The membrane-anchored GTPase atlastin (ATL) mediates the fusion of endoplasmic reticulum membranes into a network of tubules and sheets, but the mechanism of ATL function is still poorly understood. Here we show that vesicle fusion is preceded by GTP hydrolysis-dependent tethering, caused by the interaction of ATL molecules in opposing membranes. GTP hydrolysis also dissociates ATL dimers sitting in the same membrane (cis dimers), generating a pool of ATL monomers that can dimerize with molecules on a different (trans) membrane. Multiple rounds of GTP hydrolysis and the cooperation of several ATL molecules in each membrane are required for a successful fusion event. These results lead to a model of ATL-mediated fusion that also may have implications for SNARE-mediated fusion.
Keywords: endoplasmic reticulum, GTPase, lipid bilayer, membrane docking, spastic paraplegia type 3A gene
Atlastin (ATL), a membrane-anchored GTPase that mediates homotypic fusion of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes, is required for formation of the tubular network of the peripheral ER. How exactly ATL mediates membrane fusion is only poorly understood. Here we show that fusion is preceded by the transient tethering of ATL-containing vesicles caused by the dimerization of ATL molecules in opposing membranes. Tethering requires GTP hydrolysis, not just GTP binding, because the two ATL molecules are pulled together most strongly in the transition state of GTP hydrolysis. Most tethering events are futile, so that multiple rounds of GTP hydrolysis are required for successful fusion. Supported lipid bilayer experiments show that ATL molecules sitting on the same (cis) membrane can also undergo nucleotide-dependent dimerization. These results suggest that GTP hydrolysis is required to dissociate cis dimers, generating a pool of ATL monomers that can dimerize with molecules on a different (trans) membrane. In addition, tethering and fusion require the cooperation of multiple ATL molecules in each membrane. We propose a comprehensive model for ATL-mediated fusion that takes into account futile tethering and competition between cis and trans interactions.
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) consists of tubules and sheets connected into a characteristic network by membrane fusion (1–3). In contrast to heterotypic fusion between viral and cellular membranes or between intracellular transport vesicles and target membranes, the fusing ER membranes are identical (i.e., homotypic fusion). The mechanism of heterotypic fusion has been studied extensively, leading to the concept that a conformational change of a viral fusion protein or the assembly of SNARE proteins pulls two opposing membranes together so that they can fuse (4–7). Recently, some insight has been obtained into homotypic ER fusion as well. This process is mediated by the atlastins (ATLs) in metazoans and by Sey1p/ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3 (RHD3)-related proteins in yeast and plants (8, 9).
The ATLs and Sey1p/RHD3 are membrane-bound GTPases that belong to the dynamin family (reviewed in refs. 10, 11). They contain cytosolic N-terminal GTPase (G) and helical bundle domains, followed by two closely spaced transmembrane (TM) segments and a cytosolic C-terminal tail (12–14). A role for the GTPases in ER fusion is suggested by the observation that their depletion or mutational inactivation leads to long, nonbranched tubules or fragmented ER (8, 9). Nonbranched ER tubules are also observed on expression of dominant-negative ATL mutants (8, 12). In addition, the fusion of ER vesicles in Xenopus laevis egg extracts is prevented by ATL antibodies or a cytosolic fragment of ATL (8, 15), and the fusion of the ER in mating yeast cells is delayed on SEY1 deletion (16). Most convincingly, proteoliposomes containing purified ATL, Sey1p, or RHD3 undergo GTP-dependent fusion in vitro (9, 13, 16, 17). Defects in ATL-mediated ER fusion can cause hereditary spastic paraplegia, a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the shortening of the axons in corticospinal motor neurons, leading to progressive spasticity and weakness of the lower limbs (13, 18).
How exactly the ATLs and Sey1p/RHD3 fuse membranes is not well understood. Crystal structures of ATL and biochemical experiments have not resulted in a coherent model. Initial structures of the N-terminal cytosolic domain of human atlastin-1 (ATL1) revealed two different conformations (13, 14). In both conformations, a dimer is formed between the two G domains, but in one conformation (crystal form 2; SI Appendix, Fig. S1), the subsequent three-helix bundle (3HB) domains point in opposite directions, whereas in the other (crystal form 1; SI Appendix, Fig. S1), they are parallel to one another. These structures were interpreted as “prefusion” and “postfusion” states, in which the two ATL molecules would either tether two opposing membranes or sit in the same membrane after fusion (13).
Because the prefusion structure was crystallized in the presence of GDP and inorganic phosphate (Pi) and the postfusion structure was crystallized in the presence of GDP, it was proposed that GTP hydrolysis would induce this conformational change, resulting in the apposed membranes being pulled together for fusion (13). Both structures contained only bound GDP, however, raising doubts that the conformational change is induced by GTP hydrolysis. In addition, biochemical experiments suggested that ATL dimers form in the GTP-bound state and dissociate into monomers in GDP, given that dimerization was much more pronounced in the presence of nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs compared with GDP (13, 14); the high protein concentration during crystallization may have allowed dimerization in GDP.
