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. 2015 Jun 15;290:362–386. doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2015.03.013

Reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimation for adaptive IGA boundary element methods for weakly-singular integral equations

Michael Feischl 1, Gregor Gantner 1,, Dirk Praetorius 1
PMCID: PMC4456116  PMID: 26085698


We consider the Galerkin boundary element method (BEM) for weakly-singular integral equations of the first-kind in 2D. We analyze some residual-type a posteriori error estimator which provides a lower as well as an upper bound for the unknown Galerkin BEM error. The required assumptions are weak and allow for piecewise smooth parametrizations of the boundary, local mesh-refinement, and related standard piecewise polynomials as well as NURBS. In particular, our analysis gives a first contribution to adaptive BEM in the frame of isogeometric analysis (IGABEM), for which we formulate an adaptive algorithm which steers the local mesh-refinement and the multiplicity of the knots. Numerical experiments underline the theoretical findings and show that the proposed adaptive strategy leads to optimal convergence.

Keywords: Isogeometric analysis, Boundary element method, A posteriori error estimate, Adaptive mesh-refinement

1. Introduction

Isogeometric analysis. The central idea of isogeometric analysis is to use the same ansatz functions for the discretization of the partial differential equation at hand, as are used for the representation of the problem geometry. Usually, the problem geometry Ω is represented in computer aided design (CAD) by means of NURBS or T-splines. This concept, originally invented in  [1] for finite element methods (IGAFEM) has proved very fruitful in applications  [1,2]; see also the monograph  [3]. Since CAD directly provides a parametrization of the boundary Ω, this makes the boundary element method (BEM) the most attractive numerical scheme, if applicable (i.e., provided that the fundamental solution of the differential operator is explicitly known). Isogeometric BEM (IGABEM) has first been considered for 2D BEM in  [4] and for 3D BEM in  [5]. Unlike standard BEM with piecewise polynomials which is well-studied in the literature, cf. the monographs  [6,7] and the references therein, the numerical analysis of IGABEM is essentially open. We only refer to  [2,8–10] for numerical experiments and to  [11] for some quadrature analysis. In particular, a posteriori error estimation has been well-studied for standard BEM, e.g.,  [12–18] as well as the recent overview article  [19], but has not been treated for IGABEM so far. The purpose of the present work is to shed some first light on a posteriori error analysis for IGABEM which provides some mathematical foundation of a corresponding adaptive algorithm.

Main result. Let ΩR2 be a Lipschitz domain and ΓΩ be a compact, piecewise smooth part of the boundary with finitely many connected components (see Sections  2.2 and 2.3). Given a right-hand side f, we consider boundary integral equations in the abstract form

Vϕ(x)=f(x)for allxΓ, (1.1)

where V:H˜1/2(Γ)H1/2(Γ) is an elliptic isomorphism. Here H1/2(Γ) is a fractional-order Sobolev space, and H˜1/2(Γ) is its dual (see Section  2). Given fH1/2(Γ), the Lax–Milgram lemma provides existence and uniqueness of the solution ϕH˜1/2(Γ) of the variational formulation of  (1.1)

ΓVϕ(x)ψ(x)dx=Γf(x)ψ(x)dxfor allψH˜1/2(Γ). (1.2)

In the Galerkin boundary element method (BEM), the test space H˜1/2(Γ) is replaced by some discrete subspace XhL2(Γ)H˜1/2(Γ). Again, the Lax–Milgram lemma guarantees existence and uniqueness of the solution ϕhXh of the discrete variational formulation

ΓVϕh(x)ψh(x)dx=Γf(x)ψh(x)dxfor allψhXh, (1.3)

and ϕh can in fact be computed by solving a linear system of equations.

We assume that Xh is linked with a partition Th of Γ into a set of connected segments. For each vertex zNh of Th, let ωh(z){TTh:zT} denote the node patch. If Xh is sufficiently rich (e.g.,  Xh contains certain splines or NURBS; see Section  4), we prove that

Crel1ϕϕhH˜1/2(Γ)ηh(zNh|rh|H1/2(ωh(z))2)1/2CeffϕϕhH˜1/2(Γ) (1.4)

with some Xh-independent constants Ceff,Crel>0, i.e., the unknown BEM error is controlled by some computable a posteriori error estimator ηh. Here, rhfVϕhH1/2(Γ) denotes the residual and

|rh|H1/2(ωh(z))ωh(z)ωh(z)|rh(x)rh(y)|2|xy|2dydx (1.5)

is the Sobolev–Slobodeckij seminorm.

Estimate  (1.4) has first been proved by Faermann  [17] for closed Γ=Ω and standard spline spaces Xh based on the arclength parametrization γ:[0,L]Γ. In isogeometric analysis, γ is not the arclength parametrization. In our contribution, we generalize and refine the original analysis of Faermann  [17]: Our analysis allows, first, closed as well as open parts of the boundary, second, general piecewise smooth parametrizations γ and, third, covers standard piecewise polynomials as well as NURBS spaces Xh.

Outline. Section  2 recalls the functional analytic framework, provides the assumptions on Γ and its parametrization γ, and fixes the necessary notation. The proof of  (1.4) is given in Section  3 for sufficiently rich spaces Xh (Theorem 3.1). In Section  4, we recall the NURBS spaces for IGABEM and prove that these spaces Xh satisfy the assumptions (Assumptions (A1)–(A2) in Section  3.1) of the a posteriori error estimate  (1.4). Based on knot insertion, we formulate an adaptive algorithm which is capable to control and adapt the multiplicity of the nodes as well as the local mesh-size (Algorithm 4.5). Section  5 gives some brief comments on the stable implementation of adaptive IGABEM for Symm’s integral equation and provides the numerical evidence for the superiority of the proposed adaptive IGABEM over IGABEM with uniform mesh-refinement. In the final Section  6, some conclusions are drawn and some comments on future work and open questions are reported.

2. Preliminaries

The purpose of this section is to collect the main assumptions on the boundary and its discretization as well as to fix the notation. For more details on Sobolev spaces and the functional analytic setting of weakly-singular integral equations, we refer to the literature, e.g., the monographs  [20,21,6] and the references therein.

Throughout, || denotes the absolute value of scalars, the Euclidean norm of vectors in R2, the measure of a set in R, e.g. the length of an interval, or the arclength of a curve in R2. The respective meaning will be clear from the context.

