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. 2015 Mar 19;(488):1–29. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.488.9061
1 Thick simple, Y-shaped chaetae in mid body (enlargement and fusion of shafts and blades) Syllis gracilis Grube, 1840 (1)
Without these thick simple chaetae 2
2 Aciculae of posterior parapodia distally rounded and hollow. Pharyngeal tooth distinctly back from the pharyngeal opening 3
Aciculae not as above. Pharyngeal tooth located on anterior margin 4
3 Compound chaetae distinctly bidentate, with both teeth similar Syllis prolifera Krohn, 1852 (1)
Compound chaetae with unidentate blades or with minute, spine-like proximal tooth Syllis vivipara Krohn, 1869 (1)
4 With spiniger-like compound chaetae 5
Without spiniger-like compound chaetae 12
5 Aciculae of posterior parapodia thick, straight, acute, protruding from the parapodial lobes 6
Aciculae otherwise 7
6 Mid body dorsal cirri elongated. Mid body spiniger-like chaetae distinctly bidentate Syllis cornuta Rathke, 1843 (11)
Mid body dorsal cirri fusiform. Mid body spiniger-like chaetae indistinctly bidentate Syllis mercedesae Lucas, San Martín & Parapar, 2012 (10)
7 Proximal tooth of spiniger-like chaetae and falcigers distinct, forming a narrow angle with distal teeth (both teeth almost parallel); apparently without eyes Syllis caeca (Katzmann, 1973) (11)
Chaetae not as above; eyes present 8
8 Mid body dorsal cirri thick, short and fusiform Syllis parapari San Martín & López, 2000 (1)
Dorsal cirri slender, more or less elongated 9
9 Posterior aciculae distally bent at an angle. Dorsal simple chaetae truncate. Short spiniger-like chaetae, distally rounded and unidentate from mid body Syllis rosea (Langerhans, 1879) (1, 11)
Aciculae acuminate. Dorsal simple chaetae acute. Arrangement and shape of spiniger-like chaetae not as above 10
10 Spiniger-like chaetae very short, only present on anterior and mid body segments; spiniger-like chaetae and falcigers unidentate, sometimes with a long, slender subdistal spine Syllis oerstedi (Malmgren, 1867)
Chaetae not as above 11
11 Blades of falcigers with long spines on margin, especially distally, extending beyond level of proximal tooth Syllis garciai (Campoy, 1982) (1)
Spines of blades not so long, decreasing distally, not reaching level of proximal tooth Syllis mauretanica (Licher, 1999) (11)
12 On mid body, one thick simple chaeta on each parapodium, formed by blade loss and shaft enlargement Syllis amica Quatrefages, 1866 (1)
Without thickened, simple chaetae 13
13 Posterior aciculae distally bent at an angle. Dorsal simple chaetae truncate 14
Without the above characters 15
14 Proventriculus long, through about 5 segments or more. Two dorsal glands after proventriculus Syllis pulvinata (Langerhans, 1881) (1)
Short proventriculus, through 3 segments. Dorsal glands absent Syllis gerlachi (Hartmann-Schröder, 1960) (1)
15 Dorsal cirri of mid body short, fusiform 14
All dorsal cirri elongated, not fusiform 16
14 Dorsal cirri strongly fusiform. Mid body compound chaetae almost unidentate, with a short, small proximal tooth Syllis armillaris (O.F. Müller, 1771) (1, 11)
Dorsal cirri not so strongly fusiform. Mid body compound chaetae bidentate Syllis hyalina Grube, 1863 (1, 11)
16 Aciculae of posterior parapodia thick, straight, acute, protruding from the parapodial lobes 17
Aciculae otherwise 20
17 Blades of compound chaetae unidentate (or slightly bidentate on anterior parapodia) 18
Blades distinctly bidentate 19
18 Dorsal cirri long. Blades distally more or less hooked Syllis fasciata (Malmgren, 1867) (11)
Dorsal cirri short, slender, delicate. Blades short, triangular Syllis licheri Ravara, San Martín & Moreira, 2004 (1)
19 Dorsal cirri short, slender, delicate. Posterior aciculae distally bent, oblique, although pointed. Without colour pattern Syllis pontxioi San Martín & López, 2000 (1)
Dorsal cirri longer. Aciculae straight. Strong pigmentation on anterior segments, as ∞ Syllis variegata Grube, 1860 (1, 11)
20 Compound chaetae all unidentate, distally acute Syllis vittata Grube, 1840 (1, 11)
At least anterior compound chaetae bidentate 21
21 Long dorsal cirri of anterior segments distinctly thicker than others. Compound chaetae of posterior segments distinctly enlarged, unidentate or with a small proximal tooth. Anterior segments pigmented with distinct transverse red bands Syllis krohnii Ehlers, 1864 (1, 11)
Dorsal cirri of similar thickness throughout body. Pigment pattern otherwise 22
22 Posterior compound chaetae unidentate by reduction and loss of distal tooth. Prostomium, peristomium and chaetiger 1 with dark red pigment, sometimes also a small red band on some anterior segments Syllis torquata Marion & Bobretzky, 1875 (1)
Without such colour pattern nor such chaetae 23
23 Compound chaetae strongly bidentate. Colour pattern: one rhomboidal red mark on dorsum and a slight line on each border of each segment Syllis columbretensis (Campoy, 1982) (1)
Compound chaetae slightly bidentate Colour pattern forming ∞ on anterior segments Syllis westheidei (San Martín, 1982) (1, 11)