A third crystal structure (crystal form 3; SI Appendix, Fig. S1) led to further confusion. It was obtained in the presence of GMPPNP or GDP plus AlF4– (GDP/AlF4–) and represents a state before Pi release (19). This structure resembles the postfusion state rather than the expected prefusion state; the two 3HBs are again parallel, and in fact are even closer to one another. Finally, a structure of GDP-bound Drosophila ATL showed a prefusion-like conformation (20).
The different structural and biochemical results have given rise to conflicting models for ATL-mediated membrane fusion. It has been proposed that GTP hydrolysis occurs after fusion, although this is difficult to reconcile with in vitro experiments showing that GTP hydrolysis is required for membrane fusion (21). Other models postulate that GTP binding is sufficient for the tethering of the two membranes through dimerization of ATL molecules sitting in opposing membranes (trans dimer) (9, 13, 22), or that GTP binding and hydrolysis occur in a monomer before trans dimerization (19). It also has been proposed that ATL molecules would interact only in cis, i.e., in the same membrane, rather than tethering opposing membranes before their fusion; the ATL molecules would induce high membrane curvature in both lipid bilayers, which would facilitate their fusion (23).
Here we propose a model that provides a coherent picture of ATL function. We show that GTP hydrolysis is required for membrane tethering, although dimer formation per se can occur with nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs. GTP hydrolysis, and not just GTP binding, is required, because two ATL molecules are pulled together most strongly in the transition state during GTP hydrolysis, and because dimers forming on the same (cis) membrane need to be dissociated to allow ATL molecules to dimerize with molecules on a different (trans) membrane. Tethering and fusion require the cooperation of multiple ATL molecules in each membrane, and multiple cycles of GTP hydrolysis occur before a successful fusion event. These results have implications for ER fusion in vivo.
GTP Hydrolysis Is Required for ATL-Mediated Vesicle Tethering.
To study the role of GTP binding and hydrolysis in vesicle tethering and fusion, we first used dynamic light scattering to measure the size increase of proteoliposomes containing purified Drosophila ATL (9). In the presence of GTP and Mg2+, when membrane fusion occurs, the mean radius of the vesicles increased by a factor of ∼1.5 (Fig. 1A). Interestingly, addition of EDTA, which chelates Mg2+ and inactivates ATL, partially reversed the size increase. The EDTA-insensitive size increase, which originates from actual fusion of the vesicles, is relatively small; the majority of vesicles are just tethered to one another by ATL molecules. Tethering requires continuous GTP hydrolysis, since no increase in vesicle size was observed with the nonhydrolyzable GTP analog GTPγS, with GDP, or in the absence of nucleotide (Fig. 1A). Furthermore, inactivation of ATL's GTPase activity by the addition of GTPγS to a reaction containing GTP also reduced the mean vesicle radius (SI Appendix, Fig. S2A).
Similar results were obtained by measuring light absorbance at a wavelength of 405 nm in a spectrophotometric plate reader. This assay also monitors vesicle tethering and fusion, because the resulting size increase of the vesicles causes the solution to become turbid. Again, in the presence of GTP, the ATL-containing proteoliposomes increased in size over time, and this size increase was partially reversed by the addition of EDTA (Fig. 1B). No size change was seen in the presence of GTPγS or GDP, or in the absence of nucleotide or Mg2+ (Fig. 1B). Addition of the nonhydrolyzable GTP analog GMPPNP or of GDP/AlF4−, which mimics the transition state during GTP hydrolysis, also resulted in no (Fig. 1B) or only very little (SI Appendix, Fig. S2B) vesicle tethering. It should be noted that the latter conditions were used to obtain crystal form 3, i.e., the state in which ATL molecules are most tightly associated with one another (19).
To visualize the tethering and fusion reactions, we reconstituted ATL into vesicles containing phospholipids with either a fluorescent Texas Red or Oregon Green dye attached to their head groups. Samples of the reactions were diluted and spotted onto a glass coverslip, and vesicles stuck to the surface were visualized with a confocal microscope. Before the addition of GTP, the vesicles appeared as red or green punctae (Fig. 2A, Left); at 5 min after the addition of GTP, large yellow punctae appeared in which the two dyes colocalized, indicating that the differently colored vesicles were associated or fused with one another (Fig. 2A, Middle). When EDTA was added, most of these large punctae disappeared or became smaller, indicating that many vesicles were untethered (Fig. 2A, Right). No tethering or fusion was seen in the presence of GDP (Fig. 2B), in the absence of nucleotide (Fig. 2C), or in the presence of GTPγS (SI Appendix, Fig. S3A) or GMPPNP (SI Appendix, Fig. S3B). In the presence of GDP/AlF4–, a very low level of tethering was observed, which was not strongly affected by the addition of EDTA (SI Appendix, Fig. S3C).
