Figure 5. Diabetes Increased Macrophages and BIGH3 in the Inner Retina.
Images are shown from eye sections (A–H) obtained from mice exposed to a normal diet (non-diabetic control; A, B, C, D) and STZ-induced diabetic mice ((LDL-R−/− ; E, F, G, H). Nuclei (blue), macrophages (stained with antibodies directed against CD68, red), and BIGH3 (green) are shown. White arrow (in H) shows the outer edge of an area of the diabetic retina with macrophage and BIGH3 at or near one another. Abbreviations in D depict layers of the retina: Ganglion Cell Layer (GCL), Inner Nuclear Layer (INL), Outer Nuclear Layer (ONL), and Choroid (CH). Images are shown at 20× magnification.