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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2014 Nov 10;111(47):16830–16835. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1406997111

Differential impairment of aspirin-dependent platelet cyclooxygenase acetylation by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs

Xuanwen Li a, Susanne Fries a, Ruizhi Li b, John A Lawson a, Kathleen J Propert a,c, Scott L Diamond b, Ian A Blair a, Garret A FitzGerald a, Tilo Grosser a,1
PMCID: PMC4250103  PMID: 25385584


Painkillers classified as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most commonly consumed drugs. Although they ameliorate pain effectively by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase, they can cause serious cardiovascular complications, including heart attack and stroke. Additionally, NSAIDs have the potential to render low-dose aspirin taken to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke ineffective through a drug–drug interaction, and there is great uncertainty in how to manage pain in patients with cardiovascular disease. We developed a MS assay to quantitate precisely the interaction of aspirin with NSAIDs. Exposure of volunteers to aspirin revealed a potent drug–drug interaction with ibuprofen and naproxen but not celecoxib. This observation has relevance to the interpretability of ongoing randomized clinical trials comparing the safety of NSAIDs.

Keywords: aspirin, acetylation, cyclooxygenase, MS, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs


The cardiovascular safety of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be influenced by interactions with antiplatelet doses of aspirin. We sought to quantitate precisely the propensity of commonly consumed NSAIDs—ibuprofen, naproxen, and celecoxib—to cause a drug–drug interaction with aspirin in vivo by measuring the target engagement of aspirin directly by MS. We developed a novel assay of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) acetylation in platelets isolated from volunteers who were administered aspirin and used conventional and microfluidic assays to evaluate platelet function. Although ibuprofen, naproxen, and celecoxib all had the potential to compete with the access of aspirin to the substrate binding channel of COX-1 in vitro, exposure of volunteers to a single therapeutic dose of each NSAID followed by 325 mg aspirin revealed a potent drug–drug interaction between ibuprofen and aspirin and between naproxen and aspirin but not between celecoxib and aspirin. The imprecision of estimates of aspirin consumption and the differential impact on the ability of aspirin to inactivate platelet COX-1 will confound head-to-head comparisons of distinct NSAIDs in ongoing clinical studies designed to measure their cardiovascular risk.

Chronic pain, most commonly inflammatory musculoskeletal pain, afflicts hundreds of millions worldwide (1). Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) consumed chronically or intermittently remain the mainstay of therapy for inflammation-associated pain. These agents inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2, thereby reducing the production of inflammatory prostanoids, lipid mediators that lower the activation threshold of nociceptors and sensory neurons. The prevalence of chronic pain rises in the elderly, coinciding with an increase in concomitant disease (1), which complicates drug treatment. Pain management in patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease is a particular challenge because of the cardiovascular adverse effects of NSAIDs and the risk of drug–drug interactions that might undermine the antiplatelet effects of aspirin prescribed for cardioprotection (2).

Although NSAIDs relieve pain effectively, they can cause serious renal and cardiovascular complications by inhibiting COX-dependent prostanoids with homeostatic functions (3, 4). All NSAIDs have the potential to elevate blood pressure and may cause heart failure. COX-2–selective NSAIDs, which were developed to reduce gastrointestinal toxicity, additionally raise the rate of myocardial infraction and stroke (5, 6), affecting ∼1–2% of patients exposed per year (3, 4). This adverse drug reaction may have caused thousands of deaths in the general population. Traditional NSAIDs (tNSAIDs) have also been associated with cardiovascular events, but although pharmacoepidemiological studies and metaanalyses of randomized, controlled trials suggest that not all tNSAIDs carry the same risk, there is considerable heterogeneity across studies in the comparative estimates of risk. It remains uncertain which NSAID to choose for patients at risk for cardiovascular complications. This uncertainty has been the argument in support of two ongoing large randomized, controlled trials comparing the cardiovascular safety of celecoxib with the most commonly prescribed tNSAIDs (7, 8).