To further demonstrate that tethering requires ongoing GTP hydrolysis, we followed changes in vesicle size by measuring 405-nm absorbance in the presence of different GTP concentrations (Fig. 1C). At the lowest GTP concentration, the absorbance increased, but returned to its original level as GTP was consumed. Thus, under these conditions, vesicles transiently tether but do not fuse efficiently. At higher GTP concentrations, tethering became more pronounced and persistent. The absorbance values after the addition of EDTA also increased with the GTP concentration, indicating that fusion became more efficient. Our results show that multiple cycles of GTP hydrolysis occur before a successful fusion event. In addition, they suggest that ATL molecules sitting in different membranes interact with one another only during GTP hydrolysis, a surprising observation given that stable dimerization of the cytosolic domain of ATL can occur with nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs (13, 14).
The Cytosolic Domain of ATL Mediates Membrane Tethering.
We next tested whether membrane tethering can be separated from membrane fusion. Specifically, we reasoned that the cytosolic domain of ATL (cytATL) might be sufficient for tethering, but not for fusion. Thus, we generated constructs in which the native TM segments of ATL were replaced with the TM segment of Sec61β (ATL-Sec61β) or with the second TM segment of ATL (cyt-TM2) (Fig. 3A). Both mutants were indeed defective in membrane fusion, as measured by a lipid-mixing assay (SI Appendix, Fig. S4) (24); however, both were active in membrane tethering, as demonstrated by dynamic light scattering (Fig. 3B). As with wild type (WT) ATL, tethering was observed with GTP but not with GTPγS, GMPPNP, GDP, or in the absence of nucleotide. On the addition of EDTA to the GTP-containing reaction, the vesicle size dropped to the original level, consistent with the absence of any fusion. While this manuscript was in preparation, another group also found that tethering requires GTP hydrolysis and can be separated from fusion (25).
Similar results were obtained when the size of the vesicles was followed by absorbance measurements at 405 nm (Fig. 3C and SI Appendix, Fig. S5). Furthermore, in a visual assay with differently colored proteoliposomes containing ATL-Sec61β, colocalization of the dyes was observed in the presence of GTP, but was almost completely reversed on addition of EDTA (Fig. 4A). No tethering was seen in the presence of GDP (Fig. 4B), GTPγS (SI Appendix, Fig. S6A), GMPPNP (SI Appendix, Fig. S6B), or GDP/AlF4– (SI Appendix, Fig. S6C) or in the absence of nucleotide (Fig. 4C).
To further test whether the cytosolic domain of ATL is sufficient for vesicle tethering, we attached a His8 tag to its C terminus and anchored the construct (cytATL-His) to preformed liposomes containing Ni2+-NTA phospholipids (Fig. 5A). As expected, cytATL-His floated with Ni2+-NTA–containing liposomes in a Nycodenz gradient (Fig. 5B). No flotation was observed in the presence of imidazole or EDTA, or when the protein was incubated with liposomes lacking Ni2+-NTA lipids. The cytATL-His–containing vesicles showed GTP hydrolysis-dependent tethering in dynamic light scattering (Fig. 5 C and D) and 405-nm absorbance assays (Fig. 5E). As with ATL-Sec61β and cyt-TM2, no tethering was observed with nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs, with GDP, or in the absence of nucleotide. The addition of EDTA or imidazole completely reversed the size increase seen in the presence of GTP (Fig. 5 C–E). Taken together, these results indicate that the cytosolic domain of ATL is sufficient to promote vesicle tethering, but not fusion.
ATL Molecules Cooperate to Promote Membrane Tethering.
Given that each ATL dimer tethers opposing membranes only transiently during GTP hydrolysis, we tested whether the formation of multiple dimers across the two membranes would increase the efficiency of tethering. To this end, we distributed the same number of ATL-Sec61β molecules over different numbers of ∼160-nm-diameter proteoliposomes (protein:lipid ratios of 1:5,000 and 1:2,000). These ratios correspond to ∼40 and ∼100 protein molecules per vesicle, respectively. SDS/PAGE analysis confirmed that the samples with different protein:lipid ratios contained the same total amounts of ATL-Sec61β (SI Appendix, Fig. S7). The sample with a higher density of ATL-Sec61β per vesicle showed significantly stronger membrane tethering, as determined by dynamic light scattering (Fig. 6A). With WT ATL, tethering was also more efficient, with a higher protein density per vesicle (Fig. 6B). These results indicate that tethering is more efficient if multiple ATL molecules in the two interacting membranes participate in dimer formation. Increased tethering by WT ATL led to more fusion (Fig. 6C). In fact, at the lower protein density, fusion was so inefficient that it could not be detected by light scattering (Fig. 6B) and was detected only with the more sensitive lipid-mixing assay (Fig. 6C). Thus, multiple ATL molecules on each membrane cooperate to mediate tethering and fusion of vesicles.
