Both chemotaxis and phagocytosis depend upon actin-driven cell protrusions and cell membrane remodeling. While chemoattractant receptors rely upon canonical G-protein signaling to activate downstream effectors, whether such signaling pathways affect phagocytosis is contentious. Here, we report that Gαi nucleotide exchange and signaling helps macrophages coordinate the recognition, capture, and engulfment of zymosan bioparticles. We show that zymosan exposure recruits F-actin, Gαi proteins, and Elmo1 to phagocytic cups and early phagosomes. Zymosan triggered an increase in intracellular Ca2+ that was partially sensitive to Gαi nucleotide exchange inhibition and expression of GTP-bound Gαi recruited Elmo1 to the plasma membrane. Reducing GDP-Gαi nucleotide exchange, decreasing Gαi expression, pharmacologically interrupting Gβγ signaling, or reducing Elmo1 expression all impaired phagocytosis, while favoring the duration that Gαi remained GTP bound promoted it. Our studies demonstrate that targeting heterotrimeric G-protein signaling offers opportunities to enhance or retard macrophage engulfment of phagocytic targets such as zymosan.
Innate cells such as macrophages can sense pathogens from afar by recognizing chemoattractant stimuli, or nearby, by direct physical contact via cell surface receptors which recognize pathogens or opsonized pathogens (1, 2). Although largely studied independently, phagocytosis and chemotaxis share morphological attributes (3). Both processes converge on signaling to the cytoskeleton, require cell membrane remodeling, and depend upon actin-driven cell protrusions. However, chemotaxis and phagocytosis employ distinct classes of cell membrane receptors. Chemotaxis largely depends upon chemoattractant receptors, which are members of the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family and use heterotrimeric G-proteins (Gαβγ) as signal transducers (4, 5). Ligand engagement of chemoattractant receptors typically results in receptor/heterotrimeric G-protein coupling, Gαi subunit GDP-GTP exchange, Gαi dissociation from Gβγ subunits, downstream effector activation, and directed migration. During chemotaxis, Gβγ subunits have a major role in triggering effectors that control actin assembly and cell migration. In Dictyostelium, a direct link between Gβγ and actin polymerization has been established. The Gβγ effector ElmoE targets Dock-like proteins to activate the small GTPase Rac, which regulates the Arp2/3 complex and F-actin formation (6). Arguing for a direct role for GTP-Gαi2 in breast cancer cell migration, a recent study showed that the chemoattractant CXCL12 stimulates the association of GTP-Gαi2 with Elmo1, promoting the translocation of the Elmo1/Dock180 complex to the cell membrane and leading to Rac activation (7).
Phagocytosis employs several different types of receptors not known to use heterotrimeric G-proteins as signal transducers (2). Neutrophils and macrophages employ Fcγ receptors to mediate the uptake of immunoglobulin G opsonized targets. A complex array of signaling molecules downstream of Fcγ receptors have been implicated in the control of actin polymerization during phagocytosis (2). Similar to chemoattractant signaling, proximal in the phagocytic signaling pathways are Rho GTPases such as Rac1, RhoG, and Cdc42. For example, the phagocytosis of antibody-coated erythrocytes requires Cdc42 signaling to Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) and neural WASP (NWASP), members of a family of actin nucleation-promoting factors (8). Another phagocytic receptor, dectin-1, detects β-glucans in fungal cell walls and helps coordinate immune defenses against a variety of fungi in both mice and humans (9). Although less well studied, the signaling pathways downstream of dectin-1 overlap those employed by Fcγ receptors. Like Fcγ-mediated phagocytosis, the engagement of dectin-1 results in receptor oligomerization, the activation of Src family kinases and Syk, and the triggering of downstream signaling molecules required for target internalization (9). These include phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and, as mentioned previously, small GTPases, which help coordinate the actin cytoskeleton rearrangements necessary for membrane extensions and particle engulfment. While G-proteins are not known to regulate dectin-1 signaling, their expression levels are partially controlled by signaling through the GPCRs, such as leukotriene B4 receptor 1 (10).
Several previous studies implicated heterotrimeric G-protein signaling in the control of phagocytosis. Dictyostelium mutants that lacked their solitary G-protein β-subunit exhibited impaired phagocytosis due to improper actin cytoskeleton regulation (11). In another study, pertussis toxin (PTX) inhibited the uptake of antibody-coated Staphylococcus aureus by J774 E-clone cells, a murine macrophage cell line (12). More recently, Gβ1 and Gβ2 knockdowns in primary mouse neutrophils reduced both neutrophil phagocytosis and chemotaxis (13). However, reducing the levels of two Gβ subunits by RNA interference in the J774A.1 mouse macrophage cell line inhibited chemotaxis without affecting phagocytosis (14). To help resolve these differences, we visualized the spatial-temporal dynamics of Gαi, Gβγ, and F-actin in live macrophages during zymosan bioparticle (zymosan) triggered phagocytosis. By combining these data with pharmacologic data, the use of macrophages from gene-targeted mice, and cell line knockdown data, we showed that heterotrimeric G-protein signaling helps regulate actin polymerization to optimize macrophage phagocytosis. During the course of this study, we found that noncanonical G-protein signaling can also impact phagocytosis. In noncanonical G-protein signaling, the guanine exchange factor (GEF) activity exerted by the GPCR is replaced or supplemented by the action of intracellular GEFs, such as Ric-8A. Ric-8A has a dual function in cells. It serves as a molecular chaperone required for the initial association of nascent Gα subunits with cellular membranes (15), and it acts on a complex of Gα protein bound to a G-protein regulatory (GPR)/GoLoco motif-containing protein that releases GTP-Gα and the GPR protein (16). Our study indicates that Ric-8A, Gαi, Gαi nucleotide exchange, and Gβγ signaling contribute to macrophage membrane dynamics and phagocytosis.
