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. 2015 Mar 4;5(5):777–801. doi: 10.1534/g3.114.016154

Modeling X-Linked Ancestral Origins in Multiparental Populations

Chaozhi Zheng 1,1
PMCID: PMC4426366  PMID: 25740936


The models for the mosaic structure of an individual’s genome from multiparental populations have been developed primarily for autosomes, whereas X chromosomes receive very little attention. In this paper, we extend our previous approach to model ancestral origin processes along two X chromosomes in a mapping population, which is necessary for developing hidden Markov models in the reconstruction of ancestry blocks for X-linked quantitative trait locus mapping. The model accounts for the joint recombination pattern, the asymmetry between maternally and paternally derived X chromosomes, and the finiteness of population size. The model can be applied to various mapping populations such as the advanced intercross lines (AIL), the Collaborative Cross (CC), the heterogeneous stock (HS), the Diversity Outcross (DO), and the Drosophila synthetic population resource (DSPR). We further derive the map expansion, density (per Morgan) of recombination breakpoints, in advanced intercross populations with L inbred founders under the limit of an infinitely large population size. The analytic results show that for X chromosomes the genetic map expands linearly at a rate (per generation) of two-thirds times 1 – 10/(9L) for the AIL, and at a rate of two-thirds times 1 – 1/L for the DO and the HS, whereas for autosomes the map expands at a rate of 1 – 1/L for the AIL, the DO, and the HS.

Keywords: advanced intercross lines (AIL), Collaborative Cross (CC), Diversity Outcross (DO), Drosophila synthetic population resource (DSPR), map expansion, MPP, multiparental populations, Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC)

There have been recently designed quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping populations with either multiple parents to increase the genetic diversity of the founder population, or many intercross generations to improve the mapping resolution by accumulating historical recombination events. Some examples include the Collaborative Cross (CC) (Churchill et al. 2004), the advanced intercross lines (AIL) (Darvasi and Soller 1995), the heterogeneous stock (HS) (Mott et al. 2000), the diversity outcross (DO) (Svenson et al. 2012), and the Drosophila synthetic population resource (DSPR) (King et al. 2012). The CC can be regarded as a set of eight-way recombinant inbred lines (RIL) by sibling mating, where eight founders of each line are permuted.

The genomes of individuals in QTL mapping populations are random mosaics of the founders’ genomes. The QTL mapping generally necessitates the reconstruction of these genome blocks along two homologous chromosomes of a sampled individual from available genotype data. Such reconstruction is often performed under a hidden Markov model (HMM) with the latent state being the pair of ancestral origins at a locus, where the transition probability of ancestral origins between two loci, or the two-locus diplotype (two-haplotype) probabilities are required.

Modeling ancestral origins along a pair of autosomal chromosomes has been well developed recently. Broman (2012a) extended the approach of Haldane and Waddington (1931) from the two-way to four- and eight-way RIL by sibling mating and provided recipes for calculating autosomal two-locus diplotype probabilities numerically. Johannes and Colome-Tatche (2011) derived autosomal two-locus diplotype probabilities for the two-way RIL by selfing. Zheng et al. (2014) described a general modeling framework for ancestral origins that can be applied to autosomes in various mapping populations such as the RIL by selfing or sibling mating and the AIL.

A special treatment is required for modeling ancestral origins along a pair of X chromosomes. Haldane and Waddington (1931) derived the recurrence relations of the X-linked two-locus diplotype probabilities for the two-way RIL by sibling mating and the bi-parental repeated parent-offspring mating, and their closed form solutions for the final homozygous lines. Broman (2005) extended the solutions to the two- and three-locus haplotype probabilities for the two, four, or eight-way RIL by sibling mating. Broman (2012b) derived the X-linked two-locus haplotype probabilities in advanced intercross populations including the AIL, the HS, and the DO, assuming an infinitely large population size.

In this paper, we extend our previous work (Zheng et al. 2014) to model the ancestral origins along a pair of X chromosomes in a finite mapping population. This extension also builds on the theory of junctions in inbreeding (Fisher 1949, 1954). A junction is defined as a boundary point of genome blocks on chromosomes where two distinct ancestral origins meet, and the boundary points that occur at the same location along multiple chromosomes are counted as a single junction. The map expansion is the expected junction density (per Morgan) on a maternally or paternally derived X chromosome, denoted by Rm or Rp, respectively. We denote by ρmp the overall junction density along the XX chromosomes of a female, and it can be used as a measure of X-linked QTL mapping resolution (Darvasi and Soller 1995; Weller and Soller 2004).

The key feature of this extension is to account for the asymmetry between maternally and paternally derived X chromosomes because the latter did not experience any crossover events with Y chromosomes. We first present a model framework for X-linked ancestral origins, where the recurrent relations are derived for various junction densities including the map expansions Rm and Rp. Then, we derive the closed form solutions for these expected densities in mapping populations including the RIL by sibling mating, the AIL, the HS, the DO, and the DSPR; they are evaluated by forward simulation studies. Lastly, we discuss the model assumptions and the implications of the analytic results on haplotype reconstructions and breeding designs.

A model for X-linked ancestral origins

Assumptions and notation

Consider a dioecious population with two separate sexes: homogametic females with sex chromosomes XX and heterogametic males with sex chromosomes XY. There are no recombination events between X and Y, and thus we ignore the pseudoautosomal regions on the XY chromosomes. As in most mammals and some insects (Drosophila), some flowering species, such as white campion (Silene latifolia), papaya (Carica papaya), and asparagus (Asparagus officianalis), have the XY sex determination system (Ming and Moore 2007). The dioecious population was founded in generation 0, and it has nonoverlapping generations. There are no natural or artificial selections since the founder population. The mating schemes of producing the next generation are random, and they may vary from one generation to the next. The assignments of offspring genders are assumed to be independent of mating schemes.

The ancestral origins along two homologous autosomes have been modeled as a continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) (Zheng et al. 2014). We extend the approach to account for the asymmetry of XX chromosomes, using superscript m (p) for maternally (paternally) derived genes or chromosomes. See Supporting Information, Table S1 for a list of symbols used in this paper. Let O(x)=(Om(x),Op(x)) be the ordered pair of the ancestral origins at location x along the two X chromosomes of a randomly sampled female. The ancestral origin process O(x) is assumed to follow a CTMC, where x is the time parameter in unit of Morgan. We assign a unique ancestral origin to the X chromosomes of each inbred founder, or to each X chromosome of each outbred founder. Multiple genes, within or between loci, are identical by descent (IBD) if they have the same ancestral origins. Let L be the number of possible ancestral origins that Om(x) or Op(x) may take. L may be less than the number of inbred founders if some male founders did not produce daughters to pass down their X chromosomes. For example, L=3 for the four-way RIL by sibling mating since one of the founder mating pairs produces only one son (Figure 1A).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

The continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) of X-linked ancestry blocks in the four-way recombinant inbred lines (RILs) by sibling mating. (A) One realization of ancestry blocks in the four-way RIL with generation up to F3. The sex chromosomes of the four inbred founders are represented by different colors and labeled as A, B, C, and D. The short bars denote Y chromosomes. The ancestral origin D is impossible in the X chromosomes of generation t ≥ 1. (B) Evaluation of the exchangeability assumption by one-locus genotype probabilities. The gray dashed line refers to the average genotype probability for one particular non-IBD genotype AB, AC, or BC; the black dashed line is for one particular IBD genotype AA, BB, or CC. Note that the ancestral origins A and B are exchangeable, but the ancestral origin C is not exchangeable with either A or B. (C) Schematics of the seven junction types along the maternally (left) and paternally (right) derived X chromosomes. (D) The rate matrix of the CTMC for the four RILs in (A). The diagonal elements are given so that row sums are zero. The rate matrix is determined by the seven basic rates, each corresponding to one of the seven junction types. The subscripts of the basic rates denote the IBD (1) or non-IBD (0) states on the left- and right-hand sides of the junctions, and the rates with superscript * refer to the transitions on the paternally derived chromosome. (E) The general relationships between the basic rates and the expected densities for the seven types of junctions, with L=3 for the four-way RIL in (A).

The L possible ancestral origins are assumed to be exchangeable, so that we focus on the changes of ancestral origins. See Figure 1B and the relevant part of Discussion on the exchangeability assumption. The initial distribution of O(0) at the leftmost locus x=0 is specified by αmp(11), a probability that the two ancestral origins are the same (IBD) at a locus. Let αmp(12)=1αmp(11) be the non-IBD probability. Given either IBD or non-IBD at the locus, the ancestral origin pair O(0) takes each of the possible combinations with equal probability.

The transition rate matrix of the CTMC can be constructed from the expected densities Jmp(abcd) of all the junction types (abcd) along the two X chromosomes of a female. The junction type (abcd) denotes the four-gene IBD configuration (abcd) on both sides of a junction, where ab (cd) is on the left-hand (right-hand) side, haplotype ac (bd) is on the first (second) chromosome, and the same integers denote IBD. Figure 1C illustrates the seven types of junctions: (1112), (1121), (1122), (1211), (1213), (1222), and (1232) for L3, where the two types (1213) and (1232) do not exist for L=2. We do not define junction types for the eight two-locus configurations (1111), (1123), (1212), (1221), (1223), (1231), (1233), and (1234), because there are either zero or no less than two junctions between the two loci. Figure 1D shows the transition rate matrix of the CTMC in the four-way RIL by sibling mating. Figure 1E shows the relationships between the expected densities Jmp(abcd) and the transition rates, and they are derived based on the interpretation that Jmp(abcd)Δd is the two-locus diplotype probability, in the limit that the genetic distance Δd (in Morgan) between two loci goes to zero.

