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Health Care Financing Review logoLink to Health Care Financing Review
. 2001 Spring;22(3):127–145.

Rates of Hospitalization for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions in the Medicare+Choice Population

Nancy McCall, Jennifer Harlow, Debra Dayhoff
PMCID: PMC4194704  PMID: 25372877


This article evaluates the feasibility of developing hospitalization rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) for the Medicare+Choice (M+C) population. M+C inpatient encounter data were used to calculate 15 ACSC rates. We found the initial reporting year of M+C inpatient encounter data had no apparent volume or diagnosis-based biases and over 90 percent of M+C organizations had sufficient enrollment to produce statistically reliable rates. Further, our study results support the premise that ACSCs could be used as sentinel events for potentially vulnerable populations; the oldest old and the disabled experienced statistically significant higher rates of ACSC admissions than younger Medicare beneficiaries.


In recent years, HCFA has begun the process of transforming itself from being a passive payer for health services to being an active purchaser of health care. HCFA is also encouraging its beneficiaries to be equally as active. As part of this transformation, HCFA has broadened its consumer information mission by collecting a variety of data from Medicare managed care enrollees: health status information from the Health Outcomes Survey, satisfaction information from the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans, and health plan performance from the Health Employer Data and Information Set among other initiatives. Also as part of this transformation effort, HCFA has started making some of this information available to Medicare beneficiaries, thereby encouraging its M+C enrollees to select their M+C organizations based on comparative performance.

This article evaluates the feasibility of including annual hospitalization rates for ACSCs as part of HCFA's comparative performance information database. Over the past decade, ACSCs have become an established tool for analyzing access to care. If treated in a timely fashion with adequate primary care and managed properly on an outpatient basis, medical practitioners broadly concur that, in most instances, commonly defined ACSCs (e.g., bacterial pneumonia, diabetes mellitus, etc.) should not advance to the point where hospitalization is required. Because lack of primary care for ACSCs does, in fact, often result in hospitalization, the rate of preventable inpatient admissions provides a practical way of evaluating primary care delivery and, thereby, identifying appropriate areas for improving access and quality in the health care delivery system.

The use of ACSCs is appealing for several reasons. First, ACSC admission rates have been used extensively in analysis of access to care for patients in the fee-for-service (FFS) sector. Although revisions may be needed, the methodology for deriving the rates in managed care can build on an existing literature. Second, ACSC rates are constructed using enrollment and inpatient stay data. Thus, they can be constructed using data that HCFA currently collects from M+C organizations. No additional financial burden would be placed on M+C organizations, nor would special data collection efforts be necessary. Further, because hospitalization data are available relatively soon after a hospitalization, ACSC rates can be constructed on a timely basis providing early outcome feedback to M+C organizations. This information could be used by the M+C organizations to evaluate their providers' processes of care, and to develop case management strategies to reduce rates of ACSC hospitalizations.

Selection Of ACSCS For Study

Fifteen ACSCs were selected for evaluation following an extensive review of the literature (Pappas et al., 1997; Billings et al. 1993; Billings et al. 1996; Weissman, Gatsonis, and Epstein, 1992; Institute of Medicine 1993; Bindman et al., 1995; Krakauer et al., 1996; Culler, Parchman, and Przybylski, 1998; Blustein, Hanson, and Shea, 1998; Schreiber and Zielinski, 1997; Braverman et al., 1994; and Mitchell, 1993). Because ACSCs were developed primarily as a measure of access to care for the non-elderly population, each measure was reviewed by two clinical consultants to ensure that selected ACSCs were appropriate for the elderly population. Critical examination of the previously used specifications for identifying both the population at risk and the clinical conditions of interest was undertaken as well as an evaluation of the likely accuracy of coding of the clinical condition on hospital bills.

ACSCs tend to be relatively rare events raising questions about the statistical reliability of the ACSC rates calculated at the M+C organization level. In addition to the problem of small numerator values for individual events, reporting each rate individually may lead to an overload of information. Beneficiaries may find it difficult to interpret a dozen or more ACSC rates simultaneously. Further, individual purchasers may not necessarily care about the rates for each of the ACSCs; instead the issue of concern may be a broader one of the rates for ambulatory care as a whole. Two alternative indices were constructed: a single ACSC index that simply aggregated all ACSC diagnoses; and three ACSC indices that aggregated conditions considered acute, chronic, and preventable. The ACSCs selected for the study include: chronic (asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure, seizure disorder, diabetes, and hypertension); acute (hypoglycemia, urinary tract infections, cellulitis, dehydration, hypokalemia, gastric and duodenal ulcer, bacterial pneumonia, and severe ear/nose/throat infections); and preventable (influenza and malnutrition).

Inpatient Hospital Encounter Data

Medicare was required by the Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 to implement a risk adjusted payment system for M+C organizations by January 1, 2000. The BBA provided authority to collect hospital inpatient encounter data, retroactive to July 1, 1997. Encounter data reflecting discharges for the period July 1997-June 1998 were used to calculate estimates of risk adjusted payments for the startup year. Risk adjustment for M+C is based on the Principal Inpatient Diagnostic Cost Group (PIP-DCG) model. The PIP-DCG model uses the principal inpatient discharge diagnosis to determine a beneficiary's predicted costs for the following 12-month period (Pope et al., 1999). Thus, M+C organizations have an incentive to submit valid principal diagnoses on the encounter forms, and these data are subject to validation.

M+C organizations could submit inpatient encounter data for the period July 1997-June 1998 using either the standard Medicare FFS data formats or an abbreviated uniform bill (UB)-92 format. The abbreviated UB-92 format was designed for use by M+C organizations and provided for the collection of the essential data elements necessary for risk adjustment, including patient and provider identifiers and the principal inpatient diagnosis. For the startup year, either the M+C organization could submit the data to HCFA or alternatively, hospitals could submit the standard Medicare FFS data formats directly to HCFA for the M+C organizations. Two-thirds of the discharge data were submitted in the abbreviated UB-92 format, while the remaining one-third were submitted in the full UB-92 format. The majority of the full UB-92 data were submitted directly to HCFA by hospitals providing inpatient services to M+C enrollees (the majority of M+C organizations submitted abbreviated data).

