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. 2014 Aug 18;30(23):3293–3301. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu534

Comparative assembly hubs: Web-accessible browsers for comparative genomics

Ngan Nguyen 1,, Glenn Hickey 1,, Brian J Raney 1,, Joel Armstrong 1, Hiram Clawson 1, Ann Zweig 1, Donna Karolchik 1, William James Kent 1, David Haussler 1,2, Benedict Paten 1,*
PMCID: PMC4296145  PMID: 25138168


Motivation: Researchers now have access to large volumes of genome sequences for comparative analysis, some generated by the plethora of public sequencing projects and, increasingly, from individual efforts. It is not possible, or necessarily desirable, that the public genome browsers attempt to curate all these data. Instead, a wealth of powerful tools is emerging to empower users to create their own visualizations and browsers.

Results: We introduce a pipeline to easily generate collections of Web-accessible UCSC Genome Browsers interrelated by an alignment. It is intended to democratize our comparative genomic browser resources, serving the broad and growing community of evolutionary genomicists and facilitating easy public sharing via the Internet. Using the alignment, all annotations and the alignment itself can be efficiently viewed with reference to any genome in the collection, symmetrically. A new, intelligently scaled alignment display makes it simple to view all changes between the genomes at all levels of resolution, from substitutions to complex structural rearrangements, including duplications. To demonstrate this work, we create a comparative assembly hub containing 57 Escherichia coli and 9 Shigella genomes and show examples that highlight their unique biology.

Availability and implementation: The source code is available as open source at: The E.coli and Shigella genome hub is now a public hub listed on the UCSC browser public hubs Web page.


Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.


Visualization is key to understanding functional and comparative genomic information. Genome browsers are therefore critical to the study of biology, providing accessible resources for displaying annotations and alignments. The UCSC Genome Browser (Karolchik et al. 2014) is one of the most popular, but creating a reference genome browser for a new genome within it previously required significant resources, as it was necessary to create a mirror site to host the new reference browser separately, or to work with the staff of the genome browser to create a new reference browser within their main site. Assembly hubs (Karolchik et al. 2014), which build on the successful track hub model (Raney et al. 2013), make it easy to generate an individual UCSC browser simply by hosting the data in the form of flat files on any publicly addressable URL. This avoids users having to install and configure the substantial browser code base on their machines and, by using user hosting, makes updating straightforward. However, with access to low-cost sequencing technology and the wealth of genomes already available, users increasingly want to be able to create not only a single custom browser, but also sets of genome browsers. This work is intended to meet that growing need; it extends assembly hubs to allow users to quickly create ‘comparative assembly hubs’, a framework of multiple genome browsers and annotations interrelated by an alignment. As part of this development, we introduce a series of novel features intended to improve visualization, exploration and community sharing of novel comparative genomics data.

Displaying multiple genome alignments is extremely challenging owing to both the high dimensionality and volume of the underlying data [see Nielsen et al. (2010) for a review]. There are currently three main ways to visualize multiple genome alignments: dot plots [e.g. DAGChainer (Haas et al. 2004), VISTA-Dot (Mayor et al. 2000), etc.], circle plots [e.g. Circos (Krzywinski et al. 2009), GenomeRing (Herbig et al. 2012), etc.] and linear, row-oriented representations [e.g. VISTA (Mayor et al. 2000), Jalview (Waterhouse et al. 2009), IGV (Thorvaldsdóttir et al. 2013), etc.]. Each of these visualization methods has benefits and weaknesses. Dots plots, having two dimensions, provide equivalently powerful representations of two genomes in one graphic; however, they are pairwise and therefore unsuitable for the display of multiple genome alignments. Circular genome plots are typically less visually cluttered than linear representations for viewing genomic rearrangements, but are less useful for the display of global multiple sequence alignments, as might be shown at the gene or base level. Linear representations have the advantage that they fit neatly with the genome browser displays and tracks, and are flexible, in that they work reasonably at multiple levels of resolution.