The map expansions Rm and Rp and the overall expected junction density ρmp are given by

Rm=Jmp(1121)+Jmp(1122)+Jmp(1222)+Jmp(1232), (1)
Rp=Jmp(1112)+Jmp(1122)+Jmp(1211)+Jmp(1213), (2)
ρmp=Rm+RpJmp(1122), (3)

similar to those for autosomes (Zheng et al. 2014) except that RmRp for X chromosomes. We have Jmp(1112)=Jmp(1211) and Jmp(1121)=Jmp(1222), since the junction densities do not depend on the direction of chromosomes. In contrast to the single-locus two-gene non-IBD probability αmp(12), the ordering of the superscripts in Jmp(abcd) generally does matter, that is, Jmp(abcd)Jpm(abcd) except for the junction type (1122). In addition, we have Jmp(1213)=Jpm(1232) (see Figure 1C). Thus, the CTMC of X-linked ancestral origins can be described by one non-IBD probability αmp(12) and the five expected junction densities Rm, Rp, Jmp(1122), Jmp(1232), and Jpm(1232), under the exchangeability assumption of the L possible ancestral origins.

Single-locus non-IBD probabilities

The calculation of the expected junction densities necessitates the introduction of the probabilities for the two- and three-gene IBD configurations at a single locus. All the following derivations of the recurrence relations for these probabilities are based on the Mendelian inheritance of X-linked genes: a paternally derived gene must be a copy of the maternally derived gene in a male of the previous generation, and a maternally derived gene has equal probability of being a copy of either the maternally derived gene or the paternally derived gene in a female of the previous generation.

In a dioecious mapping population, the single-locus two-gene probabilities of IBD configuration (ab) depend on whether or not the two homologous genes are in a single individual. Thus, we denote by βmm(ab), βmp(ab), and βpp(ab) the two-gene probability of IBD configuration (ab), given that the two homologous genes are in two distinct individuals in generation t and have parental origins mm, mp, and pp, respectively (Figure 2A); it holds that βpm(ab)=βmp(ab).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Schematics of (A) the probabilities of the two-gene IBD configurations, (B) the probabilities of the three-gene IBD configurations, and (C) the expected junction densities. Circles denote females, and dashed rectangles for males or females. Black vertical lines denote the maternally derived X chromosomes, and gray vertical lines for the paternally derived. Dots denote genes on chromosomes.

The recurrence relations of the two-gene non-IBD probabilities are derived by tracing the parental origins of two homologous genes from generation t1 into the previous generation, and they are given by

βtmm(12)=stm12αt1mp(12)+(1stm)[14βt1mm(12)+12βt1mp+14βt1pp] (4a)
βtmp(12)=12βt1mm(12)+12βt1mp(12) (4b)
βtpp(12)=(1stp)βt1mm(12) (4c)
αtmp(12)=βtmp(12) (4d)

where equation (4d) holds immediately after one generation of random mating, although it may not hold in the founder population at t=0. In equation (4a), the first term on the right-hand side refers to the scenario that the two genes with parent origins mm in generation t come from a single female of the previous generation with the probability stm, and with probability 1/2 that they come from different genes of the female. In equation (4b), the two genes with parental origins mp cannot merge because they must come from one male and one female of the previous generation. In equation (4c), the two genes with parental origins pp in generation t come from a single male of the previous generation with the probability stp; if so, they must merge because there is only one X chromosome in a male.

We introduce the single-locus three-gene probabilities of IBD configuration (abc). Let βmmm(abc), βmmp(abc), βmpp(abc), and βppp(abc) be the probabilities of IBD configuration (abc), given that the three homologous genes are in three distinct individuals in generation t and have parental origins mmm, mmp, mpp, and ppp, respectively (Figure 2B). Similarly, we define αmmp(abc) and αmpp(abc) for three homologous genes in two distinct individuals. The ordering of the superscripts does not matter for these three-gene probabilities, for example, βmmp(abc)=βmpm(abc)=βpmm(abc).

The recurrence relations of the three-gene non-IBD probabilities are derived by tracing the parental origins of three homologous genes from generation t ≥ 1 into the previous generation, and they are given by

βtmmm(123)=3qtm12[12αt1mmp(123)+12αt1mpp(123)]+(1stm2qtm)×[18βt1mmm(123)+38βt1mmp(123)+38βt1mpp(123)+18βt1ppp(123)] (5a)
βtmmp(123)=stm12αt1mmp(123)+(1stm)×[14βt1mmm(123)+12βt1mmp(123)+14βt1mpp(123)] (5b)
βtmpp(123)=(1stp)[12βt1mmm(123)+12βt1mmp(123)] (5c)
βtppp(123)=(1stp2qtp)βt1mmm(123) (5d)
αtmmp(123)=βtmmp(123) (5e)
αtmpp(123)=βtmpp(123) (5f)

where qtm is the coalescence probability of three maternally derived genes in generation t that a particular pair of genes come from a single female of the previous generation and the third comes from another female of the previous generation, and similarly qtp for three paternally derived genes. The equations (5e, 5f) hold immediately after one generation of random mating, although they may not hold in the founder population at t=0.

The derivations of the recurrence equations (5a5d) for the three-gene non-IBD probabilities are similar to equations (4a4c) for the two-gene non-IBD probabilities. In equation (5a), the pre-factor 3 denotes that each of the three possible pairs of genes may come from a single female of the previous generation; the term (1stm2qtm) is the probability that the three maternally derived genes in generation t come from three distinct females of the previous generation, and it is obtained by the probability 1stm that one pair of genes come from two distinct females minus the probability 2qtm that the third gene and either gene of the pair come from a single female of the previous generation. Similarly, the term (1stp2qtp) in equation (5d) is the probability that the three paternally derived genes in generation t come from three distinct males of the previous generation.

Expected junction densities

We derive the recurrence relations for Rm, Rp, Jmp(1122), Jmp(1232), and Jpm(1232). The recurrence relation for Rm follows from the theory of junctions (Fisher 1954): a new junction is formed whenever a recombination event occurs between two X chromosomes that are non-IBD at the location of a crossover. The recurrence relations for the map expansions Rm and Rp are given by

Rtm=12Rt1m+12Rt1p+αt1mp(12), (6a)
Rtp=Rt1m, (6b)

where equation (6b) follows directly from no recombination events occurring between the XY chromosomes in a male of the previous generation.

To measure differential map expansions between maternally and paternally derived chromosomes, we define RtX=(2Rtm+Rtp)/3 and Rt=(RtmRtp)/2, and their recurrence relations are given by

RtX=Rt1X+23αt1mp(12), (7a)
Rt=12Rt1+12αt1mp(12), (7b)

according to the recurrence equations (6a, 6b). If there are equal numbers of males and females in the population, a randomly chosen X chromosome is maternally derived with probability 2/3, and it is paternally derived with probability 1/3. Thus RtX can be interpreted as the map expansion on a randomly chosen X chromosome.

For comparisons, we denote by RtA the map expansion on a random chosen autosome, and and its recurrence relation is given by (MacLeod et al. 2005; Zheng et al. 2014)

RtA=Rt1A+αt1AA(12), (8)

where αtAA(12) refers to the non-IBD probability between two homologous autosomal genes in an individual. The equations (7a, 8) show that the map expansion RtX for an X chromosome is two-thirds RtA for an autosome if the non-IBD probability αtAA(12) for autosomes is the same as αtmp(12) for XX chromosomes, and the sex ratio is 1.

In addition to Jtmp(abcd) and Jtpm(abcd), we define Ktmm(abcd), Ktmp(abcd), Ktpm(abcd), and Ktpp(abcd) for haplotypes ac and bd that are in two distinct individuals and have parental origins mm, mp, pm, and pp, respectively (Figure 2C). The contributions to the junctions in the current generation come from either the existing junctions at the previous generation, or a new junction via a crossover event. In the following, we focus on the formation of a new junction, because the contributions of the existing junctions in the previous generation are similar to those for the two-gene non-IBD probabilities in the recurrence equations (4a4c).

The schematics of the recurrence relations for junction types (1232) and (1122) are shown in Figure S1. The ancestry transitions of type (1122) occur on both haplotypes ac and bd at exactly the same location, and thus a new junction of type (1122) can be formed only by duplicating a chromosome segment. It holds that Jtmp(1122)=Jtpm(1122) and Ktmp(1122)=Ktpm(1122) because of the symmetry of type (1122). We have

Ktmm(1122)=stm[12Jt1mp(1122)+14Rt1m+14Rt1p]+(1stm)[14Kt1mm(1122)+12Kt1mp(1122)+14Kt1pp(1122)], (9a)
Ktmp(1122)=12Kt1mm(1122)+12Kt1mp(1122), (9b)
Ktpp(1122)=stpRt1m+(1stp)Kt1mm(1122), (9c)
Jtmp(1122)=Ktmp(1122), (9d)

for t ≥ 1, where equation (9d) may not hold in the founder population at t=0, the first term on the right-hand side of equation (9a) refers to the scenario that both haplotypes ac and bd come from a single female of the previous generation, and the first term on the right-hand side of equation (9c) refers to the scenario that both haplotypes are the duplicated copies of the maternally derived X chromosome in a male of the previous generation (Figure S1A). According to equations (6a, 6b) and equations (9a9d), the overall expected density ρmp in equation (3) does not depend on the three-gene non-IBD probabilities.

