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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: Proteins. 2014 Jul 8;82(9):1850–1868. doi: 10.1002/prot.24538

WeFold: A Coopetition for Protein Structure Prediction

George A Khoury 1, Adam Liwo 2, Firas Khatib 3,, Hongyi Zhou 4, Gaurav Chopra 5,6, Jaume Bacardit 7, Leandro O Bortot 8, Rodrigo A Faccioli 9, Xin Deng 10, Yi He 11, Pawel Krupa 2,11, Jilong Li 10, Magdalena A Mozolewska 2,11, Adam K Sieradzan 2, James Smadbeck 1, Tomasz Wirecki 2,11, Seth Cooper 12, Jeff Flatten 12, Kefan Xu 12, David Baker 3, Jianlin Cheng 10, Alexandre C B Delbem 9, Christodoulos A Floudas 1, Chen Keasar 13, Michael Levitt 5, Zoran Popović 12, Harold A Scheraga 11, Jeffrey Skolnick 4, Silvia N Crivelli 14,*, Foldit Players 15
PMCID: PMC4249725  NIHMSID: NIHMS572115  PMID: 24677212


The protein structure prediction problem continues to elude scientists. Despite the introduction of many methods, only modest gains were made over the last decade for certain classes of prediction targets. To address this challenge, a social-media based worldwide collaborative effort, named WeFold, was undertaken by thirteen labs. During the collaboration, the labs were simultaneously competing with each other. Here, we present the first attempt at “coopetition” in scientific research applied to the protein structure prediction and refinement problems. The coopetition was possible by allowing the participating labs to contribute different components of their protein structure prediction pipelines and create new hybrid pipelines that they tested during CASP10. This manuscript describes both successes and areas needing improvement as identified throughout the first WeFold experiment and discusses the efforts that are underway to advance this initiative. A footprint of all contributions and structures are publicly accessible at

Keywords: Coopetition, protein structure prediction, CASP, structure refinement, Foldit


The complexity of current scientific research requires broad and open collaboration among researchers. Recently, the scope of these collaborations has expanded significantly to include individuals with no expertise in the specific field, known as citizen scientists. A noteworthy example of this approach uses computer games to engage participants. Launched in May 2008, Foldit is the first computer game designed to harness the natural human ability to recognize the 3D shape of proteins. More than 300,000 people have participated to date producing significant results1. These projects illustrate a shift in how scientists collaborate, as well as in the relationship between science and society.

A different sociological approach to tackle science is CASP2 (Critical Assessment of techniques for protein Structure Prediction). Started in 1994 by Moult et al.3, CASP is a community-wide, worldwide experiment to assess and advance the protein structure prediction field by helping identify where efforts should be directed4. CASP, which recently completed its 10th experiment5, has challenged computational scientists to accurately and consistently predict protein structures using only the sequence of amino acids of soon to be or newly experimentally determined but unpublished structures. More recently, it has introduced other categories such as refinement68 that challenges participants to improve the accuracy of a given protein model by submitting 5 new models.

During the CASP season, which occurs every other summer, each participating group applies a series of methods (some publicly shared, others secretly guarded) to the prediction pipeline and submits models for more than 100 different protein sequences or targets. After the experiment is over, the true experimental structures are published, the submitted models are examined by independent assessors, and the results are discussed in a subsequent meeting. Consecutive editions of CASP have shown substantial improvements in the category of “easy” proteins where high sequence similarity to known proteins in the Protein Data Bank exists and such information is used to predict protein structures4,9,10. However, no single group has yet been able to consistently predict the structure of “hard” proteins with even moderate accuracy. Reviews on structure prediction in protein folding include those by Zhang11, Dill and MacCallum12, Khoury et al.13, and Floudas14. CASP was not designed as a competition and participants are encouraged to focus on new ways of addressing the problem. However, although not intended, this ranking induces an atmosphere that is inherently competitive15. Because of the success of CASP, similar experiments were started1619. CASP remains the most-participated one among these to date with 95 manual prediction groups and 122 prediction servers submitting models in CASP102.

An approach that has not been tried in a scientific context until recently is “coopetition,” which refers to cooperative competition. Coopetition is a common business practice. Companies sometimes engage their competitors in their product development process. Their goal is to create products of higher quality/extended functionality than the original products, resulting in an increased competitive advantage. The WeFold experiment is the first attempt at using coopetition, both open collaboration and competition among research scientists and citizen scientists, by generating methods that combine elements of the participating teams. WeFold took place during the CASP105 experiment with the goal of shaking up the field of protein structure prediction. It brought together thirteen labs worldwide (see Supplementary Table S1), ranging from purely bioinformatics to physics-based approaches that, for the first time, collaborated and competed in search for methodologies that are better than their individual parts. The size of the collaboration was unprecedented in the history of CASP, with participants contributing a superset of almost 8.8 million structures to WeFold from which a small fraction were submitted to CASP105. This paper describes the WeFold experiment. It analyzes the performance of the combined methods with respect to their base methods in the context of blind structure predictions during CASP105, describes the challenges faced, and reports those which still remain. The lessons learned from this experiment could be useful to other coopetition efforts that may be attempted in the context of other CASP-like competitions.

Materials and Methods

A unique aspect of the WeFold experiment is that the mechanism for the collaboration was largely unknown until the CASP105 experiment started. Therefore, on the first day of CASP105, WeFold participants logged into the WeFold gateway to discuss how to best combine the different components they were contributing to the project. Five branches resulted from that discussion. Their names and group numbers in CASP105 are: wfFUIK (149), wfFUGT (260), wfCPUNK (287), WeFold Branch (101), and WeFoldMix (441). The first three branches were named based on the first letter of their component methods. wfCPUNK and WeFold Branch were applied to the prediction of human tertiary structure prediction targets whereas wfFUIK, wfFUGT, and WeFoldMix applied to both human tertiary structure prediction and refinement targets. Neither branch competed as a server. There were 46 human targets (53 total, of which 7 were cancelled) and 27 refinement targets (28 total, of which 1 was cancelled). Figure 1 illustrates the organization of the different branches. Please refer to Supplementary Material for a description of the science gateway.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Visual depiction of the five WeFold branches collaboratively formed and tested during CASP10. wfFUIK and wfFUGT both began with structures generated by human players in the online multiplayer game Foldit. Foldit allows players to fold proteins independently on their home computers, as well as share their predictions with other players around the world. Foldit players are also able to fold structures by hand using the XBOX Kinect ( as well as with the Leap Motion ( These generated structures were subsequently clustered, scored, and refined. wfCPUNK is an ab initio branch combining secondary structure prediction, beta-sheet topology prediction, contact prediction, coarse-grained replica-exchange molecular dynamics, and clustering. WeFold Branch and WeFold Mix began with the structures generated by the other branches and/or from servers participating in CASP10.

The wfFUIK branch

This branch starts with a set of structures produced by Foldit20 players and then applies a selection process based on state-of-the-art computational methods. It was applied to the prediction of 15 human and 23 refinement CASP105 targets, which are all of the targets attempted by Foldit. Team members from the contributing labs adapted their methods to work within the context of this branch. For example, some methods that were originally designed to operate on smaller datasets had to be modified to work on the large sets of Foldit-generated structures. Other methods had to be adapted to handle systems containing structural symmetry as these systems were attempted by Foldit.