Here we introduce a new linear display—the snake track—that, to our knowledge, is the first linear representation to allow the viewing of all variations, including structural rearrangements, duplications, substitutions, insertions and deletions in a single, conceptually simple, interactive visualization. In addition, by using a novel algorithm to generate procedural levels of detail (LOD), it is viewable at every resolution, from complete chromosomes to individual residues. Being based on a symmetric reference independent alignment format (Hickey et al. 2013), for the first time for an alignment view in the UCSC browser, snake tracks are viewable between any set of genomes in the hub and from any chosen genome, as all genomes in a hub have a generated reference browser. This is important because restricting browsing to a single reference can limit visualization of regions in other genomes that do not map to the reference, or which are rearranged with respect to a reference. Finally, to overcome the limitation of viewing the alignment only from the perspective of any single reference genome, each comparative assembly hub provides an automatically generated pangenome reference browser, using our recently developed algorithm (Nguyen et al. 2014). Similar to the pioneering visualization concepts described in Herbig et al. (2012), this pangenome includes a single consensus copy of every set of homologous subsequences in an ordering that as closely as possible reflects the (weighted) consensus of the input genomes. We will show how this can be used to create unique views of the data—here we demonstrate the creation of an Escherichia coli core genome.

Besides a new visualization, the comparative assembly hubs are novel from a genome browser perspective. The underlying alignment is used, by a process of lift-over (Zhu et al. 2007), to automatically project annotations to any genome in the hub, even if the annotations were originally mapped to just one genome. Previously, lift-over was used on a case-by-case basis within the genome browser to project tracks between assemblies, for example, when moving to an updated assembly. Here we make it a default, integral feature, making it easy to view putative genes and functional annotations on novel genomes by a process of translation through the underlying alignment, rather than through a set of (frequently inconsistent) ad hoc pairwise alignments. The comparative assembly hubs framework is also, to our knowledge, the first Web-based genome browser that allows easy public sharing of comparative data without requiring other users to download data—only a Web browser is required. Finally, separately to the novel features introduced, we have worked to integrate these user-generated browsers with many of the existing tools of the UCSC browser.


We first describe the software pipeline for building comparative assembly hubs, before describing them by example using an alignment of E.coli and Shigella genomes.

2.1 Comparative assembly hubs pipeline

Our software pipeline comprises three main modular components, for which we provide an overall distribution that can be downloaded and installed with a few commands (see Section 3), and which should work on unix distributions such as Linux, BSD and OS X. The first component is the Cactus alignment program (Paten et al. 2011), which takes as input a set of genome sequences and outputs a genome multiple sequence alignment in hierarchical alignment (HAL) format (Hickey et al. 2013). The second component is HAL tools, to which we have added a series of command-line tools and C/C++ Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for manipulating HAL files and building comparative assembly hubs. The final component is the snake track display, which is now part of the UCSC Genome Browser code base (Karolchik et al. 2014), and which provides visualization of alignments directly from HAL files.

The pipeline is run in three steps. First, either Cactus is run to generate the HAL alignment file directly, or an MAF file, generated separately by an aligner such as Multiz (Miller et al. 2007), is converted into a HAL file using the maf2Hal tool (in the HAL tools package). Second, the hal2AssemblyHub script (in the HAL tools package) builds the comparative assembly hub using the HAL file and any set of annotation files provided, either in BED or WIG format ( This script takes care of converting the base annotation files into the display scaleable bigBed and bigWig formats and translates these annotations (optionally) via a process of alignment lift-over (Zhu et al. 2007) to all the other genomes. At the end of this process, a directory is created that contains the necessary files, using compressed formats for minimal space usage. In the final step, the location of the ‘hub.txt’ file, addressable as a public URL, is pasted into the UCSC browser hub page to view the browsers.

The pipeline builds one browser for each input genome and, in addition, any ancestral or pangenomes that were imputed (e.g. by Cactus, if used) during the alignment process (Nguyen et al. 2014).

2.2 Escherichia coli comparative assembly hub

To demonstrate this work, we use a set of 57 E.coli and 9 Shigella spp. complete genomes. Escherichia coli contains substantial intraspecies genomic diversity, which allows for its high versatility and variation, encompassing various pathotypes, antibiotic resistances and lifestyles [see review in Leimbach et al. (2013)]. Comparative genomic analyses of multiple strains of E.coli have proven useful in understanding the molecular basis of their phenotypic differences and assisting in practical applications such as diagnostic and antibiotic developments for infectious disease (Didelot et al. 2012). Owing to intense study, E.coli is one of the most sequenced bacterial species, with the second highest number of complete sequenced genomes (after Salmonella enterica, source: available at the time of writing. Automated tools for comparison and visualization are therefore critical for research efforts to keep pace with available data.

