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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Child Adolesc Ment Health. 2014 Aug;26(2):139–156. doi: 10.2989/17280583.2014.907169

Psychometric properties of instruments for assessing depression among African youth: a systematic review

Massy Mutumba 1,2,*, Mark Tomlinson 3, Alexander C Tsai 4,5,6
PMCID: PMC4231821  NIHMSID: NIHMS614310  PMID: 25391712



To systematically review the psychometric properties of instruments used to screen for major depressive disorder or assess depression symptom severity among African youth.


Systematic search terms were applied to seven bibliographic databases: African Journals Online, the African Journal Archive, CINAHL, Embase, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and the WHO African Index Medicus. Studies examining the reliability and/or validity of depression assessment tools were selected for inclusion if they were based on data collected from youth (any author definition) in an African member state of the United Nations. We extracted data on study population characteristics, sampling strategy, sample size, the instrument assessed, and the type of reliability and/or validity evidence provided.


Of 1,027 records, we included 23 studies of 10,499 youth in 10 African countries. Most studies reported excellent scale reliability, but there was much less evidence of equivalence or criterion-related validity. No measures were validated in more than two countries.


There is a paucity of evidence on the reliability or validity of depression assessment among African youth. The field is constrained by a lack of established criterion standards, but studies incorporating mixed methods offer promising strategies for guiding the process of cross-cultural development and validation.

Keywords: depressive disorder, reproducibility of results, adolescent, child, Africa


Mental disorders are a leading cause of disease burden worldwide, including in low- and middle-income countries (Ferrari et al. 2013; Whiteford et al. 2013). Systematic data on the burden of mental disorders among youth, especially in African countries, are scarce. The few studies conducted among African youth suggest the burden of mental disorders is substantial. For example, in their recently published systematic review of community-based studies conducted among children and adolescents in six sub-Saharan African countries, Cortina et al. (2012) found that one in seven children were assessed as having significant psychological difficulties while 1 in 10 were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder.

The paucity of data on mental health problems among African youth is likely due to a number of factors, including the low priority assigned to mental health in these countries (Tomlinson and Lund 2012), limited human resources for mental health (Saxena et al. 2007), and the stigma attached to people with mental disorders (Barke, Nyarko, and Klecha 2011; Crabb et al. 2012; Gureje et al. 2005; Kapungwe et al. 2010). The lack of culturally relevant mental health assessment tools compounds difficulties in screening (Kagee et al. 2013) and further exacerbates these disparities. As highlighted by Cortina et al. (2012), most existing assessment tools for children and adolescents are based on data collected in Western populations. Yet the extent to which these instruments can reliably and/or validly assess depression among African youth is unclear.

Another important reason why problems with the reliability and/or validity of depression assessment might be anticipated in African settings is that, while many symptoms of depression may be universal, mental illness constructs are likely to be burdened with ethnocentric conceptualization. Ethnographic and epidemiologic data suggest that the presentation of these disorders varies substantially across cultures, potentially rendering existing measures incompatible with local concepts of distress (Aidoo and Harpham 2001; Betancourt et al. 2009b; Okello 2006; Okello and Ekblad 2006; Ventevogel et al. 2013). The experience of sadness or depressed mood may not even be a core presenting feature of affective disturbance in some cultural contexts (Bebbington 1993; Tomlinson et al. 2007). Thus, existing depression instruments may have utility if modified appropriately for the local context. However, it is possible that simple literal translation of existing depression instruments may not be sufficient to ensure reliable and/or valid assessments.

As emphasized in the recent World Health Organization (2013) Mental Health Action Plan, strengthening mental health policy, planning, and evaluation in low- and middle-income countries requires quality data, generated through research and evidence-based practice. Previously published reviews have summarized the reliability and validity of instruments for assessing depression among adults (Sweetland, Belkin, and Verdeli 2014) and among pregnant or postpartum women (Tsai et al. 2013). This paper seeks to address a major gap in the literature by systematically reviewing the psychometric properties of instruments used to screen for major depressive disorder or assess depression symptom severity among African youth.


Study selection

The systematic evidence search, which was conducted January-May 2012, employed seven bibliographic databases: African Journals Online, the African Journal Archive, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Embase, the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), PsycINFO, and the World Health Organization African Index Medicus. The specific search terms applied to these databases are listed in Appendix 1. In January 2013 we updated the MEDLINE search to identify articles published in the intervening 6-12 months. All citations from each database’s inception to the search date were imported into the EndNote reference management software program (Version X5, Thomson Reuters, New York, NY), and the “Find Duplicates” algorithm was used to identify duplicate references. One study author (A.C.T.) screened the titles, abstracts, and full texts of the articles to identify potentially relevant articles for inclusion in the study. In addition, we searched the reference lists of articles selected for inclusion and queried colleagues in departments of psychiatry and psychology at other African academic institutions, in order to identify additional potentially relevant articles for inclusion.

Appendix 1.

