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American Journal of Human Genetics logoLink to American Journal of Human Genetics
. 2014 Oct 2;95(4):383–393. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.09.007

Effective Genetic-Risk Prediction Using Mixed Models

David Golan 1,2,, Saharon Rosset 1,∗∗
PMCID: PMC4185122  PMID: 25279982


For predicting genetic risk, we propose a statistical approach that is specifically adapted to dealing with the challenges imposed by disease phenotypes and case-control sampling. Our approach (termed Genetic Risk Scores Inference [GeRSI]), combines the power of fixed-effects models (which estimate and aggregate the effects of single SNPs) and random-effects models (which rely primarily on whole-genome similarities between individuals) within the framework of the widely used liability-threshold model. We demonstrate in extensive simulation that GeRSI produces predictions that are consistently superior to current state-of-the-art approaches. When applying GeRSI to seven phenotypes from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) study, we confirm that the use of random effects is most beneficial for diseases that are known to be highly polygenic: hypertension (HT) and bipolar disorder (BD). For HT, there are no significant associations in the WTCCC data. The fixed-effects model yields an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 54%, whereas GeRSI improves it to 59%. For BD, using GeRSI improves the AUC from 55% to 62%. For individuals ranked at the top 10% of BD risk predictions, using GeRSI substantially increases the BD relative risk from 1.4 to 2.5.


Despite the huge investment and considerable progress in the study of the genetic causes of human diseases, the underlying genetic mechanisms of many common diseases, including type 1 diabetes (T1D), bipolar disorder (BD), schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer disease, are still largely unknown. The leading methodology for finding the genetic causes of disease is the genome-wide association study (GWAS). In a typical GWAS, one collects thousands of sick and healthy individuals, genotypes them, and searches for SNPs that are more abundant in one group or the other. To date, GWASs have flagged thousands of SNPs as associated with hundreds of diseases. However, our ability to accurately predict an individual’s disease status on the basis of these SNPs still falls considerably short of what is expected given the high heritability of these diseases.

This remarkable gap between the predictive power of significantly associated SNPs and the expected predictive capacity based on the high heritability of the phenotypes has been termed the “mystery” or “problem” of the missing heritability. One leading theory attempting to explain this mystery is that many phenotypes are driven by a plethora of common SNPs with small effects and that present-day GWASs are underpowered to detect these SNPs because of their small effects. Goldstein1 estimated the overall number of SNPs affecting height at 93,000.

In light of this theory, the traditional naive approach of using only the SNPs found to be significantly associated with the disease in calculating genetic-risk scores (GRSs) is expected to perform poorly because it overlooks the lion’s share of causal SNPs, whose effect is not large enough to be declared significant. Instead, recent efforts in computing GRSs have attempted to include a larger number of SNPs, primarily by adopting much more lenient inclusion criteria for SNPs.

Using a more permissive threshold has two effects: (1) capturing more “true” causal signal through the inclusion of causative SNPs with small effects and (2) increasing the noise in the genetic prediction, given that every additional parameter estimated (for either a true association or a false-positive signal) adds uncertainty to the predictions. A good choice of p value threshold would be such that the trade-off between signal and noise is beneficial. Recent studies have demonstrated that GRSs computed in this manner have a significant association with disease—one above and beyond that of GRSs computed with only significantly associated SNPs—when up to half of the genotyped SNPs are included (see, e.g., Purcell et al.2). These results suggest that for at least some diseases, there is considerable information in the long tail of insignificantly associated SNPs and that the benefit from including more true positives trumps the cost of estimating more parameters. Dudbridge3 and Chatterjee et al.4 provide an in-depth mathematical analysis of this approach and variants thereof, and it was recently applied to predicting risk of Celiac disease with remarkable success.5

These approaches for computing GRSs fall under the category known in the statistics literature as “fixed-effects” modeling. In such models, the effects of SNPs are assumed to be parameters (i.e., fixed but unknown quantities). These parameters are estimated and used in subsequent analysis. For example, one would estimate the odds ratio of a given SNP from a GWAS and use this estimate to predict the risk of new individuals. The main difference between the methods lies in the way these parameters are estimated, ranging from simple SNP-by-SNP regression to shrinkage-based estimates, such as Lasso and more, as reviewed by Dudbridge3 and Abraham et al.5 They also differ in the way SNPs are chosen to be included in computation of the risk scores.3,5 However, they all share the fundamental treatment of the effects as parameters that require estimation.

An alternative approach to computing GRSs is “random-effects” modeling. The basic premise of this approach is that our goal is not to estimate the individual effect of every SNP but rather to estimate their cumulative effect. Hence, it is expected to be beneficial to circumvent estimating each and every effect and instead target this cumulative effect directly. To accomplish this goal, effect sizes are treated not as parameters but rather as random variables with some common distribution. They can then be “integrated out,” thus mitigating the need to estimate them separately. Instead, a correlation (or kinship) matrix G is estimated with the genotypes and models the correlations between the GRSs. The correlation between GRSs of individuals who are more genetically similar would be higher, and vice versa.

This random-effects approach has been adopted in the context of GWASs for association tests6–10 and heritability estimation11–14 with much success. All of these approaches rely on treating the phenotype as a normally distributed variable, which is the sum of a genetic component and an environmental component, and utilizing well-established linear-mixed-model (LMM) methodologies to draw inferences about their quantities of interest.