It should be noted that during the startup year, the focus was on the submission of data necessary for risk adjustment, and other diagnosis codes beyond the principal and all procedure codes were frequently less than complete. Thus, ACSCs were selected that could be defined based solely on the presence of the principal discharge diagnosis because the other diagnosis codes and procedure codes were not consistently reported in the encounter data. All UB-92 encounters were processed through edits similar to Medicare FFS, including diagnostic and procedure code editing. Additional algorithms were applied to the abbreviated UB-92s to remove duplicate records and interim bills and to retain only the first hospitalization bill for cases involving transfers between two acute care hospitals, thereby avoiding double counting of ACSC admissions.

Study Population

The study cohort of managed care enrollees was identified from the full startup year M+C population. This cohort was analyzed to validate the completeness of the M+C organization encounter data and to profile the occurrence of the ACSCs for the study period July 1997-June 1998. M+C beneficiaries were eligible for inclusion in the study cohort if they met the following criteria: (1) they were continuously eligible for both Medicare Part A and Part B for a full 12 months, (2) they were enrolled in an M+C organization as of July 1997, and (3) they were continuously enrolled in the same M+C organization for the full 12-month period. One exception was made in the case of individuals who were continuously enrolled in the same M+C organization but died during the 12-month period. These individuals were also included in the cohort. Since we are estimating annual rates, we imposed the first condition to ensure that we were observing all of an enrollee's health care utilization. The second and third conditions were imposed to increase the face validity of the calculated rates by providing a reasonable timeframe in which the M+C organization would have an opportunity to influence the majority of an enrollee's ambulatory care. To adjust for partial year enrollment due to death, fulltime equivalent (FTE) managed care enrollees were estimated. A total of 4.05 million FTE M+C enrollees were identified for the study cohort. It is important to note that because we required enrollees to have contracted with the same M+C organization for the full year, the number of enrollees assigned to an M+C organization may not represent actual M+C enrollment throughout the course of the year. Further, the number of hospitalizations may not represent the actual number of discharges.


Our evaluation efforts centered around two analytic tasks: a critical examination of the completeness of inpatient encounter data for the startup year at the M+C organization level; and a comprehensive examination of the validity and reliability of the calculated ACSC rates also at the M+C organization level. If hospitalization data are missing, then ACSC rates will be biased downward. If there is evidence that the missing data are randomly distributed (i.e., are independent of diagnosis), then the ACSC rates could be inflated to account for missing data. However, missing data might not be random, if M+C organizations were more likely to report particular types of cases, for example, those that impact the PIP-DCG model and higher payment. To examine the completeness of the encounter data, we constructed hospital admission rates for the M+C organizations across all admissions, adjusted for the age-sex distribution of the M+C organizations' enrollment to the Medicare FFS population using the direct standardization methodology (Glantz, 1981). We obtained estimates of 1997 State-level hospitalization rates for the Medicare FFS population (Health Care Financing Administration, 1999) allowing us to construct regional FFS admission rates. Comparisons of hospital admission rates were made, in total, and by geographic regions.1 To allow for M+C organization-specific managed care comparisons with Medicare FFS, each M+C organization was assigned to the State in which the majority of their enrollees were resident. The M+C organizations' admissions were then compared with the relevant State Medicare FFS admission experience. To identify low- or high-end outliers, or those with unusually low or high rates of hospitalizations that might be indicative of data anomalies, we estimated a relative rate of managed care to FFS admissions at the M+C organization level by dividing the managed care admission rate by the FFS admission rate, thereby, controlling for known baseline FFS admission rate differences across geographic areas. Lastly, we examined the distribution of adjusted hospital discharge rates per 1,000 FTE enrollees across the M+C organizations.

To examine the validity and statistical reliability of the rate of ACSCs, rates were calculated at the national, regional, and M+C organization levels and by beneficiary characteristics, age and sex. To determine whether differences in these rates are meaningful, 95 percent confidence intervals were constructed. For face validity analyses, comparisons were made with those published in the literature. To assess whether there are any discernible patterns across the M+C organizations in the types of ACSC hospital bills submitted (i.e., missing data are not randomly distributed across diagnoses), we constructed the relative rate of ACSC index admissions to all admissions for each of the three indices, chronic, acute, and preventable, at the M+C organization level and evaluated the distribution of relative rates across the M+C organizations. This controls for underlying differences in rate of hospitalization and allows one to examine the proportion of admissions that are for acute, chronic, or preventable clinical conditions.

To assess the statistical reliability of the calculated ACSC admission rates, we examined the distributional properties of ACSC admissions across M+C organizations and the sufficiency of M+C organization enrollment to support the calculation of ambulatory care sensitive conditions at the M+C organization level. We estimated the proportion of M+C organizations that would produce statistically reliable ACSC rates by applying a statistical precision criterion that required the M+C organization to have a sufficient number of FTE enrollees to produce an average ACSC admission rate that was within 10 percent of its true rate 90 percent of the time. Using this criterion, we were able to specify the minimum number of FTE enrollees that would be required in order to ensure that the M+C organization's average admission rate was reliable and valid for the 15 individual ACSCs, the 3 subgroups of ACSCs, and for all ACSCs combined. We report the average requirement across all M+C organizations and the percentage of M+C organizations that had a sufficient volume of FTE enrollees, given their admission rate for the various ACSC conditions, to produce statistically reliable estimates at the specified precision level.


Analysis of Completeness of Data

The study cohort was identified from the population of all M+C beneficiaries who were enrolled in an M+C organization during the period July 1997-June 1998. A total of 305 M+C organizations were identified for the continuously enrolled study cohort.2 The number of FTE enrollees ranged from 1 to 255,520, and the number of hospital discharges ranged from 0 to 54,009 per M+C organization. Table 1 provides a demographic comparison of three populations: Medicare FFS, Medicare managed care population, and the M+C study population. The general Medicare managed care population is about 14 percent of the Medicare FFS population, and our M+C study cohort is roughly 12 percent of the Medicare FFS population. The data show that the two managed care populations have similar demographic profiles. However, both managed care populations have lower proportions of individuals under age 65 (i.e., the disabled) and over age 85 than observed in the FFS population. This indicates that the health status and subsequent use of hospital services may be different for the managed care and FFS populations.

Table 1. Distribution of Medicare Fee-for-Service, Managed Care, and Medicare+Choice Enrollees, by Age and Sex: July 1, 1997.