Search terms applied to bibliographic databases

Database Search terms
The African
Journal Archive
depression or distress
African Journals
(depressive OR depression OR affective OR mood OR postpartum OR postnatal) AND
(diagnosis OR sensitivity OR specificity OR validation OR screening OR
psychometric OR “factor analysis” OR “factor structurefactor analysis” or reliability OR validity OR
Index to Nursing
and Allied Health
MH “affective disorders” OR MH “Beck Depression Inventory, revised edition” OR
MH “Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale” OR MH “Edinburg
Postnatal Depression Scale” OR MH “Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression” OR MH
“Self-Rating Depression Scale” OR “MH Bech-Rafaelson Melanchoha Scale” OR MH
AB Depression OR AB Depressive OR AB “psychological distress” OR AB idiom)
AND (MH Africa OR MH refugees or MH AB Africa) AND (MH diagnosis OR MH
psychometrics OR MH “factor analysis” OR MH “rehability and validity” or MH
“Rasch analysis” OR AB “constmct validity” OR AB “convergent validity” OR AB
“divergent validity” OR AB “discriminant validity” OR AB “content validity” OR AB
“face validity” OR AB “criterion validity” OR AB “concurrent validity” OR AB
“predictive validity” OR AB validity OR AB reliability OR AB consistency)
Embase (depressionxl OR “distress syndrome” :cl OR “Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia scale” :cl
OR “Beck Depression lnventory”:cl OR Beck Hopelessness Scale”:cl OR “Brief
Psychiatric Rating Scale”:cl OR “Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale”:cl OR
“General Health Questionnaire”:cl OR “Hamilton Scale”:cl OR “Montgomery Asberg
Depression Rating Scale”:cl OR Psychiatric Symptom lndex”:cl OR “Self-Rating
Depression Scale”:cl OR “Symptom Checklist 90”:cl OR depressive:ab OR
depression:ab OR “psychological disttess”:ab OR idiom:ab) AND (Africa:cl OR
refugee:cl OR Africa:ab) AND (“psychiatric diagnosis”cl OR diagnosis:cl OR
“sensitivity and specificity”:cl OR validity:cl OR reliability:cl OR “mass screening”:cl
OR “factorial analysis”:cl OR “Rasch analysis”:cl OR psychometry:cl OR
screening:ab OR psychometric:ab OR “factor analysis”:ab OR “factor structure”:ab
OR “Rasch analysis”:ab OR “latent ttait analysis”:ab OR “construct validity”:ab OR
“convergent validity”:ab OR “divergent validity”:ab OR “discriminant validity”:ab OR
“content validity”:ab OR “face validity”:ab OR “criterion validity”:ab OR “concurrent
validity”:ab OR “predictive validity”:ab OR validity:ab OR reliability:ab OR
Analysis and
Retrieval System
(“depressive disorder”[MeSH Terms] OR “depression”[MeSH Terms] OR “affective
symptoms”[MeSH Terms] OR “mood disorders” [MeSH Terms] OR “depression
postpartum” [MeSH Terms] OR “stress, psychological” [MeSH Terms] OR
“depressive” [TIAB] OR “depression” [TIAB] OR “psychological distress” [TIAB] OR
“idiom” [TIAB] AND (“Africa” [MeSH Terms] OR “refugees” [MeSH Terms] OR
“Africa” [TIAB] AND (“diagnosis”[MeSH Terms] OR “sensitivity and
specificity” [MeSH Terms] OR “reproducibility of results” [MeSH Terms] OR
“validation studies as topic”[MeSH Terms] OR “validation studies”[Pubhcation type]
OR “screening” [TIAB] OR “psychometric”[TIAB] OR “factor analysis”[TIAB] OR
factor structure” [TIAB] OR “Rasch analysis” [TIAB] OR “latent trait
analysis” [TIAB] OR “construct validity” [TIAB] OR “convergent validity” [TIAB]
OR “divergent validity” [TIAB] OR “discriminant validity” [TIAB] OR “content
validity” [TIAB] OR “face validity” [TIAB] OR “criterion validility” [TIAB] OR
“concurrent validity” [TIAB] OR “predictive validity” [TIAB] OR “validity” [TIAB]
OR “reliability”[TIAB] OR “consistency”[TIAB])
PsycINFO (DE “affective disorders” OR “DE “stress” OR AB “depressive” OR AB “depression”
OR AB “psychological distress” OR AB “idiom) AND (DE “African cultural groups”
OR DE “refugees” OR AB “Africa”) AND (DE “test validity” OR DE “statistical
validity” OR DE “factor analysis” OR DE “screening” OR DE “psychometrics” OR
AB “psychometrics” OR AB “factor analysis” OR AB “factor structure” OR AB
“Rasch analysis” OR AB “latent trait analysis” OR AB “construct validity” OR AB
“construct validity” OR AB “convergent validity” OR AB “divergent validity” OR AB
“discriminant validity” OR AB “content validity” OR AB “face validity” OR AB
“criterion validity” OR AB “concurrent validity” OR AB “predictive validity” OR AB
“validity” OR AB “reliability” OR AB “consistency”
World Health
Index Medicus
Depression or distress

All database searches were completed on January 27, 2012, with the exception of searches conducted using the African Journal Archive, African Journals Online, and the World Health Organization African Index Medicus, which were completed May 30, 2012. The Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online search was updated on January 23, 2013.

