Particle-particle interactions in physiological media are important determinants for nanoparticle fate and transport. Herein, such interactions are assessed by a novel Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) based platform. Industry-relevant CeO2, Fe2O3, and SiO2 nanoparticles of various diameters were made by the flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) based Harvard Versatile Engineering Nanomaterials Generation System (Harvard VENGES). The nanoparticles were fully characterized structurally and morphologically and their properties in water and biological media were also assessed. The nanoparticles were attached on AFM tips and deposited on Si substrates to measure particle–particle interactions. The corresponding force was measured in air, water and biological media that are widely used in toxicological studies. The presented AFM based approach can be used to assess the agglomeration potential of nanoparticles in physiological fluids. The agglomeration potential of CeO2 nanoparticles in water and RPMI 1640 (Roswell Park Memorial Institute formulation 1640) was inversely proportional to their primary particle (PP) diameter, but for Fe2O3 nanoparticles, that potential is independent of PP diameter in these media. Moreover, in RPMI+10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) the corona thickness and dispersibility of the CeO2 is independent of PP diameter while for Fe2O3, the corona thickness and dispersibility were inversely proportional to PP diameter. The present method can be combined with (dynamic light scattering (DLS), proteomics, and computer simulations to understand the nano-bio interactions, with emphasis on the agglomeration potential of nanoparticles and their transport in physiological media.
Keywords: Nanoparticles, Nanotoxicology, Protein Corona, Atomic Force Microscope, Cerium Oxide, Iron Oxide
The increasing use of nanoparticles in commercial products and industrial processes makes their environmental1 and occupational2 exposures inevitable.3 Preliminary evidence indicates the potential of nanoparticles to cross biological barriers and cause adverse health effects.4 On a positive note, nanoparticle-based theranostics5 are one of the most promising applications that can help shape the way diseases6 are diagnosed and treated7 by MRI,8 X-Rays,9 and Photo Acoustic Tomography (PAT).10 Both the potential adverse effects and the theranostics efficacy are directly related to the nanoparticle uptake from the cells.
Nanoparticle–nanoparticle interactions have recently gained attention as they directly impact the cellular uptake of nanoparticles. Specifically, the adsorbed proteins on nanoparticle surfaces and the formation of the so-called protein corona have a key role in these interactions,11 as they determine the nanoparticle agglomeration state, as well as their fate and transport in a biological media (mobility, settling, etc.). We recently showed that transport of nanoparticles in physiological media depends on the hydrodynamic diameter and effective density12 of the agglomerates that are formed when nanoparticles exposed to physiological fluids.13 The effective density depends largely on the interaction potential (repulsion or attraction) and the corresponding force between nanoparticles.11
Due to the importance of the corona in the nanoparticle-nanoparticle interactions, many studies have focused on the identification of parameters influencing the adsorption of proteins on the surface of nanoparticles in various physiological fluids and the corresponding link to the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles.14 Differential plasma protein binding and proteomics analysis showed that the protein binding depends on PP diameter, shape and charge.15 Recently, computational models have also been employed to investigate the nano-bio interactions at the molecular level. However, the complexity of the systems limits the results on the protein conformation11 and the interactions with a simplified cell membrane model.16 Both computer simulations and proteomics analysis have clearly underlined the link between particle properties and composition/structure of the protein corona. Nevertheless, currently the interactions are experimentally assessed indirectly with techniques such as Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) that measures the particle agglomeration state, proteomics analysis that measures preferential protein adsorption, elipsometry and quartz microbalance that measures adsorbed mount. Although DLS data are valuable and insightful, they rely on numerous assumptions for the nature of the particles (spherical shape, uniform optical properties) and require accurate measurement of the indexes of refraction for both media and particles. These values are not readily available for all materials, thus adding an extra layer of assumptions. Similarly, proteomics analysis, elipsometry and quartz microbalance can differentiate and quantify the various proteins adsorbed on the particles, but cannot give information on specific nanoparticle–nanoparticle interactions.
Herein, we present one of the first attempts to assess the link of protein corona to the nanoparticle properties by measuring the atomic force between industry-relevant nanoparticles of controlled size suspended in physiological fluids. AFM is a state-of-the-art surface sensitive technique that has the ability to quantitatively and qualitatively characterize the interaction forces at molecular level. While it has been used extensively in material science for imaging17 and atomic force measurements,18 only recently AFM has been used for understanding nano-bio interactions at the molecular level.19
Research Strategy
The overall research strategy is illustrated in figure 1a. Nanoparticles with closely controlled properties were synthesized and attached on the AFM tip and also deposited in-situ on Si substrate as explained in detail in the Materials and Methods section. The nanoparticles were synthesized using the state-of-the-art Harvard Versatile Engineer Nanomaterial Generation System (VENGES).20 VENGES is based on flame aerosol technology,21 which is widely used in synthesis of particulate commodities (carbon black, pigmentary titania and fumed silica) as well as novel sophisticated materials such as catalysts, gas sensors, biomaterials and even nutritional products.22
Figure 1.
