our results suggested that section Calyptrochilus forms a polyphyletic group made up of three subclades: the first comprising Dendrobium aphanochilum and D. glomeratum (BP98, PP100); the second comprising D. lawesii, D. codonosepalum, D. trichostomum, D. mohlianum and D. melinanthum (BP88, PP100); and the third comprising D. erosum.

Section Aporum was found to be polyphyletic, nesting within Clade E along with sections Crumenata and Bolbodium. The members form two subclades: the first comprising nine species (BP83, PP100) and the second comprising Dendrobium calceolum. The monophyly of the first subclade was suggested by Yukawa (2001) and Wongsawad et al. (2001, 2005).

Section Crumenata was also found to nest within Clade E and to not be monophyletic. Its species are divided into two subclades: the first including section Bolbodium and parts of section Aporum (BP92, PP100) and the second representing the earliest diverging clade within Clade E, comprising Dendrobium ephemerum. Analyses by Yukawa (2001) and Clements (2003, 2006) also suggested the first of these subclades to be paraphyletic.

Section Distichophyllae was found to not be monophyletic, with its members splitting into a core clade (Clade H) containing the type species of the section, Dendrobium uniflorum, and the earliest diverging clade within Clade K represented by D. oligophyllum, which is likely a sister group to section Stachyobium. Further, in Clade H, two species of section Conostalix, Dendrobium lobbii and D. pachyglossum, were nested within members of section Distichophyllae. Section Conostalix is probably monophyletic (BP53, PP100).

Members of section Formosae were scattered into four lineages: Clade I, Clade J and two unplaced species, D. jerdonianum and D. trigonopus. Clade I, which contains the type species of the section, D. formosum, comprises only species of section Formosae (BP100, PP100). Clade J similarly comprises only species of section Formosae (BP100, PP100). While the possibility that these four groups represent a monophyletic lineage cannot be ruled out, it is likely that they are polyphyletic. Analyses by Wongsawad et al. (2005) and Clements (2006) also identified two clades within Section Formosae corresponding to Clades I and J.

There is a strong possibility that section Stachyobium forms a monophyletic group within Clade K (BP93, PP100). Consistent with our results, monophyly of section Stachyobium was also suggested by analyses by Yukawa (2001), Wongsawad et al. (2001, 2005), Clements (2006) and Xiang et al. (2013). Furthermore, it is evident that section Stachyobium is a sister group to D. oligophyllum in section Distichophyllae (BP99, PP100).

Section Herbaceae comprises only two species, Dendrobium herbaceum and D. parcum. We found that this section is clearly monophyletic because the two species constitute Clade L (BP96, PP100). Similarly, it is highly probable that section Fytchianthe represents a monophyletic lineage because Dendrobium fytchianum and D. ovatum, members of this section, constitute Clade M (BP100, PP100). While not strongly supported in statistical terms (BP < 50, PP59), Clade M may represent the earliest divergent clade within the Asian clade. Similarly supported by our results, analyses by Wongsawad et al. (2001, 2005) also indicate the possibility that section Fytchianthe is the earliest divergent clade within the Asian clade. Our analyses further indicate that sections Herbaceae and/or Stachyobium may represent the second-earliest divergent clade within the Asian clade after section Fytchianthe.

Evolution of morphological characters

Vegetative stems

The vast majority of species belonging to Clades A, D, F, H, I, J, L and M, and several species in Clades C and K have terete, non-succulent vegetative stems. Results of ancestral state reconstruction analysis showed that this character state represents a plesiomorphy of the Asian clade (Fig. 2A).

Species with a pseudobulbous, heteroblastic, succulent stem in which from one to a few internodes on the upper portions of vegetative stems thicken to become pseudobulbs, account for all species in section Bolbodium and some members of sections Densiflora. Among species analysed in this study, the heteroblastic stem is exhibited by Dendrobium pachyphyllum (section Bolbodium) in Clade E, D. lindleyi, D. jenkinsii and D. cf. jenkinsii (all in section Densiflora) in Clade G. Results of ancestral state reconstruction analysis showed that this character state likely evolved twice in the Asian clade (Fig. 2A).

Dendrobium brymerianum, D. chrysocrepis, D. harveyanum (both in section Dendrobium) and D. chrysotoxum (section Densiflora) in Clade A, D. albosanguineum (section Dendrobium) and D. braianense and D. capillipes (both in section Holochrysa) in Clade B, D. cf. griffithianum, D. farmeri, D. griffithianum, D. guibertii and D. palpebrae (all in section Densiflora) in Clade C, all species of section Oxyglossum in Clade D, D. bellatulum (section Formosae) in Clade I, D. delacourii, D. diodon, D. gregulus, D. porphyrochilum, D. laterale and Dendrobium sp. (all in section Stachyobium) in Clade K and D. trigonopus (section Formosae), an unplaced taxon, have a clavate, non-heteroblastic, succulent stem. Results of ancestral state reconstruction analysis indicated that this character state evolved more than 14 times in the Asian clade (Fig. 2A).

All species of section Crumenata, and Dendrobium hancockii and D. cf. hancockii (both in section Dendrobium) exhibit a basally bulged stem characterized by particular thickening of several internodes positioned on lower portions of vegetative stems. Results of ancestral state reconstruction analysis showed that this character state represents an apomorphy, resulting from two independent evolutionary events within the Asian clade (Fig. 2A).

