This study is the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of the application of desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry imaging (DESI-MSI) for discrimination of breast cancer and delineation of tumor margins. Using DESI-MSI, it is possible to discriminate between cancerous and adjacent normal tissue on the basis of the detection and specific spatial distributions of different lipid species. This study proves the feasibility of classifying cancerous and normal breast tissues using ambient ionization MSI. It will allow the surgeon to access to this information in real time so as to make accurate intraoperative decisions quickly. It will result in improved cosmesis and decrease the need for multiple operations for margin reexcision.
Keywords: metabolites, FT-ICR MS, molecular pathology, intrasurgical diagnosis
Distinguishing tumor from normal glandular breast tissue is an important step in breast-conserving surgery. Because this distinction can be challenging in the operative setting, up to 40% of patients require an additional operation when traditional approaches are used. Here, we present a proof-of-concept study to determine the feasibility of using desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry imaging (DESI-MSI) for identifying and differentiating tumor from normal breast tissue. We show that tumor margins can be identified using the spatial distributions and varying intensities of different lipids. Several fatty acids, including oleic acid, were more abundant in the cancerous tissue than in normal tissues. The cancer margins delineated by the molecular images from DESI-MSI were consistent with those margins obtained from histological staining. Our findings prove the feasibility of classifying cancerous and normal breast tissues using ambient ionization MSI. The results suggest that an MS-based method could be developed for the rapid intraoperative detection of residual cancer tissue during breast-conserving surgery.
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed carcinoma in women in the United States and Western countries. Breast conservation surgery (BCS) has become the preferred treatment option for many women with early-stage breast cancer (1). BCS entails resection of the tumor, with a clean margin of normal tissue around it. Surgery is usually followed by radiation therapy. Results from seven large randomized prospective studies, with the largest two having over 20 y of follow-up, have shown equal survival when comparing BCS coupled with whole-breast radiation and mastectomy (2, 3).
Normally, breast surgeons aim to remove a patient’s tumor, along with a rim of normal tissue that is free of cancer. Preoperative mammography, ultrasonography, or MRI may be used by the surgeon to guide adequate resection (4–6). Despite numerous improvements in imaging and surgical technique, the need for reexcision to achieve complete tumor resection in the United States typically ranges from 20–40% (7–15), and has been reported as being as high as 60% (16). The importance of reexcision is underscored by numerous studies, which have shown that incomplete resection of tumor and positive margins are associated with increased locoregional recurrence compared with negative margins (12, 17–20). Furthermore, the landmark meta-analysis performed by the Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group (18, 21) directly linked local recurrence to survival, placing great emphasis on the surgeon’s role in minimizing local recurrence by obtaining adequate margins.
Breast tumor reexcisions are accompanied by a number of undesirable problems: The completion of therapy is delayed, infection rates are increased, cost is increased, there can be a negative psychological impact on the patient, and there can be diminished aesthetic outcomes (22–24). The development of an intraoperative technique that allows the fast and accurate identification of residual tumor at surgical resection margins could decrease the reexcision rate, and therefore improve the care delivered to patients with cancer who are receiving BCS.
To this end, multiple intraoperative methods have been explored, with various benefits as well as limitations. These methods include touch frozen section analysis (25), touch preparation cytology (26), specimen radiography (27, 28), rf spectroscopy (29, 30), Raman spectroscopy (31), radioguided occult lesion localization (32), near-IR fluorescence (33, 34), and high-frequency ultrasound (35–37). The intraoperative application of MRI, which has been successfully applied in brain surgery (38–42), is limited in its application in BCS. These limitations include MRI interpretation in the presence of acute surgical changes; lack of real-time imaging, requiring the interruption of surgery; and accurate localization of tumor based on images requiring development of fiducials (43–46).
Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) has been applied to investigate the molecular distribution of proteins, lipids, and metabolites without the use of labels (47, 48). In particular, the newly developed ambient ionization technique of desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) allows direct tissue analysis with little to no sample preparation (49, 50). Therefore, with the advantage of easy use, DESI-MSI has great potential in the application of intraoperative tumor assessment. The development of DESI-MSI enables the correlation of lipid distribution in two or three dimensions with tissue morphology (47, 51) and the distinction of cancerous from noncancerous tissues based on lipidomic information (52–54). Distinctive lipid profiles associated with different human cancers have been investigated by DESI-MSI (55–58). Moreover, the grades and subtypes of human brain tumors have been discriminated using this technique. Additionally, tumor margins have been delineated using DESI-MSI, and the results have been correlated with histopathological examination (59, 60).
It has been reported that breast cancer demonstrates metabolic profiles that are distinct from those metabolic profiles found in normal breast tissue. This finding suggests a potential for using metabolite information for breast cancer diagnosis and tumor margin identification (61, 62). Here, we demonstrate an MS-based methodology for using lipidomic information to distinguish cancerous from noncancerous tissue and to delineate tumor boundaries.
Metabolite Profiling in Breast Cancer Tissues Using DESI-MSI.
A DESI-MSI profile from the sample can be acquired quickly from a linear region of tissue on a slide (what is referred to as a line scan), or a more complete 2D molecular image can be acquired from a tissue section on a slide, yielding detailed spatial data that can be used to correlate underlying histology with the presence of signatures (multiple peaks) or specific single peaks (from one molecule). The line scan profile is appropriate for rapid data acquisition during a surgical procedure, whereas 2D molecular imaging is carefully done in the research setting to validate signatures relative to classic histopathology criteria. Here, we first demonstrate profiled mass spectra distinguishing normal and tumor tissues and then, in the section below, we present DESI-MSI data from 14 research subjects for more detailed validation.
The tissues from a total of 14 research subjects were analyzed using DESI-MSI. For each research subject, samples were taken at the tumor center, at the tumor edge, and 2 cm and 5 cm away from the tumor, as listed in Table 1. The samples from the contralateral breast were obtained from five research subjects who underwent double mastectomies. All of the samples were analyzed in negative ion mode in the m/z range of 50–1,100, meaning that the negative ions detected were predominantly lipid and metabolite species (47, 51, 54, 56, 59, 60). Compared with positive ion mode, the lipid spectra obtained from negative ion mode gave more unique information. Representative mass spectra from profiled breast cancer and nonneoplastic tissue sections are shown in Fig. 1 with corresponding optical images after histological staining. DESI-MS analysis, followed by standard H&E staining, was performed on the same tissue sections. This validation process has been made possible by using a nondestructive spray solvent (50:50 acetonitrile/dimethylformamide) to preserve tissue integrity during DESI-MSI analyses. Two healthy tissue samples were analyzed first. The first sample comprised breast lobules with epithelial cells (Fig. 1A), and the second comprised fibrous tissue mostly composed of fibroblasts and ECM (Fig. 1B). Most of the ions are detected in an m/z range between 700 and 1,000. According to previous studies, several peaks have been assigned to phospholipid (PL) species as phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylserine (PS), and phosphatidylethanolamine (59, 63–66) (SI Appendix, Table S1). We then confirmed the peak assignments by performing high-resolution MS using a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer. The high-mass precision measurement of the FT-ICR analyzer allowed us to determine the elemental composition of the ions with a precision greater than 0.5 ppm during MS analyses (SI Appendix, Table S1) and to obtain structure information during tandem MS (MS/MS) analyses (SI Appendix, Table S2). From these two samples, series of lipid species present at nearly the same relative abundance [e.g., m/z 788.7 (i.e., PS18:0/18:1) and m/z 885.7 (i.e., PI18:0/20:4)] were identified (Fig. 1 A and B). Below m/z 500, most of the ions detected are background ions (Fig. 1 A and B). The overall signal acquired for fibrous tissue is less intense than for breast lobules due to a lower cell density, and therefore lower total lipid content (Fig. 1 A and B). In contrast, the profiled mass spectrum acquired from breast cancer tissue presents different relative intensities between the same PL peaks and ions of higher abundance in the m/z range of 500–700. Additional peaks in the low-m/z range (i.e., below m/z 500) are also detected (Fig. 1C). Using the DESI-MSI data from each of the 14 research subjects, we subtracted the average profile mass spectra of tumor tissue (Fig. 2A) from the average profile mass spectra of normal tissue (Fig. 2B) belonging to the same research subjects. Fig. 2C displays a “tumor-specific mass spectrum” that highlights all of the ions that could be taken into account to distinguish breast cancer tissue from normal breast tissue by DESI-MSI. Based on the profile mass spectra of Fig. 2C, all of the 14 research subjects have distinctive peak patterns in the low-mass region (Fig. 1C). We also performed high-mass resolution analyses to cross-validate the identification of these metabolites (discussion of sample preparation and MS analysis methods is provided in SI Appendix). We assigned with a precision greater than 0.5 ppm eight peaks present in the subtracted spectrum by an electrospray ionization FT-ICR MS analysis of a lipid extract from the center of a tumor sample from research subject 9 (SI Appendix, Table S1). MS/MS analyses allowed the identification of six of these peaks that are potentially markers of breast cancer (i.e., m/z 255.2, m/z 281.2, m/z 303.2, m/z 365.4, m/z 415.4, m/z 445.4 in SI Appendix, Table S1 and Figs. S1–S6). For m/z 391.4 and m/z 655.6, database searching using the LIPID Metabolites and Pathways Strategy database ( listed a series of isobaric lipids for each m/z value (SI Appendix, Tables S3 and S4).
Table 1.
Summarized description of samples from 14 research subjects
Subject no. | Tumor center | Tumor edge | 2 cm away | 5 cm away | Contralateral | Receptor status | Age, y | Sex | ||
ER | PR | Her2 | ||||||||
1 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Positive | Positive | Negative | 42 | Female |
2 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Negative | Negative | Negative | 63 | Female |
3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Positive | Positive | Negative | 65 | Male |
4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Positive | Positive | Negative | 76 | Female |
5 | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Positive | Positive | Negative | 48 | Female |
6 | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Positive | Positive | Positive | 46 | Female |
7 | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Positive | Positive | Negative | 59 | Female |
8 | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Negative | Negative | Positive | 60 | Female |
9 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Positive | Positive | Negative | 38 | Female |
10 | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Positive | Positive | Negative | 48 | Female |
11 | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Negative | Negative | Negative | 64 | Female |
12 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Positive | Positive | Negative | 47 | Female |
13 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Positive | Positive | Negative | 38 | Female |
14 | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Positive | Positive | Negative | 40 | Female |
N, no; Y, yes.
Fig. 1.
Profiled mass spectra in negative ion mode using DESI-MSI located 5 cm away from tumor (A) and 2 cm away from tumor (B) tissue sections from research subjects 14 and 9, respectively, and a tumor center tissue section from research subject 14 (C). (Right) Histological images of representative tissue regions are shown. (Magnification, 40×.) The red-dashed outlines display background peaks.
Fig. 2.
Average of 14 normalized mass spectra from DESI-MSI analysis of tumor tissue (A) and average of 14 normalized mass spectra from DESI-MSI analysis of normal tissue (B). (C) Subtraction between the two first mass spectra (i.e., A − B).
This distinctive subtracted tumor spectrum can be used for further targeted lipid identification and statistical analyses in the future to guide the intraoperative phenotyping of tumor tissue.
Toward a Breast Tumor Margin by DESI-MSI.
DESI-MSI was performed on breast cancer samples from 14 research subjects to display 2D images correlating the lipid intensities with spatial distributions. Chemical information combined with the analysis of tissue morphology by standard light microscopy allows the differentiation of tumor and healthy tissue.