In screening articles, we recognized that no standard definition of adolescence exists, especially cross-culturally, and that the conventional definition of “youth” as employed by the United Nations includes persons aged 24 years or younger. We therefore included studies of youth but permitted any author-provided definition to determine eligibility for inclusion. In addition, studies had to meet the following criteria: (a) data were collected from any African member state of the United Nations; (b) a questionnaire (e.g., diagnostic interview schedule, screening instrument, or symptom rating scale) was used to screen study participants for major depressive disorder or to measure depression symptom severity; and (c) the reliability and/or validity of the questionnaire was assessed. There were no language or study participant age restrictions.

We accepted a wide range of reliability and validity evidence for inclusion in this review, including: evaluations of linguistic, conceptual, or metric equivalence (Brislin, 1993); analyses of the reproducibility of scale measurements, either between raters (inter-rater reliability) or from one measurement to the next (test-retest reliability); assessments of measurement structure, either of the extent to which scale items measure the same latent construct (internal consistency) or of the scale’s overall factor structure; and/or confirmation of hypothesized relationships between the measurement scale and other variables of interest (American Educational Research Association 1999), such as a reference criterion standard (e.g., diagnosis of major depressive disorder consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) or variables conceptually thought to be related to depression (convergent validity). Because virtually any study estimating the association between depression and another variable of interest could potentially be considered as presenting evidence of construct validity, and because Cronbach’s alpha coefficients are near-universally reported in studies not focused on psychometric assessment (such as observational and experimental studies), we excluded studies in which these were the sole form of evidence presented.

Two study authors (M.M., A.C.T.) worked independently to abstract data from the included reports, and then compared their findings, with all disagreements resolved through consensus. For each report, data were extracted on the characteristics of the study population, including sampling strategy, sample size, inclusion criteria, instrument assessed, and type of reliability and/or validity evidence provided. Due to heterogeneity in the types of measures and study designs employed, we did not attempt to summarize the data using meta-analysis.

Ethics statement

This study was reviewed by the Partners Human Research Committee and deemed exempt from full review because it was based on anonymous, public-use data with no identifiable information on participants.


Study characteristics

Our database searches yielded 1,027 records, of which 110 were duplicates. After reviewing the remaining 917 records, we excluded 791 records on the basis of title and abstract screening. We then retrieved 126 reports, including peer-reviewed journal articles and doctoral dissertations, for full text review. Of these, 108 reports were excluded because they did not provide evidence of the reliability or validity of an instrument used to assess mental disorders among African youth. Five journal articles were identified from reference lists and by querying local experts. In all, 23 studies were included in this review. No articles written in languages other than English met inclusion criteria.

Summary statistics for the sample are provided in Table 1. A total of 10,499 youth spanning ages 3-26 years, and 1,089 adult key informants (e.g., parents, caregivers, or health care workers), participated across all studies. Most studies (17 [74%]) limited inclusion to persons 24 years of age or younger. A total of 12 studies (52%) limited inclusion to children and adolescents 18 years of age or younger. Three studies included university students up to 53 years in age but did not report stratified analyses for youth, while other studies included persons older than 18 years but described them as “adolescents.” Sample sizes (which in a few cases included both youth as well as adult key informants) ranged from 56 to 1114, with a median of 464. Most studies employed non-probability-based sampling designs, such as convenience and/or purposive samples. Studies based on probability samples were largely conducted within school settings. Slightly more than one-half of the studies were based on data obtained from school-going youth.

Table 1.

Characteristics of the sample (N=23)

Study characteristic Number (percentage) or
median (range)
Country of origin
 South Africa 7 (30)
 Egypt 3 (13)
 Uganda 3 (13)
 Other 10 (43)
Year of publication
 Prior to 2010 9 (39)
 2010 5 (22)
 2011 6 (26)
 2012 3 (13)
Sample size, median (range) 450 (10-1,216)
Type of instrument assessed
 Screening instrument or symptom rating scale 20 (87)
 Diagnostic interview schedule 3 (13)
Study population
 Community 22 (96)
 Outpatient 3 (13)
 Inpatient 1 (4)
Type of evidence provided
 Reliability 17 (74)
 Construct validity 9 (39)
 Equivalence or content validity 7 (30)
 Criterion-related validity 6 (26)
 Internal structure 6 26)

Includes Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia (2 studies), Kenya, Nigeria (2 studies), Rwanda (2 studies), and Tanzania

Interquartile range, 178-804

Percentages may not add up to 100, as categories are not mutually exclusive

Altogether, 15 different measurement tools were assessed for reliability and/or validity. Screening instruments such as the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression scale (CES-D) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were the most frequently studied measures. These were typically compared to criterion standard diagnoses derived from diagnostic interview schedules. Reliability or validity evidence was obtained in two countries for several instruments: the BDI (Nigeria, South Africa), the Children’s Depression Inventory (Egypt, Tanzania), the CES-D (Rwanda, South Africa), and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda). However, no instrument was assessed in more than two different contexts. Only three studies explored aspects of equivalence or the validity of the diagnostic interview schedules themselves (Flisher, Sorsdahl, and Lund 2012; Kebede et al. 2000; Sharp et al. 2011).

