The THAPCA trials will determine if therapeutic hypothermia improves survival with good neurobehavioral outcome, as assessed by the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Second Edition (VABS-II), in children resuscitated after cardiac arrest in the in-hospital and out-of-hospital settings. We describe the innovative efficacy outcome selection process during THAPCA protocol development.
Consensus assessment of potential outcomes and evaluation timepoints.
We evaluated practical and technical advantages of several follow-up timepoints and continuous/categorical outcome variants. Simulations estimated power assuming varying hypothermia benefit on mortality and on neurobehavioral function among survivors.
Twelve months post-arrest was selected as the optimal assessment timepoint for pragmatic and clinical reasons. Change in VABS-II from pre-arrest level, measured as quasi-continuous with death and vegetative status being worst possible levels, yielded optimal statistical power. However, clinicians preferred simpler multicategorical or binary outcomes due to easier interpretability, and favored outcomes based solely on post-arrest status, due to concerns about accurate parental assessment of pre-arrest status and differing clinical impact of a given VABS-II change depending on pre-arrest status. Simulations found only modest power loss from categorizing or dichotomizing quasi-continuous outcomes, due to high expected mortality. The primary outcome selected was survival with 12-month VABS-II no less than two standard deviations below a reference population mean (70 points), necessarily evaluated only among children with pre-arrest VABS-II ≥ 70. Two secondary efficacy outcomes, twelve-month survival and quasi-continuous VABS-II change from pre-arrest level, will be evaluated among all randomized children including those with compromised function pre-arrest.
Extensive discussion of optimal efficacy assessment timing, and of the advantages versus drawbacks of incorporating pre-arrest status and using quasi-continuous versus simpler outcomes, was highly beneficial to the final THAPCA design. A relatively simple, binary primary outcome evaluated at 12 months was selected, with two secondary outcomes that address the primary outcome’s potential disadvantages.
Keywords: cardiac arrest, clinical trials, randomized, hypothermia, simulations
Cardiopulmonary arrest is a catastrophic event associated with high mortality rates and with poor quality of life among many survivors due to neurological injury. Several randomized trials have demonstrated long-term benefit of therapeutic hypothermia (cooling to core temperatures of 32–34° Celsius for 12–72 hours) on survival and neurological outcomes. These trials were carried out in adults resuscitated after sustaining cardiac arrest out of the hospital (1, 2), and in neonates less than six hours old presenting with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (3, 4). Findings from these trials cannot be extrapolated to the large population of infants and older children experiencing cardiac arrest either out of the hospital (in settings such as near drowning) or in the hospital (often in settings of preexisting major illness). Additionally, there is concern about possible higher short-term mortality rates after therapeutic hypothermia in children, because of a strong trend reported in a pediatric traumatic brain injury trial (5). Because of the lack of a well-powered trial assessing benefit of hypothermia in children resuscitated after cardiac arrest, our research group initiated the Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (THAPCA) trials. These trials are evaluating safety and efficacy of therapeutic hypothermia, compared to therapeutic normothermia (actively maintaining body temperature at 36–37.5° Celsius to prevent fever) in two separate populations of pediatric patients. Because of differing etiologies, resuscitation quality, and causes of acute mortality between children sustaining cardiac arrest in the out-of-hospital versus in-hospital setting (6), as well as generally more rapid treatment initiation when arrest occurs in hospital, separate THAPCA trials will be carried out in these two populations. A description of the rationale, study design, and protocol for the THAPCA trials has been published (7).
We describe here the clinical, logistic, and technical aspects of this process. Our practical experiences may inform the design of future critical care studies assessing outcomes combining survival and functional status among survivors.
Consensus Process
The expert consensus process of selecting appropriate primary and secondary efficacy endpoints in the THAPCA trials involved one year of extensive discussion among acute care clinicians, neurobehavioral outcome specialists, and biostatisticians. At a “kick-off” organizational planning meeting in August 2006 attended by approximately 20 individuals, study outcomes including timeframe for follow-up were discussed along with other protocol aspects, but consensus regarding outcomes was not achieved. Following various smaller-group protocol development discussions, and expert input from the CPCCRN and PECARN networks, the instrument and timing for assessing the primary outcome were finalized by expert consensus at a protocol development meeting in November 2006. Subsequent technical study outcome finalization, which included statistical simulations and other technical discussions described below, was facilitated by regular telephone conferences attended by the authors of this report. These conferences occurred from January until July of 2007, at which time consensus was achieved regarding study endpoints.
Trial Design
As previously described (7), THAPCA consists of two parallel, prospective multicenter randomized trials. Institutional Review Boards at all THAPCA centers approved the protocol and informed consent documents. Parental permission is provided for each subject.
