1 | Dorsal cirri absent on some chaetigers | 2 |
– | Dorsal cirri on all chaetigers | 3 |
2 | Antennae, tentacular cirri and dorsal cirri present on chaetiger 1; appendages absent on other chaetigers. Both simple and compound chaetae present | Procerastea |
– | Dorsal cirri absent on chaetigers 2–5. Cirrostyles foliacious. All chaetae simple | Imajimaea |
3 | Large, clavate, dorsal cirri alternate with much smaller, cylindrical or clavate cirri. Nuchal epaulettes on special outgrowths | Virchowia |
– | Not as above | 4 |
4 | Reproduction by epigamy | Epigamia |
– | Reproduction by schizogamy | 5 |
5 | Trepan in two rows. Bayonet chaetae distally thick. Reproduction by anterior scissiparity | Proceraea |
– | Trepan in single row. Bayonet chaetae distally slender. Reproduction by gemmiparity or anterior scissiparity | Myrianida |