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Infection and Immunity logoLink to Infection and Immunity
. 2015 Mar 17;83(4):1384–1395. doi: 10.1128/IAI.02697-14

Evolutionary Adaptation of an AraC-Like Regulatory Protein in Citrobacter rodentium and Escherichia Species

Aimee Tan a,*, Nicola K Petty b, Dianna Hocking a, Vicki Bennett-Wood a, Matthew Wakefield c, Judyta Praszkier a, Marija Tauschek a, Ji Yang a, Roy Robins-Browne a,d,
Editor: A J Bäumler
PMCID: PMC4363417  PMID: 25624355


The evolution of pathogenic bacteria is a multifaceted and complex process, which is strongly influenced by the horizontal acquisition of genetic elements and their subsequent expression in their new hosts. A well-studied example is the RegA regulon of the enteric pathogen Citrobacter rodentium. The RegA regulatory protein is a member of the AraC/XylS superfamily, which coordinates the expression of a gene repertoire that is necessary for full pathogenicity of this murine pathogen. Upon stimulation by an exogenous, gut-associated signal, namely, bicarbonate ions, RegA activates the expression of a series of genes, including virulence factors, such as autotransporters, fimbriae, a dispersin-like protein, and the grlRA operon on the locus of enterocyte effacement pathogenicity island. Interestingly, the genes encoding RegA homologues are distributed across the genus Escherichia, encompassing pathogenic and nonpathogenic subtypes. In this study, we carried out a series of bioinformatic, transcriptional, and functional analyses of the RegA regulons of these bacteria. Our results demonstrated that regA has been horizontally transferred to Escherichia spp. and C. rodentium. Comparative studies of two RegA homologues, namely, those from C. rodentium and E. coli SMS-3-5, a multiresistant environmental strain of E. coli, showed that the two regulators acted similarly in vitro but differed in terms of their abilities to activate the virulence of C. rodentium in vivo, which evidently was due to their differential activation of grlRA. Our data indicate that RegA from C. rodentium has strain-specific adaptations that facilitate infection of its murine host. These findings shed new light on the development of virulence by C. rodentium and on the evolution of virulence-regulatory genes of bacterial pathogens in general.


Increases in the amount and availability of DNA sequence data have provided valuable insights into the ongoing speciation and evolution of bacteria. In particular, these data have revealed the frequency and ubiquity of horizontal gene transfer and how these events may have contributed to the development of bacterial pathogens (111). For example, the acquisition of the pPla and pMT1 plasmids catalyzed speciation of Yersinia pestis from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (10), and the recent emergence of a new pathogenic strain of Escherichia coli, which caused a dramatic foodborne disease outbreak in Germany in 2011, is attributed to the horizontal transfer of a number of virulence determinants, including Shiga toxin, various adhesins and autotransporters, and the pESBL C227-11 plasmid (1214).

However, the acquisition of virulence determinants alone is often not sufficient to make a bacterium pathogenic. For example, the murine pathogen Citrobacter rodentium contains a large pathogenicity island known as the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE PAI), which is required for colonic hyperplasia and the formation of attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions. Evidence indicates that the island has been horizontally mobilized into C. rodentium (15) and different lineages of enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) E. coli (1618), as well as into Escherichia albertii, Shigella boydii, and Salmonella enterica subsp. salamae (19, 20). However, transfer of the island does not always recapitulate the A/E phenotype (21, 22). Morevoer, the LEE PAI and the phage-borne Shiga toxin (stx) genes have also been found in E. coli isolates from healthy ruminants (2325) and birds (26). A possible explanation for this lack of pathogenicity may be dysfunction in gene regulation in new hosts and genetic backgrounds, leading to the inability to stably or intimately colonize the host in which disease occurs or the inability to activate the virulence determinants at the appropriate time. The LEE PAI is internally regulated by the Ler, GrlA, and GrlR proteins (27) but generally also requires a LEE-external regulator to initiate transcription of its genes (28).

In C. rodentium, the LEE PAI is externally regulated by the RegA protein via its effects on grlA (29). RegA is a member of the AraC/XylS family of proteins and shares similarity with a subset of virulence regulators, including PerA from enteropathogenic E. coli (3032), Rns from enterotoxigenic E. coli (3336), AggR from enteroaggregative E. coli (3740), ToxT from Vibrio cholerae (4144), and VirF from Shigella flexneri (4547). These proteins typically bind AT-rich consensus binding sites (30, 36, 4850) and, consequently, can relieve H-NS repression to activate gene transcription (44, 47, 50, 51).

In C. rodentium, RegA is a key virulence regulator necessary for colonization and full pathogenicity for mice, its natural host (52, 53). In addition to its role in activation of the grl regulator (29), RegA regulates a global gene repertoire, including virulence genes, such as adcA and the kfc operon, which encode an autotransporter and an adhesin, respectively, and the aap-encoded dispersin homologue and associated aat transport system (52, 54). RegA regulation is enhanced by bicarbonate ions (50, 54), which act as a cofactor for the protein and an environmental stimulus that signals transition of the bacterium into the small intestine (55, 56).

Interestingly, however, homologues of regA have recently been identified in both pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains of bacteria. Additionally, recent studies on the RegA homologue RegR, from rabbit-enteropathogenic E. coli strain E22, demonstrated differences in regulatory targets (57). Together, these data suggest that the role of RegA as a key virulence and LEE PAI regulator may be an evolutionary adaptation specific to C. rodentium. The identification of various RegA-like regulatory systems provides an opportunity to examine how virulence regulation might have evolved in enteric bacteria.