Evidence for reliability and validity

Further details of the included studies are provided in Table 2. Most studies (16 [70%]) reported the internal consistency of the measure used, with the reported Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranging from 0.67-0.90 (median, 0.86). Six studies (27%) reported test-retest reliability, with values ranging from 0.32-0.89 (Adewuya, Ola, and Afolabi 2006a; Adewuya, Ola, and Aloba 2007; Betancourt et al. 2012; Betancourt et al. 2009a; Flisher et al. 2012; Rothon et al. 2011). Only two studies reported inter-rater reliability (Betancourt et al. 2009a; Kebede et al. 2000).

Table 2.

Studies validating instruments for screening and measurement of depression among African youth

Reference Study design Instrument(s) assessed Evidence of reliability or validity
Abubakar and Fischer (2012) A convenience sample of 427 working adults (25-43 years),
108 university students (19-23 years) and 696 secondary
school students (14-19 years) in urban Kenya self-
administered the English version of the General Health
Questionnaire (GHQ-12).
GHQ-12 Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test five different models
of the GHQ-12. The best-fitting model was a three-dimensional
model of anxiety/depression, loss of confidence, and social
dysfunction. The multi-dimensionality appeared to be
substantively related to negative wording.
Adewuya et al. (2006a) A probability sample of 512 students (15-40 years) in Nigeria
self-administered English versions of the 9-item Patient Health
Questionnaire (PHQ) and 21-item Beck Depression Inventory
(BDI). Research assistants administered the Mini International
Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) in English to establish the
reference criterion of major and minor depressive disorder.
The internal consistency of the PHQ-9 was 0.85. The PHQ-9 had a
statistically significant correlation with the BDI (Spearman’s rho =
0.67, P<0.001). PHQ-9 scores obtained 4 weeks apart had a
statistically significant correlation with each other (Spearman’s
rho = 0.89, P<0.001). PHQ-9 ≥5 had 0.90 sensitivity and 0.99
specificity for detecting combined major and minor depressive
disorder (AUC = 0.991). PHQ-9 ≥10 had 0.85 sensitivity and 0.99
specificity for detecting major depression (AUC = 0.985).
Adewuya et al. (2007) A stratified random sample of 1,095 Nigerian adolescents (13-
18 years) in secondary school completed the 21-item BDI. The
entire high-morbidity group (≥ 10) and 10% of those in the
low-morbidity group (<10) were administered the Schedule for
Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-aged
Children-Epidemiological Version 5 (K-SADS-E) by
psychiatrists blinded to the BDI scores to establish the
reference criterion diagnosis of major depressive disorder
BDI-21 The internal consistency of the BDI was 0.82. BDI scores obtained
2 weeks apart had a statistically significant correlation
(Spearman’s rho = 0.72, P<0.001). BDI ≥18 had 0.91 sensitivity
and 0.97 specificity for detecting major depressive disorder (AUC
= 0.985). In a separately reported analysis (Adewuya and Ologun, 2006b), significant correlates of depressive symptoms were:
parental depression, interpersonal problems, self-esteem, and
Ambaw (2011) A randomly selected sample of 804 orphans (11-18 years)
receiving care at 16 selected orphan support organizations in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia were administered the Amharic version
of the 14-item Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
by trained interviewers.
HADS Factor analysis revealed two factors (anxiety, depression) that
explained 46% of the total variance. In the overall sample,
consistency of the HADS depression and anxiety sub-scales were
0.76 and 0.81 respectively. In the subsample of orphans aged 11-
15 years, the internal consistency of the depression and anxiety
sub-scales were 0.77 and 0.80 respectively.
Bekhet and Zauszniewski (2010) A convenience sample of 170 adolescents (17-20 years)
studying at a nursing school in Egypt self-administered the 8-
item Arabic version of the Depression Cognition Scale (DCS).
DCS The internal consistency of the DCS was 0.86. Factor analysis
confirmed the presence of a single factor. The DCS had a
statistically significant positive correlation with a scale measuring
alienation (r=0.51, P<0.01).
Betancourt et al. (2009a) A convenience sample of 178 adolescents (14-17 years) and
their caregivers in two IDP camps in Gulu were administered
the 60-item Acholi Psychosocial Assessment Instrument
(APAI) to identify local mental health syndromes, three of
which (two tam, par, and kumu) overlap with western concepts
of mood disorders. Participants were randomly selected for a
second interview, either 1-3 days later to determine test-re-test
reliability (N = 30), or by other interviewer to determine inter-
rater reliability (N = 19). Caseness was by determined by
agreement between both the adolescent and the caregiver.
APAI For the 16-item two tam subscale, internal consistency was 0.87,
split halves reliability (Spearman-Brown) was 0.88, test-retest
reliability was 0.79, and inter-rater reliability was 0.86. For the 13-
item kumu subscale, internal consistency was 0.87, split halves
reliability was 0.88, test-retest reliability was 0.83, and inter-rater
reliability was 0.92. For the 17-item par subscale, internal
consistency was 0.84, split halves reliability was 0.83, test-retest
reliability was 0.79, and inter-rater reliability was 0.78. Mean
subscale scores were greater among adolescents identified as
having those syndromes (P<0.001 for each). In a subsequent study
of 667 youth, the APAI was refined using item response theory
and reconfigured into a shorter, 41-item African Youth
Psychosocial Assessment designed for use in assessing mental
health among African youth more broadly (Betancourt et al., in
Betancourt et al. (2009b) This was a qualitative study of 56 children (10-17 years) and
47 adult key informants living in two IDP camps in Gulu,
Not applicable Key informants identified three local syndromes that overlap with
