AVP reduces ISO-mediated cAMP generation in adult feline ventricular myocytes. cAMP generation responses were monitored in AFVM infected with the fluorescent biosensor ICUE3 in response to vehicle (Veh)+ISO (100 nM, A), rolipram (Rol, 1 μM)+Veh+ISO (B), Rol+AVP (1 μM)+ISO (C), Veh+forskolin (Fsk 1 μM, D) or AVP+Fsk (E). F) Summarized area under the curve (AUC) data relative to the Rol+Veh+ISO condition show that AVP pretreatment significantly reduces ISO-mediated cAMP generation, while not affecting Fsk-mediated cAMP generation. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001, ns = not significant, Exact Wilcoxan Rank-Sum Test. N = 20 (ISO), 31 (Rol+ISO), 58 (Rol+AVP+ISO), 13 (Fsk), 11 (AVP+Fsk).