Fig. 3 includes the DESI MS images from samples of the tumor center, the tumor edge, and 2 cm and 5 cm away from the tumor, as well as from the contralateral breast of research subject 9. The ion maps of four representative ions [m/z 281.2 (oleic acid), m/z 391.4, m/z 655.6, and m/z 885.7 (PI18:0/20:4)] are displayed. All images are plotted with the same intensity scale. The lipid PI18:0/20:4, which is present in both healthy and tumor tissues, is used as a control to demonstrate successful ion detection. PI18:0/20:4 is abundant in tumor tissue (Fig. 3A) and in areas with normal mammary glands (Fig. 3 C–E). The histological images of the sections analyzed by DESI-MSI (sections from samples 2 cm and 5 cm away from tumor and from the contralateral side) confirm the specific localization of the PI18:0/20:4 in the breast lobules of the healthy tissue. However, distinct images were observed for ions with m/z 281.2, m/z 391.4, and m/z 655.6. These lipids are abundant at the tumor center, where there is high tumor cell density (Fig. 3A). These lipids are, however, absent or weak in normal tissue (Fig. 3 C–E). Interestingly, in the tissue section from the tumor edge (Fig. 3B), the tumor margin is sharply delineated by these ions (m/z 281.2, m/z 391.4, and m/z 655.6); high levels of the ions are observed in regions corresponding to tumor on the H&E-stained sections, whereas the ions are absent in the neighboring normal tissue. The ion with m/z 655.6 is still present, although very weak in normal cells (Fig. 3B).
Fig. 3.
DESI MS images from the tumor center (A), the tumor edge (B), 2 cm away from the tumor (C), 5 cm away from the tumor (D), and contralateral side (E) tissue sections from research subject 9 showing the distributions of ions at m/z 281.2, m/z 391.4, m/z 655.6, and m/z 885.7. (Right) Light microscopy images of the H&E-stained sections are shown. (Scale bars, 2 mm.)
Another example from research subject 14 is displayed in Fig. 4. Similarly, the ions at m/z 281.250 and m/z 391.4 are abundant in the tumor center (Fig. 4A) but are not detected in normal breast tissue 2 cm and 5 cm away from the tumor (Fig. 4 C and D). The ion with m/z 655.6 is present in regions corresponding to normal breast lobules and is less intense compared with tumor tissues. In a sample at the tumor edge, m/z 281.2 and m/z 391.4 are detected in an area containing stromal elements but no overt clusters of malignant cells (indicated by white arrows in Fig. 4B). This finding suggests that stromal elements adjacent to the tumor may contribute to the accumulation of these lipids.
Fig. 4.
DESI MS images from the tumor center (A), tumor edge (B), 2 cm away from the tumor (C), and 5 cm away from the tumor (D) tissue sections from research subject 14 showing the distributions of ions at m/z 281.2, m/z 391.4, m/z 655.6, and m/z 885.7. (Right) Light microscopy images of the H&E-stained sections are shown. (Scale bars, 2 mm.)
Tumor and normal tissues were distinguished unambiguously based on a molecular image of characteristic metabolite profiles obtained from DESI-MSI. Further analyses of the data presented in Figs. 3 A and D and 4 A and D using SCiLS laboratory 2014a software (SCiLS GmbH) and global normalization provided results comparable to the original ion images (SI Appendix, Fig. S7).
Overall, 12 of 14 cases demonstrated striking differences between tumor and normal tissues in the distribution of the ions with m/z 281.2 and m/z 391.4. One of the two patients comprising the outlying cases is male, and a male breast has only a limited amount of breast tissue (mostly behind the nipple); thus, the interface of normal breast tissue and tumor rarely exists. The second patient is a perimenopausal woman without a reported history of pregnancy. Normal breast tissue presents such a wide range of physiological variations that it will require further investigation to challenge and validate the results reported here.
Potential Biomarker Characterization.