C57BL/6 and B6.SJL-Ptprca Pepcb/BoyJ mice were obtained from Jackson Laboratory. Gnai2−/−, Gnai3−/−, and Gnai2G184S/G184S mice have been described elsewhere (17–19). All three strains were backcrossed a minimum of 11 times onto the C57BL/6 background. C57BL/6 GFP-Lifeact mice were kindly provided by Roland Wedlich-Soldne. For bone marrow reconstitution, 7-week-old B6.SJL-Ptprca Pepcb/BoyJ (CD45.1) mice were irradiated twice with 550 rads for total of 1,100 rads and received bone marrow from Gnai2−/− C57BL/6 CD45.2 mice or C57BL/6 CD45.2 mice. The engraftment was monitored by sampling the blood 28 days later. The mice were used 6 to 8 weeks after reconstitution. All mice used in this study were 6 to 14 weeks of age. Mice were housed under specific-pathogen-free conditions. All the animal experiments and protocols used in the study were approved by the NIAID Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) at the National Institutes of Health.
Cell culture, transfection, and RNA interference.
RAW 264.7 mouse macrophage cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection, and the cells were maintained as directed. Mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) were obtained from the indicated mouse lines and purified as previously described (20, 21). RAW 264.7 cells were transiently transfected with constructs expressing yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-Gαi2, YFP-Gαi2QL, or YFP-Gαi3 (kindly provided by Alfred Gilman). The PTX-resistant YFP-Gαi2 C352I construct was created by site-directed mutagenesis using standard methods. Red fluorescent protein (RFP)-Lifeact and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Lifeact were kindly provided by Michael Sixt. For CXCR4-YFP, YFP was fused to the C-terminus of human CXCR. Elmo1-GFP (kindly provided by Kodi S. Ravichandran), Ags3-RFP (22), AGS4-GFP and LGN-GFP (kindly provided by Joe Blumer), ½ YFP-Gβ1 and ½ YFP-Gγ2 (kindly provided by Catherine Berlot), Rgs14-GFP (23), and Ric-8A–GFP and Ric-8A–mCherry (24) have been described elsewhere. RAW 264.7 cells were also permanently transfected (via electroporation) with Elmo1-GFP- and EE-tagged Gαi2QL (Missouri S&T cDNA Resource Center). Following transfection, the cells were maintained in neomycin (400 μg/ml) and analyzed 4 weeks later. For transient RIC-8a knockdown, cells were transfected with a dsRed-shRNA control or dsRed-shRNA–RIC-8A with YFP-Gαi2 as specified. For shRNAs, the following hairpin primers for Ric-8A or a control were subcloned into pSIREN-DsRed vector: Ric-8A (5′-GATCCGCTCAAATGCCTGTGTAATCTTCAAGAGAGATTACACAGGCATTTGAGTTTTTTACGCGTG) and control (5′-GATCCGTGGACAGCTTCATCAACTATTCAAGAGATAGTTGATGAAGCTGTCCATTTTTTACGCGTG). The knockdown constructs have been previously described (25). Transfections were performed using FuGene HD transfection reagent (Roche) according to the manufacturer's protocol. Routinely, a total of 1 to 2 μg of plasmid DNA with 2 μl of transfection reagent was added to each well of a 6-well tissue culture plate and incubated for 18 to 24 h before use. For the small intefering RNA (siRNA) knockdowns, RAW 264.7 cells were transfected with the Transit-tko transfection reagent (Mirus) according to the manufacturer's instructions with mouse Elmo1 or control siRNAs. The Elmo1 siRNA pool consisted of three to five target-specific 19- to 25-nucleotide (nt) siRNAs, and the control siRNA pool was composed of scrambled sequences (Santa Cruz Biotechnology).
Western blot assays.
RAW 264.7 cells or BMDM were lysed in 50 mM HEPES (pH 7.4), 250 mM NaCl, 2 mM EDTA, 1% NP-40, and 10% glycerol containing Complete protease inhibitors (Roche) and supplemented with 100 μM orthovanadate sodium. Proteins (20 μg) were resolved on a 4 to 20% Tris-glycine gels. After transfer to nitrocellulose, the blots were probed with the following antibodies: anti-Ric-8A rabbit polyclonal (1:20,000; G. Tall); anti-Gαi2 (1:1,000; Santa Cruz Biotechnology); antiactin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (1:20,000; Sigma); and anti-Elmo1 (1:1,000; Santa Cruz Biotechnology). The signal was revealed by enhanced chemiluminescence (Amersham Bioscience).
RAW 264.7 cells were stimulated with unlabeled, Alexa Fluor 488- or 594-labled zymosan bioparticles (Invitrogen). These bioparticles are fixed Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells covalently labeled with different fluorophores or not and are referred to as zymosan. The zymosan was added at a 20-μg/ml concentration unless otherwise indicated. The engagement and internalization of the particles were confirmed by differential focusing. For flow cytometry, the cells were allowed to internalize the particles for 10 to 30 min at 37°C, and noninternalized particles were removed by washing four times with cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Adherent BMDM cells were recovered with trypsin-EDTA for 5 min at 37°C. Harvested cells were washed again and fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde to prevent quenching of internalized fluorescent particles. The flow cytometry data were acquired using FACSCanto II (Becton Dickson) and analyzed using FlowJo software (Tree Star). Similar cell populations were analyzed by using an ImageStream instrument (Aminis) equipped with 488-nm, 658-nm, and 405-nm lasers. The images obtained at the highest resolution setting had a pixel size of 0.5 μm, with a 16-μm depth of focus. The digital images of cells in flow were captured at 250 cells/second, and green fluorescence along with bright field images were collected. The acquired data were analyzed with the Aminis image data exploration and analysis software (IDEAS). The existing validated algorithm for measuring internalization was applied to analyze the engulfment of zymosan in macrophages. In some experiments, cells were treated with 200 to 500 ng/ml PTX (Calbiochem) for 2 h, 1 nM Pasteurella multocida toxin (PMT; Sigma) for 2 h, or 20 μM gallein (M119; Tocris Bioscience) for 15 min prior to exposure to the phagocytic targets.