The stems of the majority of members of section Calcarifera have elliptical cross-sections, while the stems of all members of section Platycaulon are entirely flattened. A few species belonging to sections Breviflores and Densiflora also have flattened stems. Among species analysed in this study, in addition to species of section Platycaulon (Clade F), D. trantuanii (section Breviflores) in Clade A and D. sulcatum (section Densiflora) in Clade C also had flattened stems. Results of ancestral state reconstruction analysis showed that this character state evolved three times in the Asian clade (Fig. 2A).

A further apomorphy of the vegetative stem is thin, wiry stems, observed in all species of sections Aporum and Dolichocentrum and a few species of sections Dendrobium, Calcarifera, Conostalix and Pedilonum. Among species investigated in this study, in addition to species of sections Aporum and Dolichocentrum, thin and wiry stems were shared by Dendrobium leptocladum (section Dendrobium) in Clade A, Dendrobium lancifolium (section Calcarifera) and Dendrobium aff. ramosii (section Pedilonum) in Clade D and D. lobbii (section Conostalix) in Clade H. Results of ancestral state reconstruction analysis suggested that this character state evolved more than seven times in the Asian clade (Fig. 2A). Species belonging to section Aporum have succulent leaves, while other species with thin and wiry stems have fleshy roots. This suggests that, in species with thin and wiry stems, the components responsible for water storage have shifted from the stems to the leaves or roots.

Shoot architecture

The majority of species in the genus Dendrobium exhibit an architecture ubiquitously observed in perennial herbs in which vegetative shoots emerge in a repeated sympodial branching pattern from nodes on basal portions of the vegetative stem and produce roots also at the stem base. However, all species of section Herbaceae and a few species of sections Dendrobium, Calcarifera, Dolichocentrum and Crumenata produce vegetative shoots in a sympodial branching pattern from nodes on the upper parts of the stem, forming ramified stems, whereby roots do not grow from basal portions of new shoots. Among the species examined in this study, in addition to species of section Herbaceae, this architecture was observed in Dendrobiuim falconeri and D. hancockii (both in section Dendrobium) in Clade A; D. chameleon (section Calcarifera), D. furcatum (section Dolichocentrum) and D. victoria-reginae (section Calcarifera) in Clade D; and D. junceum (section Crumenata) in Clade E. This character state is not present in Clade M, which likely represents the earliest divergent clade within the Asian clade. In addition, given that this character state is only observed in a small number of species in a few lineages of both Asian and Australasian clades (Wood 2006), it is likely that ramified stems represent an apomorphy for the Asian clade, resulting from at least four distinct evolutionary events.

Although reproductive shoots are produced by axillary branching from vegetative shoots in most Dendrobium species, all species of sections Stachyobium, Herbaceae and Fytchianthe have terminal buds of vegetative shoots that develop into reproductive shoots. In this study, such a terminal inflorescence was observed in all species belonging to Clades M, L and K, which likely represent the earliest divergent clades within the Asian clade. Dressler (1981) proposed that terminal inflorescence is historically primary, being found in the most primitive orchid. Given that members of the genus Epigeneium, which represents the earliest divergence within subtribe Dendrobiinae, also exhibit a terminal inflorescence, terminal inflorescences may represent a plesiomorphy for the Asian clade.


Given that almost all Asian clade species have roots with a smooth, shiny white surface and that the majority of the sister Australasian clade species also have smooth roots, it appears that smooth roots represent a plesiomorphy for the Asian clade. In contrast, a number of species belonging to Clade F (Dendrobium annae, D. cumulatum, D. hymenophyllum, D. intricatum, D. mutabile, D. panduriferum, D. profusum and D. sanguinolentum in section Calcarifera and D. platygastrium, D. speckmaieri and D. ypsilon in section Platycaulon) have verrucose roots. All members of section Brevisaccata in the Australasian clade and some species of the genus Epigeneium also exhibit this feature. Such roots certainly evolved three times in the subtribe Dendrobiinae. However, this rough surface feature has no known function, except for increasing the absorptive surface of the root (Wood 2006).


While almost all species belonging to the Asian clade have conduplicate leaves with both adaxial and abaxial surfaces, all species in section Aporum and some species in section Crumenata have laterally flattened or terete leaves in which the adaxial surface has been reduced, leaving a unifacial leaf consisting only of the abaxial surface. This feature is accompanied by thickening of the mesophyll, and these character states represent a xerophytic adaptation. In fact, the species with unifacial leaves generally grow as epiphytes in dry habitats of tropical Asia (Yukawa and Uehara 1996). Among the species analysed in this study, all species in section Aporum and section Crumenata species Dendrobium acinaciforme, D. macfarlanei, D. goldfinchii, D. philippinense, D. junceum and D. aff. modestum in Clade E exhibit a unifacial leaf. Since evolution of a unifacial leaf occurred only in Clade E in the Asian clade, it represents an apomorphy resulting from one or a few evolutionary events.

