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JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeons logoLink to JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeons
. 2014 Jul-Sep;18(3):e2014.00058. doi: 10.4293/JSLS.2014.00058

Complications of Laparoscopic Gynecologic Surgery

Mariña Naveiro Fuentes 1, Antonio Rodríguez-Oliver 2,, José Cesáreo Naveiro Rilo 3, Aida González Paredes 4, María Teresa Aguilar Romero 5, Jorge Fernández Parra 6
PMCID: PMC4208895  PMID: 25392659


Background and Objectives:

To analyze the frequency of complications during laparoscopic gynecologic surgery and identify associated risk factors.


A descriptive observational study was performed between January 2000 and December 2012 and included all gynecologic laparoscopies performed at our center. Variables were recorded for patient characteristics, indication for surgery, length of hospital stay (in days), major and minor complications, and conversions to laparotomy. To identify risk factors and variables associated with complications, crude and adjusted odds ratios were calculated with unconditional logistic regression.


Of all 2888 laparoscopies included, most were procedures of moderate difficulty (adnexal surgery) (54.2%). The overall frequency of major complications was 1.93%, and that of minor complications was 4.29%. The level of technical difficulty and existence of prior abdominal surgery were associated with a higher risk of major complications and conversions to laparotomy.


Laparoscopic gynecologic surgery is associated with a low frequency of complications but is a procedure that is not without risk. Greater technical difficulty and prior surgery were factors associated with a higher frequency of complications.

Keywords: Gynecological laparoscopy, Complications, Risk factors, Outcomes


Laparoscopic surgery has become widely accepted by surgeons and patients as an effective technique to treat gynecologic pathologies.1 Better recovery, a shorter hospital stay, less postoperative pain, and lower blood loss are the main arguments in favor of this approach.24

As the technology has improved and surgical skills have increased, the nature and characteristics of laparoscopic procedures have also become more complex. At centers equipped for advanced laparoscopic surgery, procedures such as surgery for complex adnexal lesions, hysterectomies, pelvic floor repair, and resection for severe endometriosis are now performed by this approach.5

Although the incidence of complications decreases as surgeons gain experience with laparoscopy,6,7 the growing difficulty of some procedures in gynecologic surgery may increase the frequency of severe complications (visceral and great vessel injuries).8 According to published studies, the overall rate of complications ranges from 0.4% to 3%.5,911 Complications can be classified as major or minor: the former involve the viscera (intestine, bladder, or ureter) or great vessels (including severe hemorrhage),12 whereas minor complications generally have a relatively low impact on the patient's postoperative course.

Only 1 study has appeared on the complications of laparoscopic surgery in a large series of patients in Spain.13 Accordingly, the aim of this study was to analyze the complications from gynecologic laparoscopies during a 12-year period and identify possible risk factors associated with this type of surgery.


This descriptive study was designed to include all laparoscopic gynecologic surgeries performed at Hospital Virgen de las Nieves (Granada, Spain) from January 2000 to December 2012. The hospital is a university public hospital serving a population of 500 000 persons. A total of 2888 cases were included. The complex procedures were performed by 4 more experienced surgeons, and the rest of the surgical procedures was performed by 16 surgeons.

Information about patient characteristics, surgical procedure, laparoscopy-related complications, and length of hospital stay was entered into a database for later analysis. This is a descriptive, retrospective study. Ethics committee approval was not needed.

At our center, pneumoperitoneum is generally established with a Veress needle located subumbilically or at the Palmer point, to an intra-abdominal pressure of approximately 15 to 20 mm Hg. In some cases the Hasson technique is used. After adequate pressure is achieved, the infraumbilical trocar is inserted, and after video images are obtained, the remaining trocars (between 1 and 3, depending on the technical complexity of the procedure) are inserted under direct visualization.

The following variables for patients' characteristics were recorded: age, morbid obesity (body mass index >35 kg/m2), prior abdominal surgery, year of surgery, and length of hospital stay (in days). Age was classified into 3 categories: <30 years, 30 to 64 years, and >64 years. The year of surgery was grouped into three 3-year periods (2000–2002, 2003–2005, and 2006–2008) and one 4-year period (2009–2012).