Components of the Primary Efficacy Outcome
The benefit of therapeutic hypothermia, if one exists, may be on survival, on neurobehavioral status among survivors, or on both of these. A scenario where hypothermia is beneficial for one of these outcomes and detrimental for the other cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it was necessary that the primary THAPCA outcome measure incorporate both survival and neurobehavioral status, and be robust to different magnitudes of treatment effect on each of these.
Neurobehavioral Assessment Measure
In THAPCA, children range from two days to 17 years of age. All are comatose at time of randomization. Some surviving children may be vegetative or severely disabled. Detailed neurobehavioral assessment must be performed using information provided by a parent or caregiver. Assessment of the child’s function before the cardiac arrest is important, as some children (particularly those who had cardiac arrest while hospitalized) will have had substantial pre-existing neurobehavioral deficits. Pre-arrest function assessment must be obtained retrospectively from a parent, at a stressful time shortly after their child’s cardiac arrest. While masking parents to assigned treatment is not possible in THAPCA, it is highly desirable to obtain this assessment prior to parental knowledge of their child’s initial response to assigned treatment.
The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II (VABS-II) (8) was selected as the primary instrument for assessing neurobehavioral status. Unlike two other caregiver report measures of adaptive behavior considered, the Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (9) and the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-Second Edition (10), the VABS-II has only one version of the test for the THAPCA age range of 0 to 18 years, whereas the other two tests have different versions for children of varying ages. Therefore, the VABS-II allows more uniform comparison throughout the entire THAPCA age range. Compared to the other two measures considered, the VABS-II also has more items that capture behaviors of very young or low functioning children, which is particularly important as there is the potential for many of the older children enrolled in THAPCA to be low functioning.
The VABS-II is appropriate for measuring neurobehavioral outcome from birth through adulthood, in children ranging from very low functioning (vegetative/minimally conscious) to fully functional and independent. It includes four domains (communication, daily living, socialization, and motor skills), each broken down into subdomains. Items within a subdomain are sequenced developmentally starting with skills typically observed at the youngest age. Its psychometric properties are strong, as the VABS-II has been standardized on a large normative sample representative of the United States population. The VABS-II includes a parent-caregiver rating form, which is a rating scale format, and a survey interview form, which is designed as a semi-structured interview. Importantly, there were no significant score differences in caregiver responses between these two form types in the standardization sample (8). The VABS-II survey interview is also suitable for centralized remote administration. Telephone administration has been validated versus in-person administration (11), inter-rater reliability is high (8), and a Spanish-language version exists for the survey edition.
Timing of Primary Outcome Assessment
There is evidence that neuropsychological function improves from the acute post cardiac arrest period to 6 month follow up in adults (12); similar pediatric data do not exist. Yet, THAPCA investigators believed that it was important to measure the primary outcome at a delayed time point to allow for neurological recovery, and that 12 months was the earliest evaluation timepoint that would be considered a long-term behavioral outcome after cardiac arrest. While later intervals, such as 18 months, were considered, 12-month evaluation would allow more patient enrollment within the study timeframe with lower loss to follow-up. In addition, pediatric follow-up data (13) showed significant improvement during the first year after traumatic brain injury, with subsequent plateauing of function. Consequently, the THAPCA investigators’ pragmatic, consensus decision was to select one year after cardiac arrest as the timepoint when neurological recovery would be relatively complete, most subjects would be medically stable, and high rates of subject enrollment, retention and follow-up could be facilitated.
Outcome Assessment Logistics
To measure pre-arrest neurobehavioral function, the parent-caregiver rating form of the VABS-II is completed by caregivers of THAPCA participants shortly after randomization. At three months and at one year after randomization, the VABS-II survey edition is administered to parents by a small number of experienced telephone interviewers at a central facility (Kennedy Krieger Institute). Reliability between the parent-caregiver rating form and survey edition is extremely high (8). Interviewers are masked to treatment assignment and not otherwise in contact with patients’ families. Given difficulties in transporting patients with complex medical conditions, it was anticipated that telephone-based interviews would yield higher follow-up rates than in-person visits. Having a small number of experienced interviewers performing telephone-based assessment centrally is also cost-effective and may limit between-interviewer variability.
The VABS-II assesses whether the child can perform a list of various tasks across domains. The number of each type of task that can be performed is standardized to the child’s age using a reference normal population with mean score of 100 and standard deviation of 15. As an artifact of this standardization to a mainly normal-functioning cohort, the lowest possible standardized VABS-II scores for very low-functioning children differ slightly according to age.
A standardized semi-quantitative neurological examination, together with detailed neuropsychological testing, will be performed at THAPCA clinical sites among surviving children whose parents allow participation in these complementary assessments. These data, while very informative, are considered tertiary; the VABS-II will be used for main treatment effect assessment.
