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Journal of Virology logoLink to Journal of Virology
. 2015 Feb 25;89(9):4720–4737. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00077-15

Oropouche Virus Infection and Pathogenesis Are Restricted by MAVS, IRF-3, IRF-7, and Type I Interferon Signaling Pathways in Nonmyeloid Cells

Jose Luiz Proenca-Modena a,e, Renata Sesti-Costa b,f, Amelia K Pinto a, Justin M Richner a, Helen M Lazear a, Tiffany Lucas a, Jennifer L Hyde a, Michael S Diamond a,b,c,d,
Editor: R W Doms
PMCID: PMC4403474  PMID: 25717109


Oropouche virus (OROV) is a member of the Orthobunyavirus genus in the Bunyaviridae family and a prominent cause of insect-transmitted viral disease in Central and South America. Despite its clinical relevance, little is known about OROV pathogenesis. To define the host defense pathways that control OROV infection and disease, we evaluated OROV pathogenesis and immune responses in primary cells and mice that were deficient in the RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway (MDA5, RIG-I, or MAVS), downstream regulatory transcription factors (IRF-3 or IRF-7), beta interferon (IFN-β), or the receptor for type I IFN signaling (IFNAR). OROV replicated to higher levels in primary fibroblasts and dendritic cells lacking MAVS signaling, the transcription factors IRF-3 and IRF-7, or IFNAR than in wild-type (WT) cells. In mice, deletion of IFNAR, MAVS, or IRF-3 and IRF-7 resulted in uncontrolled OROV replication, hypercytokinemia, extensive liver damage, and death, whereas WT congenic animals failed to develop disease. Unexpectedly, mice with a selective deletion of IFNAR on myeloid cells (CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f or LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f) did not sustain enhanced disease with OROV or a selective (flox/flox) deletion La Crosse virus, a closely related encephalitic orthobunyavirus. In bone marrow chimera studies, recipient irradiated Ifnar−/− mice reconstituted with WT hematopoietic cells sustained high levels of OROV replication and liver damage, whereas WT mice reconstituted with Ifnar−/− bone marrow were resistant to disease. Collectively, these results establish a dominant protective role for MAVS, IRF-3 and IRF-7, and IFNAR in restricting OROV infection and tissue injury and suggest that IFN signaling in nonmyeloid cells contributes to the host defense against orthobunyaviruses.

IMPORTANCE Oropouche virus (OROV) is an emerging arthropod-transmitted orthobunyavirus that causes episodic outbreaks of a debilitating febrile illness in humans in countries of South and Central America. The continued expansion of the range and number of its arthropod vectors increases the likelihood that OROV will spread into new regions. At present, the pathogenesis of OROV in humans or other vertebrate animals remains poorly understood. To define cellular mechanisms of control of OROV infection, we performed infection studies in a series of primary cells and mice that were deficient in key innate immune genes involved in pathogen recognition and control. Our results establish that a MAVS-dependent type I IFN signaling pathway has a dominant role in restricting OROV infection and pathogenesis in vivo.


Oropouche virus (OROV) is an arthropod-transmitted virus of the family Bunyaviridae, genus Orthobunyavirus, and serogroup Simbu. OROV has a trisegmented genome, comprised of three single-stranded negative-sense RNA segments: large (L), medium (M), and small (S). L encodes the viral RNA polymerase, M encodes the viral surface glycoproteins (Gc and Gn) and a nonstructural protein (NSm), and S encodes the nucleocapsid (N) protein and a small nonstructural protein (NSs) in overlapping reading frames (1). Although details about its cellular life cycle remain poorly characterized, OROV entry is associated with clathrin-coated pits, endosomal acidification, and membrane fusion, which facilitates nucleocapsid release into the cytoplasm (2). The receptors of OROV remain uncharacterized, although Gc is implicated in host cell attachment (3). While the precise replication strategy used by OROV has not been described, it likely occurs in the cytoplasm, similar to other bunyaviruses. Bunyavirus mRNA transcription is primed by “cap-snatching” from cytoplasmic host cellular mRNAs through activities of the viral L and N proteins (4, 5). Genome replication follows via a positive-sense strand intermediate (6). Translation of the L and S segment-encoded proteins occurs on free ribosomes in the cytoplasm, and translation of M polypeptides occurs on endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-bound ribosomes, resulting in a nascent polypeptide that is cleaved cotranslationally to generate Gn and Gc (7). Virus assembly and maturation take place in association with ER and Golgi membranes (8), and virion release occurs by fusion of vesicular bodies with the plasma membranes or via direct budding at the plasma membrane (7).

Since the 1960s, OROV has caused periodic outbreaks of a debilitating febrile illness, with more than 30 epidemics and 500,000 infected people in Brazil, Peru, Trinidad, Panama, and Suriname (911). Although OROV was described initially as a sylvatic virus circulating between sloths (Bradypus tridactylus), monkeys (Saguinus spp., Saimiri spp., and Alouatta belzebul), and other animals, with only episodic outbreaks in humans (12), recent studies indicate that OROV circulates in urban areas of South America and was associated with approximately 2 to 6% of undifferentiated febrile patients in 13 locations in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia (9, 13), and Brazil (14). Consistent with this observation, the seroprevalence for OROV in urban areas in the Amazon ranges between 15 and 33% (13, 15). Climate change, expansion and dissemination of arthropod vectors, and human travel increase the likelihood that OROV will emerge as a pathogen of greater significance in new areas. Several arthropod vectors contribute to OROV transmission, including Culicoides paraensis and Culex quinquefasciatus in the urban cycle and Aedes serratus and Coquillettidia venezuelensis in the sylvatic cycle. Other species of Aedes mosquitoes, including Aedes albopictus, can sustain OROV infection in laboratory settings (16).

In humans, OROV infection causes Oropouche fever, a severe febrile illness associated with headache, myalgia, arthralgia, malaise, and skin rash. Viremia is detected only during the first few days of infection. Hemorrhagic phenomena (petechiae, epistaxis, and gingival bleeding) have been reported in some patients (17). Although most patients with Oropouche fever recover within 2 to 3 weeks of initial infection without long-term sequelae (12), symptoms can persist for months and, surprisingly, relapses are common (12). In some patients, OROV infection progresses to meningitis and/or encephalitis (1820). Indeed, OROV was detected in the cerebrospinal fluid of almost 7% of patients with meningoencephalitis who were suspected of having an acute viral infection of the central nervous system (CNS) in some settings (18, 19). Neurological signs and symptoms in patients with OROV fever include vertigo, lethargy, diplopia, nystagmus, and nuchal rigidity (12, 20).

Despite its potential for further geographical spread, little is known about OROV pathogenesis. In two animal models (adult golden hamster [Mesocricetus auratus] and neonatal BALB/c mice), OROV was detected in the brain and spinal cord, associated with pathological evidence of encephalitis, and resulted in lethality (30% of hamsters [21] and 85% of neonatal mice [22]). Recently, a study suggested that during the early phases of infection, OROV disseminates to the CNS via the spinal cord and subsequently transits to the brain, presumably through retrograde axonal transport (23). However, OROV has not been reported to replicate efficiently or cause disease in adult immunocompetent mice, and little is known about the host factors that restrict OROV infection in peripheral organs or in the CNS tissues of these animals.

Analogous to other arthropod-borne viruses (e.g., dengue [24] and chikungunya [25]), we hypothesized that the limited infection in adult mice might reflect restriction of OROV by innate immune host defense pathways in mature murine cells. The type I interferon (IFN) signaling network is essential for antiviral defense and has a pivotal role in age-dependent mortality in mice (25). This response is initiated by recognition of non-self pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), including viral nucleic acids, and by host pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), including Toll-like receptors (TLR3 and TLR7) and RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs; RIG-I and MDA5) (2629). TLRs and RLRs recognize distinct RNA PAMPs in the endosome and cytoplasm, respectively, and activate signaling cascades to initiate host defense responses. Both PRR pathways can induce nuclear localization of the transcription factors IRF-3, IRF-7, and NF-κB to induce the expression of type I IFN and proinflammatory cytokines (30). Type I IFN signaling induces an antiviral state by triggering expression of several hundred IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), which block viral entry, replication, translation, and assembly as well as modulate inflammation and adaptive immunity (31).

