Figure 1—source data 1. Quantified features.List of features that were quantified and their thermal responses within and beyond the thermal range for C. elegans (N2). Within the thermal range, features were categorized as ‘temperature-dependent’ if the Pearson correlation p-value was below 0.0014 = 0.05/35 (see ‘Materials and methods’ for Bonferroni correction; ‘temperature-independent’ is shown underlined). Beyond the thermal limit, we performed an F-test to determine if the thermal response of the feature was changing compared to within the thermal range (see ‘Materials and methods’; we indicated a change in thermal response when the F-test p-value was below 0.0014, highlighted in bold). Abbreviations: PC: pseudo-cleavage, PM: pronuclear meeting, ME: mitotic entry, T: temperature, C/R: centration-rotation, MT: microtubules. The following features were also quantified but displayed no consistent thermal response both within and beyond the thermal range and hence were not included in the table: anterior-most position at the end of C/R, number of anterior and posterior oscillations, spindle position at the onset of oscillations.