FIG. 7.
(a) Z-stack projection of videomicroscopic images representing superparamagnetic particles flowing at the vicinity of an i-PDMS microstructure in presence of an external magnetic field. Y-positions of the beads are measured at two different locations 500 μm, respectively, upstream and downstream of the center of the structure, allowing calculating the deviation of the bead ΔY = Y1 − Y0. (b) Evolution of the deviation ΔY of the beads versus their position upstream of the microstructure, with and without external magnetic field. The beads are flowing at 200 μl/h. The curves are guide for the eyes. We defined Winfluence (light grey) and Wcapture (dark grey) as the portion of the channel width where the beads are deviated and captured, respectively. (c) Evolution of Winfluence and Wcapture as a function of the flow rate Q. The curves are guides for the eyes.