Aspirin is a unique COX inhibitor: it acetylates serine-529 in the substrate binding channel of COX-1 and inactivates the enzyme irreversibly, whereas tNSAIDs are reversible COX inhibitors. Experiments with radio-labeled aspirin in vitro and X-ray crystallography suggested that some but not all NSAIDs may compete with aspirin for binding COX-1 (9, 10). This concept was borne out further in clinical studies that exploited the distinct recovery kinetics of platelet function between reversible COX inhibitors and the irreversible inhibitor aspirin to predict whether a drug–drug interaction might occur (1118). Again, heterogeneity was observed between studies, NSAIDs, doses, and time of dosing.

We devised a direct MS assay with which to quantitate acetylation of platelet COX-1 by aspirin and used this methodology to address its interaction with NSAIDs. Although ibuprofen, naproxen, and celecoxib all have the potential to compete with the access of aspirin to the substrate binding channel of COX-1 in vitro (9, 10), exposure of volunteers to a single therapeutic dose of each NSAID followed by 325 mg aspirin revealed a potent drug–drug interaction between ibuprofen and aspirin and between naproxen and aspirin but not between celecoxib and aspirin. This observation has relevance to the interpretability of ongoing randomized trials.


COX-1 Acetylation by Aspirin.

The value of measuring COX-1 acetylation as a quantitative and highly specific drug response marker was assessed. We developed an MS assay to measure precisely the relative abundance of the acetylated vs. the unacetylated form of a proteolytically excised COX-1 peptide: 524-IGAPFS+aceLK-531 vs. 524-IGAPFSLK-531 (Figs. S1 and S2 and Table S1). Acetylation of purified COX-1 and platelet COX-1 by aspirin was concentration- and time-dependent and inversely correlated with enzyme function (Fig. S3). The relationship between COX-1 acetylation, enzymatic activity, and platelet function was assessed in healthy volunteers who were administered a single oral dose of 325 mg uncoated aspirin (Fig. 1A and Table S2). COX-1 acetylation was maximal 4 h after dosing (median = 72% of total COX-1; interquartile range = 69–74%), reaching levels close to the acetylation achieved by the addition of a supra therapeutic concentration of aspirin (500 μmol/L) to washed platelets ex vivo (Fig. 2). The fraction of acetylated COX-1 declined ∼7% per day, which was reflective of the daily release rate of new platelets. The time course of platelet COX-1 acetylation was mirrored by that of serum thromboxane B2 (TxB2) formation, an index of the enzymatic capacity of platelet COX-1 during the clotting process, and arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation, which measures primarily COX-1–dependent platelet function. The urinary excretion of 11-dehydro-TxB2 followed with a slight delay, reflecting the time-integrated nature of this index of Tx metabolism and clearance. An analysis of the receiver-operating characteristic suggested that the acetylation of over 62% of the total platelet COX-1 content resulted in more than 95% depression of serum TxB2 (specificity = 0.95; sensitivity = 0.87; area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve = 0.926), a level that is necessary for effective inhibition of platelet function (19).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Study designs. (A) Qualification of COX-1 acetylation as a pharmacodynamic marker of the antiplatelet action of aspirin. Subjects received a single dose of 325 mg uncoated aspirin; blood was drawn and urine was collected at the indicated time points. Established markers of the antiplatelet effect of aspirin [serum TxB2, urinary 11-dehydro-TxB2 (a stable Tx metabolite), and arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation] were compared with COX-1 acetylation. (B) The NSAID–aspirin interaction was assessed in an open-label two-period trial. Aspirin responsiveness was tested in the absence (period 1) and presence of ibuprofen, naproxen, or celecoxib (period 2). COX-1 acetylation, serum TxB2, urinary 11-dehydro-TxB2 (a stable Tx metabolite), arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation, and microfluidic platelet deposition on collagen in whole blood were measured at each time point.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