Interactions Between the 3HBs of ATL Molecules.
We next analyzed the molecular mechanism of ATL in more detail by correlating the structural data with nucleotide-dependent conformational changes of ATL in solution. Specifically, we tested when the 3HB domains of ATL molecules come close to one another during the GTPase cycle. Fluorescent probes incorporated at position 332 of the 3HB of Drosophila cytATL should allow fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) when the ATL molecules interact as in crystal form 1 (distance, ∼8 Å) or crystal form 3 (distance, ∼5 Å), but not when interacting as in crystal form 2 (distance, ∼77 Å) (SI Appendix, Fig. S1). Although FRET experiments had been performed previously with C-terminal fusions of human cytATL with YFP and CFP (19), the size of the probes and their attachment through a flexible linker raises the possibility that they did not distinguish between dimers of different conformations. Indeed, comparable FRET levels were observed with GMPPNP and GDP/AlF4– (19), making it uncertain whether GTP binding or hydrolysis drives a conformational change. We incorporated small fluorescent probes at position 332 of Drosophila cytATL by replacing the native Leu codon with an amber codon and suppressing it in E. coli with an orthogonal tRNA charged with azidophenylalanine (26); after purification, the proteins were modified with Cy5 or Cy3 fluorescent dyes using Cu2+-free click chemistry. The labeled proteins had GTPase activities comparable to that of WT cytATL (SI Appendix, Fig. S8).
On the addition of GTP to a mixture of Cy3- and Cy5- labeled cytATL, the FRET signal increased immediately, and reached a plateau after a short period (Fig. 7 A and B). A slightly slower increase was seen with GTPγS, but the FRET plateau was about the same. The addition of GDP/AlF4– resulted in a much slower increase of FRET, but the final level was significantly higher than in GTP or GTPγS. No increase in FRET was seen upon the addition of GDP or in the absence of nucleotide. These results suggest that GTP binding allows cytATL molecules to rapidly form dimers in which the 3HBs occasionally come close to one another. When cytATL molecules start out in the transition state of GTP hydrolysis (GDP/AlF4–), the 3HBs associate much more slowly, but ultimately interact very tightly, likely in the conformation seen in crystal form 3 (SI Appendix, Fig. S1).
Consistent with a tight interaction of cytATL molecules in the transition state, the FRET increase due to dimerization in the presence of GDP/AlF4– could not be reversed by the addition of unlabeled cytATL (Fig. 7B). In contrast, Cy3- and Cy5-labeled cytATL dimers formed in the presence of GTP or GTPγS were dissociated by unlabeled cytATL (Fig. 7B). As expected, EDTA also dissociated the dimers formed in GTP and GTPγS (SI Appendix, Fig. S9); however, EDTA did not affect the dimers generated with GDP/AlF4–, probably because the Mg2+ ion is occluded in the active site in the transition state conformation. These data confirm that the transition state dimer is more stable than the GTP-bound dimer. The difference between GTP and GTPγS shows that GTP hydrolysis contributes significantly to the dissociation rate of ATL dimers.
To confirm that the interaction of ATL molecules is strongest in the transition state of GTP hydrolysis, we performed flotation experiments. Proteoliposomes containing full-length ATL were incubated with cytATL in the presence of different nucleotides and subjected to flotation in a Nycodenz gradient. The amount of cytATL associated with the vesicles was determined by SDS/PAGE and Coomassie Blue staining. Coflotation of cytATL was more pronounced with GDP/AlF4– compared to that with GTPγS, GDP, or no nucleotide (Fig. 7C).
Taken together, these results indicate that ATL molecules associate rapidly on GTP binding and form a very stable dimer in the transition state during hydrolysis of the γ-phosphate bond. The dimers dissociate back into monomers either in the GDP-bound state after Pi release or in the nucleotide-free state.
Cis and Trans Interactions of ATL Molecules.
We next tested by FRET whether ATL molecules can interact in cis, i.e., when they are located in the same membrane. To do so, we generated a supported planar bilayer with liposomes containing Ni2+-NTA phospholipids, then added a mixture of C-terminal His8-tagged cytATL proteins with Cy3 or Cy5 probes in the 3HB at position 332. At the chosen concentration, both labeled proteins bound stably to the supported bilayer; no decrease in fluorescence was observed when the bilayer was washed with buffer. Because the labeled cytATL-His molecules are bound to a planar membrane, they can interact only in cis; the absence of molecules in bulk solution precludes any trans interactions. Before the addition of nucleotide, no FRET was observed (Fig. 8A); however, significant FRET was seen after addition of different nucleotides. FRET was confirmed by the finding that bleaching of the acceptor dye resulted in a significant increase in fluorescence of the donor dye (shown for a reaction with GDP/AlF4– in SI Appendix, Fig. S10A).
