Amplification of oxc.
(A) All Oxalobacter strains tested with oxc-specific primers exhibited a band of the expected size (1284 bp). Lanes: 1, molecular weight ladder (bp); 2, OxB; 3, BA-1; 4, Sox4; 5, OxCC13; 6, OxWR; 7, HOxBLS; 8, OxK; 9, HC1; 10, OxGP; 11, no DNA control; 12, purified DNA from CC13. (B) Amplification of oxc using oxc-specific primers (lanes 2–5) and degenerate oxc primers (lanes 6–9, expected size 419 bp) and DNA extracted from ™PRO Lab supplement powder, and BHI cultures of ™PRO Lab supplement. Lanes: 1, molecular weight ladder (bp); 2, BHI ™PRO Lab supplement DNA; 3, ™PRO Lab supplement DNA; 4, no DNA control; 5, purified DNA from CC13; 6, BHI ™PRO Lab DNA; 7, ™PRO Lab DNA; 8, no DNA control; 9, purified DNA from CC13. (C) Amplification of oxc using oxc-specific primers and DNA extracted from Oxalo™ capsule. Lanes: 1, molecular weight ladder (bp); 2, Oxalo™ capsule DNA; 3, purified DNA from OxCC13. (D) Amplification of oxc using degenerate oxc primers and DNA extracted from Oxalo™ capsule. Lanes: 1, molecular weight ladder (bp); 2, Oxalo™ capsule DNA; 3, purified DNA from OxCC13.