To illustrate a browser, Figure 1 displays a region of one of the E.coli reference genomes, K12 MG1655. The topmost tracks are K12 MG1655 annotations, including conservation, GC percentage, genes, antibiotic resistance database, genomic islands and non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs; rRNA and tRNA). Below these are snake tracks, showing the alignment of the genome to a subset of the other genomes, and a lifted-over ncRNA annotation track (track K12 W3110 RNA) of E.coli K12 W3110.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

An example E.coli comparative assembly hub with E.coli K12 MG1655 as the reference browser. The top browser screenshot (a) shows an ∼900 kb region with a known large inversion (light red) in the closely related strain K12 W3110, which is flanked by homologous (with opposite orientations) ribosomal RNA operons rrnD and rrnE [Hayashi et al. (2006); Hill and Harnish (1981)], and is the result of recombination between them. (b–c) Zoom-in of the K12 W3110 inversion left and right boundaries, respectively, showing operon rrnE of K12 W3110 (‘K12_W3110 RNA’ track, in green, which is K12 W3110 ncRNA annotation track lifted-over to K12 MG1655) aligned to operon rrnD of K12 MG1655 (‘K12_MG1655 RNA’ track, also in green) on the left and operon rrnD of K12 W3110 aligned to operon rrnE of K12 MG1655 on the right. If further zoomed in (d), SNPs and query insertions are visible. The text on the screenshots was adjusted for better readability

2.2.1 The snake track

Each snake track shows the relationship between the chosen browser genome, termed the reference (genome), and another genome, termed the query (genome). The snake display is capable of showing all possible types of structural rearrangement. When stacked together, snake tracks allow a flexible view of multiple genomes.

In full display mode (snake tracks in Fig. 1), a snake track can be decomposed into two primitive drawing elements: segments, which are the colored rectangles, and adjacencies, which are the lines connecting the segments. Segments represent subsequences of the query genome aligned to the given portion of the reference genome. Adjacencies represent the covalent bonds between the aligned subsequences of the query genome. Segments can be configured to be colored by chromosome, strand (as shown) or be left a single color. Layout of the segments is described in Section 3. At the highest LOD above that showing individual bases (i.e. the first level of summary detail above the original alignment), red tick marks within segments represent substitutions with respect to the reference (Fig. 1b and c). Further zooming in to the base level, these substitutions are labeled with the non-reference base (Fig. 1d). An insertion in the reference relative to the query creates a gap between abutting segment sides that is connected by an adjacency. An insertion in the query relative to the reference is represented either by an orange tick mark that splits a segment at the location the extra bases would be inserted or by coloring an adjacency orange, indicating that there are unaligned bases between the two connected segment ends.

More complex structural rearrangements create adjacencies that connect the sides of non-abutting segments in a natural fashion, e.g. Figure 1 shows the known large inversion in K12 MG1655’s closely related strain K12 W3110 (Hill and Harnish 1981). The inversion is a result of a homologous recombination, with operon rrnD, consisting of rrsD, ileU, alaU, rrlD, rrfD, thrV and rrfF, and operon rrnE, consisting of rrsE, gltV, rrlE and rrfE, being homologous segments with opposite directions (Fig. 1b and c). Also shown in Figure 1 are two smaller inversions in KO11FL (Turner et al. 2012) and O26 H111 1368 (Ogura et al. 2009) and a relatively much smaller inversion in HS.

Duplications within the query genome create extra segments that overlap along the reference genome axis, e.g. Figure 2 shows a tandem repeat region of E.coli KO11FL 162099 displayed along the genome of E.coli KO11FL 52593 that was engineered by the chromosomal insertion of the Zymomonas mobilis pdc, adhB and cat genes into E.coli W for ethanol production purposes (Ohta et al. 1991); 162099 is a derivative of 52593 and contains 20 tandem copies of the inserted pdc-adhB-cat genes (Turner et al. 2012).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