Supplementary Figure S1 represents the combined methodology. (A) Foldit20 players generate an ensemble of protein models on the order of 105 models per target. (B) Structural filtering is performed to eliminate very similar structures (RMSD ≤ cutoff), those with unrealistic solvent accessible surface areas21(SASA), and those lacking secondary structure elements. This yields an enriched set consisting of 103–104 structures, called the Unique/Filtered set. (C) The iterative traveling salesman based clustering algorithm, ICON22 is used to select less than 100 models representing the entire conformational space, and the lowest energy structures based on the Rosetta23 and dDFIRE24 energy functions are added to that set. (D) These models are refined using a knowledge-based potential followed by stereo-chemical correction implemented in the KoBaMIN2527 server. (E) Finally, GOAP28, Rosetta23, dDFIRE24, and APOLLO,29 are used to rank the models, leading to a consensus.

The wfFUGT branch

Like wfFUIK, this branch starts with a set of models produced by Foldit then deviates from wfFUIK from step (C) on. It was applied to the prediction of 13 out of the 15 human targets attempted by Foldit and 17 out of the 21 refinement targets attempted by Foldit in CASP105. The replica exchange Monte Carlo simulations that are part of this branch’s pipeline (described below) were computationally expensive and for some targets the generation of Foldit models, followed by the filtering step did not allow for enough time for this pipeline to complete. The wfFUGT branch tests combining sampling by Foldit players with filtering algorithms, model selection by the knowledge-based potential GOAP, and the TASSER30,31 refinement protocol. Starting from the Unique/Filtered structures, GOAP28 selects the top 30 models from the enriched set. TASSER32 next refines the selected models. TASSER is primarily developed for refining template models built upon PDB structures found by threading methods. Here, it is applied to Foldit-generated structures. First, it extracts distance and contact restraints based on consensus conformations of the 30 selected structures. Then, it starts from the 30 structures and moves them to satisfy the distance and contact restraints using replica exchange Monte Carlo simulation33 in a Cα representation. Low energy trajectories are outputted at fixed step intervals. At the end of the simulation, these trajectories are clustered using SPICKER34. Submitted models are the top cluster centroids with rebuilt main-chain and side-chain atoms.

The wfCPUNK branch

This branch is an ab initio/free modeling branch that combines secondary structure, beta sheet topology, and contact predictions with the sampling capabilities of coarse-grained replica-exchange molecular dynamics, when templates are unavailable. It was applied to the prediction of 21 small to moderately-sized targets due to the extreme computational cost involved. Of those 21 targets, only 4 belonged in the free modeling category. First, coarse-grained simulations with the UNRES force field3539 ( are employed to carry out Multiplexed Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (MREMD)40. Dihedral-angle and distance restraints are imposed on the virtual-bond dihedral angles between the consecutive α-carbon (Cα) atoms and virtual side-chain distances. The restraints are obtained using a consensus-based method, CONCORD41 for secondary-structure prediction, a novel optimization-based approach, BeST42, for beta-sheet topology prediction, and a physics-based method of inter-residue contact prediction43,44.

For each protein, 64 MREMD trajectories are run at 32 different temperatures (2 trajectories per temperature). The last 12,800 snapshots (200 snapshots per trajectory), where each snapshot is saved every 20,000 conformations, are taken for further analysis, which is carried out by using the weighted-histogram-analysis method (WHAM)45. This method is used to calculate the relative probability of each conformation from the last portion of the MREMD38 simulation and to calculate the heat-capacity curve and other thermodynamic and ensemble-averaged properties. Then, the conformations are clustered at the selected temperature, which is equal to Tm-10K, where Tm is the position of the major heat-capacity peak. Five clusters with lowest free energies are chosen as prediction candidates. The conformations closest to the respective average structures corresponding to the found clusters are converted to all-atom structures46,47 and their energy is minimized using the KoBaMIN server27.

The WeFold branch

This branch was applied to the prediction of 43 human CASP105 targets. It starts with all models from all CASP servers and WeFold methods and assesses them using the APOLLO model quality assessment prediction method. APOLLO29 first filters out illegal characters and chain-break characters in the models predicted for a target. Next, it performs a full pairwise comparison between these models by calculating GDT_TS scores between a model and all other models using the TM-Score48 program. The mean pairwise GDT_TS between a model and all other models is used as the predicted GDT_TS of the model. Subsequently, TASSER32 is employed to refine the top 30 selected models. First, TASSER extracts distance and contact restraints based on consensus conformations of the 30 selected structures. Then, it starts from the 30 structures and moves them to satisfy the distance and contact restraints using replica-exchange Monte Carlo simulations33 in a Cα representation. Low energy trajectories are output at fixed step intervals. At the end of simulation, these trajectories are clustered using SPICKER34. Models selected for submission were the top cluster centroids with rebuilt main-chain and side-chain atoms.

The WeFoldMix branch

This branch was created by a new group that did not participate in CASP105 by itself, and was applied only to the prediction of 5 human and 1 refinement CASP105 targets due to the extreme cost of performing replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations and parallelization inefficiencies due to low atom/processor ratios when using implicit solvent. It starts with a small set of high-quality models collaboratively generated and ranked. Each model is energy minimized using the steepest descent method49. Initially, no constraints are applied to the protein; in the second step all covalent bonds are constrained with the LINCS algorithm50. Simulations are performed using GROMACS 4.5.549 with the AMBER99SB-ILDN51 forcefield and the GBSA52 implicit solvent model. Replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) is employed to overcome the conformational trapping of the structures in local potential energy minima by diffusion in temperature space. A total of 8 simultaneous simulations (replicas), are performed in the temperature range of 298–473K and are allowed to exchange each 5 ps according to the Metropolis criterion53. The observed average exchange probability was 0.2.

After 1–3 ns of REMD, the 298K-trajectory portion reaches convergence and is used for cluster analysis using a single linkage algorithm. Each cluster centroid is submitted to the previously described two-step energy minimization process and each minimized cluster centroid is ranked based on several structural and energetic metrics. These metrics include potential energy, number of intra-protein hydrogen bonds, and SASA. The structures with the best consensus metrics are submitted.

Selection strategy employed by the four Foldit-based teams during CASP10

Here we describe the selection process used by the FOLDIT team, as well as the three teams associated with it. This serves to explain the different performance of the wfFUIK and wfFUGT teams compared to FOLDIT.

Quality and ranking of Foldit models by the FOLDIT team is determined by the Rosetta full-atom energy23. For each CASP target, the lowest Rosetta energy Foldit prediction for each individual Foldit player is kept, in an attempt to select a conformationally diverse set of FOLDIT submissions out of the top-ranked Foldit predictions. Since Foldit allows players to form teams for cooperative gameplay—and share solutions with teammates—the top-ranked predictions were often very similar to one another for players on the same team. This was generally not the case when comparing the top prediction across different teams (or players who are not part of any team), therefore the selection strategy during CASP105 for the FOLDIT team was to examine the lowest Rosetta energy Foldit prediction generated by each individual team (players without a team were considered their own team). The five CASP submissions for the FOLDIT team were selected by manually inspecting these representative solutions from each team, and selecting a conformationally diverse set of predictions by visual inspection. This was the same selection strategy used for FOLDIT submissions during CASP954.

Before the start of CASP105, three Foldit-based teams (Anthropic Dreams, Contenders, and Void Crushers) requested the ability to select and submit their own CASP submissions from a pool of their own team's solutions. Each of these three teams was provided with two top-ranked predictions for each of the players on their Foldit team: the lowest Rosetta energy solution each player generated on their own, and the lowest energy solution that player worked on by sharing with the rest of their team. As Foldit does not allow different teams to share solutions with one another, these three CASP105 teams were completely independent from one another, and also independent of the submissions by FOLDIT.

Metrics Used in Analysis

The global distance test total score (GDT_TS55) is approximately the percentage of residues that are located in the correct position12. It has become a standard evaluation measure in CASP56 for determining the accuracy of a structure, preferred over the common root-mean squared deviation (RMSD) metric. GDT_HA57 is a finer metric, which uses tighter Cα distance cutoffs.

