Satellite cells (SCs) are the muscle stem cells responsible for longitudinal and cross-sectional postnatal growth, repair after injury and which provide new myonuclei when needed. Here we review their morphology, contribution to development, and their role in sarcomere and myonuclear addition. SCs, similar to other tissue stem cells, cycle through different states such as quiescence, activation, and self-renewal and thus we consider the signaling mechanisms involved in maintenance of these states. The role of the SC niche, their interactions with other cells such as fibroblasts and the extracellular matrix are all emerging as important factors that affect aging and disease. Interestingly, children with cerebral palsy appear to have a reduced SC number, which could play a role in their reduced muscular development and even in muscular contracture formation. Finally we review the current information on SC dysfunction in children with muscular dystrophy and emerging therapies that target promotion of myogenesis and reduction of fibrosis.
Keywords: Postnatal development, satellite cells, muscle stem cells, cerebral palsy, myonuclei
Skeletal muscles are composed primarily of multinucleated myofibers with their basic contractile elements, sarcomeres, arranged in series to provide length and in parallel to provide cross-sectional area. Alexander Mauro1 first named the satellite cell (SC) in frog skeletal muscle based on its peripheral location in the myofiber, sandwiched between the sarcolemma and basal lamina. In terms of location, SCs are similar in placement to skeletal muscle myonuclei, i.e. on the periphery of the myofiber but are outside the sarcolemma whereas myonuclei are just under the sarcolemma. In other words, SCs represent a distinct cell type from myofibers. While the postnatal increase in myonuclear number has been known since the 1960s2, the source of these nuclei during growth and repair has been thought to be SCs. This is because adult myonuclei are terminally differentiated, i.e. unable to divide, proliferate, or regenerate. Consequently there must be other myogenic tissue specific stem cells that can make skeletal muscle. Indeed, isotope tracing experiments strongly suggested that the source for postnatal increase in myonuclei comes from mitosis of mononucleated SCs3,4.
By definition, an adult tissue stem cell has 2 properties—the ability to differentiate to create new tissue and the ability to self-renew5. However, it was not until the 2000s, after molecular markers such as the Pax7 transcription factor were identified6, that it was convincingly shown that the SCs are indeed the primary muscle stem cells capable of self-renewal and differentiation7-9. In this review, we will focus on postnatal development of muscle, SCs, their functional and regulatory mechanisms and their dysfunction and therapeutic implications. A number of excellent recent reviews on specific topics related to satellite stem cell biology and their role in myogenesis have been published10-17. For a state-of-the-art review on the molecular biology of SCs, see Yin et al.17; for a historical perspective on the experiments that led to the discovery of the SC as well as recent developments, see Yablonka-Reuveni16.
While SCs were initially identified based on their sublaminar anatomical location, specific cell surface membrane glycoproteins and intracellular markers have now been identified. The most common surface markers are NCAM (CD56), M-cadherin, and CD34 while Pax7 is nuclear (for a detailed list see Yin et al.17) and is considered the classic SC transcription factor6. Currently these markers have been used in human and animal studies to evaluate SCs by immunohistochemistry, fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and/or in vitro cell culture.
Satellite cell quiescence, activation, self-renewal and return to quiescence
The transition from SC to myofiber consists of specific steps that proceed from quiescence, to activation, proliferation, differentiation and finally, cell fusion (Fig. 1). During quiescence, SCs are located in their microenvironment and express Pax7. Upon activation, they enter the cell cycle to progress down the myogenic pathway by expressing myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs)18, starting with Myf5, then proliferate (amplify cell number) and are considered to be “committed” to the myogenic lineage after they express MyoD, and form myoblasts. At this stage, myogenin is expressed, differentiated myoblasts fuse to create myotubes and express myosin heavy chain, the major muscle contractile protein. Myotubes fuse with existing myofibers in both growth and repair (reviewed in13). At the stages of proliferation, differentiation and fusion, cells no longer express purely SC markers but may also express myogenic markers. The signaling pathways mediating myoblast fusion are multifactorial and complex (for review, see Hindi et al.19).