Specific Primary Outcome Selection
After consensus was achieved with respect to assessment instrument and timepoint, clinical, practical, and biostatistical issues were evaluated to determine the specific primary outcome for the THAPCA trials. From a clinical perspective, interpretability, reproducibility, and ability to generalize the outcome measure were paramount considerations. From a biostatistical perspective, issues including potential bias, missing data, and statistical power of the final comparison were considered. Two major issues influenced selection of the primary outcome: the impact of pre-arrest neurobehavioral status, and attainment of optimal granularity (level of detail). Six candidate primary outcomes are summarized in Table 1 along with their strengths and limitations.
Table 1.
A. Outcomes Assessing Change from Pre-Arrest to 12 Months | ||
Outcome | Strengths | Weaknesses |
i. Quasi-continuous change score (Death assigned lowest value, lowest possible VABS-II at one year next lowest value) |
- Highest statistical power/ granularity - Adjusts for pre-arrest functional status |
- Pre-arrest VABS-II possibly missing/inaccurate - Inappropriate to analyze as completely continuous - Results of statistical analysis difficult to interpret clinically, as magnitude of change - Magnitude and clinical significance of potential change vary according to baseline VABS-II |
ii. Multicategorical, 5 levels: Death Lowest possible VABS Worsening >30 points Worsening 16–30 points Worsening ≤15 points |
- Improved power versus dichotomous outcome - Clinically meaningful categories - Adjusts for pre-arrest functional status |
- Pre-arrest VABS-II possibly missing/inaccurate - Multiple cutpoints arguably subjective - Some categories not achievable for children with low pre-arrest VABS-II - Lowest possible VABS-II varies by age |
iii. Dichotomous (Alive with worsening ≤30 points) |
- Relatively interpretable and clinically meaningful “single” outcome - Adjusts for pre-arrest functional status |
- Pre-arrest VABS-II possibly missing/inaccurate - Cutpoint arguably subjective - Less statistical power due to limited granularity - Children with baseline VABS-II < 30 points above minimum must be excluded |
B. Outcomes Assessing 12-Month Status Only | ||
Outcome | Strengths | Weaknesses |
i. Quasi-continuous status (Death assigned lowest value, lowest possible VABS-II at one year next lowest value) |
- High statistical power and granularity - Pre-arrest VABS-II not required |
- Power loss with no baseline adjustment - Inappropriate to analyze as completely continuous - Results of statistical analysis difficult to interpret clinically, as magnitude of effect |
ii. Multicategorical, 4 levels: Death VABS-II < 45 (includes minimally conscious/vegetative) VABS-II between 45–69 VABS-II ≥ 70 |
- Improved power vs. dichotomous outcome - Uses clinically meaningful categories - Pre-arrest VABS-II not required |
- Power loss with no baseline adjustment - Multiple cutpoints arguably subjective |
iii. Dichotomous (Alive with VABS-II ≥ 70) |
- Most interpretable and clinically meaningful “single” outcome - Pre-arrest VABS-II not required for calculation |
- Power loss with no baseline adjustment - Less statistical power due to dichotomization - Cutpoint arguably subjective - Children with baseline VABS-II < 70 must be excluded |
Change from Pre-Arrest Status versus One-year Status Alone
As pre-arrest functional status is expected to be heterogeneous in the THAPCA populations, outcomes based on changes from pre-arrest level could more accurately capture treatment effect for each case, and thus improve relative statistical power. Change-based outcomes would facilitate inclusion of children with poor pre-arrest neurobehavioral status, who comprise a non-negligible proportion of eligible patients (particularly in the in-hospital setting) and who could not improve to a good level regardless of treatment efficacy. Excluding such children from the trial is ethically unacceptable.
However, “change from pre-arrest status” outcomes require accurate assessment of pre-arrest neurobehavioral status. The necessarily retrospective parental assessment of the child’s pre-arrest status, performed in extremely stressful circumstances within 24 hours of cardiac arrest, is subject to inaccuracies and will not be available for some children. At the time of this assessment, parents are aware of the assigned treatment; nonetheless, parental recall or reporting biases should be equally distributed between treatment arms.
Another argument against “change from pre-arrest” outcomes is that a difference of a given magnitude in VABS-II scores is more disabling at lower levels. For example, a 20-point decrease from 80 (low average) pre-arrest to 60 (low) at one year will have greater adverse impact on functioning than the same 20-point decrease from 110 (average range) to 90 (still within average range). Maximum potential decline from pre-arrest level is also lower for children with compromised pre-arrest function. The child’s ultimate functional status and capabilities post-intervention may also be considered more important to parents and clinicians than magnitude of decrease from pre-arrest status.
Level of Detail
Using a quasi-continuous or multicategorical outcome would be expected to achieve higher statistical power than a binary outcome. Power gain, however, is limited by the expected high proportion of deaths in THAPCA subjects. For defining quasi-continuous outcomes, death is the worst status, and the lowest possible age-specific VABS-II score is next worst (incorporating vegetative or minimally conscious children). Children alive at one year without disorders of consciousness will be assessable using a continuously distributed measure, either one-year VABS-II score or change in VABS-II score from baseline.