2.1. Sobolev spaces

For any measurable subset ωΓ, let L2(ω) denote the Lebesgue space of all square integrable functions which is associated with the norm uL2(ω)2ω|u(x)|2dx. We define the Hilbert space

H1/2(ω){uL2(ω):uH1/2(ω)<}, (2.1)

associated with the Sobolev–Slobodeckij norm

uH1/2(ω)2uL2(ω)2+|u|H1/2(ω)2with|u|H1/2(ω)2ωω|u(x)u(y)|2|xy|2dydx. (2.2)

For finite intervals IR we use analogous definitions. By H˜1/2(ω), we denote the dual space of H1/2(ω), where duality is understood with respect to the L2(ω)-scalar product, i.e., 

u;ϕ=ωu(x)ϕ(x)dxfor alluH1/2(ω)andϕL2(ω). (2.3)

We note that H1/2(Γ)L2(Γ)H˜1/2(Γ) form a Gelfand triple and all inclusions are dense and compact. Amongst other equivalent definitions of H1/2(ω) are the characterization as trace space of functions in H1(Ω) as well as equivalent interpolation techniques. All these definitions provide the same space of functions but different norms, where norm equivalence constants depend only on ω; see, e.g., the monograph  [21] and references therein. Throughout, we shall use the Sobolev–Slobodeckij norm (2.2), since it is numerically computable.

2.2. Connectedness of Γ

Let the part of the boundary Γ=iΓi be decomposed into its finitely many connected components Γi. The Γi are compact and piecewise smooth as well. Note that this yields existence of some constant c>0 such that |xy|c>0 for all xΓi, yΓj, and ij. Together with |u(x)u(y)|22|u(x)|2+2|u(y)|2, this provides the estimate


and results in norm equivalence


The usual piecewise polynomial and NURBS basis functions have connected support and are hence supported by some single Γi each. Without loss of generality and for the ease of presentation, we may therefore from now on assume that Γ is connected. All results of this work remain valid for non-connected Γ.

2.3. Boundary parametrization

We assume that either Γ=Ω is parametrized by a closed continuous and piecewise two times continuously differentiable path γ:[a,b]Γ such that the restriction γ|[a,b) is even bijective, or that ΓΩ is parametrized by a bijective continuous and piecewise two times continuously differentiable path γ:[a,b]Γ. In the first case, we speak of closed Γ=Ω, whereas the second case is referred to as open ΓΩ. For closed Γ, we denote the (ba)-periodic extension to R also by γ. For the left and right derivative of γ, we assume that γ(t)0 for t(a,b] and γr(t)0 for t[a,b). Moreover we assume that γ(t)+cγr(t)0 for all c>0 and t[a,b] resp. t(a,b). Finally, let γL:[0,L]Γ denote the arclength parametrization, i.e.,  |γL(t)|=1=|γLr(t)|, and its periodic extension. Then, elementary differential geometry yields bi-Lipschitz continuity

CΓ1|γL(s)γL(t)||st|CΓfors,tR,with{|st|34L,  for closed  Γ,st[0,L],  for open  Γ. (2.4)

A proof is given in  [22, Lemma 2.1] for closed Γ. For open Γ, the proof is even simpler. If Γ is closed and |I|34L resp. if Γ is open and I[a,b], we see from (2.4) that

CΓ1|uγL|H1/2(I)|u|H1/2(γL(I))CΓ|uγL|H1/2(I). (2.5)

2.4. Boundary discretization

The part of the boundary Γ is split into a set Th={T1,,Tn} of compact and connected segments Tj. The endpoints of the elements of Th form the set of nodes Nh{zj:j=1,,n} for closed Γ and Nh={zj:j=0,,n} for open Γ. The arclength of each element TTh is denoted by hT, where hmaxTThhT. Moreover, we define the shape regularity constant


For closed Γ, we extend the nodes, elements and their length periodically. We suppose

h|Γ|/4, (2.6)

if Γ is closed.

2.5. Parameter domain discretization

Given the parametrization γ:[a,b]Γ, the discretization Th induces a discretization Tˇh={Tˇ1,,Tˇn} on the parameter domain [a,b]. Let a=zˇ0<zˇ1<<zˇn be the endpoints of the elements of Tˇh. We assume Tˇj=[zˇj1,zˇj], γ(Tjˇ)=Tj and γ(zˇj)=xj. We define Nˇh{zˇj:j=1,,n} for closed Γ=Ω, and Nˇh{zˇj:j=0,,n} for open ΓΩ. The length of each element TˇTˇh is denoted by hTˇ. Moreover, we define the shape regularity constant on [a,b] as


3. A posteriori error estimate

3.1. Main theorem

For TTh, we inductively define the patch ωhm(T)Γ of order mN0 by

ωh0(T)T,ωhm+1(T){TTh:Tωhm(T)}. (3.1)

The main result of Theorem 3.1 requires the following two assumptions on Th and Xh for some fixed integer mN0:

  • (A1)
    For each TTh, there exists some fixed function ψTXh with connected support supp(ψT) such that
    Tsupp(ψT)ωhm(T). (3.2)
  • (A2)
    There exists some constant q(0,1] such that
    1ψTL2(supp(ψT))2(1q)|supp(ψT)|for allTTh. (3.3)

With these assumptions, we can formulate the following theorem which states validity of  (1.4). For standard BEM and piecewise polynomials based on the arclength parametrization γL of some closed boundary Γ=Ω, the analogous result is first proved in  [17, Theorem 3.1]

Theorem 3.1

The residual rh=fVϕh satisfies the efficiency estimate

ηh(zNh|rh|H1/2(ωh(z))2)1/2CeffϕϕhH˜1/2(Γ). (3.4)

If the mesh Th and the discrete space Xh satisfy assumptions  (A1)–(A2)  , also the reliability estimate

ϕϕhH˜1/2(Γ)Crelηh (3.5)

holds. The constant Ceff>0 depends only on V, while Crel>0 depends additionally on Γ, m, κ(Th), and q.

Remark 3.2

The proof reveals that the efficiency estimate  (3.4) is valid for any approximation ϕh of ϕ, while the upper reliability estimate  (3.5) requires some Galerkin orthogonality.