While SCs participate in growth and repair, they must also meet the other functional requirement of being a tissue-stem cell, i.e. self-renewal, without which the SC pool would be exhausted over time. SCs, like other stem cells, can undergo either symmetric or asymmetric division (Fig. 2). Using lineage tracing it was demonstrated that 90% of SCs had expressed Myf5 at some point, indicating they had previously undergone commitment to the myogenic lineage and then returned to quiescence—in other words, they had self-renewed20. Importantly, since 10% of the SCs never expressed Myf5, this indicated that this subgroup’s function was to self-renew rather than differentiate. It was also shown that cellular orientation during division critically determined SC fate. Specifically, if the SC division were planar (both daughter cells in the traditional position between basal lamina and sarcolemma, Figs. 2A, 2B) division would result in two identical cells (symmetrical division), which could either increase satellite cell number or create two activated cells that proceed down the myogenic path. However, if orientation were apicobasal, (one daughter cell touching the basal lamina and the other touching the sarcolemma, Fig. 2C) development was likely to split with one cell becoming a myoblast and the other creating a new SC (asymmetrical division)20.
Postnatal muscle development
SC nuclear length is 8-12 μm across various species21,22. SC number reduces with age during the early postnatal period to reach a steady state value of 5-6% of the myonuclei23 with greatest number soon after birth (~30% of the myonuclei23,24). At the extreme end of life, there is a reported SC number decline24-26. While the functional consequences of SC number decline are unclear, it is becoming clear that the SC function changes profoundly with aging27. The intrinsic differentiation potential of the aged SCs can remain unaltered but they may decline in proliferation potential, which can be rescued with the use of systemic factors such as Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)25 and exposure to young serum28.
Sarcomere addition
Postnatal muscle development is characterized by both longitudinal and radial muscle fiber growth29. Longitudinal growth increases the range over which a muscle functions while radial growth increases muscle contractile force30. During postnatal development in mammalian muscles, the number of myofibers does not increase2,31. In a series of seminal murine studies32-35, Williams and Goldspink measured skeletal muscle myofiber longitudinal and cross-sectional area increases during development. They reported increased myofiber cross-sectional area (Fig. 3A) by addition of myofibirils29,35 which occurred by fusion of the myoblasts from SCs into existing myofibers. We have recently shown29 that between postnatal day 1 and day 28 there was an almost twofold increase in myofibrillar packing, a sevenfold increase in myofiber cross-sectional area and a fourfold increase in muscle mass29. Longitudinal myofiber length increased fivefold primarily by addition of sarcomeres-in-series during the first 4-6 postnatal weeks 29,32,33. It was suggested that this sarcomere addition occurred primarily at the ends of the growing myofibers. Importantly, this distal region has been shown to be associated with the greatest number and concentration of SCs in developing muscles in chicks which was the basis of the suggestion22. Additional experiments demonstrated that growing muscle, prevented from increasing in length by maintaining a shortened position for 4 weeks, did not increase serial sarcomere number to the same extent. However, if it was then allowed to recover33 by removing the immobilization, subsequent stretch and growth resulted in rapid serial sarcomere number increase. These experiments demonstrate that the postnatal period is particularly plastic for adaptation and suggest that SCs may be involved in the process of serial sarcomere addition33
Myonuclear number and domain
In parallel with increased serial sarcomere number (i.e., increased fiber length) and myofiber area during the postnatal period there is also an increase in nuclear number2,36 in growing myofibers. After the initial 6 postnatal weeks of increase in sarcomere number in mouse solei and biceps brachii, the myonuclear addition continues for another 10 weeks suggesting a role for myonuclear accretion for radial growth33. However the exact relationship between myonuclear addition, cross-sectional and longitudinal growth is not entirely clear36. White et al.36 report a significant increase in both myofiber cross-sectional area and length in mouse EDL without accretion of any addition myonuclei beyond the first 21 postnatal days.
Myonuclear domain, i.e. the volume of cytoplasm per myonucleus might be a relevant parameter that relates myonuclear number to fiber length and size37. It has been suggested that myonuclear domain is maintained during atrophy by myonuclear loss38-40 or during hypertrophy by myonuclear accretion41 but this is not universally agreed upon24,42. The precise relationship between myonuclear domain and fiber atrophy and hypertrophy is thus not fully defined (see below).
Satellite cell function
As stated, postnatal muscle development is critically dependent on SCs and Pax743,44. Pax7 null mice demonstrated a dramatic reduction in both myofiber size and in SC number during the postnatal period44. Using a transgenic mouse that allowed conditional inactivation of Pax7, Lepper et al. 43 showed that myoblasts from Pax7 lineage fuse into myofibers and are indispensible during the postnatal period.