Members of the genus Dendrobium exhibit two shedding patterns: a deciduous pattern, in which leaf life-span is shorter than 1 year and stems lose all leaves temporarily, and an evergreen pattern, in which leaf life-span is longer than 1 year and stems retain their leaves at all times. While the vast majority of species are evergreen, all species in sections Herbaceae, Fytchianthe and Stachyobium and some members in sections Dendrobium and Holochrysa are deciduous. Among species investigated in this study, in addition to species of sections Herbaceae, Fytchianthe and Stachyobium, section Dendrobium species D. aphyllum, D. crystallinum, D. pendulum, D. wardianum, D. amoenum, D. anosmum, D. bensoniae, D. crepidatum, D. devonianum, D. gratiosissimum, D. lituiflorum, D. parishii, D. primulinum, D. transparens, D. unicum and D. dixanthum (section Holochrysa) in Clade A, along with D. albosanguineum (section Dendrobium), D. capillipes (section Holochrysa) in Clade B and D. senile (section Dendrobium), with unresolved phylogenetic position, are all deciduous. Furthermore, while members of the Australasian clade as well as Epigeneium and Bulbophyllum, allied genera to Dendrobium, have evergreen leaves, given that species of sections Fytchianthe, Herbaceae and Stachyobium, which likely are the earliest divergent clades within the Asian clade, are deciduous, deciduousness may represent a plesiomorphy for the Asian clade.

Results of ancestral state reconstruction analysis showed that a stem with more than five leaves represents a plesiomorphy of the Asian clade and that reduction of leaf number likely evolved more than 12 times (Fig. 2B). As shown in Fig. 2A and B, the species with less than six leaves on each stem usually exhibit pseudobulbous, heteroblastic, succulent or clavate, non-heteroblastic, succulent stems except for D. aff. densiflorum, D. amabile, D. densiflorum, D. sulcatum and D. thyrsiflorum (all in section Densiflora) in Clade C. Furthermore, leaves of these species are either succulent or deciduous. Yukawa and Uehara (1996) and Wood (2006) suggested that these combinations of character states show adaptation to a xeric environment.

Schlechter (1912), in his infrageneric classification system of Dendrobium, emphasized the presence or absence of leaf sheaths as a cardinal diagnostic character at the subgenus level. In species with the above-mentioned succulent stems producing a small number of leaves in the upper part, leaf sheaths do not develop. However, in species that produce non-succulent stems, leaf sheaths do not develop in the uppermost leaves, but do develop in lower leaves. Consequently, reduction of the leaf sheath in the uppermost leaves is a common character state both in the succulent and non-succulent stem species, and it is not appropriate to use the presence or absence of leaf sheaths as a character for classification at least in the Asian clade.

Anatomical characters of vegetative organs

Yukawa and Uehara (1996) demonstrated that modifications in size and number of parenchymatous cells of vegetative stems substantially contributed to vegetative diversification in Dendrobium. This observation implies that a simple structural adjustment can result in a major modification of growth habit in this group. They also found that several anatomical characters associated with xeromorphy, such as a thick outer wall of epidermal cells on the stem surface and a thick sclerenchymatous cap on vascular bundles in the stem evolved in members of sections Aporum and Crumenata. In other words, these character states are likely to have evolved in the common ancestor of Clade E. Acquisition of xeromorphic anatomical characters in this clade may have facilitated evolution of unique vegetative characters suited to dry environments such as a succulent, laterally flattened leaf and a wiry or basally bulged stem.

Namba and Lin (1981a, b), Singh (1986) and Morris et al. (1996) investigated the anatomical characters of roots of Dendrobium. Morris et al. demonstrated that root characteristics including the number of layers in the velamina are not useful characters to use in determining sectional relationships.

Reproductive organs

All species of section Densiflora and most members of section Dendrobium have velvety lips with many papillae on the surface. Among species analysed in this study, all Clade A species with the exception of D. unicum and D. lamyaiae in section Dendrobium, all Clade B, C and G species, and D. gibsonii exhibit this character state. When Dendrobium flowers are stained with neutral red, which is taken up by osmophores, or odour-producing cells (Stern et al. 1986), the papillae of the above-listed species are strongly stained (Yukawa 1993). Consequently, it is likely that the papillae on the lip surface accumulate substances responsible for fragrance (Müller 1935). Observation of the near-ultraviolet (near-UV) reflectance of the flowers using near-UV reflectance photography reveals that the parts with papillae absorb near-UV, while other areas of the perianth lobes reflect near-UV, resulting in distinct high-contrast patterns (Yukawa 1993; Indsto and Weston 2000). Given that this combination of characteristics is typical of bee-pollinated flowers, we demonstrate that the dense packing of papillae on lip surfaces represents a character state that evolved in adaptation to bee pollination. The only Dendrobium species producing lips with dense papillae for which pollinators have been observed is D. anosmum, which two species of Apis are known to pollinate (Burkill 1919). Since lip surfaces with dense papillae are not observed in species of the Australasian clade or in Clades K, L and M, which likely represent the earliest divergent clades within the Asian clade, this character state was probably acquired after the divergence of the Asian clade. However, it is unclear how many evolutionary events have resulted in the character state, because phylogenetic relationships of Clades A, B, C and G have not been resolved.