To facilitate data analysis, the surgical indications for laparoscopy were classified into 3 groups according to the level of technical difficulty. These 3 groups were chosen based on the classifications of Chapron et al,9 Leonard et al,10 and Härkki-Sirén and Kurki,12 although in this study, groups 1 and 2 together were considered technically simple procedures, group 3 was considered moderate difficulty, and group 4 was considered complex surgery. The simple surgery group included tubal electrocoagulation, coagulation of bleeding areas without other procedures, and diagnostic laparoscopy with or without biopsy. The moderate difficulty group comprised ovarian surgery, including endometriosis (management of ectopic pregnancy, adnexectomy, cystectomy, salpingectomy, tubal plasty, and ovarian drilling), and removal of an intrauterine device that had migrated to the abdominal cavity. The complex surgery group included total and subtotal hysterectomy with or without pelvic lymphadenectomy and myomectomy. Table 1 specifies the procedures in each group.

Table 1.

Characteristics of Gynecologic Laparoscopies (2000–2012)

Age [mean (range)] (y) 35.81 (11–85)
Age group [n (%)]
    <30 y 783 (27.1)
    30–64 y 2010 (69.6)
    >64 y 52 (1.8)
Morbid obesity [n (%)] 51 (1.8)
Prior surgery [n (%)] 455 (15.8)
Period of study [n (%)]
    2000–2002 616 (21.3)
    2003–2005 853 (29.5)
    2006–2008 750 (26)
    2009–2012 669 (23.2)
Level of technical difficulty [n (%)]
    Simple 1074 (37.20)
    Tubal ligation 887 (30.70)
    Diagnostic laparoscopy 157 (5.40)
    Laparoscopy and biopsy 16 (0.60)
    Coagulation 14 (0.50)
    Moderate 1564 (54.20)
    Unilateral adnexectomy 298 (10.30)
    Bilateral adnexectomy 151 (5.20)
    Salpingectomy 294 (10.20)
    Cystectomy 754 (26.10)
    Tubal plasty 6 (0.20)
    Adhesiolysis 41 (1.40)
    Ovarian drilling 5 (0.20)
    IUDa removal 15 (0.50)
    Complex 249 (8.60)
    Subtotal hysterectomy 38 (1.30)
    Total hysterectomy 104 (3.60)
    LAVHa 69 (2.40)
    Myomectomy 38 (1.30)
Hospital stay [mean (range)] (d) 1.42 (0–33)
Length of hospital stay [n (%)]
    0–2 d 2443 (84.60)
    3–7 d 390 (13.50)
    >7 d 37 (1.30)

IUD = intrauterine device; LAVH = laparoscopy-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.

Complications from laparotomy were classified as major and minor. The former group of intraoperative complications included injury to the hollow organs of the viscera (intestine, bladder, or ureter) and bleeding or infection during laparoscopy or the postoperative period requiring additional intervention by laparoscopy or laparotomy. Deaths and severe medical pathologies that occurred during the postoperative period were also considered major complications.

Minor complications were recorded when any of the following occurred: anemia, mild bleeding or infection, fever, abdominal wall hematoma, urinary tract infection, postoperative urinary retention, and ileal paralysis. Major and minor complications or >1 minor complication could coexist in a single patient; women with 1 major and 1 minor complication were considered to have a major complication.

The reasons for conversion to laparotomy were classified into 2 groups (conversion because of complications and conversion for technical reasons). Conversion to laparotomy occurred when any complication arose during laparoscopy that required laparotomy. Failed laparoscopy was recorded when the laparoscopic procedure could not be completed successfully because of inadequate pneumoperitoneum or the presence of any pathology that prevented the surgeon from performing the technique by laparotomy. These 2 variables (conversion to laparotomy and failed laparoscopy) were recorded in the database beginning in the year 2003 (ie, the second 3-year period) and were thus analyzed only for the period from 2003 to 2012.

A descriptive analysis was produced for each variable. Differences between groups were identified with the χ2 test for qualitative variables. In all analyses based on bilateral comparisons, P < .05 was considered statistically significant.

To identify the factors associated with major and minor complications, conversion to laparotomy, or failed laparoscopy, a specific logistic regression model was constructed for each dependent variable, and the crude and adjusted odds ratios were calculated together with their 95% confidence interval (CI). The final regression model was obtained from step-wise analyses with significance of P < .1 in the bivariate analysis as the criterion for entering a given factor into the model. All analyses of the data were performed with SPSS software, version 15.0 (SPSS, Armonk, New York).