In contrast, the “obligatory” role of SCs for adult hypertrophy and regrowth after atrophy is not clear49-51. A 90% reduction in SCs does not prevent fiber hypertrophy in a synergistic ablation mouse model, in which the gastrocnemius and soleus are surgically excised and compensatory hypertrophy of the plantaris is measured52. However, it is important to note that, in control animals, where SCs were not knocked down, there was robust SC activation and participation in hypertrophy, indicating that, if present, they certainly do appear to participate in the hypertrophic response. This hypertrophy was not different between SC depleted and control groups. Similarly, recovery from atrophy was not hampered by a 90% knockdown of SCs53. Interestingly, the most recent results54 show that, while hypertrophy is possible initially, long-term hypertrophy is blunted and associated changes in the extracellular matrix and fibroblasts are observed, implying that hypertrophy in adult muscle is not completely independent of SCs.
Conditional SC inactivation during the postnatal period resulted in severely compromised muscle regeneration after injury43. A number of studies45-48 have conclusively shown that Pax7 expressing SCs are critical for long-term muscle repair capability even in adult muscle. While Lepper et al. reported that Pax7-inactivated-SCs could still regenerate normally in the short term, suggesting an additional non-Pax7 dependence for SC function in adults, this interpretation was confounded by an incomplete understanding of the timelines of deletion48. Günther et al.48 using a similar mouse model demonstrated that conditional inactivation of the Pax7 gene led to a delayed but significant loss of SCs and continued inactivation of Pax7 led to impaired muscle regeneration even in adults.
Signaling pathways for satellite cell activation, quiescence and self-renewal
Satellite cells have a large number of activation factors55 including mechanical stretch, which are important in the postnatal period during bone mediated muscle growth (Fig. 3). Local signaling factors such as nitric oxide56, growth factors such as fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)57 play an important role in SC activation and muscle growth. Mechanical stretch is strong regulator of SC activation through hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and nitric oxide58. SCs can be activated after only brief period of stretching of 2 hours59 and this mechanical stretch can induce increased expression of the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) which are responsible for extracellular matrix remodeling60. MMPs play an important role in promoting migration of activated satellite cells permitting robust regeneration61 (see section on satellite cell niche below).
Maintaining the balance amongst the states of quiescence, activation, proliferation, differentiation and self-renewal is critical for continued myogenic potential. Lack of maintenance of quiescence or self-renewal leads to depletion of the stem cell pool while prevention of activation leads to impaired regeneration. There are many signaling mechanisms involved in this dynamic balance. Notch is an extrinsic signaling pathway whose influence on cell function has been studied extensively. SCs in the quiescent state (Fig. 1) are maintained actively rather than it being in a default inactive state. Active notch signaling is required to maintain this state62,63. Transgenic mice, in which canonical notch signaling was conditionally ablated, demonstrated increased propensity for spontaneous differentiation and dramatic depletion of the satellite cell pool62. Interestingly, SCs with impaired notch signaling progressed immediately to differentiation without initially dividing and simply fused to existing myofibers63. During aging, muscle regenerative potential decreases, which can be improved via notch-mediated pathways64. Recently it was shown that the quiescent state might not actually be a single homogenous state, rather it is heterogeneous, and progresses from a mitotically quiescent G0 phase to a GAlert (pre-activation) phase, where it is primed for activation65.
Wnt signaling plays an important role during SC activation, proliferation and helps determine stem cell fate66. Symmetric expansion likely occurs through wnt7a utilizing the planar cell polarity pathway, i.e. a non-canonical pathway not involving β-catenin67. This pathway might be critical for maintaining the SC pool, since muscles without wnt7a show decreased SC number after regeneration21. After activation, while Notch-1 signaling has been implicated in SC proliferation68, to progress from proliferation to differentiation, a switch in signaling from notch to wnt is required69. Wnt and notch signaling interact to create sufficient proliferation prior to differentiation to maintain efficient repair and appropriate progression down the myogenic lineage. Furthermore, it has been shown that, in aging, increased canonical wnt signaling during SC proliferation can convert the SC myogenic lineage to a fibrogenic one resulting in aberrant fibrosis70. Importantly, this conversion can be suppressed with wnt inhibitors, suggesting a critical role of wnt signaling in altering SC fate.
An emerging research area is SC self-renewal and how activated SCs revert to quiescence to maintain the SC pool. Elevated activity of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in aging was shown to be involved in loss of self-renewal71 while transient inhibition of this pathway expanded the stem cell population72. Sprouty1 (spry1), a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is expressed during SC quiescence, downregulated during proliferation and re-expressed during return to quiescence73. Conditional ablation of spry1 in SCs led to a dramatic reduction in SC pool after activation due to injury. This indicates that spry1 is required for restoring the muscle stem cell pool after activation, i.e. for reversible quiescence and self-renewal73. Homeodomain transcription factor six1 has also been implicated to play a role in limiting SC self-renewal, as evidenced by the increased SC pool observed in Six1 knockout mice74. Recently it was shown that forkhead box O3 (foxo3), which is most widely known as the factor controlling the skeletal muscle atrophy pathway75,76, also promotes quiescence during self-renewal77. Together, these results point to an intricate interaction among signaling pathways to control the state of muscle and its resident stem cells. A number of signaling pathways are required to maintain the dynamic balance between quiescence, activation, return to quiescence and self-renewal, all of which are necessary to maintain a healthy and functional SC pool (Table 1).