Sketch of the proof of Theorem 3.1

Since V is an isomorphism, the residual rhfVϕh=V(ϕϕh) satisfies rhH1/2(Γ)ϕϕhH˜1/2(Γ), where the hidden constant depends only on V. Therefore, it suffices to prove (3.4)(3.5) with ϕϕhH˜1/2(Γ) replaced by rhH1/2(Γ). For u=rh, Proposition 3.3 proves zNh|rh|H1/2(ωh(z))22rhH1/2(Γ)2, and hence results in (3.4). For u=rh, Lemma 3.4 shows that it suffices to verify TThhT1uL2(T)2zNh|u|H1/2(ωh(z))2 to conclude reliability (3.5). This is done via a generalized Poincaré inequality, which involves the abstract assumptions (A1)–(A2) and requires that the residual u=rh is L2-orthogonal to the functions ψT; see Lemma 3.6 which is proved by induction on m. Combining Lemmas 3.4 and 3.6, Proposition 3.7 concludes that rhH1/2(Γ)2zNh|rh|H1/2(ωh(z))2 and hence results in reliability (3.5).  □

3.2. Proof of efficiency estimate  (3.4)

The elementary proof of the following proposition is already found in  [17, page 208], but we include the proof for closed Γ=Ω to stress the explicit constant. For open ΓΩ, the proof works analogously.

Proposition 3.3

For arbitrary uH1/2(Γ), it holds

zNh|u|H1/2(ωh(z))22uH1/2(Γ)2. (3.6)

Proof for closed Γ=Ω

For x,yΓ we abbreviate U(x,y)|u(x)u(y)|2/|xy|2. For Tj=TTh with some j{1,,n}, we set T+Tj+1. There holds


The last term is just 2uH1/2(Γ)2, which concludes the proof.  □

Proof of Theorem 3.1, eq. (3.4)

Recall that rhH1/2(Γ)ϕϕhH˜1/2(Γ), where the hidden constants depend only on V. Together with  (3.6), this proves  (3.4).  □

3.3. Proof of reliability estimate  (3.5)

We start with the following lemma. For the elementary (but long) proof, we refer to  [17, Lemma 2.3]. A detailed proof is also found in  [22, Proposition 2.13].

Lemma 3.4

There exists a constant C1>0 such that for all uH1/2(Γ)


The constant depends only on Γ and κ(Th).

Our next goal is to bound TThhT1uL2(T)2. To this end, we need the following Poincaré-type inequality from  [17, Lemma 2.5].

Lemma 3.5

Let IR be a finite interval with length |I|>0 . Then, there holds

uL2(I)2|I|2|u|H1/2(I)2+1|I||Iu(t)dt|2for alluH1/2(I).

Lemma 3.6

Suppose the assumptions   (A1)–(A2)  . Let uH1/2(Γ) satisfy

Γu(x)ψT(x)dx=0for allTTh. (3.7)

Then, there exists a constant C2>0 which depends only on Γ, m, κ(Th), and q such that for all TTh

uL2(T)2C2hT|u|H1/2(T)2if   m=0,
uL2(supp(ψT))2C2|supp(ψT)|zωhm1(T)Nh|u|H1/2(ωh(z))2if   m>0. (3.8)

Proof of Lemma 3.6 for closed Γ=Ω

The assertion is formulated on the boundary itself. Without loss of generality, we may therefore assume that γ=γL. Since supp(ψT) is connected, there is an interval I of length |I|L with γ(I)=supp(ψT). We use Lemma 3.5 and get


With the orthogonality (3.7) and Assumption (A2), we see


Using the last two inequalities, we therefore get


Together with |I|=|γ(I)|=|supp(ψT)|, this implies

uL2(supp(ψT))2|supp(ψT)|2q|uγ|H1/2(I)2. (3.9)

For m=0, (A1) with |supp(ψT)|=hT, (2.5) (applicable because of (2.6)), and (3.9) conclude the proof with C2=CΓ2/2q. To estimate |uγ|H1/2(I)2 for m>0, we use induction on to prove the following assertion for all N:

jZ|uγ|H1/2([zˇj1,zˇj+])2(1+2κ(Th))1k=jj+1|uγ|H1/2(TˇkTˇk+1)2. (3.10)

For =1, (3.10) even holds with equality. The induction hypothesis for 11 is

jZ|uγ|H1/2([zˇj1,zˇj+1])2(1+2κ(Th))2k=jj+2|uγ|H1/2(TˇkTˇk+1)2. (3.11)

For r,sR, let


For jZ, the definition of the Sobolev–Slobodeckij seminorm (2.2) shows

|uγ|H1/2([zˇj1,zˇj+])2=[zˇj1,zˇj+1][zˇj1,zˇj+1]Uˇ(r,s)drds+[zˇj+1,zˇj+][zˇj+1,zˇj+]Uˇ(r,s)drds+2[zˇj+1,zˇj+][zˇj1,zˇj+1]Uˇ(r,s)drds=|uγ|H1/2([zˇj1,zˇj+1])2+|uγ|H1/2([zˇj+1,zˇj+])2+2[zˇj+1,zˇj+][zˇj+2,zˇj+1]Uˇ(r,s)drds+[zˇj+1,zˇj+][zˇj1,zˇj+2]Uˇ(r,s)drds|uγ|H1/2([zˇj1,zˇj+1])2+|uγ|H1/2([zˇj+2,zˇj+])2+2[zˇj+1,zˇj+][zˇj1,zˇj+2]Uˇ(r,s)drds. (3.12)

For r<t<sR, we have


With the abbreviate notation hkhTˇk, it hence follows


There holds


This implies


Inserting this into (3.12) and using


as well as the induction hypothesis (3.11), we obtain


This concludes the induction step and thus proves (3.10). Since Γ=Ω is closed, the patch ωhm(T) consists either of 2m+1 elements or coincides with Γ, wherefore there is an index jZ with

γ([zˇj1,zˇmin{j+2m,j1+n}])=ωhm(T). (3.13)

Because of Assumption (A1), one can choose I such that I[zˇj1,zˇmin{j+2m,j1+n}]. We use (3.9) and (3.10) for =min{2m,n1} to see


Finally, we use (2.5) and


which follows immediately from (3.13), to get


which concludes the proof.  □

Proof of Lemma 3.6 for open ΓΩ

The proof works essentially as before, where (3.10) now becomes


Details are found in  [22, Lemma 2.15].  □

Proposition 3.7

Suppose the assumptions  (A1)(A2)  and let uH1/2(Γ) satisfy   (3.7). Then, there exists a constant C3>0 which depends only on Γ, m, κ(Th), and q such that

uH1/2(Γ)2C3zNh|u|H1/2(ωh(z))2. (3.14)

Proof of Proposition 3.7 for closed Γ=Ω

Without loss of generality, we may assume that γ=γL. Due to Lemma 3.4, it remains to estimate the term TThhT1uL2(T)2. For m=0, we see