In the context of risk prediction, the animal-breeding literature has long used similar approaches to model and estimate the “breeding value,” which is closely related to the genetic risk. In the scenario of an observational study of a quantitative phenotype, a well-established methodology for estimating the breeding value is known as the best linear unbiased predictor, or BLUP.15,16 When breeding values are estimated, pedigree data are usually available. In GWASs, the kinship can be estimated from genotype data (referred to as genetic BLUP, or gBLUP17), and this method is implemented in the widely used GCTA software.18 It was recently extended in various ways,19,20 resulting in a considerable improvement in prediction accuracy.

However, case-control studies present a much more challenging statistical setup. First, the phenotype is binary rather than quantitative and so cannot be accurately modeled by a multivariate normal (MVN) distribution. Additionally, affected individuals (cases) are highly overrepresented in the sample, in comparison to the population, and so many of the typical statistical assumptions (namely normality and independence of the genetic and environmental effects) are no longer legitimate.

A common approach to random-effects modeling in case-control GWASs is to treat the phenotype as quantitative and apply LMM methodologies, possibly followed by post-hoc corrections to account for violation of the underlying assumptions.12,13,19 Although this approach has proven successful in practice, its reliance on probabilistic models that are known to be inaccurate is expected to result in suboptimal performance. In the context of GRS estimation, the natural extension of the LMM approach to case-control data is to use gBLUP and its extensions, but this is subject to similar inaccuracy concerns, as our simulations below demonstrate.

We describe a statistical approach for Genetic Risk Scores Inference (GeRSI). GeRSI is based on a Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) method utilizing Gibbs sampling to estimate the GRSs of individuals given the genotypes of a case-control study under a random-effects model. We use the well-known normal liability-threshold model to account for the dichotomous nature of the phenotype. Additionally, our Gibbs-sampling approach conditions explicitly on the selection of individuals to the study and thus accounts directly for the overrepresentation of the case group in the study. By properly conditioning on the selection, we can sample from the true posterior distribution of the GRS. This is in contrast to using LMM-based approaches, which treat a case-control disease phenotype as if it were a randomly sampled quantitative one.

In addition to accounting for disease phenotypes and nonrandom selection in prediction, GeRSI naturally accommodates fixed effects within the probabilistic framework. Hence, our approach also allows “mixed-effects” modeling, where SNPs with considerable effects can be included as fixed effects and the long tail of insignificantly associated SNPs is accounted for with random effects. We distinguish between random-effects GeRSI (which treats all SNPs as random effects) and mixed-effects GeRSI (which, in our basic implementation, includes SNPs below a certain p value threshold as fixed effects and treats the rest of the SNPs as random effects). Additionally, introducing fixed effects to the model allows accounting for additional covariates such as sex, ethnicity, and known environmental risk factors (e.g., smoking habits). Mixed-effects GeRSI can also utilize other schemes for selecting fixed-effects SNPs and estimating their effects (such as Lasso21) or including covariate effects estimated from published data.22 Hence, it can combine state-of-the-art approaches for fixed-effects estimation with proper inference on random effects.

Material and Methods

Generative Model of a Polygenic Disease

A polygenic quantitative trait y is typically modeled with the following additive model:


where C is the set of causal SNPs, ui is the effect of the ith causal SNP, ei is the environmental effect associated with individual i, and zij is the genotype of the jth SNP of the ith individual. The term jCzijuj is often referred to as the genetic effect and denoted gi. Under mild independence assumptions, we have σg2=Var(g)=|C|σu2.

We note that the choice to use standardized SNPs rather than just centering the SNPs hides an implicit assumption that SNPs with lower frequencies have larger effect sizes (as noted in Zhou et al.13). However, because we focus on common SNPs, the effects of this assumption are minimal.

Polygenic disease phenotypes are modeled with the liability-threshold model.12 We assume the existence of a latent quantitative “liability” phenotype. If an individual’s liability exceeds a certain threshold, she is part of the case group. The liability is modeled as a quantitative trait with mean 0 and variance 1. Under these assumptions, the threshold corresponding to disease prevalence K is Φ−1(1 − K) = Z1−K, where Φ is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution and Φ−1 is its inverse (percentiles of the distribution), often denoted Z.

Random-Effects Modeling

We are interested in predicting risk, and the actual values of ui are not of direct interest. We therefore model them as random variables drawn from a distribution with mean 0 and variance σg2/|C|. Typically, one assumes a normal distribution (e.g., Yang et al.11 and Zhou et al.13), but other distributions were suggested as well as mixture distributions.4,13 We note that as long as the number of causal SNPs is large enough and the effect sizes are independent of each other, the genetic effect approximately follows a normal distribution, regardless of the underlying distribution of the effect sizes, by virtue of the central-limit theorem.

Assuming normality of the random effects and random sampling, this implies the following MVN distribution of the liabilities: lMVN(0;Gσg2+Iσe2), where G is the correlation matrix of the genetic effects and is given by


and it is assumed without loss of generality (because l is unobserved) that σg2+σe2=1. Given that the identity of the causal SNPs is unknown and additionally they are often not genotyped, we follow previous works11,12 and estimate G by using all genotyped SNPs and use this estimate throughout. This matrix is often referred to as the observed kinship matrix. The estimation of G is the subject of much recent research (see, e.g., Golan and Rosset,14 Speed et al.,23 and Crossett et al.24) but is out of the scope of the current paper.