mood and depressive disorders: two tam (having “lots of
thoughts”), kumu (persistent grief and par (having many worries).
Betancourt et al. (2011) A purposive sample of 31 adults and 43 children (10-17 years)
in southwestern Rwanda was asked to free-list problems faced
by HIV-affected children. A snowball sample of 90 adults
(including 10 clinicians) and 38 children participated in in-
depth key informant interviews to explore specific local
Not applicable Participants identified local syndromes that overlap with DSM-IV
criteria for dysthymia and major depressive disorder, including
guhangayika (constant anxiety/stress), agahinda kenshi (persistent
sorrow or sadness), and kwiheba (severe hopelessness). Umishiha
(persistent irritability or anger) emerged as the syndrome most
heavily influenced by repeated experience of loss and stigma due
Betancourt et al. (2012) The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression scale for
Children (CES-DC) was adapted by including parenthetical
reminders of the conceptually equivalent Kinyarwanda
symptom terms identified in a qualitative study. The modified
CES-DC underwent cognitive testing with a convenience
sample of 46 children and adolescents. The Pearson correlation
coefficient was used to estimate test-retest reliability in a
convenience sample of 34 children (10-17 years) who were re-
interviewed 1-3 days after initial assessment. The intra-class
correlation coefficient was used to estimate inter-rater
reliability in a convenience sample of 30 children and
adolescents (10-17 years). A purposive sample of 467 children
and adolescents (10-17 years) in southeastern Rwanda were
administered the modified CES-DC. Psychologists blind to the
CES-DC scores administered the MINI for Children and
Adolescents (MINIKID) to establish the reference criterion
diagnosis for depressive disorder.
CES-DC The CES-DC had an internal consistency of 0.86. The Pearson
coefficient for test-retest reliability was 0.85. The intra-class
correlation within participants was 0.82. CES-DC ≥30 had 0.82
sensitivity and 0.72 specificity for detecting depression (AUC =
0.83). The CES-DC had a statistically significant association with
a measure of functional disability (Pearson’s r=0.46; P<0.001).
Cherian, Peltzer, and Cherian (1998) A random sample of 622 grade 11 secondary school students
(17-24 years) in Northern Province, South Africa were
administered the 20-item Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ)
by trainee teachers.
SRQ The SRQ had an internal consistency of 0.9. Factor analysis
revealed four factors (anxiety/depression, depression, anxiety, and
somatic complaints) accounting for 51% of the total variance.
El-Missiry et al. (2012) A probability sample of 602 girls (14-17 years) in secondary
schools in Cairo, Egypt self-administered the Arabic version of
the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI). A researcher blind
to the CDI scores administered the Structured Clinical
Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Diagnosis Research Version,
Non-Patient Edition (SCID-I/NP) to establish the reference
criterion, a combined diagnosis of major depression,
dysthymia, and adjustment disorder.
CDI CDI ≥24 had 0.75 sensitivity and 0.98 specificity for detecting
depressive disorders. CDI scores had statistically significant
associations with poor academic achievement (P<0.001),
termination of romantic relationships (P<0.001), a quarrelsome
home environment (P<0.001), and negative life events (P=0.01).
Ertl et al. (2010) A random sample of 1,114 war-affected adolescents and young
adults (12-25 years) living in IDP camps in Northern Uganda
were administered the 15-item HSCL. A randomly selected
subset of 68 participants underwent expert validation
interviews, 4-18 days after the initial interview, by blinded
psychologists who administered the MINI to establish the
reference criterion diagnosis for major depressive disorder.
HSCL-15 The HSCL-15 had an internal consistency of 0.89. HSCL-15
≥2.65 had 0.50 sensitivity and 0.83 specificity for detecting major
depressive disorder (AUC = 0.76). The widely used cutoff ≥1.75
had 0.86 sensitivity and 0.44 specificity. HSCL-15 scores had
statistically significant associations with the Posttraumatic
Diagnostic Scale (P<0.001), a locally-derived measure of
functional impairment (P<0.001), and suicide risk (P=0.002).
Flisher et al. (2012) A sample of 105 parent/caregiver and child (12-17 years) pairs
from a peri-urban South African clinic and community sample
participated in the study. Trained research assistants
administered the Xhosa version of the Diagnostic Interview
Schedule for Children (DISC-IV) and then again two weeks
DISC-IV Test-retest reliabilities for parent informants were as follows:
MDD (κ = 0.662), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) (κ =
0.662), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (κ =
0.559), anxiety (κ = 0.448) and agarophobia (κ = 0.789). Test-
retest reliabilities youth informants were: MDD (κ = 0.661), ODD
(κ = 0.385), ADHD (κ = 0.227), anxiety (κ = 0.145) and
agarophobia (κ = 0.579). The test-retest reliabilities of the
combined parent-child algorithm lay between the parent and youth
findings but only MDD yielded substantial results (κ = 0.662).
Ibrahim, Kelly, and Glazebrook (2012) A probability sample of 988 Egyptian undergraduate
university students (16-26 years) self-administered a modified
46-item Arabic version of the Zagazig Depression Scale.
Zagazig The Zagazig Depression Scale had an internal consistency of 0.90
and a split-half reliability of 0.89. Internal consistency of the
subscales ranged between 0.64-0.79. Factor analysis revealed an
11-factor solution that explained 62% of the variance: depression,
suicidal ideation, guilty feelings, insomnia, agitation/
hypochondriasis, sleep maintenance, cognitive impairment,
diminished energy, weight loss, and sexual symptoms.
Kebede et al. (2000) A purposive sample of 255 children and adolescents (6-18
years) was obtained from the inpatient and outpatient wards of
