Extended Data Figure 2. Analysis of gibbon–human synteny blocks and identification and validation of gibbon segmental duplications.
a, The image shows a representative gibbon-only whole-genome shotgun sequence detection (WSSD) call by Sanger read depth. The duplication identified in this case overlaps with the gene CHAD that codes for a cartilage matrix protein. b, Examples of fluorescence in situ hybridizations on gibbon metaphases using duplicated human fosmid clones that were identified by the (WGS) detection strategy (red signals). Left, interchromosomal duplication. Middle, interspersed intrachromosomal duplication. Right, intrachromosomal tandem duplication confirmed using co-hybridization with a single control probe (blue signals). c, Megabases of lineage-specific and shared duplications for primates based on GRChr37 read depth analysis. Copy-number corrected values by species are shown below.