AFM apparatus and typical atomic force curves: (a) Illustration showcasing the direct force measurement apparatus. (b) In the case where the nanoparticles agglomerate there is strong adhesion force indicated by the force required to pull the tip away from the surface. (c) In the case that the protein corona is present there is a strong repulsion between the particles starting the moment the two coronas are brought in contact until they are fully compressed. The pictorial indicates the physical meaning of the RLT and its relation to the protein corona thickness.
Two nanoparticle systems were used as test materials: CeO2 and Fe2O3. Silica (SiO2) was used as a control material. Cerium oxide is used extensively in many industrial and commercial applications, as catalyst,23 additive in fuels,24 oxygen storage in fuel cells,25 pigment in cosmetics,26 or abrasive medium in Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP).27 Although it is generally considered a non toxic material, recent evidence suggests that in the nanoparticle form there might be adverse health effects28 and environmental implications.29 Iron oxide is widely utilized as pigment30 and has recently attracted considerable attention due to its promising potential in biomedics for its superparamagnetic properties10 and in nutritional31 applications as food fortificant against anemia. Silica is widely accepted as a control for toxicological studies,28,32 and its interactions with various proteins have been studied in depth.33
The interaction force profile was measured between the nanoparticle coated tips and substrates for various biological media by AFM. As biological media, water, RPMI 1640 (Roswell Park Memorial Institute formulation 1640, referred from now on as RPMI) and RPMI+10% FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum) were used. The aforementioned media are used extensively in preparation of nanoparticle suspensions in toxicological studies.13
AFM measures the interaction force in two subsequent modes: 1) while the tip is approaching the surface (trace), and 2) when the tip is retreating away from the surface (retrace).34 Typically, the atomic force is obtained as a function of the distance between AFM tip and substrate for both modes. Two important parameters were obtained from the AFM measurements: agglomeration potential and repulsion layer thickness. In more detail:
Agglomeration potential
During the retrace mode, the “adhesion force” can be measured (Figure 1b). This force represents the nanoparticle’s potential to form agglomerates in the media with greater force translating to a greater tendency to agglomerate and remain agglomerated.
Repulsion layer thickness (RLT)
When particles are suspended in physiological media, a protein corona forms that results in a repulsive force due to steric hindrance.35 Therefore, when the AFM tip is approaching the surface (trace mode), the protein coronas on nanoparticles will by compressed mutually when they come in contact. This will result in a sharp increase in the measured atomic force. When the coronas are fully compressed, protein coated nanoparticles behave as hard spheres. The interaction force increases linearly with increasing distance as the particles are pushed together (Figure 1c). The distance from when the two coronas start to experience the repulsion force, and the point where their interaction assimilates that of hard spheres is defined as the “repulsion layer thickness (RLT)” (figure 1c).
The RLT indicates the magnitude of the repulsive force, where a larger RLT indicates a more effective stabilization of the nanoparticles in the physiological media. Although this behavior can be a characteristic of all kinds of repulsive forces (electrostatic, electrosteric, steric, etc.), for proteins the RLT is directly related to the corona thickness with RLT to be roughly twice the corona thickness (to account for two approaching particles as is illustrated in Figure 1c).
Materials and Methods
The developed methodology has three major components: the particle synthesis & characterization, the attachment of nanoparticle on the AFM tips and substrates, and the direct atomic force profile measurement using AFM.
Synthesis of nanoparticles
The nanoparticles were made by the Flame Spray Pyrolysis (FSP)36 based Harvard Versatile Engineer Nanomaterial Generation System (VENGES).20,28,37 Flame aerosol technology accounts for more than 90% of the total volume and value of nanostructured particle commodities produced in the gas-phase worldwide.38 The advantages of this method include its precise control of the nanoparticles properties (i.e. composition, dimensions, shape, etc.), high yield (gr/h) and reproducibility.22 In contrast to other methods for producing nanoparticles, such as sol-gel and hydrothermal, flame aerosol technology at high oxidation conditions generates nanoparticles free of organic residue 39 on their surface that can interfere with the toxicity or protein adsorption.
A precursor solution, which contains dissolved organometallic compounds in a high enthalpy solvent, is pumped through a stainless-steel capillary tube at a controlled flow rate. Oxygen flow disperses the liquid precursor solution into fine droplets, which are combusted by a small pilot flame. This results in the full conversion of the liquid precursor’s organic constituents into metal oxide nanoparticles. The nanoparticle diameter is fully controlled by the operational parameters, and the results are consistent and reproducible.36 The nanoparticles are collected on a water-cooled glass fiber filter (Whatmann, 25.5 cm Ø) for further use and off-line characterization. The whole flame-spray set-up is depicted in Figure 2a.
Figure 2.
