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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2015 May 11;112(21):6766–6770. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1507303112

Protein aggregation in salt solutions

Miha Kastelic a, Yurij V Kalyuzhnyi b, Barbara Hribar-Lee a, Ken A Dill c,1, Vojko Vlachy a
PMCID: PMC4450416  PMID: 25964322


Protein aggregation is a problem in amyloid and other diseases, and it is a challenge when formulating solutions of biological drugs, such as monoclonal antibodies. The physical processes of aggregation, especially in salt solutions, are not well understood. We model a protein as having multiple binding sites to other proteins, leading to orientational variations, dependent on salt. With few parameters and with knowledge of the cloud-point temperatures as a function of added salt, the model gives good predictions for properties including the liquid–liquid coexistence curves, the second virial coefficients, and others for lysozyme and gamma-crystallin.

Keywords: phase separation, protein aggregation, Hofmeister series


Protein aggregation is broadly important in diseases and in formulations of biological drugs. Here, we develop a theoretical model for reversible protein–protein aggregation in salt solutions. We treat proteins as hard spheres having square-well-energy binding sites, using Wertheim’s thermodynamic perturbation theory. The necessary condition required for such modeling to be realistic is that proteins in solution during the experiment remain in their compact form. Within this limitation our model gives accurate liquid–liquid coexistence curves for lysozyme and γ IIIa-crystallin solutions in respective buffers. It provides good fits to the cloud-point curves of lysozyme in buffer–salt mixtures as a function of the type and concentration of salt. It than predicts full coexistence curves, osmotic compressibilities, and second virial coefficients under such conditions. This treatment may also be relevant to protein crystallization.

Protein molecules can aggregate with each other. This process is important in many ways (1). First, a key step in developing biotech drugs—which are mostly mABs—is to formulate proteins so that they do not aggregate. This is because good shelf-life requires long-term solution stability, and because patient compliance requires liquids having low viscosities. The importance of such formulations comes from the fact that the world market for protein biologicals is about the same size as for smartphones. Second, protein aggregation in the cell plays a key role in protein condensation diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and others. Third, much of structural biology derives from the 100,000 protein structures in the Protein Data Bank, a resource that would not have been possible without protein crystals, a particular state of protein aggregation. Also, it is not yet possible to rationally design the conditions for proteins to crystallize.

However, protein aggregation is poorly understood. Atomistic-level molecular simulations are not practical for studying multiprotein interactions as a function of concentration, and in liquid solutions that are themselves fairly complicated—that account for salts of different types and concentrations as well as other ligands, excipients, stabilizers, or metabolites. So, a traditional approach is to adapt colloid theories, such as the Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek (DLVO) (2) theory. In those treatments, proteins are represented as spheres that interact through spherically symmetric van der Waals and electrostatic interactions in salt water, using a continuum representation of solvent and a Debye–Hückel screening for salts. DLVO often gives correct trends for the pH and salt concentration dependencies. However, DLVO does not readily account for protein sequence-structure properties, salt bridges (which are commonly the ‟glue” holding protein crystals together), explicit waters in general, or Hofmeister effects, where different salts have widely different powers of protein precipitation (35). A more subtle treatment is required for these effects (68).

Coarse-grained statistical mechanics is essential for describing the properties of complex solutions. For proteins, such modeling needs to go beyond central-force approximations because it is generally noted that ‟the isotropic models fail to describe the phase diagram of protein solutions quantitatively and cannot address phenomena such as protein aggregation and self-assembly” (9, 10), typically yielding coexistence curves that are too narrow and/or overestimating the critical temperature of the phase diagram. Accounting for the discreteness of protein charges (11, 12) leads to better predictions, for example of small-angle neutron scattering (13). Another approach for treating the potential asymmetries is to assume heterogeneously charged surfaces, in the so-called patchy models (9, 1417). Recent results for the gas–liquid and fluid–solid coexistence equilibria for this type of model are in good agreement with experiments on lysozyme solutions, but it requires the assumption of a temperature-dependent pseudo-potential (16). However, another approach is to assume the range and directionality of attractive interactions varies around the protein (9, 12, 18). A key conclusion from these works is that to properly capture protein liquid-phase equilibria seems to require that the range of interactions between proteins be short (1822).