For m>0, Assumption (A1) and Lemma 3.6 give

uL2(T)2uL2(supp(ψT))2C2|ωhm(T)|zωhm1(T)Nh|u|H1/2(ωh(z))2. (3.15)

Let j{1,,n} with T=Tj. We extend the mesh data periodically. With the abbreviate notation hhTˇ, we see

|ωhm(T)|hTzˇj+mzˇj1mhj==m+1m+1hj1+hj=m+1m+1κ(Th)|1|. (3.16)

Combining (3.15) and (3.16), we obtain with C3C2=m+1m+1κ(Th)|1|

TThhT1uL2(T)2C3TThzωhm1(T)Nh|u|H1/2(ωh(z))2=C3TThzNhzωhm1(T)|u|H1/2(ωh(z))2=C3zNhTThzωhm1(T)|u|H1/2(ωh(z))2=2C3mzNh|u|H1/2(ωh(z))2. (3.17)

This concludes the proof.  □

Proof of Proposition 3.7 for open ΓΩ

The proof works essentially as for Γ=Ω. For details we refer to  [22, Proposition 2.16].  □

Proof of Theorem 3.1, eq. (3.5)

Galerkin BEM ensures the Galerkin orthogonality

Γrh(x)uh(x)dx=Γ(V(ϕϕh))(x)uh(x)dx=0for alluhXh

and hence guarantees  (3.7) for the residual rh=fVϕh=V(ϕϕh). Since V is an isomorphism, rhH1/2(Γ)ϕϕhH˜1/2(Γ) together with  (3.14) proves  (3.5).  □

4. Adaptive IGABEM

4.1. B-splines and NURBS

Throughout this subsection, we consider knots Kˇ(ti)iZ on R with ti1ti for iZ and limi±ti=±. For the multiplicity of any knot ti, we write #ti. We denote the corresponding set of nodes Nˇ{ti:iZ}={zˇj:jZ} with zˇj1<zˇj for jZ. For iZ, the ith B-Spline of degree p is defined inductively by

Bi,0χ[ti1,ti),Bi,pβi1,pBi,p1+(1βi,p)Bi+1,p1forpN, (4.1)

where, for tR,


We also use the notations Bi,pKˇBi,p and βi,pKˇβi,p to stress the dependence on the knots  Kˇ. The proof of the following theorem is found in  [23, Theorem 6].

Theorem 4.1

Let I=[a,b) be a finite interval and pN0 . Then

{Bi,p|I:iZ,Bi,p|I0} (4.2)

is a basis for the space of all right-continuous Nˇ piecewise polynomials of degree lower or equal p on I and which are, at each knot ti, p#ti times continuously differentiable if p#ti0.

In addition to the knots Kˇ=(ti)iZ, we consider positive weights W(wi)iZ with wi>0. For iZ and pN0, we define the ith non-uniform rational B-Spline of degree p or shortly NURBS as

Ri,pwiBi,pZwB,p. (4.3)

We also use the notation Ri,pKˇ,WRi,p. Note that the denominator is locally finite and never zero as shown in the following lemma.

Lemma 4.2

For pN0 and i,Z, the following assertions hold:

  • (i)

    Ri,p|[t1,t) is a rational function with nonzero denominator, which can be extended continuously at t.

  • (ii)

    Ri,p vanishes outside the interval [ti1,ti+p) . It is positive on the open interval (ti1,ti+p).

  • (iii)

    It holds ti1=ti+p if and only if Ri,p=0.

  • (iv)
    Bi,p is completely determined by the p+2 knots ti1,,ti+p. Ri,p is completely determined by the 3p+2 knots tip1,,ti+2p and the 2p+1 weights wip,,wi+p . Therefore, we will also use the notation
    R(|tip1,,ti+2p,wip,,wi+p)Ri,p. (4.4)
  • (v)
    The NURBS functions of degree p form a partition of unity, i.e.
    iZRi,p=1onR. (4.5)
  • (vi)

    If all weights are equal, then Ri,p=Bi,p . Hence, B-splines are just special NURBS functions.

  • (vii)

    Each NURBS function Ri,p is at least p#t times continuously differentiable at t if p#t0.

  • (viii)
    For s,tR and c>0, we have
    tR:Ri,ps+Kˇ,W(t)=Ri,pKˇ,W(ts) (4.6)
    as well as
    tR:Ri,pcKˇ,W(t)=Ri,pKˇ,W(t/c). (4.7)
  • (ix)

    Let Kˇ=(ti,)iZ be a sequence of knots such that #ti,=#ti for all iZ and, W=(wi,)iZ a sequence of positive weights. If (Kˇ)N converges pointwise to Kˇ and (W)N converges pointwise to W, then (Ri,pKˇ,W)N converges almost everywhere to Ri,pKˇ,W for all iN.


The proof for (i)–(v) can be found in  [23, Section 2, page 9–10] for B-splines. The generalization to NURBS is trivial. (vi) is an immediate consequence of (v). (vii) follows from Theorem 4.1. To prove (viii), we note that for all Z and tR it holds


as well as


Hence, the assertion is an immediate consequence of the definition of B-splines. For B-splines, (ix) is proved by induction, noting that for all pN and iZ, we have


This easily implies the convergence of Ri,pKˇ.  □

For any pN0, we define the vector spaces

Sp(Kˇ){iZaiBi,p:aiR} (4.8)

as well as

Np(Kˇ,W){iZaiRi,p:aiR}=Sp(Kˇ)iZwiBi,pKˇ. (4.9)

Note that the sums are locally finite.

An analogous version of the following result is already found in  [17] for the special case of B-splines of degrees p=0,1,2 and knot multiplicity #ti=1 for all iZ and weight function φ=1. The following generalization to arbitrary NURBS, however, requires a completely new idea.

Lemma 4.3

Let I be a compact interval with nonempty interior, κmax1, 0<wminwmax real numbers, pN0, and φ:IR+ a piecewise continuously differentiable function with positive infimum. Then there exists a constant


such that for arbitrary knots t0t3p+1I and corresponding nodes zˇ0,,zˇm with

κ(t0,,t3p+1)max{max{zˇj+1zˇjzˇjzˇj1,zˇjzˇj1zˇj+1zˇj}:j=1,,m1}κmax, (4.10)

weights wminw1,,w2p+1wmax and all {p+1,,2p+1},

(1R(|t0,,t3p+1,w1,,w2p+1))φL1([t1,t])(1q)φL1([t1,t]). (4.11)

Note that there holds



We prove the lemma in five steps.