GDT_TS and GDT_HA are calculated using the TM-Score48 program. Both of these metrics can be presented on a zero to one basis or alternatively as a percentage. The higher the value is, the more similar the prediction is to the true structure. GDT_TS is used throughout this paper except for when we refer to the refinement assessors as they used GDT_HA.


The thirteen labs participating in the WeFold initiative were arranged into five branches, each representing five independent protein structure prediction methods that combine different components from their contributing group. Three of the branches produced one remarkable result each and two of these results were featured by the assessors in the refinement6 and free modeling58 categories. However, none of them produced consistently good results. In this section, we discuss the strengths and potential of these branches, as well as their weaknesses. We also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the WeFold experiment as a whole. Our assessments are based on the CASP official results and assessments available at

What Went Right in the Collaborative Protein Folding Pipelines

The wfCPUNK Branch

The wfCPUNK branch aimed to address free modeling targets. These targets are among the hardest with poor to no sequence identity in the “twilight zone”59 and thus lack a determinable structural template. Of the four free modeling targets attempted by wfCPUNK, it achieved its best performance for target T0740_D1, yielding a high-scoring model according to the cumulative plot of α-carbon accuracy as shown in Figure 2. This result is attributed to the ab initio contacts predicted as part of the pipeline, which were used in wfCPUNK and not used by the other methods undergoing UNRES sampling (i.e., Cornell-Gdansk and KIAS-Gdansk). In fact, the helix-helix contact predictions43,44 that were contributed by the FLOUDAS group and used as restraints in the UNRES simulations made a difference in the sampled space. Figure 3 shows the predicted contacts superposed on the experimental structure, the best model (Model 4) from the wfCPUNK group, and the best model from the Cornell-Gdansk group (Model 3). It can be seen that the restraints made the C-terminal α-helix bent and packed against one of the middle α-helices. Unlike the experimental structure, this α-helix is straight in the Cornell-Gdansk Model 3.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

wfCPUNK (black lines) outperformed all individual components and all other groups and methods for Free Modeling target T0740_D1. The model produced by wfCPUNK is shown in the inset with a rainbow color, aligned with the native shown in black. The average prediction among all groups for this target had a GDT_TS of 21.68±4.55. Interestingly, the individual groups contributing to the method also outperform the average in a statistically significant fashion, with the combined method outperforming the individual methods. This figure was adapted from a GDT_TS plot generated on the CASP10 website, with permission2.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Illustration of the ab initio predicted helix-helix contacts43,44 implemented as restraints in UNRES sampling superposed on the experimental structure of T0740. The restraints are superposed on the experimental structure (A), the best model (model 4) from the wfCPUNK group (B), and the best model (model 3) from the Cornell-Gdansk group (C). The restrained parts of the molecule that belong to the same sets of restraints are marked with the same color, from blue to red from the N-to the C-terminus. It can be seen that the restraints marked with orange color made the C-terminal α-helix, which is straight in the Cornell-Gdansk model, bend. The restraints marked with red color made the C-terminal α-helix pack with the long middle α-helix, similar to the packing in the experimental structure. This figure was created using PyMOL65.

The most accurate prediction for this target according to GDT_TS was 38.87 and it was produced by RaptorX-Roll. The GDT_TS of the wfCPUNK prediction was 32.10. However, from Figure 2 it can be seen that the percent of residues within a distance cutoff line for the wfCPUNK Model 4 clearly extends to the right beyond that for any other model, albeit this happens only after the 5Å distance threshold. This feature arises from the middle resolution of the UNRES force field, which reproduces well the overall topology of protein folds and supersecondary structure/domain packing but does not reproduce finer details of protein folds. It should be noted that the same feature of GDT_TS plots was observed for UNRES-predicted structures of T0668 and T0684-D260. For another target, T0663, the UNRES prediction was not among those top ones as far as the GDT_TS plots were concerned; however, UNRES was one of the only two approaches that predicted the correct topology of domain packing and this prediction was, therefore, featured by the CASP assessors.

Table I presents the GDT_TS values for the predictions by wfCPUNK and its component methods, as well as other groups using the component methods. wfCPUNK was able to outperform both the Cornell-Gdansk and KIAS-Gdansk teams in three of four targets, and FLOUDAS in two out of four targets. These results, although not statistically significant, highlight the potential benefits of combining methods for the prediction of free modeling targets.

Table I.

GDT_TS values for the top prediction by wfCPUNK compared to other groups contributing to wfCPUNK for Free Modeling targets.

Target wfCPUNK Cornell-Gdansk KIAS-Gdansk FLOUDAS
T0740 32.1 25.48 24.03 30.81
T0734 15.57 14.74 12.97 12.97
T0741 12.8 14.8 14.8 13
T0666* 23.47 19.72 18.61 23.89

Structure was submitted late in CASP competition and was not evaluated by the assessors. CASP10 discussions and results pertaining this target can be found at

The wfFUIK Branch Applied to Refinement Predictions

According to the refinement category assessors6, the large majority of the fifty groups that competed in CASP105 failed to improve the quality of the starting models and even the successful groups were able to make only modest improvements. Only very few methods could consistently refine the targets. Noteworthy examples are FEIG20,61 (positive ΔGDT_HA for 24 targets), Seok62 (positive ΔGDT_HA for 16 targets) and KnowMIN (positive ΔGDT_HA for 15 targets)6. As the assessors pointed out6, wfFUIK improved GDT-HA significantly less frequently than the FEIG and Seok groups (i.e. wfFUIK improved GDT-HA for 5 targets), but its models improved GDT_HA by the largest amount, with the same being true for the MolProbity (MP) scores63 (MP is the MolProbity score that combines the log-scaled counts of all-atom steric clashes, atypical rotamer conformations and unfavorable backbone torsion angles in each prediction). Also, FEIG, Mufold, and wfFUIK are the top groups at side-chain positioning. These conclusions reached by the assessors are reflected in Table II, which uses GDT_TS (the comparative measurement used throughout this paper).

Table II.

Top 15 best per-target improvements in GDT_TS made by any team considering all 5 models submitted and the number of targets for which each team improved the original model.

Group Target Best GDT_TS
Improvement per target
Number of targets for which
Anthropic_Dreams TR671 10.51 3
Void_Crushers TR663 8.06 5
wfFUIK TR722 7.87 6
Schroderlab TR705 6.51 7
FEIG TR723 6.30 23
Schroderlab TR704 5.85
FOLDIT TR710 5.15 3
Seok TR681 4.84 16
BAKER TR696 4.50 8
FEIG TR738 4.42
FEIG TR662 4.33
FEIG TR750 3.71
FRESS_server TR754 3.67 6
Mufold-R TR720 3.03 6
Pcons-net TR644 2.84 1

Foldit-based methods are highlighted in yellow.