For complement- and Fcγ-mediated phagocytosis, 10% (vol/vol) sheep red blood cells (sRBC; Lonza) were stained with the green fluorescent dye CMFDA (5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate; Molecular Probes) and opsonized with C3b and inactivated C3b (iC3b) or IgG. To coat the sRBC with C3b/iC3b the cells were incubated with anti-sRBC IgM (1:5,000; Cedarlane) for 1 h at 37°C and then with C5-deficient serum (1:10; Sigma) for 20 min at 37°C. For IgG coating, the sRBC were incubated with rabbit anti-sRBC IgG (1:5,000; Rockland Immunochemical) for 1 h at 37°C. For each study, nonopsonized sRBC were included as a control. For the complement phagocytosis assay, the BMDM were treated with 100 nM phorbol myristate acetate for 20 min before addition of the complement-opsonized sRBC. The opsonized (or nonopsonized) sRBC in RPMI medium were added to the primary macrophages at 10:1 and 5:1 ratios and incubated for 30 min at 37°C. After the indicated time periods, the cell mixtures were washed with cold PBS followed by ACK lysing buffer (0.15 M NH4Cl, 1.0 M KHCO3, and 0.01 M Na2-EDTA; pH 7.2) to remove noninternalized sRBC and then fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde–PBS. Phagocytosis was measured by flow cytometric analysis. Macrophage phagocytosis with opsonized S. aureus bioparticles (Invitrogen) was the same protocol as that used with zymosan.
RAW 264.7 cells stimulated with zymosan were washed and fixed in 4% (wt/vol) paraformaldehyde for 15 min. Cells were then permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS for 10 min and blocked with 1% bovine serum albumin–PBS for 15 min. For immunostaining, cells were incubated for 4 h at room temperature or overnight at 4°C with antibodies diluted in 1% bovine serum albumin–PBS. Primary antibodies used in these studies included the following: rabbit anti-Gαi3 (1:300; Calbiochem), mouse monoclonal anti-Gαi2 (1:300; Santa Cruz Biotechnology), and mouse monoclonal anti-active αi (1:100; NewEast Biosciences). Secondary antibodies were species-specific antibodies conjugated with Alexa Fluor 488, 568, or 647 (Invitrogen). F-actin was stained using Alexa Fluor 568 or 647 conjugated to phalloidin (Invitrogen). For the F-actin depolymerization experiment, RAW 264.7 cells were treated with 2 nM latrunculin B (Enzo Life Sciences) for 15 min prior to imaging and washout. For imaging Fcγ-dependent phagocytosis, sRBC were incubated with rabbit anti-sRBC and, following cell fixation, the sRBC were detected by immunostaining with Alexa Fluor 568–anti-rabbit Ig.
Cell imaging and data analysis.
For microscopic imaging of phagocytosis, macrophages were plated on collagen-coated glass-bottom dishes (MatTek). All fluorescent images were collected on inverted confocal microscopes. A Leica TCS-SP5-X confocal microscope equipped with an argon and white light laser (Leica Microsystems) and a 100× objective or a 63× oil immersion objective (numerical aperture, 1.4) was used for imaging. The samples were excited with 488- or 561-nm laser lines. For live cell studies, CO2 and temperature were maintained at 5% and 37°C, respectively, using an environmental control system (PeCon GmbH). The dynamics of phagocytosis were imaged as x,y,z stacks over time (four dimensions) with z step sizes ranging from 0.3 to 1 μm. Image analysis was performed using Imaris 7.3.0 (Bitplane AG), ImageJ, and Adobe Photoshop CS3 (Adobe Systems).
Intracellular calcium.
BMDM were seeded at 70,000 cells per 100 μl loading medium (RPMI 1640, 10% fetal bovine serum) into poly-d-lysine-coated 96-well plates (Nalgene Nunc) the day prior to assay. An equal volume of loading buffer (FLIPR Calcium 3 assay kit; Molecular Devices) was added the following day. Cells were incubated for 1 h at 37°C before adding zymosan, and then the calcium flux peak was measured using a FlexStation 3 (Molecular Devices). Data are shown as fluorescent counts, and the y axes show Lm1. In some instances, the cells were treated with PTX at 500 ng/ml for 4 h prior to the assay.
All experiments were performed a minimum of three time. For those experiments where individual cells were counted, a minimum of 100 cells per condition were enumerated. Data are shown as means ± standard errors of the means (SEM). Experimental results were compared by 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) or t test. The distribution of phagocytic cells with various numbers of bioparticles were compared by chi square test. All statistical tests were performed using Prism software (GraphPad Software).
Gαi is enriched at cell protrusions, phagocytic sites, and on early phagosomes.