a psychiatric hospital, a school for mentally disabled children,
and the surrounding community in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. For
children aged 6-11 years, the parent or primary caregiver was
interviewed. One trained lay interviewer and one clinician
participated in each interview; one administered the Revised
Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents (DICA-R)
in Amharic, while both coded the responses independently.
DICA-R The kappa statistic for agreement on the DSM-III diagnosis of
major depressive episode was 0.90.
Lowenthal et al. (2011) A convenience sample of 509 HIV-positive children and
adolescents (8-16 years) in two outpatient settings in Botswana
were administered the Setswana version of the 35-item
Pediatric Symptom Checklist-Youth Version (PSC-Y) and the
CDI, while one parent/guardian was administered the PSC
(i.e., adult version). The reference criterion for the PSC was
“parent and clinic staff reports of concern about the child”,
while the reference criterion for the PSC-Y was depressive
disorder as diagnosed by the CDI.
Internal consistency was 0.87 for the PSC-35 and 0.86 for the
PSC-35-Y. PSC-35 ≥20 had 0.62 sensitivity and 0.86 specificity
for detecting concern about the child (AUC = 0.85). PSC-35-Y
≥20 had 0.64 sensitivity and 0.88 specificity for detecting
depression (AUC = 0.81).
Mels et al. (2010) Focus group interviews with 66 key informants in the
Democratic Republic of Congo were used to derive a list of
locally observed symptoms. The 37-item HSCL was modified
by removing two items that did not emerge in the qualitative
interviews (“feeling trapped”, “using sleeping pills),
condensing two items into a single item (“drinking alcohol”)
and adding four frequently mentioned local idioms
(“overburdened by worries”, ”talking to oneself”, “not
interested in school”, “not following the rules”). The Swahili
or Congolese French versions of the modified 38-item HSCL
were administered to 1,046 adolescents (13-21 years) in a
school-based survey.
HSCL-38 One item (“loss of sexual interes”) was excluded from analysis
due to a high proportion of missing values, especially among
participants in Catholic schools. The French version of the HSCL-
38 had an internal consistency of 0.90, with coefficients ranging
from 0.76-0.89 on the four subscales (internalizing, depression,
anxiety, externalizing). The Swahili version of the HSCL-38 had
an internal consistency of 0.91, with a subscale coefficients
ranging from 0.66-0.91. Exploratory factor analysis revealed two
factors broadly categorized an internalizing and externalizing
problems. The modified HSCL-38 total score had statistically
significant associations with the Impact of Event Scale-Revised
and its possible subscale scores, the Adolescent Complex
Emergency Exposure Scale, and subjective psychological
Pretorius (1991) A sample of 450 undergraduate psychology students (19-53
years) in South Africa self-administered the CES-D.
CES-D The CES-D had an internal consistency of 0.90. Factor analysis
revealed a four-factor solution. The internal consistencies of the
factor subscales were as follows: depressed affect (0.85), somatic-
retarded activity (0.71), positive affect (0.73), and interpersonal
relations (0.70). The 57-item Life Experiences Survey had a
statistically significant association with the CES-D total score
(Pearson’s r=0.21, P<0.05), as well as with three of the factors:
depressed affect (r=0.18, P<0.01), somatic-retarded activity
(r=0.26, P<0.01) and interpersonal relations (r=0.15, p <0.01).
Pretorius (1998) A sample of 213 undergraduate psychology students (19-53
years) in South Africa self-administered the CES-D.
CES-D The CES-D had an internal consistency of 0.90. The CES-D had a
statistically significant association with the Life Experiences
Survey-Negative (Pearson’s r=0.19, P<0.05).
Rothon et al. (2011) A convenience sample of 237 adolescents (14-15 years) in
Cape Town, South Africa self-administered the Afrikaans or
isiXhosa versions of the 13-item Short Moods and Feelings
Questionnaire (SMFQ) on two occasions one week apart.
SMFQ The SMFQ had an internal consistency of 0.85. The correlation
between SMFQ scores one week apart was 0.32 (P-value not
Sharp et al. (2011) A focus group interview was held in English with 10 Sesotho-
speaking clinicians (five clinical psychologists, five licensed
social workers, and one clinical psychology intern) in
Bloemfontein, South Africa. Data were grouped into broad
thematic areas.
DISC-IV Participants identified a number of cultural considerations that
could affect the utility of the DISC in the Sesotho context. These
included its rigid response structure, “Americanisms,” problems in
interpretation due to widespread socioeconomic adversity,
language problems, and cultural norms about psychiatric
symptoms, the expression of emotion and family structure.
Traube et al. (2010) After a local work group translated the CDI, field workers
provided further input to modify three scale items. The CDI
was then administered to four groups of children and
adolescents in southwestern Tanzania (3-19 years), including
orphans living in a local residential facility vs. those who were
CDI The CDI had an internal consistency of 0.67, and the subscale
reliability coefficients were lower: negative mood (0.31),
interpersonal problems (0.24), ineffectiveness (0.11), anhedonia
(0.58), and negative self-esteem (0.34). Spearman-Brown split half
reliability was 0.66. The proportion of orphans with high-risk
symptoms was lower among residents of the orphan facility
compared to orphans not living in the facility (14.3% vs. 47.1%).
Ward et al. (2003) A convenience sample of 104 students (12-18 years) in Cape
Town, South Africa self-administered the 21-item BDI in
English, Afrikaans, or Xhosa. Participants completed the
questionnaire again 10-14 days after the initial self-
BDI-21 Internal consistency of the BDI was 0.86. Test-retest reliability
was described as “good” but the estimated kappa coefficients were
not reported.

