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. 2014 Sep 9;136(39):13582–13585. doi: 10.1021/ja507910r

Determination of Biomembrane Bending Moduli in Fully Atomistic Simulations

Zachary A Levine †,‡, Richard M Venable §, Max C Watson , Michael G Lerner , Joan-Emma Shea †,‡, Richard W Pastor §, Frank L H Brown †,‡,*
PMCID: PMC4183605  PMID: 25202918


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The bilayer bending modulus (Kc) is one of the most important physical constants characterizing lipid membranes, but precisely measuring it is a challenge, both experimentally and computationally. Experimental measurements on chemically identical bilayers often differ depending upon the techniques employed, and robust simulation results have previously been limited to coarse-grained models (at varying levels of resolution). This Communication demonstrates the extraction of Kc from fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations for three different single-component lipid bilayers (DPPC, DOPC, and DOPE). The results agree quantitatively with experiments that measure thermal shape fluctuations in giant unilamellar vesicles. Lipid tilt, twist, and compression moduli are also reported.

The primary constituents of most cellular membranes are phospholipids, which self-assemble into fluid bilayer structures and provide a quasi-two-dimensional environment for the remaining membrane components. The underlying fluid nature of the membrane is required to allow rapid changes of the bilayer shape and efficient lateral motion of membrane components, and to incorporate new membrane components or jettison old ones with minimal restructuring. Furthermore, the fluid membrane surface naturally flows and heals itself in response to applied perturbations and molecular motions.

As a consequence of the fluid nature of lipid bilayers, the long length-scale biophysics of these systems is considerably simpler than would naively be expected for a generic thin elastic sheet.1,2 In fact, the energetic costs associated with large-scale shape deformations of homogeneous lipid bilayers with identical leaflets and constant surface topology are completely characterized by a single constant, Kc, the bilayer bending modulus. Kc serves to distinguish chemically disparate bilayers in many common experiments on model membranes and retains an important role in the behavior of more complex biomembrane systems.

Considerable effort has been dedicated to the experimental measurement of Kc in varied membrane systems via an array of techniques.310 Unfortunately, different experiments yield substantially different values of Kc for chemically identical membranes; this is a longstanding, well-known and unexplained puzzle3,4 that highlights the considerable challenges involved in quantitatively characterizing lipid bilayers. It might be expected that molecular simulations could help interpret experiment and elucidate, if not fully resolve, the discrepancies between competing measurements, but this has not previously been possible for two reasons. First, fully atomistic models suitable for quantitative comparison to experiment are computationally expensive; the small membranes that can be studied are difficult to interpret using approaches developed in the context coarse-grained models and substantially larger box sizes (see below). Second, lipid force fields have been notoriously difficult to parametrize;11,12 only recently have fully atomistic potentials been developed that appear to show close correspondence with experiment. This communication exploits recent theoretical developments13 and a state-of-the-art force field14 to overcome these limitiations and directly calculate Kc for simulated all-atom bilayers.

The traditional approach1517 to extract Kc from membrane simulations involves the application of Helfrich–Canham (HC) theory,1,2 which models the membrane as a thin, structureless and homogeneous fluid sheet. Simulations are run under conditions of vanishing surface tension and constant temperature for a membrane that spans the square xy plane of a periodic simulation box. The overall bilayer shape is monitored throughout the simulation and is quantified through the “height field”, h(x,y) = h(r), which indicates the z-direction displacement of the bilayer from a reference plane. The power spectrum of the height fluctuations is predicted by HC to be18

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where q is the wavevector, T is temperature, and kB is Boltzmann’s constant. Fitting the simulated power spectrum to eq 1 yields Kc. This approach is valid in the limit of q→0, but fails for small systems when bilayer thickness is comparable to the box size and the “structureless thin sheet” assumption of HC breaks down. This failure is explicitly demonstrated in Figure S6 for the simulations reported in this study; the traditional methodology is not presently suited to fully atomistic membrane models since computational limitations preclude the use of simulation boxes large enough to render eq 1 valid.

Disagreements between eq 1 and simulated spectra outside the low q limit were originally attributed to lipid protrusions,15 but recent studies19,20 have demonstrated that lipid tilting21 is the primary culprit at wavelengths comparable to and somewhat larger than bilayer thickness (protrusions and other microscopic fluctuations do contribute to the spectra at shorter wavelengths). This observation motivates an alternate approach to determine Kcin silico based on the analysis of thermal fluctuations in lipid orientation,13 where the effects of lipid tilting decouple from the lipid orientation energetics associated with Kc. A theoretical justification, implementation details, and validation in the context of coarse-grained simulations for this method can be found elsewhere;13,19 below, we include only enough details to outline how the methodology is applied to the fully atomic simulations of this study. Detailed practical instructions for the analysis are included in the Supporting Information (SI).

