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American Journal of Public Health logoLink to American Journal of Public Health
. 2015 Jun;105(6):1120–1127. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302313

Drinking Patterns in US Counties From 2002 to 2012

Laura Dwyer-Lindgren 1, Abraham D Flaxman 1, Marie Ng 1,, Gillian M Hansen 1, Christopher J L Murray 1, Ali H Mokdad 1,
PMCID: PMC4431075  PMID: 25905846


Objectives. We estimated the prevalence of any drinking and binge drinking from 2002 to 2012 and heavy drinking from 2005 to 2012 in every US county.

Methods. We applied small area models to Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data. These models incorporated spatial and temporal smoothing and explicitly accounted for methodological changes to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System during this period.

Results. We found large differences between counties in all measures of alcohol use: in 2012, any drinking prevalence ranged from 11.0% to 78.7%, heavy drinking prevalence ranged from 2.4% to 22.4%, and binge drinking prevalence ranged from 5.9% to 36.0%. Moreover, there was wide variation in the proportion of all drinkers who engaged in heavy or binge drinking. Heavy and binge drinking prevalence increased in most counties between 2005 and 2012, but the magnitude of change varied considerably.

Conclusions. There are large differences within the United States in levels and recent trends in alcohol use. These estimates should be used as an aid in designing and implementing targeted interventions and to monitor progress toward reducing the burden of excessive alcohol use.

Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with many adverse health outcomes, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, liver cirrhosis, preterm birth, fetal alcohol syndrome, and unintentional and intentional injuries.1–7 In 2010, approximately 88 600 deaths in the United States were attributable to alcohol, and the cost of excessive drinking has been estimated to exceed $220 billion per year.8,9 In the United States, several ongoing surveys collect information on alcohol use. Most of these surveys are designed to produce national-level estimates only, whereas the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the National Survey on Drug Use and Health are designed to produce state-level estimates. More local estimates would be useful for identifying high-risk populations and for policymaking. Below the state level, however, information on alcohol use is limited: existing estimates are generally for select metropolitan areas only10,11 or are derived by pooling data across a large number of years, making it difficult to assess trends.12

We estimated trends in alcohol use at the county level. Specifically, we assessed the prevalence of any drinking (at least 1 drink of any alcoholic beverage in the past 30 days) and 2 measures of excessive alcohol use: the prevalence of heavy drinking (consuming, on average, more than 1 drink per day for women or 2 drinks per day for men in the past 30 days) and the prevalence of binge drinking (consuming at least 4 drinks for women or 5 drinks for men on a single occasion at least once in the past 30 days). We included both heavy and binge drinking because these 2 measures of excessive alcohol consumption are related to different health outcomes: binge drinking tends to increase the risk of short-term health effects (e.g., injuries6), whereas heavy drinking tends to increase the risk of long-term health effects (e.g., cancers,7 liver cirrhosis5). Further, whereas most people who are heavy or binge drinkers according to these definitions do not suffer from an alcohol use disorder or alcohol dependence, these behaviors are associated with an elevated risk of developing these conditions.13,14

We used small area models to produce annual estimates of any drinking, heavy drinking, and binge drinking prevalence at the county level on the basis of BRFSS data. These models incorporate a series of corrections to account for changes in questionnaire items related to alcohol consumption and for methodological changes regarding cell phones. We also combined these measures to estimate the prevalence of heavy or binge drinking among those who use any alcohol.


We used data on alcohol use from the 2002 to 2012 BRFSS.15 The BRFSS is a telephone survey implemented by state health departments with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Details on BRFSS methodology are described elsewhere.16,17 In 2012 the median response rate among all states was 49.7% and ranged from 33.8% to 64.1%.18

The BRFSS includes numerous questions each year that solicit information on alcohol use in the past 30 days; however, the exact questions included vary somewhat from year to year (Figure 1). We assessed any drinking status using the DRNKANY and ALCDAY questions, which reflect whether respondents drank on at least 1 occasion within the past month and the number of days per week or per month on which alcohol was consumed, respectively. We classified respondents as “any drinkers” if they answered “yes” to the DRNKANY question in years when this question was included or if they responded 1 or more days to the ALCDAY question in other years. Estimated prevalence tends to be higher in years when reporting 1 or more days in response to the ALCDAY question is used to define any drinking status than in years when responding “yes” to the DRNKANY question is used. Alcohol use is more likely to be underreported than overreported,19 so we included a correction in our model to adjust estimates for years when the DRNKANY question is used for consistency with years when the ALCDAY question is used.



Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey questions on alcohol: United States, 2002–2012.

Note. Vertical lines demarcate years when question text changed. Red is used to highlight the portions of the text unique to a given version of the question.

We assessed heavy drinking status by first calculating average daily consumption for each respondent; we then classified respondents as “heavy drinkers” if average daily consumption was more than 1 drink per day for women or more than 2 drinks per day for men. Average daily consumption is typically calculated by multiplying the average number of drinking days (reported in the ALCDAY question) by the average number of drinks per drinking day (reported in the AVEDRNK question) and then dividing by 30; however, this method tends to underestimate consumption.19 Part of this underestimation is thought to be because the respondents reported a number closer to the mode instead of the true mean number of drinks when responding to the AVEDRNK question, effectively missing alcohol consumed on less frequent occasions when a lot of alcohol is consumed at once.

To correct for this, we implemented a method called “indexing”20 and calculated consumption separately for typical days and for binge days according to the following formula: (AQ × AF + BQ × BF)/30. AQ represents the typical quantity consumed as given by the AVEDRNK question, whereas BQ represents the quantity consumed on binge drinking days and is given by the MAXDRNKS question. Although the MAXDRNKS question refers to the most drinks consumed in the past 30 days, rather than the average number of drinks on binge drinking days, previous research has shown these 2 quantitates to be comparable.21 BF is the frequency of binge drinking days and is given by the DRNKGE5 question, whereas the frequency of typical drinking days (AF) is calculated by subtracting DRNKGE5 from ALCDAY.

We assessed binge drinking status using the DRNKGE5 question: we classified respondents who reported 1 or more binge drinking episodes in the past 30 days as “binge drinkers.” The cutpoint for binge drinking changed for women in 2006 from 5 drinks to 4 drinks, resulting in a large apparent increase in binge drinking prevalence among women mostly unrelated to actual changes in underlying behavior.22 To account for this, we included a correction in our model to adjust estimates for women before 2006 for consistency with estimates in later years.

We also extracted county identifiers and demographic characteristics for each respondent, including: gender, age group (21–29 years, 30–39 years, 40–49 years, 50–59 years, 60–69 years, and ≥ 70 years), race/ethnicity (White non-Hispanic, Black non-Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native non-Hispanic, other non-Hispanic, and Hispanic), marital status (formerly married, never married, currently married), and education status (less than high school, high school graduate, some college, college graduate). We excluded respondents who were missing a county identifier, any of the demographic variables, or the alcohol variables of interest. We analyzed any drinking and binge drinking prevalence for 2002 to 2012, whereas we analyzed heavy drinking prevalence for 2005 to 2012 because the MAXDRNKS question was introduced only in 2005. In 2012 there were 3143 counties; to address historical boundary changes we combined several counties and performed the analysis on a modified set of 3127 counties. The final analysis included 3 702 936 respondents for any drinking, 2 867 260 respondents for heavy drinking, and 3 673 679 respondents for binge drinking. (Details on missingness and sample sizes can be found as a supplement to the online version of this article at

Model Specification

We applied small area models to the BRFSS data to estimate county-level alcohol use prevalence. These models are specified as follows:

graphic file with name AJPH.2014.302313equ1.jpg

where Inline graphic is the number of respondents and Inline graphic is the number of alcohol users among these respondents in county i, year t, and age group a. The prevalence of alcohol use (Inline graphic), the parameter of interest, is modeled as follows:

graphic file with name AJPH.2014.302313equ2.jpg

where Inline graphic is an intercept, Inline graphic is a slope on year intended to capture large-scale time trends in alcohol use, and Inline graphic is an effect for each age group a (21–29 years is absorbed in the intercept). Inline graphic is a vector of demographic characteristics and includes the proportion of the sample belonging to each race/ethnicity group (except White non-Hispanic), each marital status group (except formerly married), and each education group (except less than high school) as well as interactions between all these factors and age; Inline graphic is the corresponding vector of parameters. We included these terms to account for the impact of these demographic factors of county-level alcohol use prevalence.