The ancestry transition of type (1232) occurs on haplotype ac. A new junction of type (1232) is formed whenever the two parental chromosomes of haplotype ac and the parental chromosome of haplotype bd are distinct and have the IBD configuration (123) at the location of the crossover. We have

Ktmm(1232)=stm[14Jt1mp(1232)+14Jt1pm(1232)]+(1stm){14[Kt1mm(1232)+αt1mmp(123)]+14[Kt1mp(1232)+αt1mpp(123)]}+(1stm){14[Kt1pm(1232)+αt1mmp(123)]+14[Kt1pp(1232)+αt1mpp(123)]}, (10a)
Ktmp(1232)=12[Kt1mm(1232)+αt1mmp(123)]+12[Kt1pm(1232)+αt1mmp(123)], (10b)
Ktpm(1232)=12Kt1mm(1232)+12Kt1mp(1232), (10c)
Ktpp(1232)=(1stp)Kt1mm(1232), (10d)
Jtmp(1232)=Ktmp(1232), (10e)
Jtpm(1232)=Ktpm(1232), (10f)

for t1, where equations (10e, 10f) may not hold in the founder population at t=0. A new junction is formed at the rate αt1mmp(123) (αt1mpp(123)), given that the parental chromosome of haplotype bd is maternally (paternally) derived. The density Ktpm(1232) in equation (10c) has no contributions of a new junction because there are no crossover events occurring between the XY chromosomes in the father of haplotype ac (Figure S1B). We denote by Ktmp+(1232)=[Ktmp(1232)+Ktpm(1232)]/2, and Ktmp(1232)=[Ktmp(1232)Ktpm(1232)]/2, and their recurrence relations are given in Appendix A. Both Ktmp(1232) and Rt measure the asymmetry between maternally and paternally derived X chromosomes.

Model evaluation by simulations

To evaluate the theoretical predications of non-IBD probabilities and expected junction densities, we perform simulation studies with the same model assumptions: random mating with discrete generations, no natural selections, and no genetic interferences, except that the ancestral origins along chromosomes do not follow Marker assumptions. Instead, the genome ancestral origins are simulated forwardly by first generating a pedigree according to a given breeding design, and then dropping on the pedigree the distinct founder genome labels (ancestral origins) that are assigned to the whole X chromosomes of each complete inbred founder or to each X chromosome of each outbred founder. The X chromosomes of each descendant gamete are specified as a list of the labeled segments determined by chromosomal crossovers.

For a mapping population with the particular breeding design, the realized junction densities and IBD probabilities are saved for all individuals in each generation in each simulation replicate, and they are averaged over in total 2×104 replicates. Various mating schemes are used in simulating breeding pedigrees. We denote by RM1 the random mating where each sampling of two randomly chosen individuals with opposite genders produces one offspring, and RM2 the random mating where each sampling of two randomly chosen individuals with opposite genders produces two offspring. We combine these mating schemes with -NE if each parent contributes a Poisson distributed number of gametes to the next generation, and -E if each parent contributes exactly two gametes. Thus, we have four random mating schemes, RM1-NE, RM1-E, RM2-NE, and RM2-E. The sibling mating belongs to RM2-E with population size 2, and the exclusively pairing in 2n-way (n ≥ 1) crosses can be regarded as a special case of random mating without inbreeding. The genders are assigned randomly, independent of mating schemes.

Application to QTL mapping populations

Multistage populations

For mapping populations with stage-wise constant mating schemes, we derive analytic expressions of the non-IBD probabilities and the expected junction densities for constructing CTMC of X-linked ancestral origins, according to the recurrence relations. The closed form solutions are obtained by linking results of each subsequent stage via the initial conditions. The general results for a population with constant random mating are derived in Appendix A, where three scenarios are considered: finite population of size ≥6, sibling-mating population of size 2, and large population of size »6. Table S2 gives the coalescence probabilities of X chromosomes for various mating schemes, similar to Table 1 of Zheng et al. (2014) for autosomes. Table S3 summarizes the results for X chromosomes in a sibling-mating population, and Table S4 for autosomes; they are necessary for dioecious breeding populations with a stage of inbreeding by sibling mating such as the CC and the DSPR. We use the superscripts of A denoting the quantities for autosomes.

Table 1. Results for X chromosomes in the 2n-way RIL by sibling mating in the last generation g=U+V+1, where U=0 for n=1 and U=n2 for n2.

Quantity Theoretical Prediction
(A) 2 ways sibling
αgmp(12) 5+510(λ1)V+conjugate
RgX 8320+8515(λ1)V+conjugate
Rgm 8323(12)V5+355(λ1)V+conjugate
Jgmp(1122) 83+13(12)V(3+52+5+510V)(λ1)V+conjugate
Jgmp+(1232) 0
Jgmp(1232) 0
(B) 2n(n2) ways sibling
αgmp(12) 5+3510(λ1)V+conjugate
RgX 23(U+6)30+14515(λ1)V+conjugate
Rgm 23(U+6)+13(RU+1mRU+1p)(12)V10+455(λ1)V+conjugate
Jgmp(1122) 23(U+6)16(RU+1mRU+1p)(12)V[10+455+1+54RU+1m+5+520RU+1p+5+3510V](λ1)V+conjugate
Jgmp+(1232) (12)V+[5+3510+1+54RU+1m+5+520RU+1p](λ1)V+conjugate
Jgmp(1232) (12)V+1+(RU+1pRU+1m+1)(12)V+1

The eigenvalues λ1=(1+5)/4 and λ2=(15)/4. The map expansions RU+1p and RU+1m are given by equations (11a, 11b). The conjugate is given by replacing 5 with 5 from the terms involving λ1. For example, the conjugate term for RgX in (A) is given by (2085)(λ2)V/15 . RIL, recombinant inbred line.

We derive the analytic expressions of αtmp(12), RtX, Rtm, Jtmp(1122), Jtmp+(1232), and Jtmp(1232) in the mapping populations of the RIL, the AIL, and the DO, and they are given in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3, respectively. These results are necessary for constructing the CTMC of ancestral origins along the XX chromosomes of a female; only the expression of Rtm is needed for the maternal derived X chromosome of a male. For comparisons, the autosomal results for αtAA(12), RtA, JtAA(1122), and JtAA(1232) are included. The results for the AIL, the DO, and the DSPR are derived under the assumption of a large population size in the intercross stage. We evaluate this assumption in the DSPR, because the evaluation results hold similarly for the AIL and the DO. In addition, the map expansions RtX and RtA are given explicitly under the assumption of an infinitely large intercross population size, which may be used as a simple measure of QTL mapping resolution.

Table 2. Results for the AIL in the last generation g=U+1.

Quantity Theoretical Prediction
(A) X chromosomes
αgmp(12) (1109L)(λ1)U+29L(12)U+89L(14)U
RgX 89L+23(1109L)1(λ1)U1λ1881L(12)U6481L(14)U
Rgm 29+5281L+23(1109L)1(λ1)U1λ1(29+2081L+427LU)(12)U3281L(14)U
Jgmp(1122) 29+5281L+23(1109L)1(λ1)U1λ1[29+5281L+(23+1627s)(1109L)U](λ1)U
Jgmp+(1232) (12L)(143L)(λ1)U(λ4)Us+(12L)(19+7681L)(λ1)U+(12L)1681L(λ4)U+(12L)(19481L+827LU)(12)U+(12L)(8881L+1627LU)(14)U
Jgmp(1232) (12L)(1349L)(λ4)U(12L)(13+49L)(12)U+(12L)89L(14)U
(B) Autosomes
αgAA(12) (11L)(λ1A)U1
RgA 1+(11L)1(λ1A)U11λ1A
JgAA(1122) [1(λ1A)U1]+(11L)[1(λ1A)U11λ1A(U1)(λ1A)U2]
JgAA(1232) (12L)(λ1A)U1+(11L)(12L)(λ1A)U1(λ4A)U1sA

The eigenvalues λ1=1s/3 and λ4=1s for X chromosomes, and for autosomes λ1A=1sA/2 and λ4A=13sA/2. AIL, advanced inter-cross lines.

Table 3. Results for the DO in the last generation g=U+1.

Quantity Theoretical Prediction
(A) X chromosomes
αgmp(12) (11L)(λ1)U
RgX R0X+23α0mp(12)+23(11L)1(λ1)U1λ1
Rgm R0X+23α0mp(12)+29(11L)+23(11L)1(λ1)U1λ1[29(11L)+16(R0mR0p)13α0mp(12)](12)U
Jgmp(1122) R0X+23α0mp(12)+29(11L)+23(11L)1(λ1)U1λ1[R0X+23α0mp(12)+29(11L)+(23+1627s)(11L)U](λ1)U
Jgmp+(1232) (11L)(12L)(λ1)U(λ4)Us+(12L)[19(11L)+R0X+23α0mp(12)](λ1)U+(12L)[19(11L)+112(R0mR0p)16α0mp(12)](12)U
Jgmp(1232) 13(11L)(12L)(λ4)U+(12L)[13(11L)14(R0mR0p)+12α0mp(12)](12)U
(B) Autosomes
αgAA(12) (11L)(λ1A)U
RgA R0A+α0AA(12)+(11L)1(λ1A)U1λ1A
JgAA(1122) [R0A+α0AA(12)][1(λ1A)U]+(11L)[1(λ1A)U1λ1AU(λ1A)U1]
JgAA(1232) [R0A+α0AA(12)](12L)(λ1A)U+(11L)(12L)(λ1A)U(λ4A)UsA

The eigenvalues λ1=1s/3 and λ4=1s for X chromosomes, and for autosomes λ1A=1sA/2 and λ4A=13sA/2. DO, diversity outcross.

Many breeding populations can be divided into three stages: mixing, intercross, and inbreeding, such as the RIL by sibling mating, the CC, and the DSPR. There is no inbreeding stage for the AIL, the HS, and the DO. We denote by U the number of intercross generations, V the number of inbreeding generations, and N the intercross population size. Let F and I denote the random mating schemes for mixing and intercross stages, respectively. We choose the mixing stage to consist of one generation of random mating, so that the non-IBD probabilities and the expected junction densities in the F1 population do not depend on whether genes or haplotypes are in distinct individuals.