To illustrate the potential additive benefits of the wfFUIK pipeline, Figure 4 shows a walkthrough of the contributions of each step of the wfFUIK method to the refinement of target TR722. First, (A) the starting structure was given to Foldit players. There were two Foldit runs; one run treating the structure as a monomer and another run treating it as a symmetric dimer. In total, the players produced 256,776 structures. A filtering step was performed on both the monomeric and symmetric set, leaving a Unique/Filtered set of 20,488 monomers and 30,855 symmetric structures, which comprised 20% of the total number of structures generated. They are represented by grey dots in each plot in Figure 4. The starting structure is shown as a red color “X” and had a GDT_TS of 58.0. The structures that would be selected by naïvely taking the one with lowest Rosetta energy for both the monomer and symmetric dimer are shown as pink squares. (B) From the Unique/Filtered set, those structures that are the cluster medoids selected by ICON22, as well as the lowest energy structures from Rosetta23 and dDFIRE24 are highlighted in blue. Several structures from this population are already more accurate than the structures generated in the previous step. Next, (C) the structures that resulted from step B were further refined using KoBaMIN27 and are shown as cyan dots. After this step, a higher fraction of structures has improved GDT_TS’s relative to the step B structures. The cyan dots, generally located down and to the right relative to the dark blue pre-KoBaMIN population, indicate that KoBaMIN structures are refined with lower energies and improved GDT_TS’s. (D) The structures submitted in blind prediction are shown in pink stars. Those structures were selected according to a number of energy and quality-assessment metrics and to be diverse from each other.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Illustrative walkthrough of wfFUIK pipeline for the blind prediction of refinement target TR722 in CASP10. (A) The starting structure was given to Foldit players, who produced 256,776 structures. A filtering procedure is applied to remove unlikely candidate structures. 20,488 monomers and 30,855 symmetric structures remained after filtering, shown as grey dots in each plot. The starting structure, shown as a red cross and highlighted as a red dotted line, had a GDT_TS of 0.58. The structures that would be chosen by naïvely selecting the ones with the lowest Rosetta energy for both the monomer and symmetric dimer are shown as pink squares. (B) From the Unique/Filtered set, structures that were the cluster medoids selected by ICON, as well as lowest energy Rosetta and dDFIRE structures are highlighted in blue. (C) Structures produced after running the previous set through KoBaMIN are shown as cyan dots. (D) Structures submitted in blind prediction are shown as pink stars. The GDT_TS is shown here normalized on a zero to one basis.

Figure 5A shows the best model out of the five submitted, which garnered a GDT_TS of 65.95 (the top Model 1 prediction for this target came from one contributing group, FLOUDAS, yielding a GDT_TS of 63.19). The best wfFUIK model achieved the “peak-performance” in terms of ΔGDT_TS for TR722; that is, it was the #1 most refined structure according to ΔGDT_TS considering all the models submitted for this target by all groups. It was the #3 most refined structure according to ΔGDT_TS among all refinement targets considering all the models submitted by all groups (see Table II) and it was featured by the CASP105 assessors in the refinement category for being one of three models where large increases in GDT_HA were observed6.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

(A) Comparison of native structure (black) and refined structure (green) produced by wfFUIK branch for TR722. The refined structure using this protocol had a GDT_TS of 65.95, whereas the starting model (red) had a GDT_TS of 58.0. This structure is a dimer and adopts a coiled-coil fold. (B) Illustration of best Model 1 prediction produced by any method in CASP10 to improve the metric GDT_TS for target TR705. The WeFold method wfFUGT achieved this improvement, increasing the starting GDT_TS from 64.84 to 70.05. The loops in the upper-right region of the Figure, as well as in the bottom left were the regions where the most refinement occurred. TR705 adopts a β-sandwich fold. These examples highlight significant improvements in refinement for proteins containing only α-helices and β-sheets. This figure was created using PyMOL65.

The average GDT_TS of blind predictions for this target from all CASP105 participants was 52.9±7.5, indicating that wfFUIK’s best blind prediction outperformed the rest of the predictions by more than one standard deviation. This model is ranked 93 out of 51,343 models contained in the Unique/Filtered set, which is comparable to the top 2% of structures produced by the Foldit players. There are even better structures in the Unique/Filtered set that were not chosen (please refer to section What Went Wrong in the Collaborative Pipelines for a detailed analysis). Significantly, the best structure contained in the filtered set had a GDT_TS of 71.26, which if selected would have outperformed the average prediction by over 2 standard deviations. The strategy employed by Foldit to use both monomeric and symmetric dimer prediction runs increased the chance of a successful prediction. This example shows that coupling the human players’ abilities to refine the proteins with the subsequent clustering, refinement, and scoring methods in the wfFUIK protocol can make it possible to successfully select models among the very best from the remarkably large population of structures produced by Foldit. More importantly, TR722 is not the only target for which wfFUIK produced models that were more accurate than the starting one as shown in Table II.

However, the wfFUIK branch did not achieve consistently good results. In the section “What Went Wrong in the Collaborative Pipelines,” we investigate the step-by-step results of wfFUIK applied to other CASP105 targets and show that although the structural accuracy remains, it was the last step that consistently failed to select the best models that had been produced by the previous steps.

The wfFUGT Branch Applied to Refinement Predictions

This branch, which is also based on Foldit, did not do as well as wfFUIK. Nevertheless, it produced a noteworthy model for refinement target TR705. In fact, the wfFUGT branch improved the starting GDT_TS of TR705 from 64.84 to 70.052. This blind prediction, which was the best submitted for this target considering only Model 1 and ranked 5th when considering all models, is shown in Figure 5B (green), along with the native (black) and starting (red) structure. Next, we compare the performances of wfFUGT and wfFUIK to their base method Foldit.

Overall Comparison of wfFUIK and wfFUGT to Base Method FOLDIT for Refinement Targets

There were six independent teams that began with structures produced by Foldit players: FOLDIT, Anthropic Dreams, Contenders, Void Crushers, wfFUIK and wfFUGT. Anthropic Dreams, Contenders, and Void Crushers were created and run by the Foldit players themselves (see Methods). Table II shows the top 15 best per-target improvements in GDT_TS during CASP105 considering the 5 models predicted by all methods. This table shows that Anthropic Dreams, Void Crushers, and the WeFold wfFUIK branch submitted the three best per-target improvements in GDT_TS over the starting models for the refinement category at CASP105. Also noteworthy is that wfFUIK is the FOLDIT-based group with the largest number of positive ΔGDT_TS.

Figure 6 shows a head-to-head comparison of the refinement models submitted to CASP105 using the wfFUIK and wfFUGT methods to those submitted by the base method FOLDIT considering the best of 5 models. This figure is based on the data shown in Table III which provides a comparison of the best refinement structures submitted in CASP105 from Foldit-derived branches versus all predictions submitted by all groups. Specifically, the Foldit-derived models are compared against the mean of the GDT_TS values for all models submitted for each target. This table also provides the standard deviation for each target. wfFUIK submitted more accurate predictions than FOLDIT by GDT_TS in a large majority (74%) of all of the refinement targets attempted by both teams. On the other hand, the wfFUGT method outperformed FOLDIT in 53% of those cases. This indicates that wfFUIK is a better refinement strategy than wfFUGT, and its improved performance is due to the multi-step selection process used in the method. Furthermore, we performed a one-sided t-test comparing the best predictions by FOLDIT to those by wfFUIK, and wfFUGT. The P-value between FOLDIT and wfFUIK is 0.031, indicating a statistically significant improvement. Conversely, the P-value between FOLDIT and wfFUGT is 0.317.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Comparison of improvements in Foldit models by WeFold methods. (A) In wfFUIK, 74% of structures were better refinements than the best structure submitted by FOLDIT. (B) Using wfFUGT, 53% of structures were better refinements than the best structure submitted by FOLDIT. The improvements are indicated by the differential bars in white from the base bars in red.

Table III.

Comparison of best refinement structures submitted in CASP10 by Foldit-derived branches to the average GDT_TS value calculated over all predictions submitted by all groups.