Inline graphic is a vector of time-varying county-level variables, and Inline graphic is the corresponding vector of parameters. We included county-level variables to “borrow strength” from external data sources. We selected these factors on the basis of literature documenting a relationship with alcohol use as well as availability of appropriate data sources at the county level, and we included percentage of households in rural areas,23,24 percentage living in poverty,25 unemployment rate,26,27 drinking places and alcohol stores per capita,28,29 and the percentage mainline Protestant, evangelical Protestant, Catholic, or Mormon.30,31 We did not include state-level alcohol sales (i.e., volume sold) because these estimates are not entirely comparable between states and over time.32 (Details on data sources for all covariates can be found as a supplement to the online version of this article at β5 × I is included in the any drinking model and the binge drinking model for women only: Inline graphic is an indicator for the preferred version of the questionnaire item for a given outcome.

The remaining terms in the model account for spatial trends, temporal trends, and space–time interactions beyond what is explained by the demographic variables and county-level covariates and allow borrowing strength over both time and space. Inline graphic and Inline graphic are county-level random effects: Inline graphic is assigned an independent and identically distributed normal prior (Inline graphic) and is intended to capture variation that is not spatially structured, whereas Inline graphic is assigned an intrinsic conditional autoregressive prior (Inline graphic), where ji indicates that county j is adjacent to county i) and is intended to capture spatially structured variation.33 Inline graphic is a year-level random effect assigned a first-order random walk prior (Inline graphic) and is intended to capture short-scale nonlinear time trends beyond what is accounted for by Inline graphic.34 Finally, Inline graphic is a county year–level random effect that allows a space–time interaction. This random effect is assigned a prior that is the interaction between an intrinsic conditional autoregressive spatial effect and a first-order random walk temporal effect.35 (Data available as a supplement to the online version of this article at describe the procedure used for validating this model.)

Model Fitting and Prediction

We fit separate models for each gender and alcohol use measure. Additionally, to make fitting the models more tractable, we fit separate models for each of 8 census divisions (we combined the middle Atlantic and New England divisions, as they each have a relatively small number of counties).36 Consequently, 16 models were specified for each of the 3 alcohol metrics.

Models were fit using the INLA program in R version,38 We used proper but diffuse hyperpriors for all terms. Specifically, we used Normal(0, 1000) hyperpriors for all fixed effects and Gamma(1, 0.01) hyperpriors for the precision parameter of all random effects. We generated 1000 draws for each county–year–age group from the approximate posterior distribution of the fitted model. For the purposes of generating these draws, we set Inline graphic, the vector of demographic variables, at the levels observed in the population rather than in the sample to adjust for differences between the composition of the sample and the underlying population. Similarly, for the any drinking and binge drinking models, we set Inline graphic to 1 to produce predictions consistent with the preferred version of the questionnaire. We collapsed these draws to the county–year level by age-standardizing using the 2000 census age standard and to the state and national level by first population-weighting the county-level draws and then age-standardizing.

We obtained final estimates by finding the mean of these draws and calculated the confidence intervals (CIs) by finding the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. We also estimated the proportion of all drinkers who are heavy drinkers or binge drinkers. To do this we divided the prevalence of heavy drinking and binge drinking by the prevalence of any drinking. To estimate uncertainty we carried out the same procedure using draws and found the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles.

Accounting for Wireless-Only Respondents

Before 2011 the BRFSS sampled only individuals who could be reached by landline, excluding the population that could be reached only by cell phone that had grown to 27.8% of adults by the second half of 2010.39 Previous research has shown that excluding individuals who can be reached only by cell phone biases estimates of alcohol use, typically downward, even after controlling for numerous demographic variables related to phone usage patterns.40 To address this, we applied a previously described correction41; in short, we fit 2 versions of every model, 1 that includes only respondents who can be reached by landline, and 1 that includes both landline and cell phone respondents. We then compared county-level estimates for 2011 between the 2 models and used these to derive estimates of the bias introduced by excluding respondents who could be reached only by cell phone. We then projected this bias backward, assuming that the wireless-only population was negligible in 2000 and has increased roughly linearly between 2000 and 2011.