GeRSI Sampling Scheme

Assume that we have a group of n individuals with known genotypes but that the phenotypes are known only for the first n − 1 individuals. We are interested in predicting the genetic risk of the nth individual.

We denote g and e the vectors of latent genetic and environmental effects, respectively. The heritability (and hence σg2) is assumed to be known and in practice can be estimated directly from the data11,12 or obtained from family studies.

Our goal is to predict P(ln > t), conditional on our entire data (namely the genotypes of all n individuals and the phenotypes of the first n − 1 individuals). Had we known gn, the (optimal) risk prediction, rn, under the model would have been


However, because gn is unknown, we generate k samples, gn,1,…,gn,k, from the posterior distribution of gn, conditional on all the observed data, and estimate the risk as


To generate samples from the posterior distribution of gn, we note that


In other words, sampling the posterior can be decomposed into two separate problems. The first problem is the problem of sampling gn given the values of the other genetic effects, gn. Because we are conditioning on the genetic effects, gn is independent of the phenotypes of the other individuals.

As we show below, even when the sampling is not random (e.g., in case-control studies), the conditional distribution of gn is given by


where positive or negative indices indicate the extraction or removal, respectively, of rows or columns.

The second problem is the problem of sampling from gn|y;G,σg2, which is more involved. We introduce another set of variables, namely the environmental effects en. It is then possible to write down the conditional distribution of each variable in the set (gn,en), conditional on the rest of the variables in the set.

The knowledge of the phenotype induces dependence between gi and ei, given that knowing the phenotype implies that we have an upper or lower bound on their sum (the sum is either above or below the threshold, depending on the phenotype). Additionally, ei is independent of the other environmental effects and is also independent of the other genetic effects conditional on gi. Hence,


where ZN(0,1) (hence, the distribution is simply a truncated normal distribution). Intuitively, when gi is known and the phenotype is known, the posterior distribution of the environmental effect is a truncated normal distribution with mean 0, variance σe2, and a truncation point above or below tgi, depending on whether i is in the case or control group.

The conditional distribution of gi is slightly more complicated because it depends on the other genetic effects via the correlation between genetic effects. Thus, we need to explicitly describe its conditional distribution, conditional on the other gi genetic effects and all environmental effects. By the independence assumption between genetic and environmental effects, we only need to consider dependence on ei and the other genetic effects (gi) via the correlation between genetic effects.

Denote μi and σi2 the mean and variance of gi, conditional on gi, respectively. Then, μi=Gi,iGi,i1gi and σi2=σg2(GiiGi,iGi,i1Gi,i).

Similarly to the conditional distribution of the environmental effects, conditioning on the phenotype results in a truncation of the aforementioned normal distribution:


Again, the conditional distribution can be seen as a truncated normal distribution, but with a mean term and variance term that capture the influence of the other genetic effects on the genetic effect in question.

Once all of the conditional distributions are specified, Gibbs sampling25 can be used to draw samples from the posterior distribution of gn, and the risk is estimated as described above. This is done is a similar fashion to Campbell et al.26

Conditional Sampling in Case-Control Studies

The fact that the observed samples are obtained via a case-control sampling scheme and are therefore not a random sample from the population renders the usual mixed-effects model incompatible. In particular, under assumptions of (1) normality of genetic and environmental effects in the population and (2) independence of the genetic and environmental effects in the population, the actual distribution of genetic and environmental effects in the study is nonnormal, and they are not independent as a result of selection, as noted in Lee et al.12 Because the distribution of the genetic effects is no longer normal, their joint distribution is no longer MVN, and so naive application of Gibbs sampling might be inaccurate. However, we show here that the same sampling scheme can be used to sample the posterior genetic effects in a case-control study.

To model and account for the effects of selection, we define an event S, which signifies that individuals 1,…,n−1 were selected via a case-control scheme and not by random sampling. Hence, the conditional distributions above now require additional conditioning on S. However, we note that


but because S signifies only the selection of individuals 1,…,n−1, it is independent of gn. Hence, f(S|gn,gn;G,σg2)=f(S|gn;G,σg2) and f(gn|gn,S;G,σg2)=f(gn|gn;G,σg2), i.e., Gibbs sampling of the genetic effect of the individual in question can be carried out as if there were no selection, given that the samples of the genetic effects g1,…,gn−1 are drawn by correct conditioning on S. Moreover, for an individual i in the reference group, we have


but because we assumed that the selection is driven only by the phenotypes, we have f(S|ei,gi,yi;σg2)=f(S|yi;σg2) and f(S|ei,gi,yi,gi;σg2)=f(S|yi;σg2), so again the sampling boils down to the same Gibbs scheme. Lastly, we need to take care of the sampling of the environmental effects, but because this is done per individual, the selection has no effect. To conclude, the same Gibbs sampling scheme can be applied to case-control studies and yield correct posterior risk estimates.

Simulation Setup

Our simulations adopt the “spike-and-slab” model of genetic risk, recently explored by Zhou et al.13 and Chatterjee et al.4 and found to provide a good fit for the observed effect sizes for a wide variety of GWASs. In this model, all SNPs have effects on the phenotype, but the SNPs are divided into a small fraction of “slab” SNPs with considerable effect sizes and a bulk of “spike” SNPs with very small but nonzero effects.