Modeling proteins as rigid bodies has severe limitations, as pointed out in the recent paper of Sarangapani et al. (23) and highlighted by Prausnitz (24). When analyzing protein aggregation by such models, these studies indicate the importance of knowing that during the experiment the native structure is preserved. It is recommended to use CD as a tool for verifying that no changes in protein conformation take place during experiments.

The cloud-point temperature measurements modeled here were described in refs. 25 and 26. In experiments the temperature was first decreased until the transmitted beam would disappear and then raised until the original scattering intensity was restored. Reversible opacification was indicative that protein remained in the compact state. The transition between the single-phase and the two-phase region is reversible and without hysteresis also for other proteins (see ref. 1, p. 165). Further evidence on stability of the lysozyme, which is the central molecule of our analysis, is provided in ref. 27, figure 6. The CD spectra of the lysozyme remain unchanged during the solubility studies performed at protein concentrations similar to (or even higher than) those modeled here.

The perturbed hard-sphere models, similar to the one proposed below, have been successfully used before (see, e.g., refs. 19, 22, 25, 28, and 29). In these and other similar models the perturbation part of potential was assumed to be isotropic. In contrast to this we treat the protein–protein interaction as directional. We model proteins as hard spheres, with a number of square-well attractive sites located on the surface, which we call the ‟binding sites.” In this aspect our approach resembles some simple water models (30, 31). The modification seems to have significant consequences for the shape of the liquid–liquid coexistence curve. We treat the solution physics through the thermodynamic perturbation theory that was developed by Wertheim for liquids that are strongly associating (32, 33). The model is used to analyze various experimental data.


We model the protein solution as a one-component system of N protein molecules with number density ρ=N/V at temperature T and volume V. The protein molecules are represented as spheres of diameter σ embedded in the solvent composed of water, buffer, and various simple salts. The solvent is simply treated as an effective modifier of the protein–protein interactions.

We assume that the protein–protein pair potential is composed of (i) the hard-sphere part uR(r) and (ii) attractive contributions, uAB, caused by the (short-range) square-well sites localized on the surface of the protein (32):

u(r)=uR(r)+AϵΓBϵΓuAB(xAB). [1]

Here, r (r=|r|) is the vector between the centers of molecules, xAB is the vector connecting sites A and B on two different molecules, and Γ denotes the set of sites (Fig. 1). We examine a special case, where M sites are randomly distributed over the surface of the spherical protein. Note that d=0.5σ. The identical binding potential uAB acts among all sites. The pairwise additive potential is then written as

uR(r)={forr<σ,0forrσ, [2]
uAB(xAB)={εWfor|xAB|<aW,0for|xAB|aW. [3]

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Proteins interact as two spheres. They interact at M×M pairs of binding sites on the surfaces, one pair of which (A and B) is indicated here.

Here εW (>0) is the square-well depth of the binding potential and aW is its range. The interaction acts only when the site–site distance |xAB| is smaller than aW, the square-well width. We avoid nonphysical multisite bonding by applying the following restriction (32, 34):

0<aW<σ3d. [4]

Next, we assume that the free energy A of the solution is additive:

A=Aid+Ahs+Aass, [5]

where Aid is the ideal free energy, Ahs is the hard sphere, and Aass the site–site association contribution to the free energy. This latter term is adopted from Wertheim’s thermodynamic perturbation theory (32, 33, 35):

βAassN=M(lnXX2+12), [6]

where β=(kBT)1 and kB is Boltzmann’s constant. The association parameter X defines the average fraction of molecules not bonded to any site and is determined by the mass-action law (35):

X=11+MXρΔAB. [7]

The term ΔAB is defined by the expression (34)

ΔAB=4πghs(σ)σ2d+aWf¯ass(r)r2dr, [8]

where f¯ass(r) is the angular average of the Mayer function, obtained as described in ref. 34 (see also Eqs. S9 and S10). The radial distribution function ghs(r) is obtained from the analytical solution of the Ornstein–Zernike integral equation within the Percus–Yevick (PY) approximation (36).