ADHD = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; AUC = area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve; BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; CDI = Child Depression Inventory; CES-DC = Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression scale for Children; DCS = Depression Cognition Scale; DICA-R = Revised Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents; DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; GHQ = General Health Questionnaire; HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HSCL = Hopkins Symptom Checklist; IDP = internally displaced persons; K-SADS-E = Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-aged Children-Epidemiological Version 5; MDD = Major Depressive Disorder; MINI = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview; MINIKID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents; ODD = Oppositional Defiant Disorder; PHQ = Patient Health Questionnaire; PSC-Y = Pediatric Symptom Checklist-Youth version; SCID-I/NP = Structured Clinical interview for DSM-IV Axis I Diagnosis Research Version, Non-Patient Edition; SMFQ = Short Moods and Feelings Questionnaire; SRQ = Self-Reporting Questionnaire

Construct validity was typically assessed by estimating the association between depression scores and other variables of conceptual interest. These associations were in the hypothesized direction and included variables such as family problems, functional disability, negative life experiences, and traumatic stress. Six studies (26%) assessed the factor structure of the scale within the study population (Table 3). Of these, nearly all yielded a factor structure consistent with the original scale (most of which were developed in Western countries). Seven studies (30%) investigated different aspects of equivalence, typically through the use of in-depth interviews with local informants to identify and/or understand symptom profiles of local concepts of distress

Table 3.

Factor stmcture of depression instruments as compared to the factor structure determined in the original publications

Author Instrument Factor structure obtained
in African setting
Comparison to
original study
Abubakar et al. (2012) GHQ Anxiety/depression, loss of
confidence, social
dysfunction (Kenya)
loss of confidence,
social dysfunction
(UK) (Goldberg, 1972)
Ambaw (2011) HADS Anxiety, depression
Anxiety, depression
(UK) (Moorey et al., 1991;
Zigmond and Snaith, 1983)
Bekhet et al. (2010) DCS Depression (Egypt) Depression (U.S.
(Zauszniewski, 1995)
Ibrahim et al. (2012) Zagazig Depression, suicidal
ideation, guilt, anxiety,
insomnia, agitation, sleep
maintenance, concentration,
amotivation, weight loss,
sexual symptoms (Egypt)
17 factors (Egypt)
(Fawzi et al., 1982)
Mels et al. (2010) HSCL Internalizing, externalizing
(Democratic Republic of the
(Netherlands) (Bean et al., 2007)
Pretorius (1991) CES-DC Depressed affect, somatic-
retarded activity, positive
affect, interpersonal
relations (South Africa)
Depressed affect,
activity, positive
affect, interpersonal
relations (U.S.)
(Radloff, 1977)

CES-DC = Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression scale for Children; DCS = Depression Cognition Scale; GHQ = General Health Questionnaire; HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HSCL = Hopkins Symptom Checklist;

Six studies (26%) estimated the criterion-related validity of the mental health instrument. To establish the reference criterion diagnosis, most studies employed a structured diagnostic interview such as the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, while others used caregiver/clinical reports of concern. Estimated sensitivity tended to be lower than specificity, with sensitivity values ranging from 0.50-0.91 (median, 0.79) and specificity values ranging from 0.72-0.99 (median, 0.92).


In this systematic review of the psychometric properties of instruments used to screen for major depressive disorder or assess depression symptom severity among African youth, we identified only 23 unique studies of instrument reliability and/or validity. Nearly one-half of these were conducted in South Africa and Egypt, which are classified as middle-income countries according to the World Bank (2013). This relative paucity of evidence from low-income countries in Africa parallels the findings of Kieling and Rohde (2012), who found that less than 1% of all articles on child and adolescent mental health found in Web of Science over the past decade involved an author from a low-income country. While most studies investigated instrument reliability, only a minority of studies investigated aspects of equivalence, criterion-related validity, or internal structure. As with Kieling et al. (2012) we also found more evidence of scholarship in recent years, with more than half of the articles in the sample published after 2009. Continued investments in capacity building and more collaborative editorial styles would help to ensure that these trends continue (Patel and Kim 2007). While the increasing international representation is welcome, similar patterns have not been observed in the general psychiatry literature (Helal, Ahmed, and Vostanis 2011; Patel et al. 2007; Patel and Sumathipala 2001).