For these studies, we first examined the uptake of fluorescent zymosan by the murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7. To test the localization of Gαi during phagocytosis, we expressed YFP-Gαi2 proteins (26) in these cells and added fluorescently labeled zymosan. Prior to zymosan capture, cell membrane microspikes and ruffles probed the cell's environment, many of which had enriched expression of YFP-Gαi2. Zymosan capture occurred at these cell protrusion sites (Fig. 1A; see also Video S1 in the supplemental material). Rapidly after the cells engaged zymosan, we observed further recruitment of Gαi proteins to the phagocytic site. The enrichment coincided spatially and temporally with phagocytic cup formation and occurred 1 to 2 min after zymosan engagement. It persisted as the phagocytic cups expanded to engulf the zymosan particle, and YFP-Gαi2 remained associated with the nascent phagosomes. The substitution of YFP-Gαi3 for YFP-Gαi2 led to similar results (N.-N. Huang, unpublished results). An intensity map for YFP-Gαi2 recruitment to phagocytic sites is shown in Fig. 1B. Focusing on the initial contact and engulfment of zymosan revealed an approximately 2-fold increase in YFP-Gαi2 expression at phagocytic cups relative to the average plasma membrane expression level (Fig. 1C). A closer examination showed the enrichment of Gαi2 on the initial and expanding phagocytic cup. Following engulfment, but prior to protrusion of the particle into the cytosol, the level of YFP-Gαi2 declined at the base of the phagosome (Fig. 1D). An examination of the localization of YFP revealed no enrichment at cell protrusion sites or on the phagosome (Fig. 1E). To compare the behavior of a plasma membrane protein, we examined the localization of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 fused to YFP. CXCR4-YFP localized at the plasma membrane and in intracellular vesicle-like structures. Some of the vesicle-like structures accumulated near the developing phagosome. CXCR4-YFP nominally accumulated on the phagocytic cup and the nascent phagosome, less than what was observed with Gαi2-YFP (Fig. 1F and data not shown). To determine whether Gαi2 accumulated at the phagocytic site during Fcγ receptor-mediated phagocytosis, we incubated RAW 264.7 cells expressing YFP-Gαi2 with sRBC previously exposed to sRBC-specific antibody. Again, we found substantial enrichment of Gαi2 on the phagocytic cup following the engagement of the target particle (Fig. 1G). These initial findings showed enhanced expression of Gαi proteins at cell protrusions and at phagocytic sites following exposure to zymosan or antibody-coated sRBC.
Gαi and F-actin are coordinately expressed during phagocytosis.
To delineate the relationship between actin polymerization and Gαi protein localization during phagocytosis, we imaged YFP-Gαi2 and RFP-Lifeact, a marker for F-actin (27), using RAW 264.7 cells exposed to unlabeled zymosan. YFP-Gαi2 proteins dynamically coordinated with RFP-Lifeact in cell membrane protrusions, ruffles, and during the initial stages of phagocytosis (Fig. 2A). Occasionally both proteins condensed into a filamentous-like structure surrounding the phagocytic cup prior to particle engulfment (Fig. 2B; see also Video S2 in the supplemental material). Next, we verified that the distribution of Gαi2-YFP faithfully represented endogenous Gαi proteins by immunostaining mouse BMDM for Gαi proteins and with Alexa Fluor 647-phalloidin after exposure of the cells to fluorescently labeled zymosan. Endogenous Gαi proteins were enriched at cell protrusions and at the phagocytic cup and partially colocalized with F-actin at those sites (Fig. 2C). Using RAW 264.7 cells to examine the spatial-temporal distribution of YFP-Gαi2 and RFP-Lifeact during phagocytosis, we found a highly significant level of Gαi2 and F-actin colocalization (Fig. 2D). These results demonstrated a close spatial-temporal distribution of Gαi and F-actin at cell protrusion sites and during the early steps in the phagocytosis of zymosan.
To determine whether the enrichment of Gαi at cell protrusions depended on the presence of F-actin, we treated cells with latrunculin B (28), an agent that interferes with actin polymerization, and examined how the disruption of F-actin assembly affected Gαi localization. To limit extreme changes in shape and detachment of the cells from the substratum, short latrunculin B treatments were applied to yield incomplete F-actin depolymerization. The treated cells rapidly underwent a visible redistribution of Gαi proteins as the actin depolymerized (Fig. 2E). Cell protrusions that contacted phagocytic targets rapidly disappeared. Next, we washed out the latrunculin B and observed how F-actin and YFP-Gαi2 reappeared in the cells. Over time, we found F-actin at new cell protrusions and filopodia. The reappearance of F-actin was often accompanied by an increasing enrichment of Gαi2 at the same sites (see Video S3 in the supplemental material). These results are supported by 3D image reconstructions and colocalization measurements (data not shown), and they implicate Gαi proteins in filopodium formation and the recognition of zymosan, and they support the previously observed spatial and temporal coordination between F-actin and Gαi localization in cell protrusions and during phagocytosis.
Inhibiting Gαi nucleotide exchange reduces membrane dynamics, phagocytosis, F-actin levels, and zymosan-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+.
GPCR-mediated Gαi nucleotide exchange and chemotaxis can be blocked by exposing cells to PTX, which catalyzes the ADP-ribosylation of Gαi proteins, inhibiting the release of GDP and the Gβγ dimer. To ascertain whether PTX affected zymosan-triggered phagocytosis, we treated RAW 264.7 cells and then exposed the cells to labeled zymosan. We found that the PTX treatment reduced membrane ruffling and the number of cells that engulfed zymosan (Fig. 3A). To visualize the impact of PTX on Gαi2 dynamics during phagocytosis, we treated RAW 264.7 cells expressing YFP-Gαi2 and exposed them to fluorescent zymosan. PTX treatment hampered cell protrusions, lamellipodium formation, and zymosan capture (Fig. 3B and C; see also Video S4 in the supplemental material). To determine whether we could rescue the phagocytic defect in the PTX-treated RAW 264.7 cells, we expressed YFP-Gαi2 C352I, treated the cells with PTX, and exposed the cells to fluorescent zymosan. The C352I mutation renders Gαi2 insensitive to PTX-mediated ADP-ribosylation and can rescue signaling in PTX-treated cells (29). We found that the PTX-resistant YFP-Gαi2 construct accumulated at phagocytic sites in PTX-treated cells, in contradistinction to the wild-type Gαi2 (Fig. 3D). In addition, the construct nearly completely rescued the phagocytic defect in the PTX-treated RAW 264.7 cells (Fig. 3E).