A practical weakness of quasi-continuous outcomes is quantifying overall treatment effect, over and above the statistical comparison between treatment arms. For example, a rank-based quasi-continuous outcome comparison might find a marginally significant overall treatment difference, with modest between-arm differences in both mortality and in VABS-II among survivors. Clinicians examining only the p-value and summary data might be unsure of the magnitude, precision, and “location” of the treatment effect, and thus be unconvinced of its practical importance. This limitation was one motivation for consideration of a multicategorical or binary primary outcome. Table 1 includes two versions of multicategorical one-year outcome for which consensus was achieved, one incorporating baseline status and one using only one-year status. The 15-point and 30-point VABS-II increments were selected because calibration of VABS-II to a normal population incorporates 15-point standard deviations (SDs). Disadvantages of categorical outcomes include compromised statistical power compared with quasi-continuous measures, and arbitrary determination of VABS-II category cutpoints. In addition, children with poor pre-arrest VABS-II scores are unable to achieve outcome categories corresponding to either favorable one-year VABS-II levels or to substantial worsening of VABS-II from baseline, compromising interpretability of treatment effect for the entire population. Finally, the age-varying threshold for lowest possible VABS-II score could compromise interpretability of categories across the age spectrum.
The simplest outcomes considered were binary classifications of “survival with acceptable functional status at one year” and “survival at one year without substantial worsening from pre-arrest neurobehavioral status.” There was substantial investigator consensus to define acceptable one-year functional status as VABS-II score ≥ 70. This cutpoint, two SDs below the reference population mean of 100, is considered a low level of functioning. For dichotomized change from pre-arrest status, a drop in VABS-II score more than 30 points from pre-arrest level, representing a change of two standard deviations in the reference population, was proposed. Combining death and poor/worsened functional status into a single category was considered acceptable by clinicians. These binary endpoints, particularly dichotomized one-year status alone, were viewed as clinically interpretable, pragmatic, and sufficiently objective. Acknowledged limitations included possible loss of statistical power compared to continuous and multicategorical measures, and need to exclude cases with poor pre-arrest neurobehavioral function (e.g., VABS-II below 70) from the primary efficacy analysis.
Sample Size and Power Estimation: Technique and Assumptions
To estimate sample sizes required for acceptable statistical power, simulations were carried out under various assumed treatment effects of hypothermia on survival and on neurobehavioral outcome among survivors. These simulations involved generating pre-arrest VABS-II scores for a cohort of children, simulating categorical one-year status of mortality, vegetative/minimally conscious state, or survival without disorder of consciousness for each child, and further simulating a treatment effect on VABS-II for realizations where the child survived at one year.
A key assumption was the distribution of pre-arrest VABS-II scores. Pediatric Overall Performance Category (POPC) and Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category (PCPC) data were reviewed from a retrospective cohort study of children resuscitated after cardiac arrest that had been carried out at 15 hospitals expected to participate in THAPCA (7). It was estimated that about 65% of in-hospital cases and 85% of out-of-hospital cases would come from a typically developing reference population (with normally distributed pre-arrest VABS-II scores with means of 100 and SD of 15). Remaining cases were simulated as arising from a generally impaired population (normally distributed VABS-II scores with mean of 70, and a wider range with SD of 20). For each simulation, every case was randomly selected as coming from either the normal or impaired population using a Bernoulli distribution. Any generated pre-arrest scores below 20 (below achievable VABS-II values) were removed.
Changes from baseline status were then simulated. For each case, cutpoints applied to a uniformly distributed random variable determined death, vegetative/minimally conscious status, or survival without consciousness disorder at one year, per specified arm-specific probabilities. For patients surviving without consciousness disorder, “change from baseline VABS-II” was generated from a normal distribution, with SD of 15 points and mean determined by the hypothesized treatment effect. Any realizations with resulting one-year VABS-II score of 20 or below were categorized as vegetative/minimally conscious. Finally, distributions of resulting quasi-continuous and ordered categorical outcomes were compared between treatment arms by an exact, rank-based Wilcoxon test (14), while binary outcome rates were compared via standard chi-squared test.
To possibly improve power of between-arm comparisons, we also considered analyzing quasi-continuous outcomes as mixed distributions, partly categorical (dead, vegetative status) and partly continuous (one-year VABS-II or change in score), and simultaneously comparing the two components using likelihood-based approaches (15). However, a perceived disadvantage of this approach was “omnidirectionality,” wherein a treatment that (for example) increases mortality but also improves function among survivors would have both the categorical and continuous distribution components substantially different from the other treatment (resulting in a highly significant p-value), despite no overall patient benefit when survival and function are considered together. An approach such as the Wilcoxon test that inherently and simultaneously ranks and compares all possible outcomes including mortality was judged to be more appropriate when comparing quasi-continuous outcomes between arms.