Although the tumor tissue can be differentiated from healthy tissue simply by visualizing single peaks, such as m/z 281.2 (oleic acid), we conducted principal component analysis (PCA) and targeted lipid identification to increase the accuracy of the evaluation. PCA visualization of data from research subjects 9 and 14 showed separation of the spectra from tumor and normal tissues in both cases (Fig. 5). In Fig. 5A, the spectra from the tumor edge of research subject 9 clustered more closely to the tumor than did the distal normal samples, whereas those spectra from research subject 14 in Fig. 5B were not distinct from the distal normal samples. This observation is consistent with histopathological evaluation indicating that the tissue from the tumor edge of case 9 has a large tumor region (Fig. 3B), whereas the one from case 14 is mostly healthy tissue (Fig. 4B). In both cases, the tumor center spectra were distinctly clustered. Cross-validation between these two datasets was performed to evaluate the classification. Despite a limited sample number, clustering was also observed between the estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and progesterone receptor (PR)-positive tumor center specimens (n = 10) vs. ER-negative and PR-negative (n = 3) specimens (SI Appendix, Fig. S8). PCA of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (Her2)-positive (n = 2) and Her2-negative (n = 11) tumor center specimens, on the contrary, did not present an apparent separation.
Fig. 5.
PCA analysis of DESI-MSI data from mastectomy research subjects 9 (A) and 14 (B). For research subject 9, score plots of the three first principal components (PC1–PC3) display mass spectra from the tumor center group (red dots), tumor edge group (green dots), group located 2 cm away from the tumor (blue dots), group located 5 cm away from the tumor (yellow dots), and contralateral side group (purple dots). For research subject 14, score plots of the three first principal components (PC1–PC3) display mass spectra from the tumor center group (red dots), tumor edge group (green dots), group located 2 cm away from the tumor (blue dots), and group located 5 cm away from tumor (yellow dots).
Failure to discern the margins of breast cancer adequately increases the likelihood of inadequate resection, resulting in higher risk of local recurrence. This fact underscores the importance of accurate margin assessment and complete tumor removal with lumpectomy. Our study is, to our knowledge, the first demonstration of MS use for the discrimination of breast cancer and the delineation of tumor margins. DESI-MSI is an effective technology for rapidly mapping lipid distributions on cell membranes, showing excellent histological specificity and tissue classification. This property facilitates diagnosis of cancer and detection of tumor extent (67, 68). In this feasibility study, the methodology of DESI-MSI was applied to discriminate human breast cancer from adjacent normal tissue using the gold standard H&E stain pathology evaluation as a comparison. The tissues from the tumor edge revealed distinctive molecular images consistent with tumor cell distributions, which were concordant with the interpretation by the breast pathologist, allowing the delineation of the tumor margin. In the profiled spectrum from negative ion mode, distinctive fatty acids and lipids were identified in breast cancer tissues. Studies indicated that medium- and long-chain free fatty acids are implicated in the activation of G protein-coupled receptors expressed in breast cancer cell lines (69–71). Some of these lipids are also known to be involved in the migration, proliferation, and invasion of breast cancer cells (i.e., oleic acid) or more generally in tumor processes (i.e., arachidonic acid) (69, 71–74). About 85% of samples have a significant increase in ion abundance in the low-mass region (i.e., below m/z 700) in tumor samples, whereas most ions in the high-mass range (e.g., m/z 885.7) exist in both the tumor and normal specimen. In the unique “tumor” spectrum, the positive ions (peaks with positive intensities) indicate the lipids abundant in the tumor; in contrast, the negative ions (peaks with negative intensities) imply the molecules from healthy cells. This unique peak pattern identification enables the diagnosis of cancerous tissue in seconds. This property has already been explored intraoperatively in neurosurgery, allowing for definition of margins and guidance of tumor resection (59, 75).
Although we were able to generate a metabolite print for breast cancer tissue that is distinctive from normal tissue in this feasibility study, we do recognize some limitations of DESI-MSI application. The data are generated from a very small number of samples. Furthermore, structural isomerism and stereoisomerism can complicate precise structural assignment (76). However, as we and others have shown, the absence of structural attribution in lipid analysis has not prevented lipid mapping by DESI-MSI. Other studies have shown that for diagnosis performed by DESI-MSI, identification of the lipids present in the mass spectra is not necessary for an empirical correlation of the histopathology and MS data (77). The fact that the characteristic tumor spectra are generated at the tumor center and tumor edge in contrast to unaffected regions from each research subject contributes to the specificity of the presented results. We have not yet tested this method for the detection and identification of skip lesions or multicentric lesions, but the results presented here will likely facilitate the development of an adequate clinical protocol to test our findings further. Our study was limited to invasive ductal carcinoma, but future studies will also be performed on ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive lobular carcinoma through the retrospective analysis of large numbers of banked specimens and dedicated intraoperative protocols.