To examine this, we performed a comparative analysis of all the RegA homologues identified in publicly available genome sequences and analyzed the comparative functions of the RegA homologues of C. rodentium ICC169 and E. coli strain SMS-3-5. Collectively, these studies indicated that RegA is a horizontally transferred transcriptional regulator that has been coopted to regulate global virulence genes in C. rodentium.


Bacterial strains, plasmids, media, and primers.

The bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study are listed in Table 1. Unless stated otherwise, bacteria were grown at 37°C in Luria-Bertani broth (LB) or on Luria agar (LA) plates supplemented with the appropriate antibiotics. The PCR primers used in this study are listed in Table 2.


Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study

Bacterial strain or plasmid Comment or descriptiona Source or reference
    ICC169 Nalr derivative of C. rodentium ICC168 58
    EMHI C. rodentium regA deletion strain (ICC169 ΔregA::Kanr) 52
    MC4100 E. coli K-12 strain [Δ(argF–lac)U169 rpsL150 relA araD139 flb-5301 deoC1 ptsF25] 59
    SMS-3-5 Environmental E. coli strain 60
    pACYC184 Low-copy-number cloning vector; Tcr Cmr New England Biolabs
    pAT6 ICC169 RegA complementation plasmid, pACYC184 backbone This study
    pAT9 SMS-3-5 RegA complementation plasmid, pACYC184 backbone This study
    grlRA-1 ICC169 grlRA promoter transcriptional fusion construct, pMU2385 backbone 29
    kfcC-lacZ ICC169 kfcC promoter transcriptional fusion construct, pMU2385 backbone 54
    kfcC-lacZ mutant ICC169 kfcC promoter proximal GATATAA motif deletion transcriptional fusion construct, pMU2385 backbone 50
    regB-lacZ ICC169 regB promoter transcriptional fusion construct, pMU2385 backbone 50
    regB-lacZ mutant ICC169 regB promoter GATATAA motif deletion transcriptional fusion construct, pMU2385 backbone 50
    pMU2385 Promoterless lacZ transcriptional fusion plasmid 61
    pMU2386 Promoterless lacZ translational fusion plasmid 62
    pMUAT6 SMS-3-5 regA translational fusion construct, pMU2386 backbone This study
    pMUAT7 ICC169 regA translational fusion construct, pMU2386 backbone This study

Nalr, nalidixic acid resistance; Kanr, kanamycin resistance; Tcr, tetracycline resistance; Cmr, chloramphenicol resistance.


PCR primers used in this study

Name Sequence (5′–3′) or sourcea
MLST primers

Boldface type indicates engineered restriction enzyme sites.

Bioinformatic and phylogenetic analyses.

RegA homologues were identified by BLASTP and tBLASTn analyses using the ICC168 protein sequence (accession no. CBG90830.1) to query the NCBI nonredundant protein database. Protein sequence comparisons were performed using the MATGAT program (63). In the case of homologues with truncated lengths, identity and similarity were calculated based on the sequence available with no gap penalties. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis was performed on these strains according to the guidelines for the st7 scheme at EcMLST ( []), with sequence data obtained by BLASTn searches of the respective genome sequences in the NCBI databases. Where necessary, this was supplemented by the sequencing of allele amplicons from the relevant strains using the method described at the website. Sequence data from S. enterica LT2 and various strains of Citrobacter spp. were also obtained to contextualize the distance between C. rodentium and the various Escherichia sp. strains containing regA. Additional data for this assay were from fully annotated E. coli and Shigella strains lacking regA reported previously (64). Phylogenetic trees were generated by the MEGA program (65), using the neighbor-joining algorithm. Clustal analyses were run using the ClustalW2 multiple-sequence alignment tool at EBI ( Local genome comparisons were carried out using BLAST in the Easyfig program (66). Where necessary, genome sequence manipulation and annotation were carried out by using the Artemis program (67).

Construction of trans-complementing plasmids pAT6 and pAT9.

For trans-complementation of bacterial strains, 1,157- and 995-bp DNA fragments containing regA were amplified from C. rodentium ICC169 and E. coli SMS-3-5 genomic DNA using primer pairs AT120/AT122 and AT139/AT140, respectively (Table 2). These fragments were each cloned into pCR2.1-TOPO and confirmed by sequencing. The fragments were then excised by digestion with BamHI/SalI and ligated into BamHI/SalI-digested pACYC184 to generate pAT6 (for RegACR) and pAT9 (for RegASMS).

Construction of lacZ fusion plasmids.

A 393-bp fragment consisting of the upstream region and the first nine triplets of the coding sequences of regASMS were amplified from E. coli SMS-3-5 genomic DNA by using primer pair AT141/AT142. The fragment was cloned into pCR2.1-TOPO and confirmed by sequencing. It was then excised by digestion with HindIII/BamHI and inserted into the single-copy-number translational-fusion vector pMU2386 to generate pMUAT6. The above-described plasmid construction method was also used to generate the translational-fusion vector pMUAT7 with primer pair AT151/AT152 and C. rodentium ICC169 genomic DNA. The transcriptional fusions used in this study were sourced from other studies as follows: grlRA-1 (29); kfc-lacZ (54); and kfc-lacZ mutant, regB-lacZ, and regB-lacZ mutant (50).

β-Galactosidase assays.