Between January 2000 and December 2012, a total of 2888 laparoscopic surgeries were performed at our center. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the patients and the indications for the laparoscopic approach. The mean age was 35.8 years (range, 11–85 years), and 70% of the patients were aged between 30 and 64 years. Prior abdominal surgery was recorded in 15.8% of the patients in this group. Most of the laparoscopies performed at our center during the study period were of moderate technical difficulty (54.2%).

The mean length of hospital stay was <2 days, and 84.6% of the patients were discharged during the first 2 days after the procedure.

As shown in Table 2, the percentage rate of major complications was 1.93% (95% CI, 1.43%–2.48%), with bleeding as the most frequent complication, with only 1 due to a major vessel injury. We found a total of 124 minor complications (4.29%), which were recorded in 84 patients.

Table 2.

Complications During Gynecologic Laparoscopies, Classified by Level of Difficulty, Conversions to Laparotomy, and Failed Laparoscopies

Complications during laparoscopy (n = 2888)
    Major complications [n (%)] 56 (1.93) (95% CI, 1.41–2.48)
        Intestinal perforation 10 (0.35)
        Bladder perforation 4 (0.14)
        Serious bleeding complications 37 (1.28)
        Serious complications from infection 3 (0.10)
        Acute pulmonary edema 1 (0.03)
        Death 1 (0.03)
    Minor complications [n (%)] 124 (4.29) (95% CI, 3.54–5.05) in 84 patients
        Mild anemia 30 (1.04)
        Severe anemia (transfusion) 29 (1.01)
        Minor bleeding complications 15 (0.52)
        Minor complications from infection 4 (0.14)
            Wall abscess 1 (0.03)
            Vaginal vault abscess 2 (0.07)
            Pelvic abscess 1 (0.03)
        Nerve lesion 1 (0.03)
        Fever 9 (0.31)
        Pain of undetermined cause 4 (0.14)
        Subcutaneous emphysema 1 (0.03)
        External genitalia edema 2 (0.07)
        Paralytic ileum 3 (0.10)
        Hernia at laparoscopy trocar 1 (0.03)
        Urinary tract infection 10 (0.35)
        Urinary retention 2 (0.07)
        Hematoma (postoperative) 12 (0.42)
            Postoperative wall hematoma 11 (0.38)
            Postoperative vaginal vault hematoma 1 (0.03)
        Uterine perforation 1 (0.03)
Failed laparoscopy (2003–2012) (n = 2272) [n (%)] 81 (3.57) (95% CI, 2.78–4.35)
Conversion to laparotomy because of complications (2003–2012) (n = 2272) [n (%)] 36 (1.58) (95% CI, 1.05–2.12)

Among the 2272 laparoscopies, the procedure could not be completed in 117 (5.15%) despite the initial indication for this route of access. Laparoscopy failed (ie, the procedure could not be started) in 3.57% of the cases (95% CI, 2.78%–4.35%), and conversion to laparotomy because of a complication was necessary in 1.58% of the cases (95% CI, 1.05%–2.12%) during the course of the procedure.

In the bivariate analysis, the factors associated with major and minor complications, conversion, and failed laparoscopy are shown in Table 3. Patients with prior abdominal surgery had significantly more (P < .001) serious complications (4.2% vs 1.5%) and more failed attempts at laparoscopy. A greater level of difficulty of the procedure was associated with both complications and failed laparoscopy (P < .001). Obesity and age were also significantly associated with failed laparoscopy (P < .001) and serious complications (P = .02), respectively.

Table 3.