The general derivation procedure is as follows. First, we derive the initial conditions in the F1 population for the intercross stage, according to the genetic compositions of the founder population F0. Second, we substitute the obtained initial conditions into the theorems of Appendix A3 under the assumption of a large intercross population size. Alternatively, the theorems of Appendix A1 may be used for a finite intercross population. Lastly, if there is a stage of inbreeding by sibling mating, we substitute analytic expressions in the FU+1 population into the theorems of Appendix A2 to obtain the results in the last generation g=U+V+1.


The 2n-way RIL by sibling mating can be regarded as a three-stage mapping population without the intercross stage for n2. All the founders are fully inbred, and the intercross mating scheme is exclusively pairing so that inbreeding is completely avoided. Thus R1m=R1p=0, and the non-IBD probability αtmp(12)=1 during the intercross stage 1tU+1, where U=0 for n=1 and U=n2 for n2. According to the recurrence equations (6a, 6b), it holds

RU+1m=29[1+3U(12)U], (11a)
RU+1p=RUm, (11b)

and RU+1X=2U/3. Furthermore, it is straightforward to obtain βU+1mp(12)=1, βU+1mm(12)=αU+1mmp(123)=δn2, KU+1mm(1122)=KU+1mp(1122)=0, KU+1mm(1232)=KU+1mp(1232)=RU+1m, and KU+1pm(1232)=RU+1p, where the indicator δn2=1 if n2 and 0 otherwise, since the two maternally derived genes at t=1 must come from the inbred female founder for the two-way RIL.

Substituting the initial conditions in the FU+1 population into Table S3, we obtain the results for the RIL in the last generation t=U+V+1 shown in Table 1. The non-IBD probabilities αtmp(12) for X chromosomes are the same as those for autosomes (Table 2 of Zheng et al. 2014). Thus, we show analytically that the map expansion RX for the X chromosome is two-thirds that of the autosome for the 2n-way (n ≥ 1) RIL, according to equations (7a, 8). Broman (2012a) has verified this two-thirds rule via Maxima for the 2n-way RIL up to n=98.

Figure 3 shows that these theoretical predictions fit very well with the forward simulation results for the two- and eight-way RIL by sibling mating. The differential densities Rt and Jtmp(1232) decay very fast with generation t and show some oscillations in the beginning generations. The overall expected junction density ρtmp reaches the maximum in the same generation for autosomes.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Results of the 2n-way recombinant inbred lines (RILs) with by sibling mating for n=1 (left panels) and n=3 (right panels). The filled symbols refer to the results for X chromosomes, the empty symbols for autosomes, and lines for the theoretical predictions in Table 1. The non-IBD probabilities αtmp(12) for X chromosomes and autosomes are overlapped with each other. The brown filled diamonds refer to Jtmp(1232) in (C) and (D) and ρtmp in (E) and (F).


We consider a multiparental AIL population that is founded by L/2 inbred females and L/2 inbred males. A unique ancestral origin is assigned to each inbred founder’s genomes so that the two-gene non-IBD probabilities α0mp(12)=0 and β0mm(12)=β0mp(12)=β0pp(12)=1, and similarly for the three-gene non-IBD probabilities α0mmp(123)=α0mpp(123)=0, β0mmm(123)=β0mmp(123)=β0mpp(123)=β0ppp(123)=1 if they exist.

The F1 population of size N is produced by mating scheme F= RM1-NE or RM2-NE. According to Table S2, the coalescence probabilities s1m=s1p=2/L and q1m=q1p=(2/L)(12/L) for mating scheme RM1-NE, and they hold approximately for RM2-NE with large population size N » 6. Thus, the two-gene non-IBD probabilities at t=1 are given by β1mm(12)=β1pp(12)=12/L and α1mp(12)=β1mp(12)=1 according to the recurrence equations (4a4d), and the three-gene non-IBD probabilites at t=1 are given by β1mmm(123)=β1ppp(123)=(12/L)(14/L) and α1mmp(123)=α1mpp(123)=β1mmp(123)=β1mpp(123)=12/L according to the recurrence equations (5a5f). In addition, no junctions can be formed from inbred founders so that it holds that R1m=R1p=0, K1mm(1122)=K1mp(1122)=K1pp(1122)=0, and K1mm(1232)=K1mp(1232)=K1pm(1232)=K1pp(1232)=0.

The F1 population is maintained for U generations with constant size N and sex ratio 1. Assuming that the intercross population size is large (N » 6), all the two- and three-gene coalescence probabilities at t2 are approximately equal and are denoted by s, and they are determined by the intercross mating scheme I according to Table S2. Substituting the initial conditions in the F1 population into the theorems of Appendix A3, we obtain in Table 2 the results for X chromosomes in the AIL in the last generation t=U+1. Table 2 also shows the results for autosomes, which are derived according to Zheng et al. (2014).

As shown in Table 2, the non-IBD probabilities αtmp(12) for X-chromosomes are unequal to those for autosomes, and thus the map expansions generally do not satisfy the two-thirds rule. According to the map expansions RtX and RtA in Table 2, we derive their approximations under the limit of an infinitely large population size (N →∞) so that the coalescence probability goes to zero (s →0),

RU+1X89L+23(1109L)U, (12a)
RU+1A1+(11L)(U1), (12b)

where the last two terms for RtX in Table 2 are small and thus ignored. The equations (12a, 12b) show that the two-thirds rule is approximately valid for a large number L of founder lines. The map expansion of equation (12b) for L=2 is consistent with the previous results (Darvasi and Soller 1995; Liu et al. 1996; Winkler et al. 2003; Broman 2012b).

The left panels of Figure 4 show for the AIL that the theoretical predictions fit very well with the forward simulation results, where F= RM1-NE, I= RM1-E, L=8, and N=100. Within U=20 intercross generations, the non-IBD probability αtmp(12) decreases slowly with generation t, the differential map expansion Rt remains almost constant after a few generations of oscillations, and the map expansions in equations (12a, 12b), shown as thick red lines in Figure 4, are very good approximations.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Results of the AIL (left panels) and the HS (right panels) with L = 8 and N = 100. The random mating schemes MF = RM1-NE for the AIL and RM1-E for the HS, and MI = RM1-E for both populations. The symbols and lines are the same as those in Figure 3. The theoretical predictions refer to Table 2 for the AIL and Table 3 for the DO. The additional red lines denote the map expansions under the large size assumption, given by equations (12a, 12b) for the AIL and equations (13a, 13b) for the HS.

HS and DO

The HS and the DO differ from the AIL only in the genetic compositions of the founder population. The N progenitors of the DO at t=0 were sampled independently from pre-CC lines at a variety of different generations. Each pre-CC line is produced by the RIL by sibling mating from L=8 randomly permuted founder strains. Let qk denote the proportion of the pre-CC progenitors that were in generation k. Thus, for a random progenitor, it holds α0mp(12)=kqkαkmp(12|preCC) and R0O=kqkRkO(preCC), where αkmp(12|preCC) and RkO(preCC) for O=m,p can be obtained from Table 1. Because the founder stains are exchangeable, we obtain β0mm(12)=β0mp(12)=β0pp(12)=11/L, α0mmp(123)=α0mpp(123)=α0mp(12)(12/L), and β0mmm(123)=β0mmp(123)=β0mpp(123)=β0ppp(123)=(11/L)(12/L), and because recombination crossovers are independent among different pre-CC lines, the between-individual expected junction densities at t=0 are given by K0mm(1122)=K0mp(1122)=K0pp(1122)=0, K0mm(1232)=K0mp(1232)=R0m(12/L), and K0pp(1232)=K0pm(1232)=R0p(12/L), where 12/L refers to the probability that the third ancestral origin on haplotype bd is different from the two ancestral origins on haplotype ac where the ancestry transition occurs. The within-individual expected junction densities at t=0 are not required in the following derivations.

The F1 population of size N is produced by random mating with equal sex ratio. Assuming that the population size N » 6, the coalescence probabilities at t=1 are approximated to be zero. According to the recurrence equations for the two- and three-gene non-IBD probabilities, the between-individual probabilities did not change and the within-individual non-IBD probabilities at t=1 equal to the corresponding between-individual probabilities. In addition, we have R1m=R0m/2+R0p/2+α0mp(12), R1p=R0m, K1mm(1122)=K1mp(1122)=K1pp(1122)=0, K1mm(1232)=K1mp(1232)=[R0m/2+R0p/2+α0mp(12)](12/L), K1pp(1232)=K1pm(1232)=R0m(12/L), according to the recurrence equations for the expected junction densities.

Similar to the intercross stage of the AIL, we obtain in Table 3 the results for X chromosomes in the DO in the last generation t=U+1 by substituting the initial conditions in the F1 population into the theorems of Appendix A3. Table 3 also shows the results for autosomes, which are derived according to Zheng et al. (2014). Under the limit of an infinitely large population size (N→∞), we obtain from Table 3

RU+1XR0X+23α0mp(12)+23(11L)U, (13a)
RU+1AR0A+α0AA(12)+(11L)U, (13b)

showing that the two-thirds rule is valid under such an approximation since α0mp(12)=α0AA(12) and R0X=2R0A/3 for progenitors drawn from the RIL (Table 1). The map expansion in equation (13b) for L=8 is the same as the one obtained by Broman (2012b).

The right panels of Figure 4 show for the HS that the theoretical predictions fit very well with the forward simulation results, where F=I= RM1-E, the N= 100 individuals in the F0 population were sampled independently from CC funnels at the same generation t=3. The results are similar to those for the AIL with the same L shown in the left panels of Figure 4. For X chromosomes, the non-IBD probabilities in the DO are larger than those in the AIL, and thus in the DO the map expands at a higher rate than that for the AIL, see equations (12a, 13a).