Meanwhile, specialization has occurred in terms of flowering behaviour. Reproductive shoots of Dendrobium generally branch sympodially from vegetative shoots and disappear immediately after flowering. However, in all species in Clade E, namely, members of sections Aporum, Bolbodium and Crumenata, the reproductive shoots remain alive even after flowering and continue to flower repeatedly. There is a high probability that the repeated flowering behaviour was acquired by a common ancestor of Clade E. Further, all species of section Bolbodium and some species of sections Crumenata and Aporum in this clade exhibit gregarious flowering in which, after the flower has differentiated, its growth is suspended at the bud stage and all flowers begin to grow and then bloom at once when the temperature decreases to a certain level or when the difference between daytime and night-time temperatures narrows to a certain point (Seifriz 1923; Coster 1925; Gerlach 1992). This behaviour is observed, for example, in D. pachyphyllum (section Bolbodium), D. crumenatum (section Crumenata), D. ephemerum (section Crumenata), D. acerosum (section Aporum) and D. spatella (section Aporum). It is possible that acquisition of repeated flowering in the common ancestor of Clade E provided further character evolution that increased plant attractiveness to pollinators, because it enabled an individual plant to have numerous buds at once. Acquisition of repeated flowering thus may trigger the evolution of gregarious flowering.

Reappraisal of infrageneric classification

There is no single criterion, but rather, several options for deciding what level of monophyletic unit warrants designation as a genus. In order to fulfil the phylogenetic consistency and conservation of a widely accepted concept of the genus Dendrobium, Yukawa et al. (1993, 1996, 1999, 2000), Yukawa (2001), Burke et al. (2008), Adams (2011) and Schuiteman (2011) have recommended expanding the genus Dendrobium to include the genera Cadetia, Diplocaulobium and Flickingeria. In contrast, Clements (2003, 2006) subdivided Dendrobium and established many new genera to recover the monophyly of the genus. The advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches were discussed by Yukawa et al. (1999) and Schuiteman and Adams (2011), who concluded that the former approach has greater merit. Here, we follow the former approach and examine the infrageneric classification system of Dendrobium proposed by Wood (2006).

We demonstrated that a number of sections used by Wood (2006) are not monophyletic. In order to restore the monophyly of these groups, a revised system at the section level is necessary. Clades A through M defined in this study were all strongly supported, indicating that they are stable units whose monophyly will continue to be supported even if the sampling intensity and gene regions analysed were increased. Furthermore, given that considerable numbers of clades roughly correspond to traditionally used sections, it would seem reasonable to assign, for the most part, Clades A through M to the section level.

We found that in Clade A, section Dendrobium is a paraphyletic group comprising all species in sections Breviflores and Stuposa, most species in section Holochrysa and D. chrysotoxum in section Densiflora. If we recognize these heterogeneous elements at the section level, section Dendrobium also must be subdivided. As sections Breviflores, Stuposa, Holochrysa and D. chrysotoxum in Densiflora do not deviate from a broad concept of section Dendrobium, it would be appropriate to redefine section Dendrobium as the range of Clade A and to include sections Breviflores and Stuposa, and most species in section Holochrysa, and D. chrysotoxum of section Densiflora in section Dendrobium. Schuiteman (2011) also suggested that section Breviflores is polyphyletic and should be included in section Dendrobium. Further, Xiang et al. (2013) proposed to subsume these three sections and D. chrysotoxum into section Dendrobium. Our analyses indicated that D. gibsonii (section Holochrysa) and D. senile (section Dendrobium) may form a monophyletic group with Clade A (BP < 50, PP100). At present, it is appropriate to include these two species in section Dendrobium.

Clade B can be characterized by the following combination of characters: clavate, non-heteroblastic, succulent stems; long flowering stems produced from the upper part of vegetative stems; lip with numerous papillae on the adaxial surface; tapered anther cap; and leaf sheath with brownish margins. Among these characters, leaf sheath with brownish margins represents synapomorphy of this clade. While Clade B itself is strongly supported (BP100, PP100), its relationship to other clades remains to be resolved. Therefore, it would seem appropriate to treat Clade B as an independent section. Clade B is comprised of members of sections Dendrobium and Holochrysa, both of whose type species belong to Clade A. Given that no name corresponding to the three species constituting Clade B currently exists, a new section name will have to be assigned.

Clade C comprises sections Densiflora and Amblyanthus, both of which are not monophyletic in the clade. Dendrobium microglaphys of section Amblyanthus occupies a nested position among members of section Densiflora and lacks scales outside the perianth lobes that characterize section Amblyanthus; instead, it has reduced leaf sheaths and pendulous flowering stems, both of which are diagnostic characters of section Densiflora. Consequently, it is reasonable to transfer D. microglaphys to section Densiflora. Meanwhile, the members of the basal subclade of Clade C, which includes Dendrobium melanostictum, the type species of section Amblyanthus, share features such as scales outside the perianth lobes, short racemes, and a peculiar scaly covering of the flowers and a backward-pointing lip appendage. Therefore, this subclade corresponds to section Amblyanthus and the rest of Clade C can be defined as section Densiflora.