Given the prevalence of a disease in the population (K), the desired proportion of cases in the study (P), the desired study size (n), the total number of SNPs (m), the proportion of slab SNPs (π1), the overall variance of the genetic effects (σg2), and the fraction of the heritability explained by the slab SNPs (fslab), we simulated data sets by using the following procedure:

  • 1.

    We randomly sampled the minor allele frequencies (MAFs) of m SNPs from U[0.05,0.5].

  • 2.

    We randomly sampled SNP effect sizes for π1m slab SNPs and (1 − π1)m spike SNPs from N(0,fslabσg2/(π1m)) and N(0,(1fslab)σg2/((1π1)m)), respectively.

  • 3.

    For each individual, we (a) randomly generated a genotype by using the MAFs, (b) computed the genetic effect as described above, (c) sampled an environmental effect from N(0,1σg2), (d) computed liability and phenotype, and (e) if the phenotype was in the case group, automatically included the individual in the study. Otherwise, we included the individual in the study with probability K(1 − P)/(P(1 − K)) to maintain the expected proportion of cases in the study at P.

  • 4.

    We repeated steps 2 and 3 until n individuals were accumulated.

Setting fslab = 1 results in a model where only π1 of the SNPs are causal and the rest of the SNPs have no effects on the phenotype.

We note that our choice of working with SNPs in linkage equilibrium was motivated by a result of Patterson et al.27 They showed that for the purpose of generating correlation matrices, using SNPs in linkage disequilibrium (LD) is equivalent to using a smaller number of SNPs in linkage equilibrium. They also suggested a method for estimating the effective number of SNPs (i.e., the number of SNPs in linkage equilibrium that lead to the same distribution of correlation matrices as a given set of SNPs in LD). We thus find that our simulations using m = 50,000 SNPs in equilibrium are of realistic size.

Computing GRSs with “Standard” Fixed-Effects Models

To compute GRSs with a fixed-effects approach, we follow the spirit of Dudbridge3 and Chatterjee et al.4 For each SNP, we estimate the effect size uˆ by using univariate linear regression. Denote by vi the p value of the null hypothesis of ui = 0. We then define the estimated risk score by using a p value threshold c as


When dealing with real data, where LD structure is present, we select a subset of significant SNPs—such that the distance between included SNPs is at least 1 Mb—by choosing the SNP with the lower p value within any such window. We note that other alternative definitions exist, e.g., using shrinkage estimates, but generally there is very little difference between the methods, as noted by Dudbridge.3 For the real data, we try several p value thresholds, namely 5 × 10c for c{1,,8}. We then choose the threshold that maximizes the area under the ROC curve (AUC). Hence, AUC estimates of the fixed-effects model are expected to be slightly elevated. Our bootstrap scheme for computing confidence intervals accounts for this selection scheme, as detailed below.

Random- and Mixed-Effects GeRSI

We use the genotyped SNPs to estimate the genetic correlation matrix G. When applying random-effects GeRSI, we use this matrix as the correlation matrix in the sampling scheme described above. When applying mixed-effects GeRSI with a p value threshold c, we keep only SNPs with a p value below that threshold in the univariate association test. We then use logistic regression to estimate the personal in-study risk due to the fixed effects. We then convert this risk to the liability scale by using the following transformation:


where Pˆi is the estimated in-study risk, tˆi is the individual-specific liability threshold, and C = K(1 − P)/(P(1 − K)). We note that this method is reminiscent of the method of Zaitlen et al.22 but differs in the data utilized for estimating the covariate effects, given that Zaitlen et al.22 take advantage of external data for this purpose.


For comparison, we compute the gBLUP by coding the discrete phenotype as 0/1 and treating it as a quantitative and randomly sampled phenotype. In other words, the phenotype is modeled as


where Σ=Gσg2+Iσe2. Hence, if the phenotype of individual i is unknown, then the conditional mean of her phenotype is easily obtained with the formula for the conditional mean of a MVN distribution:


The gBLUP method could be similarly extended to account for fixed effects (see, e.g., Yang et al.18).

Extending to Multiple Correlation Matrices

Recently, Speed and Balding19 extended gBLUP to account for multiple correlation matrices (“multiBLUP”). The SNPs are divided into k subsets according to some criteria (e.g., functional annotation), and correlation matrices G1,…,Gk are estimated for each subset separately. The corresponding variances of the effect sizes, σg12,,σgk2, are either estimated or taken from published sources, as before. This formulation allows SNPs from different sets to have a typically larger or smaller effect on disease risk. The correlation of the genetic effect is then given by


MultiBLUP is defined as running gBLUP with Gmulti instead of the previously defined G. We similarly extend GeRSI to “multi-GeRSI,” i.e., running random-effects GeRSI with Gmulti.