The unit vector Inline graphic (α takes the value 1 or 2 for upper and lower bilayer leaflets, respectively), which defines the orientation of lipid j, points from the midpoint between the lipid headgroup phosphorus and glycerol backbone carbon C2, to the midpoint between the terminal methyl carbons of the lipid tails (Figure 1); alternate microscopic definitions for Inline graphic are analyzed in the SI. The molecular orientations are translated into a two-dimensional orientation vector field by first projecting Inline graphic onto the xy plane and then mapping the projected nj(α) onto a two-dimensional real space grid,19 which yields n(r)(α). Fast Fourier transformations then yield nq(α), from which the related bilayer quantity q = 1/2[nq(1)nq(2)] follows. q is decomposed into longitudinal and transverse components via q = 1/q[q·q] and q = 1/q[q×q to allow comparison to the theoretical predictions:13

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where Kθ and Ktw are the lipid tilt and twist moduli, respectively.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Lipid orientation vectors Inline graphic are defined from the midpoint between lipid headgroup phosphorus and glycerol C2, to the midpoint between terminal methyl groups in the tail region. Atom positions are from a simulation snapshot, with carbon atoms colored blue, hydrogen white, oxygen red, and phosphorus yellow/orange. Surrounding lipids are represented by a blue, semitransparent surface that outlines the aqueous-membrane interface.

The critical advantage of eq 2 over eq 1 is that eq 2 is derived within a framework that explicitly accounts for lipid tilting, yet the quantity ⟨|q|2⟩ depends solely on Kc. Generalizing eq 1 to account for lipid tilt/twist at the same level of theory underlying eq 2 yields13,19,20

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which explicitly demonstrates the contribution of lipid tilting to the height spectra at large q. In principle, one could attempt to extract Kc from simulated height spectra by comparing to eq 3; however, this procedure introduces substantial errors and uncertainties relative to analysis based on ⟨|q|2⟩ (see SI). An alternate orientation-based aproach for estimating Kc in multicomponent membranes has also been proposed.22 As shown in the SI, Kc values obtained via this methodology lie well outside the statistical errors of the present approach, but appear accurate to within 20% or less for the lipids considered in this study. Hence, while suitable for analyzing trends associated with changes in lipid composition or phase, the methodology of ref (22) is not suited to precise quantitative determination of Kc.

All-atom molecular dynamics simulations were carried out with the CHARMM package23 on fully hydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) membranes at 323 K, and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) membranes at 298 K. These particular lipids were chosen because they have been extensively characterized within the CHARMM36 force field.14 Experimentally, DOPE is in the inverse hexagonal (HII) phase under these conditions24 and the DOPE bilayer should be considered metastable. Simulating under metastable conditions allows for direct comparison to the experimental HIIKc data under comparable thermodynamic conditions (see below) and also allows for a direct comparison to DOPC at identical conditions. Each system contained 648 lipids and was run for at least 100 ns (DPPC, 110 ns; DOPC, 170 ns; DOPE, 140 ns). Lipid orientation vectors were sampled every 0.5 ns, and the power spectra indicated in eq 2 were obtained by averaging over this sampling after dropping the first 10 ns. See SI for further details.

The relevant power spectra are plotted in Figure 2, and the extracted physical constants (Kc, Kθ, and Ktw) are listed in Table 1. The simple functional form associated with the longitudinal orientation spectra (eq 2) suggests that ⟨|q|2q2 should be constant over the regime where the underlying theory is valid; this regime extends over multiple wavevectors within the simulation box, clearly indicating that 648 lipid systems are sufficiently large to provide converged results for the lipid orientation spectra. In contrast, the traditional approach applied to the height spectra is obviously not converged (Figure S6), highlighting the utility of the lipid orientation approach. Microscopic noise (e.g., protrusions) contributes to both types of spectra, which is why the simulation results strongly diverge from theoretical expectations at the higher q wave vectors of the boxes.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

(A–C) Power spectra of longitudinal lipid orientation weighted by q2. The horizontal black lines represent the best fit to eq 2 over the smallest four wave vectors in the simulations; the plateau region extends over at least the smallest four wave vectors for all three simulations, clearly indicating well-converged values of Kc with system size. (D–F) Power spectra of transverse lipid orientation and the associated best-fit curves to eq 2.

Table 1. Summary of Calculated Bilayer Bending, Tilt and Twist Moduli, Area Compressibility Moduli, and Area Per Lipida.

  temp (°C) Kc (×10–20 J) Kθ (×10–20 J/nm2) Ktw (×10–20 J) KA (dyn/cm) area per lipid (Å2)
DPPC 50 15.6 ± 0.5 4.9 ± 0.2 2.0 ± 0.1 210 ± 15 62.9 ± 0.1
DOPC 24.9 11.4 ± 0.3 6.6 ± 0.2 0.9 ± 0.1 290 ± 20 68.9 ± 0.1
DOPE 24.9 11.4 ± 0.3 8.3 ± 0.4 1.4 ± 0.1 250 ± 50 62.3 ± 0.1

Standard errors were calculated by comparing Kc in 10 ns blocks (Tables S1–S3 and Figures S2–S4).