Although little is known about how the innate immune system restricts OROV, type I IFN protects against related orthobunyaviruses (32), even though several genus members have mechanisms to inhibit type I IFN production by infected cells (3335). Adult mice deficient in the type I IFN receptor (Ifnar−/−) are more vulnerable to infection by La Crosse (LACV), Schmallenberg (SBV), and Bunyamwera (BUNV) viruses than wild-type (WT) mice (34, 36, 37). Members of the more distantly related Phlebovirus and Nairovirus genera, including Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV), also are more pathogenic in Ifnar−/− mice (38, 39). IRF-3- and IRF-7-dependent transcription contributes to the control of LACV infection in vivo (40), as their combined deficiency resulted in more rapid death (40, 41). However, a deficiency of MAVS paradoxically resulted in an improved clinical outcome after LACV infection (40), suggesting that under certain circumstances MAVS-dependent signaling may cause neuronal pathogenesis in vivo.

To begin to define the role of PRRs and type I IFN induction and signaling pathways on OROV pathogenesis, we studied the morbidity, mortality, tissue tropism, and cytokine responses from OROV-infected mice with targeted gene deletions in IFNAR, IFN-β, MDA5, MAVS, IRF-3, and IRF-7. In parallel, we analyzed the kinetics of OROV infection ex vivo in primary fibroblasts (MEFs), macrophages (Mϕ), and dendritic cells (DCs). Our experiments show a prominent protective role for MAVS, IRF-3 and IRF-7, and IFNAR in restricting OROV infection and tissue injury and establish that type I IFN signaling in nonmyeloid cells likely contributes to the antiviral response against orthobunyaviruses.


Viruses and cells.

The OROV strain (Bean 19991) was provided by Eurico Arruda (Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) and passaged three times in Vero cells to produce the virus stock. This stock was clarified by centrifugation (5,000 × g for 5 min) and stored at −80°C. The titer of the stock virus was determined by focus-forming assay and calculated as 2.0 × 107 focus-forming units (FFU) per ml. All experiments with OROV were conducted under enhanced biosafety level 3 (BSL3) and animal (A)-BSL3 containment at Washington University with the appropriate personal protective equipment and approval from the United States Department of Agriculture. The LACV strain (original strain) was provided generously by Andrew Pekosz (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA) and passaged twice in Vero cells to produce a virus stock. This stock was clarified and stored at −80°C. The titer of LACV was calculated as 2.7 × 107 FFU/ml using the monoclonal antibodies (MAb; 807-31 and 807-33) that also were provided by Andrew Pekosz (42, 43). Experiments with LACV were conducted in BSL2 and A-BSL3 facilities.

Ethics statement.

This study was carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health (44) after approval by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the Washington University School of Medicine (assurance number A3381-01). All injections with virus were performed under anesthesia with ketamine hydrochloride (80 mg/kg of body weight) and xylazine (15 mg/kg).

Mouse experiments.

All mice were on a C57BL/6 background. WT mice (CD45.1 and CD45.2) were purchased from Jackson Laboratories and/or bred in a specific-pathogen-free facility at Washington University. Ifnar−/−, Ifnb−/−, Mda5−/−, Mavs−/−, Irf3−/−, Irf7−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− (double-knockout [DKO]) mice were described previously (4550). CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f, LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f, and Cre Ifnarf/f mice also were described previously (51). All infections were performed by subcutaneous injection in the footpad with 106 FFU of OROV and 105 or 106 FFU of LACV in a volume of 50 μl using 5- to 6-week-old mice. All animals were monitored for survival and weight loss for 21 days.

Bone marrow chimera and transfers.

Bone marrow cells were collected from adult C57BL/6 WT (CD45.1) or Ifnar−/− (CD45.2) mice and transferred adoptively (107 cells per animal) by retroorbital injection into 4-week-old 800-cGy-irradiated WT (CD45.1 or CD45.2) or Ifnar−/− mice. Eight weeks later, reconstitution was validated by flow cytometry and mice were infected with OROV. Four days later, serum and tissues were harvested for blood chemistry and viral titer analyses.

Tissue harvest and virus titration.

OROV-infected mice were sacrificed on days 1, 2, 4, or 6 postinfection. After perfusion (20 ml) with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), organs (liver, spleen, kidney, lung, heart, brain, and spinal cord) were harvested, weighed, homogenized using zirconia beads in a MagNA Lyser instrument (Roche Life Science) in 1 ml of minimal essential medium (MEM) with 2% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS), and stored at −80°C until virus titration. Approximately 200 μl of serum from all infected animals was collected and stored at −80°C.

For OROV titration, samples were thawed, clarified by centrifugation (2,000 × g at 4°C for 10 min), and diluted serially prior to infection of Vero cells in 96-well plates. After 22 to 24 h of infection, the cells were fixed overnight with 1% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in PBS. Infected cell foci were detected after incubation with a 1:1,000 dilution of polyclonal mouse anti-OROV ascites fluid (ATCC VR-1228AF) in a volume of 50 μl for 2 h at room temperature. After three washes with 300 μl of permeabilization-wash buffer (P-W; PBS, 0.1% saponin, and 0.1% bovine serum albumin [BSA]), the samples were incubated with 50 μl of a 1:2,000 dilution of horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (Sigma) for 1 h at room temperature. After three additional washes with P-W, staining was visualized by the addition of the TrueBlue detection reagent (KPL), and the spots were analyzed after three washes with 300 μl of distilled water with a Biospot counter (Cellular Technology) using Immunocapture software. All results were converted into FFU per gram of tissue, with the exception of serum samples, which were expressed as FFU per milliliter of serum.

Blood chemistry analysis.

On day 4 or 6 after OROV infection of WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, or Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice, blood was collected by intracardiac puncture and serum was isolated. Samples were treated with β-propiolactone (BPL; Sigma Chemical) for 30 min at 37°C to inactivate infectious virus. Blood chemistry analyses were performed using a Catalyst Dx chemistry analyzer (IDEX Laboratories). Control experiments confirmed that BPL treatment of OROV did not impact chemistry results (data not shown).

Histology, immunohistochemistry, and TUNEL staining.

Mice from each group (WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO) were infected with OROV, and 4 days later liver and spleen were harvested, fixed in 4% PFA in PBS for 24 h at 4°C, dehydrated in increasing ethanol concentrations, and paraffin embedded. Hematoxylin and eosin staining and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining of paraffin-embedded tissues were performed by the Digestive Diseases Research Core Center of Washington University. TUNEL staining was performed using a POD in situ cell death detection kit (Roche) as described by the manufacturer.

Detection of OROV antigen was performed on 5-μm paraffin tissue sections. Sections were deparaffinized, rehydrated, and treated for antigen retrieval in Tris-borate buffer (pH 7.6) supplemented with 0.05% of a protease enzyme derived from Streptomyces griseus (Sigma), followed by incubation with 0.6% H2O2 in methanol for 30 min to block the activity of endogenous peroxidases. Sections were then blocked for avidin and biotin with a commercial kit (DakoCytomation biotin blocking system). Subsequently, the “Mouse on Mouse” (M.O.M.) immunodetection kit was used according to the manufacturer's protocol (Vector Laboratories). The sections were incubated sequentially with M.O.M. mouse immunoglobulin-blocking reagent and mouse polyclonal anti-OROV or control ascites fluid (1:100) for 30 min. The binding of primary antibody was detected using M.O.M. biotinylated anti-mouse IgG antibody and a 1:300 dilution of streptavidin-peroxidase ultrasensitive polymer (Sigma). Antigen staining was visualized using DAB (3,3′-diaminobenzidine) HRP substrate (Vector) and then counterstained with hematoxylin. Tissue sections were visualized at 20× and 40× magnification using a Zeiss Axioskop 40 microscope attached to an AxioCam MRc digital color camera.

Cytokine Bio-Plex assay.