Once the free energy A of the solution is known, we compute the pressure P (effectively, the osmotic pressure) and chemical potential μ of the proteins using the standard equations (36):

μ=[(A/V)ρ]T,V, [9]
P=ρμAV. [10]

These quantities are critical for the calculation later of the coexistence curve. An additional quantity of practical interest is the second virial coefficient B2, which is defined through the relation

βP=ρ+B2ρ2+. [11]

It is useful (37) to give this quantity as a dimensionless parameter B2*=B2/B2(hs), where B2(hs) is the hard-sphere contribution to the second virial coefficient, equal to 2πσ3/3 (36). Another interesting measurable quantity, obtained by scattering techniques, is the osmotic compressibility χosm=β(P/ρ)N,T. For more details of the actual computation see Supporting Information.

Numerical Results and Comparison with Experimental Data

Besides the diameter of the protein σ, parameters of the model are the number M of attractive square-well sites and the depth ϵW and range aW of the square-well potential. We obtain them as follows. First, we choose the number of attractive sites M; numerical studies indicate that the critical density on the coexistence curve depends mainly on this quantity (14). Two other parameters that influence the shape of coexistence curves are the square-well depth ϵW and its range aW. ϵW affects the critical temperature, and aW determines the breadth of the coexistence curve. Notice that the range of the potential is restricted by Eq. 4 to be smaller than 0.134 σ. We fix aW=0.18 nm to be equal to the length of a hydrogen bond (38). Finally, we set ϵW to get the correct critical temperature. We find best fits of ϵW= 19.6 kJ/mol for lysozyme and 20.7 kJ/mol for γ IIIa-crystallin (see also Table 1). Both values are in the range of the hydrogen-bond strengths (38) and are consistent with experiments on hydrogen bonds and salt bridges across protein–protein interfaces (4).

Table 1.

Model parameters used in the lysozyme and γ IIIa–crystallin calculations

Parameter Lysozyme γ IIIa-crystallin
σ, nm 3.43 3.78
M2, g⋅mol−1 14,300 20,700
M 10 14
ϵW/kB, K 2,360 2,490
aW, nm 0.18 0.18

M2 is the molar mass of the protein.

Liquid–Liquid Coexistence Curves and Cloud-Point Temperatures.

Many liquid–liquid phase separation curves have been published (e.g., refs. 25, 26, 39, and 40)—more than we can reference here. In Fig. 2 we fit our calculations to the experimental liquid–liquid phase diagrams of lysozyme and γ IIIa-crystallin published in refs. 25 and 26. In these graphs γ is the mass concentration of protein, equal to ρM2/NA, where NA is Avogadro’s number. The best-fit parameters are given in Table 1. The maximum peak-point temperature on such curves is the critical temperature above which there is no two-phase region.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Liquid–liquid phase separation, two-phase region is indicated by shaded area: lysozyme () (pH6.0, phosphate buffer of ionic strength 0.6 mol⋅dm−3) (25) and γ IIIa-crystallin () (pH7.1, phosphate buffer, 0.24 mol⋅dm−3) (26) solutions. Solid curves are calculated from our model, based on the parameters in Table 1. The critical temperatures above which we have one-phase regions are estimated to be 274 ± 2 K for lysozyme and 312 ± 2 K for γ IIIa-crystallin.

Protein aggregation has also been studied as a function of the types and concentrations of added salt in the surrounding solution. What is commonly studied is the cloud-point temperature, Tcloud (25, 40). This is the temperature at which the cloudiness in the solution signals the onset of protein aggregation. In important work, Taratuta et al. (25) determined cloud-point temperatures for lysozyme–phosphate buffer mixtures. At buffer ionic strengths ranging from 0.3 to 0.6 mol⋅dm−3 (at pH6.8), Taratuta et al. (25) found no change in the cloud-point temperature. This can be attributed to the strong electrostatic screening of the protein–protein charge interactions at high buffer concentration.