Estimation of treatment effects and survival rates was challenging, as limited data were available from two out-of-hospital trials carried out in adults (1, 2) and two trials in neonates (3, 4) (Table 2), and these populations differed substantially from THAPCA with respect to age and disease characteristics. For the simulations, the possible beneficial absolute effect of hypothermia on survival was estimated at 15% in the out-of-hospital setting, and 10% in the in-hospital setting (where rapid intervention and immediate access to maximal care might limit hypothermia benefit). Possible beneficial hypothermia effect on neurobehavioral function in survivors was estimated to range from 5 to 15 points (i.e., up to one SD in a normal population distribution). Initial mortality estimates, based on acute mortality observed in the retrospective cohort study, were 50% for the in-hospital normothermic arm, and 60% for the out-of-hospital normothermia arm.
Table 2.
Trial | Population | Outcome | Event Rate: Hypothermia Arm (specific treatment) |
Event Rate: Comparative Arm (specific treatment) |
Mortality: Hypothermia Arm |
Mortality: Comparative Arm |
Bernard et al [1] | 77 adults treated within 2h of out- of-hospital ventricular fibrillation |
Survival at hospital discharge, discharged home or to rehabilitation facility |
49% (hypothermia, 12h) |
26% (“normothermia”) |
51% | 68% |
Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest [2] |
275 adults treated 5–15 min after cardiac arrest |
6-month survival with favorable neurologic outcome |
55% (hypothermia, 24h) |
39% (conventional care) |
41% | 55% |
CoolCap [3] | 234 term infants with encephalopathy, treated within 6h |
18-month survival without severe disability |
45% (hypothermia, 72h) |
34% (conventional care) |
33% | 37% |
NICHD Neonatal Network [4] |
208 term infants with encephalopathy, treated within 6h |
18- to 22-month survival without severe disability |
54% (hypothermia, 72h) |
38% (conventional care) |
24% | 37% |
Sample Size Simulation Results
Generation of simulated cohorts using the R package (16) was relatively simple computationally. Runs of 10,000 simulations were performed using a range of sample sizes, in increments of five subjects per study arm. Table 3 shows minimum sample sizes required to achieve 80% and 90% power under various assumptions, for simulated in-hospital and out-of-hospital settings. Across simulations, while the sample size penalty for not incorporating baseline status into a particular outcome type ranged from nonexistent to nearly 80% in the in-hospital setting, this penalty was generally modest (usually under one third) in the out-of-hospital setting (where a stronger treatment effect on survival was postulated). The sample size penalty for using a categorical versus a quasi-continuous outcome was often appreciable in the in-hospital setting, mainly for outcomes accounting for baseline status, whereas the penalty for a less granular outcome was smaller in the out-of-hospital setting.
Table 3.
A. In-Hospital THAPCA Trial | |||||||||||||
Assumed Benefit of Hypothermia |
Change Score: Quasi- Continuous |
Change Score: Multicategorical (5 levels) |
Change Score: Dichotomous (Dead/ΔVABS- II≥30) |
One-Year Status: Quasi- Continuous |
One-Year Status: Multicategorical (4 levels) |
One-Year Status: Dichotomous (Dead/VABS- II<70) |
Survival |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
10% | 5 | 380 | 530 | 430 | 570 | 500 | 650 | 530 | 700 | 590 | 780 | 700 | 940 |
10% | 10 | 220 | 290 | 280 | 370 | 360 | 450 | 350 | 470 | 430 | 590 | 400 | 530 |
10% | 15 | 140 | 190 | 210 | 280 | 290 | 370 | 250 | 310 | 350 | 460 | 270 | 350 |
B. Out-of-Hospital THAPCA Trial | |||||||||||||
Assumed Benefit of Hypothermia |
Change Score: Quasi- Continuous |
Change Score: Multicategorical (5 levels) |
Change Score: Dichotomous (Dead/ΔVABS- II≥30) |
One-Year Status: Quasi- Continuous |
One-Year Status: Multicategorical (4 levels) |
One-Year Status: Dichotomous (Dead/VABS- II<70) |
Survival |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
80% Power |
90% Power |
15% | 5 | 220 | 300 | 230 | 310 | 250 | 320 | 250 | 330 | 270 | 360 | 320 | 420 |
15% | 10 | 160 | 220 | 180 | 240 | 180 | 230 | 210 | 270 | 230 | 310 | 220 | 290 |
15% | 15 | 130 | 170 | 150 | 210 | 150 | 190 | 170 | 220 | 210 | 280 | 170 | 220 |
Baseline VABS-II Distribution Assumptions: 65% Normal (mean 100, SD 15), 35% Impaired (mean 70, SD 20) Normothermia Arm Assumptions: 50% Survival, Decrease in VABS-II among Survivors of −15 ± 15 Points, 0.5% alive and comatose. Hypothermia Arm assumptions: SD of decrease in VABS-II of 15 points, 0% Comatose
Baseline VABS-II Distribution Assumptions: 85% Normal (mean 100, SD 15), 15% Impaired (mean 70, SD 20) Normothermia Arm Assumptions: 40% Survival, Decrease in VABS-II among Survivors of −20 ± 15 Points, 5% alive and comatose. Hypothermia Arm assumptions: SD of decrease in VABS-II of 15 points, 2.5% Comatose
We identified simulation scenarios where a multicategorical outcome yielded inferior power to a binary outcome, particularly when a strong hypothermia effect was postulated on function among survivors. As this observation was not immediately intuitive, we found it very instructive to examine actual proportions of patients with outcomes in each category observed in each simulation scenario (Table 4). In some scenarios assuming a strong hypothermia benefit on VABS-II among survivors, proportions in the “second best” category for each multicategorical outcome were higher in the normothermia than the hypothermia arm, compromising power of a between-arm comparison of ordered multiple categories.