On days 4 and 6 after OROV infection of WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice, serum was collected and cytokine levels were analyzed using the Bio-Plex Pro mouse cytokine assay (Bio-Rad). This platform includes the following cytokines and chemokines: interleukin 1α (IL-1α), IL-1β, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-17, eotaxin (CCL11), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), IFN-γ, KC (CXCL1), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) (CCL-2), MIP-1α (CCL3), MIP-1β (CCL4), RANTES (CCL5), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α).

OROV replication in primary mouse cells.

Primary mouse fibroblasts (MEFs) from WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, Mda5−/−, or Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice were generated as described previously (47). MEFs from Rig-I−/− mice and their WT controls were a gift from Michael Gale (Seattle, WA). Mϕ and DC cultures were produced as described previously (52). Bone marrow was isolated from mice and cultured for 7 days in medium supplemented with 40 ng/ml M-CSF (PeproTech) or 20 ng/ml of both GM-CSF and IL-4 (PeproTech) to produce Mϕ and DCs, respectively. Multistep virus growth curves were performed at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.001. The viral titer in the cell-free supernatant was determined by FFU assay on Vero cells at the following time points after infection: 0, 1, 4, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 h.

Quantification of type I IFN and IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) in murine cells.

The levels of type I IFN and Ifit1 mRNA were determined by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR). WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, or Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO MEFs were infected with OROV at an MOI of 0.1. Cells were harvested at 1, 4, 12, 24, and 36 h after infection, and the total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy kit (Qiagen) and treated with TURBO DNase (Life Technologies) for 2 h at 37°C. qRT-PCR for Ifna, Ifnb, Ifit1, and Gapdh mRNA was performed by using one-step qRT-PCR master mix, with the indicated primers and probes (Table 1). One-step qRT-PCR also confirmed OROV infection in these cells (data not shown) by using the indicated primers and probes (Table 1). All reactions were assembled in a final volume of 25 μl with 300 ng of RNA, 1× PrimeTime mix (Integrated DNA Technologies) containing both primers and probe, and 12.5 μl of TaqMan master mix (Applied Biosystems) by using the following cycling algorithm: 48°C for 30 min, 95°C for 10 min, followed by 45 cycles of 95°C for 15 s and 60°C for 1 min. All reactions were normalized to 18S RNA levels by using the eukaryotic 18S rRNA endogenous control kit (Applied Biosystems) and expressed on a log2 scale as fold increase over mock (same time point in a noninfected MEF culture) according to the threshold cycle (ΔΔCT) method (53).


Primers and probes used for qRT-PCR

Targeta Sequenceb Reference
Mouse Gapdh 84
Mouse Ifna 84
Mouse Ifnb 52
Mouse Ifit1 52

Fwd, forward; Rev, reverse.


FAM, 6-carboxyfluorescein; TAMsp, 6-carboxytetramethylrhodamine; ZEN, double-quenched probe; 3IABkFQ, 3′ Iowa Black FQ.

The levels of secreted IFN-β protein in supernatants of OROV-infected MEFs were measured by a commercial capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit (PBL Laboratories).

OROV replication in U3A and 2fTGH human cells and quantification of type I IFN and ISGs.

Virus replication and type I IFN mRNA production were determined by qRT-PCR in 2fTGH-infected (fibrosarcoma cells) and U3A-infected (2fTGH-derived STAT1-deficient mutant cells) cells at an MOI of 0.1. Cells were harvested at 1, 4, 12, 24, and 36 h after infection, and total RNA was obtained as described in the previous section. The levels of viral RNA were measured by qRT-PCR as described above and expressed on a log10 scale as genome equivalents/sample after comparison with a standard curve produced using serial 10-fold dilutions of OROV RNA. The levels of human IFNB, IFIT1, and GAPDH mRNA were determined after normalization to 18S levels and expressed on a log2 scale as fold increase over mock, as described in the previous section. All primers and probes were obtained from Integrated DNA Technologies (PrimeTime catalogue number for IFNB, Hs.PT.58.39481063.g, for IFIT1, Hs.PT.56a.20769090.g, and for GAPDH, Hs.PT.39a.22214836).

Statistical analysis.

All data were analyzed using Prism software (GraphPad Software). Kaplan-Meier survival curves were analyzed by the log rank test, and weight loss values at a given time point were compared using 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). For viral burden analysis, the log titers were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test. Type I IFN levels and qRT-PCR also were compared using 2-way ANOVA. A P value of <0.05 indicated statistically significant differences relative to the indicated control group.


Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice are vulnerable to lethal OROV infection.

Similar to other orthobunyaviruses, in mice, OROV virulence is age dependent, with older animals more resistant to lethal infection (22). Injection of 106 FFU of OROV by a subcutaneous route induced uniformly lethal disease in newborn C57BL/6 WT mice. Three-day-old mice infected with OROV exhibited 66.6% mortality, whereas 3-, 5-, or 9-week-old mice did not succumb to infection (data not shown).

Because studies with other arthropod-borne viruses have shown that age-dependent mortality is determined in part by changes in innate immune responses (25), we hypothesized that young adult C57BL/6 mice, which normally are resistant to lethal OROV infection, might become sensitive if key proteins in the type I IFN induction and/or signaling pathway were absent. Accordingly, we evaluated OROV pathogenesis in 6-week-old Ifnar−/−, Ifnb−/−, Mda5−/−, Mavs−/−, Irf3−/−, Irf7−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice. OROV infection of 6-week-old Ifnar−/− mice, which cannot respond to type I IFN, resulted in 100% mortality, with a mean survival time of 5 days and significant weight loss (Fig. 1A and C). In contrast, 6-week-old WT mice did not show disease signs or weight loss compared to uninfected animals (Fig. 1B). OROV-infected Ifnar−/− mice exhibited lethargy and decreased body temperature, especially late in the course of disease (data not shown). However, signs of neuroinvasive disease, including limb paralysis, ataxia, seizures, or sustained tremors, were not apparent in OROV-infected Ifnar−/− mice. A protective role for IFN-β was supported by studies with 6-week-old Ifnb−/− mice infected with OROV (Fig. 1A). Although only a relatively small increase in lethality (17%) was observed in Ifnb−/− mice, this attained statistical significance (P < 0.02); this phenotype corresponded with greater weight loss in Ifnb−/− animals that survived OROV challenge or succumbed to lethal infection (Fig. 1F) than in WT mice. Given this difference in disease severity between Ifnar−/− and Ifnb−/− mice after OROV infection, it is likely that other type I IFNs (e.g., IFN-α) restrict OROV in adult mice.

FIG 1.


Mice with targeted deletions in the IFN induction or signaling pathway are more vulnerable to OROV infection. (A) Survival analysis of 6-week-old mice after inoculation with 106 PFU of OROV by subcutaneous injection in the footpad: WT (n = 33), Ifnar−/− (n = 25), Ifnb−/− (n = 23), Mda5−/− (n = 24), Mavs−/− (n = 33), Irf3−/− (n = 40), Irf7−/− (n = 25), and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO (n = 39) mice were used for survival curves. Data are pooled from at least three independent experiments. Asterisks indicate differences that were statistically significant compared to WT mice by the log rank test (**, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001). (B to I) Weight loss in infected (dead or surviving animals considered separately) and uninfected mice in WT (n = 33 and n = 10 for infected and uninfected mice, respectively) (B), Ifnar−/− (n = 25 infected and n = 3 uninfected) (C), Irf3−/− × Irf 7−/− DKO (n = 14 dead, n = 19 survivors, and n = 13 uninfected) (D), Mavs−/− (n = 13 dead, n = 20 survivors, and n = 10 uninfected) (E), Ifnb−/− (n = 4 dead, n = 19 survivors, and n = 8 uninfected) (F), Mda5−/− (n = 24 infected and n = 8 uninfected) (G), Irf3−/− (n = 40 infected and n = 15 uninfected) (H), and Irf7−/− (n = 25 infected and n = 9 uninfected) (I) mice. The weight loss curves were compared using 2-way ANOVA.

