Figure 6.
Effects of exercise and caloric restriction on muscle organic and amino acid and plasma acylcarnitine metabolites in NT and MCK-PGC1α mice fed an HFD. Metabolites were measured by tandem mass spectrometry using gastrocnemius muscles from NT and MCK-PGC1α mice after 30 weeks of high-fat feeding without or with exercise and caloric restriction (Ex/CR). A: Organic acids. B: Amino acids. Acylcarnitine (C) and acyl-CoA intermediates (D) of amino acid catabolism. E: Plasma acetylcarnitine (C2). F: Plasma short-chain acylcarnitines. Data represent means ± SEM for 6–8 mice per group. Statistical differences were analyzed by two-way ANOVA. There was an effect of treatment group on organic acid, amino acid, and their acylcarnitine and acyl-CoA metabolites. *P < 0.05 between genotypes, #P < 0.05 within a genotype between treatment conditions (sedentary [Sed] versus Ex/CR).