Table 4.
A. In-Hospital THAPCA Trial | |||||||||||
Outcome Incorporating Baseline VABS-II | Outcome Using One-Year VABS-II only | ||||||||||
Arm/Scenario |
Binary: Dead or ΔVABS- II ≥30 |
Dead | Lowest Possible VABS-II |
VABS-II worsened >=30 |
VABS-II worsened 15–30 |
VABS-II Worsened <15 |
Binary: Dead or VABS- II<70 |
Dead | VABS- II<45 |
VABS-II 45–70 |
VABS-II >=70 |
Hypothermia Arm 10% Survival Benefit 5 Point VABS-II Benefit among Survivors |
46.1% | 40.0% | 1.1% | 5.0% | 16.2% | 37.7% |
60.4% 52.5%a |
40.0% | 6.3% | 14.1% | 39.6% |
Hypothermia Arm 10% Survival Benefit 10 Point VABS-II Benefit among Survivors |
43.3% | 40.0% | 0.7% | 2.6% | 12.0% | 44.7% |
56.7% 48.7%a |
40.0% | 4.7% | 12.0% | 43.3% |
Hypothermia Arm 10% Survival Benefit 15 Point VABS-II Benefit among Survivors |
41.7% | 40.0% | 0.4% | 1.3% | 8.0% | 50.4% |
53.5% 45.7%a |
40.0% | 3.4% | 10.1% | 46.5% |
Normothermia Arm (identical across scenarios) |
58.9% | 50.0% | 1.8% | 7.1% | 16.4% | 24.7% |
70.7% 64.5%a |
50.0% | 7.3% | 13.4% | 29.3% |
B. Out-of-Hospital THAPCA Trial | |||||||||||
Outcome Incorporating Baseline VABS-II | Outcome Using One-Year VABS-II only | ||||||||||
Arm/Scenario |
Binary: Dead or ΔVABS -II ≥30 |
Dead | Lowest Possible VABS-II |
VABS-II worsened >=30 |
VABS-II worsened 15–30 |
VABS-II Worsened <15 |
Binary: Dead or VABS- II<70 |
Dead | VAB<45 | VABS-II 45–70 |
VABS-II >=70 |
Hypothermia Arm 15% Survival Benefit 5 Point VABS-II Benefit among Survivors |
56.1% | 45.0% | 3.1% | 7.9% | 17.7% | 26.2% |
63.9% 60.4%a |
45.0% | 6.5% | 12.4% | 36.1% |
Hypothermia Arm 15% Survival Benefit 10 Point VABS-II Benefit among Survivors |
52.5% | 45.0% | 2.9% | 4.6% | 14.4% | 33.1% |
60.3% 56.8%a |
45.0% | 5.4% | 10.0% | 39.7% |
Hypothermia Arm 15% Survival Benefit 15 Point VABS-II Benefit among Survivors |
50.1% | 45.0% | 2.7% | 2.4% | 10.6% | 39.2% |
57.3% 53.8%a |
45.0% | 4.5% | 7.8% | 42.7% |
Normothermia Arm (identical across scenarios) |
74.0% | 60.0% | 5.6% | 8.4% | 13.1% | 12.9% |
78.6% 76.5%a |
60.0% | 8.7% | 10.0% | 21.4% |
rate considering only patients with baseline VABS-II >=70 in each simulation
Required sample sizes were within the range of estimated numbers of eligible patients available for enrollment in the study time frame (700–900 across the two trials combined). Assuming at least a moderate effect of hypothermia on VABS-II scores in survivors, available patient numbers sufficed even with less granular outcomes. Overall, the THAPCA investigators believed that despite larger sample size requirements for binary outcomes, their simplicity and interpretability outweighed loss of statistical power relative to outcomes incorporating a higher level of detail. The binary outcome of survival with good neurobehavioral function was considered to be most relevant to parents and caregivers. Therefore, the primary THAPCA endpoint selected was survival with good neurobehavioral function (VABS-II ≥ 70) at 12 months after cardiac arrest. This outcome is meaningfully evaluable only among children with pre-arrest VABS-II ≥ 70. Any children whose pre-arrest VABS-II is not assessable will be included (i.e., assumed to have sufficiently good pre-arrest VABS-II) if pre-arrest POPC and PCPC assessments both indicate at most mild disability.