β-Galactosidase assays were carried out as described by Miller (68). Unless otherwise indicated, cells were grown in LB, in the presence of 45 mM sodium bicarbonate, to mid-log phase (optical density at 600 nm [OD600] = 0.5 to 0.8). The results shown are from at least three independent assays.

Infection of mice.

To assess the abilities of C. rodentium strains to colonize the mouse intestine, 4-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were infected by oral gavage with approximately 1 × 109 CFU of a test or control strain. Fecal samples were collected daily, diluted in PBS, and plated onto LA plates containing nalidixic acid (50 μg/ml) and chloramphenicol (10 μg/ml) for assessment of intestinal colonization over 15 days. At the peak of infection (day 10), mice from each test and control group were euthanized by CO2 inhalation, and colon tissue (anus to cecum) was taken, weighed, and bisected for enumeration of bacteria and histological analysis. Colon sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, examined using a Leica SMI4000B inverted microscope at ×100 magnification, and measured with the micrometer in the Leica application suite software. To compare the virulence of C. rodentium strains, 3-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were infected by oral gavage with approximately 1 × 109 CFU of a test or control strain. Mice were culled if sufficient signs of physiological stress or illness were observed, including severe weight loss, dehydration, rectal prolapse, and/or postural or behavioral defects. All experimental procedures using animals were approved by the University of Melbourne Animal Experimentation and Ethics Committee and performed in accordance with the guidelines for animal experimentation of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.

Antisense C. rodentium ICC169 microarray.

An antisense oligonucleotide microarray was designed by using the eArray platform (Agilent Technologies). The arrays contained open reading frames (ORFs) representing all gene predictions for C. rodentium strain ICC168 (accession number FN543502) (58). Each ORF was represented by at least three different oligonucleotides.

RNA isolation and labeling.

RNA was isolated from bacterial cells grown in LB supplemented with chloramphenicol (10 μg/ml) and with 45 mM sodium bicarbonate to an OD600 of 0.8 to 0.9. One volume of cells was incubated with 2 volumes of RNAprotect solution (Qiagen) and processed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Cell lysis and RNA preparation were carried out using the FastRNA Pro Blue kit (Qbiogene Inc.). After treatment with RNase-free DNase I (Qiagen), the RNA was further purified using the RNeasy MinElute kit (Qiagen). A total of 5 μg of RNA was labeled either with Cy-5-ULS or with Cy-3-ULS as described in the Kreatech ULS labeling manual (Kreatech Diagnostics), followed by determination of the RNA quality and degree of labeling with an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer and an ND-1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies).

Fragmentation, microarray hybridization, scanning, and analysis.

Fragmentation, hybridization, and scanning of the microarray were performed at the Australian Genome Research Facility Ltd. (AGRF) (Melbourne, Australia), as described previously (52). Normalization and data analysis were performed using the limma package in Bioconductor (6971). Genes were considered differentially expressed if they showed an average change of >2-fold with an adjusted P value of <0.05.

Statistical methods.

Graphs and statistical analyses were done using GraphPad Prism 5.0 and Instat software (GraphPad Software). Data were analyzed by using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the Tukey-Kramer posttest or by unpaired Student's t test, two tailed. P values of <0.05 were taken to indicate statistical significance.

Microarray data accession number.

The data discussed in this publication have been deposited in NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) (72) and are accessible through GEO series accession number GSE57689.


Identification and distribution of RegA homologues.

RegA homologues were identified by using BLASTP and tBLASTn searches of the NCBI and Broad Institute databases with the C. rodentium RegA protein sequence (here referred to as RegACR) and were deemed homologous if they showed a minimum of 60% amino acid identity to RegACR. From these searches, we identified 19 putative RegA homologues, including the RegR protein from enteropathogenic E. coli strain E22 (57). An additional RegA homologue was identified in the Escherichia clade IV strain H605 (David Gordon, personal communication) (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). A minimum of 62.2% identity was seen between all these RegA homologues, with an overall average identity to the RegACR homologue of 69.5%. In comparison, the next most similar protein was from E. coli NC101 (GenBank accession no. gb|EFM54601.1), which shared only 46.4% identity with RegACR and a maximum of 49.6% identity with any other RegA homologue (see Table S2 in the supplemental material). No regA pseudogenes were identified in searches, suggesting that RegA may be under positive selection.

To examine the distribution of the homologues, the respective host strains were analyzed by MLST using a 7-allele scheme previously used to categorize atypical EPEC (73) and ETEC (64) strains. Data from this analysis (Fig. 1A) show the basic phylogeny of the Enterobacteriaceae, with discrete clustering of strains of the Escherichia clade separate from E. coli and Shigella, and the polyphyletic nature of the genus Citrobacter, as previously noted (58, 74). These data also demonstrate the sporadic distribution of the regA gene among E. coli strains and limited clustering of regA-containing strains in Escherichia clades III, IV, and V. However, the clustering we observed in the non-E. coli Escherichia clades may be biased due to the limited number of genomes sequenced from each clade. The low frequency and wide distribution of regA across the MLST phylogenetic tree suggest that regA is likely to have been transferred horizontally.

FIG 1.