Controlling for Population Structure

When attempting to control for population structure in association studies or heritability estimation, it is customary to include several top principal components as covariates. However, in the context of risk prediction, this would result in inflated estimates of the predictive accuracy. Instead, we remove the top k principal components directly from the correlation matrix. In other words, denote λ1,…λn the sorted eigenvalues of the correlation matrix G and denote v1,…,vn their corresponding eigenvectors. We define a cleaned correlation matrix as


Describing Real Data

We obtained genotypes and phenotypes from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC). Following Lee et al.12 we applied a stringent quality-control (QC) process to the WTCCC data to avoid overestimation of the predictive capacity due to genotyping differences between case and control groups or between the different control groups. We removed SNPs with a MAF < 5%, SNPs with a missing rate > 1%, and SNPs that displayed a significantly different missing rate between case and control groups (p value < 0.05). We also removed SNPs that deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the control groups (p value < 0.05) or were noted for “bad clustering” in the genotype-calling step. Additionally, we removed SNPs that displayed a significant difference in frequency between the two control groups. Only autosomal chromosomes were included in the analysis. We removed all the individuals appearing in the WTCCC exclusion lists. These included duplicate samples, first- or second-degree relatives, individuals not of European descent, and other reasons. In addition, we removed individuals with a missing rate > 1% and all individual pairs with an estimated genetic correlation < 0.05 according to the correlation matrix. We performed the last step to ensure that individuals in the study were not closely related. In addition, when computing the correlation matrix G, we used estimated MAFs from HapMap’s CEU panel (Utah residents with ancestry from northern and western Europe from the CEPH collection)28 to mitigate any possibility of leakage between the train and test sets. Our approach requires specification of population parameters of each disease (prevalence and heritability), and we detail the parameters we used and their sources in Table S1, available online.


We use the bootstrap29 to estimate the SD of our AUC estimates by resampling the GRSs or genetic-risk predictions. For GeRSI, this is a straightforward bootstrap scheme. Denote AUC(r1,…,rn,y1,…,yn) the estimated AUC given risk predictions r1,…,rn (obtained via the method described above) and phenotypes y1,…,yn. We sample with return n indices i1,…,in ∈ {1,…,n}. The jth bootstrap AUC sample is then


and we report the empirical SD of 100 such bootstrap samples.

When dealing with fixed-effects models, we must account for the fact that the p value threshold is selected on the basis of the AUC. Obtained with c as a threshold, the risk score of the ith individual, is denoted ric. A bootstrap sample accounting for threshold selection is thus given by


Lastly, when testing whether one method performs better than another, we note that comparing AUCs by using estimated SDs is considerably conservative, given that AUCs obtained with the same set of observations are expected to be highly correlated. Instead, we follow a similar scheme to estimate the SD of the difference in AUC directly.

Estimating Relative Risk

We are interested in estimating the relative risk (RR) of individuals at the top X of the risk predictions. A subtle aspect is that we wish to do so with case-control data because we don’t have a random sample from the population. For a given risk threshold v, we estimate the fraction of the population with risk predictions higher than this threshold as


We then search for a value v such that ppop is the desired value. The fraction of cases with risk predictions higher than the threshold is pcases=(1/ncases)yi=1I{ri>v}, and the RR is estimated as pcases/(1 − pcases) × (1 − ppop)/ppop.


We tested GeRSI in extensive simulations, as described in the Material and Methods. Prediction quality is measured by the AUC, which is the probability that a randomly sampled affected individual (case) attains a higher GRS than a randomly sampled unaffected individual (control).

Our results demonstrate, as expected, that fixed-effects modeling is generally effective when the phenotype is driven by a small number of SNPs with sizable effects (i.e., most causal SNPs are easily identified) and that the random-effects approach is most effective when the phenotype is driven by a large number of SNPs with small effects. Mixed-effects GeRSI performs well in both scenarios, as well as in intermediate scenarios, and was never inferior to fixed-effects modeling or gBLUP in any of our simulations.

In Figure 1, we present the results for the spike-and-slab model of genetic risk, recently explored by Zhou et al.4 and Chatterjee et al.13 and described in the Material and Methods. The results illustrate the power and flexibility of GeRSI and its superior performance in comparison to fixed-effects modeling (superior in all 20 simulation runs; for both setups, p value < 10−6 with sign tests). When slab effects were relatively small (as in the bottom panel), random-effects GeRSI and mixed-effects GeRSI performed similarly, but in the presence of large slab effects (as in the top panel), the mixed-effects version allowed us to capture these as fixed effects and was far superior to the random-effects version. The results for other simulation settings are presented in Figures S1–S21.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Comparison of the Performance of Fixed-, Random-, and Mixed-Effects Models in Predicting Disease Risk in a Spike-and-Slab Model

We simulated balanced case-control studies of a disease with 5% prevalence and 50% heritability and for which the fraction of slab SNPs with large effects was either 1% or 10% out of a total of 50,000 simulated SNPs and for which these slab SNPs accounted for 90% of the heritability, in line with values from Chatterjee et al.4 We show the performance of the fixed-effects approach with (A) a Bonferroni-adjusted p value threshold, (B) a p value threshold of 0.05, and (C) a p value threshold of 0.5. In addition, we computed the correlation matrix G and used it to predict risk with the random-effects GeRSI approach, as well as with mixed-effects GeRSI treating the SNPs from (A) as fixed effects. In each simulation, we used a train set of 3,000 individuals and estimated the AUC for each method by using a test set of 1,000 individuals. We used the results from 20 independent simulations to draw the box plots.