Table 1.
Signaling Pathway | SC function | References |
Nitric oxide | Activation | 56,58 |
Growth factors (IGF, FGF) | Activation | 57 |
Notch | Maintenance of quiescence, proliferation, SC fate |
62,63,64,67 |
Wnt | Differentiation, SC fate | 66,68,69 |
MAPK | Self-renewal | 70,71 |
Spry1 | Quiescence, return to quiescence after Self-renewal |
72 |
Six1 | Self-renewal | 73 |
Foxo3 | Return to quiescence after self- renewal |
76 |
Satellite cell niche and interactions
Unlike the initial impression that a SC had a fairly simple extracellular localization, it is becoming clear that the SC “niche” (defined as the microenvironment where the quiescent SC resides) is complex, important and thus, highly regulated. The niche composition and structure is critical because extrinsic environmental cues are important determinants of SC functional state, i.e. maintenance of quiescence, activation, and return to quiescence. SCs have a complex interaction with their associated extracellular matrix (ECM). During quiescence, they interact with both the basal lamina and sarcolemma, but, once activated, actively remodel the local extracellular matrix via increased levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)78. This interaction apparently is partly responsible for SC quiescence since simple mechanical disruption of this contact results in immediate activation. During postnatal development79,42 and in adulthood80 proliferating myoblasts are fairly motile and can rather easily cross the ECM between fibers depending on where they are needed. Biomechanical and biochemical properties of the niche may influence SC response. In vitro methods have demonstrated that the elastic stiffness of the extracellular matrix might be important for functional differentiation81 and for self-renewal of SCs82.
Furthermore, tamoxifen-induced experimental ablation of 90% of the SCs 83 revealed that SCs have a regulatory effect on fibroblasts (identified as Tcf4+) since their ablation and chemical injury to the muscles led to increased fibrosis along with poor regeneration. Similarly, experimental ablation of 42% of fibroblasts and chemical muscle injury impaired SC ability to proliferate, leading to premature SC differentiation and smaller regenerated myofibers83. Connective tissue fibroblasts have also been shown to regulate myogenesis and expression of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform84. In another study evaluating the role of SCs on adult muscle hypertrophy and ECM remodeling54 it was shown that after ~90% SC ablation and synergistic ablation of the gastrocnemius and soleus, while compensatory hypertrophy of the plantaris was possible, there was dysregulation of the connective tissue with an increased accumulation of the ECM and an expansion of the fibroblasts. Additionally, in vitro studies suggested that activated SCs exerted negative regulation of fibroblasts. Together, these studies show that ECM, fibroblasts and SCs interact to regulate their function and myogenesis. Interestingly, in other organ systems such as in the liver, similar feedback processes are at play wherein hepatic stellate cells interact intimately with other cells such as hepatocytes and endothelial cells, particularly after injury and inflammation, to ensure appropriate repair. Inappropriate interactions amongst these cells leads to fibrosis85-88.
Apart from the ECM, quiescent SCs are present in close proximity with muscle microvasculature89. On activation, interaction with endothelial cells is facilitated, which is important for angiogenesis to coordinate myogenesis. Furthermore, change in factors associated with the niche can influence SC function. With aging, aberrant signaling within the niche can lead to increased loss of quiescence and SC depletion90. Our current understanding of the composition, cellular interactions and molecular control of the SC niche is quickly evolving.
Cerebral Palsy Palsy & Muscular Dystrophy
Our laboratory has a particular interest in cerebral palsy (CP), which is the most common developmental motor disorder affecting 2-4 children per 1000 every year91. After perinatal brain injury, these children present with significant clinical problems that are related to impaired longitudinal and cross-sectional muscle growth. A most obvious impairment is weakness, that is due in part, to decreased muscle fiber size92 and decreased neural drive93,94. However, more complex musculoskeletal changes are also noted95,96, specifically, the formation of contractures97,98. Paradoxically, these shortened muscles are accompanied by overstretched sarcomeres within the tissue98. Changes in contracture extracellular matrix97, i.e. fibrotic changes and transcriptional profile99,100 also highlight the deranged nature of the muscle tissue. Grossly, there may be changes in the fascicle length95 and tendon length101. Overall it is clear that CP muscle has reduced capacity for longitudinal and cross-sectional growth during the postnatal period. It is our hypothesis that this inability to accommodate growth, because of SC loss and dysfunction leads to contractures (Fig. 3B).
