The membrane system that encloses genomic DNA is referred to as the nuclear envelope. However, with emerging roles in signaling and gene expression, these membranes clearly serve as more than just a physical barrier separating the nucleus and cytoplasm. Recent progress in our understanding of nuclear envelope architecture and composition has also revealed an intriguing connection between constituents of the nuclear envelope and human disease, providing further impetus to decipher this cellular structure and the dramatic remodeling process it undergoes with each cell division.
The nuclear envelope (NE) consists of two concentric membrane bilayers, the inner nuclear membrane (INM) and outer nuclear membrane (ONM), which encircle chromosomes and other nuclear components (Figure 1). This double membrane is punctuated by nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), at which the INM and ONM are fused to form what is sometimes referred to as the pore membrane (POM). The lumen between the bilayers, known as the perinuclear space, spans ~50 nm in metazoans and is contiguous with the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
Here, we will discuss the molecular constituents of the NE and the roles that this structure plays. We will then delve into recent results that lend new insight into how formation and disassembly of the NE is orchestrated during cell division.
The nuclear envelope: form and function
The INM, ONM and pore membrane are each intimately associated with distinct proteinaceous structures; these connections ensure the integrity of the nuclear environment and aid in coordinating cellular events. Specifically, the INM contacts the underlying nuclear lamina and regions of chromatin, whereas the ONM is associated with both the cytoskeletal actin network and the centrosome. Large macromolecular pore complexes are tethered to the NE at the pore membrane.
Systematic proteomics approaches [1,2••] have predicted 67 new integral membrane proteins to be enriched at the nuclear membrane, adding significantly to the repertoire of 13 proteins (plus splice variants) already characterized. Intriguingly, genes encoding 23 of the newly identified proteins map to chromosomal regions linked to human dystrophies [2••]. Along with previous examples that implicate INM-associated proteins in human disease [3,4], this underscores the critical need to determine whether these new candidates are disease-linked genes and, more generally, to better understand the functions of proteins resident in the NE.
The INM contains a unique subset of integral membrane proteins. Some INM proteins are involved in organization of genomic DNA. For instance, lamin B receptor has been proposed to localize to unique microdomains within the NE, to which it targets heterochromatin [5]. Other INM proteins play important roles in nuclear structure. Integrity of the NE requires contact between INM proteins and the nuclear lamina. The LEM-domain-containing proteins, including LAP2, emerin and MAN1, are examples of INM-associated proteins that interact with lamins [3]. Mutations in either emerin or lamin result in aberrant NE morphology [4]. The importance of emerin to nuclear structure may also relate to its ability to increase polymerization of actin [6•]. Nuclear actin is a topic of some debate and is considered at more length elsewhere [3,7]. It will be important to decipher if emerin influences roles proposed for actin in nuclear structure, transcription regulation or mitotic chromosome organization [7,8•,9,10].
The perinuclear compartment has not been well characterized, but is likely to share many components with the ER lumen. Recent studies focused on the AAA+ ATPase torsinA, however, illustrate the potential for such luminal proteins to have NE-specific functions. Whereas torsinA is found predominantly in the ER, ATPase-defective torsinA mutants, which are predicted to be tightly engaged with targets, strikingly localize to the NE [11,12]. Expression of these mutants causes NE membrane herniations and alterations in spacing between the INM and ONM [12], suggesting that this ATPase plays an important role at the NE [13•,14].
