Long QT syndrome type 1 (LQT1) is a congenital disease arising from a loss of function in the slowly activating delayed potassium current IKs, which causes early afterdepolarizations (EADs) and polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (pVT).
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanisms underlying pVT using a transgenic rabbit model of LQT1.
Hearts were perfused retrogradely, and action potentials were recorded using a voltage-sensitive dye and CMOS cameras.
Bolus injection of isoproterenol (140 nM) induced pVT initiated by focal excitations from the right ventricle (RV; n = 16 of 18 pVTs). After the pVT was initiated, complex focal excitations occurred in both the RV and the left ventricle, which caused oscillations of the QRS complexes on ECG, consistent with the recent proposal of multiple shifting foci caused by EAD chaos. Moreover, the action potential upstroke in pVT showed a bimodal distribution, demonstrating the coexistence of 2 types of excitation that interacted to produce complex pVT: Na+ current (INa)-mediated fast conduction and L-type Ca2+ current (ICa)-mediated slow conduction coexist, manifesting as pVT. Addition of 2 μM tetrodotoxin to reduce INa converted pVT into monomorphic VT. Reducing late INa in computer simulation converted pVT into a single dominant reentry, agreeing with experimental results.
Our study demonstrates that pVT in LQT1 rabbits is initiated by focal excitations from the RV and is maintained by multiple shifting foci in both ventricles. Moreover, wave conduction in pVT exhibits bi-excitability, that is, fast wavefronts driven by INa and slow wavefronts driven by ICa co-exist during pVT.
Keywords: Long QT syndrome, Early afterdepolarization, Ventricular tachycardia, Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, Action potential duration dispersion, Optical mapping, Bi-excitability
Congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a familial disease characterized by prolongation of the QT interval on surface ECG and sudden cardiac death caused by polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (pVT) or “torsades de pointes” (TdP).1–3 Long QT syndrome type 1 (LQT1) is caused by a mutation in the KCNQ1 gene, which encodes IKs. The incidence of pVT in LQT1 patients is often associated with sympathetic activation during physical exercise such as swimming. Beta-blocker treatment is more effective in treating LQT1 than other LQTS types (partially effective in LQT2, no benefit in LQT3 patients), suggesting that pVT in LQT1 is highly dependent on sympathetic activation.
The original hypothesis of Dessertenne is that 2 or more foci firing at slightly different frequencies may generate a resonance effect, resulting in the oscillatory ECG pattern.3 An alternative suggestion is that TdP is caused by a meandering reentrant wave due to prolonged APD and enhanced APD dispersion.4–6 Optical mapping studies using drug-induced LQT2 animal models have shown that pVT is driven by both meandering waves7 and multiple foci firing early afterdepolarizations (EADs).8 However, how multiple foci and their propagation are maintained to form the characteristic TdP pattern in ECG is not clear.
Recent computer modeling studies proposed a bi-excitability hypothesis by which formation and propagation of chaotic EADs can result from 2 excitation fronts driven by sodium (INa) and L-type Ca2+ current (ICa).9,10 Lack of repolarization reserve in LQTS may create conditions by which ICa as well as INa contribute to excitation and propagation, which allows complex interaction of wavefronts and focal activities to maintain TdP. However, bi-excitability and chaotic excitation have not been demonstrated experimentally in LQTS-related arrhythmias.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the excitation dynamics in LQT1 to better understand the initiation and maintenance mechanisms of pVT. Using a transgenic rabbit model of LQT1, our results reveal that multiple focal activities that shift irregularly in space and time underlie pVT in LQT1 rabbits.11,12 In addition, we found that INa-mediated fast conduction and ICa-mediated slow conduction coexist during pVT, providing the first experimental evidence for bi-excitability and chaotic EAD dynamics in LQT1 rabbits.9,10
Heart preparations
Littermate control (LMC) and transgenic rabbits were injected with buprenorphine (0.03 mg/kg IM), acepromazine (0.5 mg/kg IM), xylazene (15 mg/kg IM), ketamine (60 mg/kg IM), pentothal (35 mg/kg IV), and heparin (200 units/kg). This investigation conforms to the current Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH Publication No. 85-23, revised 1996) and approved by the Lifespan Animal Welfare Committee at Rhode Island Hospital. The heart was excised from the chest and retrogradely perfused through the aorta with the following (in mmol/L): 130 NaCl, 24 NaHCO3, 1.0 MgCl2, 4.0 KCl, 1.2 NaH2PO4, 5 dextrose, 25 mannitol, and 1.25 CaCl2, at pH 7.4, and gassed with 95% O2 and 5% CO2. Eighteen rabbits were studied: 13 LQT1 (9 male and 4 female) and 5 LMC (3 male and 2 female) weighing 3.9 ± 0.6 kg and aged 9 ± 3 months. Hearts were placed in a water-heated chamber to maintain temperature at 37.0° ± 0.2°C. Blebbistatin (5 μmol/L) was added to reduce movement artifact.