A browser screenshot showing the pdc-adhB-cat tandem repeat region of E.coli KO11FL 162099 (Turner et al. 2012) displayed along the genome of E.coli KO11FL 52593. The colored horizontal bars on top of each snake track indicate duplications in KO11FL 52593 [two copies of each gene pflA (green), pflB-L (green) and pflB-S (orange)]. There is a large deletion in the parent strain W 162011, as this strain does not contain the pdc-adhB-cat insert. Following the snake track of KO11FL 162099, there are 20 copies of (pflA, pflB-L, cat, adhB, pdc and pdfB-S). As KO11FL 52593 has two copies of pflA, pflB-L and pflB-S the display arbitrarily picks one copy of each to map corresponding KO11FL 162099 orthologous genes to. The text on the screenshot was adjusted for better readability

To show regions where the query segments align to multiple locations within the reference, for each snake track we draw color-coded sets of lines along the reference genome axis that indicate self-homologies (intervals of the reference genome that align to other intervals of the reference genome). To maintain the semantics of the snake, in which each query segment is drawn only once, we align any query segment that aligns to multiple segments in the reference to just the leftmost copy in the reference (Fig. 2), because otherwise the display ceases to be an alternating sequence of blocks and adjacencies representing the query. However, the multiple alignment information is not lost, as the overlap with the color-coded segments on the reference axis informs the viewer to interpret such a query segment as being multi-aligned to the reference.

The pack display option can be used to display a snake track in more limited vertical space. It eliminates the adjacencies from the display, and forces the segments onto as few rows as possible given the constraint of still showing duplications in the query sequence (e.g. track W 162101 of Fig. 2). The dense display further eliminates these duplications so that a snake track is compactly represented along just one row, essentially showing the coverage of the query genome on the reference (e.g. the last snake track of Fig. 2). Finally, the squish display is similar to dense but with a thinner thickness of the row to maximally reduce the vertical space (e.g track IAI1 of Fig. 2).

Clicking on segments moves the display to the corresponding region in the query genome, making it simple to navigate between references, all of which have equivalent displays. This symmetry frees the user from investigating the alignment from just one perspective. Various mouse-overs are implemented to show the sizes of display elements, and the snakes and annotations can be reordered by dragging.

2.2.2 Procedural levels of alignment detail

The different LODs displayed in Figure 1a–d show the alignment at mega-base, kilo-base and base levels. To achieve this in a Web browser, serving data across the Internet (generally still a relatively slow and high latency connection compared with keeping the data locally), we needed a novel solution, because, for instance, a chromosome will typically be decomposed into millions of segments in a HAL graph. In Section 3, we describe pre-generating interpolated HAL graphs that store only as much information as is visible on the screen at different zoom levels, and demonstrate that we achieve constant load times for Web pages at all levels of resolution using the method.

2.2.3 Managing alignments and lifted annotations

A unique feature of comparative assembly hubs is that all annotations can be viewed, through the alignment, from any genome. To make managing the large number of possible snake and lifted-over annotations easy, for each browser, a central configuration page is provided that uses a grid layout as its basis (Fig. 3). This configuration page layout is adapted from the UCSC Encode Browser [Rosenbloom et al. (2010)] where, instead of using it to select tracks from combinations of cell line and assay types, it is instead used to select from the combination of genomes and (lifted-over) tracks, laid out phylogenetically (if a tree is provided). As with the Encode browser, the grid is sufficiently compact to display hundreds of tracks on a page.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

An example portion of a comparative assembly hub configuration Web page. Each browser in the hub has its own such equivalent configuration page. Using the grid layout (rows represent the genomes, columns represent the track types), alignments and annotations can be selected regardless of which genome they were originally described on. The inset phylogenetic tree is generated automatically by the comparative assembly hub pipeline. The track controls above the grid allow quick overall configuration. Fine-grained track controls (not shown) are provided at the bottom of the page

2.2.4 UCSC browser integration

A key benefit of comparative assembly hubs is their integration with the popular UCSC browser and the tools it provides. For example, export of subregions of the alignment and track intersections can be made via the UCSC table browser (Karolchik et al. 2004), and, via user sessions, individual browser displays can be shared (see the supplement for links to examples). Users may also add additional tracks using the ‘Custom Tracks’ function.