Step 1: We give an abstract formulation of the problem. For 1ν3p+1, we define the bounded set


Note that (zˇ,w)Mν already implies zˇ0<<zˇν. For a vector of multiplicities kNν+1 with m=0νkm=3p+2 we introduce the function


Moreover, we define for {p+1,,2p+1} the function


where 000. Our aim is to show that for arbitrary k,,ν there holds sup(Φk,,ν(Mν))<1. Then, we define the constant (1q) as the maximum of all these suprema. Note that the maximum is taken over a finite set, since m=0νkm=3p+2, {p+1,,2p+1} and 1ν3p+1. Before we proceed, we show that (1q) really has the desired properties. Without loss of generality, we can assume that not all considered knots t0,,t3p+1 are equal. The corresponding nodes zˇ0,,zˇν and weights w1,,w2p+1 are in Mν. If k is the corresponding multiplicity vector, (4.11) can indeed be equivalently written as


Step 2: We fix k,,ν. Without loss of generality, we assume that there exists 0ν˜ν such that 1=m=0ν˜km. This just means that the appearing integrals have nonempty integration domains [gk,ν(zˇ)1,gk,ν(zˇ)], since in this case Φk,,ν(zˇ,w)=0 is already bounded. Using Lemma 4.2 (ii) and (v), we see that for (zˇ,w)Mν, the function R(|gk,ν(zˇ),w) attains only values in [0,1] and is positive on the interval (gk,ν(zˇ)1,gk,ν(zˇ)). This implies

Φk,,ν(Mν)[0,1). (4.12)

Because of Lemma 4.2 (ix), we can apply Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem to see that Φk,,ν is continuous. If Mν was compact, we would be done. Unfortunately it is not.

Step 3: Now, we prove the lemma for φ=1. In the definition of Mν we replace the interval I by R to define a superset of Mν


We extend the function Φk,,ν to


We define a closed and bounded and hence compact subset of Mν


If (zˇ,w)Mν,R, then (zˇzˇ0zˇ1zˇ0,w)Mν,R0,1 and due to the substitution rule and Lemma 4.2 (viii), there holds with the notation cd()(t)dt=cd()(t)dt/(dc)


Hence we have


As in Step 2 one sees that Φ˜k,,ν only attains values in [0,1) and is continuous. Since Mν,R0,1 is compact we get


This proves the lemma for φ=1.

Step 4: We prove the lemma for φ=c1χ(,T)|I+c2χ[T,)|I with c1,c2>0 and TI. Again, we extend the function Φk,,ν to Mν,R


For the proof of the lemma, it is sufficient to show sup(Φ˜k,,ν(Mν,R))<1. Due to the substitution rule and Lemma 4.2 (viii), we can assume without loss of generality that T=0. Because of Step 3 it only remains to show that


As in Step 2, one verifies that Φ˜k,,ν only attains values in [0,1) and is continuous. Moreover, due to the substitution rule and Lemma 4.2 (viii), we have for any element of {(zˇ,w)Mν,R:zˇ00zˇν}


and hence


The second set is compact, since it is the image of a closed and bounded set under a continuous mapping. Therefore it attains a maximum smaller than one. This concludes the proof for φ=c1χ(,T)|I+c2χ[T,)|I.

Step 5: Finally, we are in the position to prove the assertion of the lemma for arbitrary functions φ with the desired properties. Let ((zˇm,wm))mN be a sequence in Mν such that the Φk,,ν-values converge to sup(Φk,,ν(Mν)). Because of the boundedness of Mν, we can assume convergence of the sequence, where the limit (zˇ,w) is in Mν¯, i.e.  (zˇ,w)Mν or (zˇ,w)Iν×[wmin,wmax]2p+1 with zˇ0==zˇν. In the first case, we are done because of (4.12) and the continuity of Φk,,ν. For the second case, we define


Note that an<bn, and that the sequences (an)nN and (bn)nN converge to the limit


We consider two cases.

Case 1: If φ is continuous at the limit Z, it is absolutely continuous on the interval [an,bn] for sufficiently large nN. Hence we have for sufficiently large nN


The second summand converges to zero. We consider the first one. For any C(0,1), there holds for sufficiently large nN


Since C was arbitrary, this implies


Case 2: If φ is not continuous at the limit Z we proceed as follows. For sufficiently large nN, φ is absolutely continuous on [an,Z] and on [Z,bn]. By considering suitable subsequences, we can assume that an<bnZ, Zan<bn or anZbn, each for all nN. In the first two cases, we can proceed as in Case 1. In the third case, we argue similarly as in Case 1 to see, with the left-handed limit φ(Z) and the right-handed limit φr(Z) for nN large enough


Again, the second summand converges to zero, wherefore it remains to consider the first one. For any C(0,1), there holds for sufficiently large nN


Since C was arbitrary, this implies


which concludes the proof.  □

We return to our problem (1.1). If Γ=Ω is closed, each node zˇNˇh may be assigned with a multiplicity #zˇp+1. This induces a sequence of non decreasing knots Kˇh=(ti)i=1N on (a,b]. Let Wh=(wi)i=1N be a sequence of weights on these knots. We extend the knot sequence (ba)-periodically to (ti)iZ and the weight sequence to (wi)iZ by wN+iwi for iZ. For the extended sequences we also write Kˇh and Wh. We set

Nˆp(Kˇh,Wh)Np(Kˇh,Wh)|[a,b)γ|[a,b)1. (4.13)

If ΓΩ is open, we assign to each node zˇNˇh a corresponding multiplicity #zˇp+1 such that #zˇ0=#zˇn=p+1. This induces a sequence of non decreasing knots Kˇh=(ti)i=0N on [a,b]. Let Wh=(wi)i=1Np be a sequence of weights. To keep the notation simple, we extend the sequences arbitrarily to Kˇh=(ti)iZ with titi+1 for iZ, a>ti for i<0 and b<ti for i>N, and Wh=(wi)iZ with wi>0. This allows to define

Nˆp(Kˇh,Wh)Np(Kˇh,Wh)|[a,b]γ1. (4.14)

Due to Lemma 4.2 (ii) and (iv), this definition does not depend on how the sequences are extended.

With the following theorem, we conclude that Theorem 3.1 holds for the span of transformed NURBS functions.

Theorem 4.4

Let pN0 and mp/2 . Then, the space XhNˆp(Kˇh,Wh) is a subspace of L2(Γ) which satisfies the assumptions  (A1)(A2)  from Section   3.1   with the constant of   Lemma  4.3


where φ=|γ|I| with I=[a(ba)(m+p),b+(ba)(2pm)] resp. I=[a,b].