Age and Sex Enrollee Characteristics

Medicare Fee-for-Service Medicare Managed Care Study Sample

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 33,009 100.00 5,456 100.00 4,052 100.00
Under Age 65 4,498 13.63 330 6.05 261 6.45
Male 2,621 7.94 186 3.41 145 3.57
Female 1,877 5.69 144 2.64 116 2.87
65-74 Years 15,099 45.74 2,959 54.23 2,298 56.70
Male 6,763 20.49 1,324 24.27 1,030 25.42
Female 8,336 25.25 1,635 29.97 1,267 31.28
75-84 Years 9,848 29.83 1,714 31.41 1,208 29.81
Male 3,789 11.48 701 12.85 495 12.22
Female 6,059 18.36 1,013 18.57 713 17.59
85 Years and Over 3,564 10.80 453 8.30 285 7.04
Male 977 2.96 147 2.69 91 2.26
Female 2,587 7.84 306 5.61 194 4.79

NOTE: Number of beneficiaries are in thousands.

SOURCES: (Health Care Financing Administration, 1999.) Health Economics Research, Inc., analysis of study cohort's demographics from Health Care Financing Administration's July 1, 1997-June 30, 1998 enrollment database.

An immediate concern, with regard to using the M+C encounter data for the purpose of profiling the occurrence of ACSCs, is the extent to which the encounter data are complete. Data that are incomplete would underestimate the presence of ACSCs. A series of analyses were conducted for this study to validate the completeness of the encounter data prior to proceeding with the analysis of ACSCs. The focus of the completeness analysis was on the extent to which an encounter data record had been submitted for each discharge occurring for M+C beneficiaries during the startup year. Descriptive profiles of discharge rates were generated at the national level, by census regions and divisions, and for each M+C organization in order to identify missing encounter data. The distribution of the discharge rates for managed care was examined and compared with the Medicare FFS experience. A normal distribution of the discharge rates that closely resembled the FFS environment would support the notion that M+C encounter data are sufficiently complete for our study purposes.

Table 2 compares the distribution of discharge rates for M+C with the FFS experience for the period July 1997-June 1998 at the national level, by census regions and divisions. The M+C rates are age-sex adjusted to reflect the demographic profile of the FFS population and are reported as rates per thousand. The adjusted rates are higher than the unadjusted rates. This supports the premise that the managed care population is healthier, with fewer hospitalizations, than the FFS population, and allows for a more equitable comparison of the discharge rates. A comparison of the adjusted M+C rates at the national, regional, and census division levels indicates that the FFS discharge rates are consistently higher than the M+C discharge rates, as expected. The national M+C adjusted rate is 237 per thousand enrollees, while the FFS rate is 366 per 1,000 beneficiaries. Adjusted rates for the census divisions ranged from 211 to 287 per thousand for managed care, and 320 to 416 per thousand for FFS. Similar geographic variation in admission rates is observed in both FFS and managed care.

Table 2. Comparison of Medicare+Choice Study Cohort and Medicare Fee-for-Service Hospital Discharge Rates: July 1, 1997-June 30, 1998.

Geographic Area Medicare+Choice Study Cohort Medicare Fee-for-Service

Number of Beneficiaries Number of Discharges UnadjustedRate per 1,000 AdjustedRate per 1,000 95 Percent CI Number of Beneficiaries Number of Discharges Rate per 1,000 95 Percent CI

Lower Upper Lower Upper
National 4,052,454 903,685 223 237 236 237 32,602,360 11,919,085 366 365 366
Census Regions
Northeast 955,229 239,952 251 276 275 277 6,692,840 2,495,665 373 373 373
Midwest 425,889 98,619 232 245 244 246 8,407,740 3,017,995 359 359 359
South 960,190 223,407 233 247 246 248 11,999,660 4,532,590 378 377 378
West 1,710,819 341,643 200 213 212 214 4,700,200 1,729,770 368 368 368
Census Divisions
New England 210,239 47,833 238 259 257 261 1,820,700 607,280 334 333 334
Middle Atlantic 753,988 192,119 255 281 280 282 4,872,140 1,888,385 388 387 388
East North Central 280,556 63,599 227 241 239 243 5,839,900 2,112,400 362 361 362
West North Central 145,331 35,020 241 251 249 253 2,567,840 905,595 353 352 353
South Atlantic 626,174 148,265 237 248 247 249 6,327,820 2,272,995 359 359 360
East South Central 44,564 12,095 271 287 283 291 2,376,960 988,025 416 415 416
West South Central 289,450 63,147 218 236 234 238 3,294,880 1,271,570 386 385 386
Mountain 402,591 82,706 205 216 215 217 1,555,500 497,810 320 319 321
Pacific 1,308,226 258,937 198 211 210 212 3,144,700 1,231,960 392 391 392

NOTES: CI is confidence interval. Managed care rates are age/sex adjusted to Medicare fee-for-service demographics.

SOURCES: Health Economics Research, Inc., analysis of Medicare+Care 1997/1998 inpatient hospital encounter data. (Health Care Financing Administration, 1999.)

An analysis of the ratios of relative rates of adjusted hospital discharges for the M+C to FFS populations at the national and census division level reveals that the M+C population tends to have about one-third fewer hospitalizations than the FFS population even after the age/sex adjustment. The lowest ratio was in the Pacific census division, while the highest could be found in the New England census division (0.54 and 0.78 per 1,000 enrollees/beneficiaries).

Figure 1 displays an analysis of the distribution of M+C organizations by the adjusted hospital discharge rate per 1,000 FTEs for each M+C organization. The figure shows that the distribution of rates for the M+C organizations is relatively normal. The mean is 250 discharges per 1,000 enrollees with a small cluster of M+C organizations in the lower tail of the distribution. This cluster is suggestive of some M+C organizations having abnormally low rates of discharges.3 The analysis findings indicate that M+C organizations appear to have consistently lower rates of hospital discharges, which are normally distributed across the managed care population. The lower rates of hospital discharges for managed care in comparison to FFS may be explained by both better management of patient conditions and healthier M+C enrollees, and does not necessarily reflect missing hospital bills. Rather, we believe the normal distribution of adjusted hospital discharge rate per 1,000 FTEs across the M+C organizations provides evidence that the data are sufficiently complete for the first reporting year for the conduct of this study.

Figure 1. Hospital Discharge Rate per 1,000 Enrollees Across Medicare+Choice Organizations.

