In the November 2002 issue of the Journal, the article “A Gene Mutated in Nephronophthisis and Retinitis Pigmentosa Encodes a Novel Protein, Nephroretinin, Conserved in Evolution,” by Otto et al. (71:1161–1167), contained the following error in the Electronic-Database Information section: Preliminary BankIt numbers should have been replaced by permanent GenBank numbers for full-length NPHP4 cDNAs in human, mouse, and Caenorhabditis elegans (acession numbers AF537130, AF537131, and Z81579, respectively). The authors regret this error.
. 2002 Dec;71(6):1489.
PMCID: PMC420005
This corrects the article "A Gene Mutated in Nephronophthisis and Retinitis Pigmentosa Encodes a Novel Protein, Nephroretinin, Conserved in Evolution" on page 1161.