The DSPR RILs were derived from two synthetic populations, each created independently by adding the multiparental AIL with an inbreeding stage by sibling mating (King et al. 2012). For example, we derive the analytic expressions of the map expansions in one synthetic population with L founder strains. We assume that βU+1mm(12)=βU+1mp(12), which holds in a non-inbreeding population and approximately in a large population (e.g., N100) with a large number of intercross generations (e.g., U6). According to the map expansions in Table S3, we have

RU+V+1XRU+1X+αU+1mp(12)[430+14515(λ1)V3014515(λ2)V], (14a)
RU+V+1ARU+1A+αU+1AA(12)[615+755(λ1)V15755(λ2)V], (14b)

where λ1=(1+5)/4 and λ2=(15)/4, and RU+1X and αU+1mp(12) are given in Table 1, Table 2, or Table 3 if the FU+1 population is the last generation of the RIL, the AIL, or the DO, respectively.

We evaluate the large size assumption for various random mating schemes by simulation studies of the DSPR. Figure 5 shows the fitting of the theoretical predictions with the forward simulation results for the intercross size N= 20, 50, and 100, where the mating schemes F= RM1-NE and I= RM1-E (RM1-NE) for the left (right) panels. The theoretical predictions are obtained by combining the results for the AIL (Table 2) with those for the sibling-mating population (Table S3), assuming the large size (N » 6). The relative worse fitting for the differential densities Rt and Jtmp(1232) is probably attributable to the limited number (2 × 104) of simulation replicates. The theoretical fitting becomes improved with increased size N, and it is very good for N = 100 within the range of U = 20 intercross generations. The fitting for RM1-E is better than RM1-NE because in the former case the two-gene coalescence probabilities are always equal to the three-gene probabilities (Table S2), independent of the size N. Figure S2 shows similar results for the random mating scheme RM2, except that the expected junction densities are slightly smaller. Figure S3 and Figure S4 show that the large size assumption is less sensitive for autosomes, and the fittings are very good even for N = 20.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Results of the DSPR for X chromosomes with L=8 and N= 20 (cyan), 50 (brown), and 100 (blue). The random mating schemes MF = RM1-NE for all panels and MI = RM1-E (RM1-NE) for the left (right) panels. The lines denote the theoretical predictions under the large size assumption. The filled circles refer to Rt in panels C and D, and RtX in panels E and F; the filled diamonds refer to Jtmp(1232) in (C) and (D) and ρtmp in (E) and (F).


We have extended our previous framework of modeling ancestral origin processes from autosomes to X chromosomes, and thus the same assumptions such as exchangeability of ancestral origins, Markov properties and random mating also apply (Zheng et al. 2014). The deviations from Markov properties result in larger variances in the IBD-tract length and the junction densities, which have been shown to be acceptable (Chapman and Thompson 2003; Martin and Hospital 2011). The random mating indicates that our approach does not apply to breeding populations with marker-assisted selections.

In contrast to the previous approaches (Haldane and Waddington 1931; Broman 2012a), the exchangeability assumption of ancestral origins greatly reduces model complexity, because the number of possible junction types does not depend on the number of founders for L ≥ 3 whereas the number of diplotype states increases very fast with L. The assumption affects the rate matrix of the Markov model, but not the expected junction densities where only changes of ancestral origins matter. The exchangeability is a good approximation for the AIL- or the multiparent advanced generation inter-cross (i.e., MAGIC)-type populations with random mating, but it does not hold for the multiway RIL by sibling mating.

However, the exchangeability assumption is not critical for the application of our results to haplotype reconstructions from genotype data. The genomes of the individuals collected in the last generation have been well mixed by random chromosomal segregations over many generations. This is demonstrated in Figure 1A for the four-way RIL by sibling mating, where a female A and a male B was crossed, and a female C and a male D was crossed, and then a daughter from A × B and a son from C × D was crossed. The X chromosome of the founder D is lost in F1. The genotype probabilities for AB and AC are different and given in the Table 2 of Broman (2012a), although the sum of the genotype probabilities for AB, AC, and BC is equal to αtmp(12) in Table 1. Figure 1B shows that the genotype probability for AB or AC becomes close to the average probability αtmp(12)/3 as generation t increases. Furthermore, in the beginning generations when the asymmetry among ancestral origins is large, there are fewer number of recombination breakpoints, and thus more marker data per genome block are available to estimate ancestral origins. As a result, a priori equal weights of ancestral origins have little effects.

An HMM is under development for reconstructing ancestral origins for both autosomes and X chromosomes from marker data, using the present model and the previous one (Zheng et al. 2014) as the prior distribution. The previously implemented HMM methods, such as GAIN (Liu et al. 2010) and HAPPY (Mott et al. 2000), were developed for autosomes, and they do not account for the asymmetry between maternally and paternally derived X chromosomes.

The closed form expressions for non-IBD probabilities and various expected junction densities have been derived for stage-wise mapping populations. They provide the complete information for constructing the CTMC along two X chromosomes but also the guides for designing a new population in terms of X-linked QTL mapping resolutions. For advanced intercross populations such as the AIL, the HS, and the DO under the assumption of a large intercross size, the map expands linearly at a rate proportional to the inverse of the number L of inbred founders, which is robust to intercross mating schemes. For the RIL and the inbreeding stage of the DSPR, the map expansion slows down with increasing level of inbreeding. The overall junction density ρmp for the DSPR decreases after one generation of the inbreeding stage by sibling mating, whereas for the RIL it reaches the maximum in the middle of inbreeding by sibling mating. These conclusions can also be applied to autosomes. Thus the most effective way of improving mapping resolutions is to increase the number U of intercross generations in a large population (N ≥ 5U, empirically).


I thank George O. Agogo, Rianne Jacobs, Martin P. Boer, Fred A. van Eeuwijk, and the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. This research was supported by the Stichting Technische Wetenschappen (STW) - Technology Foundation, which is part of the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, and which is partly funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The specific grant number was STW-Rijk Zwaan project 12425.

Appendix A

Results for constant random mating populations

We introduce some matrix-vector notations to facilitate the derivations. Denote by AB the element-by-element multiplication of the two matrices A and B, and by AB the element-by-element division of the two matrices. Denote by xijt=(xit,xi+1t,,xjt) the element-wise power where the subscripts of the natural numbers ij, and by default xij=(xi,xi+1,,xj). Let 1 be a vector with appropriate length and all the elements being 1. Let Λ(x) be the diagonal matrix with the diagonal elements being the vector x. Denote by [x,,y] the matrix with row vectors x, …, y of equal length. Denote by superscript T the transpose of a vector or matrix.

The closed form expressions for the two- and three-gene non-IBD probabilities and the expected junction densities are derived for populations with constant size and random mating schemes. The coalescence probabilities are thus constant, and set stm=sm, stp=sp, qtm=qm, and qtp=qp. We first consider a finite population, number of males Nm1 and number of females Nf3, so that all the two- and three-gene non-IBD probabilities exist. Then consider an example of small population size, a sibling-mating population with one male and one female (Nf=Nm=1), where the non-IBD probabilities βpp(12), βmmm(123), βmmp(123), βmpp(123), and βppp(123) do not exist. Lastly, we consider a large population under the limit that the size Nf=Nm3.

A1 Finite population

Definition A1.1. The finite population refers to a population of constant number Nm1 of males and number Nf3 of females, maintained by random mating, and the initial population satisfies α0mp(12)=β0mp(12), α0mmp(123)=β0mmp(123), and α0mpp(123)=β0mpp(123).

Proposition A1.2. Denote by βt(12)=(βtmm(12),βtmp(12),βtpp(12))T the two-gene non-IBD probability in a finite population. According to equations (4a4c), it holds

βt(12)=T12βt1(12) (A1.1)


T12=(14(1sm)1214(1sm)121201sp00). (A1.2)

Premise A1.3. The eigenvalues of T12 in a finite population, denoted by λk, k{1,2,3} in the decreasing order of their absolute values, are distinct with multiplicities 1, and none of them is 0, 1, or 1/2.

Theorem A1.4. The two-gene non-IBD probability βt(12) in a finite population is given by

βt(12)=PΛ(λ13t)(C13)T, (A1.3)


P=[2λ131,1,(1sp)(2λ131)λ13], (A1.4)
(C13)T=P1β0(12). (A1.5)

Proof. It holds

βtmm(12)=B13(λ13t)T, (A1.6a)
βtmp(12)=C13(λ13t)T, (A1.6b)
βtpp(12)=D13(λ13t)T, (A1.6c)

where the constant coefficients B13, C13, and D13 are to be solved. Substituting βtmm(12) and βtmp(12) of equations (A1.6a, A1.6b) into the recurrence equation (4b), we obtain

Bk=(2λk1)Ck,k{1,2,3}. (A1.7)

Substituting βtmm(12) and βtpp(12) of equations (A1.6a, A1.6c) into the recurrence equation (4c), we obtain

Dk=(1sp)Bkλk,k{1,2,3}, (A1.8)

Substituting Bk and Dk of equations (A1.7, A1.8) into equation (A1.6aA1.6c), we obtain

βt(12)=P[C13(λ13t)T], (A1.9)

where P is given by in equation (A1.4), and the constant coefficient C13 is determined by the initial condition β0(12) and it is given by equation (A1.5).

Proposition A1.5. Denote by βt(123)=(βtmmm(123),βtmmp(123),βtmpp(123),βtppp(123))T the three-gene non-IBD probability in a finite population. According to equations (5a5d), it holds

βt(123)=T123βt1(123) (A1.10)


T123=(18(1sm2qm)38(1sm)38(1sm)18(1sm2qm)14(1sm)1214(1sm)012(1sp)12(1sp)001sp2qp000). (A1.11)

Premise A1.6. The eigenvalues of T123 in a finite population, denoted by λk,k{4,5,6,7} in the decreasing order of their absolute values, are distinct with multiplicities 1, and none of them is 0, 1, 1/2, or λk,k{1,2,3}.