To examine the impact of PTX on actin dynamics, we imaged RAW 264.7 cells expressing YFP-Gαi2 and RFP-Lifeact following exposure of the cells to unlabeled zymosan. PTX treatment reduced the recruitment of F-actin to cell protrusions and phagocytic sites (Fig. 3F). Imaging BMDM prepared from Lifeact mice that had been exposed or not to PTX gave similar results as we observed with RAW 264.7 cells. PTX treatment reduced the number of phagocytic events and decreased F-actin at phagocytic sites (Fig. 3G). To examine the effect of PTX on F-actin levels at sites of cell protrusion, we imaged the same cells prior to and after a 3-h PTX treatment. We found a 30 to 50% reduction of F-actin at cell adhesion and protrusion sites (Fig. 3H). Next, as heterotrimeric G-protein signaling often leads to increases in intracellular Ca2+, we tested whether zymosan elicited an intracellular Ca2+ response and if so whether it was sensitive to PTX. Previously, zymosan had been shown to elicit an increase in intracellular Ca2+ in human neutrophils (30). We found that zymosan elicited a strong rise in intracellular Ca2+ in BMDM that was partially sensitive to PTX treatment. At the highest zymosan concentrations, PTX reduced the rise in intracellular Ca2+ by 50%, and at the lower concentrations the intracellular Ca2+ rise was reduced by 70% (Fig. 3I). To test whether the reduced phagocytosis noted in the PTX-treated cells arose from impaired localization of the phagocytic targets (i.e., defective chemotaxis), we exposed RAW 264.7 cells that had been pretreated with PTX, or not, to fluorescent zymosan at 4°C to allow the cells to preadhere prior to raising the temperature to 37°C, to allow phagocytosis to proceed. Arguing that target localization was not impacted by the PTX treatment in these experiments, we found that the PTX pretreatment remained effective in inhibiting phagocytosis even when the target cells directly contacted the zymosan beads (Fig. 3J). These data indicated that Gαi nucleotide exchange is associated with the increased levels of F-actin observed during the early stages of phagocytosis, and it helps maintains the constitutive levels of F-actin found in macrophages.
GTP-Gαi2 enhances phagocytosis and F-actin formation.
Next, we tested whether colocalization of Gαi with F-actin depended upon its nucleotide binding status, which in turn controls its association with guanine dissociation inhibitors (GDIs), such as Gβγ subunits. We expressed in RAW 264.7 cells YFP-Gαi2Q205L (QL), a constitutively active Gαi2 protein that lacks GTPase activity (31). Hence, it is largely GTP bound and unassociated with a GDI. We found that YFP-Gαi2 QL localized somewhat differently than the wild-type (WT) protein, as less YFP-Gαi2QL localized at the plasma membrane. Although present at phagocytic sites, it was not as enriched as the WT protein (Fig. 4A; see also Video S5 in the supplemental material). To verify that GTP-Gαi was present at phagocytic sites, we made use of an antibody that recognizes Gαi only when it is GTP bound. First, we transfected RAW 264.7 cells with YFP-Gαi2 QL, and then we exposed the cells to zymosan and immunostained for GTP-Gαi and used Alexa Fluor 647-phalloidin to detect F-actin. As expected, we observed good colocalization between YFP-Gαi2 QL, the immunostained GTP-Gαi, and F-actin on an early phagosome (Fig. 4B, left panels). Next, we analyzed RAW 264.7 cells expressing the wild-type YFP-Gαi2. Again, we detected an overlap between YFP-Gαi2, GTP-bound Gαi, and F-actin at cell protrusions and at the phagocytic cup (Fig. 4B, right panels).
Despite the failure of YFP-Gαi2 QL to accumulate at phagocytic sites to the same extent as the wild-type protein, F-actin levels at cell protrusion sites in those cells expressing the mutant protein were high (Fig. 4C), and phagocytic engulfment of zymosan occurred more rapidly than in the cells expressing the WT protein (∼45 s versus ∼80 s). Comparison of the uptake of fluorescent zymosan by YFP-positive RAW 264.7 cells expressing YFP-Gαi2 or YFP-Gαi2 QL revealed that the constitutively active Gαi protein increased the number of particles engulfed per cell and enhanced the percentage of RAW 264.7 cells that captured particles (Fig. 4D).
Another way to activate Gαi as well as Gαq and Gα13 is to treat cells with a toxin made by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida. This toxin (PMT) deamidates a conserved glutamine residue in the α-subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins that is required for GTP hydrolysis, thereby locking Gα in a GTP-bound state (32). To assess the effect of PMT on macrophage phagocytosis, we treated RAW 264.7 cells with PMT for 2 h prior to incubating the cells with fluorescent zymosan. The PMT pretreatment resulted in a 40% increase in the number of macrophages that engulfed zymosan over a 30-min span, while a similar-duration pretreatment with PTX caused an approximately 40% reduction compared to untreated cells (Fig. 4E). These data indicate that the increased levels of GTP-bound Gαi2 elevate F-actin levels at cell protrusions and facilitate zymosan phagocytosis.
Inhibiting Gβγ signaling impairs zymosan phagocytosis.
The different localization patterns of the WT and the GTPase-deficient Gαi prompted us to examine the localization of Gβγ subunits at phagocytic sites. To do so, we expressed an amino-terminal fragment of YFP fused to Gβ1 and a carboxyl-terminal YFP fragment fused to Gγ2 in RAW 264.7 cells. When associated, the proteins create a functional YFP-tagged Gβ1γ2 dimer (33). Much like YFP-Gαi, YFP-Gβ1γ2 expression was enriched at the plasma membrane, more so at F-actin-rich cell protrusions, and at phagocytic cups (Fig. 5A). In addition, we often observed a coordinated enrichment of RFP-Lifeact at cell protrusion sites (Fig. 5B). To determine if Gβγ signaling contributed to F-actin levels, we treated RAW 264.7 cells with gallein, a known pharmacologic inhibitor of the binding of Gβγ to effectors such as phospholipase Cβ2/3, pREX guanine nucleotide exchange factor, G-protein receptor kinase 2, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ (34). Overnight treatment reduced constitutive F-actin levels in RAW 264.7 cells, as assessed by phalloidin staining (Fig. 5C). Next, we checked whether acute inhibition of Gβγ signaling affected phagocytosis. We incubated BMDM with gallein for 15 min prior to adding fluorescent zymosan. Fifteen minutes later, we assessed the percentage of phagocytic cells by flow cytometry. We found that the gallein preincubation reduced BMDM phagocytosis of zymosan by approximately 60% (Fig. 5D). These experiments showed that Gβγ accumulates at cell protrusions and at phagocytic sites, as does Gαi, and that Gβγ signaling promotes F-actin formation and facilitates zymosan phagocytosis.