Factors Associated With Complications in Gynecologic Laparoscopies

Serious Complications (n = 56) Mild Complications (n = 84) Conversion (n = 36) Failed Laparoscopy (n = 81)
    <30 y 6 (0.8%) 29 (3.5%) 4 (0.7%) 22 (3.7%)
    30–64 y 46 (2.3%) 51 (2.5%) 29 (1.8%) 54 (3.4%)
    >64 y 1 (1.9%) 3 (5.8%) 1 (2%) 4 (7.8%)
    P value .02 .12 .14 .24
Period of study
    2000–2002 11 (1.8%) 17 (2.8%)
    2003–2005 13 (1.5%) 25 (2.9%) 10 (1.2%) 27 (3.2%)
    2006–2008 15 (2%) 12 (1.6%) 11 (1.5%) 22 (2.9%)
    2009–2012 17 (2.5%) 30 (4.5%) 15 (2.2%) 32 (4.8%)
    P value .544 .015 .24 .12
Prior abdominal surgery
    Yes 19 (4.2%) 8 (1.8%) 12 (3%) 24 (6.0%)
    No 37 (1.5%) 76 (3.1%) 24 (1.3%) 57 (3.0%)
    P value < .001 .11 .013 .004
    Yes 2 (3.9%) 0 (0%) 2 (4.3%) 10 (21.3%)
    No 54 (1.9%) 84 (3%) 34 (1.5%) 71 (3.2%)
    P value .26 .4 .13 < .001
Level of difficulty
    Simple 10 (0.9%) 16 (1.5%) 2 (0.3%) 10 (01.4%)
    Moderate 31 (2%) 45 (2.9%) 21 (1.6%) 44 (3.3%)
    Complex 15 (6%) 23 (9.2%) 13 (5.8%) 27 (12.1%)
    P value < .001 < .001 < .001 < .001

When we performed the multiple logistic regression analyses (Tables 4 and 5), we found that serious complications were significantly more frequent in patients with prior abdominal surgery (adjusted odds ratio, 2.77; 95% CI, 1.44–4.99), and the adjusted odds ratio tended to increase with increasing level of technical difficulty of the procedure. Level of difficulty was also directly associated with conversion to laparotomy and failed laparoscopy.

Table 4.

Variables Associated With Serious and Mild Complications in Gynecologic Laparoscopies: Logistic Regression Analysis

Variables Serious Complications
Mild Complications
cORa (95% CI) aORa (95% CI) cOR (95% CI) aOR (95% CI)
Age group
    <30 y 1 1 1 1
    30–64 y 2.4 (0.99–5.79) 2.43 (1.01–5.87) 0.68 (0.43–1.08) 0.56 (0.34–0.93)
    >64 y 1.27 (0.14–1.13) 1.48 (0.68–3.11) 1.59 (0.47–5.41) 0.95 (0.26–3.45)
Period of study
    2000–2002 1 1 1 1
    2003–2005 0.85 (0.38–1.91) 0.75 (0.32–1.77) 1.06 (0.57–1.99) 1.07 (0.57–2.02)
    2006–2008 1.12 (0.51–2.46) 0.80 (0.35–1.85) 0.57 (0.27–1.21) 0.49 (0.23–1.06)
    2009–2012 1.43 (0.67–3.09) 0.72 (0.31–1.69) 1.65 (0.90–3.03) 1.10 (0.57–2.11)
Prior abdominal surgery (yes vs no) 2.67 (1.49–4.77) 2.77 (1.54–4.99) 0.56 (0.27–1.59) 0.59 (0.28–1.25)
Obesity (yes vs no) 2.10 (0.50–8.87)
Level of difficulty
    Simple 1 1 1 1
    Moderate 2.7 (1.23–5.95) 2.84 (1.26–6.40) 1.96 (1.10–3.48) 1.88 (1.02–3.43)
    Complex 7.66 (3.18–8.46) 8.59 (3.38–1.81) 6.73 (3.50–12.94) 7.64 (3.7–15.74)

aOR = adjusted odds ratio; cOR = crude odds ratio.

Table 5.

Variables Associated With Conversion to Laparotomy and Failed Laparoscopies in Gynecologic Laparoscopies: Logistic Regression Analysis

Conversion to Laparotomy Failed Laparoscopy
Variables cORa (95% CI) aORa (95% CI) cOR (95% CI) aOR (95% CI)
Age group
    <30 y 1 1 1 1
    30–64 y 2.75 (0.96–7.84) 2.07 (0.69–6.21) 0.92 (0.55–0.52) 0.62 (0.36–1.08)
    >64 y 2.95 (0.32–26.90) 1.66 (0.17–15.77) 2.21 (0.73–0.69) 0.75 (0.21–2.62)
Period of study
    2003–2005 1 1 1 1
    2006–2008 1.26 (0.53–2.97) 0.91 (0.37–2.26) 0.93 (0.52–1.64) 0.69 (0.38–1.24)
    2009–2012 1.93 (0.86–4.33) 0.88 (0.36–2.14) 1.54 (0.91–2.59) 0.72 (0.40–1.30)
Prior abdominal surgery (yes vs no) 2.37 (1.17–4.77) 2.35 (1.13–4.90) 2.02 (1.24–3.30) 2.17 (1.29–3.64)
Obesity (yes vs no) 2.86 (0.67–2.28) 8.20 (3.93–17.14) 7.04 (3.09–16.02)
Level of difficulty
    Simple 1 1 1 1
    Moderate 5.90 (1.38–25.24) 12.25 (1.61–93.26) 2.49 (1.25–4.98) 2.52 (1.23–5.16)
    Complex 22.56 (5.05–100.78) 47.14 (5.86–378.99) 9.93 (4.73–20.87) 10.81 (4.76–24.58)