Taratuta et al. (25) also studied the effects of added alkali-halide salts (NaCl, KCl, NaBr, and KBr) to the solution, at the same time decreasing the buffer content to keep the total ionic strength, Itot, fixed at 0.6 mol⋅dm−3. In other words, the electrolyte present in addition to the protein contains ItotIion of buffer and Iion of alkali-halide salt. Fig. 3 shows that Tcloud is linearly proportional to the ionic strength of added alkali-halide salt Iion. Slopes of these curves are determined by the salt type (39, 40). An increase of Tcloud can be interpreted as an increased attraction between protein molecules at increased alkali-halide salt ionic strength Iion. Considering that total ionic strength Itot is constant (but not the ionic composition, because part of the buffer content is replaced by another salt), this effect can be ascribed to specific-salt effects occurring at the protein surface. This assumption is supported by the observation of distinctly different slopes for different anions. Notice that lysozyme at pH6.8 has a positive net charge; this explains why the effect of anions in Fig. 3 is stronger than that of cations.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Tcloud for lysozyme as a function of ionic strength of the added alkali-halide salts Iion: symbols denote experimental data (pH6.8, Itot=0.6 mol⋅dm−3, phosphate buffer and added alkali-halide salts) (25) and the lines are results of Eq. 12. The parameters are from Table 2. From top to bottom: KBr (filled red square), NaBr (open blue square), KCl (filled green circle), and NaCl (open pink circle) salts.

Within our model, we capture salt effects simply by supposing the well depth is proportional to the ionic strength, Iion, of the added alkali-halide salt:

ϵW(Iion)/kB=aIion+b. [12]

The best-fit slopes and intercept parameters for the different salts are given in Table 2. Notice that for Iion=0 we recover pure buffer–lysozyme (no alkali-halide salts present) mixture, with cloud-point temperature around 271 K, and ϵW/kB=b. In Fig. 2 we show the liquid–liquid phase diagram of lysozyme for the case where Itot=0.6 mol⋅dm−3 and Iion=0 (measurements were not made for Iion>0). One practical application of our model is in leveraging experimental cloud-point data from Fig. 3 for predicting complete liquid–liquid phase diagrams; see Fig. 4. This figure shows the prediction that in the range of Iion[0,0.09], the critical temperature for protein aggregation is increased much more by adding KBr than by adding NaCl salt. No experiments are yet available to test these full phase-diagram predictions.

Table 2.

Parameters a (K⋅dm3⋅mol−1) and b=2,374 (K) defining Eq. 12

Parameter KBr KCl NaBr NaCl
a 1,000 290 790 238

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

The calculated coexistence curves for lysozyme in the buffer–salt mixtures. Calculations are based on Eq. 12 and parameters from Table 2. (A) KBr and (B) NaCl are added to the buffer keeping the total ionic strength Itot=0.6 mol⋅dm−3 constant. Increase of Iion (bottom to top) from 0 to 0.09 mol⋅dm−3 in steps of 0.03 mol⋅dm−3 (pH6.8) causes an increase in the critical temperature.

How can we rationalize the effects of added alkali-halide salts at constant ionic strength on cloud points? First, why should the well depth increase with ionic strength of added alkali-halide salts? The effect seems to be due to the adsorption of (halide) ions to the protein–solution surface. Zhang and Cremer (40) showed that specific-salt dependence of Tcloud can be modeled by a modified Langmuir binding isotherm. Under conditions where the concentration of adsorbing ions in the mixture is low, the adsorption should be proportional to the Iion of the added salt. This explains experimental results for Tcloud shown in Fig. 3. In our simple model, the linearity between Tcloud and Iion translates into the linear dependence of ϵW on Iion (see Eq. 12).

Second, can we rationalize the different effects of different types of salts? Fig. 5 gives some insight. It shows that ions that are most strongly solvated by water (which are the ions having the smallest radii, for atomic ions) are those that have the smallest effect (the smallest slopes a) on cloud-point temperatures. The ions that most readily release hydration waters most strongly affect the protein–protein attraction. In Fig. 5, we correlate the slopes a in Eq. 12, fitting experimental data, with the hydration Gibbs free energies ΔGhydr of anions for sodium salts. To analyze the effects of addition of NaBr, NaCl, NaNO3, NaI, NaSCN, and NaClO4 to lysozyme solutions in water we combine the measurements from two sources (25, 40). The ordering of salts follows the so-called inverse Hofmeister series (40). The findings above are in line with our recent polyelectrolyte studies (41, 42).