To determine whether the RLR signaling pathway contributed to host recognition of OROV and induction of antiviral responses, we infected 6-week-old Mda5−/− and Mavs−/− mice. Mda5−/− mice did not succumb to OROV infection (Fig. 1A) or show any disease signs or weight loss compared to WT mice (Fig. 1G). In comparison, Mavs−/− mice were vulnerable to OROV infection, with a mortality rate of 39% (Fig. 1A), although weight loss differences were not observed in the surviving animals (Fig. 1E). These results indicate that RLR recognition of OROV contributes to the host defense response in vivo, likely with a dominant effect of RIG-I. However, we were unable to test OROV infection in Rig-I−/− mice, as a Rig-I deficiency on a congenic C57BL/6 background is embryonic lethal (54).

To assess the impact of the transcription factors downstream of RLR signaling and upstream of IFN-α and IFN-β induction, we infected Irf3−/−, Irf7−/−, or Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice with OROV. Whereas Irf3−/− or Irf7−/− single-KO mice showed no enhanced mortality (Fig. 1A) or weight loss (Fig. 1H and I) after OROV inoculation, 54% of Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice succumbed to infection (Fig. 1A), and the surviving animals gained weight more slowly than uninfected mice (Fig. 1D). Collectively, these survival and morbidity studies suggest that RLR-mediated detection (likely RIG-I), MAVS signaling, IRF-3 and IRF-7 transcriptional activity, and type I IFN responses are important components of the protective antiviral response against OROV in adult mice.

OROV replicates preferentially in the liver, spleen, and blood of mice lacking intact type I IFN signaling.

To assess how type I IFN signaling impacts OROV tropism and replication in 6-week-old mice, we measured viral burden in the serum, liver, spleen, kidney, lung, heart, brain, and spinal cord on days 1, 2, 4, and 6 after infection of WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice. On day 1 after infection, we did not detect infectious virus in any tissue from the different genotypes. We detected virus as early as day 2 after infection in the liver and serum of Ifnar−/− mice but not in other tissue samples. In comparison, by day 4 after infection, high levels (1.2 × 105 to 4.3 × 108 FFU/g) of OROV were recovered from the liver and spleen of all Ifnar−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice (Fig. 2A and B). Lower (2.5 × 102 to 4.1 × 107 FFU/ml or FFU/g) yet significant levels of OROV also were measured in the serum, kidneys, and lungs of Ifnar−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice on day 4 after infection (Fig. 2C to E). OROV was detected in the heart, brain, and spinal cord in only 2 of 15 Ifnar−/− mice (Fig. 2F to H). Infectious OROV was present in ∼50% of the Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice in the liver and spleen at day 6 after infection (3.7 × 103 to 1.5 × 107 FFU/g).

FIG 2.


Tissue viral burden in Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice infected with OROV. Viral burden after OROV infection of Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice was measured by focus-forming assay in samples from serum (A), liver (B), spleen (C), kidney (D), lung (E), heart (F), brain (G), and spinal cord (H). Data points represent individual mice. Bars indicate median values and were obtained from 8 to 15 mice per time point. Dashed lines represent the limit of sensitivity of the assay. Asterisks indicate statistical significance as judged by the Mann-Whitney test (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001). The red cross indicates that all OROV-infected Ifnar−/− animals were dead at the indicated time point.

In comparison to Ifnar−/− or Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice, infectious OROV was detected in only a subset of tissues samples from Mavs−/− mice, including the liver and spleen on day 4 after infection. The viral titers in Mavs−/− mice generally were lower (1.5 × 104 to 5.7 × 106 FFU/g) (Fig. 2A to H) and cleared by day 6 after infection in the spleen, lung, and serum. In contrast, in the liver, OROV was present in 6 of 11 Mavs−/− mice (4 × 103 to 1.6 × 106 FFU/g) on day 6. These data suggest that other pathogen recognition and signaling pathways (e.g., TLR and MyD88) likely contribute to the induction of type I IFN responses and restriction of OROV in specific tissues.

Blood chemistry reveals extensive liver injury.

To understand the basis for disease in the different KO mice after OROV infection, we analyzed their blood chemistries. On day 4 after infection, we observed significant liver injury in Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice, as reflected by increased levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (7,307 U/liter, 601 U/liter, and 7,164 U/liter, respectively, compared to 111 U/liter in infected WT mice; P < 0.01) (Fig. 3A) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (8,387 U/liter, 827 U/liter, and 7,438 U/liter, respectively, compared to 372 U/liter in infected WT mice; P < 0.01) (Fig. 3B). Liver damage also was suggested by the relative hypoglycemia in Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice (glucose [GLU] levels of 50.5 mg/dl, 295.0 mg/dl, and 52.0 mg/dl, respectively) compared to in infected WT mice (494.0 mg/dl; P < 0.05) (Fig. 3C). In comparison, serum levels of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, and creatine kinase were similar between infected WT and KO animals (data not shown). The levels of AST and ALT remained high on day 6 after infection in the surviving KO mice (Fig. 3B) and reflect acute hepatic injury, which may be due to direct virus-induced lysis of hepatocytes, immune-mediated injury, or ischemia.

FIG 3.


Blood chemistry reveals extensive liver injury after OROV infection. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (A), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (B), and glucose (GLU) (C) levels were measured from serum samples of WT and Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− mice (n = 8 to 13 for each group) obtained 4 and 6 days after infection with 106 FFU of OROV. Data points represent individual mice and are pooled from three independent experiments. Asterisks indicate statistical significance as judged by the Mann-Whitney test (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001). The red dotted lines represent the mean values from three mock-infected naive mice. In the mouse phenome database (Jackson Laboratory), the mean ALT, AST, and GLU levels in serum of 6- to 8-week-old C57BL/6J mice were 23.6 (±7.6), 94.0 (±48.9), and 176 (±31.4), respectively. A red cross indicates that all OROV-infected Ifnar−/− animals were dead at the indicated time point.

Pathological and immunohistochemical analysis of the liver and spleen from OROV-infected mice.

To define the basis for the tissue damage associated with OROV infection, we performed pathological analysis on liver and spleen isolated from WT Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice on days 4 and 6 after infection. Necropsy revealed gross macroscopic tissue damage in the liver of Ifnar−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice, which was characterized by visible hemorrhages and tissue discoloration in several animals (data not shown). Hematoxylin and eosin staining of paraffin sections revealed areas of focal cellular necrosis within the liver of Ifnar−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO but not in Mavs−/− or WT mice by day 4 after OROV infection (Fig. 4A and B; data not shown); this result correlated with the higher serum levels of liver enzymes (AST and ALT) in Ifnar−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice than in WT mice at this time point (see Fig. 3A and B). By day 6 after OROV infection, tissue injury in the liver became apparent in Mavs−/− mice (data not shown). TUNEL staining showed a greater number of dead cells in the liver and spleen of Ifnar−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice than in WT mice (Fig. 4C and D). Clusters of TUNEL-positive nuclei were present in the white and red pulp of the spleen (Fig. 4D) in all sections from OROV-infected Ifnar−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed to determine if tissue damage correlated with viral infection. OROV antigen-positive cells were apparent on day 4 after infection in the liver of Ifnar−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO but not WT mice (Fig. 4E). Small foci of OROV antigen-positive cells also were detected in the liver of Mavs−/− mice on day 6 after infection (data not shown). Based on cellular morphology and viral antigen staining, hepatocytes appear to be a major target of OROV infection. In contrast, in the spleen, OROV antigen-positive cells were observed only in sections of Ifnar−/− mice, in both the white and red pulp (Fig. 4F).

FIG 4.


Tissue analysis of OROV-infected WT, Ifnar−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice. (A and B) Histological (hematoxylin and eosin staining) analysis of the liver (A) and spleen (B) from uninfected WT mice and OROV-infected WT, Ifnar−/−, or Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice. Representative images (20× magnification) were taken 4 days after OROV infection from 3 mice of each group. (C and D) Representative images of TUNEL staining of liver (C) and spleen (D) of uninfected WT and infected WT, Ifnar−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice were taken 4 days after OROV infection from 3 mice from each group. (E and F) Detection of OROV antigen in liver (E) and spleen (F) of uninfected WT and infected WT, Ifnar−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice 4 days after virus infection. Representative images (taken at 20× magnification but decreased by 20% of their original size to fit) were obtained from three mice of each group. Inset images show a higher magnification image (taken at 40× magnification) and correspond to the region marked by the arrow. Scale bar, 100 μm.