Phylogenetic analyses of Enterobacteriaceae and regA. (A) Phylogenetic analysis of concatenated multilocus sequence alleles of Escherichia (E.), Citrobacter (C.), and Shigella (S.) strains, using the 7-allele scheme described previously (64, 73). Strains containing regA are depicted in red. The scale bar represents 0.02 nucleotide changes per position. (B) Phylogenetic analysis of regA nucleotide sequences and NC101 regA-like sequence. Group 1 and group 2 regA homologues are indicated by dashed lines. The scale bar represents 0.5 nucleotide changes per position. The phylogenetic trees were generated in the MEGA5 program using the neighbor-joining method with 1,000 bootstrap replications. Bootstrap values of less than 100% are shown at the internal nodes.

Phylogeny of regA and RegA.

Analysis of regA phylogeny revealed that two major groups of regA homologues exist: the first group contains homologues from the Escherichia strains SE15, AA86, M605, EC958, H605, TW09276, W26, E22, PCN033, and 97.0259 (here called group 1), which share a minimum of 93.5% identity (see Table S2 in the supplemental material), and the other group contains homologues from the Escherichia strains TW14182, TW11588, TW09308, TA206, B093, SMS-3-5, and MS16-3 (here called group 2), which share a minimum of 83.7% identity (see Table S2 in the supplemental material). Three homologues, from E. coli B088, E. coli 4_1_47FAA, and C. rodentium ICC168, did not cluster with either group. Of these, the E. coli B088 and C. rodentium ICC168 homologues clustered together (83.3% identity) (see Table S2 in the supplemental material).

Comparison of these data with the MLST analyses indicated that the evolutionary history of regA was only partially consistent with the evolutionary histories of the host strains. Congruous regA gene phylogeny and MLST phylogeny was seen with the E. coli strains SE15, EC958, AA86, and M605 and with the strains MS16-3, TA206, SMS-3-5, and B093. Elsewhere, however, we observed highly similar regA homologues in more evolutionarily distinct strains, e.g., with E. coli B088 and C. rodentium ICC168, and also with the Escherichia clade III strain TW09276 and E. coli SE15 (Fig. 1B). These findings support the notion that regA was horizontally mobilized in its evolutionary history.

Further evidence of horizontal transfer of the regA gene was revealed by comparative analyses of the regA locus. In general, we found that most strains with similar regA homologues have similar regA loci that were consistent with the division of these strains into groups 1 and 2. For further analysis we used the SE15 and SMS-3-5 strain genomes as representatives of group 1 and 2 loci, respectively, as they had the most complete genome sequences available. Full group comparisons are shown in Fig. S1 and S2 in the supplemental material.

The regA locus in most strains containing group 1 regA homologues comprised a core unit consisting of the adcA adhesin/autotransporter gene (52), the uncharacterized regB gene (50), the regA gene, and a second putative autotransporter gene. This core unit was also typically transcribed divergently from a gene cluster with fimbrial domains. In SE15 and most group 1-containing strains, the cluster comprised three genes, with fimA, fimC, and fimD domains, respectively, and the entire locus was located between the dcuS and lysU genes (Fig. 2, SE15). However, fimbrial and locus variations were seen in the E22, W26, and B088 strains. In E22, the core unit was rearranged, with the adcA gene located upstream of the sef fimbrial genes (57), and numerous transposable elements and remnants were present (Fig. 2, E22). The locus also appeared to be in a different genetic location, suggesting that localized genome reorganization or horizontal transfer may have occurred.

FIG 2.


Pairwise comparison of representative regA genetic loci. The regA genetic loci from E. coli strains E22, SE15 (group 1 representative), W26, and B088; C. rodentium ICC168; and E. coli strains SMS-3-5 (group 2 representative) and 4_1_47FAA were compared using Easyfig 2.0 software (66). Coding regions are represented by colored arrows, with the predicted functions shown at the bottom. The levels of nucleotide identity (BLASTn) between adjacent strains are indicated by the gray shading between the loci and correspond to the scale bar (bottom left).

In E. coli W26 and B088, the three-gene fimbrial cluster was replaced by a fimbrial operon analogous to the C. rodentium kfc operon. Interestingly, the W26 and B088 strains had identical organizations and high genetic identity in this locus, with the exception of the regB-regA sequence, suggesting that horizontal replacement of the regA gene may have occurred (see Fig. S1B in the supplemental material). This core locus organization of kfc-adcA-regB-regA was also shared with C. rodentium (Fig. 2). However, C. rodentium ICC168 lacks a second autotransporter gene and is situated upstream of an operon (ROD_41381 to ROD_41451) encoding Flp pili involved in colonization and biofilm formation (Fig. 2, ICC168). Elsewhere, this operon is found on a widespread mobile genomic island in disparate genera, including Aggregatibacter, Haemophilus, Pseudomonas, and Yersinia (75), suggesting that the region may facilitate integration of foreign DNA.

In SMS-3-5 and other strains with group 2 homologues, the regA locus comprised the regBA genes transcribed divergently from a fimbrial operon homologous to the kfc operon and an adcA autotransporter homologue (Fig. 2, SMS-3-5). Interestingly, these loci were located between the putative yibF and yibHI genes, in place of the yibAJGV locus and an rhsA element found in this location in E. coli K-12. Rhs elements are known to be involved in gene duplication and genome rearrangement events (76, 77), suggesting that the region may be genetically mobile.

The regA locus in E. coli 4_1_47FAA bore no genomic synteny to any other regA locus and lacked any regB and adcA homologues (Fig. 2, 4_1_47FAA). The regA gene in this strain is flanked by numerous transposable-element genes and a genetic region homologous to the E. coli F plasmid, with genes encoding the RepFIB replication protein A and site-specific recombinase located immediately upstream of regA (accession no. NC_002483.1) (Fig. 2, 4_1_47FAA; see Fig. S3 in the supplemental material, F plasmid comparison). These genes and the lack of synteny seen with other regA loci suggest that regA has been mobilized into this location.