Clade D comprises sections Pedilonum, Calcarifera, Oxyglossum, Calyptrochilus and Dolichocentrum. Since sections Pedilonum, Calcarifera, Oxyglossum and Dolichocentrum are not monophyletic, redefinition of these sections is necessary. If we conserve these sections, establishment of a large number of new sections is required. To avoid this complexity, we suggest designating Clade D as a single section. For this purpose, the section names Pedilonum and Calcarifera are not appropriate since their type species belong to Clade F. Therefore, the oldest available section name for Clade D is Calyptrochilus. An elongated mentum characterizes all species in this clade, while this character also defines Clade F and several species in other clades.

Clade E comprises sections Aporum, Crumenata and Bolbodium, the first two of which were found to not be monophyletic. As in the case of Clade D, conserving these two section names requires the establishment of multiple new sections. Thus, it is better to treat Clade E as a single section. The oldest available name corresponding to this clade is section Aporum. Clade E species have the following synapomorphies: a thick outer wall of epidermal cells on the stem surface and a thick sclerenchymatous cap on vascular bundles in the stem (Yukawa and Uehara 1996), and repeated flowering behaviour from the same reproductive shoot. Schuiteman (2011) also suggested that sections Aporum, Crumenata and Bolbodium should be treated as a single section.

Clade F comprises sections Pedilonum, Calcarifera and Platycaulon, the first two of which were found to not be monophyletic. Again, to avoid complexity by naming many new sections, it is reasonable to designate Clade F as a single section. The oldest available name corresponding to this clade is section Pedilonum. A shared character for Clade F is an elongated mentum, but this character also appeared in other clades, as mentioned previously.

The three species constituting Clade G have previously been treated as section Densiflora. Since we redefine section Densiflora as a subclade in Clade C where the type species is included, this section name cannot be used in Clade G. While the monophyly of this clade is strongly supported (BP100, PP100), its relationship to other clades remains to be resolved. Consequently, it is appropriate to deal with Clade G as an independent section. Given that no name corresponding to the three species constituting Clade G currently exists, a new section name will have to be assigned. Xiang et al. (2013) also suggested a separate status for a clade comprising D. jenkinsii and D. lindleyi. Members of this clade share the following combination of characters: pseudobulbous, heteroblastic, succulent stem, single leaf on the stem, and a few long flowering stems from the apical part of the vegetative stem. Among these characters, a single leaf represents the synapomorphy of this clade.

Clade H consists of members of sections Distichophyllae and Conostalix. As the latter section is nested within the first, the first section becomes paraphyletic. Except for thinner vegetative stems in section Conostalix, there is no obvious character to distinguish the two sections. Therefore, we deem it appropriate to redefine section Distichophyllae as the range of Clade H.

Clades I and J as well as unplaced species D. jerdonianum and D. trigonopus compose section Formosae. In addition to the definite monophyletic status of Clades I and J, it cannot be ruled out that some or all clades of this section along with section Distichophyllae form a monophyletic group. Since further analyses may resolve the ambiguous relationships of these clades, we suspend taxonomic treatment of section Formosae for the moment.

Clade K comprises section Stachyobium and D. oligophyllum of section Distichophyllae, which is the earliest divergent lineage in this clade. Re-examination of D. oligophyllum showed that the morphological characters of this species are consistent with the definition of section Stachyobium except for the long life-span of the leaf in this species. We thus transfer D. oligophyllum to section Stachyobium, and by this treatment, Clade K coincides with section Stachyobium. While the species of section Stachyobium share terminal inflorescences, we did not identify any synapomorphies of this section.

Clades L and M correspond to sections Herbaceae and Fytchianthe, respectively, endorsing the validity of the current definition of these sections. The species of section Herbaceae are characterized by ramified stems, terminal inflorescences and deciduous leaves. The species of section Fytchianthe are characterized by terminal inflorescences and deciduous leaves.

The scope of this study did not include the Australasian clade, the other major clade in genus Dendrobium. While a number of molecular phylogenetic studies have been conducted for this clade as well (Y. T. unpubl. res.; Yukawa et al. 1993, 1996, 2000; Yukawa 2001; Clements 2003, 2006; Burke et al. 2008), no attempt has been made to comprehensively analyse this clade as a whole. A consistent infrageneric classification of this genus should be proposed after combining the results of a phylogenetic analysis of both Asian and Australasian clades.

Sources of Funding

This work was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (24370040 to T.Y.) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

Contributions by the Authors

T.Y., T.T., T.H., S.K. and H.I. conceived and designed the study. T.Y., T.T., P.W., A.S., T.N., S.S., S.K. and N.S. performed sequence and phylogenetic analyses. T.Y. and T.T. primarily wrote the manuscript with contributions from all the authors.

Conflicts of Interest Statement

None declared.

Supporting Information

The following Supporting Information is available in the online version of this article –

Figure S1. Consensus phylogram obtained from 100 754 Bayesian trees based on ITS sequences. Values below and above branches indicate percentage bootstrap values from maximum parsimony analysis and Bayesian posterior probabilities, respectively.

Figure S2. Consensus phylogram obtained from 119 935 Bayesian trees based on matK sequences. Values below and above branches indicate percentage bootstrap values from maximum parsimony analysis and Bayesian posterior probabilities, respectively.

Additional Information


We thank H. Okuizumi and D. Hirose for critical comments, K. Suzuki and K. Komura for plant cultivation, and T. Fujimoto, K. Kita, T. Sobu, K. Murase, Y. Matsuo and T. Yamada for technical support.