At the national level in 2012, any drinking prevalence was 56.0% (95% CI = 55.6, 56.3), heavy drinking prevalence was 8.2% (95% CI = 8.0, 8.4), and binge drinking prevalence was 18.3% (95% CI = 18.1, 18.6). (Estimates for all counties in all years can be found as a supplement to the online version of this article at There was considerable variability within the United States between counties in all 3 measures, however, with any drinking prevalence ranging from 11.0% to 78.7% (SD = 11.6); heavy drinking prevalence ranging from 2.4% to 22.4% (SD = 2.6); and binge drinking prevalence ranging from 5.9% to 36.0% (SD = 5.1). Maps of any, heavy, and binge drinking prevalence in 2012 (Figure 2) depict clear regional patterns. The prevalence of any drinking was relatively high in counties in the northern states of the West and Midwest as well as along the Pacific and in New England. By contrast, any drinking prevalence was much lower in the South and in a region of the West centered on Utah. Geographic patterns for heavy and binge drinking are broadly similar to those for any drinking, although there are localized differences. Although broad geographic patterns encompassing entire states are common, there are frequently sizeable differentials within states: the median gap between highest and lowest county-level prevalence within a state was 27.6, 6.3, and 9.8 percentage points for any, heavy, and binge drinking, respectively.



Age-standardized alcohol use prevalence of (a) any drinking, (b) heavy drinking, and (c) binge drinking: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2012.

By all 3 measures, alcohol use prevalence is typically higher for men than for women (Figure 3). Male and female alcohol use prevalences are most similar for any drinking: across all counties the median ratio of any drinking prevalence among men to any drinking prevalence among women in 2012 was 1.4 and ranged from 1.0 to 2.4. The difference was more dramatic, and also more variable, for heavy drinking: among all counties the median ratio of heavy drinking prevalence among men to heavy drinking prevalence among women was 2.0 and ranged from 0.8 to 7.8. This difference was even larger for binge drinking although it was somewhat less variable: across all counties, the median ratio of binge drinking prevalence among men to binge drinking prevalence among women was 2.3 and ranged from 1.1 to 6.2. In 1.4% of counties for any drinking, 50.4% of counties for heavy drinking, and 69.9% of counties for binge drinking, the prevalence of alcohol use among men was at least twice that among women in 2012.



Ratio of male to female age-standardized alcohol use prevalence of (a) any drinking, (b) heavy drinking, and (c) binge drinking: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2012.

At the national level in 2012, 14.7% (95% CI = 14.4, 15.1) of all drinkers were heavy drinkers whereas 32.8% (95% CI = 32.3, 33.3) were binge drinkers. As with the other measures of alcohol use, this proportion varies widely between counties (Figure 4), ranging from 5.9% to 66.7% for heavy drinking and 20.2% to 86.2% for binge drinking. Much of this variation occurred within state borders.



Age-standardized prevalence among all alcohol users of (a) heavy drinking and (b) binge drinking: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2012.

We considered changes for all measures of alcohol use from 2005 to 2012 for consistency across measures. At the national level, we found no change in the prevalence of any drinking, but we found substantial increases for both heavy and binge drinking: a 17.2% (95% CI = 14.2, 20.3) increase from 7.0% (95% CI = 6.9, 7.2) to 8.2% (95% CI = 8.0, 8.4) for heavy drinking and an 8.9% (95% CI = 6.3, 11.6) increase from 16.8% (95% CI = 16.5, 17.2) to 18.3% (95% CI = 18.1, 18.6) for binge drinking. Trends at the county level varied widely for all 3 measures (Figure 5). Although there was little change in any drinking at an aggregate level, at the county level changes ranged from a 25.7% decrease to a 43.5% increase (SD = 6.7). These differentials are even more remarkable for heavy drinking—range −39.2% to 155.2% (SD = 15.9)—and for binge drinking—range −28.7% to 73.4% (SD = 8.3). Changes in heavy and binge drinking were positively correlated with changes in any drinking prevalence (0.48 and 0.64, respectively) and were also highly correlated with each other (0.72).



Change in age-standardized alcohol use prevalence of (a) any drinking, (b) heavy drinking, and (c) binge drinking: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2005–2012.