Hypercytokinemia in OROV-infected mice.

To define additional possible mechanisms of tissue injury, we measured serum levels of 23 pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines on days 4 and 6 after OROV infection using Bio-Plex assays (Fig. 5 and Table 2). Although we did not observe elevated levels of inflammasome-generated (e.g., IL-1β) or vasoactive (e.g., TNF-α) cytokines in the infected KO mice, a marked increase in several proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-12p40, and G-CSF) on day 4 (Ifnar−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO) and day 6 (Mavs−/−) after OROV infection was apparent (Fig. 5A to C). The increased levels of these proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-6) suggested a mechanism of production that was independent of MAVS, which contrasts with prior studies with flaviviruses (51). In comparison, the levels of IL-2, IL-3, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13, and IL-17A were not increased in the KO animals after OROV infection. However, higher levels of several (e.g., MCP-1, MIP-1α, KC, and RANTES) but not all (eotaxin and MIP-1β) chemokines were observed in OROV-infected KO mice than in WT mice (Fig. 5E to H and Table 2). Although some cytokine and chemokine levels were elevated in KO mice after OROV infection, the relatively minor change in IL-1β and TNF-α levels, coupled with the absence of renal damage, suggests that the disease pathogenesis occurs independently of a generalized cytokine storm.

FIG 5.


Serum cytokine and chemokine levels in OROV-infected mice. WT, Ifnar−/−, Irf3−/− × Irf7−/−, and Mavs−/− mice were infected with 106 FFU of OROV. Four or 6 days later, serum was collected and the concentrations of the indicated cytokines (A to D) or chemokines (E to H) were determined by Bio-Plex assay. Data points represent individual mice, and the bars indicate the mean values ± standard deviations (SD) for each group. A red cross indicates that all OROV-infected Ifnar−/− animals were dead at the indicated time point. Asterisks indicate statistical significance compared to serum from OROV-infected WT mice as judged by the Mann-Whitney test (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001). The red dotted lines represent the mean values from three mock-infected mice for each analyzed cytokine.


Serum cytokine and chemokine levels after OROV infectiona

Cytokine Genotype Day 4 p.i.
Day 6 p.i.
pg/ml (±SD) P pg/ml (±SD) P
IL-1α WT 1.3 (±1.6) 2.6 (±2.3)
Ifnar−/− 5.3 (±8.3) 0.93
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 10.6 (±11.5) 0.08 0.6 (±1.4) 0.05
Mavs−/− 0 (±0) 0.03 5.4 (±7.8) 0.96
IL-1β WT 189.4 (±44.2) 208.2 (±53.4)
Ifnar−/− 266.0 (±179.8) 0.54
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 205.7 (±135.5) 0.99 109.1 (±101.3) 0.04
Mavs−/− 123.5 (±95.1) 0.07 88.9 (±101.5) 0.02
IL-2 WT 25.0 (±14.6) 26.9 (±21.9)
Ifnar−/− 18.9 (±11.3) 0.55
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 20.9 (±14.1) 0.51 14.9 (±11.9) 0.50
Mavs−/− 16.6 (±12.8) 0.05 28.3 (±12.7) 0.22
IL-3 WT 12.8 (±11.9) 16.5 (±13.3)
Ifnar−/− 5.13 (±7.19) 0.15
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 8.6 (±9.9) 0.68 4.6 (±7.1) 0.09
Mavs−/− 3.6 (±3.3) 0.17 2.0 (±3.1) 0.008
IL-4 WT 6.9 (±8.4) 8.6 (±9.1)
Ifnar−/− 2.5 (±3.9) 0.30
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 3.0 (±5.7) 0.20 2.1 (±5.0) 0.32
Mavs−/− 0 (±0) 0.06 0 (±0) 0.03
IL-5 WT 14.3 (±7.5) 16.2 (±7.1)
Ifnar−/− 10.2 (±3.1) 0.15
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 6.2 (±4.2) 0.004 9.2 (±10.2) 0.17
Mavs−/− 8.8 (±5.8) 0.15 3.5 (±5.8) 0.002
IL-6 WT 4.2 (±1.5) 5.9 (±2.9)
Ifnar−/− 1,048 (±1,921) 0.00008
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 606 (±1,055) <0.0001 56.8 (±107.4) 0.76
Mavs−/− 5.8 (±4.8) 0.64 146.1 (±279.1) 0.0002
IL-9 WT 108.6 (±115.4) 116.5 (±131.9)
Ifnar−/− 337.9 (±410.3) 0.36
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 159.7 (±282.9) 0.68 0 (±0) 0.03
Mavs−/− 96.3 (±167.6) 0.64 325.6 (±425.8) 0.45
IL-10 WT 22.8 (±16.3) 25.6 (±14.1)
Ifnar−/− 23.8 (±14.6) 0.75
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 31.6 (±35.1) 0.63 10.9 (±6.9) 0.01
Mavs−/− 17.4 (±17.0) 0.31 16.7 (±15.0) 0.18
IL-12 (p40) WT 42.8 (±30.9) 35.4 (±17.6)
Ifnar−/− 341.7 (±164.1) <0.0001
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 338.7 (±248.8) <0.0001 32.6 (±25.1) 0.58
Mavs−/− 86.5 (±79.2) 0.09 69.7 (±77.6) 0.35
IL-12 (p70) WT 18.6 (±12.2) 21.3 (±8.7)
Ifnar−/− 74.5 (±93.6) 0.51
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 33.8 (±31.2) 0.81 13.3 (±11.9) 0.11
Mavs−/− 14.6 (±11.6) 0.55 21.8 (±29.0) 0.17
IL-13 WT 31.6 (±26.3) 47.6 (±52.2)
Ifnar−/− 30.3 (±31.9) 0.97
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 47.2 (±61.9) 0.72 10.19 (±15.0) 0.04
Mavs−/− 14.0 (±25.4) 0.052 12.3 (±13.3) 0.03
IL-17 WT 7.7 (±5.1) 8.7 (±6.6)
Ifnar−/− 5.3 (±5.9) 0.15
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 5.0 (±4.7) 0.12 5.1 (±4.3) 0.28
Mavs−/− 2.5 (±2.1) 0.02 2.4 (±1.6) 0.07
Eotaxin WT 422.5 (±287.0) 478.5 (±230.7)
Ifnar−/− 451.5 (±462.0) 0.84
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 344.2 (±292.9) 0.42 178.5 (±170.8) 0.005
Mavs−/− 145.1 (±189.2) 0.03 180.2 (±206.0) 0.01
G-CSF WT 15.8 (±5.2) 13.6 (±5.5)
Ifnar−/− 3,064 (±4,307) 0.0004
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 3,000 (±3,767) <0.0001 106.7 (±146.5) 0.09
Mavs−/− 10.8 (±8.2) 0.15 1,307 (±2,543) 0.03
GM-CSF WT 70.8 (±26.6) 74.8 (±29.3)
Ifnar−/− 86.5 (±32.8) 0.12
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 63.5 (±23.9) 0.43 57.6 (±39.7) 0.23
Mavs−/− 43.9 (±19.1) 0.06 22.0 (±28.3) 0.03
IFN-γ WT 2.5 (±2.1) 2.8 (±1.4)
Ifnar−/− 34.2 (±22.8) 0.0004
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 4.9 (±3.9) 0.11 3.9 (±3.7) 0.94
Mavs−/− 1.5 (±1.5) 0.29 6.4 (±5.1) 0.10
KC WT 28.7 (±9.5) 35.3 (±18.7)
Ifnar−/− 384.2 (212.1) 0.0008
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 285.5 (196.0) <0.0001 28.5 (±24.6) 0.23
Mavs−/− 61.6 (±59.9) 0.79 87.6 (±48.8) 0.008
MCP-1 WT 156.1 (±113.0) 202.0 (±132.8)
Ifnar−/− 716.6 (±267.5) 0.0003
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 902.8 (±786.5) 0.0026 195.2 (±221.3) 0.39
Mavs−/− 335.5 (±435.0) 0.98 946.6 (±903.8) 0.0043
MIP-1α WT 1.6 (±1.5) 2.1 (±1.9)
Ifnar−/− 8.8 (±6.6) 0.004
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 5.8 (±3.6) 0.0001 5.6 (±5.1) 0.13
Mavs−/− 2.7 (±5.2) 0.52 6.6 (±6.8) 0.12
MIP-1β WT 36.6 (±22.8) 45.2 (±20.4)
Ifnar−/− 35.0 (±24.0) 0.91
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 23.7 (±12.3) 0.21 38.8 (±36.6) 0.71
Mavs−/− 31.5 (±16.2) 0.69 18.5 (±16.9) 0.03
RANTES WT 14.5 (±5.8) 14.1 (±5.1)
Ifnar−/− 85.6 (±52.3) 0.0008
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 50.9 (±34.5) 0.0001 12.6 (±7.6) 0.64
Mavs−/− 15.3 (±17.1) 0.30 31.6 (±19.8) 0.04
TNF-α WT 276.4 (±193.8) 334.2 (±182.7)
Ifnar−/− 198.4 (±117.9) 0.36
Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− 179.1 (±113.4) 0.20 145.2 (±101.3) 0.05
Mavs−/− 155.0 (±157.2) 0.17 137.3 (±114.5) 0.04