Final Sample Size Calculations
For the primary binary outcome selected, investigators hypothesized that absolute hypothermia benefit would be higher (20%) in the out-of-hospital setting than in-hospital (15%). These estimates corresponded reasonably well with treatment benefit actually realized under the complex assumptions of the simulations used for power estimation (Table 4, “Dead or VABS-II <70” column). Final sample size calculations were performed using standard methodology for a binary outcome, assuming the above magnitudes of treatment effect. A spectrum of possible outcome rates for the normothermia arm was estimated from the retrospective cohort study (7), which assessed general neurologic function using the PCPC (1, Good; 2, Mild Disability; 3, Moderate Disability; 4, Severe Disability; 5, Coma or vegetative state; 6, Death). Children in the Severe Disability or Coma categories would have VABS-II scores below 70, and neurobehavioral expert investigators estimated that about half in the Moderate Disability category would have VABS-II below 70 (17). Resulting ranges of estimates for 12-month survival with VABS-II ≥ 70 were 15%–35% in the out-of-hospital normothermia arm and 35%–55% in the in-hospital normothermia arm.
The final sample size requirements (Table 5) were based on a two-sided chi-squared test comparing proportions with α=0.05, and incorporate a 2% inflation to account for interim Data Safety Monitoring Board efficacy monitoring using conservative O’Brien-Fleming boundaries (18, 19). Based on these calculations, final target sample sizes were set at 504 evaluable patients for the in-hospital trial (providing 90% power to detect a 15% treatment effect in all settings) and 250 for the out-of-hospital trial (providing at least 85% power to detect a 20% treatment effect in all settings, with higher power if favorable outcome rates are relatively low as expected).
Table 5.
Assumed Rate of Survival with VABS-II >=70 in Normothermia Arm |
In hospital Scenario: 15% Hypothermia benefit 80% power |
In hospital Scenario: 15% Hypothermia benefit 85% power |
In hospital Scenario: 15% Hypothermia benefit 90% power |
Out of hospital Scenario: 20% Hypothermia benefit 80% power |
Out of hospital Scenario: 20% Hypothermia benefit 85% power |
Out of hospital Scenario: 20% Hypothermia benefit 90% power |
15% | 274 | 312 | 360 | 170 | 192 | 222 |
20% | 312 | 352 | 402 | 190 | 214 | 246 |
25% | 340 | 386 | 446 | 204 | 230 | 264 |
30% | 362 | 410 | 474 | 214 | 240 | 278 |
35% | 376 | 426 | 494 | 220 | 248 | 286 |
40% | 384 | 434 | 504 | 222 | 250 | 288 |
45% | 384 | 434 | 504 | 220 | 248 | 286 |
50% | 376 | 426 | 494 | 214 | 240 | 278 |
55% | 362 | 410 | 474 | 204 | 230 | 264 |
Estimated sample sizes assume a two-sided chi-squared test with Type I error of 5%, and reflect inflation for conservative interim monitoring as described in text.
Selection of Secondary Outcomes
Secondary efficacy outcome selection was based on two main considerations: inclusion of children with pre-arrest VABS-II scores below 70 who were excluded from the primary analysis, and incorporation of outcomes that would more clearly delineate any treatment benefits on survival versus improved VABS-II performance. Thus, one secondary efficacy outcome will be survival at one year, to be compared between treatment arms as a proportion, and with survival curves presented as a supportive analysis. An additional secondary efficacy outcome selected was change from pre-arrest status, analyzed as quasi-continuous in a rank-based fashion, with death and vegetative/minimally conscious status treated as the respective worst-possible and next-worst-possible values for this change regardless of pre-arrest VABS-II. This outcome was selected to elucidate the greatest possible detail regarding treatment effect of hypothermia on improved function among survivors, while maintaining integrity of the randomization by including non-surviving children. To facilitate interpretation, the rank-based comparison of this outcome will be accompanied by a table of distributions of the multicategorical outcome incorporating change (Table 2) by study arm. As the two secondary efficacy outcomes were judged to be of equal importance, both comparisons will be performed using an alpha level of 0.025, incorporating a Bonferroni-Holm stepdown procedure (20) to maximize power.
