Dose-response neutralization of the genotype 1-3 HCVcc panel by HMAbs HC84.24 and AR4A. (A-B) Neutralization of genotype 1 Core-NS2 JFH1-based recombinants including H77 (1a), TN (1a), DH6 (1a), J4 (1b), DH1 (1b), and DH5 (1b); (C-D) Genotype 2: J6 (2a), T9 (2a), JFH1 (2a), J8 (2b), DH8 (2b), DH10 (2b), and S83 (2c); (E-F) Genotype 3: DH11 (3a), DBN (3a), and S52 (3a). HMAb concentrations ranged from 0.0012 to 100 μg/ml and were incubated in a 5-fold dilution series with the various virus stocks in a 96 well format. Inhibitory concentrations for 50% virus neutralization (IC50) values for each HCVcc are indicated. Controls for this experiment were isotype-matched antibodies R04 (for HC84.24) and b6 (for AR4A) (see Supplemental Fig. 1). All measurements were performed in 4 replicates and error bars show the standard error of the mean (SEM). For data on all HMAbs see Supplemental Fig. 1.