The FRET signal was strongest in GDP/AlF4–; intermediate in GTP, GTPγS, and GMPPNP; and lowest in GDP (Fig. 8A). Weak dimerization in GDP is consistent with previous gel filtration experiments (13). Indeed, at a lower concentration of cytATL-His, the difference between the GDP and GDP/AlF4– samples became more pronounced (Fig. 8B). When the concentration of labeled cytATL-His was decreased so that individual particles could be distinguished, the fluorescence of all particles was photobleached in a single step in the presence of GTP, GTPγS, GMPPNP, or GDP, and only a very small fraction was bleached in two steps in GDP/AlF4–; the latter is shown in SI Appendix, Fig. S10B together with data for a control protein. This indicates that most ATL molecules on the membrane were monomeric. The ATL molecules also moved with the expected diffusion constant in the plane of the bilayer (SI Appendix, Fig. S10C). Presumably, at this low protein concentration, the number of collisional encounters between ATL molecules is insufficient to generate a significant amount of dimers. Taken together, these results show that ATL molecules form cis dimers in a nucleotide-dependent manner.
To determine whether there is competition between cis and trans interactions, we prepared a supported bilayer with Cy3- and Cy5-labeled cytATL-His. After incubation in the presence of different nucleotides, an excess of unlabeled, untagged cytATL was added; a decrease of the FRET signal would indicate that cytATL molecules in bulk solution can associate with labeled cytATL-His molecules on the membrane. Association was observed in the presence of GTP with high concentrations of added cytATL (Fig. 8C). Little or no association of cytATL was observed when the cis dimers were preformed in the presence of GTPγS or GDP/AlF4–, respectively (Fig. 8C), consistent with decreased dimer dissociation rates in the presence of these nucleotides (Fig. 7B). Taken together, these results show that the formation of cis dimers can compete effectively with that of trans dimers, i.e., dimers that result in the fusion of opposing membranes.
A Theoretical Model for Cis and Trans Interactions of ATL Molecules.
We developed a theoretical model to test whether competition between cis and trans dimers of ATL can explain the experimental results on vesicle tethering in the presence of different nucleotides. We assumed that two vesicles containing ATL collide by diffusion and allow trans dimer formation when they come closer than the length of the extended ATL dimer (crystal form 2); for steric reasons, only a fraction of the surface area of each vesicle is available for trans dimer formation. Our model considers tethering between vesicles, and not the subsequent step of membrane fusion. Formation of stable tethers was assumed to require simultaneous formation of one or more trans dimers (N = 1, 2...). Competing with trans dimerization, ATL molecules were allowed to form cis dimers in each vesicle with the same rate constants. ATL molecules were initially in a nucleotide-free, monomeric state, and were induced to form cis and trans dimers on the addition of different nucleotides. The calculations used realistic parameters, including the measured on rates and off rates of ATL dimerization in GTP (19) and GDP/AlF4– (Fig. 7) (19), the overall rate of GTP hydrolysis as determined by a Pi release assay (19), the radius and concentration of the vesicles, the estimated number of ATL molecules per vesicle used in our experiments, and the length of the cytoplasmic domain of ATL (13, 14) (SI Appendix, SI Materials and Methods).
In agreement with our experimental observations, the model calculated a low level of tethering in the presence of GDP/AlF4–, when dimers form slowly but do not dissociate (Fig. 9, dotted lines); the proportion of tethered vesicles dropped from 15% for N = 1 to 2% for N = 3. When GTP addition was modeled, a much higher level of tethering was calculated (Fig. 9, solid lines). The level decreased with the number of trans dimers required for tethering (increasing N; Fig. 9). The calculations in Fig. 9 assumed that GTP hydrolysis occurs only in dimers, with both ATL molecules hydrolyzing GTP simultaneously, and that the rate constant for Pi release is smaller than that for hydrolysis of the γ-phosphate bond; however, qualitatively similar results were obtained when Pi release was not the rate-limiting step (SI Appendix, Fig. S11), or when GTP hydrolysis was allowed to occur in monomers or successively in the two subunits of a dimer. Taken together, our modeling results are in good agreement with the experimental observations, supporting a model in which continuous GTP hydrolysis is required to maintain a pool of ATL monomers on each membrane available for trans dimerization.