The process of producing the substrates and the nanoparticle attachment on the AFM tips. (a) The substrates are produced by direct deposition of the particles by FSP system. (b) The attachment of the nanoparticles on the tip. i) The tips are coated with the creation of a fine droplet on the edge of a fine capillary. ii) The tip is brought in contact with the created droplet and is dunked several times. iii) A micro sized droplet is formed at the edge of the tip. iv) The droplet is left to dry to create a small particle aggregate.
For each nanoparticle, a specific liquid precursor has to be prepared. Different operational parameters were selected to accommodate the requirement of the different diameters. More specifically:
CeO2 synthesis
For the CeO2 nanoparticles, a precursor consisting of Ce(III) 2-ethylhexanoate in 2-ethylhexanoc acid (Alfa Aesar, 12% Ce) and o-xylene (EMD, > 98%), at either 0.2 or 0.4 M Ce metal ions was used depending on the desired particle diameter. The pilot flame was kept identical for each synthesis method at a flow rate of 1.5 L/min CH4 and 3.2 L/min O2. For the CeO2 (S) the 0.2 M ceria precursor was injected at 3 mL/min and dispersed with O2 at 3 L/min.40 For the CeO2(M), the 0.4 M precursor was injected at 8 mL/min and dispersed with 3 L/min of O2. The CeO2(L) was also synthesized with the 0.4 M precursor, but was injected into an enclosed reactor consisting of a 40 cm long (49 mm Ø) quartz tube and sheathed by an additional 40 L/min oxygen flow. The precursor was injected at 5 mL/min and dispersed by 5 L/min of O2. In order to quickly achieve a steady state of particle synthesis for the enclosed system, the quartz tube was preheated in a proceeding step, where the synthesis conditions was applied for a pure xylene precursor for 2 minutes.
Fe2O3 synthesis
Fe2O3 nanoparticles synthesis was done with a 0.34 M precursor containing Fe(III) acetylacetonate (Aldrich, > 97%) in a o-xylene : acetonitrile (Sigma-Aldrich, > 99.5%), 3:1 volume ratio, solvent mixture.41 For the Fe2O3, the enclosure was used for all diameters of nanoparticles. For the Fe2O3(S), the precursor was fed at 5 mL/min with 5 L/min dispersion and 5 L/min sheath oxygen.41 The same precursor was also applied to generate the Fe2O3(M) nanoparticles, one of which was synthesized with a 12 mL/min precursor and 3 L/min oxygen flow. For Fe2O3(L), the precursor was injected at 8 mL/min and dispersed by 5 L/min of oxygen into an enclosed reactor (40 cm long, 49 mm Ø, quartz tube). 15 L/min of oxygen sheath gas was applied.41
SiO2 synthesis
The reference material, SiO2, was synthesized with a 0.5 M Si precursor made of hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO, Fluka Analytical, > 98.5%) and ethyl alcohol pure (EMD, 200 Proof, >99.5%). Silica synthesis was done with a 6 mL/min precursor and 4 L/min dispersion O2 flow rate.37
The synthesis conditions are summarized in the supplemental data (Table S–I). For all synthesis methods, the backpressure of the dispersion oxygen was regulated to 1.5 bar.
Nanoparticle dispersion preparation
The nanoparticle dispersions in water were prepared according to the protocol developed by Cohen et al,13 that includes calibration of sonication equipment to ensure accurate application of delivered sonication energy (DSE) in J/mL.42 According to the protocol, in order to achieve stable suspensions over time with narrow particle size distribution, the delivered sonication energy (DSE) should exceed a critical value (DSEcr). The DSEcr for various materials have been previously experimentally determined, and the values varied from 161 to 242 J/mL.13 The required sonication was done with a Branson Sonifier S-450A (Branson Ultrasonics, Danbury, CT, USA) fitted with a 3 inch cup horn (maximum power output of 400 W at 60 Hz, continuous mode, output level 3). For all applications in this study, 5 mL of nanoparticle suspensions were prepared at 1 mg/mL and sonicated for 10 minutes.
Nanoparticle Characterization
The nanoparticles were characterized with Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) in regards to their diameter and shape with X-Ray diffraction (XRD) regarding their crystal structure, with BET N2-adsorption regarding their surface area. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) was also used for agglomeration and surface charge characterization in liquid suspensions. In more detail:
Nanoparticle dispersions were prepared as described before. After sonication, the nanoparticles suspension was diluted down to 100 µg/mL. TEM grids (Ted Pella Inc., Redding, CA) were submerged in the solution and were let to dry. The particles were imaged with the Libra 120 (Carl, Zeiss Oberkochen, Germany).
The x-ray diffraction pattern was measured from 2theta 15–70° with a Bruker AXS D8 Advance (Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany). The analysis of the diffraction spectrum was done with the instrument software (Topas 4 software, Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany) using a Rietveld method to determine the nanoparticle phase and crystalline size.