Integral membrane proteins of the ONM are also in large part shared by the ER. This has been widely accepted as dogma and is consistent with the continuity between ER and ONM, which allows lateral diffusion to take place in the membrane bilayer. Interesting exceptions to this rule — ONM-enriched proteins — have come to light more recently. The first in this class to be reported was the C. elegans protein ANC-1, which also has an actin-binding domain and was found to play a role in positioning the nucleus within the cytoplasm [15]. ANC-1 targets to the NE in a manner dependent on the INM protein UNC-84, consistent with the notion that enrichment at the ONM can be promoted by interactions in the perinuclear space with luminal domains of INM-anchored proteins. These interactions, and indeed the role in nuclear positioning [16•], are conserved in the vertebrate counterparts of ANC-1 and UNC-84, referred to respectively as nesprins and SUN proteins [17•,18]. This protein interaction network is proposed to bridge the inside of the nucleus to actin filaments in the cytoplasm. Teasing apart the roles of these connections is a work in progress and is complicated by the fact that the nesprin proteins are extremely large and have multiple isoforms with significant distinctions in localization [18,19]. Expanding on the roles for ONM proteins, a recent result in C. elegans points toward interactions between a SUN protein and ZYG-12, which is also predicted to localize to the ONM and is required for attaching the centrosome to the NE [20].
The pore membrane houses the integral membrane proteins of the NPC. The differing properties of the two known vertebrate integral membrane nucleoporins, gp210 and POM121, suggest that these proteins play very different roles. Although gp210 is not detected in certain cell types [21•], its depletion from Hela cells results in abnormalities of the NE [22]. Consensus is lacking on the function of gp210, but an important clue may lie in the surprising observation that this transmembrane protein dynamically associates with the pore [23••]. POM121, by contrast, is a stable component of the pore [23••,24]. Thus,POM121 may provide the pore-specific component of a tether between NPC and membrane, although yet-to-be-identified vertebrate pore membrane proteins may also be involved. In addition, pore proteins that are not integral membrane proteins have been found to help in stably positioning each NPC in the NE [25,26]. Recent structural and bioinformatic characterization has determined that members of the Nup107–Nup160 complex (referred to hereafter as the Nup107 complex) contain or are predicted to contain β-propeller motifs and α-helical solenoid domains in comparable distribution to complexes, such as clathrin, that form coat-like structures on membranes [27••,28••]. This raises the intriguing possibility that nucleoporins cooperatively coat the pore membrane, potentially stabilizing its curvature. The provocative notion of a ‘proto-coatomer’ also provides new perspective on the evolution of the NE [27••,29].
Although the NE is often depicted as the surface of a sphere, its topology is more complex. Tubes, formed by the NE inverting into the nucleus, increase the nuclear area contacted by the INM [30,31]. These invaginations, collectively called the nucleoplasmic reticulum (NR), are found in multiple cell types and growth states, with an increased incidence reported in dedifferentiated or cancerous cells [30,32]. Recent experiments suggest that the NR contains sites of discrete calcium flux [33]. Thus, the NE appears to actively participate in signaling; calcium fluxes in the NR may drive local changes in calcium-sensitive processes such as modulation of NPC conformation [34,35] and gene expression [36].
The nuclear envelope: formation
Recent progress has given new insight into how the NE is constructed and rapidly disassembled at precise times in mitosis, but has also exposed previously unappreciated complexity in these processes. Key aspects of NE formation include targeting of membranes to the chromatin surface, membrane fusion, and incorporation of NPCs (Figure 2). Several clues about the process of NE assembly have been obtained from in vitro systems, in many cases using Xenopus egg extract, in which NEs are formed de novo around DNA templates by reconstituting the steps noted above.
In a paradigm established originally by its role in transport, the small GTPase Ran plays a critical role in recruiting proteins to the chromatin surface. More specifically, Ran modulates the binding activity of the nucleocytoplasmic transport receptor importin β (also known as karyopherin β1). Since RCC1/RanGEF, the guanine exchange factor for Ran, resides on chromatin, levels of RanGTP are high in proximity to chromosomes even at mitosis [37]. Thus, in mitosis, independently of nucleocytoplasmic transport, Ran GTP promotes the release of importin β from proteins in a spatially restricted manner and facilitates deposition of proteins on chromosomes in preparation for NE assembly [37,38••,39••]. Certain targets of this regulation are nucleoporins [39••].