2.3 Constructing the core and pan E.coli/Shigella genome

As a demonstration of the flexibility of comparative assembly hubs and the recently introduced pangenome displays it incorporates (Nguyen et al. 2014), we created a comparative assembly hub representing the core E.coli/Shigella genome. Briefly, this was achieved by requiring that every alignment block contains sequence from every input genome (see the Supplementary Materials). As the pangenome display algorithm generates a consensus ordering (even if the blocks correspond to the core genome rather than the wider pangenome), this is reflected in our core genome display (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

The E.coli/Shigella core genome browser, showing the highly conserved ordering relationships between blocks of the E.coli core genome and the less conserved ordering in Shigella. Most E.coli look like the first snake track (E24377), with no high-level rearrangements (for space only one is shown). In contrast, the Shigella has, with respect to E.coli, a fragmented core genome (second snake track SbCDC 308394, again, only one shown for lack of space)

We computed a core genome of size 2.7 Mb, which is consistent with the 2.7 Mb core genome for 44 E.coli/Shigella genomes reported in Sahl et al. (2011) and the 2.9 Mb core genome for 16 E.coli/Shigella reported in Darling et al. (2010). Both studies used the whole-genome alignment approach. The core genome size has been observed to decrease, but progressively plateau as the number of genomes increases [Leimbach et al. (2013); Lukjancenko et al. (2010); Touchon et al. (2009)]; this trend is recapitulated here, as shown in Supplementary Figure S1. In contrast to the core genome, the pangenome for the 66 strains is ∼11 Mb (Supplementary Fig. S3) and continues to grow relatively linearly as new genomes are added.

The average size of an E.coli/Shigella genome is ∼5 Mb, ∼86% of which is genes. Approximately (assuming that the genes are evenly distributed across the genome), we expect 2.3 Mb (86% of 2.7 Mb) of the core genome to be genic, which corresponds to ∼2300 genes. This is consistent with the average number of genes of each genome we observed to be overlapped with the core genome (2348 and 2507 genes for 98% and 90% minimum coverage cutoffs, respectively).

Remarkably, the core genome is, at a high level (10 kb or greater block size, approximately), entirely un-rearranged in the majority of E.coli genomes, despite the dramatic differences between them in their wider pangenome. The striking converse of the ordering conservation in E.coli is demonstrated by the Shigella genomes, which (as shown in the figure) are significantly reordered—though the summary allows a complete tracing of this reordering.


Details on the presented E.coli/Shigella comparative assembly hub are in the Supplementary Materials. Below, we first give links to online installation, usage instructions and run-time analysis. We then describe the snake display algorithm, and finally describe the underlying algorithm for constructing varying levels of alignment detail for display.

3.1 Links to installation, usage instructions and run-time analysis

3.2 Snake display algorithm

A snake plot puts all the query segments within a reference chromosome range on a set of one or more horizontal rows, indexed from 1 to n, arranged top down. Before the algorithm is started, all the segments are placed in a list, sorted by their starting coordinate on the query, and the current row index is set to 1. Then, in a recursive fashion, the algorithm places the first segment in the list on the current row. The algorithm then iterates through the list of segments, and for each segment adds it to the current row if it does not overlap the previous segment on the current row and is either in the same order and orientation as the previous segment added to the current row, or will not have an adjacency incident with either of its sides that would connect it to a segment on the current row (thus avoiding making adjacencies between segments on a single row that are not in the same order and orientation). The current row index is then increased by 1, all segments that were placed on the previous row removed from the list, and the process repeated recursively until the list of segments is empty. Once all the segments have been drawn on their respective row, lines are drawn between the segment sides to show the adjacencies between the segments.

3.3 Procedural LOD algorithm

To display snake tracks usefully at all resolutions, from individual bases to whole chromosomes, we compute multiple representations of the original alignment at different LODs. Here we formalize this problem, describe our sampling-based solution and demonstrate its performance in practice.

3.3.1 Problem definition

We begin by briefly introducing the definition of a sequence graph [more details in Paten et al. (2011)]. In a sequence graph G, each sequence sS in the alignment (chromosome, contig, etc.) is represented by a string of DNA, which is, in turn, partitioned into segments. All homologous segments are grouped together into maximal gapless alignment blocks. Each segment within an alignment block is associated with a strand identifier to specify whether the forward or reverse strand of the segment is being aligned. Let |G| refer to the number of blocks in G. When comparing two different sequence graphs of the same input data, G1 and G2, we define Δ(G1,G2) to be the sum of pairwise base homologies induced by the blocks of G1 and not G2 and those induced by the blocks of G2 and not G1.