Average of All CASP
(± 1 Standard Deviation)
TR644 78.55 71.99 79.61 81.92 82.45 83.33 76.57±11.47
TR655 65.86 67.57 64.00 69.29 69.00 64.57 65.08±3.74
TR661 64.32 68.65 65.68 NA 65.81 NA 74.11±7.21
TR662 81.00 83.67 82.00 83.33 84.00 83.33 79.29±9.40
TR663 69.08 77.30 76.48 NA 54.93 54.93 60.22±12.10
TR671 61.08 64.20 66.19 51.70 59.66 59.66 49.31±11.54
TR674 77.65 77.84 78.98 78.60 82.01 NA 81.76±5.08
TR679 67.08 69.72 69.97 72.24 69.85 NA 68.42±6.51
TR681 76.57 74.22 74.48 73.30 77.22 NA 70.32±14.63
TR688 69.19 74.32 72.57 NA 71.76 NA 74.18±5.37
TR689 81.08 85.05 84.93 81.42 83.88 NA 83.01±7.29
TR696 59.75 64.75 63.75 61.00 65.25 67.75 63.01±9.90
TR698 63.23 64.58 64.92 61.34 64.71 65.13 63.12±3.44
TR705 64.84 64.06 69.27 63.80 64.84 70.05 60.39±9.66
TR708 78.57 82.65 81.50 78.32 85.71 81.00 82.44±3.54
TR710 80.28 77.83 74.87 74.23 78.09 76.16 72.33±3.74
TR712 81.18 86.83 85.22 82.26 88.04 86.42 86.65±5.90
TR722 47.24 59.05 54.33 60.83 65.94 43.11 52.92±7.47
TR723 83.40 79.01 83.02 86.45 86.83 82.82 82.57±4.10
TR747 86.11 83.89 81.11 84.72 83.89 79.72 79.99±5.09
TR750 67.44 66.35 67.17 68.68 72.67 71.57 72.88±5.76
TR752 86.49 88.85 89.02 88.34 88.51 88.51 86.75±3.12
TR754 73.90 73.90 75.73 60.66 71.69 56.25 70.26±7.54
# Wins 2 3 3 2 7 4 2

Besides the average GDT_TS value, the corresponding standard deviations are provided for each target. GDT_TS values were tabulated using the prediction center’s official results on the CASP10 webpage2. NA indicates that a structure was not submitted and evaluated for this target. Group numbers are denoted in parentheses. The best prediction for each target among these methods is bolded. Foldit-based human groups Void Crushers and Anthropic Dreams were able to refine and select the best structure among the cohort three times each, whereas FOLDIT was able to select it for two targets. In these two cases though, Foldit’s selection produced the top improvement in GDT_TS of any method in CASP10. These teams were a collaboration of citizen scientists. The WeFold branches wfFUIK selected the best structure seven times and wfFUGT four times indicating the enhanced performance of using these synergistic branches utilizing the structures refined by the citizen scientists followed by subsequent clustering, further refinement, and selection.

Although the wfFUIK branch amplified the refinement relative to the base method FOLDIT, many of the submitted models did not refine the structures relative to the start. Thus, although it achieved ΔGDT_HA > 0 in 5 of the 23 targets attempted6 and placed among the top 10 ranked groups where Model 1 ΔGDT_HA was positive6, overall it ranked below the naïve method of doing nothing to the input structure according to the score used by the CASP105 refinement assessors, which includes deviations of GDT_HA, RMSD, and other metrics6. This result may not be surprising as the method components have not been optimized to maximize performance given the output from each stage of the prediction pipeline. Optimization of the stages in each WeFold branch to maximize performance relative to the input from the previous stage(s) may lead to improved performance of the branches in the future. Nevertheless, these results show that the wfFUIK pipeline did consistently outperform its base method FOLDIT even without prior optimization.

The WeFold Branch

Figure 7 shows the performance of the WeFold branch in absolute comparison to all Model predictions, and in relative comparison to the top Model predictions by all groups and all methods. The absolute performance is assessed based on the Z-score of the GDT_TS of the best model submitted by WeFold relative to all predictions by all groups and methods. We calculated the Z-score of each target as Zscore=(BestWeFoldPredictionGDT_TSμGDT_TS)σGDT_TS, where μGDT_TS and σGDT_TS denote the mean and standard deviations of the GDT_TS values for all Models submitted to CASP105 for that particular target. The relative comparison is based on the ratio between the GDT_TS score of the best WeFold prediction and the best GDT_TS achieved by all groups for each target, calculated as %Best=BestWeFoldPredictionGDT_TSBestCASPModelGDT_TS×100. The WeFold branch performed comparably (11 targets) or better (12 targets) than TASSER (one of its base methods) in 53% of the attempted targets as shown in Table IV. This table provides a comparison of best structures submitted in CASP105 for tertiary structure prediction by WeFold branches and their component methods to the best and average predictions submitted by all groups. The best prediction for each target among these methods is bolded. In some cases such as T0676, T0700, T0735, and T0744, the WeFold branch did substantially better than TASSER in terms of both GDT_TS and overall ranking (Table IV). The reason for the difference between WeFold and TASSER (human group) is due to the difference between the model selection methods, i.e., APOLLO (used by WeFold) and GOAP (used by TASSER). When consensus information was useful, APOLLO performed better than GOAP and, consequently, WeFold performed better than TASSER. Overall though, TASSER significantly outperformed the WeFold branch “winning” 17 targets in the cross-comparison, with a one-sided P-value of 0.032 (Table IV). This result indicates that WeFold branch has substantial room for improvement.

Figure 7.

Figure 7

(A) Absolute and (B) relative performance of the WeFold branch on the 43 human targets attempted. The absolute performance is assessed based on the Z-score of the GDT_TS of the best model submitted by WeFold relative to all other predictions by all groups and methods for each target. The relative comparison is based on the ratio between the GDT_TS score of the best WeFold prediction and the best GDT_TS achieved by all groups for each target. In both cases, longer positive bars in the y-direction represent better performance.

Table IV.

Comparison of best structures submitted in CASP10 for tertiary structure prediction by WeFold branches and their component methods to the best and average predictions submitted by all groups.

Average of All
CASP10 Predictions
(± 1 Standard Deviation)
by All
T0644-D1 83.51 28.72 17.38 84.93 75.89 60.99 84.04 18.97 61.78±23.62 85.28
T0649-D1 33.42 21.74 16.44 28.40 20.21±8.10 36.82
T0651 33.47 11.42 28.30±7.28 37.70
T0655-D1 76.67 25.67 21.33 76.83 23.67 60.62±17.10 79.83
T0663 40.62 19.08 23.19 40.46 32.80±8.90 42.93
T0666-D1 32.64 23.89 19.72 31.11 22.66±4.50 33.75
T0668-D1 40.06 33.01 35.90 36.54 32.05 30.45 36.54 30.77 30.34±4.73 44.23
T0673-D1 65.73 34.68 34.27 50.81 40.73 46.37 46.37 27.02 35.97±10.27 66.94
T0676-D1 26.45 20.38 22.11 38.87 18.50 21.75±7.35 43.21
T0678-D1 37.99 28.41 25.65 35.55 34.09 39.29 25.00 25.81±6.71 42.53
T0680-D1 75.52 51.82 31.51 50.26 49.22 50 67.19 45.35±14.74 77.60
T0684 14.52 13.07 15.14 14.42 12.12±1.87 18.67
T0687-D1 76.50 58.75 76.50 64.91±15.10 78.25
T0691-D1 52.59 46.46 48.35 53.30 53.77 30.90 23.82 33.57±12.32 57.31
T0700-D1 85.00 62.86 55.00 65.71 55.71 55 94.29 55.00 52.86 61.46±14.53 96.43
T0704-D1 69.91 53.68 69.81 62.28±6.97 71.00
T0707-D1 54.59 38.55 52.65 38.24±13.75 54.59
T0709-D1 96.88 96.88 53.12 95.83 93.75 94.79 96.88 50.00 93.75 86.43±16.78 98.96
T0711-D1 89.84 87.50 42.19 83.59 82.81 85.94 89.06 40.62 45.31 73.36±17.35 90.62
T0713 27.41 27.81 26.94 21.69±6.62 30.28
T0717 33.14 29.24 9.55 33.39 23.73±8.28 38.54
T0719 11.59 12.73 11.21 8.82±2.86 16.15
T0720-D1 56.31 53.66 14.39 56.44 37.25±13.50 65.78
T0724 29.70 31.62 26.92 21.86±6.25 31.62
T0732 42.38 36.71 12.14 38.15 31.09±11.07 42.96
T0734-D1 18.51 12.97 14.74 14.51 15.57 13.92±2.41 23.82
T0735 12.38 10.05 9.35 22.20 10.54±4.65 28.66
T0739 9.89 7.36 10.26 6.24±2.78 14.38
T0740-D1 30.16 30.81 25.48 24.52 29.52 22.58 24.84 32.10 21.68±4.55 38.87
T0741-D1 13.20 13 14.80 11.40 12.80 12.09±1.23 17.20
T0742-D1 52.45 22.34 13.51 20.00 23.32±15.96 57.13
T0743-D1 70.17 69.74 25.88 63.60 61.40 64.03 49.78 25.66 42.67±15.12 73.25
T0744-D1 38.69 35.54 9.54 44.00 15.00 31.49±13.17 61.62
T0746-D1 52.82 49.16 7.62 48.70 7.85 37.82±15.26 52.82
# Wins 17 3 2 1 0 1 12 1