The indicated strains of mice were infected with OROV. Serum was collected on days 4 and 6 postinfection (p.i.), and cytokines and chemokines were measured by Bio-Plex array. Data represent the means (±SD) in pg/ml from 8 to 12 mice per group. Statistical significance was determined using the Mann-Whitney test, and P values were obtained after comparison to infected WT mice.

OROV replication is enhanced in primary cell cultures with defects in IFN induction or signaling.

To begin to determine how the components of the type I IFN induction and signaling pathway affected OROV infection in specific cell types, we performed multistep growth analysis in MEFs, DCs, and Mϕ derived from WT mice and Mda5−/−, Rig-I−/−, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice. In MEFs, deletion of either RIG-I or MDA-5 did not affect OROV infection substantively compared to titers observed in WT cells (Fig. 6A). However, OROV replicated to higher levels (2.3- to 4.2-fold, P < 0.05) in Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO MEFs than in WT MEFs at 24 and 60 h after infection (Fig. 6B). In comparison, OROV replication was observed in bone marrow-derived DCs from Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice but not from WT mice (Fig. 6C). For Mϕ, productive OROV infection was apparent only in cells derived from Ifnar−/− mice (Fig. 6D). These results suggest that while specific components of the IFN induction and signaling pathways restrict OROV in all cell types, their inhibitory effect is more dominant in myeloid cells, at least in culture.

FIG 6.


OROV replication in primary MEFs, DCs, and Mϕ. (A and B) Kinetics of OROV replication in WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− MEFs (A) or Rig-I−/−, Rig-I+/+, and MDA5−/− MEFs (B) after infection at an MOI of 0.001. Supernatants were harvested at the indicated times for titration by focus-forming assay. (C and D) Kinetics of OROV replication in DCs (C) and Mϕ (D) derived from WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− mice after infection at an MOI of 0.001. The data represent the means ± SD from three independent experiments performed in triplicate. All KO cell groups were compared to WT by two-way ANOVA, and asterisks indicate statistical significance (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001). The dotted line represents the limit of detection of the assay.

OROV induces type I IFN production in mouse cells.

Although several members of the Orthobunyavirus genera, including LACV, SBV, and BUNV, inhibit induction of type I IFN (33, 34, 55), we hypothesized that OROV might lack this activity in murine cells, which could explain its failure to cause disease in WT immunocompetent mice or replicate efficiently in some of the WT primary cells. To test this hypothesis, we infected WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO MEFs with OROV and measured Ifna and Ifnb mRNA levels by qRT-PCR after 1, 4, 12, 24, and 36 h. In parallel, we measured mRNA levels of Ifit1, a strongly induced ISG, and Gapdh; the latter gene serves as a control for possible virus-induced host transcriptional shutoff (Fig. 7A). We infected WT MEFs, as a positive control, with West Nile virus (WNV), an encephalitic flavivirus that potently induces type I IFN (52). In contrast to that seen with BUNV in either murine or human 293 cells (37), OROV infection did not inhibit type I IFN or ISG induction in WT MEFs, as induction of Ifna, Ifnb, and Ifit1 mRNA was observed within 4 h of infection (Fig. 7B to D). The production of these mRNA, however, was delayed and blunted in Mavs−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO MEFs (Fig. 7B to D), indicating that RLR signaling through IRF-3 and IRF-7 had a dominant effect on IFN and ISG induction. Consistent with this, we did not detect IFN-β protein by ELISA in the supernatants of Mavs−/− or Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO MEFs, whereas high levels were observed in OROV-infected WT and Ifnar−/− cells (Fig. 7E). In Mavs−/− but not Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO cells, Ifit1 mRNA still accumulated, suggesting an RLR-independent pathway of induction, possibly through TLRs (e.g., TLR3). Ifit1 mRNA levels were abolished in OROV-infected Ifnar−/− MEFs (Fig. 7D) despite the increased level of infection, suggesting that the IFN-independent (e.g., IRF3-dependent [56]) pathway of ISG induction could not compensate for the loss of type I IFN signaling. These results indicate that OROV does not antagonize type I IFN production or signaling efficiently in mouse fibroblasts.

FIG 7.


OROV efficiently induces type I IFN production and ISGs in murine but not in human cells. (A to D) MEFs from WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− mice were infected with OROV at an MOI of 0.1 or mock infected. At 1, 4, 12, or 36 h after infection, the relative expression levels of Gapdh (A), Ifna (B), Ifnb (C), and Ifit1 (D) mRNA were determined by qRT-PCR. Gene expression was normalized to 18S rRNA and is displayed as the fold increase compared to the mock-infected cells on a log2 scale. Data represent the averages from three independent experiments performed in triplicate and are expressed as the means ± SD. (E) MEFs from WT, Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− mice were infected with OROV at an MOI of 0.1. At 1, 4, 12, 36, and 48 h after infection, the accumulation of IFN-β protein in the supernatant was determined by ELISA. The results are expressed in pg/ml after plotting the optical densities using a 4-parameter fit for the standard curve run in the same plate. The data represent the means ± SD from two independent experiments performed in triplicate. (F to H) 2fTGH and U3A human cells were infected with OROV at an MOI of 0.1 or mock infected. At 1, 4, 12, or 36 h after infection, the relative expression levels of GAPDH (F), IFNB (G), and IFIT1 (H) mRNA were determined by qRT-PCR. Gene expression was normalized to 18S rRNA and is displayed as the fold increase compared to the mock-infected cells on a log2 scale. (I) Kinetics of OROV replication in 2fTGH and U3A human cells after infection at an MOI of 0.1. The cells were lysed and harvested at the indicated times for RNA extraction and qRT-PCR. The data represent the means ± SD from three independent experiments performed in triplicate. In this figure, asterisks indicate statistical significance (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001), and the dotted line represents the limit of detection of the assay.

In comparison, the production of IFNA, IFNB, and IFIT1 mRNAs after OROV infection was blunted in both 2fTGH and U3A (a 2fTGH-derived cell lacking STAT1) human fibrosarcoma cells relative to GAPDH expression or WNV infection (Fig. 7F to H; data not shown). Consistent with this attenuated IFN response, OROV replicated equally well in both cells lines (Fig. 7I). In particular, low levels of the ISG IFIT1 were observed in OROV-infected cells, which suggests a virus-mediated defect in IFN-dependent or independent induction pathways. Thus, OROV appears to antagonize type I IFN production or signaling more efficiently in human cells than in mouse cells, which could explain why IFN induction and signaling are key restriction components in the murine model.

Type I IFN signaling in nonmyeloid cells likely contributes to defense against infection by OROV.