Sequence graphs are conceptually equivalent to HAL graphs. Using this equivalence, we define the interpolation problem as follows. Given a sequence graph G and bound K, compute a sequence graph G such that |G|K and Δ(G,G) are minimal. In practice, K is a function of the number of pixels in the browser display, and is 100 by default. Because of the size of the search space (all graphs with K blocks), we use the following sampling-based solution.

3.3.2 Sampling the column graph

We use a down-sampling algorithm based on the simplifying assumption that alignment block lengths are roughly uniform: if the total length of all blocks in G is Ltot, then we expect that each block in G will have length approximately Lblock=Ltot/K. The first step of the algorithm is therefore to sample an initial graph G0 from G by sampling every Lblock bases of each sS and extracting the block of length 1 from G into G0 (if it has not been added already).

To keep the number of sampled blocks proportional to K, we disregard sampled blocks whose maximum distance (along any segment) to any block already sampled is less than Lblock.

3.3.3 Extending the column graph

Unless Lblock = 1, G0 will not necessarily be a valid sequence graph, as it will not contain all bases in S. We therefore greedily extend each block in G0 using the following rules, creating G1. Let s[i] refer to the ith base of sequence s. We define a segment e as a closed interval of base coordinates (i, j) where ij on sequence sS. Recall that because blocks are gapless, all segments contained in a given block must always have the same length. If e is on the forward strand in its containing block and s[j+1] exists (j + 1 is a valid coordinate) and is not already present in G1, or if e is on the reverse strand and s[i1] exists and is not already in G1, then e can be extended to the right. A similar check can determine whether e can be extended to the left. G1 is constructed by, for each block in G0, maximally extending all segments it contains by the same length in each direction. To avoid expanding tiny gaps, we greedily extend blocks in reverse order based on the number of sequences they contain.

3.3.4 Filling in missing blocks

We can only extend each block by the minimum length allowed for any segment it contains, and G1 will therefore still not necessarily contain every position of the input sequences. We complete the procedure by creating a block for each maximal length sequence not yet present in a block. Finally, we exhaustively merge together all pairs of blocks that have the same length such that the resulting set of pairwise homologies induced by the merged blocks are all also induced by the blocks in G.

Algorithm 1 HAL Interpolate(G, K).

Ltot sum of block lengths in G;


G empty HAL graph

for sS (S is the set of sequences in G) do


  while i<len(s) do

   c block created from alignment column in G containing s[i]

   d max. distance between any base in c and any base already in a block in G

   if dLblock then



for block bG (from largest to smallest) do

  maximally extend b in both directions

while position xG|xG do

  greedily create new block b from x


  maximally extend b in both directions such that no base is present in two blocks of G

for all pairs of blocks b1,b2G do

  if all b1 and b2 can be merged to form a valid gapless alignment that is present in G then

   merge b1 and b2 in G

3.3.5 LOD creation

Pseudocode for the interpolation procedure described in the steps above is provided in Algorithm 1. The time complexity is O(N+|G|log|G|), where N is the number of bases in G and |G| is the number of blocks in the output. The O(N) component derives from the fact that each base is processed once when it is added to a block, and the O(|G|log|G|) component stems from the sorted sets required to extend and merge the blocks. A series of LODs can be generated from a source graph G and is created as follows. The user specifies the scaling factor between two LODs and the maximum number of blocks B to process per query, and the algorithm iteratively generates coarser LODs until one is reached such that the entire alignment can be displayed in B blocks. An API is provided such that browser queries are directed to the most detailed LOD such that the expected number of blocks returned is less than B.

3.3.6 Experimental results

The LOD generation algorithm was used to generate the E.coli/Shigella comparative assembly hub discussed above, using default parameters that attempt to limit queries to 100 blocks per pairwise alignment. This resulted in the creation of eight LODs, whose sizes and associated query lengths are listed in Table 1. The first line of this table corresponds to the original alignment file, which is used to display browser queries of size up to 4304 bases. Each successive line corresponds to the next coarser grained LOD generated by the interpolation algorithm. We found that these LODs, whose sizes decrease exponentially, were sufficient to allow smooth transitions while zooming.

Table 1.