Figure 1

Analysis of ACSC Rates


To examine the validity and statistical reliability of the rate of ACSCs, hospitalization rates were calculated at the national, regional, and M+C organization levels and by beneficiary characteristics, age and sex. Table 3 displays the rate of ACSCs for M+C enrollees during the 12-month period, July 1, 1997-June 30, 1998. ACSC rates are displayed for each of the 15 individual ACSCs, all 15 ACSCs combined, and three indices of combined conditions: acute, chronic, and preventable. Unadjusted and adjusted rates per thousand are displayed, as are 95 percent confidence intervals for the adjusted rates.4 Our sample contained just over 4 million full year equivalent M+C enrollees who experienced 191,323 hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions. This produced an unadjusted rate of 47.2 admissions per thousand M+C enrollees and an adjusted rate of 51.5 admissions per thousand M+C enrollees. Chronic conditions accounted for 56 percent of ACSC admissions, or 28.83 admissions per thousand; acute conditions accounted for 43 percent of admissions, or 22.39 per thousand; and the two preventable conditions combined accounted for less than 1 percent of all ACSC admissions, or 0.24 per thousand. Over 70 percent of all ACSC admissions were for the three clinical conditions: congestive heart failure, 15.49 per thousand; pneumonia, 11.62 per thousand; and asthma/COPD, 8.89 per thou-sand.5 Several conditions had extremely low admission rates, such as, severe ear/nose/throat infections (0.03 per thousand), hypoglycemia (0.09 per thousand), influenza (0.11 per thousand), and malnutrition (0.13 per thousand).

Table 3. Admissions per 1,000 Medicare+Choice Full Time Equivalent Enrollees, by Rate of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSCs): July 1, 1997-June 30, 1998.
ACSC Total ACSC Admissions Unadjusted Rate per 1,000 Adjusted1 Rate per 1,000 95 Percent CI

Number Percent Lower Upper
Total 191,323 100 47.22 51.46 51.25 51.67
Acute Conditions2 82,818 43.3 20.44 22.39 22.25 22.53
Chronic Conditions3 107,608 56.2 26.56 28.83 28.67 28.99
Preventable Conditions4 897 0.5 0.22 0.24 0.23 0.25
Asthma/COPD 34,031 17.8 8.40 8.89 8.80 8.98
Congestive Heart Failure 57,487 30.0 14.19 15.49 15.37 15.61
Seizure Disorder 3,997 2.1 0.99 1.14 1.11 1.17
Diabetes Mellitus 6,783 3.5 1.67 1.89 1.85 1.93
Hypertension 5,310 2.8 1.31 1.41 1.37 1.45
Gastric or Duodenal Ulcer 6,398 3.3 1.58 1.65 1.61 1.69
Hypoglycemia 320 0.2 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.10
Urinary Tract Infections 12,956 6.8 3.20 3.59 3.53 3.65
Cellulitis 8,119 4.2 2.00 2.27 2.22 2.32
Dehydration 10,768 5.6 2.66 2.94 2.89 2.99
Hypokalemia 777 0.4 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.22
Pneumonia 43,384 22.7 10.71 11.62 11.52 11.72
Severe Ear/Nose/Throat Infections 96 0.1 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.04
Influenza 431 0.2 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.12
Malnutrition 466 0.2 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.14

Adjusted to the 1997 age/sex distribution of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries.


Acute conditions are hypoglycemia, urinary tract infections, cellulitis, dehydration, hypokalemia, gastric or duodenal ulcer, bacterial pneumonia, and severe ear/nose/throat infections.


Chronic conditions are asthma/COPD, congestive heart failure, seizure disorder, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.


Preventable conditions are influenza and malnutrition.

NOTES: CI is confidence interval. COPD is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

SOURCE: Health Economics Research, Inc., analysis of 1997/1998 Medicare+Choice inpatient hospital encounter data.

One of the primary goals of this project was an assessment of whether there were systematic biases in the submission of hospital encounter data in the first year of data that would produce erroneous estimates of ACSC admissions. To examine whether the submitted hospitalization data are biased based on diagnosis, we constructed relative ACSC admission rates for the three clinical condition-specific indices by dividing each ACSC admission rate by the rate of admissions for all hospitalizations for each M+C organization. The all-hospitalization rate controls for baseline utilization differences among the M+C organizations. Relative rates for the condition-specific indices that are way above or way below the average across all M+C organizations could signal the possibility of biased hospitalization data submissions. The distribution of relative rates across the M+C organizations for total ACSCs, acute ACSCs, and chronic ACSCs were calculated.6 For all three indices, we observe a significant clustering of relative rates within a narrow range. For the total ACSC index, two-thirds of the M+C organizations reported relative rates between 0.18 and 0.24, and another 18 percent of M+C organizations reported relative rates between 0.24 and 0.29. For the acute and chronic ACSC indices, roughly 85 percent of M+C organizations reported relative rates within the narrow range of 0.12 and 0.18. The tightness of the ranges and the similarity in the distributions between the chronic and acute indices reveal no obvious source of bias based on principal diagnosis.

Previous research has shown considerable geographic variation in the rate of hospitalization for the Medicare FFS population. Not unexpectedly, we observe statistically significant differences in the rate of ACSC admissions across the four census regions and across the nine census divisions for the M+C population (Table 4). This variation mirrors the pattern for all hospitalizations that we observed in our M+C cohort and in Medicare FFS (Table 1). The Northeast region has the highest rate of total ACSC admissions, 60 per thousand. The West region has a 14-percentage point lower average rate of ACSC admissions, or 46 per thousand. Further stratification into the nine census divisions reveals even greater geographic variation. The East North Central division has an ACSC admission rate almost twice the observed rate in the Pacific division, 84 per thousand versus 46 per thousand. The four census region pattern tends to hold across the three condition-specific indices as well. There is less of a discernible pattern at the nine census division level for the three indices.