The human pharmacology of platelet COX-1 acetylation. Healthy volunteers (n = 8) received a single dose of 325 mg aspirin under supervision and were followed up for 10 d (0–240 h plotted on a log scale). Platelet COX-1 acetylation and established markers of COX-1 pathway inhibition were measured. (A) Platelet COX-1 acetylation in vivo was quantified before and after aspirin administration (orange). The maximally achievable COX-1 acetylation was determined by exposing washed platelets to a supra therapeutic concentration of aspirin (500 μmol/L) ex vivo (gray). (B) The enzymatic activity of platelet COX-1 was assessed by measurement of serum TxB2 ex vivo (green). (C) Urinary excretion of the major Tx metabolite, 11-dehydro TxB2, was measured as an index of COX function in vivo (blue). (D) COX-1–dependent platelet function was determined by arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregometry (red). Box and whiskers plots show medians (horizontal lines), interquartile ranges (boxes), and ranges (whiskers) of data at each time point.

Quantitation of the Interaction Between NSAIDs and Aspirin in Vitro.

Purified COX-1 was exposed to increasing concentrations of ibuprofen, naproxen, or celecoxib before aspirin was added (Fig. S4). Although the NSAIDs themselves did not inhibit COX function under the selected experimental conditions, all three compounds—including the COX-2–selective drug celecoxib—dose-dependently prevented COX-1 acetylation. The likelihood of a pharmacodynamic drug–drug interaction at the same target would be expected to depend on their relative concentration. Washed human platelets were exposed to two aspirin concentrations (50 and 250 µmol/L) in vitro (Fig. 3). Again, all NSAIDs, including the COX-2–selective inhibitor celecoxib, reduced the acetylation of platelet COX-1 dose-dependently. The high aspirin dose was less susceptible to interference of the NSAIDs than the lower dose.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Ibuprofen, naproxen, and celecoxib blunt aspirin acetylation of platelet COX-1 dose-dependently in vitro. Washed human platelets were preincubated with (A) ibuprofen, (B) naproxen, or (C) celecoxib at concentrations that inhibited enzymatic function in the higher concentration ranges (gray). Platelet COX-1 acetylation was assessed after the addition of 50 (n = 7 donors; dashed orange lines) or 250 μmol/L (n = 5 donors; solid orange lines) aspirin. All three NSAIDs abated COX-1 acetylation dose-dependently. The higher concentration of aspirin was less susceptible to the drug–drug interaction indicated by a right shift of the concentration–response curve. The reduction in COX-1 acetylation resulted in increased platelet Tx formation compared with aspirin alone (the green curve shows the Tx response with 250 μmol/L aspirin). Data are medians and interquartile ranges (quartiles 1 and 3).

Direct Detection of the NSAID–Aspirin Interaction in Humans.

We quantitated the potential of celecoxib, naproxen, and ibuprofen to interfere with the target engagement of aspirin in healthy volunteers (Fig. 1B and Table S3). Platelet COX-1 acetylation by aspirin was almost completely prevented—proving that the drug–drug interaction had occurred—in the presence of ibuprofen (P = 0.016) and naproxen (P = 0.016) but not celecoxib (P = 0.219) compared with aspirin alone (Fig. 4A). Similarly, serum TxB2 was insufficiently inhibited by aspirin after consumption of ibuprofen and naproxen, whereas celecoxib did not interfere with platelet TxB2 inhibition (Fig. 4B). Naproxen was associated, on average, with a more pronounced but partial serum TxB2 inhibition than ibuprofen at the time of measurement; serum TxB2 levels were fully depressed in three of seven individuals, despite incomplete COX-1 acetylation, presumably because of the longer half-life of naproxen in these individuals (13). This observation was reflected by arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation, which was fully inhibited in the naproxen group 24 h after the administration of aspirin, despite the interaction with aspirin (Fig. 4C). Ibuprofen prevented platelet inhibition by aspirin under flow conditions—a perhaps more physiological assessment of platelet function—whereas celecoxib plus aspirin and naproxen plus aspirin both sustained platelet inhibition (Fig. 4D).