Proof of Theorem 4.4 for closed Γ=Ω

Lemma 4.2 (i) and (ii), implies Np(Kˇh,Wh)L2(R). This shows Nˆp(Kˇh,Wh)L2(Γ).

Let T be an element of the mesh Th, j{1,,n} with T=Tj, and i{1,,N} with zˇj1=ti1 and zˇj=ti. We define ψˇT(t)Rim,p(t) for t[a,b) and extend it continuously at b. We set ψTψˇT|[a,b)γ|[a,b)1. Because of Lemma 4.2 (ii), there holds

Tˇj[tim1,tim+p][a,b]=supp(ψˇT)[zˇjm1,zˇjm+p][zˇjm1,zˇj+m]. (4.15)

Since γ|[a,a+(ba)/2] and γ|[a+(ba)/2,b] are homeomorphisms, there holds

γ(supp(ψˇT))=γ({t[a,b):ψˇT(t)0}¯)=supp(ψT), (4.16)

wherefore supp(ψT) is connected. With (4.15), this shows


and hence implies Assumption (A1).

To verify Assumption (A2), we apply Lemma 4.3. Note that Rim,p is completely determined by the knots in I and their weights. This is due to I[timp1,ti+2pm] and Lemma 4.2 (iv). The regularity constant of these knots from (4.10) is obviously smaller or equal than κ(Kˇh). Since γ is piecewise two times continuously differentiable and its left and right derivative vanishes nowhere, |γ| is piecewise continuously differentiable and is bounded from above by some positive constant. With Lemma 4.3 and (4.16), we hence get


Consequently, Assumption (A2) is also fulfilled. This concludes the proof.  □

Proof of Theorem 4.4 for open ΓΩ

The proof works analogously as before. Details are found in  [22, Theorem 4.14].  □

4.2. Knot insertion

Before we formulate an adaptive algorithm based on NURBS, we recall refinement by knot-insertion, see e.g.  [23, Section 11]. For general knots Kˇ=(ti)iZ as in the previous subsection, a polynomial degree pN0, and a refined sequence Kˇ=(ti)iZ (i.e.,  Kˇ is a subsequence of Kˇ) Theorem 4.1 implies nestedness

Sp(Kˇ)Sp(Kˇ). (4.17)

We assume that the multiplicities of the knots in Kˇ are lower or equal p+1. Because of Lemma 4.2 (ii), and Theorem 4.1 each element iZaiBi,pKˇS(Kˇ) admits some unique coefficient vector (ai)iZ with

iZaiBi,pKˇ=iZaiBi,pKˇ. (4.18)

If Kˇ contains only one additional knot t (possibly already contained in Kˇ), the coefficients can be calculated explicitly. We assume ti=ti for all i with ti<t. Then,  [23, Algorithm 11] shows

ai={aiif  ti+pt,(1βi1,pKˇ(t))ai1+βi1,pKˇ(t)aiif  ti<t<ti+p,ai1if  tti. (4.19)

For closed Γ=Ω, we consider again knots Kˇh=(ti)i=1N and weights Wh=(wi)i=1N as in the previous subsection. We additionally assume p+1N. Now we insert an additional knot t(a,b] to the knots Kˇh such that the multiplicities of the new knots Kˇh are still smaller or equal than p+1. The new knots are extended (ba)-periodically. We want to find the unique weights (wi)iZ which fulfill

iZwiBi,pKˇh=iZwiBi,pKˇh. (4.20)

With (4.9) and (4.17), this already implies nestedness

Nˆp(Kˇh,Wh)Nˆp(Kˇh,Wh). (4.21)

The sought weights (wi)iZ are obviously (N+1)-periodic. We cannot immediately apply (4.19), since infinitely many knots {t+k(ba):kZ} are added to Kˇh. First, we add {t+k(ba):kZ{1,0,1}} to Kˇh and obtain Kˇ+=(ti+)iZ with t0=t0+ and t1=t1+. There exist unique weights (wi+)iZ with


With I[t1,tN+1), Lemma 4.2 (ii) and (iv), and our assumption p+1N imply


With tN<tN+1, it is easy to check that Bi,pKˇh|I0 for i=0,,N. Hence, Theorem 4.1 implies wi=wi+ for i=0,,N. It just remains to add the knots t(ba), t and t+(ba). To this end, we can repetitively apply (4.19) to obtain the weights (wi)i=1N+1. Note that this only involves the weights (wi+)i=0N are needed. Moreover, the new weights (wi)i=1N+1 are just convex combinations of the old ones (wi)i=1N.

For open ΓΩ, a knot t(a,b] can analogously be inserted to the knots Kˇh=(ti)i=0N.

4.3. Adaptive algorithm

In this section, we introduce an adaptive algorithm, which uses the local contributions of ηh to steer the h-refinement of the mesh Th as well as the increase of the multiplicity of the nodes Nh. To respect the iterative character of this procedure, all discrete quantities (as, e.g.,  Th, ϕh, etc.) are indexed by the level N0 of the adaptive process instead of the mesh-size h. Let 0<θ<1 be an adaptivity parameter and pN0 a polynomial degree. We start with some nodes Nˇ0. Each node has a multiplicity lower or equal p+1, where for open ΓΩ we assume #a=#b=p+1. This induces knots Kˇ0. Let W0 be some initial positive weights. We assume p+1N0 and for closed Γ=Ω, |T||Γ|/4 for all TT0. As the initial trial space, we consider

X0Nˆp(Kˇ0,W0)L2(Γ)H1/2(Γ). (4.22)

The adaptive algorithm with Dörfler marking reads as follows:

Algorithm 4.5

Input: Adaptivity parameter 0<θ<1, polynomial order pN0, initial mesh T0 with knots Kˇ0, initial weights W0.

Adaptive loop: Iterate the following steps, until η is sufficiently small:

  • (i)

    Compute discrete solution ϕX.

  • (ii)

    Compute indicators η(z) for all nodes zN.

  • (iii)
    Determine a minimal set of nodes MN such that
    θη2zMη(z)2. (4.23)
  • (iv)

    If both nodes of an element TT belong to M, T will be marked.

  • (v)

    For all other nodes in M, the multiplicity will be increased if it is smaller than p+1, otherwise the elements which contain one of these nodes zM, will be marked.

  • (vi)
    Refine all marked elements TT by bisection of the corresponding TˇTˇ. Use further bisections to guarantee that the new mesh T+1 satisfies
    κ(Tˇ+1)2κ(Tˇ0). (4.24)
    Update counter +1.