Table 4. Comparison of Medicare+Choice ACSC Rates of Admission Across Geographic Areas.
Geographic Area Number of Beneficiaries Number of Discharges Rate of Admission

Unadjusted Rate per 1,000 Adjusted1 Rate per 1,000 95 Percent CI
Lower Upper
Total ACSCs National Census Regions 4,052,454 191,323 47.22 51.46 51.25 51.67
 Northeast 955,229 49,906 52.26 60.43 59.95 60.91
 Midwest 425,889 22,185 52.08 56.37 55.68 57.06
 South 960,190 46,999 48.91 53.07 52.62 53.52
 West 1,710,819 72,322 42.32 45.95 45.64 46.26
Census Divisions
 New England 210,239 9,915 49.27 56.04 55.06 57.02
 Middle Atlantic 753,988 39,991 53.04 61.77 61.23 62.31
 East North Central 280,556 19,242 68.59 84.31 83.28 85.34
 West North Central 145,331 7,610 52.36 56.16 54.98 57.34
 South Atlantic 626,174 31,533 50.36 53.55 52.99 54.11
 East South Central 44,564 2,548 57.18 62.80 60.56 65.04
 West South Central 289,450 12,828 44.32 49.79 49.00 50.58
 Mountain 402,591 17,648 43.84 46.99 46.34 47.64
 Pacific 1,308,226 54,674 41.79 45.70 45.34 46.06
Acute ACSCs2 National Census Regions 4,052,454 82,818 20.44 22.39 22.25 22.53
 Northeast 955,229 20,225 21.18 25.00 24.69 25.31
 Midwest 425,889 9,426 22.13 24.20 23.74 24.66
 South 960,190 18,791 19.59 21.32 21.03 21.61
 West 1,710,819 34,376 20.11 21.82 21.60 22.04
Census Divisions
 New England 210,239 4,379 21.76 25.28 24.61 25.95
 Middle Atlantic 753,988 15,846 21.02 25.01 24.66 25.36
 East North Central 280,556 5,957 21.23 23.36 22.80 23.92
 West North Central 145,331 3,469 23.87 25.68 24.87 26.49
 South Atlantic 626,174 12,337 19.70 20.97 20.62 21.32
 East South Central 44,564 1,052 23.61 26.48 25.00 27.96
 West South Central 289,450 5,402 18.66 21.30 20.78 21.82
 Mountain 402,591 8,047 19.99 21.63 21.18 22.08
 Pacific 1,308,226 26,329 20.13 21.91 21.66 22.16
Chronic ACSCs3 National Census Regions 4,052,454 107,608 26.56 28.83 28.67 28.99
 Northeast 955,229 29,462 30.85 35.17 34.80 35.53
 Midwest 425,889 12,627 29.64 31.81 31.29 32.34
 South 960,190 27,937 29.13 31.55 31.20 31.90
 West 1,710,819 37,582 21.99 23.90 23.67 24.13
Census Divisions
 New England 210,239 5,480 27.23 30.46 29.73 31.20
 Middle Atlantic 753,988 23,982 31.81 36.50 36.08 36.93
 East North Central 280,556 8,541 30.44 32.69 32.03 33.34
 West North Central 145,331 4,086 28.12 30.07 29.19 30.94
 South Atlantic 626,174 19,094 30.49 32.42 31.98 32.86
 East South Central 44,564 1,478 33.17 35.87 34.15 37.58
 West South Central 289,450 7,365 25.44 28.26 27.66 28.87
 Mountain 402,591 9,518 23.64 25.14 24.66 25.62
 Pacific 1,308,226 28,064 21.45 23.56 23.30 23.82
Preventable ACSCs4 National Census Regions 4,052,454 897 0.22 0.24 0.23 0.25
 Northeast 955,229 219 0.23 0.26 0.23 0.30
 Midwest 425,889 133 0.31 0.36 0.30 0.41
 South 960,190 181 0.19 0.20 0.17 0.23
 West 1,710,819 364 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.25
Census Divisions
 New England 210,239 56 0.28 0.30 0.23 0.37
 Middle Atlantic 753,988 163 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.29
 East North Central 280,556 78 0.28 0.33 0.26 0.39
 West North Central 145,331 55 0.38 0.41 0.31 0.51
 South Atlantic 626,174 102 0.16 0.17 0.13 0.20
 East South Central 44,564 18 0.40 0.45 0.27 0.64
 West South Central 289,450 61 0.21 0.23 0.18 0.28
 Mountain 402,591 83 0.21 0.23 0.18 0.27
 Pacific 1,308,226 281 0.21 0.24 0.21 0.27

Adjusted to the 1997 age/sex distribution of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries.


Acute conditions are hypoglycemia, urinary tract infections, cellulitis, dehydration, hypokalemia, gastric or duodenal ulcer, bacterial pneumonia, and severe ear/nose/throat infections.


Chronic conditions are asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, seizure disorder, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.


Preventable conditions are influenza and malnutrition.

SOURCE: Health Economics Research analysis of 1997/1998 Medicare+Choice inpatient hospital encounter data

Examination of ACSC admission rates by sex revealed little variation. Across all 15 ACSC conditions, males had an admission rate of 55 per thousand and females had an admission rate of 47 per thousand (p<0.05), after controlling for age. This likely reflects the combination of the selected conditions as there were no statistically significant differences between the two sexes for the three subcategories of ambulatory care sensitive conditions, nor were there differences for most of the individual ACSCs. There were only two exceptions to this rule: females experienced a higher rate of admission than males for hypokalemia (0.27 per thousand versus 0.14 per thousand); and males experienced a higher rate of admission for pneumonia (13 per thousand versus 10 per thousand).

Examination of the differences in admission rate by age reveals that the oldest-old, age 85 or over, experience statistically significant higher rates of ACSC admissions than the other three age groups, when evaluating the 15 ACSC conditions jointly or across the three subgroups of ACSCs (Table 5). Enrollees under age 65, i.e., the disabled, and those age 75–84 appear to experience similar rates of admission for ACSC conditions, in the aggregate, although the disabled are more likely to have a higher rate of admission for chronic conditions and a lower rate of admission for acute conditions than enrollees age 75–84. When analyzing the individual chronic conditions (not displayed), the disabled have statistically higher rates of admission for asthma/COPD and seizure disorders than all other age groups. They also have the highest rate of admission for diabetes. In contrast, the oldest old have the highest admission rates for congestive heart failure, and generally the highest rates for the individual acute and preventable conditions, although statistical significance at the 95 percent confidence level is not always achieved. Enrollees age 65–75 consistently experience the lowest rate of ACSC admissions.

