Figure 4. The HIM-8 Protein Localizes to the PC Region of the X Chromosome.
All images show projections through fields of pachytene-region nuclei from animals of the indicated genotypes. The entire nuclear volume is shown in each projection. All scale bars represent 5 µm.
(A) Wild-type hermaphrodite, revealing a single HIM-8 focus in each nucleus due to close association between the two binding sites detected in premeiotic and very early meiotic nuclei (Figure 3).
(B) Wild-type male, which displays a single (unpaired) HIM-8 focus in each nucleus. In contrast to hermaphrodites, males also have one HIM-8 focus per nucleus in the premeiotic region of the gonad (data not shown).
(C) Hermaphrodite carrying two copies of the mnDp66 duplication of the X chromosome PC region. An additional HIM-8 focus is present in each nucleus, corresponding to the paired and synapsed duplication.
(D) Hermaphrodite carrying both mnDp66 and the PC deficiency meDf2, which eliminates one of the two foci observed in (C).
(E) HIM-8 immunostaining was performed in conjunction with FISH to two probes on the X chromosome, one from the left arm (1.5 Mb from the telomere) and one from a more medial position (7.4 Mb from the left end). The XL probe is closely associated with HIM-8 focus, while the XC probe is clearly more distant from the HIM-8 focus. Probes to the right end of the X and autosomal loci were also tested (data not shown) and did not correlate in their position with HIM-8 foci.