Figure 4. m6A-switches regulate mRNA abundance and alternative splicing.
a, HNRNPC, METTL3/L14 KD co-regulated the abundance of m6A-switch-containing transcripts by RNA-seq and qPCR. b, Illustration of the relative exon distance to m6A-switches. c, Co-regulated exons by HNRNPC KD and METTL3 KD (left) and METTL14 KD (right) were more enriched around m6A-switch sites than non-co-regulated exons, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. d-f, Validation of the m6A-switch regulated splicing at one exon neighboring the CDS2 m6A-switch as shown in PARCLIP-MeRIP data (d), METTL3/L14 KD data (e), and RT-PCR results (f). The red triangle and square mark the m6A site and U-tract, respectively. n = 4, ± s.d., biological replicates.