Genetic evidence that mouse Gαi proteins regulate phagocytosis.
Macrophages express two Gαi isoforms, Gαi2 and Gαi3 (http://www.immgen.org/databrowser/index.html). We first tested the impact of the loss of Gαi3 by comparing BMDM prepared from WT or Gnai3−/− mice (17). We noted a reduction in the number of phagocytic macrophages and a decrease in the number of particles engulfed per cell (Fig. 6A; see also Video S6 in the supplemental material). We quantitated these results by standard flow cytometry and found in three separate experiments an approximately 25% reduction in the number of phagocytic cells and greater than 50% reduction in the number of particles engulfed per cell (data not shown). A similar analysis was performed using ImageStream cytometry, which combines flow cytometry with high-resolution microscopy. Initially, we tested our ability to discriminate different numbers of phagocytized beads per cell by using WT macrophages exposed to fluorescent zymosan (Fig. 6B). We found that we could readily distinguish cells that had engulfed <2 particles, 2 to 4 particles, or greater than 4 particles. We then compared WT and Gnai3−/− macrophages exposed to fluorescent zymosan. This revealed a reduction in the number of phagocytic Gnai3−/− macrophages similar to what we had noted with standard flow cytometry but also a sharp reduction in the number of Gnai3−/− macrophages that engulfed multiple particles (Fig. 6C). Next, we evaluated BMDM prepared from WT mice reconstituted with WT or Gnai2−/− bone marrow cells. We used bone marrow-reconstituted mice because of the difficulty in obtaining Gnai2−/− mice. They must be derived from the mating of heterozygotes and there is considerable perinatal and postnatal loss of the mice with the desired genotype. In addition, bone marrow reconstitution avoids the impact of the loss of Gαi2 in nonhematopoietic cell types. When tested, the Gnai2−/− BMDM also had a reduced uptake of zymosan (Fig. 6D).
A genetic gain-of-function approach can also be used to assess the role of Gαi signaling in a signal transduction pathway. The introduction of a serine in Gαi2 at glycine 184 (G184S) blocks the interaction of Regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins from binding Gαi2 and accelerating the intrinsic GTPase activity of Gαi2 (18). Normally, RGS proteins limit the duration that Gαi remains GTP bound, thereby decreasing Gαi- and Gβγ-mediated effector activation. Knock-in of such a mutation into mice causes neutrophil bone marrow retention, poor recruitment of neutrophils to inflammatory sites, and abnormal chemoattractant receptor signaling (20). We purified BMDM from wild-type and Gnai2G184S/G184S bone marrow-reconstituted mice and assessed their ability to engulf fluorescent zymosan beads by using flow cytometry. We tried several concentrations of zymosan, and in each instance the Gnai2G184S/G184S bone marrow-reconstituted mice BMDM engulfed more zymosan than those prepared from wild-type bone marrow-reconstituted mice (Fig. 6E).
Since dectin-1 expression is sensitive to Gαi signaling (10), we checked the levels of dectin-1 expression on wild-type, Gnai2−/−, and Gnai3−/− macrophages. We found that while all of them expressed high levels of dectin-1, the Gnai2−/− macrophages had an approximately 30% reduction compared to wild-type cells (Fig. 6F). In contrast, the levels of F4/80, CD11b, and CD11c were similar on the macrophages from the different mice. Furthermore, a short-term PTX treatment did not affect dectin-1 expression (data not shown). Although modest, the reduction in dectin-1 noted with the Gnai2−/− macrophages may contribute to the phagocytic defect in these cells; however, a reduction of dectin-1 cannot account for the decreased phagocytic activity of the Gnai3−/− macrophages.
To test the impact of inhibiting Gαi2/3 nucleotide exchange on the phagocytosis of other targets by primary macrophage, we used Staphylococcus aureus bioparticles, sRBC coated with antibody, or sRBC coated with complement. We found that the PTX treatment did not affect the phagocytosis of the S. aureus bioparticles, but it reduced both Fcγ- and complement-mediated phagocytosis of sRBC (approximately 30 and 50%, respectively). The Gnai2−/− macrophages were similarly impaired, although the Gnai3−/− macrophage showed no significant defect compared to wild-type cells (Fig. 6G). Together these data indicate that while not essential for macrophage phagocytosis, Gαi signaling has a significant regulatory role.
Recruitment of Elmo1 to the phagocytic cup depends upon Gαi nucleotide exchange.
Our observation that Gαi signaling contributed to phagocytosis and the recent observation that CXCL12 stimulation promoted an interaction between Gαi2 and ELMO1 in a human breast cancer cell line prompted us to determine whether Elmo1 was recruited to phagocytic cups. To do so, we introduced Elmo1-GFP into RAW 264.7 cells and exposed the cells to zymosan. In the absence of zymosan, Elmo1-GFP localized predominately in the cytosol with a low level of expression at the plasma membrane; however, zymosan exposure recruited Elmo1-GFP to the phagocytic cup (Fig. 7A and B), while treatment of the cells with pertussis inhibited the recruitment (Fig. 7A and B). Consistent with a role for Gαi signaling in the plasma membrane localization of Elmo1, coexpression of the constitutively active form of Gαi2 shifted much of Elmo1-GFP from the cytosol to the plasma membrane (Fig. 7C). Initial transient coexpression of Elmo1-GFP and a nonlabeled Gαi2QL shifted some Elmo1-GFP to the membrane, but much remained in the cytosol (data not shown). To reduce the impact of transient overexpression and to allow better membrane targeting of the mutant Gαi2 protein, we selected cell lines that coexpressed Gαi2QL and Elmo1-GFP or a control vector with the Elmo1 construct by using RAW264.7 cells. Four weeks later, we examined the intracellular location of Elmo1-GFP. We found in those cells expressing Elmo1-GFP and Gαi2QL that the majority of Elmo1-GFP localized to the plasma membrane. We verified the expression of Gαi2QL by immunostaining the cells with an antibody that recognizes GTP-Gαi (Fig. 7C). To assess the role of Elmo1 in the accumulation of F-actin at phagocytic cups and on phagocytosis, we reduced its expression in RAW 264.7 cells by RNA interference. Immunoblotting cell lysates from control or Elmo1-siRNA-treated cells revealed the successful lowering of Elmo1 expression (Fig. 7D). Less F-actin accumulated at phagocytic sites, and the reduction in Elmo1 expression decreased the phagocytosis of zymosan beads (Fig. 7E and F). These data show that the recruitment of Elmo1 to phagocytic sites helps promote zymosan phagocytosis.