Output: Approximate solutions ϕ and error estimators η for all N0.

An optimal 1D bisection algorithm which ensures (4.24), is discussed and analyzed in  [24]. Note that boundedness of κ(Tˇ) implies as well boundedness of κ(T). Moreover, there holds

min(W0)min(W)max(W)max(W0), (4.25)

since the new weights are convex combinations of the old weights. Hence, Theorems 3.1 and 4.4 apply and show efficiency and reliability of the estimator

Crel1ϕϕH˜1/2(Γ)ηCeffϕϕH˜1/2(Γ). (4.26)

5. Numerical experiments

In this section, we empirically investigate the performance of Algorithm 4.5 in three typical situations: In Sections  5.2 and 5.3, we consider a closed boundary Γ=Ω, where the solution is smooth resp. exhibits a generic (i.e., geometry induced) singularity. In Section  5.4, we consider a slit problem. In either example, the exact solution is known and allows us to compute the Galerkin error to underline reliability and efficiency of the proposed estimator.

In each example, the parametrization γ of the part Γ of the boundary is a NURBS curve and thus has the special form

γ(t)=iZCiRi,pKˇ0,W0(t) (5.1)

for all t[a,b]. Here, pN is the polynomial degree, Kˇ0 and W0 are knots and weights as in Section  4.3 and (Ci)iZ are control points in R2 which are periodic for closed Γ=Ω.

We choose the same polynomial degree p for our approximation spaces X. Since for the refinement strategy only knot insertion is used, we can apply (4.17) and (4.20) to see for the first and second component of γ

γ1,γ2Np(Kˇ,W)|[a,b]. (5.2)

Hence, this approach reflects the main idea of isogeometric analysis, where the same space is used for the geometry and for the approximation. We compare uniform refinement, where M=N and hence all elements are refined, and adaptive refinement with θ=0.75.

5.1. Stable implementation of adaptive IGABEM

To compute the approximation ϕh of one step of the adaptive algorithm, we first note that Theorem 4.1 implies that

{Ri,p|[a,b):i=(1p),,N#b+1}γ|[a,b)1 (5.3)


{Ri,p|[a,b]:i=1,,N}γ1 (5.4)

forms a basis of Nˆ(Kˇh,Wh). We abbreviate the elements of this basis with Rˆi and its index set with I. Then, there holds the unique basis representation ϕh=iIch,iRˆi. The coefficient vector ch is the unique solution of

Vhch=fh (5.5)

with the symmetric positive definite matrix

Vh(VRˆj;RˆiL2(Γ))i,jI (5.6)

and the right-hand side vector

fh(f;RˆiL2(Γ))iI. (5.7)

The energy norm then reads

|||ϕh|||2=Vϕh;ϕh=chTVhch. (5.8)

To calculate Vh, fh and the H1/2-seminorms of the residual rh=fVϕh, singular integrals and double integrals have to be evaluated. Since this is hardly possible analytically, we approximate the appearing integrals. To this end, we first write them as sum of integrals over the elements of the mesh Tˇ. In the spirit of  [6, Section 5.3], the local integrals which contain singularities, are transformed by Duffy transformations such that either the singularity vanishes or a pure logarithmic singularity of the form log(t) on [0,1] remains. Finally, the integrals are evaluated over the domain [0,1] or [0,1]2 using tensor-Gauss quadrature with weight function 1 resp. log(t). Since the integrands are smooth up to logarithmic terms, this yields exponential convergence of adapted Gauss quadrature and hence provides accurate approximations. For closed Γ=Ω and arbitrary parametrization γ as in Section  2.3, all details are elaborated in  [22, Section 5].

5.2. Adaptive IGABEM for problem with smooth solution

Let Ω be the circle with midpoint (0,0) and radius 1/10. We consider the Laplace–Dirichlet problem on Ω

Δu=0inΩ  and  u=gonΓ (5.9)

for given Dirichlet data gH1/2(Γ) and closed boundary Γ=Ω. The problem is equivalent to Symm’s integral equation (1.1) with the single-layer integral operator

V:H˜1/2(Γ)H1/2(Γ),Vϕ(x)12πΓlog(|xy|)ϕ(y)dy (5.10)

and the right-hand side f=(K+1/2)g, where

K:H1/2(Γ)H1/2(Γ),Kg(x)12πΓ(ν(y)log(|xy|))g(y)dy (5.11)

denotes the double-layer integral operator. The unique solution of (1.1) is the normal derivative ϕ=u/ν of the weak solution uH1(Ω) of (5.9).

We prescribe the exact solution u(x,y)=x2+10xyy2 and solve Symm’s integral equation  (1.1) on the closed boundary Γ=Ω. The normal derivative ϕ=u/ν reads


The geometry is parametrized on [0,1] by the NURBS curve induced by


Note that this parametrization does not coincide with the natural parametrization t(cos(t),sin(t)). Fig. 5.1 visualizes the geometry and the γ-values of the initial nodes. Fig. 5.2 shows error and error estimator for the uniform and the adaptive approach. All values are plotted in a log–log scale such that the experimental convergence rates are visible as the slope of the corresponding curves. The Galerkin orthogonality allows to compute the energy error by

|||ϕϕ|||2=|||ϕ|||2|||ϕ|||2=13π/5000|||ϕ|||2. (5.12)

With respect to the number of knots N, both approaches lead to the rate O(N7/2). If discontinuous piecewise polynomials of order 2 were used as ansatz space, this is the optimal convergence rate. In each case, the curves for the error and the corresponding estimator are parallel. This empirically confirms the proven efficiency and reliability of the Faermann estimator ηh.

Fig. 5.1.

Fig. 5.1

Geometries and initial nodes for the experiments from Sections 5.25.4.

Fig. 5.2.

Fig. 5.2

Experiment with smooth solution on circle geometry from Section  5.2. Error and estimator are plotted versus the number of knots  N.

5.3. Adaptive IGABEM for problem with generic singularity

As second example, we consider the Laplace–Dirichlet problem (5.9) on the pacman geometry


with τ=4/7; see Fig. 5.1. We prescribe the exact solution

u(x,y)=rτcos(τα)in polar coordinates(x,y)=r(cosα,sinα).

The normal derivative of u reads


and has a generic singularity at the origin. With w=cos(π/τ), the geometry is parametrized on [0,1] by the NURBS curve induced by


In Fig. 5.3, the solution ϕ is plotted over the parameter domain. We can see that ϕ has a singularity at t=1/2 as well as two jumps at t=1/3 resp. t=2/3.

