The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2010 Study produced comparable estimates of the burden of 291 diseases and injuries in 1990, 2005, and 2010. This article reports on the global burden of untreated caries, severe periodontitis, and severe tooth loss in 2010 and compares those figures with new estimates for 1990. We used disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) and years lived with disability (YLDs) metrics to quantify burden. Oral conditions affected 3.9 billion people, and untreated caries in permanent teeth was the most prevalent condition evaluated for the entire GBD 2010 Study (global prevalence of 35% for all ages combined). Oral conditions combined accounted for 15 million DALYs globally (1.9% of all YLDs; 0.6% of all DALYs), implying an average health loss of 224 years per 100,000 population. DALYs due to oral conditions increased 20.8% between 1990 and 2010, mainly due to population growth and aging. While DALYs due to severe periodontitis and untreated caries increased, those due to severe tooth loss decreased. DALYs differed by age groups and regions, but not by genders. The findings highlight the challenge in responding to the diversity of urgent oral health needs worldwide, particularly in developing communities.
Keywords: dental caries, periodontal diseases, mouth, edentulous, world health, disability evaluation, trends
Summary measures of population health provide a unique perspective in the shaping of public health policy. They provide governments and national and international non-governmental agencies with the evidence-based data from which to determine priorities for research, development, policies, and funding (Murray and Lopez, 1996a; Murray et al., 2012a). The disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) metric, which is the sum of years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLLs) and years lived with disability (YLDs) (Murray et al., 2002), provides a single standardized measure by which to compare the effects of all fatal and non-fatal diseases, injuries, and risk factors on population health. Disability refers to any short- or long-term health loss other than death (Murray and Lopez, 1997; Vos et al., 2012). The relevance of DALYs to estimate the health loss associated with morbidity and mortality has been demonstrated by extensive references in global health debates and decision-making (Murray et al., 2012b).
To date, the only comprehensive effort to estimate summary measures of population health for the world by cause is the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors (GBD) Study. The GBD 1990 Study assessed the burden of oral diseases in 8 major world regions (World Bank, 1993; Murray and Lopez, 1996b, 1997). Although the World Health Organization (WHO)updated DALYs for 1999 to 2004, this was done for only a subset of disease sequelae, which excluded oral conditions. Few narrative attempts to report the global burden of oral diseases have been published subsequently (Petersen et al., 2005; Petersen and Ogawa, 2012). These studies differ from the GBD Study because they did not systematically search the literature, assess the quality of publications, or produce comprehensive and comparable global estimates of the burden of oral diseases. The burden of oral diseases as estimated by the GBD 1990 Study was moderate (Murray and Lopez, 1996b).
The goal of GBD 2010 Study has been the systematic production of comparable estimates of the burden of 291 diseases and injuries and their associated 1,160 sequelae in 1990, 2005, and 2010. Estimates for 1990 and 2005 were recalculated following the GBD 2010 Study protocol. This article reports on the global burden of untreated caries, severe periodontitis, and severe tooth loss in 2010 and compares those figures with the new estimates for 1990.
Data to inform models came from 3 independent systematic reviews of observational studies conducted at the Department of Clinical and Diagnostic Oral Science, Queen Mary University of London, between 2007 and 2011 (Marcenes et al., 2013, in preparation). Detailed methods for each component of the GBD 2010 Study have been described elsewhere (Murray et al., 2012a). We provide only a brief description here, with emphasis on oral conditions.
The GBD study cause list included untreated caries, severe periodontitis, and severe tooth loss. The case definition of untreated caries for literature review was “teeth with unmistakable coronal cavity at dentin level, root cavity in cementum that feels soft or leathery to probing, temporary or permanent restorations with a caries lesion.” The GBD study definition of disability associated with untreated caries was “a toothache, which causes some difficulty eating”. In order of preference, we used 3 case definitions of severe periodontitis: “a Community Periodontal Index score of 4, a clinical attachment loss more than 6 mm or a gingival pocket depth more than 5 mm”, depending on which was used in the publication. Disability was defined as “bad breath, a bad taste in the mouth, and gums that bleed a little from time to time, but this does not interfere with daily activities.” Severe tooth loss was defined as “having fewer than 9 remaining permanent teeth”, while the definition of disability was “great difficulty in eating meat, fruits, and vegetables”.