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Specific ion effects in lysozyme solutions: correlation of the slope a of Eq. 12 with the hydration Gibbs free energies ΔGhydr (43) of the corresponding anions. The line is the best least-square fit through the data.

Second Virial Coefficient and Osmotic Compressibility.

The second virial coefficient is a principal measure of pairwise protein–protein interactions in solution. In recent years, the second virial coefficient has become an important tool for understanding and predicting protein crystallization conditions (28, 29, 4452). George and Wilson (44) were the first to notice that the conditions that best promote protein crystallization are those that fall within a particular “crystallization slot” of values of the second virial coefficient, B22. The favorable range of B22 values for which proteins should crystalize from a water–salt mixture is between 2×104 and 8×104 cm3⋅mol⋅g−2 (44, 49). B22 is calculated on the basis of the protein mass concentration γ and is related to B2 in Eq. 11 as B22=B2NA/M22.

Rarely are experimental measurements made on a given type of protein of all of the properties of aggregation together—the cloud point, the liquid–liquid phase coexistence curves, the second virial coefficient, and/or the osmotic compressibility. Systematic experiments could give deep insights into aggregation. However, this is a virtue of the present model: From a single type of experiment, such as cloud-point measurements, we can compute all of the rest. For example, Fig. 6 shows our calculated B2 curves for lysozyme in buffer–salt mixtures under experimental conditions of Fig. 3. For lysozyme the crystallization slot is approximately between B2*=0.8 and 3.2. This means that bromide salts would fall in this range at lower Iion than chloride salts at this pH. We are not aware of experimental data for testing this prediction.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

Calculated B2* for lysozyme buffer – salt mixtures at T=300 K: experimental conditions (pH6.8, Itot=0.6 mol⋅dm−3) (25); see Fig. 3. From bottom to top: KBr, NaBr, KCl, and NaCl additions (calculations based on Eq. 12 and parameters from Table 2) to buffer.

The osmotic compressibility χosm=β(P/ρ)N,T data can be obtained by scattering techniques (see, e.g., refs. 28 and 53). Rosenbaum et al. (28) determined χosm of lysozyme in acetate buffer–salt mixtures at pH4.6. Fig. 7 shows our calculations of osmotic compressibilities, with ϵW/kB calculated from Eq. 12 (lines), compared with the experimental data on lysozyme–NaCl mixtures (28) (symbols). Good fits of experimental results are obtained for a=760 K⋅mol−1⋅dm3 and b=2,628 K, with M=6 at this protein charge at this pH.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.

Osmotic compressibility χosm for lysozyme–NaCl mixtures at pH4.6 (symbols denote experimental data from ref. 28) and theoretical predictions (lines) for different NaCl concentrations: 0.15 (●), 0.25 (), and 0.45 () mol⋅dm−3. We changed the scale of the x axis from ρ (28) to γ concentration units.


We have developed here a largely analytical model for protein–protein aggregation equilibria in salt solutions. Proteins are modeled as hard spheres having M binding sites that interact with a square-well depth and width in the range of the hydrogen-bond values. Unlike simpler models, the binding sites lead to orientational interactions between the proteins. With those few parameters and with knowledge of the cloud-point temperatures as a function of salt concentration, we compute the range of experimentally measurable aggregation properties—such as the liquid–liquid coexistence curves, the second virial coefficients, and the osmotic compressibilities. Where data are currently available, the model captures them well. We believe this model may be useful for developing protein formulations and for deeper understanding of the driving forces of protein aggregation.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary File
pnas.201507303SI.pdf (509KB, pdf)


We thank Prof. J. M. Prausnitz for fruitful discussions on limitations of colloidal models and Profs. G. B. Benedek and A. Lomakin for helpful correspondence regarding experimental data. This study was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency fund through Program 0103–0201, by NIH Grant GM063592, and the Young Researchers Program (M.K.) of the Republic of Slovenia.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article contains supporting information online at


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