Changes in alcohol use prevalence were not uniform for men and women. Smoothed density plots of the change from 2005 to 2012 at the county level by gender (Figure 6) demonstrate that the prevalence of all alcohol use measures, but particularly heavy and binge drinking prevalence, tended to increase more for women than for men. The median increase in female heavy and binge drinking prevalence was more than twice the median increase in male heavy and binge drinking prevalence: 38.1% and 18.3%, respectively, for heavy drinking and 18.9% and 7.3%, respectively, for binge drinking.



Change in age-standardized alcohol use prevalence, by gender, of (a) any drinking, (b) heavy drinking, and (c) binge drinking: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2005–2012.

Note. Counties with more than 25% decline or more than 100% increase in drinking prevalence are not included.


To our knowledge, this analysis is the first to comprehensively report on time trends in alcohol use prevalence at the county level. We found huge variations in drinking patterns among counties, even within a state. Indeed, state-level estimates would have masked the substantial variation between counties within states. Furthermore, we found huge variation among counties in the proportion of heavy or binge drinkers among all individuals who drink currently. Clearly, there is not some fixed proportion of drinkers who are binge or heavy drinkers. Further investigation into why the proportion of those who are heavy or binge drinkers varies so widely is certainly called for.

We found that although the overall prevalence of any drinking has not changed substantially in recent years, there is evidence of an increase in both heavy drinking and binge drinking. Changes in heavy and binge drinking are not evenly distributed throughout the country, however: in this study we identify areas that have experienced particularly dramatic increases in recent years and that warrant particular attention to attempt to reverse these trends. Similarly, we found that increases in heavy and binge drinking prevalence in recent years have tended to be larger for women than for men, although women have not yet caught up to men in terms of current prevalence. These findings call for interventions intended specifically to address this increase among women.

Our study has numerous limitations. The BRFSS is a telephone survey; hence it excludes individuals without a telephone and those living in institutionalized settings. BRFSS response rates are also less than ideal; although we attempted to adjust our estimates to match the demographic composition of the underlying population, there was still the potential for bias because of nonresponse. Additionally, alcohol use is self-reported and typically underreported.19 Although we have attempted to correct for underreporting, it is likely we did not fully capture all consumption. Further, county identifiers are masked for residents of very small counties; we attempted to obtain data directly from states, but we were not able to do this for all respondents.

Finally, although this analysis does explicitly correct for changes in the questions used to elicit data on alcohol use patterns, as well as the omission of cell phones from the BRFSS sample before 2011, it is difficult to validate these corrections and results on changes over time should be interpreted with caution. However, because we attempted to bring estimates in line with the methods employed by BRFSS in 2011 and 2012, our 2011 and 2012 estimates are not subject to this limitation.

Despite these limitations, our analysis boasts numerous unique strengths. Our small area model simultaneously borrows strength spatially, temporally, and from external data sources included as covariates to improve predictions for all areas, even those with limited sample sizes. We also explicitly addressed numerous known issues with the BRFSS data on alcohol. We corrected for the underreporting of alcohol consumption, which allowed us to more accurately estimate heavy drinking prevalence. We also adjusted for the change in the cutpoint used to define binge drinking for women, which allowed us to produce estimates back to 2002 that are consistent with the currently accepted definition of binge drinking. Finally, we corrected for the bias introduced by omitting individuals who could be reached only by cell phone before 2011 from the BRFSS sampling frame. Collectively, these additional methods allowed us to improve the accuracy of our estimates and to produce a more cogent time series.

Excessive consumption of alcohol is a major risk factor for morbidity and mortality. Many effective interventions and strategies to reduce alcohol consumption and related harm are policy based and can be implemented at state and local levels.42,43 As drinking patterns vary widely between and within states, county-level estimates are essential for identifying areas of greatest need and informing efforts to reduce excessive alcohol use. We believe that the methods and results we have presented provide an important tool to local public health officials and others seeking to reduce the loss of health and life because of excessive alcohol use.


This research was supported by the State of Washington and the University of Wisconsin.

The authors thank the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System coordinators for their assistance in providing the data.

Human Participant Protection

Institutional review board approval was not required for this study because data were obtained from secondary sources.


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