aOR = adjusted odds ratio; cOR = crude odds ratio.

Table 6 summarizes the serious complications that occurred during laparoscopy. We found 10 cases of intestinal perforation, 3 of which were diagnosed intraoperatively and 7 postoperatively. In all 10 cases conversion to laparotomy was necessary to manage the perforation. There were 4 cases of injury to the bladder; 1 was managed during laparoscopy. Among the severe bleeding complications, 1 great vessel injury occurred during insertion of the Veress needle into the abdominal cavity, and urgent laparotomy was required. There were 3 cases of serious infection that required further surgery.

Table 6.

Summary of Major Complications

Site of Lesion Type of Surgery Diagnosis Surgical Access Risk Factors
Intestinal perforation (n = 10)
    Rectum LAVHa Postopa LPTa Prior surgery
    Ileum TECa Postop LPT
    Ileum Adnexectomy (endometriosis) Postop LPT Prior surgery
    Jejunum LAVH Postop LPT
    Sigmoid Adnexectomy (endometriosis) Intraopa LPT
    Rectosigmoid Salpingectomy (salpingitis) Intraop LPT Prior surgery
    Ileum Cystectomy + adhesiolysis Postop LPT Prior surgery
    Ileum Adnexectomy + adhesiolysis Postop LPT Prior surgery
    Ileum Bilateral adnexectomy Postop LPT Obesity
    Sigmoid Unilateral adnexectomy Intraop LPT
Bladder injury (n = 4)
    Bladder TEC Postop Surgery at another center Prior surgery
    Bladder Cystectomy and exeresis of prevesical nodule Intraop LPSa
    Bladder Total hysterectomy Postop LPT Prior surgery
    Bladder Subtotal hysterectomy Intraop LPT
Severe bleeding complications (n = 37)
    Vena cava lesion in 1 Adnexectomy (endometriosis) Intraop LPT
    Other bleeding complications in 36 5 simple surgical procedures (13.9%) 11 by LPT (30.5%) 12 prior surgical procedures (33.3%)
21 moderately difficult surgical procedures (58.3%) 25 by LPS (69.5%)
10 complex surgical procedures (27.8%)
Serious complications from infection (n = 3)
    Wall abscess Diagnostic LPS Postop LPT Obesity
    Pelvic abscess Cystectomy Postop LPT
    Vaginal vault abscess Total hysterectomy Postop Vaginal drainage
Acute pulmonary edema (n = 1) Salpingectomy for ectopic pregnancy After transfusion
Death (n = 1) LPS with biopsy Peritoneal carcinomatosis

LAVH = laparoscopy-assisted vaginal hysterectomy; LPS = laparoscopy; LPT = laparotomy; Postop = postoperative; Intraop = intraoperative; TEC = tubal electrocoagulation.

One death occurred after laparoscopy. The patient was aged 66 years and had a diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Her general condition was poor, and laparoscopy was performed to obtain a biopsy specimen. She died of cardiac arrest during the immediate postoperative period.

Of note was the finding that obesity played an important role as a risk factor for failed laparoscopy. Women with obesity were 7 times as likely as women without obesity to require open surgery because laparoscopy could not be initiated (P < .001).