Optical mapping
The optical apparatus has been previously described.13 Fluorescence images from the anterior and posterior surfaces of the heart were captured using 2 CMOS cameras (100 × 100 pixels, Ultima-L, Scimedia, Japan), which results in a field of view of 2 × 2 cm2. Hearts were stained with the voltage-sensitive dye di-4 ANEPPS (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) by delivering 25 μL of stock solution (1 mg/mL in dimethyl sulfoxide) through a bubble trap above the aortic cannula.
Sequence of experiment
Figure 1 shows the sequence of our experimental protocol. Once hearts were stabilized in the perfusion system, the right atrium was opened and the AV node ablated with a cautery system (Thermal Cautery Unit, Geiger). AV ablation slowed the heart rate (typical cycle length [CL] 700–1000 ms). If the heart rate dropped below 30 bpm (CL >2000 ms), the heart was paced at 2000-ms CL. Isoproterenol was delivered as a bolus injection into the bubble trap (5 mL, 140 nM) to AV-ablated hearts to trigger pVT in LQT1 hearts. LMC hearts (n = 5) did not demonstrate EADs or pVT under the same conditions. LQT1 hearts were then perfused for 20 minutes with 2 μM tetrodotoxin (TTX) to partially block INa.
Figure 1.
Experimental procedure and automatic foci detection. A: Sequence of the experimental protocol for optical mapping of long QT syndrome type 1 hearts. Sample membrane potential traces from each step are shown at right. B: Automatic foci detection. A concentric activation appearing in the field of view was considered a focal site. The corresponding activation maps are shown in the right. AV = atrioventricular; BCL = basic cycle length; ISO = isoproterenol; TTX = tetrodotoxin.
Data analysis
Activation and repolarization
The activation and repolarization time-points at each pixel were determined from fluorescence (F) signals by calculating (dF/dt)max and (d2F/dt2)max. APD dispersion was defined as the difference between maximum and minimum APD (ΔAPD|max–min|) across the field of view.13 The rate of rise (upstroke velocity) was calculated from each action potential by [dV/dt]max. Because fluorescence signal is not truly transmembrane potential (Vm), we normalized fluorescence traces to the first full action potential during the initiation of pVT.
Detection of foci in pVT
Waves appearing in the field of view were automatically detected as follows. Five consecutive images were checked (including the 2 previous and 2 following frames) to reduce false detection of new waves due to background noise. Only new waves that appeared within the field of view were identified, of which the waves with increasing area in the following frame from concentric activation were considered foci (Figure 1B).
Computer simulation
Computer simulations were carried out in a simplified cylindrical tissue model (300 × 300 cells). The action potential model was modified to include late Na+ current (INaL) from the rabbit myocyte model to induce EADs.14 Detailed parameter set and modifications are described in the Online Supplementary Material.
Statistical analysis
Normally distributed variables were compared using a Student unpaired t test. The Otsu thresholding method was applied to separate bimodal distribution of [dV/dt]max by minimizing the intraclass variance.15 The point pattern of foci was analyzed using the average nearest neighbor (ANN) ratio.16 This algorithm calculates the average distance between a focal site and its nearest neighbor and compares it to the expected value of a random/uniform distribution within the same parameters. An ANN ratio of 1 means that the point pattern of foci is random, whereas ANN <1 means the interfoci distance is smaller and the foci are clustered.