The Malvern Nanosizer (Malvern, Worcestershire, United Kingdom) was used in order to determine the zeta potential and hydrodynamic diameter of the nanoparticle liquid suspensions. Suspensions of 0.1 mg/mL were prepared from the stock dispersions, produced as described previously. The dependency of the nanoparticle’s zeta potential on the pH in water was investigated by autotitration with a MPT-2 Autotitrator (Malvern, Worcestershire, United Kingdom) from pH 4 to 9. The pH was adjusted with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide and 0.1 M hydrochloric acid.
Specific Surface area
BET N2-adsorption of the nanoparticles allowed for the determination of the specific surface area. Approximately 100–200 mg of the nanoparticle was flushed with a N2 gas at 150°C for >1 h with the Flow Prep 060 (Micromeritics, Norcross, GA). The Specific Surface Area was measured with the TriStar (Micromeritics, Norcross, GA). The BET equivalent nanoparticle diameter (dBET) was estimated under the assumption of spherical, monodispersed, non-agglomerated nanoparticles with:
where the SSA is in m2/g, ρ is the material density in g/cm3 and dBET is in nm.
Deposition of nanoparticles on the substrates
Two different approaches were followed in terms of preparing the nanoparticle films for the study: 1) Direct particle deposition;43 and 2) by utilizing a nanoparticle suspension (described in the supplemental data).19
The utilized VENGES platform expedites the preparation of the substrates by directly exposing the Si substrates to the nanoparticle stream during the nanoparticle synthesis (Figure 2a, Materials and Methods section).43 The particles are deposited and adhered on the substrates without any additional aid. For the direct particle deposition on silicon wafer, the silicon wafer chip (<111> orientation, 5 × 5 mm chip, Ted Pella Inc., Redding, CA) was fixed onto a water-cooled substrate holder, and placed facing downwards between the particle flame and the glass fiber filter (Figure 2a). The substrates were fixed at 40 cm above the FSP nozzle for all open flame synthesis procedures with the exception of the enclosed CeO2 and Fe2O3 synthesis that the substrate height was set to 55.5 cm to accommodate the quartz tubes.
The particle morphology and yield is not stable during the first 10 seconds of the procedure and during the shutdown process. Therefore, during start up and shut down of the particle flame the substrates were kept covered by a steel shield.43 The shield was removed for the desired deposition duration (10 – 120 s) (The experimental conditions for the substrate manufacturing are summarized in the supplemental data, Table S–I). The exposed time was optimized for each material and each particle diameter based on the surface coverage. The time for proper film formation was optimized for each case to yield a uniform continuous nanoparticle layer (supplemental data, Figures S1–S3). Subsequently, the substrates were rinsed with ethanol to remove loosely attached particles.
The substrates were characterized regarding the utilized nanoparticle diameter and the overall nanoparticle film morphology and cohesion by scanning electron microscopy (Zeiss Ultra Plus, 2 kV) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM, Asylum Research, Santa Clara, CA).
Nanoparticle attachment on the AFM tips
The tips, due to their very sensitive nature and small dimensions, cannot be directly exposed to the high temperature of the FSP reactor. Instead, the nanoparticles were ex-situ attached on the tips from aqueous suspensions with the a modification of the method developed by Ong et al.44
The nanoparticles were attached on the AFM cantilever tips (AC240TS, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) with a fine coordination of Leica micromanipulators (Micromanipulator L, Leica Microsystems, Buffalo Grove, IL) under an inverted microscope (Leica DMIRB, Leica Microsystems, Buffalo Grove, IL) with a 20X magnification lens. The AFM cantilever tip was brought into the vicinity of a flint glass capillary tube (VWR, Radnor, PA) previously filled with the desired nanoparticle aqueous dispersion. A small dispersion droplet was ejected from the capillary and carefully allowed to circulate the first 5 mm of the outside cylindrical surface of the capillary tip for about 2 minutes in order to evenly wet the capillary front. The tip was then slowly brought into contact with the remaining dispersion for 15–30 touch intervals. Subsequently, the AFM tips were allowed to dry at ambient room condition. Figure 2b summarizes this procedure.
The tips used in the following order: i) air; ii) water; iii) RPMI; and iv) RPMI+10%FBS.
Force measurements using AFM
The forces are obtained and presented as a function of the distance between the substrate and the tip. The force curves were obtained in four different environments: i) air, ii) DI water iii) RPMI and iv) RPMI+10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). All the measurements were conducted with the Asylum MFP-3D AFM System (Asylum Research, Santa Barbara, CA) sitting on a TS-150 vibration isolation table (Asylum Research, Santa Barbara, CA) and enclosed in AEK 2002 acoustic isolation enclosure (Asylum Research, Santa Barbara, CA).
All the nanoparticle-coated substrates were fixed on glass slide with Crystalbond™ 509 adhesive (Ted Pella Inc., Redding, CA). The slide was heated on a hotplate at 150 °C. The adhesive stick was brought in contact with the hot glass slide, and a small portion was melted on the slide glass. The substrate was immediately placed on the adhesive, parallel to glass slide with tweezers and was let to cool.