The paucity of evidence notwithstanding, depression instruments were generally found to reliably measure depression-like constructs and to correlate with related constructs in the expected direction. Factor analyses, when done, tended to replicate the same factor structure as the original publication. While these may suggest some degree of conceptual or metric equivalence (Geisinger 2003), such a conclusion would be limited by the important fact that no instruments were studied in more than two contexts. Furthermore, although three-quarters of the studies were limited to persons 24 years of age and younger, only half of the studies were limited to persons 18 years of age or younger. Many studies combined adolescent and young adult populations but did not investigate the impact of age on scale reliability or validity despite the known developmental transformations observed during adolescence and early young adulthood (Giedd et al. 1999; Spear 2000).

The lack of established criterion standards clearly constrains the development and validation of depression assessment among African youth. Several studies of criterion-related validity relied on diagnostic interviews, such as the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview or Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-aged Children, to establish the reference criterion diagnosis. These practices, while helpful for ensuring comparability across contexts, adopt a reference criterion informed by Western concepts of mental disorders to assess the validity of a locally derived measure (Bass, Bolton, and Murray 2007). Only three studies investigated the validity of the diagnostic interview schedules themselves.

Several studies included in our review offer a promising way to address the gap in evidence on equivalence and validity of depression assessment among African youth. Betancourt and colleagues (Betancourt et al. 2011; Betancourt et al. 2009b), Mels et al. (2010), and Ertl et al. (2010) provide prototypical examples of using mixed methods (both qualitative and quantitative) to guide the process of cross-cultural development and validation of mental health assessment tools. These studies also suggest an alternative strategy for establishing the reference criterion, i.e., parent/caregiver report. However, these are not without limitations, as parent/caregiver and youth self-report are known vary in agreement by the type of mental disorder: namely, several studies have reported greater agreement for externalizing disorders compared to internalizing disorders (Duhig et al. 2000; Weisz et al. 1993). Advancing the field of mental health research in Africa requires concerted efforts to establish local criterion standards. In the meantime, the simultaneous use of several methods to arrive at criterion diagnoses, e.g. caregiver reports combined with local clinician assessments and structured diagnostic reviews, may be advised.

The results of our systematic review should be understood with the following limitations in mind. First, as with all systematic reviews, we must consider the possibility that publication bias could explain the relative paucity of identified research. This would have led us to underestimate the total volume of published journal articles and other reports in this literature. However, because it is unclear in this context whether studies demonstrating non-reliability or non-validity would be any less likely (or more likely) to be published compared to studies demonstrating reliability or validity, we believe publication bias is unlikely to have caused us to draw erroneous conclusions about the overall reliability or validity of this research. Related to the above, it is possible that the evidence search protocol may have missed some relevant studies. However, we believe this is unlikely given the comprehensiveness of our search strategy, which included three bibliographic databases specific to African literature. The sensitivity of our search strategy can also be assessed by comparing it to the search protocols underlying other published articles. For example, Sweetland et al. (2014) searched two bibliographic databases for validity studies conducted among adults in sub-Saharan Africa and published prior to 2012, and in doing so happened to identify 11 studies of pregnant or postpartum women. In comparison, a recently published systematic review focusing on pregnant or postpartum women in sub-Saharan Africa -- which adopted a search strategy nearly identical to ours -- identified 25 studies (Tsai et al. 2013). A third limitation is that we excluded studies in which internal consistency was the only form of reliability evidence reported. Because Cronbach’s alpha coefficients are near-universally reported, this decision made the first-stage screening more tractable -- as we were therefore not obliged to read the full text of all potentially relevant observational and experimental studies to determine whether a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was reported for any depression instruments that happened to be employed in the study. Because observational studies not focused on psychometric analysis and experimental studies tend to employ only instruments that have previously been assessed for reliability and validity, excluding these studies would have likely biased our estimates of the reliability of depression instruments towards zero.


We reviewed seven bibliographic databases and identified only 23 studies assessing the reliability or validity of instruments used to screen for major depressive disorder or assess depression symptom severity among African youth. While more research is needed in this field in general, we believe that much more research is needed specifically to develop or validate locally relevant criterion standards. Some of the studies identified in our review employed qualitative methods to this end, and we believe research of this nature should be adopted more widely. Until then, existing instruments, mostly based on instruments derived from Western settings, can be used to reliably assess for depression, but the overall limited evidence base is an important barrier to sound programmatic and policy development for improving mental health among African youth.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Quality of Reporting of Meta-Analyses flow chart depicting the number of reports screened and included in the systematic review.


No specific funding was awarded for the conduct of this study. Dr. Tomlinson acknowledges salary support from the National Research Foundation (South Africa) and the UK Agency for International Development. Dr. Tsai acknowledges salary support from U.S. National Institutes of Health K32MH096620 and the Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholars Program. We thank Jennifer A. Scott and Jennifer Q. Zhu for their assistance with data collection.


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