This work illustrates the feasibility of the application of DESI-MSI as a promising lipidomic-based diagnostic tool in breast cancer. Classification of DESI-MSI data showed high recognition of breast cancer tissue. Additionally, DESI-MSI allowed discrimination between normal and cancerous tissue, hence delineating tumor margins. Further work mapping and characterizing these lipids will assist in increased specificity, identifying subtypes of breast cancer and hormone receptor status. The acquisition of this information will be more rapid than traditional standard means, allowing for more efficient adjuvant treatment planning. Thus far, these distinctive lipid profiles are easy and rapidly generated, allowing for the potential application of DESI-MSI in vivo intraoperatively in BCS to aid in margin assessment. The future direction of DESI-MSI research will be in conducting experiments in situ in lumpectomy cavities and/or on lumpectomy specimens.
Materials and Methods
Tissue Sample Preparation.
All human tissue samples were obtained with informed consent and handled in accordance with approved Institutional Review Board protocols at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana–Farber Cancer Institute. A total of 61 breast tissue samples encompassing tumor and adjacent tissue were obtained from 14 patients with breast cancer who underwent mastectomy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The specimens were collected from the tumor center, tumor edge, and normal breast tissue 2 cm and 5 cm away from tumor, as well as from contralateral breast tissue when bilateral mastectomies were performed. Only cases with invasive ductal carcinoma histology were included in this study. The specimens were classified based on receptor status: ER, PR, and Her2 (78). Among the 14 cancers, nine were ER-positive, PR-positive, and HER2-negative (ER/PR+, HER2−); two were triple-negative (ER/PR−, HER2−); one was ER/PR+, HER2+; one was ER/PR−, HER2+; and one did not have receptor information available. The subjects comprised 13 female patients and 1 male patient, aged 38–76 y.
Samples were flash-frozen and stored in a freezer at −80 °C before analysis. The tissues were sectioned at a thickness of 12 μm using a Microm HM550 cryostat (Mikron Instruments, Inc.). A thickness of 20 μm was selected in several cases with fatty tissue. All samples were mounted on standard glass slides used for histology, which were dried in a desiccator before analysis.
All samples were analyzed using an AmazonSpeed mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics) connected to a commercial DESI source (Prosolia, Inc.). Additional details are provided in SI Appendix.
Histological Staining.
Standard H&E staining was performed on the same tissue sections after DESI-MSI, as well as on serial sections to visualize tissue morphological information. All of the reagents used for H&E staining were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich. The optical tissue images were scanned using an Axio Imager M1 microscope (Zeiss) at a magnification of 40×. The morphology of tissue sections was evaluated on a Mirax Digital Slide Desktop Server system (Zeiss).
PCA Visualization.
PCA clustering was conducted using ClinProTools version 2.3 (Bruker Daltonics) utilizing level scaling, peaking on total average spectrum, no peak limits, peak calculation by intensities, and an m/z range of 500–1,000.
Supplementary Material
This work was funded, in part, by US National Institutes of Health Director’s New Innovator Award 1DP2OD007383-01 (to N.Y.R.A.), US Army Medical Research/Center for Integration of Medicine & Innovative Technology Grant 2010A052245, and National Center for Image-Guided Therapy Grant P41RR019703. The work received support from the Pediatric Low-Grade Astrocytoma Program at Dana–Farber Cancer Institute, the Brain Science Foundation, and the Daniel E. Ponton Fund for the Neurosciences at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Conflict of interest statement: In compliance with Harvard Medical School and Partners Healthcare guidelines on potential conflict of interest, we disclose that S.S. and N.Y.R.A. are scientific advisors to BayesianDx.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
This article contains supporting information online at
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