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Coadministration of NSAIDs and aspirin in volunteers. Healthy subjects were administered aspirin alone (period 1) and aspirin 2 h after ibuprofen (n = 7), naproxen (n = 7), or celecoxib (n = 7; period 2) in a cross-over design. (A) COX-1 acetylation by aspirin alone (period 1) was significantly reduced when aspirin was given after ibuprofen or naproxen but not celecoxib. (B) Inhibition of serum Tx 24 h after the aspirin dose displayed as the post- to predose ratio of serum Tx levels (a ratio = 1 is no inhibition). Ibuprofen blunted inhibition of Tx formation by aspirin markedly. Naproxen reduced inhibition of serum Tx less potently, presumably because of the long-lasting inhibition of Tx formation of naproxen. The presence of celecoxib did not affect the activity of aspirin. (C) Inhibition of arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation 24 h after the aspirin dose displayed as the post- to predose ratio of arachidonic acid-induced maximal aggregation (a ratio = 1 is no inhibition). Ibuprofen prevented the inhibition by aspirin of platelet aggregation completely. Platelets were fully inhibited in the presence of naproxen or celecoxib. (D) Assessment of platelet function using a microfluidic platelet deposition assay that detects secondary aggregation under venous flow conditions (34). R values below one represent inhibited COX-dependent platelet function. Exposure to ibuprofen before aspirin prevented inhibition of secondary aggregation completely, whereas platelet function remained inhibited in the presence of naproxen or celecoxib. Data are medians, interquartile ranges (boxes), and ranges (whiskers). Aspirin alone (period 1) vs. NSAID followed by aspirin (period 2) was compared within each treatment group using the Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test (P values above the plots). The three NSAID treatment groups were compared using a Kruskal–Wallis analysis on the ratios of period 2 vs. period 1 data followed by the Nemenyi–Damico–Wolfe–Dunn posthoc test (P values below the plots).


There is great uncertainty in how to manage musculoskeletal pain in patients with atherosclerotic disease. Although placebo controlled, randomized trials documented the cardiovascular hazard associated with NSAIDs selective for COX-2, such as celecoxib (3, 4), indirect comparisons between tNSAIDs and placebo across studies conducted during the development of COX-2–selective NSAIDs are the primary source of comparative outcome data for older compounds (5, 6). The most comprehensive metaanalysis indicates that the cardiovascular hazard extends to diclofenac, which behaves much like a COX-2–selective NSAID (20), and with considerably lower confidence, to ibuprofen but to a lesser degree, on average, to naproxen (6). Differences in the degree and duration with which tNSAIDs inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 throughout the dosing interval are thought to contribute to the observed heterogeneity in risk (3, 4). However, the cardiovascular safety estimates may be confounded by drug–drug interactions between antiplatelet doses of aspirin and NSAIDs, which bind to the COX enzymes reversibly and interfere with the capacity of aspirin to inhibit platelet COX-1 irreversibly. It has been estimated that 12.8% of US adults (29.4 million) were regular consumers of NSAIDs and that 19.0% (43.6 million) were taking aspirin chronically for cardioprevention in 2010 (21). Thus, just by chance, roughly 2.4% (5.5 million) would have taken both an NSAID plus aspirin chronically. In reality, this percentage is probably higher given the similar demographic characteristics of patients with musculoskeletal pain and those consuming aspirin for prevention of cardiovascular events. Randomized, controlled trials studying the efficacy and safety of NSAIDs in arthritis patients report rates of simultaneous use of low-dose aspirin that range from 20% to 30% (2224).

The drug–drug pharmacodynamic interaction has been characterized biochemically and in clinical studies designed to distinguish between a predominantly irreversible inhibition by aspirin and a predominately reversible inhibition by the NSAID (918). However, the deconvolution of reversible and irreversible antiplatelet effects can be challenging—particularly with drugs with variable and extended half-lives, such as naproxen (13, 14, 1618). We hypothesized that direct measurement of COX-1 acetylation by MS using a proteomics approach (25) would enable a quantitative analysis of the propensity of chemically distinct NSAIDs to cause the drug–drug interaction in vivo. We screened for combinations of proteases to excise a peptide containing the target serine-529 of aspirin from COX-1 that was small enough for efficient ionization in the mass spectrometer and long enough to be specific for just this one protein in the human proteome. We devised a specific, sensitive, precise, and reproducible liquid chromatography MS method to quantify the aspirin target peptide, which best fulfilled these criteria, in both its unacetylated and acetylated forms.

