Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 42 (17): 11040-55. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku823
The authors have forgotten to acknowledge funding from Epigenomics Flagship Project—EPIGEN, C.N.R. in their article. The full list of funding agencies and institutions is given below.
University Federico II of Naples [PhD fellowship to C.Z. and A.R.]; P.O.R. Campania FSE 2007–2013 Project CREMe [CUP B25B09000050007 to C.Z.]; AIRC IG [11364 to V.E.A.]; Fondazione Medicina Molecolare e Terapia Cellulare, Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche [to V.E.A.]; Epigenomics Flagship Project—EPIGEN, C.N.R. Funding for open access charge: Epigenomics Flagship Project—EPIGEN, C.N.R.