No additional instruments were required for the liquid measurements as they were executed by forming a liquid meniscus between the AFM tip holder and the substrate (Figure 1 (a)). The substrate and the AFM tips were left in the utilized media for 1 hr so the system would come to equilibrium.
AFM tip spring constant measurement
The spring constant of the AFM tips was measured with the nanoparticles attached to account for the added mass of the particles and the corresponding change to the resonance frequency. It was experimentally determined in air over a mica surface according to the standardized protocol developed by Torii et al.45
Force Measurement protocol and statistics
The surface of the substrate was imaged in AC (non-contact) mode prior to force measurements, in order to identify the nanoparticle location for the force measurements. By using the built-in software (Asylum Research, Santa Clara, CA) 10–15 sampling points, based on the morphology of the scanning area, were chosen systematically and were well distributed prior to force measurements.
The used tips were examined by SEM before and after each use in order to verify the adherence of the nanoparticles to the tip and therefore also the validity of the measured forces.
In each location a minimum of 20 consecutive extension/retraction movements resulting in more than 200 force curves for each case in each medium. The forces acting between the substrate and tip were measured in contact mode. Several pairs of substrates and tips were used for each case. The standard deviation for the error bar was used as the error in the calculation of both the RLT and the adhesion force.
Force analysis
The force curves were processing and the calculation of adhesion force and RLT was done with an in-house developed Mathematica algorithm (Wolfram Research, Somerville, MA). The AFM gives the force as a function of the tip displacement and not directly as a function of the surface tip distance. This results in force curves that are not aligned. Therefore, before averaging the measured force plots, they were shifted so that at large separation distance (∼1 µm) there is zero net force (shift along y axis). For the adhesion force the force curves were shifted across the x-axis to align the minima at x = 0 nm. For the case of repulsion the curves were shifted in order to align linear portion of the curves (shift along the x axis). The RLT and the adhesion force were calculated individually from each curve. The obtained values were averaged and the standard deviation was used as the error. Outliers control removed values that are outside the range of ±3σ (σ: standard deviation). Subsequently, the force curves were averaged and plotted.
Results and Discussion
Particle Synthesis and Characterization
The CeO2 and Fe2O3 nanoparticles were synthesized in three distinct primary particle (PP) diameters of 5–10 nm, 20–50 nm and 50–100 nm denoted with S, M and L, respectively. Additionally SiO2 nanoparticles, a reference material, were synthesized at a PP diameter of about 15 nm.
Figure 3 shows collectively the structural characterization of a) CeO2 and b) Fe2O3 for all particle diameters. Figure 3 c-h shows TEM images of these particles. Table I summarizes the PP diameter based on the XRD patterns (Rietveld analysis), the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) N2 adsorption specific surface area, and the corresponding computed diameter.
Figure 3.
Structural characterization of the synthesized materials. XRD patterns of (a) cerium oxide and (b) iron oxide. TEM images of (c) CeO2(S), (d) CeO2(M) and (e) CeO2(L) (f) Fe2O3(S), (g) Fe2O3(M), (h) Fe2O3(L) where L, M & S correspond to the large (50–100 nm), medium (10–20 nm) an small (5–10 nm) sized ranges. The scale bar is the same for all images.
Table I.
The BET specific surface area, the BET calculated diameter, the XRD particle diameter, the hydrodynamic diameter and the zeta potential in water and RPMI+10%FBS, for all the nanoparticles investigated in this study. The value of dBET is computed from the SSA and the corresponding material density under the assumption of spherical, monodispersed, non-agglomerated nanoparticles.
NP ref. name |
SSA [m2/g] |
dBET [nm] |
dXRD [nm] |
Hydrodynamic Diameter (pH) [mV] |
Zeta Potential [mV] | ||
Water | Cell Media | Water | Cell Media |
CeO2(S) | 144.5 | 5.4 | 10.6 | 254.7±21.7 (6.1) |
469.0 ± 124.6 (7.14) |
5.2 | −8.2 |
CeO2(M) | 53.8 | 14.6 | 27.2 | 108.0±3.8 (6.1) |
343.9 ± 52.4 (7.14) |
2.2 | −23.6 |
CeO2(L) | 25.9 | 30.3 | 45.9 | 140.8±1.9 (6.4) |
429.1 ± 3.8 (7.14) |
10.2 | −21.7 |
Fe2O3(S) | 123.0 | 9.3 | 10.1 | 106.9±6.9 (6.3) |
335.2 ± 8.8 (7.14) |
11.1 | −10.3 |
Fe2O3(M) | 54.7 | 20.9 | 24.5 | 237.2±5.0 (6.4) |
1219.0 ± 132. 5 (7.14) |
2.8 | −8.62 |
Fe2O3(L) | 13.7 | 83.4 | 90.6 | 6171.7±1083 (6.5)** |
4250.0 ± 94.9 (7.14) |
−0.7 | −8.81 |
SiO2 | 154.3 | 14.7 | −* | 129±2.9 (6.6) | 203.4 ± 11.2 (7.14) |
−47.3 | −16.6 |
No XRD size available for amorphous materials.