Theorem A1.7. The three-gene non-IBD probability βt(123) in a finite population is given by

βt(123)=QΛ(λ47t)(C47)T, (A1.12)


Q=[a47,1,(1sp)(a47+1)(2λ47),(1sp2qp)a47λ47], (A1.13)
(C47)T=Q1β0(123). (A1.14)

and for k{4,5,6,7}

ak=8(λk)24λk(1sm)(1sp)(1sm)(1sp+2λk). (A1.15)

Proof. It holds

βtmmm(123)=A47(λ47t)T, (A1.16a)
βtmmp(123)=C47(λ47t)T, (A1.16b)
βtmpp(123)=B47(λ47t)T, (A1.16c)
βtppp(123)=D47(λ47t)T, (A1.16d)

where the constant coefficients A47, B47, C47, and D47 are to be solved. Substituting βtmmm(123) and βtppp(123) of equations (A1.16a, A1.16d) into the recurrence equation (5d), we obtain

Dk=(1sp2qp)Akλk,k{4,5,6,7}. (A1.17)

Substituting βtmmm(123), βtmmp(123), and βtmpp(123) of equations (A1.16aA1.16c) into the recurrence equation (5c), we obtain

Bk=(1sp)(Ak+Ck)2λk,k{4,5,6,7}. (A1.18)

Substituting βtmmm(123), βtmmp(123), and βtmpp(123) of equations (A1.16aA1.16c) into the recurrence equation (5b), and substituting Bk of equation (A1.18), we obtain

Ak=akCk,k{4,5,6,7}, (A1.19)

where ak is given by equation (A1.15). Substituting Ak, Bk, and Dk of equations (A1.17A1.19) into equations (A1.16aA1.16d), we obtain

βt(123)=Q[C47(λ47t)T], (A1.20)

where Q is given by equation (A1.13), and the constant coefficient C47 is determined by the initial condition β0(123) and it is given by equation (A1.14).

Theorem A1.8. The map expansions in a finite population are given by

RtX=C823[C13(1λ13)](λ13t)T, (A1.21)
Rtm=C8+C9(12)t+C1012(λ13t)T, (A1.22)
Rtp=C82C9(12)t+C1012(λ13t1)T, (A1.23)

where C13 is given by equation (A1.5), and

C8=R0X+23[C13(1λ13)], (A1.24)
C9=R0mC8C10121T, (A1.25)
C1012=2(C13λ13)[(1λ13)(2λ13+1)]. (A1.26)

Proof. According to equation (7a), RtX can be obtained from the accumulative summation of the non-IBD probability βtmp of equation (A1.6b), and we have

RtX=R0X+23k=13Ck1(λk)t1λk, (A1.27)

which is equivalent to equation (A1.21) with the stationary map expansion C8 being given by equation (A1.24). The eigenvalues for the transition matrix of the linear recurrence equations (4a4c) and equations (6a, 6b) are 1, 1/2, λ13, and thus the map expansions Rm and Rp can be expressed in the forms of equations (A1.22, A1.23), where the constant coefficients C1012 are determined by calculating RtX=2Rtm/3+Rtp/3 from equations (A1.22, A1.23) and comparing the result with equation (A1.21), and C9 is determined by the initial condition R0m. □

Theorem A1.9. Denote by Kt(1122)=(Ktmm(1122),Ktmp(1122),Ktpp(1122))T the expected density of junction type (1122) in a finite population, and it holds

Kt(1122)=C8+(1,1/2,2)TC9(12)t+WΛ(λ13t)(C1820)T+PΛ(λ13t)[(C1517)T+(C1820)Tt] (A1.28)

where C812 are given by equations (A1.24A1.26), P is given by equation (A1.4),

W=[2λ13,0,(spΦ131+(1sp))λ13], (A1.29)
(C1517)T=P1[K0(1122)C8(1,1/2,2)TC9W(C1820)T], (A1.30)
C1820=Φ13C1012, (A1.31)

and for k{1,2,3}

Φk=sm(λk+1)+(1sm)sp(62sm)λk2+(62sm4sp+4smsp)λk3(1sm)(1sp). (A1.32)

Proof. The eigenvalues for the transition matrix of the linear recurrence equations (4a4c), equations (6a, 6b), and equations (9a9c) are 1, 1/2, and duplicated λ13. It holds

Ktmm(1122)=B13+B14(12)t+B1517(λ13t)T+B1820t(λ13t)T, (A1.33a)
Ktmp(1122)=C13+C14(12)t+C1517(λ13t)T+C1820t(λ13t)T, (A1.33b)
Ktpp(1122)=D13+D14(12)t+D1517(λ13t)T+D1820t(λ13t)T, (A1.33c)

where the constant coefficients B1320, C1320, and D1320 are to be solved. Substituting Ktmm(1122) and Ktmp(1122) of equations (A1.33a, A1.33b) into the recurrence equation (9b), we obtain

B13=C13,B14=2C14,B14+k=(2λk1)C14+k+2λkC17+k,k{1,2,3},B17+k=(2λk1)C17+k,k{1,2,3}. (A1.34)

Substituting Ktmm(1122) and Ktpp(1122) of equations (A1.33a, A1.33c) and Rtm of equation (A1.22) into the recurrence equation (9c), and substituting B1320 of equation (A1.34), we obtain

D13=C13+sp(C8C13),D14=2spC9+4(1sp)C14,D14+k=(1sp)2λk1λkC14+k+spC9+kλk+(1sp)C17+kλk,k{1,2,3},D17+k=(1sp)2λk1λkC17+k,k{1,2,3}, (A1.35)

Substituting Ktmp(1122), Ktmm(1122) and Ktpp(1122) of equations (A1.33aA1.33c) and Rtm and Rtp of equations (A1.22, A1.23) into the recurrence equation (9a), and substituting B1320 and D1320 of equations (A1.34, A1.35), we obtain C1820 in equation (A1.31) and

C13=C8, (A1.36a)
C14=12C9. (A1.36b)

The constant coefficient C1517 is determined by the initial condition K0(1122).

Definition A1.10. Denote by

Ktmp+(1232)=Ktmp(1232)+Ktpm(1232)2, (A1.37)
Ktmp(1232)=Ktmp(1232)Ktpm(1232)2, (A1.38)

and thus

Ktmp(1232)=Ktmp+(1232)+Ktmp(1232), (A1.39)
Ktpm(1232)=Ktmp+(1232)Ktmp(1232). (A1.40)

Proposition A1.11. According to Definition A1.10, the recurrence equations (10a10d) in a finite population are transformed into

Ktmm(1232)=(1sm)14Kt1mm(1232)+12Kt1mp+(1232)+(1sm)14Kt1pp(1232)+(1sm)12[βt1mmp(123)+βt1mpp(123)], (A1.41a)
Ktmp+(1232)=12Kt1mm(1232)+12Kt1mp+(1232)+12βt1mmp(123), (A1.41b)
Ktpp(1232)=(1sp)Kt1mm(1232), (A1.41c)
Ktmp(1232)=12Kt1mp(1232)+12βt1mmp(123). (A1.41d)

Theorem A1.12. Denote by Kt(1232)=(Ktmm(1232),Ktmp+(1232),Ktpp(1232))T the expected density of junction type (1232) in a finite population, and it holds

Kt(1232)=PΛ(λ13t)(C2123)T+WΛ(λ47t)(C2427)T, (A1.42)

where P is given by equation (A1.4),

W=[Φ471+(2λ471),1,(1sp)(Φ471+(2λ471))λ47], (A1.43)
(C2123)T=P1[K0(1232)W(C2427)T], (A1.44)
C2427=Φ47C47, (A1.45)

and for k{4,5,6,7}

Φk=12(λk)2+18[(1sp)(ak+1)/λk+1](1sm)λk18(1sm)(1sp)f12(λk), (A1.46)

where f12(x) is the characteristic polynomial of the transition matrix T12 of equation (A1.2).

Proof. The eigenvalues for the transition matrix of the linear recurrence equations (5a5d) and equations (A1.41aA1.41c) are λk, 1k7. It holds

Ktmm(1232)=B2127(λ17t)T, (A1.47a)
Ktmp+(1232)=C2127(λ17t)T, (A1.47b)
Ktpp(1232)=D2127(λ17t)T, (A1.47c)

where the constant coefficients B2127, C2127, and D2127 are to be solved. Substituting Ktmm(1232) and Ktpp(1232) of equations (A1.47a, A1.47c) into the recurrence equation (A1.41c), we obtain

D20+k=(1sp)B20+kλk,1k7, (A1.48)

Substituting Ktmp+(1232) and Ktmm(1232) of equations (A1.47a, A1.47b) and βtmmp of equation (A1.16b) into the recurrence equation (A1.41b), we obtain

B20+k={(2λk1)C20+kk{1,2,3},Ck+(2λk1)C20+kk{4,5,6,7}. (A1.49)

The theorem follows by substituting Ktmm(1232), Ktmp+(1232) and Ktpp(1232) of equations (A1.47aA1.47c) and βtmmp and βtmpp of equations (A1.16b, A1.16c) into the recurrence equation (A1.41a), and substituting B2127 and D2127 of equations (A1.48, A1.49), where the constant coefficient C2123 in equation (A1.44) is determined by the initial condition K0(1232). □

Theorem A1.13. The expected density Ktmp(1232) is given by

Ktmp(1232)=A28(12)t+A2427(λ47t)T, (A1.50)


A2427=C47(2λ47+1), (A1.51)
A28=K0mp(1232)A24271T. (A1.52)

Proof. The eigenvalues of the transition matrix of the linear recurrence equations (5a5d) and equation (A1.41d): 1/2, λk, k{4,5,6,7}. Thus equation (A1.50) holds, where A2427 is determined by putting equations (A1.50, A1.16b) into equation (A1.41d), and the constant coefficient A28 is determined by the initial condition K0mp(1232). □

Corollary A1.14. The overall expected junction density ρtmp of a female in a finite population is given by

ρtmp=C812C9(12)t+[C1012(1+λ131)C1517C1820t](λ13t)T, (A1.53)

where C812 are given by equations (A1.24A1.26), and C1520 by equations (A1.30, A1.31).