The average GDT_TS value and corresponding standard deviations for all CASP Model submissions are provided for each target. GDT_TS values were taken from the prediction center’s official results available on the CASP10 website2. An empty cell indicates that a structure was not submitted and evaluated for this target. Group numbers are denoted in parentheses. The best prediction for each target among these methods is bolded.


Due to a discrepancy in the input data used for FOLDIT, wfFUIK, and wfFUGT tertiary structure predictions as described in the main text, the results cannot be directly compared to those obtained by other methods. The data is tabulated strictly for reporting and it not meant for comparison since they are not fairly comparable.

What Went Wrong in the Collaborative Pipelines

In this section we discuss the main reasons why the collaborative effort did not do as well as expected given the combination of methods. In some cases such as wfCPUNK and WeFoldMix, the branches did not attempt enough targets to make any statistically significant conclusion. In other cases such as wfFUIK and wfFUGT we present a detailed analysis that shows the reason why the collaborative branch failed to produce more positive results.

Problems Identified in the wfCPUNK Branch Applied to Human Free Modeling Targets

This branch submitted only 4 free-modeling targets. This low number of submissions is due to both the uncertainty with which targets are deemed as “Free Modeling” prior to their prediction and the high computational cost of performing MREMD calculations which is aggravated by the limited computational resources available. Going forward, the branch plans to explore the use of a consensus from different contact prediction methods rather than the results from a single method to increase its chances for success.

Problems Identified in the wfFUIK and wfFUGT Branches Applied to Human Tertiary Structure Prediction Targets

We observed a stark difference between the performance of the WeFold and FOLDIT methods for tertiary structure prediction targets and refinement targets, and these differences can be explained by discrepancies between the input data. In CASP105, Foldit had two runs, called puzzles, for tertiary structure prediction targets. In the first run (Run 1) players are only given the sequences of the target and several alignments to proteins determined by fold recognition methods. In this run, the players can modify the alignments and must determine how to connect the regions that are not well aligned, and have full responsibility for the folding pathway of the proteins. These were the Foldit predictions that were shared with the various WeFold branches. In the second run (Run 2), players are given a number of starting models generated by servers that have performed well in previous CASP experiments. Thus, in Run 2, folding was somewhat akin to a refinement problem. Often, these initially provided structures are well predicted and are trapped in deep local minima, so subsequent refinement was unable to substantially change the initial structures. It was observed that the structures generated by Run 2 more often yielded lower energy (higher in-game scores) than the structures generated by Run 1, and thus they were usually the final models submitted by the FOLDIT team. Because the server predictions used for Run 2 were not publicly released until six days after the server deadline for each CASP105 target, there was not enough time to send these Run 2 Foldit predictions through the WeFold pipelines (often these Run 2 Foldit puzzles would close the day before the CASP105 target deadline). As a result, it is unfortunately not possible to draw any fair meaningful comparisons between wfFUIK, wfFUGT, and FOLDIT in tertiary structure prediction. Reflecting on the design of the experiment, this is one area that should be improved upon for the next CASP so that the methods could be directly compared.

Problems Identified in the wfFUIK Branch Applied to Refinement Predictions

Although the wfFUIK method net improved upon its base method FOLDIT, like most refinement methods, wfFUIK suffered from two problems: (1) degrading of the starting model and (2) final model selection. This is not surprising given that the starting structures which are already accurate predictions have been driven into deep local minima. In order to analyze the effects of each component method in the pipeline and show where it failed, we performed a step-by-step analysis of the data starting from the Unique/Filtered set (the U step in wfFUIK) for a subset of 13 randomly selected refinement targets. We use this subset to demonstrate the difficulties in selection as a proof by contradiction.

It is noteworthy to mention that the step-by-step analysis of the performance is very time consuming as it requires evaluating tens to hundreds of thousands of protein models created by the Foldit players for each target. Therefore, we chose a random subset consisting of half of the total number of refinement targets attempted by this branch.

Figure 8A demonstrates critical weak points of the method and the results of this analysis. First, the Foldit players were able to refine the initial structure in 12/13 of these targets. In 6/13 targets, the most refined structure in the Unique/Filtered set (pink) has a GDT_TS value that is greater than or equal to the best submitted by any group in CASP105 (light blue) by an appreciable margin. Table V shows the best GDT_TS value at each step of the wfFUIK branch (columns) for each of the 13 targets (rows) considered in this test. The last 2 rows show the accumulated GDT_TS values (∑GDT_TS) over the 13 targets, as well as the difference (∆∑GDT_TS) between the ∑GDT_TS for any column and the ∑GDT_TS for the column corresponding to the starting structures. If the best structure in the Foldit+Unique column could be selected then the total improvement by GDT_TS would be +52.38, which is in line with the very best from each single method submitted to CASP105 of +53.17 (last column). Unfortunately, none of the selection procedures used by FOLDIT (described in the Methods section) or the WeFold branches were able to select these models.

Figure 8.

Figure 8

(A) Breakdown of the effect of each step in the wfFUIK pipeline in order to identify individual contributions to the pipeline, as well as areas needing further attention. The y-axis is normalized to show the ratio of the GDT_TS of the corresponding model to the GDT_TS of the starting model so that it can be compared across targets. The legend shows the lowest energy dDFIRE structure (black) in the Unique/Filtered set, lowest energy Rosetta structure from all Foldit conformations (red), best GDT_TS contained in the ICON+Lowest E Rosetta+Lowest E dDFIRE step of the pipeline (green), best GDT_TS contained after those structures are refined by KoBaMIN (yellow), best blind prediction of 5 submitted in CASP10 (dark blue), highest GDT_TS structure contained in the Foldit Unique/Filtered set (pink), and the best GDT_TS structure submitted to CASP10 by any team (light blue). (B) Enrichment of candidate conformers by wfFUIK compared to candidate conformers in the Unique/Filtered set. Shown are the probabilities of selecting a better structure than the start in the Unique/Filtered set compared to the enriched probability when choosing from the final set of wfFUIK models.

Table V.