Due to rapid sedimentation, value is susceptible to large error.
The XRD patterns confirm the crystalline structure for both CeO2 and Fe2O3. The CeO2 nanoparticles are cubic (CaF2 structural type), in agreement with literature.36 The Fe2O3 nanoparticles are gamma phase in agreement again with FSP literature.41 Both the XRD patterns and TEM images confirm the diameter variation and structure of the synthesized nanoparticles exhibiting the hexagonal form of the Fe2O3 particles46 and the rhombohedral shape of the CeO2 particles.36 It is evident from the images that there is a nearly self-preserving diameter distribution that is common for flame generated materials.21 The images also demonstrate that the desired variation in diameter was achieved for both materials without altering the material phase, as seen from XRD (Figure 3a,b).
Nanoparticle Deposition on Substrates and AFM Tips
Substrate characterization
Figure 4 shows the AFM and SEM characterization of the nanoparticle substrates for Fe2O3(L), CeO2(L) and SiO2 nanoparticles (the remaining substrates are presented in the supplemental data, Figures S1–S3). The films appear to be cohesive and uniform. It is evident that the deposited nanoparticles maintained all their properties and features during deposition. This is confirmed by the AFM topography, which reveals that the curvature radius of particles on substrates is similar to the particles suspended in media. Maintaining the same features is critical since the particle curvature affects nanoparticle-protein interactions.47
Figure 4.
The AFM topography of the substrates and the respective SEM images The AFM topography of (a) SiO2 (b) Fe2O3(L) and (c) CeO2(L). The respective SEM images of (d) SiO2 (e) Fe2O3(L) and (f) CeO2(L).
AFM tips characterization
Figure 5a–c show the SEM imaging of the tips with the attached SiO2, Fe2O3(L) and CeO2(L) nanoparticles (all the AFM tips are in the supplemental data, Figure S5).
Figure 5.
SEM images of the AFM tips with (a) SiO2 (b) Fe2O3(L) and (c) CeO2(L) attached. A freshly made AFM tip with the Fe2O3(L) nanoparticles attached (d) unused, (e) after it was used in air to estimate the spring constant and (f) after it has been used in RPMI and RPMI+10%FBS.
The SEM photograph series in Figures 5d–f show an examplary tip that has been used in a series of force measurements with no apparent change in its morphology. This is clear evidence that attached particles remain stable on the tip. Figure 5d shows a tip coated with Fe2O3(L) prior to its use in AFM measurements. Figure 5e shows the same tip after being used for force measurements in two media (200 measurements in air and 200 measurements in water). The same tip is shown in Figure 5f after being used in consecutive measurements in two additional media (200 measurements in RPMI and 200 measurements RPMI+10%FBS). It is clear that nanoparticles attached to the tip as described, adhere there during multiple force measurements in consecutive media.
Overall AFM platform quality assessment
In summary, from the data presented in Figures 4 and 5, it is evident that the developed methodology allows for the attachment of particles while maintaining the same surface features of the single particles. Moreover, the tips can be used repeatedly for force measurements in various media without any apparent alteration of their original properties. The particles remain at the location where they were originally attached.
Nanoparticle-Nanoparticle interactions in Media
The nanoparticle-nanoparticle interactions were investigated with two different methods: the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and the direct nanoparticle-nanoparticle interaction utilizing the proposed AFM based approach. In more detail:
Characterization of the nanoparticles in media
The nanoparticles suspensions were characterized with DLS in water and RPMI+10%FBS. Figure S6 in supplemental data, presents the DLS characterization data, including the zeta potential measurements as a function of the pH in water and the size distributions in water and RPMI+10%FBS. The hydrodynamic diameter and zeta potential values in DI water and RPMI+10%FBS are summarized in Table I.