Two trained reviewers working independently and in duplicate searched the literature following the Cochrane Handbook (Higgins and Green, 2011), extracted the data, and assessed the validity of publications retrieved. The systematic searches sought to identify all published (MEDLINE via PubMed, EMBASE via OVID, and LILACS via BIREME without language restrictions) and unpublished observational population-based studies presenting information on the prevalence, incidence, case fatality, and cause-specific mortality related to untreated caries, severe periodontitis, and severe tooth loss between January 1980 and December 2010. The quality of all publications was assessed based on the STROBE checklist (Vandenbroucke et al., 2007).
Prevalence estimates were calculated on the database for all age-gender-country-year groups, by means of DisMod-MR, a Bayesian meta-regression tool developed for the GBD 2010 Study (Flaxman et al., 2012). The generalized negative binomial model includes: covariates that predict variations in true rates; covariates that predict variations across studies due to measurement bias; super-region, region, and country random intercepts; and age-specific fixed effects. Where appropriate, it can be assumed that the rates have been constant over time, which allows data on incidence, prevalence, excess mortality, and cause-specific mortality to inform prevalence estimates. Untreated caries of deciduous and permanent teeth was estimated first in separate models, and then combined when DALYs were calculated.
Since death as a direct result of oral diseases is rare, DALYs estimates were based on YLDs only. They were calculated as the product of prevalence (frequency) times the disability weight of the associated sequelae (severity) times the duration of symptoms. Metrics were not age-weighted or discounted (Murray et al., 2012b). We report DALYs (in thousands), which represent the total number of cause-specific DALYs for the entire world or region population, and DALYs per capita (per 100,000), which account for changes into growth in total population and age-and-gender distribution.
Disability weights were calculated based on population-based surveys in 5 countries (USA, Peru, Tanzania, Bangladesh, and Indonesia) and an open Internet survey of more than 31,000 respondents, as described elsewhere (Salomon et al., 2012). Their empirical basis was thus derived from judgments of the general public about health severity rather than from researchers themselves or from individual health conditions reported by health-care professionals.
Untreated caries can be asymptomatic, mild, or severe. We approximated individuals with mild disability as having periodic pain lasting 1 hr per day. Those with severe symptoms were modeled as having 2 phases: an “initial” phase with periodic pain and a “terminal” phase with constant pain, the length of which was determined by log-normal distribution of symptom duration from casualty ward studies.
Uncertainty from all inputs into the calculations of DALYs was propagated by Monte Carlo simulation techniques, with 1,000 draws taken for each age, gender, country, year, and cause. Aggregations were made at the level of the 1,000 draws for all estimates. The uncertainty interval (UI) around each quantity of interest is presented as the 2.5th and 97.5th centiles, which can be interpreted as a 95% UI.
In analyses by region, the 21 GBD regions were categorized by the mean age of death, which reflects both population age-structure and age-specific death rates and is a simple summary measure of the demographic and epidemiological transition (Murray et al., 2012b; Wang et al., 2012).
Oral conditions remained highly prevalent in 2010, collectively affecting 3.9 billion people. Untreated caries in permanent teeth was the most prevalent condition evaluated for the entire GBD 2010 Study (global prevalence of 35% for all ages combined), whereas severe periodontitis and untreated caries in deciduous teeth were the 6th and 10th most prevalent conditions, affecting, respectively, 11% and 9% of the global population. Severe tooth loss was the 36th most prevalent condition, with a global estimate of 2% (Table 1). Disability weights were 0.0079, 0.012, and 0.073 for severe periodontitis, untreated caries, and severe tooth loss, respectively.
Table 1.
Global Prevalence of Oral Conditions in 2010, by Gender
Overall |
Men |
Women |
Rank | Condition Name | na | % | na | % | na | % |
1 | Untreated caries of permanent teeth | 2,431,636 | 35.29 | 1,194,051 | 34.37 | 1,237,585 | 36.23 |
2 | Tension-type headache | 1,431,067 | 20.77 | 655,937 | 18.88 | 775,131 | 22.69 |
3 | Migraine | 1,012,944 | 14.70 | 371,072 | 10.68 | 641,873 | 18.79 |
4 | Fungal skin diseases | 985,457 | 14.30 | 516,167 | 14.86 | 469,291 | 13.74 |
5 | Other skin and subcutaneous diseases | 803,597 | 11.66 | 417,129 | 12.01 | 386,468 | 11.32 |
6 | Severe periodontitis | 743,187 | 10.79 | 378,407 | 10.89 | 364,780 | 10.68 |
7 | Mild hearing loss | 724,689 | 10.52 | 386,147 | 11.11 | 338,543 | 9.91 |
8 | Acne vulgaris | 646,488 | 9.38 | 311,349 | 8.96 | 335,140 | 9.81 |
9 | Low back pain | 632,045 | 9.17 | 334,793 | 9.64 | 297,252 | 8.7 |
10 | Untreated caries of deciduous teeth | 621,507 | 9.02 | 352,085 | 10.13 | 269,421 | 7.89 |
36 | Severe tooth loss | 158,284 | 2.3 | 67,264 | 1.94 | 91,020 | 2.66 |
Numbers of cases reported in thousands.