Illustration of the effect of each step in the wfFUIK method on 13 CASP10 refinement targets.

Best in
Lowest E
Lowest E
Best in
Best after
Best Model 1 in
Best MODEL in
TR661 80.68 78.51 59.46 55.27 69.69 71.49 65.81 81.35 81.35
TR663 69.24 69.74 41.94 53.62 54.44 54.77 54.93 74.84 77.3
TR679 71.73 74.25 68.22 67.71 71.48 71.61 69.85 73.74 74.37
TR688 78.24 78.24 68.78 67.43 72.7 72.43 71.76 79.73 80.14
TR696 71.5 73.5 61.75 51.25 63.5 63.5 63.5 75.5 76
TR698 65.55 72.27 64.71 59.66 64.71 65.13 64.71 67.02 67.65
TR705 64.84 73.7 65.36 63.02 70.57 70.83 64.84 70.05 71.35
TR710 75.13 83.76 71.78 70.62 80.41 79.51 78.09 77.83 80.28
TR722 57.09 69.69 42.32 58.27 61.02 65.75 65.75 65.75 65.75
TR723 85.11 89.31 72.52 86.45 86.45 86.83 86.83 88.17 91.41
TR747 83.61 89.44 86.39 78.33 86.39 87.78 83.89 85.28 86.11
TR752 90.37 91.22 86.32 83.28 88.01 88.51 88.51 90.71 90.88
TR754 78.31 80.15 48.16 56.25 72.79 71.32 71.32 79.04 81.98
ΣGDT_TS 971.4 1023.78 837.71 851.16 942.16 949.46 929.79 1009.01 1024.57
from Start
0 52.38 −133.69 −120.24 −29.24 −21.94 −41.61 37.61 53.17

The first column indicates the CASP10 target. The second column indicates the starting structure’s GDT_TS value as calculated using the TMScore program48. The third and fourth columns indicate the GDT_TS of the lowest energy dDFIRE24 and Rosetta23 structures, respectively. The fifth column indicates the best structure contained in the set of candidates after ICON clustering, in addition to the lowest energy dDFIRE and Rosetta structures. The seventh column indicates the GDT_TS of the best structure after refinement by KoBaMIN27. The eighth column is the best structure submitted in blind predictions during CASP10 by the wfFUIK method. The ninth and tenth columns indicate the best Model 1 and best of the five Models submitted in CASP10 by any method. Inline graphic text indicates that the structure was a refinement of the start. Inline graphic text indicates that the best contained model is more accurate than any submitted during CASP10. This demonstrates the selection challenge the structure prediction community faces. That is, even though there are sampling methods that can generate high-accuracy structures, the best forcefields and selection methods still cannot pick these “best” structures among the ensembles. If one were able to select the best produced Foldit structure, generated by the game players, this would be comparable to the best structure submitted in CASP by all groups.

Despite the ranking problems, the wfFUIK method overall did much better than the naïve approach of taking the lowest energy structure from a single energy function such as dDFIRE24 or Rosetta23. Choosing dDFIRE24 or Rosetta23 as a selection strategy would yield a ∆∑GDT_TS of −133.69 and −120.24 for these 13 targets (see Table V), which represent a GDT_TS degradation of 14% and 12% respectively. The ICON step in wfFUIK selected on average a subset of 23 structures. In 11/13 targets, this subset included structures with a higher GDT_TS value than the lowest energy dDFIRE or Rosetta structure. Therefore, the ICON step achieves an improvement of 104.45 GDT_TS points over the lowest energy dDFIRE and 91 GDT_TS points over the lowest energy Rosetta conformers, a 10% improvement over the naïve method.

KoBaMIN was able to refine the best structures contained in the ICON set in 10/13 targets, thus contributing small, but consistent gains in GDT_TS in the pipeline. Each step (Foldit, Unique, ICON, KoBaMIN) worked together to identify candidate structures that were often better than the lowest energy of a single metric alone. Unfortunately, the last step of the wfFUIK method, which ranked the subset of KoBaMIN-refined structures and selected the 5 models for submission failed to pick the best structures in 7/13 targets (dark blue).

Besides the weakness identified at the final ranking step of the pipeline, another problem in wfFUIK was associated to the small size of the Unique/Filtered set. An ideal selection procedure would be able to enrich the probability of selecting among the most refined structures from the massive number of conformers available. In the Unique/Filtered set, there were only 6/13 targets where there were more than 10 structures that were refined relative to the starting GDT_TS. In 6 of the remaining 7 targets, there were 3 or less better structures than the starting structure. To our knowledge, there is no current method capable of picking those structures among the thousands in the Unique/Filtered sets (average of 15,836 conformers) and hundreds of thousands in the unfiltered set (Supplementary Table S2). The method as it currently stands was unable to consistently select from the small pools of refined models among the significantly larger set of total models contained in the Unique/Filtered sets, as demonstrated by this subset of targets. These results suggest the filtering step (the “U” step in wfFUIK) may have been too stringent for these sets that contain many very similar structures. Based on the challenges observed, we believe a refinement strategy capable of addressing the selection of the best model among a large pool of candidate models would be of utility.

What Went Right and What Went Wrong Beyond the Pipelines

The WeFold experiment showed that part of the protein structure prediction community is ready to collaborate at a larger-scale. More importantly, the WeFold experiment showed that such collaboration can produce the following results, which include:

  1. A cyber-infrastructure that facilitates frequent, open discussions among researchers and allows the creation of hybrid pipelines composed of state-of-the-art methods thus leveraging their strengths at a scale that had not been tried before.

  2. Resources to share and process extremely large data files and databases and to execute computationally expensive codes.

  3. The creation of pipelines by the contributing labs themselves. Having the experts contributing their developed methods in their best way possible presumably is better than the alternative approach of a single lab/person attempting to utilize all of the methods in isolation without any guidance of how to best use them. The collaborative approach also allowed for the ability to adapt sub-methods to work in the setting of WeFold within a reasonable amount of time, since the individual groups are the experts to modify the source code of their own methods. Adaptation of the source codes developed by diverse groups, so that they can work together, may have proven difficult and time-consuming for a single group.

  4. The generation of a vast number of decoys. Almost 9 million decoys were contributed by the different groups as shown in Supplemental Table S2. This is over 170 times the number of models submitted to CASP105. If curated, these structures could be very useful for designing, training, and improving energy and scoring functions, which as we have just shown, have difficulty in selecting top models among an ensemble of very similar decoys.

  5. A unique opportunity for students and young researchers to interact on a daily basis with researchers from other labs, to share their models, and to learn new methods and uses that they can then share with their lab members.

  6. Data and discussions which are all publicly available and searchable.

Although the WeFold experiment produced enough evidence to warrant its continuation, it did not produce enough good results to categorically claim success. Some of the issues that stood in the way to success include:

  1. Only 13% of the manual groups registered for CASP105 participated in the experiment. The project needs to scale up to increase the chances for success. The higher the number of components contributed, the higher the chances to create the ideal combination of methods that perfectly complement each other.

  2. The gateway is overly restrictive and is based on an approach that does not scale up. All gateway users have to apply for and get NERSC accounts even if they do not need to use the NERSC computers. NERSC can only issue accounts to those users that are affiliated to a trusted institution.