Fig. 5.3.

Fig. 5.3

Experiment with singular solution on pacman geometry from Section  5.3. The singular solution ϕγ is plotted on the parameter interval, where 0.5 corresponds to the origin, where ϕ is singular.

In Fig. 5.4, error and error estimator are plotted. As the respective curves are parallel, we empirically confirm efficiency and reliability of the Faermann estimator. For the calculation of the error, we used |||ϕ|||2=0.083525924784082 in (5.12) which is obtained by Aitken’s Δ2-extrapolation. Since the solution lacks regularity, uniform refinement leads to the suboptimal rate O(N4/7), whereas adaptive refinement leads to the optimal rate  O(N7/2).

Fig. 5.4.

Fig. 5.4

Experiment with singular solution on pacman geometry from Section  5.3. Error and estimator are plotted versus the number of knots  N.

For adaptive refinement, Fig. 5.5 provides a histogram of the knots in [a,b] of the last refinement step. We see that the algorithm mainly refines the mesh around the singularity at t=1/2. Moreover, the multiplicity at the jump points t=1/3 and t=2/3 appears to be maximal so that the discrete solution ϕ also mimics the discontinuities of the exact solution ϕ. Hence the functions of the considered ansatz space do not need to be continuous there, see Theorem 4.1.

Fig. 5.5.

Fig. 5.5

Experiment with singular solution on pacman geometry from Section  5.3. Histogram of number of knots over the parameter domain. Knots with maximal multiplicity p+1=3 are marked.

5.4. Adaptive IGABEM for slit problem

As last example, we consider a crack problem on the slit Γ=[1,1]×{0}. For f(x,0)x/2 and the single-layer operator V from (5.10), the exact solution of (1.1) reads


Note that ϕH˜ε(Γ)L2(Γ) for all ε>0 and that ϕ has singularities at the tips x=±1. We parametrize Γ by the NURBS curve induced by


In Fig. 5.6, error and error estimator for the uniform and for the adaptive approach are plotted. The error is obtained via (5.12), where |||ϕ|||2=π/4 is computed analytically. Since the solution lacks regularity, uniform refinement leads to the suboptimal rate O(N1/2), whereas adaptive refinement leads to the optimal rate O(N5/2).

Fig. 5.6.

Fig. 5.6

Experiment with singular solution on slit from Section  5.4. Error and estimator are plotted versus the number of knots  N.

For adaptive refinement, we plot in Fig. 5.7 a histogram of the knots in [a,b]=[0,1] of the last refinement step. As expected, the algorithm mainly refines the mesh at the tips t=0 and t=1.

Fig. 5.7.

Fig. 5.7

Experiment with singular solution on slit from Section  5.4. Histogram of number of knots over the parameter domain.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we studied the residual-based a posteriori error estimator proposed by Faermann  [17] for the Galerkin boundary element method (BEM) in 2D. We proved reliability as well as efficiency of this estimator, where reliability requires that the ansatz space is sufficiently rich. This property is in particular satisfied for NURBS (see Theorem 4.4), and thus our result provides a first a posteriori error estimator for isogeometric BEM (IGABEM). Based on this error estimator, we formulated an adaptive algorithm for IGABEM, which uses h-refinement as well as multiplicity increase of the knots for refinement.

6.1. Analytical results

The numerical analysis of the pioneering work  [17] is restricted to the case of transformed spline ansatz spaces, where the arclength parametrization is used to define polynomial ansatz spaces on the boundary. It is our contribution, first, to work out the essential properties of the BEM spaces, which are needed to prove reliability and efficiency (see (A1)–(A2)), and, second, to show their validity in the case of IGABEM. Additionally, we propose a mesh-refining adaptive algorithm, which, in contrast to the one proposed in  [17] and the state-of-the-art concepts  [25], also steers the continuity properties of the discrete solution at the knots.

6.2. Numerical results

We considered the weakly-singular integral equation associated to the 2D Laplace problem. The conclusions of the three examples in Sections 5.25.4 are analogous and can be described as follows: Compared to uniform refinement, we always observed a superior convergence rate (or at least an equal one in the case of a smooth solution) of our proposed adaptive strategy. Indeed, the convergence rates of adaptive refinement are optimal with respect to the number of knots. Our algorithm is capable to detect the singularities of the (in general unknown) solution and to mainly perform refinement at these points. Moreover, jumps of the solution are automatically detected and the discontinuity is adaptively included in the ansatz spaces.

6.3. Open questions and future work

As already mentioned, all considered numerical experiments show optimal convergence of the estimator and the error. Thus, it is a goal of our future research to understand this observation mathematically in the spirit of  [25]. However, it is questionable if an analogous version of the reduction property on refined element domains  [25, (A2)], can be proved for the Faermann estimator ηh. Indeed, this is yet an open problem even for standard BEM with piecewise polynomials; see  [26], where at least convergence of an h-adaptive algorithm is analyzed. For the weighted-residual error estimator μhh1/2(fVΦh)L2(Γ) proposed in  [16], the axioms of  [25] are satisfied for standard BEM with piecewise polynomials, see  [25, Section 5.4]. In  [22, Section 3.2], we show that the Faermann estimator can always be bounded from above by μh, i.e.,  ηhCμh, where C>0 depends only on Γ. This especially implies reliability of μh for Galerkin IGABEM. Therefore, a natural goal is to prove optimal convergence of our adaptive algorithm for the estimator μh.

Finally, the ultimate goal is of course to apply the estimators ηh and μh in 3D Galerkin IGABEM. One then has to consider, e.g., T-splines  [5] or hierarchical B-splines  [27], since, in contrast to multivariate NURBS, they naturally allow for local mesh refinement. For standard BEM with piecewise polynomials,  [18] shows reliability and efficiency for ηh, whereas  [16] proves reliability. [25, Section 5.4] proves optimal convergence of adaptive h-refinement for μh, while the estimate ηhμh as well as plain convergence for ηh-based adaptivity is analyzed in  [26]. The transfer of the mentioned results from standard BEM to adaptive IGABEM leaves interesting and challenging questions for future research.


The authors acknowledge support through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under grant P21732Adaptive Boundary Element Method as well as P27005 Optimal adaptivity for BEM and FEM–BEM coupling. In addition, DP and MF are supported through the FWF doctoral school Nonlinear PDEs funded under grant W1245, and GG through FWF under grant P26252Infinite elements for exterior Maxwell problems.

Contributor Information

Michael Feischl, Email:

Gregor Gantner, Email:

Dirk Praetorius, Email:


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