Collectively, these analyses indicated that limited levels of vertical inheritance of regA may have occurred among strains within groups 1 and 2, where conserved genomic synteny and consistent MLST and regA phylogeny were observed. On the other hand, marked inconsistencies between MLST, regA phylogenies, and regA locus organization suggested that regA has been horizontally transmitted multiple times in its evolutionary history. The relatively few extant homologues suggested that transfer of the regA locus is an infrequent event. In addition, the distribution and number of regA homologues in Escherichia strains suggested regA may have originated in the genus (although this analysis may be limited by the relatively few non-E. coli genomes available). If so, the regA locus may represent yet another genetic element that has been horizontally transferred into C. rodentium from E. coli (78).

Functional analysis of RegACR and RegASMS.

The finding of RegA homologues in pathogenic and nonpathogenic Escherichia strains (see Table S1 in the supplemental material) suggested that the well-studied virulence association of RegACR in C. rodentium may not be evolutionarily conserved and may have varied in different genetic backgrounds. To study how the C. rodentium background may have affected the evolution of RegACR, the RegACR homologue from C. rodentium ICC169 (a nalidixic acid-resistant derivative of ICC168) was compared to the RegA homologue from the environmental E. coli strain SMS-3-5 (here referred to as RegASMS). These proteins share 66.3% identity and 82.6% amino acid similarity, with much of the divergence in their N-terminal domains, in regions responsible for ligand binding (55) (Fig. 3A). Some differences were also apparent in the C-terminal DNA binding domains, but these motifs were mostly conserved. In addition, the specific residues important for the dimerization of the RegA protein were conserved. Examination of the regASMS promoter region showed that it shares identical promoter sequences with regACR (experimentally determined [50]) (Fig. 3B), indicating a high likelihood that RegASMS is produced. As a first step to confirm transcription and translation of RegASMS, this promoter region and the first nine codons of regASMS were amplified and cloned into pMU2386, the translational lacZ fusion plasmid, to produce pMUAT6. This construct was transformed into C. rodentium ICC169, which was then grown to mid-log phase and assayed for β-galactosidase activity. The assays demonstrated that pMUAT6 had 972 ± 72 Miller units (U) of enzyme activity, compared to 2.7 ± 0.2 U for the empty vector (pMU2385), confirming transcription and translation initiation of regASMS (Fig. 3C). This level of RegASMS expression was not significantly different from that of RegACR (pMUAT7), which displayed 846 ± 31 U under the same conditions (Fig. 3C) (P > 0.05; Student's t test, two tailed).

FIG 3.


Analysis of RegA from E. coli SMS-3-5 (RegASMS). (A) Comparison of RegACR (top arrow) and RegASMS (bottom arrow) sequences, with locations of residues important for the N-terminal-arm function, dimerization, and DNA binding domains indicated. Sequence similarity is represented by the lines of gray shading between proteins, according to the conservation score scale (bottom right; generated in Jalview [91]), with dark-gray lines representing amino acid identity (ID) (a score of 11) and light-gray lines representing relative amino acid mismatch between the two proteins (a score of 3). (B) regASMS promoter and regulatory sequences. The coding regions of the 3′ end of the respective regB gene and the 5′ end of regA are underlined. The locations of sequences corresponding to the experimentally determined regACR promoter (−35 and −10 box with extended TG motif) (50) and the transcriptional start site are indicated in red, with conserved residues indicated by asterisks. (C) Demonstration of the initiation of transcription and translation of regASMS and regACR fused to a promoterless lacZ gene. The data shown are β-galactosidase activities (Miller units) in C. rodentium ICC1699, grown to mid-log phase in LB, and are the means and SD of three independent experiments. ns, P > 0.05; Student's t test, two tailed.

To determine if RegASMS can activate transcription of gene targets, a RegASMS complementation vector was created by cloning the regASMS coding region and 75 bp of its upstream promoter region into pACYC184 to form pAT9. This plasmid, as well as pAT6 and the control plasmid (pACYC184), was then each transformed into E. coli MC4100, containing either the kfc-lacZ or regB-lacZ transcriptional fusion vector (their construction is described in references 54 and 50, respectively) to determine if RegASMS could activate transcription of C. rodentium kfc and regB. β-Galactosidase assay data showed that RegASMS is capable of substantially upregulating regBCR (to 5,074 ± 585 U [mean ± standard deviation {SD}]) and kfcCR (3,035 ± 144 U) to an extent similar to that of RegACR (4,228 ± 428 U and 5,084 ± 663 U, respectively) (Table 3). These data established that RegASMS can substitute for RegACR.


Effects of RegASMS homologues on C. rodentium promoters

lacZ construct β-Galactosidase activity (Miller units) (mean ± SD)a
No RegA (pACYC184) RegA homologue
regBCR-lacZ 92.11 ± 4.77 4,228.87 ± 428.62 5,074.89 ± 585.63
regBCR-lacZ mutant 127.35 ± 14.25 476.47 ± 8.15 620.3 ± 17.26
kfc-lacZ 54.85 ± 0.93 5,084.35 ± 662.98 3,035.33 ± 144.49
kfc-lacZ mutant 23.18 ± 2.23 202.5 ± 16.86 297 ± 33.16

β-Galactosidase activity assayed in E. coli MC4100 after growth in Luria broth with 45 mM sodium bicarbonate.

