Table 1. Mean intensity level of fluorescence of miRNAs differentially expressed between BRCAX and BRCA1/2-related breast tumors with a statistical significance p<0.01.
miRNA | Mean BRCAX breast cancer | Mean BRCA1/2- related breast cancer | p-value |
hsa-let-7i-star | 2.427 | 2.247 | 0.006911965 |
hsa-miR-122 | 2.518 | 2.253 | 0.000127841 |
hsa-miR-1271 | 2.629 | 3.017 | 0.002058682 |
hsa-miR-16-2-star | 2.741 | 3.681 | 0.002333036 |
hsa-miR-1911-star | 2.548 | 3.185 | 0.00581033 |
hsa-miR-30e | 2.687 | 3.231 | 0.009791313 |
hsa-miR-3128 | 3.656 | 5.061 | 0.008587457 |
hsa-miR-3201 | 4.341 | 5.954 | 0.009598941 |
hsa-miR-328 | 2.652 | 3.057 | 0.005943566 |
hsa-miR-4302 | 2.228 | 2.467 | 0.00174379 |
hsa-miR-514b-5p | 2.758 | 3.549 | 0.000368078 |
hsa-miR-548u | 2.455 | 2.840 | 0.007214292 |
hsa-miR-550-star | 2.772 | 3.259 | 0.005490081 |
hsa-miR-573 | 2.428 | 2.217 | 0.005391205 |
hsa-miR-578 | 2.357 | 2.224 | 0.008889099 |
hsa-miR-628-5p | 2.678 | 3.119 | 0.004701929 |