In light of the discussion above where we presented evidence that SCs play a significant role in muscle growth, we speculated that contracture formation may, in part, be due to SC dysfunction. Using flow cytometry of muscle biopsies from children with CP102, we showed that, indeed, compared to typically developing children, children with CP had a significantly reduced (~60%) SC population, expressed as a percentage of all mononuclear cells (Fig. 4A). However, as noted, children with CP have extracellular matrix abnormalities that may systematically bias flow cytometry results in that it may be more difficult to extract SCs from CP muscle. To test this idea, we used the more labor intensive in situ immunohistochemistry method to quantify SCs103 using antibodies for SCs (anti-Pax7) the basal lamina (anti-Laminin) and a nuclear stain (DAPI). By systematically sampling large volumes of tissue, we quantified SC number in situ without significant tissue manipulation (Fig. 5). It turned out that SC number quantified from these sections, as number per 100 myofibers, similarly showed a 70% decrease compared to age-appropriate controls (Fig. 4B). Since total nuclear number was not different between groups, we speculate that SC reduction occurred later during development. Together, these two studies using different methods and different human subjects, demonstrate that it is highly likely that there are significant changes in the SC population in children with CP and suggest possible future avenues for therapeutic intervention using regenerative medicine.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common form of muscular dystrophy that results from a genetic defect leading to a lack of the cytoskeletal muscle protein dystrophin104. Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) is also associated with a defect in the dystrophin gene but is functionally milder. Clinically, children with DMD have progressive weakness starting at age 3-5 that leads to premature death by late adolescence/young adulthood105,104. The impairment in dystrophin and its associated proteins causes an interruption between the myofiber, its sarcolemma and extracellular matrix (ECM)106 leading to altered mechanical stress, reduced stiffness, inflammation, and consequent muscle regeneration107,108. Transgenic mouse models for DMD (mdx, mdx/mTR, mdx/utrophin−/−) have defined the phenotype of muscle dysfunction in DMD and have been used to evaluate the role of SCs in the progressive weakness associated with DMD109. Sacco et al.110 showed that pathological muscle progression in DMD could be related to an inability of the SCs to maintain the capacity to repair following multiple damage-repair cycles, i.e. an early exhaustion of the stem cell pool. Consistent with the idea that dystrophic muscle experiences multiple cycles of regeneration, it has been shown that telomere shortening110 occurs in DMD patients’ muscles111. Most interestingly, somewhat similar to the extracellular matrix changes in CP, there are marked fibrotic changes observed in DMD patients’ muscles and in transgenic mouse models110,112,113. Currently, novel therapies targeting muscle stem cell dysfunction are being evaluated as a means to improve muscle function in dystrophies114-116. Recently focal treatment in mdx mice with wnt7a results in structural improvements such as increased SC number and fiber hypertrophy111. In addition, as would be expected, antifibrotic therapies can improve muscle function by reducing fibrosis and improving muscle regeneration capacity109.
In summary, we have reviewed the role that skeletal muscle stem cells, SCs play during postnatal development and repair. SCs, on activation participate in myogenic function and provide the biological basis for longitudinal and cross-sectional growth. Their activation and subsequent return to quiescence is controlled by complex molecular mechanisms that ensure participation in growth, regeneration and repair while maintaining the SC pool. The SC niche facilitates intimate interaction between SCs and other cell types and allows feedback control among cells to coordinate participation in myogenic function. Children with cerebral palsy have significant problems with longitudinal and cross-sectional muscle growth. Our recent work showed that SC dysfunction could explain that finding and provide new therapeutic directions to enhance muscle function. Children with muscular dystrophies also show similar features of SC depletion and fibrotic changes that may also lend themselves to novel therapeutic treatments.
Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award number NIH grants R24 HD05083, and the Department of Veterans Affairs Grant A9028-R. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Becker muscular dystrophy
- CD
Cluster of differentiation
- CP
Cerebral Palsy
4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Extracellular matrix
Fluorescence- activated cell sorting
Fibroblast growth factor
Forkhead box O3
Hepatocyte growth factor
Insulin-like growth factor
Neural cell adhesion molecule
Mitogen-activated protein kinase
Myogenic regulatory factor
- MYF5
Myogenic factor 5
Myosin heavy chain
- PAX7
Paired box 7
- SC
Satellite cell
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