Increased APD dispersion associated with pVT induction
We previously reported that at basic CL of 350 ms, APD dispersion in LQT1 rabbits was similar to that of LMCs but significantly smaller than that of LQT2 rabbits.11 Here we examined the rate-dependent dynamics of APD dispersion in LQT1 at slower heart rates. Sample traces from the right ventricle (RV) and left ventricle (LV) suggest that APD dispersion increases between RV and LV at slow heart rates (Figure 2A). Sample APD maps at 350- and 2000-ms CL show increasing APD dispersion from 17.3 ± 2.9 ms to 39.8 ± 7.5 ms (n = 7; Figure 2B).
Figure 2.
Rate-dependent action potential duration (APD) dispersion in long QT syndrome type 1. A: APD maps at cycle length (CL) = 350 ms and 2000 ms. Dispersion increases at a slower rate mostly between right ventricle (RV) vs left ventricle (LV). B: ΔAPD vs CL, showing that APD dispersion systematically increases with prolonged CL (ΔAPDmax–min = 17.3 ± 23.0 msec at 350-ms CL and 40.9 ± 7.4 ms at 2000-ms CL, n = 7).
Bolus injection of isoproterenol induced pVT in LQT1 hearts (9 of 10) but elicited neither pVT nor ventricular fibrillation in any of the 5 LMC hearts. The first beat of pVT in LQT1 generally arose from the anterior region of the RV. Figure 3 shows an example of simultaneous recordings from the anterior and posterior regions using dual CMOS cameras. Interestingly, the first action potential in the RV repolarized (marked as ➀ in Figure 3A) and fired an additional action potential that initiated pVT (marked as ➁ in Figure 3A), whereas the LV was still in the plateau phase. Of the 18 pVTs, 16 (88%) were initiated from the RV.
Figure 3.
Initiation of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (pVT) from the right ventricle (RV). A: Sample traces from RV and left ventricle (LV) during initiation of pVT. Note that the first action potential repolarizes in the RV, whereas the same action potential in LV is still in the plateau phase. B: Activation maps of the first and second beats marked in panel A. The first triggered activity (➁) originated in the region of RV (n = 16 of 18 pVTs) and was blocked in the anterior region of LV, but propagated to the anterior apex (top) and posterior LV (bottom).
Shifting foci underlie undulating ECG pattern in pVT
It is generally thought that pVTs in LQTS are triggered by EADs, but the role of EADs in maintaining pVT is not clearly understood. We investigated activation patterns to determine whether EADs induce reentry to maintain pVT in LQT1 rabbits. The series of maps in Figure 4 shows a typical ECG and corresponding activation maps of pVT. The numerous concentric activations in pVT indicate that, in addition to initiation, focal activity contributes to pVT maintenance by generating new waves (Figure 4). During the early phase of pVT (marked in green in Figure 4A), focal activities in the posterior region dominated activation patterns. However, after 2 seconds, the focal activities moved to the anterior region (yellow box in the trace panel and activation maps in the bottom panel).
Figure 4.
Multiple focal activities during polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (pVT). A: Sample traces and activation maps during pVT. The series of activation maps is shown in the bottom panel. The posterior region showed multiple focal activity during the early phase of pVT (green shading in trace panel and top activation maps), but focal activity later appeared in the anterior region of left ventricle (LV) and moved toward the apical region (lower activation maps). No meandering spiral was observed. B: Spatial distribution of foci during pVT. RV = right ventricle.
On average, 13 foci were observed per second, and 31% ± 5% of the individual waves originated from focal activity (n = 18 pVT episodes). Although most pVTs were initiated from the RV, cumulative foci plots suggest that focal activity is widely distributed across the entire anterior region of the hearts, including the RV and LV (Figure 4B). The average distance between 1 focal site and the next was 6.5 ± 0.5 mm (11 pVT episodes), which indicates that focal activity is not completely random but rather moves to the proximity of the previous focal site, as shown by the activation maps in Figure 4B.
