(A) Shp2 protein expression in different adipose depots (SubQ: subcutaneous; Epi: epididymal; Ret: retroperitoneal; Vis: visceral; BAT: brown adipose tissue) of wild type male mice on regular chow or a HFD (for 12 weeks). Each lane represents sample from a different mouse. (B) Quantitative determination of Shp2 protein expression, normalized to Tubulin, from 3 mice per genotype. Body weight of male (C, E) and female (D, F) Cre (n= 9), flx/flx (n= 9), and FSHKO (n= 9) mice on a HFD (C, D) and chow (E, F). Total white adipose tissue weight (G, J), adiposity index (H, K), and head-rump length (cm) (I, L) of male (G-I) and female (J-L) mice on HFD for 12 weeks. Adiposity index (H) in FSHKO and fl/fl mice (H) has a P value of 0.052. * Indicates statistically significant difference in Shp2 expression between chow and HFD fed mice (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01).