Oral conditions all ranked among the top 100 detailed causes of DALYs (Table 2). Severe periodontitis ranked 77th (95%UI, 50-116), untreated caries ranked 80th (95%UI, 56-115), and severe tooth loss ranked 81st (95%UI, 61-103). In 2010, oral conditions combined accounted for 15 million DALYs globally (1.9% of all YLDs and 0.6% of all DALYs), implying an average health loss of 224 years per 100,000 people (Table 3). Each of the oral conditions had a comparable estimate of DALYs (in thousands), including untreated caries (4,988; 95%UI, 2,066-9,686), severe periodontitis (5,413; 95%UI, 2,036-11,258), and severe tooth loss (4,668; 95%UI, 2,675-7,359). The distribution of DALYs (in thousands) due to oral conditions by gender and age-group is shown in Appendix Table 1. The burden of oral conditions was similar among women and men (7,805 vs. 7,265 DALYs globally) and increased with aging. The burden of untreated caries predominated below age 35 yrs and decreased with increasing age, though it remained non-trivial in the oldest age groups. Conversely, the burden of severe periodontitis increased with age to become the most predominant cause of DALYs in individuals from 35 to 59 yrs of age before decreasing slightly in the oldest age groups. Severe tooth loss was the main cause of DALYs in individuals over age 60 yrs.
Table 2.
Disability-adjusted Life-years Ranks for Oral Conditions in 1990 and 2010
1990 Mean Rank (95% UI) | 2010 Mean Rank (95% UI) | ||||
1.0 | (1-2) | 01 Lower respiratory infections | 1.0 | (1-2) | 01 Ischemic heart disease |
2.0 | (1-2) | 02 Diarrheal diseases | 2.0 | (1-3) | 02 Lower respiratory infections |
3.4 | (3-5) | 03 Preterm birth complications | 3.2 | (2-5) | 03 Cerebrovascular disease |
3.8 | (3-5) | 04 Ischemic heart disease | 4.8 | (4-8) | 04 Diarrheal diseases |
5.2 | (4-6) | 05 Cerebrovascular disease | 6.5 | (4-9) | 05 HIV/ AIDS |
6.3 | (5-8) | 06 COPD | 6.7 | (3-11) | 06 Malaria |
8.0 | (6-13) | 07 Malaria | 7.2 | (3-11) | 07 Low back pain |
9.9 | (7-13) | 08 Tuberculosis | 7.9 | (5-11) | 08 Preterm birth complications |
10.1 | (7-14) | 09 Protein-energy malnutrition | 8.1 | (5-11) | 09 COPD |
10.2 | (7-15) | 10 Neonatal encephalopathy | 8.4 | (4-11) | 10 Road injuries |
68.8 | (58-87) | 69 Severe tooth loss | 76.9 | (50-116) | 77 Severe periodontitis |
85.3 | (61-121) | 86 Untreated cariesa | 79.3 | (56-115) | 80 Untreated cariesa |
90.0 | (61-125) | 90 Severe periodontitis | 80.0 | (61-103) | 81 Severe tooth loss |
COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; HIV/AIDS, Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
Untreated caries included caries in both deciduous and permanent teeth.
Table 3.