In Figure 2, we compare GeRSI to gBLUP, which similarly utilizes random-effects modeling to reduce the number of parameters. Here, too, GeRSI’s performance was uniformly superior, as expected from the fact that it utilizes the correct probabilistic model rather than an approximated model. We also investigated the recently described multiBLUP method of Speed and Balding,19 which extends the BLUP model to include several variance components. We did this by constructing two correlation matrices in our spike-and-slab model—one for the spike SNPs and one for the slab SNPs. Using this refined correlation structure yielded considerably more accurate results. Importantly, GeRSI can be similarly extended to accommodate several variance components (multi-GeRSI), thus taking advantage not only of the refined correlation structure but also of GeRSI’s improved statistical-modeling approach. As expected, multi-GeRSI outperformed multiBLUP in our simulations (Figure 2). Lastly, multi-GeRSI can be extended to incorporate fixed effects (mixed multi-GeRSI) so that SNPs with remarkably significant effects are treated as fixed effects while the rest are modeled as random effects. This approach improved the performance even further (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Comparison of the Performance of BLUP and GeRSI Methods in Predicting Disease Risk in a Spike-and-Slab Model

We compared the performance of BLUP, multiBLUP, GeRSI, multi-GeRSI, and mixed multi-GeRSI by using the same simulation setup as in Figure 1. We observed that GeRSI outperformed BLUP by utilizing the correct probabilistic setup. MultiBLUP takes into account the different effect-size distributions of spike and slab SNPs and therefore outperformed both. Multi-GeRSI enjoys the best of both worlds—correct sampling scheme and improved correlation structure—and so trumped all previous methods. Lastly, mixed multi-GeRSI improves over multi-GeRSI by including the most significant SNPs as fixed effects in addition to the other advantages of the multi-GeRSI approach.

We then proceeded to apply GeRSI to seven WTCCC30 case-control studies on BD, coronary artery disease (CAD), Crohn disease (CD), hypertension (HT), T1D, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). For each phenotype, we first performed stringent QC as suggested by Lee et al.12 and detailed in the Material and Methods to mitigate batch effects. We then estimated the AUC with 4-fold cross-validation by using both the fixed-effects method of Dudbridge3 and the random-effects and mixed-effects GeRSI approaches. To demonstrate the potential clinical utility of the risk-prediction approaches examined, we also estimated the RR of an individual found to be in the top 1% and 10% of risk predictions. For the fixed-effects approaches, we considered a range of possible p value thresholds (5 × 10c for c{1,,8}) and display here the best result for each phenotype.

Comparing the fixed-effects approach to random-effects GeRSI, we observed that random-effects GeRSI obtained significantly higher AUC than the optimized fixed-effects approach for four of the seven phenotypes: BD, T2D, CAD, and HT (p value < 10−9, 10−3, 10−3, and 10−5, respectively; Table 1; see the Material and Methods for details). Specifically for HT, no SNPs were found to be associated at the 5 × 10−8 genome-wide-significance level in the WTCCC data,30 and very few associations have been found in any studies to date (only seven associations are listed in the NHGRI GWAS Catalog [see Web Resources]). The optimal p value threshold for the fixed-effects model was 0.5, indicating a true polygenic architecture and thus an ideal phenotype for random-effects modeling. As expected, random-effects GeRSI yielded substantially better predictive power with an AUC around 0.6 and a considerable increase in RR for individuals at the top 10% of GeRSI risk predictions (1.61 versus 1.31). Figure 3 contrasts the ROC curves and the risk-prediction behavior of the two approaches on HT data.

Table 1.

Comparison of the Fixed-Effects Approach and Random-Effects GeRSI on Four Phenotypes from the WTCCC

Phenotype Fixed
Best Threshold AUC (SE) RR at Top 10% [CI] AUC (SE) RR at Top 10% [CI]
BD 0.5 0.55 (0.01) 1.4 [1.03–1.65] 0.62 (0.01) 2.5 [2.16–2.96]
T2D 0.005 0.55 (0.01) 1.48 [1.2–1.83] 0.59 (0.01) 1.67 [1.34–1.99]
CAD 5 × 10−5 0.65 (0.01) 1.85 [1.17–2.3] 0.67 (0.01) 2.16 [1.79–2.72]
HT 0.5 0.54 (0.01) 1.31 [1.06–1.55] 0.60 (0.01) 1.61 [1.42–1.97]

The AUC and RR of the top 10% and top 1% of individuals were estimated by 4-fold cross-validation. We compared the predictions obtained from our random-effects GeRSI approach to the predictions obtained by a fixed-effects approach. We computed the AUC of the fixed-effects approach for a wide range of p value thresholds (5 × 10c for c ∈ {1,…,8}) and display here results for the value with the highest AUC (note that GeRSI has no such parameter). All analyses included sex as a covariate. CI stands for confidence interval.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Comparison of HT Risk Predictions with Fixed-Effects Models and Random-Effects GeRSI

We used the fixed-effects approach with a p value threshold of 0.5. With fixed effects, there is very little difference between the distribution of risk scores of cases and control (top-left panel), but with random-effects GeRSI, out-of-sample risk predictions for cases is clearly skewed to the right (bottom-left panel). This is also evident in the comparison of the ROC curves of both methods (right panel).

Contrary to HT, BD has numerous replicated associations, some of which were identified in the original WTCCC study. However, in agreement with other studies,2 we found that using a permissive p value threshold for risk predictions is appropriate (the optimal p value threshold was 0.5). Here, too, using random-effects modeling was beneficial, as expected. This is reflected in the AUC and 10% RR numbers in Table 1. Additionally, the top 1% of risk scores attained a RR of almost 4 in random-effects GeRSI but only 1.26 with the fixed-effects approach.