Our data, together with previous results, lead to the following model of ATL-mediated membrane fusion (Fig. 10). In step 1, ATL monomers bind GTP. This likely requires that the protein be in a conformation corresponding to crystal form 2, because the first helix of the 3HB needs to interact with the base of the G domain for GTP loading (19). Next, the monomers rapidly form a dimer with the bound GTP molecules buried at the interface (steps 2 and 3). This dimer will be weak and transient, and may adopt either a conformation corresponding to crystal form 2 or a conformation in which the G domains are dislodged from the 3HBs and are free to rotate (19). Subsequent GTP hydrolysis converts dimers into the transition state (step 4), in which the dimers adopt a high-affinity state characterized by a tight interaction of the 3HBs. Next, Pi and GDP are released in a consecutive manner (steps 5 and 6), causing the dissociation of the dimer into monomers. Dissociation may occur in the GDP-bound state, in which ATL has a reduced but measurable dimerization propensity (Fig. 8A) (13), or it may occur in the nucleotide-free state, in which ATL does not form dimers at all.
This entire series of events can occur with ATL molecules sitting in the same membranes (cis interactions) or in different membranes (trans interactions), although only trans interactions can result in the tethering and fusion of opposing membranes. Multiple GTPase cycles are required for a successful fusion event, because the transition state dimer formed by ATL molecules sitting in different membranes often completes the cycle of GTP hydrolysis and converts back into monomers before having induced fusion (step 7).
Our results also show that the efficiency of tethering and fusion increases with the density of ATL molecules in the two membranes. With WT ATL molecules, the density at the site of tethering and fusion is further increased by their nucleotide-independent association through their TM segments (24). Fusion may require the cooperation of multiple molecules, because each dimer only forms transiently during GTP hydrolysis; as one dimer dissociates, the presence of other dimers forming nearby would be needed to keep the vesicles tethered. Our results and recent data reported by others (25) also show that tethering of membranes is insufficient to cause membrane fusion; whereas tethering occurs with just the cytoplasmic domains of ATL, fusion requires the native TM segments and is facilitated by an amphipathic helix in the cytosolic C-terminal tail (13, 24).
The crystal structures of ATL are consistent with our proposed model. Crystal form 3 would correspond to the transition state conformation generated both in cis and in trans. The fact that essentially the same conformation was observed with GMPPNP might be explained if GMPPNP did not mimic GTP, but rather induced a state farther along the hydrolysis pathway, or if the conformation was caused by crystal contacts. The dimer observed in crystal form 2 would correspond to a state following GTP loading. The GTP-bound conformation likely adopts several conformations, however, because the 3HBs can undock from the G domain in this state and come closer to one another (Fig. 7) (19). The crystal form 2 dimer also may form in cis, with the 3HBs nearly parallel to the membrane. Crystal form 1 probably forms both in cis and in trans, and likely represents one of the intermediate conformations that the dimer would adopt while converting between crystal forms 2 and 3. Our model, which takes into account both cis and trans interactions of ATL molecules, removes much of the confusion over how the crystal forms correspond to the stages of membrane fusion.
Our model also explains the puzzling observation that membrane tethering requires GTP hydrolysis, i.e., occurs only with GTP and not with nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs or with GDP/AlF4–, despite the fact that the latter conditions cause ATL dimerization (Fig. 7) (13, 14, 19, 22). The difference between GTP and nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs can be explained by the fact that ATL molecules interact most strongly in the transition state of GTP hydrolysis. This enhanced interaction likely involves both the G domains and the 3HBs, as seen in crystal form 3. This is supported by our FRET data, which show that the 3HBs interact more strongly in the transition state than in the GTP-bound state, and by the fact that the G domain alone does not form stable dimers (19, 22). The strong interaction in the transition state would allow ATL molecules in different membranes to tether opposing bilayers. The repulsion of the two membranes in the tethered state and the rigidity of the membranes may be the reason why a tight transition dimer of ATL is required for tethering and why multiple rounds of GTPase cycles are required for fusion. Our results also show that experiments with the cytosolic fragment of ATL in solution can be misleading, because the 3HBs are normally attached to different membranes and thus are restricted in their conformational changes.
Although the foregoing considerations clarify why tethering requires GTP hydrolysis, they do not explain why GDP/AlF4– is ineffective, i.e., conditions that mimic the transition state of GTP hydrolysis. Even though ATL molecules associate only slowly under these conditions, some trans dimerization still would be expected after extended time periods. The conundrum is resolved by the observed competition between cis and trans dimers. In the presence of GDP/AlF4–, any cis dimers that form would never dissociate (Fig. 7B and SI Appendix, Fig. S9), leaving no monomers for trans association (Fig. 8C). Cis dimerization also may be kinetically favored over trans dimerization. Thus, we propose that a complete GTP hydrolysis cycle is required to generate a pool of monomeric ATL molecules in each membrane, which would then be able to interact in trans, thereby allowing tethering and ultimately fusion of the two opposing membranes. This hypothesis is quantitatively supported by our theoretical model (Fig. 9).