Two distinct types of action potential upstrokes in pVT
Computer modeling studies suggest that EADs and their propagation can be influenced by both ICa and INa in LQTS.9,10 We hypothesized that if pVT of LQT1 hearts is maintained by both ICa- and INa-mediated excitation wavefronts, the action potentials of pVT will show rapid and slow-rising upstrokes that correspond to INa- and ICa-mediated excitations, respectively. We calculated the first derivatives of voltage traces during pVT (Figure 5A) and found 3 distinct patterns in the histograms (Figure 5B): fast upstroke (a), slow upstroke (b), and 2 peaks of both fast and slow upstrokes (Figure 5C). Panel B shows a probability density plot of [dV/dt]max of all the excitation waves in Figure 5A. Overall, few action potentials were driven by the fast upstroke (5% ± 0.3%). In addition, the sites of focal activity have a lower range of [dV/dt]max and higher Vm (Figure 5C), indicating that focal activity is mainly driven by ICa.
Figure 5.
Bimodal distribution of action potential upstrokes in polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (pVT). A: Histograms of [dV/dt]max. A sample action potential trace and its first derivatives (red) are shown in the top panel. Histograms of [dV/dt]max from each action potential are shown in gray. Three sample histograms are shown in the bottom panel: rapid rise (a), slow rise (b), and both slow and rapid rise (c). B: Cumulative distribution of [dV/dt]max supports 2 distinct populations, suggesting the existence of both INa- & ICa-mediated excitation wavefronts in pVT. C: [dV/dt]max at the site of focal activity. Left: Maps of [dV/dt]max and takeoff potential of focal activity (marked by stars). Right: Histogram of [dV/dt]max from 266 focal activations. Mean value of [dV/dt]max was 23.5% ± 12.3%, suggesting the important role of ICa in initiating focal activity.
TTX reduces EADs and converts pVT to monomorphic VT (mVT)
We further investigated whether INa is an essential depolarizing current for EADs and maintaining pVT in LQT1 with the INa blocker TTX. At 2 μM (IC50 = 1.5 μM for late INa current), TTX converted pVTs into monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (mVT) and prevented EAD formation (4 of 4 hearts).17 Figure 6 illustrates the transition to mVT. The arrhythmia began with pVT with multiple focal activity (green box in Figure 6A and maps of ➁–➃), then multiple focal activity gradually disappeared as a repetitive activation pattern from apex became dominant in mVT transition (red box and maps of ➅–➇). The histograms and maps of [dV/dt]max (Figures 6C and 6D) show a transition from the combination of slow and fast action potential upstrokes toward a fast upstroke, indicating that mVT is maintained by INa-mediated excitation waves. Average nearest-neighbor analysis (see Methods) revealed that the transition from pVT to mVT involves a reduction in distance between foci (ratio from 0.91 ± 0.06 to 0.65 ± 0.16, P < .05), which implies that multifocal activity was markedly reduced by TTX. Another INaL blocker, ranolazine, also produced mVT with a single rotor formation (see Online Supplementary Figure 6). These results support INa as an important contributor to the generation of EADs and their propagations.
Figure 6.
Blocking INa with tetrodotoxin (TTX) changes polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (pVT) to monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (mVT). A: ECG and Vm traces after 2 μM TTX. Isoproterenol induced pVT (section in green box) but then transformed to mVT (section in red box). B: Series of activation maps during transition to mVT. Focal activity progressively diminished, and repetitive patterns appeared during mVT. C: Compiled histograms show a shift to higher [dV/dt]max during the mVT phase. D: [dV/dt]max maps from pVT and mVT beats. Arrow in the color bar indicates the level of [dV/dt]max at the foci marked with a star. Unlike pVT, the map of [dV/dt]max from mVT showed fast action potential upstrokes, indicating that INa-mediated excitation maintains mVT after TTX.
Reducing INa and INaL in computer simulation creates stable reentry
We examined whether the previous computer model of pVT produces bimodal distribution of action potential upstroke due to INa and ICa-mediated excitation waves.14 During pVT, Vm, and upstroke (dV/dt), the maps in Figure 7 show 2 different excitation waves: fast upstroke excitation wave pattern matches the INa map, whereas slow upstroke matches the ICa map, in line with our experimental results presented in Figure 5. Further reduction in INa (25%) and INaL (100%) reduced multifocal activity and caused stable reentry formation (Figure 7B), similar to the experimental result with TTX in Figure 6. Depending on the initial conditions, a rotor can be formed and anchor in the middle region (Figure 7B, top), similar to the experimental results with ranolazine (see Online Supplementary Figure 6). If a rotor forms near the boundary, it can move out of the boundary, which leaves a rotating wave around the cylinder (Figure 7, bottom). The upstroke distribution in both cases shows transition to fast upstroke, meaning INa-mediated excitation. This computer simulation further supports the contention that reducing INa changes pVT into more stable reentry.
