Simultaneous Dual Channel Imaging of Pancreas and Surrounding Tissues and Organs: 2.5 µmol of T700-F was injected intravenously for pancreas imaging 4 h prior to: 1st row: NIR angiography with 2 µmol intravenous injection of ZW800-1 immediately prior to imaging. 2nd row: Kidney imaging with 2 µmol intravenous injection of ZW800-1 30 min prior to imaging. 3rd row: Pan lymph node imaging with 1 µmol intravenous injection of ZW800-3C 4 h prior to imaging. 4th row: Adrenal gland imaging with 2 µmol intravenous injection of ESNF31 30 min prior to imaging (n = 3 pigs). Shown are color image, 700 nm NIR fluorescence, 800 nm NIR fluorescence, and a merged image of the three. For the merged image, FLARE™ channel #1 (700 nm) is pseudo-colored in red and channel #2 (800 nm) in green. Abbreviations used are: AG, adrenal gland; CHA, common hepatic artery; Du, duodenum; In, intestine; Ki, kidney; Li, liver; LGA, left gastric artery; Pa, pancreas; Sp, spleen; St, stomach; SPA, splenic artery. Arrowheads indicate tiny branch from artery (1st row), kidney (2nd row), pan lymph nodes (3rd row), or adrenal gland (4th row). Scale bars = 1 cm. All NIR fluorescence images have identical exposure times and normalizations.