The futile GTPase cycles allowing the assembly and disassembly of cis and trans dimers may seem wasteful; however, such cycles also may be viewed as an elegant solution to the problem of mediating multiple rounds of fusion with a single protein. The fusogenic protein molecules have to cycle between being located in the same membranes and in different membranes, and during actual fusion they must interact in a conformation close to either of these situations. In the absence of other factors, at least some cis interactions would be expected, and their disassembly would be required to regenerate monomers. Although it may be assumed that futile cycling is an inherent property of ATL-mediated fusion, a separate biological role is another possibility. For example, it seems possible that cis oligomerization would sequester ATL away from its interaction partners, the reticulons and DP1 (3), which would then allow these curvature-stabilizing proteins to form oligomers on their own. Futile trans dimerization also raises the possibility that an ER network may consist of a mixture of genuine three-way junctions, in which the membranes are fused, and tethered membranes, in which the membranes are not yet fused. The continuous formation and breakage of tethers between membrane tubules might increase the dynamics of ER morphology changes.
Although quantifying the number of futile tethering cycles per fusion event is difficult because of the complex nature of all fusion assays, we obtained a rough estimate from the data in Fig. 1C at the lowest GTP concentration (20 μM). Assuming that the added GTP was completely consumed, each ATL molecule hydrolyzed ∼30 molecules of GTP without causing significant fusion in the absorbance assay. This number includes GTP molecules hydrolyzed for futile tethering events as well as for the turnover of cis dimers. This estimate of futile cycling is not necessarily a lower limit, because under these conditions, some low level of fusion was detected with a lipid-mixing assay. It is conceivable that futile GTPase cycles are suppressed in vivo by interactions of ATL with other factors. Although no cytosolic binding partners of ATL have been identified to date, the reticulons, DP1/REEP proteins, and the lunapark protein are all known to associate with the ATLs through their membrane-embedded domains and could potentially regulate ATL’s GTPase activity (8, 27, 28).
Our model differs from previously proposed models in several aspects. It was previously suggested that GTP hydrolysis occurs in ATL monomers, which would subsequently form a dimer (19); however, this model implies that the monomers associate with one another when they are in the transition state of GTP hydrolysis, which is unlikely because the monomers associate very slowly in this state (Fig. 7) (19). Rather, the rapid association of monomers in the GTP-bound state suggests that GTP hydrolysis most likely occurs after dimerization. It also has been suggested that tethering does not require the crossover configuration characteristic of crystal forms 1 and 3 and therefore would not involve a strong interaction among the 3HBs (25). This was based on a double mutant of ATL (P319G K320E), which was defective in generating the crossover configuration but was reported to have undiminished GTPase and tethering activity (25). Although we agree that the mutant has GTPase activity similar to that of WT ATL, we found that it is significantly less active in tethering (SI Appendix, Fig. S12). In fact, the data of Saini et al. also point in this direction (compare figs 4 and 6F in ref. 25). Thus, it is difficult to make a strong point on the basis of this mutant. Finally, our results exclude the idea that ATL molecules would interact only in cis, rather than tethering opposing membranes before their fusion (23).
It seems possible that aspects of the model for ATL function are relevant to SNARE-mediated membrane fusion, given that SNARE pairing can occur both in cis and in trans. Without involving additional components, a competition between the two pathways seems inevitable, because v- and t-SNARE partners are mixed during multiple fusion events. Although it is possible that certain components, such as tethering factors, prevent cis interactions, it would be important to test for the formation of cis-SNARE complexes with supported bilayers, as done here for ATL. Futile tethering cycles also may be relevant to SNARE-mediated fusion, given that trans-SNARE complexes can be disassembled before they cause fusion (29). Finally, as in the case of ATL, fusion is facilitated when multiple SNARE complexes assemble simultaneously in trans (30).
Materials and Methods
Detailed descriptions of all materials and methods, as well as of the mathematical model, are provided in SI Appendix, SI Materials and Methods.
Dynamic Light Scattering.
Drosophila ATL, ATL-Sec61β, or cyt-TM2 were reconstituted into preformed liposomes as described previously (24). CytATL-His was immobilized on liposomes containing Ni2+-NTA lipids. Proteoliposomes were incubated at 37 °C in a buffer containing 5 mM MgCl2, after which nucleotide (1 mM) was added to start the reaction. After 10 min, EDTA was added to 18 mM to inactivate ATL, or imidazole was added to 150 mM to dissociate cytATL-His from Ni2+-NTA vesicles. Effective hydrodynamic radii of proteoliposomes were determined with a DynaPro Nanostar instrument (Wyatt). Laser power and attenuation levels were set automatically.
Tethering Assay Using Light Absorbance at 405 nm.