Table 5. Rate of 1997/1998 Medicare+Choice (M+C) ACSC Admissions and Deaths per 1,000 Full-Time Equivalent Enrollees, by Age.
Age Rate of ACSC Admissions Deaths During ASCS Admissions

Number of Admissions Unadjusted Rate per 1,000 Adjusted1 Rate per 1,000 95 Percent CI Number Percent

Lower Upper
Under 65 15,085 57.80 57.84 56.84 58.84 384 2.5
65-74 Years 75,003 32.65 32.65 31.74 33.56 2,696 3.6
75-84 Years 71,271 59.00 58.60 56.79 60.41 3,487 4.9
85 Years and Over 29,964 104.77 103.35 99.20 107.50 2,094 7.0
Acute ACSCs2
Under 65 5,276 2.53 2.53 1.76 3.30 157 3.0
65-74 Years 29,662 1.61 1.61 1.33 1.89 1,342 4.5
75-84 Years 32,114 3.32 3.30 2.88 3.71 1,848 5.8
85 Years and Over 15,766 6.89 6.78 5.87 7.69 1,282 8.1
Chronic ACSCs3
Under 65 9,755 7.48 7.48 6.14 8.82 222 2.3
65-74 Years 45,045 3.92 3.92 3.48 4.36 1,342 3.0
75-84 Years 38,784 6.42 6.38 5.81 6.96 1,624 4.2
85 Years and Over 14,024 9.81 9.70 8.61 10.79 797 5.7
Preventable ACSCs4
Under 65 54 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 5 9.3
Age 65-74 296 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 12 4.1
Age 75-84 373 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 15 4.0
85 Years and Over 174 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.31 15 8.6

Adjusted to the 1997 age/sex distribution of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries.


Acute conditions are hypoglycemia, urinary tract infections, cellulitis, dehydration, hypokalemia, gastric or duodenal ulcer, bacterial pneumonia, and severe ear/nose/throat infections.


Chronic conditions are asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, seizure disorder, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.


Preventable conditions are influenza and malnutrition.

NOTES: ACSC is ambulatory care sensitive condition. CI is confidence interval.

SOURCE: Health Economics Research, Inc., analysis of 1997/1998 M+C inpatient hospital encounter data.

The oldest old are also the most likely to die during an ACSC admission. Across all conditions, 7 percent of the age 85 or over enrollees admitted for an ambulatory care sensitive condition die during that hospitalization (Table 5). This is in contrast to a 2.5 percent death rate for the age group 65 and under, 3.6 percent for the age group 65-74, and 4.9 percent for the age group 75-84. Although the number of ACSC deaths is about evenly split between acute and chronic ACSC admissions, the average rate of death is considerably higher for acute ACSC admissions than for chronic admissions (5.6 percent versus 3.7 percent). For both of these subgroups of conditions, the death rate increases with age. The in-hospital death rate is surprisingly high for preventable ACSC admissions, 5.2 percent, with the 65 and under age group experiencing the highest death rate, 9.3 percent. This is most likely a reflection of the small number of admissions within this category of ACSCs. For example, 33 beneficiaries under age 65 were admitted for malnutrition and 4 died, yielding a death rate of 12.1 percent. It is likely with a much larger sample, the actual percentage would decline.

Statistical Reliability

To assess the statistical reliability of the calculated ACSC admission rates, we examined the distributional properties of ACSC admissions across M+C organizations and the sufficiency of M+C FTE enrollment to support the calculation of ACSC rates. These comparisons allow us to examine whether a minimum FTE enrollee requirement or a minimum volume of ACSC admissions should be imposed at the M+C organization level. Table 6 displays the distribution of the ACSC admissions across the 305 M+C organizations included in this study. A total of 41 or 13 percent had no ACSC admissions during the study year: 6 percent had no chronic ACSC admissions, 7 percent had no acute ACSC admissions, and 45 percent had no preventable ACSC hospitalizations. There was significant variation in percentage of M+C organizations with no admissions across the individual ACSCs. Over 80 percent had no admissions for the ACSC, severe ear/nose/throat infections. Over 60 percent had no admissions for the two clinical conditions, hypoglycemia and influenza. And, over 50 percent had no admissions for malnutrition and hypokalemia. At least two-thirds had admissions for the remaining ambulatory care sensitive conditions; and about 80 percent of M+C organizations or better had admissions for congestive heart failure, pneumonia, asthma/COPD, and urinary tract infections.

Table 6. Distribution of 1997/1998 ACSC Admissions Across 305 Medicare+Choice (M+C) Organizations.
ACSC Number of ACSC Admissions M+C Organizations with no ACSC Admissions ACSC Admissions
Mean Standard Deviation Median Quartile
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Total 191,323 41 627 1,324 183 28 183 681 11,281
Acute1 107,608 21 353 479 104 14 104 381 6,903
Chronic2 82,818 17 272 576 82 14 82 269 4,634
Preventable3 897 136 1 0 1 0 1 3 74
Asthma/COPD 34,031 63 112 232 36 5 36 121 2,037
Congestive Heart Failure 57,487 45 188 402 52 7 52 198 3,747
Seizure Disorder 3,997 110 13 31 3 0 3 13 304
Diabetes Mellitus 6,783 90 22 52 6 0 6 20 451
Hypertension 5,310 90 17 40 5 0 5 17 364
Ulcer 6,398 83 21 48 6 1 6 19 452
Hypoglycemia 320 209 1 3 0 0 0 1 23
Urinary Tract Infection 12,956 65 42 95 12 2 12 42 809
Cellulitis 8,119 79 27 56 7 1 7 27 408
Dehydration 10,768 66 35 73 9 2 9 37 602
Hypokalemia 777 157 3 6 0 0 0 2 48
Pneumonia 43,384 57 142 304 41 7 41 138 2,654
Severe Ear/Nose/Throat Infections 96 251 0 1 0 0 0 0 9
Influenza 431 185 1 4 0 0 0 1 57
Malnutrition 466 166 2 3 0 0 0 2 29

Acute conditions are hypoglycemia, urinary tract infections, cellulitis, dehydration, hypokalemia, gastric or duodenal ulcer, bacterial pneumonia, and severe ear/nose/throat infections.


Chronic conditions are asthma/COPD, congestive heart failure, seizure disorder, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.


Preventable conditions are influenza and malnutrition.

NOTES: ACSC is ambulatory care sensitive condition. COPD is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

SOURCE: Health Economics Research, Inc., analysis of 1997/1998 M+C inpatient hospital encounter data.