Random-effects GeRSI did not improve over fixed-effects modeling for CD and performed significantly worse for RA and T1D (Table 2). This is consistent with our knowledge regarding the genetic architecture of these diseases: all three are autoimmune diseases with strongly associated SNPs with considerable effect sizes, primarily in the MHC region on chromosome 6. Gusev et al.31 recently showed that a significant portion of the heritability of these diseases is due to variants in the vicinity of previously identified causal SNPs and is not uniformly distributed along the genome. To demonstrate the flexibility of mixed-effects GeRSI to combine the power of fixed- and random-effects modeling, we also show its performance in Table 2, where it is generally comparable to that of the fixed-effects approach (slightly superior for CD, p value < 10−3).

Table 2.

Comparison of the Random- and Mixed-Effects GeRSI Approach and the Fixed-Effects Approach for Three Autoimmune Diseases in the WTCCC Data

Phenotype AUC (SE)
RR at Top 10% [CI]
Fixed Random Mixed Fixed Random Mixed
CD 0.59 (0.01) 0.59 (0.01) 0.62 (0.01) 2.02 [1.67–2.34] 2.18 [2.12–2.53] 2.63 [2.32–2.81]
T1D 0.72 (0.01) 0.55 (0.01) 0.71 (0.01) 3.4 [3.19–3.63] 1.46 [1.31–1.83] 3.45 [2.76–3.57]
RA 0.67 (0.01) 0.63 (0.01) 0.68 (0.01) 2.85 [2.62–3.61] 1.83 [1.44–2.07] 2.93 [2.55–3.54]

The AUC and RR of the top 10% of individuals were estimated by 4-fold cross-validation. We compared the predictions obtained from our random-effects GeRSI approach, our mixed-effects GeRSI approach, and a fixed-effects approach. We computed the AUC of the fixed-effects approach and the mixed-effects GeRSI approach for a wide range of p value thresholds (5 × 10c for c ∈ {1,…,8}) and display here results for the value with the highest AUC. All analyses included sex as a covariate. CI stands for confidence interval.


An important aspect in applying prediction methodology to case-control data is that of population structure. It is well established that population structure must be accounted for in GWASs, and this is often done with mixed models8 or by inclusion of several top principal components as covariates.32 In the context of heritability estimation, population structure can inflate the estimated heritability if unaccounted for, and typically a number of principal components of G are included as fixed effects to control for that structure. During risk prediction, the role of population structure is more complicated. We distinguish between two types of population structure: actual and induced. Actual population structure is structure that is truly present in the population and is properly reflected in the study group. Importantly, taking advantage of this type of structure for the purpose of risk prediction is legitimate, even if the effect of the structure on the phenotype is not via genetics. For example, if the diet of individuals of a certain ethnicity affects their disease risk, but this is not accounted for with fixed effects (e.g., if dietary information is not collected), this can still be captured in GeRSI via the genetic differences between these individuals and others in the population.

On the other hand, induced structure is an artifact of the sampling procedure. For example, a certain subpopulation might be considerably more likely to be sampled as cases rather than controls. In this case, GeRSI predictive-power estimates based on the study sample might be illegitimately inflated if this structure is not accounted for.

The WTCCC studies are considered to have relatively little structure,30 and we are not able to separate the structure that does exist into its legitimate and induced components. To examine the robustness of our results to removal of structure, we reran our analyses while removing the top ten principal components from the correlation matrix (Table 3). This had a small negative effect on the performance of GeRSI for some of the phenotypes, such as BD and RA, but the general spirit of the results remained unchanged.

Table 3.

Investigating the Possible Effect of Sampling-Induced Population Structure on Estimating Accuracy of Risk Prediction

Phenotype AUC (SE)
RR at Top 10% [CI]
0 PCs 10 PCs 0 PCs 10 PCs
BD 0.62 (0.01) 0.59 (0.01) 2.5 [2.3–3.05] 1.81 [1.66–2.23]
CD 0.59 (0.01) 0.57 (0.01) 2.18 [1.83–2.55] 1.74 [1.49–2.01]
T1D 0.55 (0.01) 0.52 (0.01) 1.46 [1.09–1.7] 1.03 [0.94–1.16]
T2D 0.59 (0.01) 0.57 (0.01) 1.67 [1.58–1.8] 1.66 [1.46–1.76]
CAD 0.67 (0.01) 0.68 (0.01) 2.16 [1.75–2.61] 2.5 [2.24–2.93]
RA 0.63 (0.01) 0.6 (0.01) 1.83 [1.47–1.91] 1.77 [1.45–1.97]
HT 0.59 (0.01) 0.6 (0.01) 1.61 [1.48–1.91] 1.68 [1.46–1.85]

We compared the AUCs and RRs for the top 10% of individuals when using the correlation matrix G directly or after removing the top ten principal components (PCs) as described in the Material and Methods. As expected, we observed a minor decrement in performance in some phenotypes, but others (such as CAD and HT) displayed no real change in performance. All analyses included sex as a covariate. CI stands for confidence interval.