Size statistics for the original alignment (first row) and interpolated alignments created by the LOD algorithm

Generated LOD
LOD range Lblock Average number of block size Average block length Full size
1–4304 109 345 47 146
4305–13 037 137 60 649 85 35
13 038–39 359 540 21 365 241 12
39 360–118 079 2109 13 071 394 7
118 080–354 485 8231 8428 611 5
354 486–1 063 580 32 105 8716 591 5
1 063 581–3 190 865 125 217 7084 727 4
3 190 866–9 572 843 488 359 4299 1197 3
9 572 844– 1 904 608 2337 2202 2

Notes. Default parameters were used, setting the maximum expected blocks, K, to 100 and the ratio between LOD sizes to 3.9, requiring eight additional LOD alignments to be computed. LOD range is the query range on the browser for which the LOD applies. Lblock is the interpolation step size computed from K. The remaining columns report the average number of blocks per pairwise alignment, the average block length and the overall file sizes in megabytes, respectively. All block lengths are in number of bases. Because of the heuristic steps used to generate, the sampled graph (particularly ‘Filling in Missing Blocks’), the number of blocks in each LOD decreases more slowly than K, but still exponentially.

We assessed the practical impact of the LOD generation by simulating 1000 random browser queries for alignments of four E.coli/Shigella strains (W 162011, KO11FL 162099, KO11FL 52593 and Ss53) to the E.coli pangenome reference. The size and location of the queries were uniformly distributed across the ∼10 mb of the reference genome. The hub was hosted at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (La Jolla, California, USA), whereas the Browser server was located at the University of California Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, California, USA), and no data were cached between individual queries. Each random query was run on the hub twice: once with LOD activated (Fig. 5, blue dots) and once without (red dots). The results are grouped, by query length, into bins of size 1 000 000 along the x-axis where bin N contains queries in the range (N-1000000, N). The average time required for a query in each bin in seconds is reported in the figure, with the minimum and maximum query times shown in the error bars. It is apparent from the chart that without LOD, queries quickly become impractical as the length approaches a megabase, but with LOD, the time remains relatively constant for queries of any size.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Browser querying time with and without LODs


In this article, we have shown how UCSC comparative assembly hubs can be easily constructed to provide useful extensible browsers for sets of evolutionarily related genomes.

The comparative assembly hub framework is novel in several respects. All the alignments and lifted-over annotations shown are mutually consistent with one another, because, for the first time, the annotation lift-over and alignment display is symmetrically driven by one reference-free alignment process, rather than a mixture of different pairwise and reference-based multiple alignments. The multiple alignment process and HAL format, being reference free, also allow us to make all the browsers equivalently powerful, in that all the annotations and alignments can be displayed from any vantage point. The snake tracks for the first time in the history of the UCSC browser and (to our knowledge) a linear display format fully express all the possible mutation types in one track, while the procedural LOD makes this useful at all resolution levels. The incorporation of the pangenome display gives a new view of the data that, for some purposes, is more useful for display than any single genome.

We used E.coli and Shigella spp. genomes as a test and automatically reconstructed a core genome of all E.coli/Shigella, which recapitulates earlier results and visually demonstrates the many rearrangements present in the core genome of the Shigella phylogroup. Though any aligner can in principle be used, in the Supplementary Materials we demonstrate that the Cactus alignment program we used here (and which had not previously been applied to bacterial genomes) is able to successfully align the vast majority (99%) of known genes and operons in this clade.

One issue with the display of assembly hubs in general is that the data must be transferred across the Internet. By using LOD and caching we have attempted to make page load times reasonable; however, one way to avoid this bottleneck and avoid configuring the installation of a mirror Web site is to run the browser server in a virtual machine. The UCSC browser in a box scheme (, which is under development, should make this easy and be complementary to assembly hubs, allowing their display locally and potentially securely within a firewalled environment.

We have also tested comparative assembly hubs with clades of mammalian genomes (see links to online run-time analysis in the methods) therefore it is feasible to use comparative assembly hubs for even large projects, provided significant computational resources are available in the form of compute clusters. To make the tool practical for vertebrate genomics communities without these resources one future aim of the project is to provide a cloud service, where users could buy compute time to generate their alignments.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Data


The authors would like to thank the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. They also thank the three anonymous reviewers for providing excellent feedback.

Funding: The authors acknowledge the support of NIH (1U41HG007234-01) and (1U41HG006992-2) and NHGRI/NIH (5U01HG004695) for providing funding.

Conflict of Interest: none declared.


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