Figure 7.
Computer modeling of tetrodotoxin effect on waves. A: Snapshots of Vm, dV/dt, INa, and ICa. Two distinct upstroke velocities of excitation waves in the dV/dt map correspond to INa and ICa, respectively. The histogram of upstroke velocities shows bimodal distribution in line with our experimental observations. B: Transition to stable reentry under INa and INaL reduction. Two typical examples of mVT transition are shown, depending on the initial condition: a stable spiral formation in the field of view (top) and a rotor moved out of the boundary while reentry formed around the perimeter of the cylinder geometry (bottom). Videos of transition to mVT are available in the Online Supplementary Materia1.
EADs are the hallmark of LQTS, in which they are generally believed to trigger pVT. However, questions remain whether EADs play additional roles in maintaining complex waveforms in pVT. In this study, we found the following: (1) pVT in LQT1 rabbits is initiated by focal excitations, mainly originating from the RV; (2) multifocal excitations during pVT exhibit no preferred locations, in agreement with computer modeling studies showing multiple shifting foci as a result of dynamical chaos10; (3) upstroke velocity exhibits a bimodal distribution, indicating the coexistence of INa- and ICa-mediated excitation wavefronts, in line with a novel theory of bi-excitability9; and (4) partially blocking INa using 2 μM TTX reduced focal activity and converted pVT to mVT.
RV origin of pVT in LQT1 rabbits
Slowing of the heart rate by AV ablation also increased APD dispersion between RV and LV (Figure 2). Importantly, most pVT initiated from the RV. Enhanced APD dispersion and pVT initiation from RV may be due to the heterogeneity in Ito between RV and LV. Ito has been reported to have higher density in the RV,18 and it can provide a strong repolarizing current and shorten APD.14,19 Because of the limitation of optical mapping in which fluorescence recording is the sum of multiple cells, it is difficult to recognize potential differences of action potential notch between RV and LV, and single-cell voltage-clamp study is needed to verify the role of Ito and its heterogeneity in LQT1 rabbits. Interestingly, the first triggered action potentials in RV tend to occur at the late stage of the repolarization (Figures 2–5). Burashnikov and Antzelevitch20 demonstrated that delayed afterdepolarizations rather than EADs were frequently observed in a drug-induced animal model of LQT1. It is possible that the first triggered beats originating from RV in LQT1 rabbit hearts are excitations caused by delayed afterdepolarizations or EADs originating from tissue under the epicardial surface. Further studies are needed to determine the role of Ito in APD dispersion and pVT initiation mechanisms in LQT1 rabbits.
Dynamics of multiple foci in pVT
The multifocal hypothesis by Dessertenne states that 2 or more foci fire at slightly different frequencies, which gives rise to the ECG morphology of TdP. Our mapping results suggest that during pVT in LQT1, focal activities are not fixed in space but vary dynamically and irregularly, spanning the whole heart. It is notable that most pVT in our LQT1 hearts spontaneously terminated after focal activities stopped (only n = 1 pVT transitioned to ventricular fibrillation of 18 pVT). A study of the mechanisms of multiple shifting foci by Sato et al10 showed that regional synchronization of chaotic EADs caused dynamically shifting foci, which also may be responsible for the results shown in Figure 4.
The average distance between 1 focal site and the next focal site was 6.5 mm, much shorter than what the average distance should be for completely random events (10 mm in our 20 × 20 mm2 field of view). This analysis supports the shifting foci hypothesis, by which an EAD, once formed, travels only a short distance and triggers subsequent EADs in neighboring regions. Alternatively, the source–sink relationship between EAD firing cells vs neighboring cells may limit the possible sites of EADs.21
Bi-excitability in LQT1 rabbits
Bi-excitability is an extension of bi-stability (2 stable states), a widely recognized phenomenon in nonlinear dynamics that has been demonstrated in many biologic systems. The term bi-excitability was coined to describe 2 excitable states in cardiac tissue. It predicts that ICaL alone can form a regenerative depolarization during the plateau phase of action potential and allow propagation when the repolarization reserve is reduced.9,10 This theory also predicts that 2 excitation fronts driven by INa and ICaL can interact and form complex excitation waves such as in pVT. EADs in most cases arise from ICaL reactivation, but whether ICaL-driven EADs can propagate without triggering INa-driven action potentials was not known.22,23 Our experimental and computer modeling, particularly [dV/dt]max histograms, showed 2 distinct peaks, demonstrating INa- and ICa-driven depolarizations. Perturbation of tissue bi-excitability by TTX dramatically changed excitation dynamics, supporting the contention that bi-excitability underlies complex waves of pVT in LQT1 rabbits.