Appendix 1.

List of Dendrobium taxa and GenBank IDs.

Species Section Voucher ITS matK
D. acerosum Aporum Yukawa04-32 AB847639 AB847678
D. acinaciforme Crumenata TBG120483 AB847640 AB847679
D. aduncum Breviflores TBG134842 AB593484 AB847680
D. aff. anosmum Dendrobium Ting H19 AB593490 AB847686
D. aff. densiflorum Densiflora TBG159449 AB593485 AB847681
D. aff. infundibulum Formosae TBG128905 AB593486 AB847682
D. aff. modestum Crumenata TBG119268 AB847642 AB847683
D. aff. moniliforme Dendrobium TBG124453 AB593488 AB847684
D. aff. ramosii Pedilonum HBG4335 AB593492 AB847687
D. aff. signatum Dendrobium TBG118279 AB593489 AB847685
D. alaticaulinum Pedilonum TBG135586 AB593493 AB847688
D. albosanguineum Dendrobium TBG122507 AB593494 AB847689
D. amabile Densiflora TBG111421 AB593495 AB847690
D. amethystoglossum Calcarifera TBG120501 AB593496 AB847691
D. amoenum Dendrobium TBG159411 AB593497 AB847692
D. annae Calcarifera TBG111422 AB593498 AB847693
D. anosmum Dendrobium TBG118511 AB593499 AB847694
D. aphanochilum Calyptrochilus TBG142252 AB593500 AB847695
D. aphrodite Dendrobium TBG122797 AB593501 AB847696
D. aphyllum Dendrobium TBG122508 AB593539 AB847736
D. atavus Holochrysa TBG159413 AB593502 AB847697
D. auriculatum Dolichocentrum TBG120492 AB593503 AB847698
D. austrocaledonicum Distichophyllae TBG130055 AB593504 AB847699
D. auyongii Aporum TBG123341 AB847643 AB847700
D. bellatulum Formosae TBG133256 AB847644 AB847701
D. bensoniae Dendrobium TBG128899 AB593505 AB847702
D. bifarium Distichophyllae TBG159414 AB593506 AB847703
D. bifurcatum Breviflores TBG157293 AB593507 AB847704
D. bracteosum Pedilonum TBG102743 AB593509 AB847705
D. braianense Holochrysa TBG159424 AB593510 AB847706
D. brymerianum Dendrobium TBG118826 AB593511 AB847707
D. calcaratum Pedilonum TBG125164 AB593512 AB847708
D. calceolum Aporum TBG122494 AB593513 AB847709
D. caliculi-mentum Pedilonum TBG118610 AB593514 AB847710
D. capillipes Holochrysa TBG128878 AB593515 AB847711
D. cariniferum Formosae TBG128900 AB847645 AB847712
D. catenatum Dendrobium TBG159450 AB593517 AB847713
D. catillare Pedilonum TBG124769 AB847646 AB847714
D. cf. bensoniae Dendrobium 036193-B AB847647 AB847715
D. cf. candidum Dendrobium 29746 AB593519 AB847716
D. cf. gratiosissimum Dendrobium TBG126713 AB593522 AB847719
D. cf. griffithianum Densiflora TBG128876 AB593523 AB847720
D. cf. hancockii Dendrobium TBG142251 AB593524 AB847721
D. cf. jenkinsii Densiflora TBG129904 AB593525 AB847722
D. cf. microglaphys Amblyanthus TBG116027 AB593526 AB847723
D. cf. primulinum Dendrobium TBG118293 AB593521 AB847718
D. cf. roseipes Pedilonum TBG159460 AB847648 AB847717
D. chameleon Calcarifera TBG135506 AB593527 AB847724
D. chrysanthum Dendrobium TBG124319 AB593529 AB847725
D. chryseum Holochrysa TBG127382 AB593530 AB847726
D. chrysocrepis Dendrobium TBG128879 AB593531 AB847727
D. chrysotoxum Densiflora TBG118321 AB593533 AB847728
D. codonosepalum Calyptrochilus TBG137050 AB847649 AB847729
D. compactum Stachyobium TBG133060 AB847650 AB847730
D. crepidatum Dendrobium TBG128871 AB593534 AB847731
D. cruentum Formosae TBG134572 AB593536 AB847733
D. crumenatum Crumenata TBG115833 AB593537 AB847734
D. crystallinum Dendrobium TNS8502972 AB593538 AB847735
D. cumulatum Calcarifera TBG159418 AB593541 AB847737
D. cuthbertsonii Oxyglossum TBG116108 AB593542 AB847738
D. cyanocentrum Oxyglossum TBG159420 AB593543 AB847739
D. dearei Formosae TBG144587 AB847651 AB847740
D. delacourii Stachyobium TBG100237 AB593545 AB847741
D. densiflorum Densiflora TBG159421 AB593546 AB847742
D. denudans Stachyobium TBG132760 AB593547 AB847743
D. devonianum Dendrobium TBG124383 AB593548 AB847744
D. diodon Stachyobium TBG116089 AB593550 AB847745
D. distichum Aporum TBG137051 AB593551 AB847746
D. dixanthum Holochrysa TBG128877 AB593552 AB847747
D. draconis Formosae TBG118276 AB593553 AB847748