Proof. The corollary follows by substituting Rtm and Rtp of equations (A1.22, A1.23) and Ktmp(1122) of equation (A1.33b) into equation (3).

A2 Sibling-mating population

Definition A2.1. The sibling-mating population refers to a population of constant size 2, one male and one female, maintained by sibling mating, and the initial population satisfies α0mp(12)=β0mp(12). In such a population, the coalescence probability sm=1, and the coalescence probabilities sp, qm, qp are set to zero.

Definition A2.2. In a sibling-mating population, the non-IBD probabilities βtpp(12), βtmmm(123), βtmmp(123), βtmpp(123), and βtppp(123) are set to zero since they do not exist. Similarly the expected junction densities Kpp(1122) and Kpp(1232) are set to zero.

Proposition A2.3. Denote by βt(12)=(βtmm(12),βtmp(12) the two-gene non-IBD probability in a sibling-mating population. According to equations (4a, 4b), it holds

T12=(0121212), (A2.1)

and its eigenvalues are given by

λ1=1+54,λ2=154. (A2.2)

Definition A2.4. In a sibling-mating population, the conjugate is obtained by replacing 5 with 5 from the terms involving λ1.

Theorem A2.5. The two-gene non-IBD probability βt(12) in a sibling-mating population is given by

βtmm(12)=[5510β0mm(12)+55β0mp(12)](λ1)t+conjugate (A2.3)
βtmp(12)=[55β0mm(12)+5+510β0mp(12)](λ1)t+conjugate (A2.4)

Proof. Similar to Theorem A1.4, it holds

βt(12)=PΛ(λ12t)(C12)T, (A2.5)


P=[2λ121,1], (A2.6)
(C12)T=P1β0(12). (A2.7)

The theorem follows by substituting P an C12 into equation (A2.5). □

Theorem A2.6. The three-gene non-IBD probability in a sibling-mating population is given by

αtmmp(123)=α0mmp(123)(12)t. (A2.8)

Proof. According to the recurrence equations (5b, 5e),

αtmmp(123)=12αt1mmp(123). (A2.9)

Thus it holds

αtmmp(123)=C4(λ4)t, (A2.10)


λ4=1/2, (A2.11)
C4=α0mmp(123). (A2.12)

Theorem A2.7. The map expansions in a sibling-mating population are given by

RtX=C8[10+6515β0mm(12)+20+8515β0mp(12)](λ1)t+conjugate, (A2.13)
Rtm=C8+C9(12)t[5+55β0mm(12)+5+355β0mp(12)](λ1)t+conjugate (A2.14)
Rtp=C82C9(12)t[455β0mm(12)+10+255β0mp(12)](λ1)t+conjugate (A2.15)

where C8 and C9 are given by

C8=13(2R0m+R0p)+43(β0mm(12)+2β0mp(12)), (A2.16)
C9=13(R0mR0p)+23(β0mm(12)β0mp(12)), (A2.17)

Proof. Similar to Theorem A1.8, the map expansions in a sibling-mating population are given by

RtX=C823[C12(1λ12)](λ12t)T, (A2.18)
Rtm=C8+C9(12)t+C1011(λ12t)T, (A2.19)
Rtp=C82C9(12)t+C1011(λ12t1)T, (A2.20)


C8=R0X+23[C12(1λ12)], (A2.21)
C9=R0mC8C10111T, (A2.22)
C1011=2(C12λ12)[(1λ12)(2λ12+1)]. (A2.23)

The theorem follows by substituting λ12 of equation (A2.2) and C12 of equation (A2.7) into the aforementioned equations.

Theorem A2.8. The expected density Kt(1122)=(Ktmm(1122),Ktmp(1122))T in a sibling-mating population is given by

Ktmm(1122)=C8+C9(12)t+[5+55β0mm(12)5+455β0mp(12)](λ1)t+[5510K0mm(1122)+55K0mp(1122)12R0m510R0p](λ1)t+[5510β0mm(12)55β0mp(12)]t(λ1)t+conjugate (A2.24)
Ktmp(1122)=C812C9(12)t+[5+3510β0mm(12)3+52β0mp(12)](λ1)t+[55K0mm(1122)+5+510K0mp(1122)1+54R0m5+520R0p](λ1)t+[55β0mm(12)5+510β0mp(12)]t(λ1)t+conjugate (A2.25)

where C8 and C9 are given by equations (A2.16, A2.17), respectively.

Proof. Similar to Theorem A1.9, the expected density Kt(1122) in a sibling-mating population is given by

Kt(1122)=C8+(1,1/2)TC9(12)t+WΛ(λ12t)(C1819)T+PΛ(λ12t)[(C1516)T+(C1819)Tt] (A2.26)

where C8 and C9 are given by equations (A2.16, A2.17), respectively, and P is given by equation (A2.6), and

W=[2λ12,0], (A2.27)
(C1516)T=P1[K0(1122)C8(1,1/2)TC9W(C1819)T], (A2.28)
C1819=Φ12C1011, (A2.29)

and for k{1,2}

Φk=14λk. (A2.30)

The theorem follows by substituting λ12 of equation (A2.2) and C1011 of equation (A2.23).

Theorem A2.9. The expected densities of type (1232) in a sibling-mating population are given by

Ktmm(1232)=[5510K0mm(1232)+55K0mp+(1232)+5+510α0mmp(123)](λ1)tα0mmp(123)(12)t+conjutate (A2.31)
Ktmp+(1232)=[55K0mm(1232)+5+510K0mp+(1232)+5+3510α0mmp(123)](λ1)tα0mmp(123)(12)t+conjutate, (A2.32)
Ktmp(1232)=[K0mp(1232)12α0mmp(123)](12)t+12α0mmp(123)(12)t (A2.33)

Proof. Denote by Kt(1232)=(Ktmm(1232),Ktmp+(1232))T. Similar to Theorem A1.12, the expected density Kt(1232) in a sibling-mating population is given by

Kt(1232)=PΛ(λ12t)(C2122)T+WΛ(λ44t)(C2424)T, (A2.34)

where P is given by equation (A2.6), and

W=[Φ441+(2λ441),1], (A2.35)
(C2122)T=P1[K0(1232)W(C2424)T], (A2.36)
C2424=Φ44C44, (A2.37)

and for k=4

Φk=12λkf12(λk), (A2.38)

where f12(x) is the characteristic polynomial of the transition matrix T12 of equation (A2.1). The equations (A2.31, A2.32) follow by substituting λ12 of equation (A2.2), λ4 of equation (A2.11), and C4 of equation (A2.12).

Similar to Theorem A1.13, the expected density Ktmp(1232) in a sibling-mating population is given by

Ktmp(1232)=A28(12)t+A2424(λ44t)T (A2.39)


A2424=C44(2λ44+1), (A2.40)
A28=K0mp(1232)A2424. (A2.41)

Corollary A2.10. The overall expected junction density ρtmp in a sibling-mating population is given by

ρtmp=C812C9(12)t+[5+7510β0mm(12)3+52β0mp(12)](λ1)t+[55K0mm(1122)5+510K0mp(1122)+1+54R0m+5+520R0p](λ1)t+[55β0mm(12)+5+510β0mp(12)]t(λ1)t+conjutate, (A2.42)

where C8 and C9 are given by equations (A2.16, A2.17), respectively.

Proof. The corollary follows by substituting Rtm and Rtp of equations (A2.14, A2.15) and Ktmp(1122) of equation (A2.25) into equation (3).

A3 Large population

Definition A3.1. The large population refers to a population with large and equal number Nm=Nf3 of males and females, maintained by random mating, and the initial population satisfies α0mp(12)=β0mp(12), α0mmp(123)=β0mmp(123), and α0mpp(123)=β0mpp(123). In such a large population, the coalescence probabilities are set to sm=sq=qm=qp=s.

Proposition A3.2. Denote by βt(12)=(βtmm(12),βtmp(12),βtpp(12)) the two-gene non-IBD probability in a large population, and the eigenvalues of the transition matrix T12 in equation (A1.2) are given by

λ1=1s3,λ2=12,λ3=14. (A3.1)

where λ1 is approximated to the first order of s to keep it smaller than 1, and λ2 and λ3 are approximated to zero order of s.

Theorem A3.3. The two-gene non-IBD probabilities in a large population are given by

βt(12)=PΛ(λ13t)(C13)T, (A3.2)


P=[121/2111142], (A3.3)
(C13)T=19[441211242]β0(12). (A3.4)

Proof. The theorem follows directly from Theorem A1.4, where

P=[2λ131,1,(1s)(2λ131)λ13], (A3.6)
(C13)T=P1β0(12). (A3.7)

The matrix P is approximated to the zero order of s. □

Proposition A3.4. Denote by βt(123)=(βtmmm(123),βtmmp(123),βtmpp(123),βtppp(123))T the three-gene non-IBD probability in a large population, and the eigenvalues of the transition matrix T123 of equation (A1.11) are given by

λ4=1s,λ5=12,λ6=14,λ7=18, (A3.8)

where λ4 is approximated to the first order of s to keep it smaller than 1, and λ57 is approximated to zero order of s.