We next investigated whether RegASMS interactions were mediated through the same 5′-GATATAA-3′ DNA consensus binding motif as RegACR (50). To this end, E. coli MC4100 was cotransformed with the pAT9 RegASMS complementation vector and mutant regB-lacZ or kfc-lacZ promoter fusions lacking the 5′-GATATAA-3′ motif. β-Galactosidase assay data for these constructs showed that absence of the 5′-GATATAA-3′ motif ablates the ability of RegASMS to activate the kfcCR and regBCR promoters (Table 3). This indicated that RegASMS uses the same motif as RegACR to bind and activate transcription.

RegASMS can restore partial virulence to C. rodentium ICC169 ΔregA.

Having established that RegASMS can regulate RegACR targets, the next question was whether it could complement RegACR functions in an animal infection model. To investigate this, C57BL/6 mice were infected with C. rodentium strain ICC169 or the ICC169 ΔregA strain, EMHI, carrying the empty vector (pACYC184) or a complementation vector, pAT9 (RegASMS) or pAT6 (RegACR). Colonization of mice was assessed for up to 15 days. Five mice from each group were sacrificed at the peak of the infectious period to assess colonic colonization and pathology.

Data from these assays confirmed that the colonization ability of the RegA mutant, EMH1, is attenuated compared to that of C. rodentium ICC169 (Fig. 4A) (52). When RegA was provided in trans, the colonization phenotype was restored, with fecal counts rising to wild-type levels regardless of whether RegACR or RegASMS was used (Fig. 4A). In contrast, analysis of colonic colonization revealed ICC169 ΔregA complemented with RegASMS in significantly lower numbers than the same strain complemented with RegACR (Fig. 4B). These data indicated that fecal counts do not necessarily reflect colonization of the intestinal mucosa per se, as fecal counts mainly reflect the numbers of bacteria in the gut lumen.

FIG 4.


Infection of mice with C. rodentium strains. (A) Fecal counts of C. rodentium in 4-week-old mice infected with the C. rodentium ΔregA strain (EMHI) carrying the empty vector pACYC184, pAT9 (RegASMS), or pAT6 (RegACR) or wild-type C. rodentium (ICC169) carrying pACYC184. The data were collected for 15 days from 6 to 8 mice in each test or control group and are shown as log10 CFU/g ± standard errors of the mean (SEM), with the limit of detection indicated by the dashed line. (B) Bacterial counts in the colon (C; solid symbols) and feces (F; open symbols) were determined at day 10 of infection for five mice from each group. Colon and fecal counts are shown as log10 CFU/g ± SD. The data for each group were analyzed by ANOVA with the Tukey posttest. ns, P > 0.05; ***, P < 0.001.

Mice infected with the RegASMS-complemented strain also differed clinically from those infected with strains containing the native RegACR homologue. This was manifested by the physical condition of the mice during the experiment, with some infected mice suffering severe effects and requiring culling. The culled mice belonged exclusively to the C. rodentium ICC169 group or the ICC169 ΔregA strain complemented with native RegACR, with only 50% of the ICC169 and 40% of the pAT6-complemented groups surviving to the end of the experiment (Fig. 5A). In comparison, no clinical signs of disease were evident in mice in the ICC169 ΔregA group [EMHI(pACYC184)], with no mice in the group needing to be culled (Fig. 5A). Similarly, mice infected with the ICC169 ΔregA strain complemented with RegASMS [EMHI(pAT9)] showed no evidence of disease, despite having fecal counts equivalent to those of mice infected with the ICC169(pACYC184) or EMHI(pAT6) strain (Fig. 5A).

FIG 5.


Outcome of infection of mice with C. rodentium strains. (A) Kaplan-Meier survival curve of 3-week-old mice infected with the C. rodentium ΔregA strain (EMHI) carrying the empty vector pACYC184, pAT9 (RegASMS), or pAT6 (RegACR) or wild-type C. rodentium (ICC169) carrying pACYC184. The data were collected over 20 days from 6 mice in each group. (B) Colonic-crypt height on day 10 of infection of 4-week old mice, showing the value for each mouse and the mean of each experimental group derived from at least 8 full-height measurements from five mice in each group. Differences in crypt heights were analyzed by ANOVA with the Tukey posttest. ns, P > 0.05; ***, P < 0.001. (C) Representative pathology of mouse colons on day 10 of infection. The sections show crypt height in mice infected with the C. rodentium ΔregA strain (EMHI) carrying the empty vector pACYC184 (i), pAT9 (RegASMS) (ii), or pAT6 (RegACR) (iii) or wild-type C. rodentium carrying pACYC184 (iv). The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Bar, 200 μm.

The clinical findings were supported by histological examination of mouse intestines for colonic hyperplasia on day 10 of infection. This analysis showed that crypt heights did not differ between mice infected with C. rodentium RegA [EMHI (pACYC184)] or C. rodentium RegASMS (Fig. 5B and C). However, both of these groups showed significantly lower mean crypt heights than mice infected with the RegACR-complemented strain [EMHI(pAT6)] or mice infected with the control strain, ICC169(pACYC184) (Fig. 5B and C). This indicated that, compared to strains with the native RegACR homologue, the RegASMS-complemented strain did not cause measurable colonic hyperplasia.

RegACR and RegASMS differentially regulate the C. rodentium genome.

