Figure 4.
Number of segments with index t per unit surface area, Nt,bound/M, located at the surface lattice layer, k = 1, for various γ in terminal (a), central (b), and uniform (c) linker architecture systems with ϕpol° = 0.025. In parts a and b, Nl = 20 and ln γ = −0.43 (circles), 0.20 (squares), 1.25 (triangles), and 1.97 (diamonds); in part c, Nl = 5 and ln γ = −3.98 (circles), 6.00 (squares), 8.00 (triangles), and 13.00 (diamonds). In all figures, points are numerical SCFT results, and dashed fit lines are included as guides to the eye; points colored green indicate which polymer segments t are linkers.