D. ellipsophyllum Distichophyllae TBG126635 AB593554 AB847749
D. ephemerum Crumenata TBG159426 AB593555 AB847750
D. eriiflorum Stachyobium TBG140557 AB593556 AB847751
D. erosum Calyptrochilus TBG159429 AB593557 AB847752
D. eserre Stachyobium TBG133168 AB593558 AB847753
D. faciferum Crumenata YukawaDNA2134 AB847652 AB847754
D. fairchildiae Calcarifera TBG120506 AB593559 AB847755
D. falconeri Dendrobium TBG128903 AB593560 AB847756
D. farmeri Densiflora TBG159430 AB593561 AB847757
D. fimbriatum Holochrysa 84386 AB593562 AB847758
D. findlayanum Dendrobium TBG128904 AB593563 AB847759
D. formosum Formosae TBG128902 AB593564 AB847760
D. friedericksianum Dendrobium TBG124322 AB593565 AB847761
D. furcatum Dolichocentrum TBG116070 AB593566 AB847762
D. fytchianum Fytchianthe TBG128868 AB593567 AB847763
D. gibsonii Holochrysa TBG129876 AB593568 AB847764
D. glomeratum Calyptrochilus TBG138022 AB593535 AB847732
D. goldfinchii Crumenata Yukawa 97-2008 AB593569 AB847765
D. goldschmidtianum Pedilonum TBG159434 AB593570 AB847766
D. gratiosissimum Dendrobium TBG126651 AB593571 AB847767
D. gregulus Stachyobium TBG132862 AB593572 AB847768
D. griffithianum Densiflora TBG138067 AB593573 AB847769
D. guibertii Densiflora TBG132542 AB593574 AB847770
D. hancockii Dendrobium TBG122506 AB593575 AB847771
D. harveyanum Dendrobium TBG133184 AB593576 AB847772
D. hasseltii Pedilonum TBG136022 AB593577 AB847773
D. hemimelanoglossum Stachyobium TBG133257 AB593578 AB847774
D. henryi Holochrysa TBG127415 AB593579 AB847775
D. herbaceum Herbaceae TBG156719 AB847654 AB847776
D. hercoglossum_1 Breviflores TBG118850 AB593580 AB847777
D. hercoglossum_2 Breviflores TBG124432 AB593581 AB847778
D. heterocarpum Dendrobium TBG116506 AB593582 AB847779
D. hookerianum Dendrobium TBG133007 AB593584 AB847780
D. hymenophyllum Calcarifera TBG140599 AB847655 AB847781
D. intricatum Calcarifera TBG137294 AB593586 AB847782
D. jacobsonii Pedilonum TBG133080 AB593587 AB847783
D. jenkinsii Densiflora TBG129880 AB593589 AB847784
D. jerdonianum Formosae TBG156717 AB847656 AB847785
D. junceum Crumenata TBG119079 AB593590 AB847786
D. kentrophyllum Aporum TBG102615 AB593591 AB847787
D. kontumense Formosae TBG126642 AB593592 AB847788
D. kraemeri Pedilonum TBG123234 AB847657 AB847789
D. kratense Stachyobium TBG126712 AB847658 AB847790
D. laevifolium Oxyglossum TBG142428 AB593593 AB847791
D. lamyaiae Dendrobium TBG116046 AB593595 AB847792
D. lancifolium Calcarifera TBG142427 AB847659 AB847793
D. laterale Stachyobium TNS8501719 AB847660 AB847794
D. lawesii Calyptrochilus TBG140275 AB593596 AB847795
D. leonis Aporum 84206 AB593597 AB847796
D. leptocladum Dendrobium TNS8502939 AB593598 AB847797
D. linawianum Dendrobium TBG142429 AB593599 AB847798
D. lindleyi Densiflora TBG115834 AB593600 AB847799
D. linguella Breviflores TBG115831 AB593601 AB847800
D. lituiflorum Dendrobium TBG128908 AB593602 AB847801
D. lobbii Conostalix NSW426014 AB593603 AB847802
D. loddigesii Dendrobium 74531 AB593604 AB847803
D. lohohense Holochrysa TBG132863 AB593605 AB847804
D. longicornu Formosae TBG122802 AB847661 AB847805
D. lowii Formosae TBG134848 AB593606 AB847806
D. luteolum Dendrobium TBG122798 AB593607 AB847807
D. maccarthiae Dendrobium TBG128803 AB593608 AB847808
D. macfarlanei Crumenata TBG122496 AB847662 AB847809
D. macrostachyum Dendrobium TBG123340 AB847663 AB847810
D. masarangense subsp. theionanthum Oxyglossum Tajima 27 AB593609 AB847811
D. melanostictum Amblyanthus TBG123873 AB593610 AB847812
D. melinanthum Calyptrochilus TBG159436 AB593611 AB847813
D. microglaphys Amblyanthus TBG135481 AB593612 AB847814
D. mohlianum Calyptrochilus TBG124783 AB593613 AB847815
D. moniliforme Dendrobium TBG115845 AB593614 AB847816
D. morrisonii Pedilonum Yukawa 97-2045 AB847664 AB847817
D. moschatum Holochrysa 56113 AB593616 AB847818