Theorem A3.5. The three-gene non-IBD probability βt(123) in a large population is given by

βt(123)=QΛ(λ47t)(C47)T, (A3.9)


Q=[13s112111113s0216s44], (A3.10)
(C47)T=Q1β0(123). (A3.11)

Proof. The theorem follows directly from Theorem A1.7, where


where the elements of Q are approximated to be the leading order of s and up to the zero order of s. □

Theorem A3.6. The map expansions in a large population are given by

RtX=R0X+23C1[1(λ1)t]1λ1+49C2[1(λ2)t]+89C3[1(λ3)t], (A3.12)
Rtm=C8+C101(λ1)t1λ1+(C9+C11t)(λ2)t+C12(λ3)t, (A3.13)
Rtp=C8+C101(λ1)t11λ1+[C9+C11(t1)](λ2)t1+C12(λ3)t1, (A3.14)

where C13 is given by equation (A3.4), and

C8=R0X+23(2λ1+1)C1+49C2+89C3, (A3.15)
C9=R0mC8C12, (A3.16)
C10=2λ12λ1+1C1,C11=23C2,C12=49C3. (A3.17)

Remark. As s0 given t, [1(λ1)t]/(1λ1)t, that is, the map expansions are dominant by the linear term proportional to t; as t given s, the map expansions asymptotically go to the constant C8+C10/(1λ1).

Proof. The proof is similar to Theorem A1.8, except that the eigenvalue λ2 or 1/2 has multiplicity 2. □

Theorem A3.7. The expected density Kt(1122)=(Ktmm(1122),Ktmp(1122),Ktpp(1122)), is given by

Kt(1122)=C8+C101λ1t1λ1[1+(29,89,49)s]C10tλ1t+PΛ(λ13t)(C1517)T, (A3.18)

where C8, C10, and P are given by equation (A3.15), equation (A3.17), and equation (A3.3), respectively, and

C1517=P1[K0(1122)C8]. (A3.19)

Proof. The eigenvalues for the transition matrix of the linear recurrence equations (4a4c), equations (6a, 6b), and equations (9a9c) are 1, triplicated λ2=1/2, and duplicated λ1 and λ3, under the limit s0. It holds

Ktmm(1122)=B13+(B15C101λ1)(λ1)t+B1617(λ23t)T+B1820t(λ13t)T+B14t2(λ2)t, (A3.20a)
Ktmp(1122)=C13+(C15C101λ1)(λ1)t+C1617(λ23t)T+C1820t(λ13t)T+C14t2(λ2)t, (A3.20b)
Ktpp(1122)=D13+(D15C101λ1)(λ1)t+D1617(λ23t)T+D1820t(λ13t)T+D14t2(λ2)t, (A3.20c)

where C10 is given by equation (A3.17), and the constant coefficients B1320, C1320, and D1320 are to be solved. Substituting Ktmm(1122) and Ktmp(1122) of equations (A3.20a, A3.20b) into the recurrence equation (9b), we obtain

B13=C13,B14=(2λ21)C14,B1517=(2λ131)C1517+2λ13C1820+(2C10,2λ2C14,0),B1820=(2λ131)C1820+(0,4λ2C14,0). (A3.21)

Substituting Ktmm(1122) and Ktpp(1122) of equations (A3.20a, A3.20c) and Rtm of equation (A3.13) into the recurrence equation (9c), and substituting B1320 of equation (A3.21), we obtain

D13=C13+s[(C8+C101λ1C13)],D14=(1s)(2λ21)λ2C14,D1517=[(1s)(2λ131)λ13]C1517+(1s)C1820λ13+(12sλ1C10,sλ2C9sλ2C111sλ2C14,sλ3C12),D1820=[(1s)(2λ131)λ13]C1820+(0,sλ2C11+21sλ2C14,0). (A3.22)

Substituting Ktmp(1122), Ktmm(1122) and Ktpp(1122) of equations (A3.20aA3.20c) and Rtm of equation (A3.13) into the recurrence equation (9a), substituting B13B20 of equation (A3.21), and substituting the exact D13D20 of equation (A3.22), we obtain

C13=C8+C101λ1,C18=(1+89s)C10,C14=C19=C20=0, (A3.23)

where the constant coefficients C14, C19, and C20 are approximated by keeping up to the zero order of s, while C18 is approximated by keeping up to the first order of s. The theorem follows by substituting B1320, C1314, C1820, and D1320 of equations (A3.21A3.23) into equations (A3.20aA3.20c), where the constant coefficient C1517 of equation (A3.19) is determined by the initial conditions K0(1122). □

Theorem A3.8. Denote by Kt(1232)=(Ktmm(1232),Ktmp+(1232),Ktpp(1232))T the expected density of junction type (1232) in a large population, and it holds

Kt(1232)=C4λ1tλ4ts+PΛ(λ13t)(C2123)T+Wt, (A3.24)

where P is given by equation (A3.3), C47 is given by equation (A3.11), and

(C2123)T=P1[K0(1232)W0], (A3.25)
Wt=[1323s7949000491343s209329][(λ1t,λ2t,λ3t,λ7t)C47]T+[43s2923s4983s89][(tλ2t,tλ3t)C56]T. (A3.26)

Remark. In equation (A3.24), (λ1tλ4t)/s2t/3 as s0; the term Wt of equation (A3.26) is independent of s since 1/s in the matrices is canceled with s of C5 (see equation (A3.11)).

Proof. In a large population, the seven eigenvalues for the transition matrix of the linear recurrence equations (5a5d) and equations (A1.41aA1.41c) are λ1, λ4, λ2=λ5=1/2, λ3=λ6=1/4, and λ7. It holds

Ktmm(1232)=B2123(λ13t)T+B24[(λ4)t(λ1)t]+B2526t(λ23t)T+B27(λ7)t, (A3.27a)
Ktmp+(1232)=C2123(λ13t)T+C24[(λ4)t(λ1)t]+C2526t(λ23t)T+C27(λ7)t, (A3.27b)
Ktpp(1232)=D2123(λ13t)T+D24[(λ4)t(λ1)t]+D2526t(λ23t)T+D27(λ7)t, (A3.27c)

where the constant coefficients B2127, C2127, and D2127 are to be solved. Substituting Ktmp+(1232) and Ktmm(1232) of equations (A3.27a, A3.27b) and βtmmp of equation (A1.16b) into the recurrence equation (A1.41b), we obtain

B21=(2λ11)C21+2(λ4λ1)C24C4,B2223=[2λ231]C2223+2λ23C2526C56,B2427=[2λ471]C2427+(C4,0,0,C7). (A3.28)

Substituting Ktmm(1232) and Ktpp(1232) of equations (A3.27a, A3.27c) into the recurrence equation (A1.41c), we obtain

D21=(1s)(2λ11)λ1C21(1s)(λ1λ4)λ1λ4C241sλ4C4,D2223=[(1s)(2λ231)λ23]C2223+(1s)(C2526C56)λ23,D2427=[(1s)(2λ471)λ47]C2427+(1sλ4C4,0,0,1sλ7C7), (A3.29)

Substituting Ktmm(1232), Ktmp+(1232) and Ktpp(1232) of equations (A3.27aA3.27c) and βtmmp and βtmpp of equations (A1.16b–A1.16c) into the recurrence equation (A1.41a), and substituting B2127 and D2127 of equations (A3.28, A3.29) we obtain

C24=B4+2C43s,C25=19(2B5+C5),C26=49(B6C6),C27=481(4B7+17C7). (A3.30)

According to equation (A3.10), we have

B47=(1,3s,0,2)C47, (A3.31)

and thus

C2427=(1s,23s,49,49)C47, (A3.32)

where C47 is given by equation (A3.11). The constant coefficient C2123 is determined by the initial condition K0(1232), and it is given by equation (A3.25). The theorem follows by writing equations (A3.27aA3.27c) in the matrix form while keeping only the leading order of s.

Theorem A3.9. The expected density Ktmp(1232) in a large population is given by

Ktmp(1232)=13C4(λ4)t+A28(λ5)t+23C6(λ6)t+43C7(λ7)t, (A3.33)

where C4, C6, and C7 are given by equation (A3.11), and

A28=K0mp(1232)13C423C643C7. (A3.34)

Proof. In a large population, the eigenvalues of the transition matrix of the linear recurrence equations (5a5d) and equation (A1.41d) are λ4, duplicated λ5=1/2, λ6 and λ7. It holds

Ktmp(1232)=A24(λ4)t+(A28+A25t)(λ5)t+A26(λ6)t+A27(λ7)t, (A3.35)

where A2428 is to be solved. Substituting Ktmp(1232) of equation (A3.35) and βtmmp of equation (A3.9) into the recurrence equation (A1.41d), and we obtain

A24=13C4,A25=C5,A26=23C6,A27=43C7, (A3.36)

and A28 is determined by the initial condition K0mp(1232) and it is given in equation (A3.34). The theorem follows by substituting equation (A3.36) into equation (A3.35), and approximating A25 to zero since the leading term of C5 is the first order of s, see equation (A3.11).

Corollary A3.10. The overall expected unction density ρtmp in a large population is given by

ρtmp=C8+C101λ1t11λ1+[C15+(1+89s)C10t]λ1t+(C16C943C2+23C2t)λ2t+(C17209C3)λ3t, (A3.37)

where C13, C810, and C1517 are given by equation (A3.4), equations (A3.15A3.17), and equation (A3.19), respectively.

Proof. The corollary follows by substituting Rtm and Rtp of equations (A3.13, A3.14) and Ktmp(1122) of equation (A3.20b) into equation (3).


Supporting information is available online at

Communicating editor: E. Huang

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