Aspirin is thought to acetylate primarily the catalytic but not the allosteric monomer within the homodimeric COX-1 complex (10). Here, we observed maximum acetylation of more than one-half of the COX molecules, suggesting that a fraction of acetylated COX-1 is not assembled into dimers and/or both monomers are acetylated in a fraction of dimers. Inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid, serum Tx formation, and urinary excretion of a Tx metabolite all reflect quantitatively the action of aspirin in healthy volunteers but are also affected by other drugs (including NSAIDs) and many clinical conditions (2628). By contrast, platelet COX-1 acetylation is specific to the pharmacological activity of aspirin. It predicted accurately the inhibition of the established indirect aspirin response markers. A reduction of acetylation by just slightly more than 10% resulted in a loss of inhibition of platelet function, consistent with the large functional COX-1 reserve available in platelets (19). Notably, the variability of our measures of COX-1 acetylation was much lower than that of the conventional biomarkers. Together, these observations suggested that the acetylation assay was well-suited to compare directly the pharmacodynamic interactions between distinct NSAIDs and aspirin both in vitro and in vivo.

In vitro studies of isolated COX-1 enzyme incubated with ibuprofen, naproxen, or celecoxib before exposure to aspirin showed that all (even the COX-2–selective compound celecoxib) reduced acetylation of COX-1 by aspirin in vitro with similar potency. This drug–drug interaction occurred at NSAID concentrations that did not inhibit COX-1 function and seems to reflect binding to the allosteric monomer of the dimeric COX-1 complex (10). In isolated platelets, the drug–drug interaction between celecoxib and aspirin was less potent and occurred at concentrations that also inhibited COX enzyme function. This observation suggested that the more dominant mechanism underlying the celecoxib-aspirin interaction in intact platelets was direct competition at the catalytic monomer. However, although therapeutic doses of celecoxib inhibit COX-1 function by roughly 10%, on average, in volunteers (29), this activity did not translate into a functionally relevant reduction of COX-1 acetylation by aspirin. By contrast, administration of ibuprofen and naproxen prevented acetylation of COX-1 almost completely in vivo. Thus, the susceptibility to the drug–drug interaction varied between chemically distinct NSAIDs and would be expected to undermine cardioprotection by aspirin asymmetrically across treatment groups in clinical trials.

Although some studies have reported an interaction between naproxen and aspirin by measuring offset rates of platelet or enzyme inhibition (13, 14, 16), others have not (17, 18). This heterogeneity is likely to reflect the comparatively long but highly variable half-life of naproxen ranging from 9 to 25.7 h (30, 31), which might have obscured the functional consequences of the interaction in some individuals. The volunteers enrolled here had apparently long half-lives on average, because Tx formation was still partially suppressed at 24 h, despite the occurrence of the interaction with aspirin resulting in almost complete inhibition of arachidonate-induced aggregation. Individuals with relatively long half-lives of naproxen might be protected by the extended antiplatelet effects of naproxen, despite the interaction with aspirin. Individuals with relatively short half-lives of naproxen might still subserve an interaction that undermines cardiovascular benefit from aspirin, but inhibition by naproxen in such individuals would not last long enough to result in reliable cardioprotection (13). Similarly, lower naproxen doses might still cause the interaction but be insufficiently long acting for cardioprotection.

The concentration of aspirin also affected the susceptibility to the drug–drug interaction. The NSAID concentrations required to outcompete 50 µmol/L aspirin concentration, which corresponds roughly to systemic peak plasma concentrations after a single tablet of 325 mg plain uncoated aspirin (27), were lower than those required to outcompete 250 µmol/L. This observation suggests that aspirin formulations that lead to low systemic aspirin concentrations in plasma, such as the most frequently consumed doses of 81 or 100 mg, would be particularly vulnerable to the drug–drug interaction. Enteric-coated formulations, which result in retarded and further reduced systemic plasma concentrations (28), would be expected to be even more susceptible to the interaction with NSAIDs.