GTP, GTPγS, GMPPNP, or GDP was added at 1 mM concentration to proteoliposomes containing WT, mutant ATL, or cytATL-His. For experiments with GDP/AlF4–, 1 mM GDP, 10 mM NaF, and 0.5 mM AlCl3, were added sequentially to the reaction. EDTA or imidazole was added after 40 min. Absorbance at 405 nm was measured on a SpectraMax M5 Microplate Reader or Biotek Synergy 4 plate reader. The absorbance before nucleotide addition was set to zero.
Visual Tethering Assay.
WT ATL or ATL-Sec61β was reconstituted into preformed liposomes with Texas Red-DPPE or Oregon Green-DPPE (Invitrogen), as described previously (24). The vesicles were mixed 1:1 in a reaction buffer containing 5 mM MgCl2. Different nucleotides were added, and the samples were diluted 1:50 into reaction buffer or buffer with 10 mM EDTA. The samples were spotted onto a glass coverslip and visualized by confocal microscopy. Oregon Green and Texas Red dyes were excited with 491-nm and 561-nm lasers and their emissions selected with 525/50 nm and 620/60 nm filters, respectively. Merged images showing both dyes were generated using Fiji (31).
Flotation Assay.
Samples were adjusted to a final concentration of 35% (wt/vol) Nycodenz and overlaid with 25% (wt/vol) Nycodenz and buffer lacking Nycodenz. After centrifugation, fractions were collected from the top of the gradient and analyzed by SDS/PAGE.
Lipid-Mixing Assay.
Lipid-mixing assays were performed as described previously (13).
FRET Experiments in Solution.
Cy3- and Cy5-labeled cytATL were mixed 1:1 in a reaction buffer containing 5 mM MgCl2, and different nucleotides were added in a 96-well plate. Cy3 was excited at 537 nm, and Cy3 and Cy5 fluorescence emissions were detected at 570 nm and 667 nm, respectively, using a SpectraMax M5 Microplate reader. After 20 min, unlabeled WT cytATL or EDTA was added to the reaction. The relative FRET efficiency was calculated as indicated in the figure legends.
GTPase Assays.
The GTPase activities of WT and mutant ATL proteins were determined using the EnzChek phosphate assay kit (Invitrogen), as described previously (13).
Supported Lipid Bilayer Formation.
The reaction chamber for supported bilayer experiments was assembled by fixing a plastic ring onto a plasma-cleaned glass coverslip. SUVs (small unilamellar vesicles) were prepared by sonication of an aqueous suspension of lipids [85:15 mol % 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine (POPC):1,2-dioleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine (DOPS)]. For bilayer formation, the SUVs were incubated in the reaction chamber in the presence of 1 mM CaCl2. Then the reaction chamber was supplemented with 2 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA) for passivation, rinsed thoroughly with buffer, and then resupplemented with 2 mg/mL BSA.
TIRF Microscopy.
All reactions were performed in the presence of 5 mM MgCl2 and 2 mg/mL BSA at 23 °C. All images were collected using a Nikon Ti-E motorized inverted microscope equipped with a 100× Plan Apo 1.45-NA TIRF objective lens and a Nikon motorized TIRF illuminator. For FRET experiments, Cy3 and Cy5 dyes were excited with 561-nm and 647-nm lasers, respectively, and their emissions were monitored simultaneously using bandpass emission filters of 510/30 nm and 650/75 nm. For single molecule time-lapse experiments, Cy5 fluorescence was detected with an Andor DU-897 EM-CCD camera, and images were collected at a rate of 20 frames/s with constant illumination and 2 × 2 camera binning.
FRET Measurements and Single-Molecule Tracking on Supported Lipid Bilayers.
For FRET experiments, mean fluorescence values were quantified using ImageJ, and relative FRET efficiencies were calculated as described in the figure legends. Single molecules undergoing 2D diffusion on supported bilayers were tracked using tracking algorithms of the U-Track software (32).
Supplementary Material
We thank the Nikon Imaging Center at Harvard Medical School and Hunter Elliott (Image and Data Analysis Core, Harvard Medical School) for assistance with image collection and analysis; the Institute for Chemistry and Cell Biology screening facility at Harvard Medical School for use of their plate reader; Peter Schultz (Scripps Research Institute) for the pEVOL-AzF vector (26); Dirk Görlich (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry) for the K27sumo vector (33); and Benedikt Bauer, Thomas Güttler, and Martin Loose for helpful suggestions on fluorescent labeling of ATL, protein purification, and supported lipid bilayer experiments, respectively. J.H. is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 31225006), the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, Grant 2012CB910302), and an International Early Career Scientist grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. T.Y.L. was supported by a National Science Foundation graduate fellowship. T.A.R. is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article contains supporting information online at
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