INa and maintenance of pVT
It is surprising that reducing INa caused transition to mVT both in our experiment (Figure 6) and in computer simulation (Figure 7). The transition to mVT includes a decrease in multiple focal activity. EADs are generally thought to be generated by reactivation of L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) and/or Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (INCX) via spontaneous Ca2+ release. However, there is increasing evidence that late sodium current (INaL) also may contribute to EAD formation. Several groups reported that ranolazine, an INaL blocker, suppresses EAD formation in drug-induced LQTS animal models, ischemia/reperfusion-induced arrhythmias, and heart failure.24–26 We used 2 μM TTX, a concentration known to block most INaL (IC50 = 1.5 μM) with minimal effect on peak INa.17 Ranolazine at 10 μM showed similar results. The reduction in the number and possible sites of focal activity by TTX and ranolazine (see Online Supplementary Figure 6) suggest that INaL provides additional depolarizing currents during the plateau phase of action potentials and promotes complex EAD dynamics in LQT1.
Study limitations
LQT1 rabbit hearts demonstrated pVT after AV ablation, as described in the Methods. However, the reason why AV ablation in LQT1 rabbits is required for pVT initiation is not clear. A potential explanation is that rabbit heart rates are relatively fast compared to human heart rates. The typical CL preceding pVT in LQT1 rabbits was in the 700-ms range after AV ablation (see Online Supplementary Figures 4 and 5), which is not far from the accelerated heart rate during pVT initiation in LQT1 patients.27 Recent clinical studies strongly suggest that the high-risk subgroup of LQT1 patients tend to show significant reduction in heart rate after exercise compared to the low-risk subgroup.28 Further studies are needed to determine whether a reduction in heart rate is sufficient and how vagal activation is involved in LQT1 pVT.
Using a transgenic rabbit model of LQT1, we found that pVT is preferentially initiated from the RV and maintained by multiple shifting foci, which underlies the undulating QRS pattern of TdP. The complex nature of pVT was due to the contributions of both INa and ICa and their propagation under existing tissue heterogeneities between RV and LV. Our study emphasizes the role of INaL in pVT in LQT1 and provides direct evidence of the recently proposed bi-excitability hypothesis, that is, the coexistence of 2 types of excitations mediated by INa and/or ICaL that promote complex excitation patterns and maintain pVT in the transgenic rabbit model of LQT1.
Supplementary Material
Long QT syndrome is a heritable disease associated with malignant arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. We discovered that the transgenic rabbit model of long QT syndrome type 1 develops polymorphic ventricular tachycardias (VTs) similar to humans and that these VTs are maintained by multiple focal activities rather than reentry alone, and that excitation waves that underlie the arrhythmias are either INa-mediated or ICa-mediated, a novel conduction behavior during arrhythmias. These waves create a complex excitation dynamics that cause the phenomena of polymorphic VTs. We posit that targeting bi-excitability could lead to new therapeutic approaches for sudden cardiac death in long QT syndrome. For example, late sodium channel blocker could be tested to reduce arrhythmia risk in long QT syndrome.
This work was supported by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Grant R01-HL-096669-04 to Dr. Choi and Grants R01-HL-046005-18A1 and R01 HL110791-01A1 to Dr. Koren.
average nearest neighbor
Action potential duration
- CL
cycle length
early afterdepolarization
littermate control
- LQT1
long QT syndrome type 1
long QT syndrome
- LV
left ventricle
- mVT
monomorphic ventricular tachycardia
- pVT
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
- RV
right ventricle
- TdP
torsades de pointes
- Vm
transmembrane potential
- VT
ventricular tachycardia
Appendix. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hrthm.2014.10.003.
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