In the planning of the THAPCA trials, investigators first achieved consensus that the VABS-II was an appropriate instrument to assess outcome in the study population, and that 12 months after cardiac arrest was the optimal evaluation timepoint from both pragmatic and clinical perspectives. Next, to determine the specific primary outcome, a spectrum of candidate outcomes ranging from quasi-continuous to binary were considered. This more technical element of the outcome selection process included extensive discussion between clinicians and biostatisticians about assumptions and expectations regarding population parameters and treatment effects. After a range of reasonable assumptions was determined, simulation studies quantified loss of statistical power associated with using less granular measures and with not incorporating pre-arrest functional status into the endpoint. These simulations demonstrated that needed sample sizes were practically feasible even with outcomes using a lower level of detail. Once this feasibility was established, simplicity, availability, and direct interpretability of the study outcome became paramount. The THAPCA primary outcome, 12-month survival with VABS-II ≥ 70, was ultimately selected based on these considerations. Secondary outcomes were then selected to complement limitations of the primary outcome regarding inclusion of all randomized patients and detailed treatment effect assessment.
Assumptions regarding pre-arrest VABS-II distributions in the THAPCA populations, and magnitudes of treatment effect on survival and neurobehavioral function, were imprecise. This limitation was recognized and was one reason that basic power calculations for a binary outcome, rather than results of the more complex simulation studies, were used for final power justification.
While the primary outcome selected was relatively simple, confidence regarding its use was only established after extensive simulations quantified its relative performance, demonstrated its feasibility with available sample sizes, and showed that magnitude of treatment effect generated under relatively complex assumptions was in line with results observed in prior trials. Subsequent selection of appropriate secondary outcomes was relatively unproblematic since advantages, drawbacks, and performance characteristics of each candidate outcome had been comprehensively addressed during the discussions and simulations.
Overall, we believe that the iterative, collaborative outcome determination process implemented in the THAPCA trials worked very well. We hope that our experiences provide insights for others planning trials where outcome timing, granularity, interpretability, and other performance issues are being considered.
This work was supported by the following: R21 HD044955 (FWM) and R34 HD 050531 (FWM) from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), and by U01 HL094339 (JMD) and U01 HL094345 (FWM) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Additional in part support was received from the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) under cooperative agreements U03MC00001, U03MC00003, U03MC00006, U03MC00007, and U03MC00008 from the Emergency Medical Services for Children program of MCHB, and from the NICHD Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) under cooperative agreements U10HD500009, U10HD050096, U10HD049981, U10HD049945, U10HD049983, U10HD050012 and U01HD049934.
Copyright form disclosures: Dr. Holubkov served as board member for Pfizer, Inc. and the American Burn Association (DSMB memberships), consulted for St. Jude Medical, Inc. and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (Biostatistical consultancies), and received support for article research from NIH. Dr. Holubkov and his institution received grant support from NHLBI (chief biostatistician for THAPCA). His institution received support for travel from NHLBI (THAPCA planning meeting). Ms. Clark received support for article research from NIH. Her institution received grant support from the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Moler received support for article research from NIH. His institution received grant support, support for travel, and support for participation in review activities. Dr. Slomine received support for manuscript writing/review from NHLBI (U01HL094345/co-investigator), received support from NHLBI (grant pays for administrative support and overhead), served as board member for the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (Travel expenses as oral examiner), consulted for the University of Michigan (Executive Committee for Planning Grant) and UCSD (DSMB Member), is employed by Kennedy Krieger Institute, provided expert testimony for private practice, lectured for St. Joseph's Hospital (Presentation at Grand Rounds), and received support for article research from NIH. Dr. Slomine and her institution received support for travel from NHLBI (U01HL094345/co-investigator). Her institution received grant support from NHLBI (U01HL094345/co-investigator). Dr. Christensen is employed by Kennedy Krieger Institute and received support for article research from NIH. His institution received grant support, support for travel and support for manuscript writing/review from NHLBI (U01HL094345/co-investigator) and received support from NHLBI (grant pays for administrative support and overhead). Dr. Silverstein received support for travel from the March of Dimes (Scientific advisory board) and received support for article research from NIH. Her institution received grant support from NHLBI (funding for role as co-investigator on grant UO1 HL094345) and from NICHD (effort funded on an unrelated project HD073692) and received support for travel from NHLBI (investigator meeting HL094345). Dr. Meert received support for article research from NIH. Her institution received grant support from NIH. Dr. Pollack received support for article research from NIH. His institution received grant support. Dr. Dean’s institution received grant support from NHLBI, NICHD, and NIH.
ClinicalTrials.gov identifiers: THAPCA-OH (NCT00878644), THAPCA-IH (NCT00880087)
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