We present the genome assembly of Ralstonia pickettii K-288 (ATCC 27511), consisting of 27 contigs placed into a single scaffold. This 4.76-Mbp genome has 64.0% G+C content and 4,425 coding sequences. Because this is the type strain, inclusion of its data set among other Ralstonia genomes should provide a historical genomic perspective.
Ralstonia pickettii is a Gram-negative rod-shaped member of the β-proteobacteria commonly found in moist environments and is an increasing cause of nosocomial human infection (1, 2). R. pickettii K-288 (ATCC 27511) is the type strain of the genus, originally isolated from a tracheotomy patient. As of this writing, only six genome assemblies of R. pickettii (3 complete and 3 draft) are available in the public database and none for this type strain, which was originally described in 1973 (3).
High-quality genomic DNA was extracted from a 100-mL bacterial culture of a purified isolate using the QIAgen Genomic Tip-500 at the USAMRIID Diagnostic Systems Division (DSD). Draft sequence data included a 100-bp Illumina library (279-fold genome coverage) and a separate long-insert paired-end library (9,590- ± 2,397-bp insert, 42-fold genome coverage) (Roche 454 Titanium platform). The two data sets were assembled together in Newbler (Roche, version 2.6) and the consensus sequences were computationally shredded into 2-kbp overlapping fake reads (shreds). The raw reads were also assembled in Velvet (version 1.1.05), and those consensus sequences were computationally shredded into 1.5-kbp overlapping shreds (4). All draft data were then assembled together in Allpaths (version 39750), and the consensus sequences were computationally shredded into 10-kbp overlapping shreds (5). We then integrated the Newbler consensus shreds, Velvet consensus shreds, Allpaths consensus shreds, and a subset of the long-insert read pairs using parallel Phrap version SPS-4.24 (High Performance Software, LLC). Possible misassemblies were corrected, and some gap closure was accomplished with manual editing in Consed (6–8).
Automatic annotation of the R. pickettii K-288 genome utilized an Ergatis-based workflow at LANL with minor manual curation. The final annotated assembly includes 4,425 coding sequences, 5 rRNAs, and 49 tRNAs in the 4,762,999-bp genome.
Nucleotide sequence accession number.
This genome is available in NCBI under the accession number JOVL00000000.
Funding for this effort was provided by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Joint Science and Technology Office (DTRA J9-CB/JSTO).
This article is approved by LANL for unlimited release (LA-UR-14-25650).
Citation Daligault HE, Davenport KW, Minogue TD, Broomall SM, Bruce DC, Chain PS, Coyne SR, Gibbons HS, Jaissle J, Lo C-C, Meincke L, Munk AC, Rosenzweig CN, Johnson SL. 2014. Draft genome assembly of Ralstonia pickettii type strain K-288 (ATCC 27853). Genome Announc. 2(5):e00973-14. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00973-14.
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