To investigate what possible regulatory differences might contribute to the virulence differences in vivo, we next examined the ability of RegASMS to regulate the global RegACR regulon. To this end, a RegASMS-complemented C. rodentium ΔregA mutant [EMHI(pAT9)] was grown in the presence of 45 mM bicarbonate, and RNA was harvested at mid-log phase for comparative microarray analysis with similarly grown EMHI strains carrying either the pACYC184 empty vector or the native RegACR complementation vector, pAT6.

Data from these analyses indicated that RegASMS and RegACR regulate housekeeping, stress, and motility genes to similar extents (Table 4). These genes are present in both C. rodentium ICC169 and E. coli SMS-3-5, suggesting that regulation of these elements is functionally conserved and may be common to all RegA homologues. In contrast, we found some differences in the abilities of RegASMS and RegACR to activate virulence genes.


C. rodentium genes regulated by RegASMS and RegACR

Genea Function Fold inductionb
Fold differencec
Housekeeping and stress genes
    thrABC Threonine biosynthesis 2.13 2.19 1.03
    tdcAB Threonine metabolism −3.21 −3.11 0.97
    glpADFKQT Glycerol metabolism −3.08 −2.54 0.82
    treBC Trelahose metabolism −2.78 −3.0 1.08
    lamB, malETK Maltose metabolism −2.81 −2.84 1.01
    stpA Global gene repressor 2.48 1.85 0.75
    dnaK Heat shock protein 70 −2.48 −1.88 1.32
    ompFW Outer membrane protein −1.92 −2.26 1.31
    cspA Cold shock protein A −2.49 −2.58 0.97
Motility genes
    flgABCKLMN Motility −3.18 to −9.38 −3.15 to −9.29 0.9 to 1.11
    flhB Flagellum biosynthesis protein −2.07 −2.07 1.0
    fliADEFGHJMOSZ Flagellum cap protein −2.12 to −6.35 −2.28 to −7.1 0.93 to 1.12
Virulence genes
    aap Dispersin 78 88.18 1.13
    aatABDP Aat transport system 10.64 12.9 1.21
     ROD_41031 to ROD_41051 ABC transporter membrane protein; putative HlyD (Shewanella woodyi) 3.11 3.97 1.28
    sfpA Porin protein SfpA (pseudogene) 6.36 7.37 1.16
    fimA Major subunit of the type I fimbriae (pilin) −3.82 −5.43 1.42
    kfcCEFH Kfc fimbrial operon 5.26 5.25 0.99
    adcA AdcA autotransporter 5.65 6.59 1.17
    pagC PagC homologue 2.85 3.96 1.39
    regB Regulator protein 42.34 45.79 1.08
LEE PAI genes
    espG R1/R2; T3SSd effector protein NS 2.28 −2.21
    LEE4: espABDF, escF, sepL, and ROD29711 LEE4 operon; effector protein 1.45 3.32 2.29
    Tir operon: eae, cesT, tir, and map Tir operon; intimin NS to 2.01 2.92 to 5.01 2.02 to 2.49
    LEE3: cesF, sepQ, and miscellaneous Chaperone 1.64 3.44 2.09
    LEE2: cesD, espJ, escZ, sepD, and miscellaneous LEE2 operon; effector protein 1.46 2.9 1.97
    grlAR Global regulators of LEE 2.34 9.67 4.13
    LEE1: escSTU, orf345, and ler LEE1 operon; structural protein 1.86 4.61 2.41
    espN1, espM2, espS, espT, espX7, espI (nleA), and nleG1 Effector proteins NS to 1.59 2.04 to 4.76 2.04 to 4.03

ORF and gene names and functions are as annotated in the C. rodentium genome in GenBank (accession number FN543502). In some cases, the annotation and function have been determined with reference to BLAST searches and EcoCyc ( ORFs are shown in numerical order and grouped by functional category.


RegASMS or RegACR activation or repression (−) of the target, relative to the pACYC184 empty-vector control condition, for assays conducted in LB broth with 45 mM bicarbonate. Data were included only where the average magnitude of the change exceeded 2-fold for either condition and the adjusted P value for all assays was <0.05. NS, transcription was insufficient to generate a signal on the array. Note that for gene groups, the change presented is an average of all induction levels; individual levels varied.


The fold difference between RegASMS and RegACR induction or repression levels, calculated as the fold change in transcription induced/repressed by RegACR divided by the fold change induced/repressed by RegASMS. Where RegASMS induction was not calculated, the value was derived by direct comparison of the RegASMS and RegACR data generated by the Agilent Feature Extraction software.


T3SS, type 3 secretion system.

Several virulence genes showed similar regulation by RegASMS and RegACR, including sfpA, regB, adcA, kfc, aap, and the aat and ROD_41031 to ROD_41051 operons (Table 4). Typically, induction of these genes by RegACR was higher than that by RegASMS, although the differences did not exceed 1.4-fold (Table 4). However, RegACR and RegASMS showed significantly different regulation of LEE PAI and associated effector proteins, with RegACR inducing between 1.5-fold and 4-fold more production of grlRA, escDFJSTU, espABDFGZ, sepDLQ, cesDD2FT, ler, tir, eae, map, espIST, espM2, espN1, espN2-1, espN2-2, nleG1, nleG2, and nleG8 (Table 4). The biggest differences were seen for the grlA and grlR genes (4.11- and 4.16-fold more production by RegACR, respectively).