The cardiovascular risks of celecoxib, ibuprofen, and naproxen are currently being prospectively compared in two large trials: the Prospective Randomized Evaluation of Celecoxib Integrated Safety Versus Ibuprofen or Naproxen Trial (PRECISION; identifier NCT00346216) (7) and the Standard Care Versus Celecoxib Outcome Trial ( identifier NCT00447759) (8). Both trials measure cardiovascular risk as a primary outcome, and both allow for low-dose aspirin cardioprophylaxis at the discretion of the treating physician. The PRECISION is specifically targeting patients at elevated cardiovascular risk at baseline (thus, likely taking aspirin). However, it was not powered to address the comparative safety of the NSAIDs with and without concomitant aspirin. Furthermore, the advice to avoid the interaction by taking aspirin 2 h before the morning dose of the study NSAID stems from a misinterpretation of the single-dosing phase of a study by Catella-Lawson et al. (11). When both drugs were given over multiple days (simulating chronic dosing) and when ibuprofen was started 1 wk after low-dose aspirin (at which time platelet inhibition by the cumulative effect of multiple low aspirin doses was maximal), the order of administration was irrelevant (11). In both cases (ibuprofen given first or aspirin given first), ibuprofen prevented aspirin from maintaining irreversible inhibition over time, presumably because of high trough plasma levels during steady state (11). Thus, one would expect that, under conditions of chronic dosing with both aspirin and ibuprofen, residual ibuprofen plasma levels from the evening dose would sustain the interaction, even when the morning doses of aspirin anteceded those of ibuprofen.

We simulated the chronic dosing pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen, naproxen, and celecoxib and compared the expected steady-state plasma concentrations with those observed 2 h after single dosing in our study (Fig. S5). Chronic dosing with ibuprofen and naproxen in the dose range used in the PRECISION and the Standard Care Versus Celecoxib Outcome Trial would result in trough plasma concentrations that are similar to or higher than the concentrations that we found to prevent COX-1 acetylation. Thus, it is likely that platelet inhibition by aspirin will be blocked in the majority of patients on these dosing regimens, irrespective of the order in which aspirin and the NSAID are taken. By contrast, the trough levels simulated with celecoxib are in the range of the plasma concentrations that we observed to have little or no effect on aspirin acetylation.

How would this affect the interpretation of the two largest prospective trials investigating the cardiovascular safety of NSAIDs? Both are noninferiority trials with an intended power of 80% and a noninferiority limit of 1.4. Thus, potential confounding factors, such as NSAID–aspirin interaction, would bias the interpretation toward the null hypothesis. The effect of NSAIDs on cardiovascular risk will result from (i) the direct hazard conferred by the NSAID (3, 4) and (ii) its interaction to undermine the cardioprotective effect of aspirin. Here, we show that the interaction will be distributed asymmetrically across the treatment groups, rendering assessment of the comparative direct effects of the NSAIDs uninterpretable. As was suggested (32), such a situation was avoidable by either performing a study with sufficient power to assess the impact of the aspirin interaction or using an alternative antiplatelet drug, such as clopidogrel or ticagrelor, where the interaction is irrelevant. Indeed, selecting an antiplatelet agent that does not target COX-1 may currently be a reasonable therapeutic approach for patients who require both a potent NSAID and a platelet inhibitor.


A detailed description of the methods is provided in SI Methods.

MS Quantitation of Human Platelet COX-1 Acetylation.

A multiple reaction monitoring MS assay was developed to quantitate COX-1 acetylation in platelets isolated from subjects exposed to aspirin. Briefly, two proteases, Glu-C and trypsin, were selected to excise an 8-aa peptide (524-IGAPFSLK-531) containing the acetylation site, serine-529, from COX-1 (Fig. S1). Proteins isolated from washed platelets were separated on a gel and proteolyzed (33) in the presence of the stable isotope-labeled internal standards (Table S1). The peptide was quantitated in the unacetylated and acetylated states (Table S1) using liquid chromatography tandem MS (Fig. S2). Assay precision was within 10%, and accuracy ranged from 94% to 116%. The limits of detection and quantification were 200 amol and 3 fmol, respectively. Assay variability was 3.7% (coefficient of variation).