As a deficiency of IFNAR signaling resulted in enhanced OROV infection of myeloid cells in culture, we evaluated its contribution to pathogenesis by infecting LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f, CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f, and Cre Ifnarf/f mice, which selectively delete IFNAR expression on Mϕ, monocytes, and granulocytes (LysM) or CD11c+ DCs (57, 58). Unexpectedly, LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f and CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f clinically were not more vulnerable to OROV infection; mortality rates and weight loss were similar to those for OROV-infected Cre Ifnarf/f or WT mice (Fig. 8A and B). As observed in WT mice (see Fig. 2), infectious OROV was not detected in any tissue from LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f, CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f, or Cre Ifnarf/f mice on day 4 after infection by focus-forming assay (data not shown). However, using a more sensitive qRT-PCR assay that detects viral mRNAs and genomes, higher levels of OROV RNA were measured in the spleen of LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f (P < 0.004) and CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f (P < 0.05) mice than Cre Ifnarf/f or WT mice (Fig. 8C), suggesting that the deletion of IFNAR expression in myeloid cells facilitated OROV replication in vivo, but this was not sufficient to change the clinical outcome. Indeed, the levels of OROV RNA in the liver and serum were similar among all groups of animals (Fig. 8C and D). By inference, these results suggest that type I IFN signaling in nonmyeloid cells contributes to restricting OROV pathogenesis in vivo.

FIG 8.


LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f and CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f are not more vulnerable to OROV and LACV infection. (A) Survival analysis of 5- to 6-week-old mice after inoculation with 106 FFU of OROV by footpad injection: CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f (n = 30), LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f (n = 25), and Cre Ifnarf/f (n = 31) mice were used to construct survival curves. Data are pooled from at least three independent experiments. (B) Weight loss in CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f (n = 30), LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f (n = 25), and Cre Ifnarf/f (n = 31) mice. The weight loss curves were compared at a given time point using 2-way ANOVA. (C and D) Quantification of OROV RNA by qRT-PCR in the liver (C), spleen (C), and serum (D) from WT, CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f, LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f, and Cre Ifnarf/f mice at 4 days after infection. A scatter plot of the data is shown, with each point representing a single animal. The bars indicate median values and were obtained from 10 mice per group. The dotted line represents the limit of detection of the assay. Groups were compared to the WT by the Mann-Whitney test; asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01). Note, OROV RNA was detected in the serum, spleen, and liver of WT mice by qRT-PCR, as this assay was more sensitive than infectious virus titration (Fig. 2) or IHC (Fig. 4). (E and F) Survival analysis of 8-week-old mice after inoculation with 105 FFU (n = 23 for WT, n = 5 for Ifnar−/−, n = 25 for LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f, n = 12 for CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f, and n = 8 for Cre Ifnarf/f) (E) or 106 FFU (n = 21 for WT, n = 5 for Ifnar−/−, n = 23 for LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f, n = 16 for CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f, and n = 13 for Cre Ifnarf/f) (F) of LACV by footpad injection. (G and H) Weight loss analysis of 8-week-old mice after inoculation with 105 FFU (G) or 106 FFU (H) of LACV by footpad injection in the same mice. Data are pooled from at least three independent experiments. Survival curves were analyzed by the log rank test, and weight loss values were compared by 2-way ANOVA. Asterisks indicate differences that were statistically significant compared to WT animals with the same viral dose (*, P < 0.05).

To assess whether myeloid cell types have a significant role in restricting infection by other orthobunyaviruses in vivo, we infected LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f, CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f, Cre Ifnarf/f, Ifnar−/−, and WT mice with 105 or 106 FFU of LACV. Similar to results reported previously (34, 36, 37), uniform and rapid lethality was observed after LACV infection of Ifnar−/− mice lacking type I IFN signaling in all cell types (Fig. 8E and F). Analogous to the results seen with OROV, CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f mice did not show substantially enhanced lethality after LACV infection compared to Cre Ifnarf/f and WT mice at either LACV dose (Fig. 8E and F). A significant weight loss in LACV-infected CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f mice occurred late, on days 10 and 12, and only after infection with 106 FFU of LACV (Fig. 8G and H). Unexpectedly, LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f mice were more resistant to lethal LACV infection than WT or Cre Ifnarf/f mice (Fig. 8F), suggesting that type I IFN signaling in Mϕ, monocytes, or granulocytes has a role in the pathogenesis induced by LACV. Independent of the differences in outcome, these results suggest that type I IFN signaling on nonmyeloid cells contributes to controlling infection of different orthobunyaviruses.

To corroborate the importance of type I IFN signaling in nonmyeloid cells in OROV pathogenesis, reciprocal bone marrow chimera and infection studies were performed. We adoptively transferred WT or Ifnar−/− bone marrow cells into sublethally irradiated 4-week-old Ifnar−/− or WT recipient mice (Fig. 9A). Eight weeks later, the reconstitution of donor immune cell populations in blood was confirmed in recipient mice by flow cytometry (Fig. 9B). All recipient animals were infected with OROV and 4 days later were analyzed. WT recipient animals receiving donor bone marrow cells from either WT or Ifnar−/− mice showed no macroscopic evidence of liver injury. Consistent with this observation, these recipient animals had only mildly elevated serum transaminases (AST and ALT), normal glucose levels in serum, and little evidence of OROV infection in the liver or spleen (Fig. 9C and D). In contrast, OROV-infected Ifnar−/− mice that had received WT donor bone marrow sustained liver injury that was equivalent to that in unmanipulated Ifnar−/− mice, with markedly elevated AST and ALT levels, hypoglycemia, and high levels of OROV infection. These studies support a protective role of IFNAR signaling in radio-resistant nonmyeloid cells during OROV infection.

FIG 9.


A deficiency of IFNAR expression on radio-resistant cells determines OROV pathogenesis. (A) Bone marrow cells from C57BL/6 WT or Ifnar−/− mice were transferred adoptively (107 cells per recipient animal) to 800-cGy-irradiated 4-week-old WT or Ifnar−/− mice (WT→WT, WT→Ifnar−/−, Ifnar−/−→WT). After validation of donor immune cell reconstitution (B), recipient animals were infected with 106 FFU of OROV. Four days later, serum, spleen, and liver were harvested for blood chemistry and viral titer analyses. Results were compared to data obtained in parallel experiments with OROV-infected unmanipulated Ifnar−/− mice. (C) Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and glucose (GLU) levels were measured from serum of recipient WT and Ifnar−/− mice 4 days after OROV infection. Data points represent individual mice. Data are pooled from two independent experiments, and the asterisks indicate statistical significance as judged by the Mann-Whitney test (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001). (D) Quantification of OROV in the liver, spleen, brain, and serum from recipient WT and Ifnar−/− mice at 4 days after infection. A scatter plot of the data is shown, with each point representing a single animal. The bars indicate median values and were obtained from 5 to 14 mice per group. The dotted line represents the limit of detection of the assay. Groups were compared by the Mann-Whitney test; asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (**, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001).


In this study, we evaluated the mechanisms of innate immune control of OROV, an emerging insect-transmitted orthobunyavirus of global concern. Our experiments suggest that pathogen recognition by RLR family members, activation of MAVS, IRF-3, and IRF-7, and production of type I IFN help to orchestrate control of OROV replication in mice. As evidence of this, although 6-week-old WT C57BL/6 mice were resistant to OROV infection and did not sustain appreciable infectious titers in their organs, a high proportion of Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice succumbed to lethal infection by a subcutaneous injection route and developed high levels of virus in the liver, spleen, and blood.

Our results demonstrate that an IFN-induced antiviral state against OROV was triggered downstream of MAVS activation and IRF-3- and IRF-7-mediated transcription, although some Mavs−/− and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice survived and cleared the virus infection. It is likely that both IFN-α and IFN-β contribute to protection against OROV infection, since only a small proportion of Ifnb−/− mice succumbed to viral infection, whereas all Ifnar−/− mice died rapidly. Analogously, Ifnb−/− mice exhibited an intermediate survival phenotype when infected with the related LACV (35) or unrelated WNV (59). A recent study on LACV showed that activation of MAVS led to upregulation of the adaptor protein SARM1 and increased neuronal death via oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage (40). In that study, Mavs−/− mice showed decreased lethality compared to that of WT mice, although viral yields in the brain were unchanged. Our results differ in that Mavs−/− mice were more vulnerable to OROV infection and sustained higher titers in the liver than WT mice. Although direct comparative experiments are warranted, the disparity in the MAVS-dependent phenotype between the two studies could reflect experimental variables, including the age of the mice (3 versus 6 weeks old), the route of inoculation (intraperitoneal versus subcutaneous), and the input dose (103 versus 106 FFU) or inherent differences in pathogenicity and tropism of OROV and LACV.