Ran also serves to control membrane fusion, again by modulating interactions with importin β [38••]. In this case, the pertinent targets of importin β are not yet identified. The requirement for GTP in nuclear membrane fusion, however, can be over-ridden by the addition of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PtdIns- PLC) or of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, an analogue of a product produced by this enzyme [40]. This raises speculation that an interaction reported between PtdIns- PLC and importin β [41] may be relevant to a Ran-modulated step in nuclear formation.
Recent results pointing to a Ran-regulated role for the export receptor Crm1/Exportin1 at the kinetochore [42] illustrate the potential for additional members of the importin β family to take on non-canonical roles during mitosis, although whether this is true during nuclear assembly is still an open question. Importin α, a member of a different transport receptor family and the adaptor protein that bridges importin β to NLS-bearing proteins, has been implicated in regulating NE formation [43•]. Importin α appears to have two roles: one dependent on its ability to bind NLS-containing proteins and one related to the novel observation that it associates with membrane vesicles involved in NE assembly.
Machinery involved more broadly at the membrane of different organelles also plays a role in NE formation. p97, a hexameric AAA+ ATPase, was first implicated in ER and Golgi vesicle fusion [44]. In conjunction with Ufd1 and Npl4, p97 promotes formation of a closed NE in vitro [45]. Ufd1 and Npl4 can bind ubiquitin [46], and the p97/Ufd1/Npl4 complex has been found to play roles in retrotranslocation from the ER and in proteosome-mediated processing and degradation [44]. Identification of targets recognized by this protein complex during nuclear formation will yield important information about its role in this context. It will also be of interest to probe further into the canonical machinery of membrane fusion, such as SNAREs involved in vesicle targeting and fusion, as the picture of NE formation currently lacks components well characterized in other organelles [47].
The nucleoporin POM121 is key to integrating assembly of the NE with assembly of pore complexes. In the Xenopus system, multiple vesicle populations contribute to NE formation. Antonin et al. elegantly demonstrated that POM121 is not required for targeting of vesicles to the chromatin but is required for membrane vesicles to fuse during formation of the NE [48••]. Interestingly, when the Nup107 complex is absent, POM121-bearing vesicles are not incorporated, resulting in an NE devoid of pores [48••,49]. Consistent with this, formation of such a ‘pore-less’ NE occurs when both the Nup107 complex and POM121 are absent [48••]. This latter result suggests that absence of the Nup107 complex alleviates the requirement for POM121 in membrane fusion at the newly forming NE. Thus, a regulatory interplay between the Nup107 complex and POM121 coordinates membrane recruitment, membrane fusion and NPC formation.
The nuclear envelope: growth
After the formation of a closed membrane around the chromatin, the NE must expand by addition of membrane and new NPCs (Figure 2). Although the net result of growth is simply more of the same membrane system, the mechanisms involved are quite distinct from its initial formation. For instance, rather than side-to-side fusion of vesicles, followed by flattening to create a double-layered stretch of envelope, membrane must presumably be added at the ONM during growth, followed by redistribution to maintain the regular spacing of ONM and INM. Again, important clues about this second phase in NE formation have been obtained from in vitro analysis. For instance, p97 has also been implicated in nuclear growth; however, consistent with the notion that the mechanics have changed, a different partner protein, p47, is required for this step [45].
A further distinction between NE formation and expansion, in some cases, is whether the membranes are in storage pools or whether new lipids must be synthesized, a process that occurs primarily in the ER. Rather than cycling through NE disassembly and reassembly, S. cerevisiae undergoes a ‘closed mitosis’ in which the nucleus is divided, but this mode of nuclear division also necessitates NE growth. Santos-Rosa et al. recently found that the yeast homologue of Lipin, Smp2p, is a target of the ER/nuclear membrane-associated phosphatase complex Nem1p–Spo7p [50•]. Dephosphorylated Smp2p is thought to repress transcription of lipid biosynthetic enzymes. Consistent with this, in yeast lacking Smp2p the NE expands to create extraneous membrane structures, whereas in wild-type yeast deactivation of Smp2p is temporally controlled by a mitotic kinase and NE expansion ensues before nuclear division. Notably, a mammalian protein related to the phosphatase Nem1p is a putative INM protein [2••]. Thus, there may be a conserved signaling pathway at the NE involved in modulating levels of lipids that will incorporate into the NE.