  3. The gateway lacks a workflow feature that permits users to quickly assemble pipelines. Members of a lab contributing a component to any of the pipelines needed to run that component and then pass the output to the next lab contributing the next component in the pipeline. This method of operation made it impossible to quickly optimize and benchmark the new pipelines. It also made the execution of the pipelines very time consuming. Thus, the hybrid methods were created during the first days of CASP105 and there was no time to optimize their components to work within the new pipeline. For example, the ICON component of the wfFUIK branch was originally designed by the Floudas lab to deal with the hundreds to thousands of structures generated by their own pipeline. Therefore, it needed to be adapted to work with hundreds of thousands of structures in the wfFUIK pipeline. Because there was no time for adapting the algorithm or parallelizing the code, a preprocessing step had to be included in wfFUIK in order to filter out structures before using ICON. This filtering solution step may have been too stringent for the refinement targets as the models generated are usually very similar but there was no time to change the procedure.

  4. The gateway lacks a feature that allows users to run their individual codes and collaboratively create pipelines directly via the gateway. Therefore, users could not use the gateway as a launching platform to run their codes and their collaborators could not see the status of those runs.


Successful blind prediction of a protein's structure requires the correct identification of its secondary structure, the best template and sequence alignment, the accurate prediction of contacts, the accurate prediction of the β-sheet topology, broad sampling, and selection among the populations of structures generated13. Each one of these problems is extremely complex and no single lab, no matter how big its resources, has found the optimal solution to all of them. Therefore, we strongly believe that success will come by combining methods and expertise from the different labs, organizations, and individuals that have a stake at solving this problem.

The WeFold experiment was created to realize this potential. WeFold is a social-network-based experiment that comprises both a platform that provides a cyber-infrastructure (high performance computing, science gateway, and advanced networking) and a community of committed individuals that strongly believe in collaboration to advance science. WeFold brought together junior and seasoned scientists from thirteen labs around the world. Prior to WeFold these groups used their own prediction methods to compete against each other during CASP. WeFold enabled them to compete and collaborate within the same venue; therefore, coopetition accurately describes this interaction. A science coopetition of this magnitude that takes advantage of both expert and citizen scientists from around the world is unprecedented. The execution of such an ambitious project is not straightforward and it is important to determine what needs to be done to warrant its continuity and success.

The WeFold pipelines are a combination of components, which are part of state-of-the-art methods that have been optimized and benchmarked and so, outperforming them was a difficult task. Nevertheless, the WeFold experiment shows that it is possible for a collaborative method to outperform its base method. For example, the combination of UNRES with the contact predictions of Floudas group and the KobaMIN from the Levitt group for the prediction of Target T0740 led to a model that was closer to the experimental one that those produced by UNRES alone; and the combination of Foldit with a multi-step process consisting of filtering, clustering, refinement, and selection could identify improved models among the hundreds of thousands of models created by players in more cases than Foldit alone. However, the improvements were not consistent across base methods and prediction categories and in certain cases it was not possible to perform a fair comparison due to discrepancies between the input data used by the WeFold branches and the base methods. Hence, it is too early in this collaborative approach to science to yield any larger conclusions. Nevertheless, the results shown here warrant its continuity and highlight the areas in need of improvement. It is also evident that new and different collaborative methods must be tried in future WeFold experiments to maximize the chances of finding the ideal combination of methods that optimally complement each other. For example, it may be interesting for scientific value and for the community in general to create pipelines that combine the very top structure prediction method(s) and the very top refinement methods. These methods themselves are automated pipelines and may be amenable to combination.


The implementation of a coopetitive effort is not a trivial task. Therefore, we decided to tackle it step-wise. First, we had to gauge the community to determine if there was enough interest for a collaborative project of this scope. Fortunately, we realized that at least part of it was ready. Second, we had to develop a prototype infrastructure with the essential features to support such collaboration. We determined that the basic features needed to start were password-protected online discussions and sharing of files and we implemented such prototype. We also obtained the resources that were essential to run the expensive codes and store the files. Using these tools, the community created new hybrid pipelines, contributed an overwhelming number of models and even shared their final models which were ranked by different techniques. The project has recently initiated its next phase and efforts are currently underway on the following fronts:

Science gateway

We are collaborating with members of the Science Gateway Institute ( to develop a new science gateway using cutting-edge technologies64. This gateway will provide users with the tools to collaborate at a larger-scale, as well as to assemble pipelines, run codes, manage large data, and selectively share information with other groups or with the public.


The community has identified some critical areas that need improvement as described in this work. Efforts are underway to optimize and fine-tune these methods tested during CASP105 with the goal to further enhance their combined predictive ability. These efforts include a hierarchical clustering method to efficiently and effectively select representatives from the large set of protein structures and a scoring function that takes advantage of machine learning techniques and the massive amount of structural data generated during the WeFold experiment that is now publically available.

Reach out to the community beyond CASP

Our goal to engage the large community is very ambitious but again, we plan to accomplish this gradually. We will create a database of WeFold decoys that will be available for downloading and querying, as well as its associated metadata that include protein-like features such as those proposed and successfully used for selecting models (Chen Keasar, Personal Communication). We have initiated discussions with members of the machine learning community and will present the scoring function challenge to them during an upcoming workshop.

The barriers to access the gateway must be lowered to allow the expansion of the WeFold community. In this new approach to doing science, ideas can come from anywhere, talents can come from everywhere, and we need to ensure that WeFold provides an environment where people have the opportunity to express their ideas, to bring their best contribution, and to merge those ideas and contributions into methodologies that accelerate innovation and push the protein folding field forward.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Material


This research used significant resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract number DE-AC02-05CH11231. CAF acknowledges support from the National Institutes of Health grant number R01GM052032 and the National Science Foundation. GAK is grateful for support by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under grant number DGE-1148900. GAK, JS, & CAF gratefully acknowledge computing time from Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE). RAF and LOB are grateful for support from the Brazilian funding agencies Coordination of the Enhancement of Higher Education (CAPES) and São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). This research was also supported by grant GM-14312 from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (to HAS), by grant MCB10-19767 from the U.S. National Science Foundation for financial support (to HAS), by grant UMO-2012/06/A/ST4/00376 from the Polish National Science Center (to AL), and by grant the Polish National Science Center UMO-2011/01/N/ST4/01772 (to AKS). PK, MAM, and TW were supported by grant MPD/2010/5 from the Foundation for Polish Science. YH, AL, AKS, PK, MAM, and TW gratefully acknowledge the use of computing resources at the Informatics Center of the Academic Computer Network in Gdansk (TASK), Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, and Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk. The work of JS and HZ was supported by grant numbers GM-48835, GM-37408 and GM-08422 of the Division of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health. JC acknowledges the support from the National Institutes of Health grant (grant number: R01GM093123). SC, JF, KX, and ZP acknowledge support from Office of Naval Research grant N00014-12-C-0158. CK acknowledges support from BSF grant 2009432. The authors thank Johannes Soeding and Armin Meier for access to HHPred predictions during the CASP10 experiment. GC and ML acknowledge the National Institutes of Health award GM063817. ML is the Robert W. and Vivian K. Cahill Professor of Cancer Research. SNC and the WeFold community are very grateful to Steven Chan, Shreyas Cholia, David Skinner, and especially to Francesca Verdier of NERSC for their HPC support. SNC is very grateful to Cristina Siegerist ( for her artistic design of the WeFold gateway banner.


Author Contributions. SNC conceived the project. GAK, AL, FK, HZ, GC, LOB, SNC, RAF, XD, JF, YH, PK, JL, MAM, AS, JS, TW, KX, CK, and FP performed the research. GAK, CAF, AL, FK, HZ, GC, and SNC analyzed the data. AL, DB, JB, JC, ACBD, CAF, CK, ML, ZP, JS, HS, and SNC supervised the research. GAK, SNC, AL, FK, HZ, LOB, RAF, MAM, and GC wrote the paper. The corresponding lab members participated in the branches by contributing their published methods and CPU time to the collaboration. All authors have read and approved the paper.


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