Another key point is that of QC. Following Lee et al.,12 we applied very stringent QC as described in the Material and Methods. Such stringent QC is particularly important during the evaluation of predictions, given that different cohorts are genotyped at different times and different centers, and so systematic genotyping errors might manifest as inflated estimates of the predictive capacity. On the other hand, stringent QC results in fewer SNPs and fewer individuals in the inspected data sets, which could result in conservative estimates of the predictive power.

The major computational bottleneck in GeRSI is the computation of the genetic correlation matrix (time complexity of O(n2m), where n is the number of individuals in the reference sample and m is the number of SNPs). However, it is very easy to parallelize this task, and the correlations for the reference panel could be computed offline. Additionally, faster implementations of correlation-matrix computations could be utilized for improved performance.33 The second bottleneck is the inversion of the correlation matrix for the purpose of computing the conditional means and variances (time complexity of O(n3)). This task could also be completed for the reference set offline, and rank-one updates could be used once the correlations between the reference set and the new individual are computed. Lastly, the time complexity of the Gibbs sampling itself is linear in the number of individuals. In conclusion, if proper prepossessing is carried offline, the time complexity of predicting the risk of a newly observed genotype is O(nm). Our main simulations used a reference set of 3,000 individuals to predict the phenotype of 1,000 individuals, in which case the three parts—computing the correlation matrix, inverting the matrix, and predicting risk—were completed in approximately 2 hr, 20 min, and 2 min, respectively, with a single core of a standard laptop computer. Our implementation is available in the Web Resources.

To study the scalability and performance of GeRSI when larger reference panels are used, we repeated the simulations of Figure 1 with reference panels of 6,000 or 9,000 individuals (Figures S22 and S23). For the largest studies simulated, the entire simulation and prediction process took about 2 days with a single CPU with 16 GB RAM. As expected, the performance of all methods improved as the size of the reference panel increased, but qualitatively, the results remained the same. Importantly, mixed-effects GeRSI still outperformed all other methods.

In conclusion, GeRSI is a method that takes advantage of the full power of random-effects modeling to accumulate evidence from the entire genome for the purpose of obtaining accurate risk predictions from GWASs. This is accomplished through an appropriate probabilistic-inference approach, also allowing for inclusion of relevant fixed effects, including associated SNPs and other covariates. Thus, any method for selecting a subset of SNPs or estimating covariate effects for the purpose of fixed-effects modeling can be used to model the fixed part of GeRSI and gain power from treating the rest of the SNPs as random effects.3,4,21,22,34,35 Our results demonstrate the significant benefits of using this approach on both simulated and real data. Additionally, approaches designed for predicting quantitative phenotypes and that already utilize random effects could be easily adapted to take advantage of the GeRSI sampling scheme when applied to case-control data and benefit from a more accurate probabilistic model. We have demonstrated the improvement in performance for BLUP and multiBLUP, but similar improvements can be expected for other methods designed for predicting quantitative phenotypes by using both fixed and random effects (e.g., LMM-Lasso20).

Specifically for BD, random-effects GeRSI allows us to identify 1% of the population at 4-fold risk of disease and 10% of the population at 2.5-fold risk. These numbers represent a major improvement over current state-of-the-art approaches and bring us closer to the ultimate goal of obtaining clinically useful risk predictions from GWAS data. We believe that random-effects modeling is a key component in this quest.


This study made use of data generated by the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC). A full list of the investigators who contributed to the generation of the data is available at Funding for the WTCCC project was provided by the Wellcome Trust under award 076113. D.G. was partially supported by a fellowship from the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics at Tel Aviv University and by a fellowship from the Colton Family Foundation. This research was partially supported by Israeli Science Foundation grant 1487/12.

Contributor Information

David Golan, Email:

Saharon Rosset, Email:

Appendix A

Matrix Identities for Fast Computation of the Conditional Mean and Variance

This section contains some matrix identities that are used in the software for faster computation.

Let x¯MVN(μ¯,Σ). We are interested in the conditional distribution xi|xi. It is well known that for the MVN case, it is given by


We wish to quickly compute the mean and variance for every i. Naively, this implies inverting an (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrix for n individuals in the train set, resulting in running-time complexity of o(n4), which is infeasible for realistic values of n. We are therefore interested in computing the conditional mean and variance for every individual in a more effective fashion.

To do so, focusing on i = n WLOG, we write


where A and E are (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrices, so b, c, f, and g are column vectors, and d and h are scalars.

The first result is


(for a derivation, see Mathematics Stack Exchange in the Web Resources). In other words, the inverses of all principal submatrices can be computed from the inverse of the overall matrix.

However, we are not interested directly in A−1 but rather in the conditional mean and variance.

The conditional mean is given by Σi,i(Σi,i)1(xiμi), so all we need to compute is Σi,i(Σi,i)1, in other words,


where we use the identities cE + dg = 0 and cf + dh = 1, which stem from the identity ΣΣ−1 = I.

With our notation, the variance is


Again, using the fact that cf + dh = 1 and cE + dg = 0, we get


Supplemental Data

Document S1. Figures S1–S23 and Table S1
mmc1.pdf (356.8KB, pdf)
Document S2. Article plus Supplemental Data
mmc2.pdf (654.5KB, pdf)

Web Resources

The URL for data provided herein is as follows:


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Supplementary Materials

Document S1. Figures S1–S23 and Table S1
mmc1.pdf (356.8KB, pdf)
Document S2. Article plus Supplemental Data
mmc2.pdf (654.5KB, pdf)

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