NE expansion also takes place when the complexity of the NR increases. A link between the number of NR tubules and CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase-α, an enzyme involved in phosphatidylcholine synthesis, has been observed [51•]. This enzyme could influence nuclear membranes in two ways, as both its physical association and its biosynthetic product alter bilayer topology [51•]. The connection between alterations in membrane bilayers and promotion of NR formation, however, has not been elucidated. The observation that glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and in particular its putative phosphatidylserine recognition motif, may play a role in vesicle fusion during nuclear assembly points to an early role for lipid recognition during NE formation [52]. Integrating information about lipid biosynthesis with our understanding of nuclear formation and growth is an important focus for the future. Feedback mechanisms, although poorly understood, clearly exist. For instance, overproduction of INM-associated proteins has been observed to cause proliferation of NE-like structures (for example [53,54]).
Nuclear growth involves targeting of integral membrane proteins as well as expansion of membranes. Integral membrane proteins have been proposed to diffuse laterally from ONM to INM via the pore membrane, fitting through gaps in the pore structure [55]. Antibodies to the POM protein gp210 interfere with targeting of reporters to the INM, suggesting that this nucleoporin in particular may participate in the movement from ONM to INM [56••]. According to the diffusion-retention model, widely accepted for many years to explain how a specific subset of integral membrane proteins locates exclusively to the INM, certain proteins that diffuse to the INM become tethered here due to interactions with the underlying lamina and chromatin.
Recent work challenges whether this mechanism is universal by demonstrating an energy requirement, which would not be expected for simple diffusion and trapping [56••].
Other observations are consistent with the idea that early steps in protein biogenesis, not simply a tether that is encountered following diffusion into the INM, could influence targeting. Specifically, a sorting motif dictating INM localization was found to make distinct contacts with machinery that cotranslationally integrates proteins into membrane [57•]. Learning more about the energy requirement, the role of the nuclear pore, and the role of cofactors that participate from an early stage in routing proteins to the INM will lend new insight into mechanisms involved in creating the specialized INM environment.
Nuclear envelope disassembly: prelude to reformation
In higher eukaryotic cells, the conundrum of how to allow spindle microtubules access to chromosomes at mitosis is resolved by dismantling the NE with each cell cycle (referred to as ‘open mitosis’). This rapid remodeling is physically coordinated with the rearrangement of many other cellular constituents and temporally coordinated with other cell cycle events. Several mechanisms appear to contribute to NE disassembly. Given that NE breakdown has been characterized in different experimental systems (Figure 3), one current challenge is to determine which mechanisms are conserved between species and how the pathways differ between different cell types and growth states.
In starfish oocytes, NE permeability increases before loss of envelope integrity. This correlates with early remodeling events at the NPC [58]. An early alteration in NE permeability also occurs in the unicellular organism Ustilago maydis, a basidiomycete fungi that undergoes open mitosis [59••]. Notably, various degrees of mitotic pore remodeling have been observed even in organisms that undergo closed mitosis [60,61]. The contribution of altered barrier/transport function of the NPC at mitosis is still poorly understood. An increase in permeability may simply facilitate nuclear access for mitotic signaling components. However, when nuclei were artificially permeabolized, wheat germ agglutinin, a pore-binding lectin, still blocked nuclear disassembly, raising the possibility that NPCs (and remodeled intermediates) provide important scaffolds for the coordinate breakdown of nuclear components [62].