The average number of admissions across M+C organizations for all ACSCs combined was 627 cases. The median, however, was only 183 admissions revealing a right-skewed distribution. As expected, the distribution of chronic and acute ACSCs resembles the total distribution, with average and median values of 353 and 104 for acute conditions, and 272 and 82 for chronic conditions, respectively. M+C organizations, on average, had in excess of 100 admissions for the three most commonly occurring ACSCs; however, the medians were significantly less: asthma/COPD (average 112, median 36), congestive heart failure (average 188, median 52), and pneumonia (average 142, median 41). The median value across M+C organizations was generally less than 10 for the remaining 12 ACSCs.

Lastly, we examined the sufficiency of the M+C organizations' FTE M+C enrollment to support statistically reliable reporting of an M+C organization's performance (Table 7). We estimated the proportion of M+C organizations that would produce statistically reliable ACSC rates by applying a statistical precision criterion that required the M+C organization to have a sufficient number of FTE enrollees to produce ACSC admission rates that were within 10 percent of its true rate 90 percent of the time. The statistical precision criterion was used to generate minimum M+C FTE enrollee requirements for each of the 15 individual ACSCs, the three subgroups of ACSCs, and for all ACSCs combined. We report the average requirement across all M+C organizations and the percentage of M+C organizations that had sufficient volume of M+C FTE enrollees, given their admission rate for the various ACSCs, to produce statistically reliable estimates with the specified precision level.

Table 7. Average Minimum Plan Size and Percent of Medicare+Choice (M+C) Organizations that Meet Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Enrollment Criteria.
ACSC Statistical Precision Criterion

Minimum M+C Organizations' FTE Enrollee Size1 Percent M+C Organizations at or Above Minimum

Mean Standard Deviation Median
Total 178 143 151 92
Acute Conditions2 236 171 204 87
Chronic Conditions3 249 185 230 85
Preventable Conditions4 1,172 1,187 1,334 53
Asthma/COPD 1,538 3,166 378 82
Congestive Heart Failure 1,165 2,783 293 86
Seizure Disorder 4,102 4,314 1,334 52
Diabetes Mellitus 3,341 4,174 964 69
Hypertension 3,519 4,182 1,064 70
Gastric or Duodenal Ulcer 3,112 4,049 911 70
Hypoglycemia 8,109 3,489 10,435 37
Urinary Tract Infection 2,276 3,671 612 76
Cellulitis 2,845 3,965 809 73
Dehydration 2,210 3,568 678 78
Hypokalemia 6,335 4,156 10,435 50
Pneumonia 1,355 3,011 332 84
Severe Ear/Nose/Throat Infections 9,316 2,493 10,435 35
Influenza 7,430 3,772 10,435 44
Malnutrition 6,872 3,941 10,435 47

Number of M+C organizations out of 305 reporting M+C organizations.


Acute conditions are hypoglycemia, urinary tract infections, cellulitis, dehydration, hypokalemia, gastric or duodenal ulcer, bacterial pneumonia, and severe ear/nose/throat infections.


Chronic conditions are asthma/COPD, congestive heart failure, seizure disorder, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.


Preventable conditions are influenza and malnutrition.

NOTES: ACSC is ambulatory care sensitive condition. COPD is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

SOURCE: Health Economics Research, Inc., analysis of 1997/1998 M+C inpatient hospital encounter data.

The average minimum number of M+C FTE enrollees that are required to produce statistically reliable estimates of total combined ACSC rates is 178. Ninety-two percent of M+C organizations had enrollment that meet or exceed their respective individual M+C organization-level minimum estimate. Calculation of the acute and chronic ACSC indices require, on average, 236 and 249 enrollees, respectively; and the vast majority of M+C organizations meet or exceed the minimum requirements. In contrast, over 1,000 FTE enrollees are required, on average, to produce statistically reliable estimates for the preventable condition ACSC index. And, only about one-half of the M+C organizations meet the specific volume requirements.

Not surprisingly, the mean minimum number of required FTE enrollees for the individual ambulatory care sensitive conditions is highly influenced by the rate of admissions observed in this cohort population. The top three volume ACSCs, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and asthma/COPD, have the lowest average minimum FTE enrollee requirements and standard deviations around the mean. Excluding conditions for which we observed fewer than 1,000 admissions during the 12-month period, the average FTE enrollee requirement was under 5,000, and more than one-half of all M+C organizations met the minimum sample size requirement. M+C organizations with few ACSC admissions generally produced minimum FTE enrollee requirements of just over 10,000 enrollees. Between one-third and one-half of all M+C organizations had FTE enrollees in excess of this requirement.


The use of ACSCs has become an established tool for analyzing access to care. If treated in a timely fashion with adequate primary care and managed properly on an outpatient basis, medical practitioners broadly concur that in most instances commonly defined ACSCs should not advance to the point where hospitalization is required. Because lack of primary care for ACSCs does, in fact, often result in hospitalizations, the rate of preventable inpatient admissions provides a practical way of evaluating primary care delivery and, thereby, identifying appropriate areas for improving access and quality in the health care delivery system.

Our study results support the premise that ACSCs could be used as sentinel events to focus attention on improving the adequacy of primary care for potentially vulnerable populations. Examination of the differences in admission rate by age reveals that the oldest-old, age 85 or over, experience statistically significant higher rates of ACSC admissions than younger Medicare beneficiaries. They have the highest admission rates for congestive heart failure, and generally the highest rates for the individual acute and preventable conditions. The under age 65 population also experience statistically higher rates of admission for selected chronic conditions. The oldest old are also the most likely to die during an ACSC admission. Across all conditions, 7 percent of the age group 85 or over admitted for an ACSC died during that hospitalization. This is in contrast to a 3.6 percent ACSC death rate for the age group 65-74. When analyzing the individual chronic conditions, the disabled have statistically higher rates of admission for asthma/COPD and seizure disorders than all other age groups. They also have the highest rate of admission for diabetes. Similar age-related findings were reported by Mitchell et al. (1994) in their study of 1991 ACSC admission rates for a national sample of 2.7 million Medicare FFS beneficiaries.