NSAID–Aspirin Interaction Studies with Purified COX-1 Protein.

Purified ovine COX-1 (Cayman Chemicals) was used to assess the potential of NSAIDs to compete with acetylation by aspirin with incubating ibuprofen, naproxen, or celecoxib before aspirin was added (Fig. S3). Prostaglandin E2 was measured by MS as previously described (29).

Study Design.

The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Pennsylvania and conducted in the university’s Clinical Translational Research Center. Healthy nonsmoking volunteers (18–55 y old) who provided written informed consent were enrolled and abstained from all medications and nutritional supplements for 1 mo before beginning the study and throughout its duration.

Study 1: COX-1 acetylation as a marker of the antiplatelet effect of aspirin in healthy volunteers.

Healthy volunteers (n = 8) were administered a single tablet of 325 mg plain uncoated aspirin, and the on- and offset of platelet COX-1 acetylation were determined (Fig. 1). Classical markers of the platelet inhibitory effect of aspirin (serum TxB2, urinary 11-dehydro TxB2, and arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation) were measured as described (28).

Study 2: NSAID–aspirin interaction studied ex vivo.

Platelets isolated from healthy volunteers (n = 5) (SI Methods) were preincubated with ibuprofen, naproxen, or celecoxib for 10 min before they were treated with aspirin (50 or 250 µM) for 1 h at 37 °C. Platelets were activated with 100 µM arachidonic acid for 10 min. COX-1 acetylation and TxB2 formation were measured by MS (SI Methods).

Study 3: NSAID–aspirin interaction studied in vivo.

In the first study period, fasted healthy volunteers received a single dose of uncoated aspirin (325 mg) to assess their aspirin-responsiveness (Fig. 1). Blood was drawn 2 h and immediately before aspirin administration and 24 h thereafter. In the second study period, after a washout period of at least 2 wk, subjects received a single dose of 600 mg ibuprofen (n = 7), 500 mg naproxen (n = 7), or 200 mg celecoxib (n = 7) in a sequential treatment group with an open-label design. Two hours after the NSAID, a single dose of aspirin (325 mg) was administered. COX-1 acetylation, arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation, platelet TxB2, and urinary 11-dehydro TxB2 were measured before NSAID administration, before aspirin administration, and 24 h thereafter. Microfluidic platelet deposition on collagen was measured at baseline and 24 h after aspirin as described (34). Plasma drug concentrations were determined by MS (SI Methods).

Statistical Considerations.

Data were graphed in GraphPad Prism (version 4.0; GraphPad Software), and statistics were calculated in R (version 3.0.2; Results were expressed as medians ± interquartile ranges. P values below 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Receiver-operating characteristics analyses were performed posthoc (R package ROCR) using an inhibition of serum TxB2 of less than 95% as an experimentally supported threshold for the effectiveness of aspirin. In study 3, six subjects within each treatment sequence (aspirin alone followed by NSAID plus aspirin) were estimated to provide 80% power at a two-sided significance level of 0.05 to detect an effect size of 1.5 SDs in the change from 24 h in the first study period (aspirin alone) to the same value in the second period (NSAID plus aspirin). One additional subject per NSAID treatment group was tested to allow for missing evaluations. Thus, the total sample size was n = 21. The Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test was used for comparisons within each arm. The Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the Nemenyi–Damico–Wolfe–Dunn posthoc test (R package coin) were used for comparisons of treatment groups.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary File
pnas.201406997SI.pdf (388.4KB, pdf)


This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants HL062250, HL117798, HL103419, UL1TR000003, and P30ES013508; American Heart Association Award 12POST11890008 (to X.L.); and, in part, the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. G.A.F. is the McNeil Professor in Translational Medicine and Therapeutics.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

*This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.

This article contains supporting information online at


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