Different characteristics of membrane remodeling have been observed across species during NE breakdown. In starfish oocytes, remodeling is proposed to emanate from the disassembling NPCs [58]. Microtubule-dependent events also drive alterations at the NE. In U. maydis, the spindle pole body, which is attached to the ONM, appears to drag the NE in a dynein-dependent manner toward the daughter cell. Disruption of nuclear integrity occurs after the nucleus elongates and has one end positioned in the bud. Dynein-mediated movement likewise facilitates NE breakdown in higher eukaryotic somatic cells, although rather than analogously pulling the NE via centrosomes, this microtubule-dependent event gathers the NE in at the centrosomes [63,64], eventually causing a rupture at distal regions of the NE.
As mitosis progresses, markers of the NE intermix with markers of the ER in somatic cells [65,66]. This loss of distinct membrane domains could result simply from lateral diffusion. NPC disassembly, as well as concurrent events such as lamina breakdown, may remove tethers and barriers that otherwise prevent free flow between the INM and the ER.
Distinct membrane vesicle populations, derived from the NE, are present in extracts made from Xenopus eggs [67]. The presence of multiple vesicle populations suggests that NE breakdown involves vesicle formation and, although this is a difficult intermediate to document, some direct evidence for vesicle formation exists [68]. More recently, the coatomer complex COPI was found to participate in NE breakdown in the Xenopus egg extract system [69••]. The role of COPI in coating membranes and, in doing so, promoting the formation of vesicles has been characterized in the context of secretory trafficking [47]. COPI may similarly remodel the nuclear membrane into vesicles during mitosis.
Nuclear pore proteins appear to be involved in attracting COPI to the vicinity of the NE. Specifically, COPI was found to associate with Nup153 [69••] and with Nup358, which has recently been found to have a non-redundant role in nuclear disassembly [70]. Interestingly, these two nucleoporins are located on the nuclear and cytoplasmic faces of the nuclear pore, respectively, suggesting that efficient nuclear breakdown requires COPI recruitment near both the INM and the ONM. Although the observed increase in NPC permeability early in mitosis discussed above [58] may facilitate COPI access to the nuclear face of the pore, many questions remain about how recruitment of COPI is regulated.
Vesicle formation and NE/ER mixing are not mutually exclusive. In some situations, vesicles may persist as a storage form of NE membranes; in other cell types, vesicles could go on to fuse with the ER, providing a more active means of mixing the ER and NE membranes at mitosis. Alternatively, COPI components could participate in NE remodeling in a non-conventional manner, such as in the surprising involvement of clathrin at the mitotic spindle [71]. The recent hypothesis that the Nup107 complex is ‘coat-like’ in structure [27••] raises the additional possibility that, during nuclear disassembly, COPI collaborates with these nucleoporins already juxtaposed on the pore membrane. More regulatory and mechanistic detail is needed to create an integrated picture of the multi-layered NE disassembly process.
The double membrane of the NE and the presence of the NR create unique functional environments. The contribution of the NE to gene expression, signal transduction and nuclear positioning hinges on its specialized architecture and unique protein composition. These same features present challenges to efficient disassembly and reassembly of the NE. Many players and paradigms that contribute to cell-cycle-driven remodeling of the NE have been identified, but significant questions remain about how the NE is rapidly dispersed and accurately reformed. More experimental scrutiny will contribute to a better understanding of normal nuclear function and also lend molecular insight to pathogenic states that arise from alterations at the nuclear envelope.
Notably, there is paper in press [72] that further probes the connection between the ONM localized protein, nesprin 2 (nesp2G), and Sun proteins in mammalian cells. Specifically, both Sun1 and Sun2 were found to contribute to nesp2G localization. This network of interactions, which bridges INM and ONM proteins, is given the term LINC for ‘complex that links the nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton’.
We are grateful to Diana Lim for graphic design. We thank Jody Rosenblatt and Kathy Wilson for critical review and helpful comments. KSU is supported by National Institutes of Health (GM61275), the Huntsman Cancer Fund, and a Scholar Award from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. AJP acknowledges support from a University of Utah Graduate Research Fellowship.
References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as:
• of special interest
•• of outstanding interest
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