Noncanonical G-protein signaling pathways are involved in phagocytosis.
As noted above, PTX blocks the GEF activity of GPCRs for Gαi, but it also blocks the GEF activity of Ric-8A, an intracellular protein implicated in mitotic spindle localization (25). While Ric-8A also functions to chaperone Gα subunits to cell membranes, PTX does not block the chaperone activity of Ric-8A (35). Supporting a role for Ric-8A in phagocytosis, we found that in RAW 264.7 cells cotransfected with Ric-8A–GFP and RFP-Lifeact, or with YFP-Gαi2 and Ric-8A–mCherry, that Ric-8A partially colocalized with both proteins at phagocytic cups and phagosomes (Fig. 8A and B). To assess whether other proteins involved in noncanonical G-protein signaling were enriched at phagocytic sites, we expressed Rgs14-GFP, Ags3-RFP, Ags4-GFP, or LGN-GFP in RAW 264.7 cells and exposed the cells to zymosan. All of the fusion proteins localized predominately in the cytosol (data not shown). Of the four fusion proteins, only the Ags3-RFP fusion protein accumulated at phagocytic sites (Fig. 8C). To test whether Ric-8A might facilitate phagocytosis, we examined the impact of reducing the level of Ric-8A mRNA. We expressed a dsRed-shRNARic-8A or a control construct along with YFP-Gαi2 in RAW 264.7 cells and exposed the transfected cells to zymosan. We found that the cells transfected with the Ric-8A shRNA recruited less YFP-Gαi2 to cell protrusions and engulfed zymosan more slowly than did control cells (Fig. 8D and E). In addition, transfection of the dsRed-shRNA–Ric-8A in RAW 264.7 cells reduced the percentage of phagocytic cells compared to RAW 264.7 cells transfected with a control shRNA (Fig. 8F). When we transfected RAW 264.7 cells with GFP-Lifeact and either a control dsRed-shRNA or a dsRed-shRNA–Ric-8A and exposed the cells to zymosan, we often observed initial phagocytic cup formation but a subsequent engulfment failure in the cells with lowered Ric-8A expression (Fig. 8G). Immunoblotting verified the reduction in Ric-8A following transfection of the Ric-8A shRNA with a minimal effect on Gαi levels (Fig. 8H). These data indicate that lowering Ric-8A impedes phagocytic cup closure and reduces macrophage phagocytosis.
The recruitment of macrophages to inflammatory sites, directed cell protrusions, and the engulfment of pathogens/particles to various degrees depend upon heterotrimeric G-protein signaling. Initial macrophage-pathogen encounters are driven by canonical G-protein signaling (3). Cell polarization, chemotaxis, directed cell protrusions, and cell ruffling all depend upon the release of Gβγ subunits from Gαi (5, 36). Autocrine and/or paracrine GPCR signaling, which arises following initial pathogen-macrophage interactions, likely modulate the subsequent capture and engulfment events (37). The direct recognition, engulfment, and propulsion of targets into the interior of cells depends upon signaling from capturing receptors (2). Our study reveals a cross talk between the pathways initiated by capturing receptors and pathways that employ Gi as a signal transducer. Our results indicate that the appropriate activation of Gαi and the release of Gβγ subunits contribute to F-actin dynamics and the overall efficiency of zymosan phagocytosis by macrophages. Activated Gαi likely recruits Elmo1, providing a link to Dock proteins and the activation of small GTPases. We also have provided evidence that Ric-8A, a noncanonical GEF, augments the engulfment of zymosan by macrophages.
Using a combination of genetic, pharmacologic, and cell imaging data, our study provides compelling evidence that Gαi nucleotide exchange occurs at phagocytic sites and that the generation of Gαi-GTP and the release of Gβγ subunits are functionally relevant for macrophages to engage and engulf zymosan and likely other targets. However, the failure of PTX to inhibit S. aureus bioparticle phagocytosis suggests that Gαi signaling is more relevant for larger targets. A major question is how Gαi nucleotide exchange is initiated. Zymosan may engage an unknown GPCR or other cell surface receptor that triggers Gαi nucleotide exchange. The rapid increase in intracellular Ca2+ following exposure of macrophages to zymosan and its inhibition by PTX are consistent with the engagement of a GPCR signaling pathway. Additional support for GPCR involvement came from a study that linked Gα12/13 and Gαi signaling to changes in cyclic AMP levels following zymosan exposure (38). It was postulated that either a direct zymosan-GPCR interaction resulted in G-protein activation or that zymosan via a Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) interaction triggered transactivation of a GPCR (38). Rather than a direct ligand-receptor interaction, the engagement of zymosan or another large target may sufficiently deform the cell membrane to trigger a mechanosensor linked to Gαi. Several GPCRs have been linked to mechanoreception (39). A less likely, but alternative, mechanism is that an unknown macrophage receptor triggers the recruitment and activation of Ric-8A, which serves to trigger Gα nucleotide exchange. However, a more likely scenario is that Ric-8A functions to amplify GPCR-initiated signaling. Ric-8A has been shown to amplify signaling through a Gq-linked receptor, and a recent study in Dictyostelium revealed that Ric8 acts downstream in a chemoattractant signaling pathway to augment Gα signaling (40, 41).
