In the article “Assembly of high molecular weight complexes of lipin on a supported lipid bilayer observed by atomic force microscopy” by C.E. Creutz, J.M. Eaton, and T.E. Harris (Biochemistry 2013, 52, 5092–5102; PMCID:PMC4041088) the formula on page 5094 (PMC page 3) is incorrect. The correct formula is:
In the original article “π” was omitted in this formula. This error perpetuated an error that was present in the reference given in the article for this formula (Reference 10: Schneider, S. W., Lärmer, J., Henderson, R. M., and Oberleithner, H. (1998) Molecular weights of individual proteins correlate with molecular volumes measured by atomic force microscopy, Pflugers Arch 435, 362–367.)
However, the correct formula was used for all of the calculations in the Biochemistry article so no corrections are necessary for the data presented therein. Inspection of the data tables in the Schneider et al. reference indicates that the correct formula was also used for calculations in that article.