The frequency of major and minor complications according to our data (1.96%) is within the range of values reported in earlier studies, that is, between 0.2% and 3%.5,911,14,15 The results of this study provide evidence that both the degree of difficulty of the operation and prior abdominal surgery are variables that increase the risk of complications during gynecologic laparoscopy, as noted by other authors.9,10,16

Johnston et al5 reported a rate of major complications of 0.6%, considerably lower than our rate (about one-third as high), a difference that may be due to the fact that patients in their study were treated at a center staffed by surgeons who were highly experienced in laparoscopic surgery (between 8 and 16 years of experience), and greater experience is a variable known to be closely related to lower percentage rates of complications.69,11

The indications for laparoscopic surgery in our study differed from those in other recent reports,5,13 in which a larger proportion of laparoscopies were technically complex according to our classification. It should be noted that the data for our study cover a prolonged period of observation (12 years) and that, when laparoscopic surgery was introduced at our center, most procedures were technically simple to perform. Our data are similar to the results published by Chapron et al9 in a French multicenter study of 29 966 laparoscopies.

With time, laparoscopic procedures have become widely used at our center and our surgeons have acquired more experience. As a result, complex laparoscopic procedures have been performed more frequently, and in the final 4-year period of study, simple operations accounted for 10.5% of all cases, moderately difficult procedures for 70.1%, and complex procedures for 19.4%, whereas in the previous period, the rates were 45.2%, 49.4%, and 5.4%, respectively.

Complications are closely related to the level of difficulty of the operation: complex procedures had an 8-fold higher risk of serious complications and a 7-fold higher risk of minor complications compared with technically simple procedures. This finding is consistent with results published by Magrina,8 Chapron et al,9 and Leonard et al.10 The likelihood of conversion and failed laparoscopy was also related to the level of technical difficulty.

In addition, we found that patients with prior abdominal surgery were twice as likely to have major complications compared with patients without this antecedent. The difference between patients can be explained by the presence of abdominal and pelvic adhesions that make surgery more difficult.11,1618

We found no relationship between morbid obesity and major or minor complications, although the bivariate analysis indicated a trend toward a higher percentage of complications in patients with morbid obesity. Other authors who studied obesity as a risk factor also failed to find that complications during laparoscopy were more frequent in patients with obesity compared with patients with a normal body weight.19

Obtaining pneumoperitoneum and inserting the trocars form part of laparoscopy and should not be considered “less important” techniques, given that a non-negligible percentage of complications can occur during these procedures. Occasionally, these complications can be dramatic, as when a great vessel is damaged.20,21 Among the laparoscopies studied in this article, we found 1 case of great vessel injury (vena cava) during entry (0.03%), which required urgent laparotomy to be brought under control.

It is important for major complications to be diagnosed promptly during laparoscopy so that corrective measures can be taken intraoperatively.9,11 In this study only 3 of the 10 intestinal perforations were diagnosed intraoperatively, and the other cases were diagnosed during the early or late postoperative period. The 7 postoperative diagnoses may have been due to the fact that some visceral injuries occurred secondarily to intestinal, bladder, or ureter necrosis as a result of heat injury.9

The risk of conversion to laparotomy increases with the level of difficulty of surgery and can be up to 45-fold higher for complex procedures than for simple procedures. A likely explanation is that the higher frequency of complications during complex operations obliges surgeons to reconvert to laparotomy more often to manage these event.10,11

Failed laparoscopies are more frequent among patients with prior abdominal surgery or obesity, as well as patients who need complex surgery. In patients who have had previous operations, greater difficulty with access or surgical maneuvers is to be expected because of adhesions, as other authors have noted.11,16,18 In addition, establishing access and performing subsequent surgical maneuvers in patients with morbid obesity are difficult when the Trendelenburg position for surgery is required because of potential difficulties with airway pressure.

The risk of complications did not decrease with time during our study period, as we would expect because of increased knowledge of laparoscopy techniques and operator proficiency. The reason for this unexpected finding may be that laparoscopy is being indicated for increasingly complex treatments.

Laparoscopic surgery was a safe procedure in the cases we analyzed at our center, but it is not without risks of serious complications, of which the surgeon should be aware. Technical difficulty and prior abdominal surgery were associated with the appearance of complications; in light of this finding, each patient should be evaluated individually, and surgeons should adapt the procedure and their technical skills to the circumstances particular to each patient.

Contributor Information

Mariña Naveiro Fuentes, Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain..

Antonio Rodríguez-Oliver, Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain..

José Cesáreo Naveiro Rilo, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Gerencia de Atención Primaria de León, León, Spain..

Aida González Paredes, Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain..

María Teresa Aguilar Romero, Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain..

Jorge Fernández Parra, Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain..


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