Figure 1.
Sedimentation velocity analyses of RDPheH. (A) van Holde–Weischet distribution plot for 7 μM RDPheH (red), 280 μM RDPheH (green), and 7 μM RDPheH with 1 mM phenylalanine (blue). (B) Weight-average sedimentation coefficients (sw) as a function of the concentration of RDPheH (red squares), phosphorylated RDPheH (blue triangles), and RDPheH25–117 (black circles). The lines are from fits of eq 1. (C) Effect of the concentration of phenylalanine on the sw of RDPheH25–117 (7.6 μM, red, or 7.2 μM, blue). The line was generated using the mechanism of Scheme 1 and the values listed in Table 1.