The use of ACSCs to monitor the provision of ambulatory care in M+C requires three factors: (1) completeness of hospital encounter data, (2) face validity of the selected conditions and generated ACSC rates, and (3) statistical reliability of the calculated rates for the majority of M+C organizations. One of the primary goals of this project was the assessment of whether there were systematic biases in the submission of M+C inpatient hospital encounter data in the startup year of data submission that would produce erroneous estimates of ACSC admissions. As expected, we observed lower overall rates of hospitalization in the M+C population than observed in the Medicare FFS population, even after adjusting for age-sex distribution differences between the two populations. On average, M+C adjusted hospitalization rates were about one-third lower than comparable FFS rates. Marked geographic variation in both the FFS and M+C populations were also observed. Previous managed care and FFS comparisons have not been made as national-level M+C data have not been available. The rates of hospital discharges for M+C in comparison to FFS could be explained by better management of patient conditions, utilization controls, or healthier M+C enrollees. There was no evidence, however, that there were systematic gaps in the volume of submitted encounter data. An array of adjusted hospital discharge rates per 1,000 enrollees across the M+C organizations approximated a normal distribution. Low- and high-rate outliers were observed, but they comprised a fairly small proportion of total M+C organizations and, in general, had very small enrollee populations.

But more importantly is the issue of bias. To examine whether the submitted hospitalization data are biased based on diagnosis, we constructed relative ACSC admission rates for the three indices of conditions by dividing each ACSC admission rate by the relative rate of admission for all hospitalizations. For all three indices, we observe a significant clustering of relative rates within a narrow range. The tightness of the ranges and the similarity in distribution between the chronic and acute indices reveal no obvious source of bias based on principal diagnosis.

For face validation, comparisons of our generated ACSC rates were made with those in the published literature. Previous researchers who have evaluated sets of ACSCs similar to ours and in the Medicare population have found that congestive heart failure, pneumonia, asthma, and kidney and urinary tract infections are the most commonly occurring ACSCs, as we found in this study (Culler, Parchman, and Przybylski, 1998; Bluestein, Hannon, and Shea, 1998; Pappas et al. 1997; Silver, Babitz, and Magill, 1997; Mitchell, 1994; Dayhoff, Rosenbach, and Walsh, 1998; Shulka and Pestian, 1996). Further, the observed rate of admissions for the three most prevalent conditions compare quite favorably with Medicare ACSC rates in the published literature, although the populations tend to be very limited, e.g., a particular State, the time periods distant, and the insured population in FFS, rather than managed care. However, it is important to note that some ACSC admissions early in the study period may not reflect care delivered by a particular M+C organization prior to the beginning of the study period if the beneficiary had recently joined the M+C organization. This could affect face validity.

To assess the statistical reliability of the calculated ACSC admission rates, we examined the distributional properties of ACSC admissions across M+C organizations and the sufficiency of M+C FTE enrollment to support the calculation of ACSCs. A total of 41 or 13 percent had no ACSC admissions during the study year. And, there was significant variation in percentage of M+C organizations with no admissions across a number of the individual ACSCs. We estimated that the average minimum number of FTE enrollees per M+C organization that would be required to produce statistically reliable estimates of total ACSC rates is 178 enrollees. Ninety-two percent of M+C organizations have FTE enrollment that meet or exceed their respective individual M+C organization-level minimum estimate. Calculation of the acute and chronic ACSC indices require, on average, 236 and 249 FTE enrollees, respectively; and the vast majority of M+C organizations meet or exceed the minimum requirements. In contrast, over 1,000 FTE enrollees are required, on average, to produce statistically reliable estimates for the preventable condition ACSC index. And, only about one-half of the M+C organizations meet the M+C organization-specific volume requirements for this index. Further research should be conducted to assess the minimum enrollment requirements when full-year enrollment is not imposed as a condition.

Combined, these findings suggest that the initial reporting year of M+C hospital encounter data have no apparent volume or diagnosis-based biases that would preclude using these data for further evaluation of the use of ACSCs for monitoring the provision of care in the Medicare managed care sector. The results also suggest that further exploration should be directed at developing indices of ACSC rates, or limiting the scope of conditions to the most frequently occurring in the Medicare population, e.g., congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and asthma/COPD. Many of the other conditions evaluated in this study do not occur with sufficient frequency to produce statistically reliable estimates at the M+C organization level for the majority of M+C organizations. The development of ACSC indices is appealing from a statistical power sense; however, the results may be less actionable by the M+C organizations. Summarizing rates of admissions reduces the M+C organizations' ability to identify the clinical condition(s) to which they should direct their attention. In contrast, use of sentinel events based on a single clinical condition allows M+C organizations to focus their attention, but evaluation of effectiveness of intervention may be limited due to small sample sizes. An intermediate solution of indices based on small families of clinically-related conditions should be considered.

The preliminary results are encouraging, however further research is necessary, especially in the area of health status and case-mix adjustment. Previous research has shown that health status is an important predictor of an increased likelihood of admission for ambulatory care sensitive conditions. Income level and rural locations are also positive predictors of ACSC admissions. This study did not examine the effect of these factors on the observed rates of ACSC admissions in the M+C population. Nor did this study examine the feasibility of using ACSCs to monitor the adequacy of primary care provision in the Medicare FFS sector. Given that roughly 85 percent of the Medicare population remain in the traditional Medicare FFS plan, it seems reasonable and prudent to expand the focus to this important population ensuring the development of performance measures that are applicable to all systems of care.


We would like to acknowledge the contributions made by our two clinical consultants: Drs. John Ayanian and Edward Marcantonio.


Nancy McCall and Debra Dayhoff are with Health Economics Research, Inc. Jennifer Harlow is with the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). Research for this article was conducted by Health Economics Research, Inc., under HCFA Contract Number 99-0001. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Health Economics Research, Inc. or HCFA.


Our expectation was that the managed care rates would be lower, given differences in patient health status between managed care and FFS, thus we looked for significantly lower rates as a signal of incomplete data.


It should be noted that a small number of these M+C organizations cannot be defined as true risk M+C organizations. These M+C organizations need to be examined further and excluded from future analyses.


Eight M+C organizations were excluded from this distribution because they appeared to have over submitted duplicate encounter data records.


All M+C rates have been adjusted to the age/sex distribution of the Medicare FFS population.


Because the denominator was defined as the number of FTE beneficiaries enrolled in the M+C organization for the full 12-month period for all ACSCs, the admission rate per thousand mirrors the calculated percentage of admissions.


Due to a small number of preventable ACSC admissions, this index was excluded was from this analysis.

Reprint Requests: Nancy McCall, Health Economics Research, Inc., 1029 Vermont Avenue, NW. Suite 850, Washington, DC 20005. E-mail:


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Articles from Health Care Financing Review are provided here courtesy of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services