Regions of interest with reliable increases in task-related activity categorized as sensory regions in Ploran et al., 2007. ROI, index of region, ordered by significance of peak activation; Anat location, approximate anatomy encompassed by the ROI; x,y,z, Talairach atlas coordinates of peak activity; BA, approximate Brodmann’s area; Vx, region volume in voxels; F On, p-value from ANOVA of onset time across RT conditions for face trials; F Pk, p-value of peak time across RT conditions for face trials; F ⋂, an x indicates that this region was categorized consistently with comparable region from Ploran et al., 2007; H On, house trial onset time p-values; H Pk, house trial peak time p-values; H ⋂, x marks consistent categorization with region from Ploran et al., 2007; L, left; R, right; Inf, inferior; Occ, occipital; Mid, middle; G, gyrus;