As shown in Table I, the surface charge of the nanoparticles is dependent upon the material and the PP diameter. The isoelectric point (IEP) (Figure S6) for all nanoparticles is in agreement with literature (approximately 7 for CeO227 and Fe2O3 including FSP-made Fe2O3,46 which is also approximately 7). Silica is negatively charged in the entire evaluated pH range in agreement with FSP-made silicas.39 Also in RPMI+10%FBS the zeta potential is negative for all the nanoparticles, in good agreement with literature.48
DLS also revealed that, in general, the nanoparticle suspensions exhibit narrow size distributions, as demonstrated by the low polydispersity indexes (0.163–0.459), except for Fe2O3(L) (polydispesity index of 0.672). More specifically, in water, the agglomerates of CeO2 nanoparticles have average hydrodynamic diameter between 150–250 nm regardless of PP diameter. For the agglomerates of Fe2O3 nanoparticles in DI water, there is a gradual increase in the hydrodynamic diameter with constituent PP diameter. In particular, the Fe2O3(L) agglomerates appear to be quite polydisperse with an average hydrodynamic diameter of approximately 6.1 µm. This is in accordance with the zeta potential values that display a similarly gradual decrease as a function of PP diameter. It should be noted that for Fe2O3 the magnetic coercivity increases with particle diameter of 20 nm and larger49 resulting in large agglomerates that was also evident46 for FSP-made uncoated Fe2O3. These forces are long-range forces but are significantly weaker than van der Waals in short range, and therefore, in this study, are not considered significant. The reference material, silica, as expected, had a rather narrow agglomerate size distribution in suspension in accordance with the literature.13
In the presence of FBS, all nanoparticle suspensions exhibit a fairly narrow distribution of sizes, as indicated from their low polydispesity index (0.217–0.423). This is in agreement with the preparation protocol followed in this study that is designed to produce nanoparticle suspensions with a narrow size distribution.13 More specifically, in RPMI+10%FBS, the CeO2 agglomerates have a hydrodynamic diameter approximately 400 nm again regardless of PP diameter. On the contrary, for the Fe2O3, the hydrodynamic diameter increases with increasing PP diameter, although the zeta potential values remain approximately the same. Silica also appears narrowly distributed due to the high negative surface charge. The FBS adsorption on silica is limited,50 and therefore there is a significant amount of free protein left in the solution that was measured by DLS (figure S6e).
AFM force measurements
Figure 6 presents collectively the force as a function of distance for the case of SiO2, CeO2(L) and Fe2O3(L), in suspension in different media. The obtained curves displayed in Figure 6 appear smooth and the overall shape is similar to the theoretical shape described in Figure 1. The deviation from the average value was approximately 20% (Maximum value was approximately 33%). The absence of the characteristic seesaw pattern51 indicates that the nanoparticles do not detach or shift in position during force measurements. Generally, it is observed that in both air and water there is a net attraction, while for RPMI+10%FBS there is a net steric repulsion, as expected.4 For each case, the magnitude varies based on the nanoparticle material and medium. This is in agreement with literature data52 as these interactions depend both on the material’s Hamaker constant (determining the attractive van der Waals forces) and the structure of the corona, that depends on nanoparticle surface composition and diameter.47
Figure 6.
Representation of the averaged force curves. The AFM force measured for the CeO2 in (a) air, (b) water and (c) RPMI+10%FBS. Similarly the AFM force measured for the Fe2O3 in (d) air, (e) water and (f) RPMI+10%FBS.
Figure 7 summarizes the AFM force results by focusing on the two metrics: the adhesion force and the repulsive layer thickness (RLT) for all nanoparticles. Silica is included as reference. Figures 7a and b show the adhesion force for CeO2 and Fe2O3, respectively in various media (air, water, RPMI and RPMI+10%FBS). Figures 7c and d present the RLT for the CeO2 and Fe2O3 respectively in various media (air, water, RPMI and RPMI+10%FBS). Figure 7e represents the dependence of the RLT on the PP size (XRD diameter) for both the CeO2 and Fe2O3 nanoparticles. Finally figure 7f shows the relation between the DLS measured hydrodynamic diameter and the RLT for both Fe2O3 and CeO2 nanoparticles.
Figure 7.
Collective representation of the AFM results. (a) The adhesion force between the CeO2 nanoparticles and (b) Fe2O3 nanoparticles. (c) Similarly the RLT for the CeO2 nanoparticles and (d) Fe2O3 nanoparticles. (e) The repulsive layer thickness as a function of the primary particle size. (f) The relation between the hydrodynamic diameter and the RLT for all the particles. The XRD measured PP size is indicated in the graph.
From air to water to RPMI, the adhesion is reduced for both nanoparticles. In air, the CeO2 appears to have stronger adhesive forces than Fe2O3, in agreement with the literature as CeO2 has a larger Hamaker constant than Fe2O3 (5.56×10−20J vs. 2.1×10−20J, respectively).53 In water, the magnitude of the attraction is reduced due to surface charges. However, since the pH is close to the IEP, the zeta potential has small values, and therefore the repulsion is not enough to entirely eliminate the adhesion. In RPMI, the magnitude of the interactions remains the same since there is only a small shift to the pH as compared to the DI water (from 6 to 7.41). In addition the small organic molecules present in RPMI adsorbed on the nanoparticle surface (sugars, vitamins, amino acids etc.) cannot induce any significant changes (steric or electrostatic hindrance) due to their small sizes and charge. Moreover the various electrolytes used to adjust the pH cannot effect the electrostatic interactions since the pH is already close to IEP. As expected, when the medium is RPMI +10%FBS, the adhesion potential completely diminishes for both the CeO2 and Fe2O3. This is attributed directly to the protein corona formation and the corresponding steric stabilization it provides.54 The reference material SiO2 is well dispersed both in water and RPMI+10%FBS, in alignment with the adhesion force data.