Based on the analysis of the Gnai2−/−, Gnai2 G184S+/+, and Gnai3−/− macrophages, both Gαi2 and Gαi3 contributed to zymosan phagocytosis, although only the loss of Gαi2 reduced Fcγ- and complement-mediated phagocytosis of coated sRBC. In hematopoietic cells, the loss of Gαi2 is usually more detrimental than the loss of Gαi3, in part because of the higher expression level of Gαi2 versus Gαi3, but in addition, some signaling pathways are more dependent on one isoform than the other. For example, chemotaxis is much more sensitive to loss of Gαi2 than the loss of Gαi3 (4, 42). Macrophages from Gnai2 G184S+/+ mice, which have potentiated Gαi2 signaling, confirmed the importance of Gαi2 signaling in the phagocytosis of zymosan, yet macrophages from these same mice been shown to have reduced Toll-like receptor-induced inflammatory cytokine production (43). The role of Gαi proteins in TLR signaling pathways remains poorly understood and may contribute to some of the phagocytic defects noted in the Gαi-deficient mice. Further studies are needed to better understand how Gαi nucleotide exchange is regulated by other signaling pathways, such as those triggered by TLRs.
During chemoattractant receptor-triggered chemotaxis, Gαi nucleotide exchange is thought to function predominately to release Gβγ subunits. GTP-Gαi has been ascribed little or no role. In contrast, our data indicate that GTP-Gαi signaling helps regulate phagocytosis. The expression of Gαi2 QL sped up phagocytosis, modulated F-actin dynamics, and increased the percentage of phagocytic cells. In providing a mechanism for how GTP-Gαi augments F-actin formation and phagocytosis, we found that Elmo1 was recruited by GTP-Gαi to the plasma membrane. During phagocytosis, the levels of Elmo1 increased at the phagocytic cup, and reducing Elmo1 expression impaired zymosan chemotaxis. Our results are consistent with the previous demonstration of CXCL12-induced translocation of a trimeric complex between Gαi2, ELMO1, and Dock180 (7). This links GTP-Gαi to Rac activation and F-actin formation. Since Elmo1/Dock180 has been previously connected to phagocytosis, Gαi nucleotide exchange may affect phagocytosis by generating GTP-Gαi.
The recruitment of Gβγ subunits to cell protrusions and phagocytic cups, and the reduction in phagocytosis following the addition of a competitive inhibitor of Gβγ signaling, both support a role for Gβγ in zymosan phagocytosis by BMDM. Both canonical and noncanonical G-protein signaling can release Gβγ subunits from Gαi. In the standard G-protein signaling model, GPCR-triggered Gα guanine nucleotide exchange releases Gβγ subunits from the heterotrimer, while in noncanonical G-protein signaling, a GPR motif-containing protein competes with Gβγ subunits for Gα binding. In the latter scenario, Ric-8A targets GDP-Gα associated with a GPR motif containing protein to release GTP-Gα and the GPR motif protein (16). A GPR motif containing protein Ags3 (Gpsm1) has been shown to act in a GPCR-independent pathway to release Gβγ subunits that promote renal tubule epithelial cell proliferation (44). Furthermore, studies in Dictyostelium have shown that Ric8 can amplify Gα signaling by increasing the availability of Gβγ subunits (40).
The involvement of Ric-8A in macrophage phagocytosis argues that a GPR motif containing protein or proteins also participates. Murine macrophages express several candidates, including Ags3/Gpsm1, LGN/Gpms2/Ags2, Ags4/Gpsm3, Rgs12, and Rgs14 (http://www.immgen.org/databrowser/index.html). However, little information is available about these proteins in macrophage biology. Using fluorescent fusion proteins, we tested the possible recruitment of Ags3, LGN, Ags4, and Rgs14, and only Ags3 was enriched at phagocytic cups. We are currently testing whether reducing the expression of these proteins impacts phagocytosis. Suggesting that they may have functional roles, myeloid cells from Gpsm3−/− mice migrate less efficiently to Ccl2 and Cx3cl1 than do wild-type mouse myeloid cells (45). Importantly, many of these proteins have additional domains that can interact with other relevant proteins. For example, Ags3/Gpsm1 binds LC3 (46). This interaction may affect phagosome recruitment of LC3 or, conversely, the recruitment of Ags3/Gpsm1 to phagosomes.
In this study, we used a macrophage cell line and BMDM to show that both Gαi and Gβγ signaling affect actin dynamics and zymosan bioparticle phagocytosis. Live cell imaging demonstrated that Gαi and Gβγ are enriched with F-actin at cell membrane protrusions and phagocytic sites. Inhibiting Gαi nucleotide exchange, reducing Ric-8A expression, or inhibiting Gβγ signaling all substantially reduced phagocytosis. BMDM that lack Gαi2 or Gαi3 also had a reduced capacity to engulf zymosan. In contrast, Gnai2G184S/G184S BMDM, wild-type BMDM treated with Pasteurella multocida toxin, or macrophages expressing a constitutively active Gαi protein had enhanced capacities to engulf zymosan bioparticles. Together, our findings show that heterotrimeric G-protein signaling pathways contribute to the recognition, capture, and engulfment of zymosan and likely other pathogens. Our studies support the further development of small-molecule inhibitors of Gβγ signaling such as gallein as anti-inflammatory agents.
Supplementary Material
We thank David Stephany and Kevin Holmes (Research Technologies Branch, NIAID) for help with some of the flow cytometry experiments. We gratefully acknowledge Juraj Kabat (Core Imaging Facility, NIAID) for his quantification and modeling of some of the imaging data and Hyeseon Cho (NIAID) for making the PTX-resistant YFP-Gαi2 construct. We also thank Anthony Fauci for his continued support.
This research was supported by the intramural program of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Published ahead of print 15 September 2014
Supplemental material for this article may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/MCB.00325-14.
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