Comparative HDX-MS analysis of the interaction
between PDK1 and
the E2·E3BP core. (A) Butterfly plot representing relative deuterium
incorporation percentage (ΔD%, y axis, deuterons exchanged/maximal exchangeable amides × 100%)
of peptic peptides from rat PDK1 (x axis, listed
peptic peptides from the N- to C-terminus) in its free form (black)
and in complex with human C-terminally truncated E2·E3BP core-derived
proteins (in various colors), and in the absence (top) and presence
of ATP (bottom). Overlapping peptides were capped. (B) Butterfly plot
showing the changes in deuterium incorporation (ΔΔD, y axis, deuterons exchanged in the presence
of each C-terminally truncated E2·E3BP core-derived protein minus
deuterons exchanged in its absence) of peptic peptides from rat PDK1
upon its complexation with C-terminally truncated E2·E3BP core-derived
proteins (in various colors) in the absence (top) and presence of
ATP (bottom). (C) Difference plot showing the changes in deuterium
incorporation (ΔΔD, y axis, deuterons exchanged in the presence of ATP minus deuterons
exchanged in the absence of ATP) of peptic peptides from rat PDK1
[in its free form (black) and complexed with C-terminally truncated
E2·E3BP core-derived proteins (in various colors)] in the presence
of ATP. Each data point represents the mean ± the standard deviation
from three independent experiments. Arrows show statistically significant