One of the most important results from the AFM force analysis is the dependence of adhesion force between the CeO2 nanoparticles on particle diameter. This trend was not observed for Fe2O3 nanoparticles. These results indicate that the particle interactions in media are ambiguous processes that depend on the media particle diameter and composition.
For Fe2O3 nanoparticles, the corona thickness (∼½ RLT) depends on the PP diameter (Figure 7b). However, for the CeO2 nanoparticles, the corona thickness does not seem to depend on the PP diameter (Figure 7e). The data is in agreement with the literature which suggests that the protein corona formation depends both on the nanoparticle material and dimensions.55 Moreover, when the RLTs are compared to the DLS measurements, it is evident that the differences in the protein corona thickness can be directly related to the dispersibility of the particles as indicated by the polydispersity index and hydrodynamic diameter. For the Fe2O3 nanoparticles, the RLT decreases when the PP diameter increases (Figure 7f). At the same time, the hydrodynamic diameter in RPMI+10%FBS increases, which indicates that the nanoparticles tend to agglomerate more. However, for the CeO2 nanoparticles, both the hydrodynamic diameter and RLT seem to be irrelevant to the PP diameter.
It is well established that a larger corona thickness (larger RLT) translates to more effective dispersibility since the particles are kept at larger separation distance and therefore don’t tend to agglomerate.56 Thus, when the RLT of the Fe2O3 nanoparticles decreases, the particle dispersibility is reduced resulting in larger agglomerates and a greater hydrodynamic diameter. On the contrary, CeO2 has no variation in the RLT in respect to the PP diameter. Furthermore the hydrodynamic diameter of the ceria has approximately the same value for all PP diameters. This is a clear indication that the particle properties impact the corona, and the corona in turn impacts the nanoparticle – nanoparticle interactions.
It is worth mentioning that the value of the RLT in RPMI+10%FBS is always within 12–36 nm, which represents a corona thickness between 6–18 nm. This is consistent with the dimension of the bovine serum albumin (4–14 nm),57 which is the dominant protein in the solution (more than 99%). BSA is a globular protein that in physiological solutions has dimensions of 4×4×14 nm 58 and approximately 7 nm hydrodynamic diameter when measured with DLS.59 Change in the conformation of the protein can result in different layer thicknesses ranging from 5 nm (smallest dimension of the BSA) to 15 nm (largest dimension). 60
The presented results demonstrate the high specificity of the nanoparticle-nanoparticle interactions and the thickness of the formed corona. These interactions depend on the material, the primary particle size and the physiological media. Currently these interactions are only investigated with computer simulations11 and proteomics analysis.15 Here we presented one of the first attempts to directly assess them experimentally. Although in the presented work we used the RPMI and the RPMI+10%FBS, both relevant to in-vitro toxicology studies, the technique is not limited to these media/fluids. Every physiological medium that is optically transparent enough so it does not obstruct the AFM laser can be used. Such fluids can be physiological fluids like lung lining fluids, surfactant layer in the airways, mucus layer etc. Additionally the developed methodology can also be used effectively with any other nanomaterial that can be attached on the AFM tip, allowing to investigate a large number of potential interactions.
This study is one of the first attempts to assess the nature and quantify the magnitude of the nanoparticle – nanoparticle interactions in physiological media using atomic force microscopy. We presented the required methodology to directly measure the atomic forces that determine these interactions in physiological media. The presented AFM approach has some major advantages over indirect methods like DLS, proteomics, or computer simulations. It is a bottom-up approach that can directly assess these interactions without any of the limitations the aforementioned techniques have. This method provides an extra layer of information, in addition to the currently utilized methods (DLS, proteomics, and computer simulation), in an effort to understand the nano-bio interactions with emphasis on the agglomeration potential of nanoparticles, their stability, and the thickness of the formed protein corona.
In the future, the developed AFM platform will be used to investigate the forces between nanoparticles and cells. This will provide another layer of information and link the atomic forces to biological/toxicological properties of nanomaterials.
Supplementary Material
The authors would like to acknowledge the Center for Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology at the Harvard School of Public health, the Harvard Career Incubator Fund, the NSF grant #1235806 and the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007–2013, ERC grant agreement n° 247283) for their financial support. The authors would also like to acknowledge Sandra Pirela, for her assistance with the DLS measurements, Dr. Margaret Thompson, manager of the Transgenics laboratory at the Children’s Hospital and Developmental Diabetes Research Center (Boston, MA) for providing the Leica micromanipulators, and the Center for Nanoscale Systems (CNS) at Harvard University, for the access and support of AFM, TEM and SEM.
Supporting Information: Images of the substrates with the deposited nanoparticles, the AFM tips with the nanoparticles attachment for all cases, an alternative method for preparing the substrates.
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