IRF-3 and IRF-7 are transcription factors that regulate expression of type I IFN and ISGs (56, 60). Although IRF-3 is expressed constitutively in many cell types, apart from a subset of cells, including plasmacytoid DCs, IRF-7 expression is induced by IRF-3 or IFNAR signaling (61). The nonredundant roles of IRF-3 and IRF-7 have been documented in pathogenesis studies with other viruses (47, 62). Consistent with this, we observed no lethality of Irf3−/− or Irf7−/− single-KO mice after OROV infection, whereas ∼50% of Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice succumbed to infection and exhibited greater viral burden. Nonetheless, the Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice did not phenocopy Ifnar−/− mice. OROV also replicated to higher levels in Ifnar−/− DCs and Mϕ than in Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− cells. These data suggest that other transcription factors likely contribute to type I IFN induction after OROV infection. IRF-1 and IRF-5 are candidate factors, as they have been shown to regulate type I IFN responses against viruses under some circumstances (52, 6366).

In our immunocompromised mouse models of OROV infection, we observed hepatic injury and necrosis that likely caused lethal disease, which was not observed in WT mice. This disease manifested histologically as TUNEL+ hepatocytes and by the high levels of liver transaminases and low level of glucose in serum. In humans, this extensive degree of liver injury is not typical, although elevated liver transaminases in serum of patients with OROV fever have been reported (12). Although some aspects of OROV disease in the KO mice do not clearly parallel human infection, the development of subcutaneous infection mouse models of OROV likely will be useful in monitoring effects on viral replication in the context of future preclinical testing of therapeutics, akin to studies with the unrelated dengue virus (DENV), which also replicates poorly in WT mice (reviewed in reference 67).

Because our histopathological and blood chemistry studies showed massive liver damage after OROV infection of immunocompromised mice, we hypothesized this might be due to sepsis and cytokine storm, as we observed previously with the flavivirus WNV (51). Although we detected an elevation in the levels of several cytokines and chemokines (e.g., IL-6, IL-12p40, G-CSF, KC, MCP-1, MIP-1α, and RANTES) in Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice on days 4 and 6 after OROV infection, the vasoactive cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β were within the normal range. Also inconsistent with a cytokine storm scenario and sepsis physiology, we failed to observe significant renal damage, as judged by normal blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine values. Together with our viral burden and immunohistochemical analyses, it seems more likely that the liver damage in OROV-infected Ifnar−/−, Mavs−/−, and Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− DKO mice was due to the direct cytopathic effects of the virus in hepatocytes. Alternatively, although further study is necessary, immune cell targeting of virally infected cells by natural killer or cytotoxic T cells could contribute to acute liver damage. The etiology of liver damage and its role in orthobunyavirus pathogenesis remain to be completely understood, although OROV and Melao virus (MELV) infection directly infect the liver in hamsters (21, 68). Additional pathological mechanisms may contribute, as infection of mice with Caraparu virus (CARV), a member of group C of the Bunyaviridae family, induces acute oxidative stress-dependent hepatitis, with increased serum levels of AST and ALT (69).

Myeloid cell-dependent IFNAR signaling is essential for restricting pathogenesis of some (e.g., WNV, DENV, and mouse hepatitis viruses) (51, 70, 71) but not all (e.g., chikungunya virus) viruses (72). Somewhat unexpectedly, CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f and LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f did not succumb to infection with 106 FFU of OROV or 105 FFU of LACV, suggesting that IFNAR signaling by nonmyeloid cell subtypes has a dominant role in restricting infection by these orthobunyaviruses. Bone marrow chimera studies revealed that IFNAR signaling in radio-resistant cells helps to restrict OROV infection and injury in the liver. It remains possible that IFNAR signaling in selected radio-resistant myeloid cell subsets (e.g., resident tissue macrophages) in vivo contributes to control of OROV infection. Moreover, IFN signaling in myeloid cells likely has some role in restricting orthobunyaviruses, as bone marrow-derived Mϕ and DCs from WT mice were relatively resistant to OROV infection, whereas cells from Ifnar−/− mice were susceptible. Consistent with this data, increased levels of OROV RNA were detected in the spleen of CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f and LysM Cre+ Ifnarf/f mice, and infection with LACV was associated with greater weight loss in CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f mice. Indeed, a recent study demonstrated that myeloid dendritic cells are critical for the type I IFN response and protection to LACV in adult mice (73). Differences on routes of infection (subcutaneous versus intraperitoneal) and age of animals (8 versus 6 weeks old) may explain the disparity in mortality rates between the two studies in CD11c Cre+ Ifnarf/f mice after LACV infection.

OROV is a zoonotic virus that circulates in vertebrate animals in South America, including sloths and monkeys. The ability of OROV to infect and replicate in wild rodents remains uncertain, but the seroprevalence rate is low (12). Productive infection by OROV in a mammalian host likely depends on several factors, including its ability to evade the innate immune response. Members of the Bunyaviridae family possess several mechanisms to antagonize the type I IFN and innate immune response pathways, primarily through the actions of N-terminal domains in the L protein or via their NSs protein. The L gene of CCHFV encodes an ovarian tumor (OUT) domain-containing viral protease that hydrolyzes ubiquitin and ISG15 from cellular target proteins, which leads to inhibition of NF-κB-dependent signaling and loss of antiviral effects of ISG15 (74). The NSs genes of orthobunyaviruses reportedly induce mammalian cell protein shutoff (33, 75), suppression of RNA interference (55), and inhibition of IFNB transcription and ISG production (3335). Although NSs proteins are not essential for orthobunyavirus growth in tissue culture (reviewed in reference 76), they contribute to pathogenesis, as their deletion attenuates infection in mice, as seen for Akabane virus, BUNV, and LACV (33, 35, 37, 77). The recent development of an artificial minigenome system for OROV (78) will help to address which genes (L, NSs, or other genes) antagonize the type I IFN pathway to promote infection.

Our data suggest that OROV did not inhibit type I IFN production efficiently in mouse cells and, accordingly, virus infection was greater in cells deficient in IFN induction or signaling. Correspondingly, in WT mice, OROV infection was abortive, whereas high levels of replication and disease were sustained in Ifnar−/− or Irf3−/− × Irf7−/− animals. In contrast, at least in the two human cell lines that we tested, the induction of type I IFN or ISGs was diminished. One possible explanation for our findings, which requires confirmation, is a species-specific immune antagonism activity of OROV NSs (or L), which blocks human but not mouse IFN responses. This concept might explain the species barrier of OROV in immunocompetent rodents analogous to what has been described for other viruses, including DENV, where the viral NS2B3 and NS5 proteins promote degradation of human but not mouse STING and STAT2 (7982). Alternatively, the attenuated phenotype in mice was due to the particular OROV strain we used. Future studies using OROV field isolates will be needed to address this issue more definitively.

In summary, our study establishes that the induction of type I IFN through MAVS, IRF-3, and IRF-7 is essential to control OROV infection in mice, and this likely occurs dominantly in nonmyeloid cells. The disease, associated with OROV infection of immunocompromised mice, caused marked hepatic injury. Given the extent of OROV infection in the liver of Ifnar−/− mice, hepatocytes may require IFN signaling to avoid targeting by OROV. The animal models described here may be useful for understanding the basic biology of OROV, an emerging infectious disease with epidemic potential, as well as testing new candidate therapeutics.


The National Institutes of Health (R01 AI104972 to M.S.D and P30 DK52574 to Digestive Diseases Research Core Center Morphology Core), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)–Science Without Borders (246513/2012-8 to J.L.P.-M), and a University Research Committee grant supported this work.

We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Jennifer Govero, Michelle Noll, and Soila Sukupolvi-Petty.


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