D. mutabile Calcarifera TBG159437 AB593617 AB847819
D. nemorale Distichophyllae TBG159440 AB593618 AB847820
D. nobile Dendrobium TBG128809 AB593619 AB847821
D. ochreatum Dendrobium TBG128865 AB593621 AB847822
D. okinawense Dendrobium TBG115938 AB593622 AB847823
D. oligophyllum Distichophyllae TBG128728 AB847665 AB847824
D. pachyglossum Conostalix TBG124380 AB593623 AB847825
D. pachyphyllum Bolbodium TBG126623 AB593624 AB847826
D. palpebrae_1 Densiflora TBG159441 AB593625 AB847827
D. palpebrae_2 Densiflora TBG159442 AB593626 AB847828
D. palpebrae_3 Densiflora TBG118313 AB593627 AB847829
D. panduriferum Calcarifera TBG144531 AB847666 AB847830
D. papilio Dolichocentrum TBG120493 AB847667 AB847831
D. parciflorum Aporum TBG118261 AB593628 AB847832
D. parcum Herbaceae TBG129884 AB593629 AB847833
D. parishii Dendrobium TBG159443 AB593630 AB847834
D. parthenium Formosae TBG136015 AB847668 AB847835
D. patentilobum Aporum TBG137060 AB847669 AB847836
D. pendulum Dendrobium TBG128867 AB593633 AB847837
D. philippinense Crumenata TBG142250 AB593634 AB847838
D. platygastrium Platycaulon TBG142432 AB593635 AB847839
D. polyanthum Dendrobium TBG159417 AB593636 AB847840
D. porphyrochilum Stachyobium TBG141468 AB593637 AB847841
D. praecinctum Stuposa TBG116030 AB593638 AB847842
D. prasinum Oxyglossum TBG119108 AB593639 AB847843
D. prianganense Calcarifera TBG134835 AB593640 AB847844
D. primulinum Dendrobium TBG159445 AB593641 AB847845
D. profusum Calcarifera TBG133266 AB593642 AB847846
D. pulchellum Holochrysa TBG118088 AB593643 AB847847
D. rarum Pedilonum TBG124851 AB593644 AB847848
D. regium Dendrobium TNS8501314 AB593645 AB847849
D. rhombeum_1 Dendrobium TBG135976 AB593646 AB847850
D. rhombeum_2 Dendrobium TBG142436 AB593647 AB847851
D. roseiodorum Formosae TBG118270 AB593648 AB847852
D. roseipes Pedilonum TBG142437 AB593649 AB847853
D. rosellum Aporum TBG133320 AB593650 AB847854
D. ruckeri Dendrobium TBG159446 AB593651 AB847855
D. sanderae Formosae TBG120503 AB593654 AB847856
D. sanguinolentum Calcarifera TBG159447 AB593655 AB847857
D. scabrilingue Formosae TBG119087 AB593656 AB847858
D. schuetzei Formosae TBG119088 AB593658 AB847859
D. scoriarum Dendrobium YukawaDNA0381 AB593659 AB847860
D. secundum Pedilonum TBG100260 AB593660 AB847862
D. senile Dendrobium TBG119090 AB593661 AB847863
D. signatum Dendrobium TBG133598 AB593662 AB847864
D. singkawangense Formosae TBG141081 AB593663 AB847865
D. smillieae Pedilonum TBG1402699 AB593664 AB847866
D. sp. Stachyobium YukawaDNA0749 AB847670 AB847861
D. spatella Aporum TBG84203 AB847671 AB847867
D. speckmaieri Platycaulon TBG136027 AB593665 AB847868
D. spectatissimum Formosae TBG133877 AB593666 AB847869
D. stockeri Amblyanthus TBG130082 AB593667 AB847870
D. stuposum Stuposa TBG134843 AB593668 AB847871
D. sulcatum Densiflora TBG159451 AB593670 AB847872
D. sutepense Formosae TNS8503543 AB593671 AB847873
D. suzukii Formosae TNS9518319 AB593672 AB847874
D. tetrachromum Dendrobium TBG137068 AB847672 AB847875
D. thyrsiflorum Densiflora TBG159453 AB593674 AB847876
D. tobaense Formosae TBG126681 AB593677 AB847877
D. tortile Dendrobium TBG119099 AB593678 AB847878
D. trankimianum Formosae TBG127512 AB847673 AB847879
D. transparens Dendrobium TBG126731 AB593679 AB847880
D. trantuanii Breviflores TBG157296 AB847674 AB847881
D. trichostomum Calyptrochilus TBG142265 AB593680 AB847882
D. trigonopus Formosae TBG119100 AB847675 AB847883
D. unicum Dendrobium TBG119101 AB593682 AB847884
D. uniflorum Distichophyllae TBG120499 AB593683 AB847885
D. venustum Stachyobium TBG129885 AB847676 AB847886
D. victoriae-reginae Calcarifera TBG141156 AB593684 AB847887
D. violaceum Oxyglossum TBG100203 AB593685 AB847888
D. wardianum Dendrobium TBG126641 AB593686 AB847889
D. ypsilon Platycaulon TBG118514 AB593688 AB847890

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