The bending modulus for all-atom DPPC membranes compares well with experimental measurements that track thermal shape fluctuations of giant unilamellar vesicles (Kc = 15.0 × 10–20 J at 49.4 °C).3,9 Indeed, the two numbers are nearly identical within the statistical errors of our sampling. (We also note that this value is identical to that previously obtained for MARTINI DPPC.13) The bending modulus for all-atom DOPC membranes is similarly in excellent agreement with vesicle fluctuation experiments (Kc = 10.9 × 10–20 J at 23 °C).4,25 DOPE vesicle fluctuation measurements are not available; the experimental numbers available for DOPE involve measurements of monolayer moduli in the HII phase with added tetradecane,3,26 suggesting Kc ≈ 10 × 10–20 J at 22 °C for a bilayer, a value within 14% of the present simulation

As noted above, it is well known that different experimental techniques yield inconsistent values for Kc.3,4 For example, numbers obtained via thermal fluctuations of vesicles are typically 1.5–2.5 times larger than those obtained via X-ray scattering or micropipette aspiration.4 For DOPC, the one system we consider that has been studied by all three experimental methods, the factor is approximately 1.4.4 Given the uncertain experimental landscape and limited catalog of lipids examined in this study, it is premature to make any broad claims regarding global agreement/disagreement between simulation and experiment in the determination of Kc for lipid bilayer membranes. However, among all experimental techniques found in the literature, analysis of thermal vesicle fluctuations would certainly seem to be the technique most closely related to the present simulations. The vesicle fluctuation experiments and our simulations both involve the tracking of thermal fluctuations in single bilayers absent of any external perturbations. In this sense, it is reassuring that the simulations agree well with this class of measurements.

While Kc is well studied in the membrane biophysics literature, the tilt and twist moduli, Kθ and Ktw, are considered far less often. Experimentally, the DOPE tilt modulus was estimated to be Kθ ≈ 8 × 10–20 J/nm2 based on analysis of the Lα-to-HII phase transition.21 This measurement represents the only published experimental lipid tilt modulus. Experimental measurements of Ktw appear to be unavailable. The values reported in Table 1 for Kθ and Ktw are similar to those obtained from coarse-grained lipid models at various levels of resolution13,19,20 and fall within the ranges suggested by theoretical estimates.21,27 (Interestingly, the tilt modulus for MARTINI DPPC13,20 appears to be approximately twice as large as the fully atomic result found here.) As previously observed for coarse-grained lipid models,13,20 the values of Kθ and Ktw depend upon the precise definition of the molecular Inline graphic vectors applied in the analysis, though differences in Kc upon redefinition of the vector are similar to the statistical errors reported in Table 1 (Tables S4 and S5). Values of the isothermal area compressibility modulus (KA) as determined via an analysis of box fluctuations are also reported in Table 1, and are in good agreement with experiments.7,28 We note that alternate methods for determining the tilt modulus from simulations exist in the literature.19,20,22

This Communication demonstrates the extraction of bending moduli from all-atom simulations of lipid bilayers. The reported computations involve 648 lipids, ∼20,000 waters, and simulation durations of ∼100 ns, which are readily accomplished using modern computing clusters. Furthermore, these system sizes are intentionally conservative to demonstrate convergence of the data. The plots in Figure 2 suggest convergence at wavelengths comparable to half the current box sizes (one-fourth the current number of lipids), implying that smaller simulations could be used to accurately predict the reported moduli. For example, as shown in the SI, a simulation of 288 DPPC lipids yields Kc = (15.1 ± 0.4) × 10–20 J. It is hoped that simulations of this nature will help illuminate the nature of experimental inconsistencies in the measurement of Kc and will serve as a standard tool in the refinement of molecular force fields. The bilayer bending modulus is among the most important biophysical properties of membranes, and it is critical to quantify this number as precisely as possible in both experiments and detailed simulations.


We thank John Nagle and Evan Evans for helpful discussions regarding this work. Partial financial support was provided by NSF grants CHE-1153096 and MCB-1158577, and the intramural research program at the NIH, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. We also acknowledge support from the Center for Scientific Computing at the CNSI and MRL (an NSF MRSEC) under grants DMR-1121053 and NSF CNS-0960316, in addition to the computational capabilities of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (NHLBI LoBoS cluster) and Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at the University of Texas at Austin.

Supporting Information Available

Molecular dynamics simulation details; simulation analysis details; modulus standard error obtained through block averages; membrane modulus values using alternate definitions for Inline graphic; calculation of membrane area per lipid and KA; alternate analysis methods and a test of box size dependence. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

Funding Statement

National Institutes of Health, United States

Supplementary Material

ja507910r_si_001.pdf (5.5MB, pdf)


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Supplementary Materials

ja507910r_si_001.pdf (5.5MB, pdf)

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