To determine if these differences were caused by the action of RegASMS at the grlRA promoter, the comparative abilities of RegASMS and RegACR to activate the grlRA promoter (using the grlRA-1–lacZ-fusion construct [29] were assessed by β-galactosidase assay. The data from these assays demonstrated that both RegASMS and RegACR could induce grlRA activation (804.4 ± 75.3 and 2,672.5 ± 431.9 [mean ± S.D.] Miller units of activity, respectively, compared to 289.4 ± 23.8 Miller units for pACYC184). Importantly, however, RegASMS induced significantly lower levels of activation of the grlRA promoter (2.7-fold) than RegACR (9.2-fold under the same conditions) (P < 0.0001; Student's t test, two tailed). These data confirmed that RegASMS was deficient in activation of the grlRA promoter, and hence the LEE PAI.

To investigate this further, we compared the secretome profiles of EMH1(pAT6) (RegACR) and EMH1(pAT9) (RegASMS). The results of this analysis showed that LEE expression in RegASMS is reduced compared to that of RegACR (see Fig. S4 in the supplemental material). Together, our findings suggest that C. rodentium ΔregA complemented with RegASMS showed altered colonization and reduced virulence for mice compared to the same strain complemented with RegACR due to the inability of RegASMS to fully activate the LEE PAI in C. rodentium.

C. rodentium requires the LEE PAI to adhere to the intestinal mucosa and for the production of colonic hyperplasia and the severe illness leading to death in some animals. The inability of RegASMS to fully activate LEE expression via GrlA would lead to fewer tightly adherent C. rodentium cells on the epithelium and the absence of A/E lesions, resulting in infections without serious consequences. Our findings corroborate previous studies that indicated that loss of the LEE PAI alters the colonization dynamics of C. rodentium, relocating the bacteria to the lumen of the gut (79). Our study also demonstrates the importance of RegACR for the expression of the LEE and the full virulence of C. rodentium and suggests that the horizontal acquisition of regA is likely to have aided the development of C. rodentium as a pathogen.

Previous analyses of the C. rodentium genome have indicated that the pathogen is adapting to a new niche in the mouse, with high levels of horizontal gene influx and inactivation of core genome components in favor of transferred DNA (78). Many of the horizontally acquired elements are virulence factors, including the LEE PAI (58), which are typically prone to repression by H-NS/StpA (8084). The acquisition of regA would have provided C. rodentium with an AraC/XylS regulator capable of displacing or disrupting H-NS/StpA repression in a nonspecific manner (85). If acquisition of the regA locus preceded the acquisition of the LEE PAI, promiscuous derepression of H-NS and acquisition of the adcA- and kfc-encoded adhesins may have been sufficient to induce asymptomatic colonization of the mouse intestinal lumen, placing C. rodentium in a “prepathogenic” state (8). Promiscuous H-NS derepression by RegACR may also have played a role in the activation of the LEE PAI once it had been acquired, leading to the development of the RegACR-LEE PAI interactions that are necessary for the full virulence of C. rodentium. These interactions are strongly influenced by species- and strain-specific sequences in RegACR.

Our data also imply that the evolution of LEE-external regulators is an ad hoc process in which cells coopt regulators to facilitate the expression of LEE. In the case of C. rodentium, the regulator coopted was RegACR, which was likely originally a regulator of Kfc fimbriae and the AdcA autotransporter, encoded in the regA locus. Interestingly, this is also seen in connection with other regulators involved in LEE PAI regulation. For example, in typical EPEC strains, the LEE PAI is externally activated by PerC and indirectly by PerA, which also regulates the bfp structural genes, encoding bundle-forming pili (86, 87). In EHEC, activation of the LEE PAI is linked to the Pch regulators. While they do not specifically affect adhesins other than those encoded by LEE, the pch genes are regulated by the LysR homologue LrhA (88), which is also involved in the repression of motility, chemotaxis, and the expression of type I fimbriae (89) and enterohemolysin (90). This suggests that, while the coopting of external LEE PAI regulators may be ad hoc and opportunistic, it may also selectively favor regulators that already mediate or enhance colonization.


The findings of this study have implications for the evolution of both virulence and transcriptional regulators. Most importantly, this work indicates that pathogen evolution is not solely a consequence of the horizontal transfer of virulence elements. While the transfer of virulence determinants can cause the rapid and dramatic emergence of pathogenic strains, our study showed that these elements may also need to be embedded in the existing regulatory circuits of the recipient strain to permit their expression when needed. Our analysis also indicated that this process may require strain-specific sequence changes on the part of the regulatory circuit, as well, and that the capacity for mutability of the regulator function in response to host strain and selective pressures may affect the development of pathogenicity itself. Finally, our findings suggest that these processes may also occur with horizontally transferred regulatory elements, with RegA likely to have been transferred into C. rodentium and its regulatory functions then coopted for the colonization of mice. Collectively these studies suggest that pathogenicity may evolve, not only from the horizontal acquisition of virulence genes, but through the horizontal transfer and evolutionary coopting of nonpathogenic elements, representing a mechanism by which bacterial species can prime themselves for the exploitation of new niches and hasten and facilitate their development into pathogens if this improves their chances of survival.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental material


We are grateful to David Gordon of the Australian National University and Jacques Ravel of the University of Maryland for their generous provision of bacterial strains and unpublished data. We also thank Hans Steinsland, University of Bergen, for useful discussions about MLST.

This work was supported by grants from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).


Supplemental material for this article may be found at


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