Changes in Global Disability-adjusted Life-years (DALYs, in thousands) and DALYs per capita (per 100,000 population) between 1990 and 2010, Shown as Changes (Δ) due to Population Growth, Aging, and Changes in Gender- and Age-specific Disease Rates
Cause | 1990 DALYsa | Isolated Pop. Growthb | Isolated Pop. Agingc | 2010 DALYs | % Δ Due to Pop. Growth | % Δ Due to Pop. Aging | % Δ Due to Δ Rates | % Δ 1990-2010 |
DALYs (in thousands) | ||||||||
All GBD causes | 2,502,601 | 3,444,678 | 3,386,762 | 2,490,385 | 37.6 | -2.3 | -35.8 | -0.5 |
All GBD causes (YLDs only) | 578,068 | 751,962 | 815,116 | 769,275 | 30.1 | 10.9 | -7.9 | 33.1 |
All oral conditions | 12,473 | 18,067 | 19,534 | 15,070 | 44.9 | 11.8 | -35.8 | 20.8 |
Untreated caries in deciduous teeth | 405 | 434 | 429 | 426 | 7.2 | -1.1 | -0.8 | 5.3 |
Untreated caries in permanent teeth | 3,304 | 4,422 | 4,441 | 4,562 | 33.9 | 0.6 | 3.7 | 38.1 |
Severe periodontitis | 3,441 | 4,862 | 5,372 | 5,413 | 41.3 | 14.8 | 1.2 | 57.3 |
Severe tooth loss | 5,324 | 7,749 | 8,508 | 4,668 | 45.5 | 14.3 | -72.1 | -12.3 |
DALYs per capita (per 100,000 population) | ||||||||
All oral conditions | 242 | 242 | 290 | 224 | 0.1 | 19.7 | -27.4 | -7.6 |
Untreated caries in deciduous teeth | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0.0 | -1.0 | -0.7 | -1.7 |
Untreated caries in permanent teeth | 71 | 71 | 71 | 73 | 0.0 | 0.4 | 2.7 | 3.2 |
Severe periodontitis | 97 | 97 | 107 | 108 | 0.0 | 10.5 | 0.8 | 11.3 |
Severe tooth loss | 175 | 175 | 192 | 106 | 0.0 | 9.8 | -49.5 | -39.8 |
Estimates for 1990 were recalculated following the GBD 2010 Study protocol.
DALYs expected with 2010, 1990 population age structure, and 1990 DALY rates (in thousands).
DALYs expected with 2010, 2010 population age structure, and 2010 DALY rates (in thousands).
DALYs due to oral conditions increased by 20.8% in 2010 compared with 1990 (Table 3). The percentage changes in DALYs associated with population growth, population aging, and change in age- and gender-specific disease rates were 44.9%, 11.8%, and -35.8%, respectively (Table 3). The largest increases in DALYs were observed in Eastern (51.7%) and Central Sub-Saharan Africa (50.5%) and Oceania (47.4%). DALYs per capita increased only in 2 regions, East and South Asia, over the 20-year period (Table 4).
Table 4.
Changes in Disability-adjusted Life-years (DALYs, in thousands) and DALYs per capita (per 100,000 population) between 1990 and 2010 by GBD Regions*, Shown as Changes (Δ) due to Population Growth, Aging, and Changes in Gender- and Age-specific Disease Rates (all oral conditions combined)
Region | 1990 DALYsa | Isolated Pop. Growthb | Isolated Pop. Agingc | 2010 DALYs | % Δ Due to Pop. Growth | % Δ Due to Pop. Aging | % Δ Due to Δ Rates | % Δ 1990-2010 |
DALYs (in thousands) | ||||||||
Asia-Pacific, High income | 375 | 433 | 585 | 375 | 15.3 | 40.6 | -56.0 | -0.1 |
Europe, Western | 1,156 | 1,320 | 1,504 | 1,057 | 14.2 | 15.9 | -38.7 | -8.6 |
Australasia | 64 | 86 | 100 | 73 | 33.3 | 22.4 | -42.2 | 13.6 |
North America, High income | 644 | 822 | 916 | 644 | 27.7 | 14.6 | -42.2 | 0.1 |
Europe, Central | 486 | 529 | 587 | 393 | 8.7 | 12.0 | -39.9 | -19.2 |
Latin America, Southern | 149 | 202 | 219 | 176 | 35.4 | 11.4 | -28.9 | 18.0 |
Europe, Eastern | 883 | 911 | 970 | 731 | 3.2 | 6.7 | -27.1 | -17.2 |
Asia, East | 2,390 | 3,217 | 3,698 | 3,048 | 34.6 | 20.1 | -27.2 | 27.5 |
Latin America, Tropical | 459 | 698 | 836 | 572 | 52.1 | 29.8 | -57.5 | 24.4 |
Latin America, Central | 411 | 665 | 770 | 525 | 61.8 | 25.6 | -59.7 | 27.8 |
Asia, Southeast | 968 | 1,490 | 1,673 | 1,310 | 53.9 | 18.9 | -37.5 | 35.3 |
Asia, Central | 178 | 237 | 243 | 189 | 33.1 | 3.7 | -30.7 | 6.1 |
Latin America, Andean | 95 | 152 | 171 | 129 | 59.3 | 20.4 | -44.5 | 35.2 |
North Africa/Middle East | 670 | 1,196 | 1,284 | 875 | 78.6 | 13.1 | -61.0 | 30.7 |
Caribbean | 93 | 129 | 145 | 98 | 38.3 | 18.0 | -51.4 | 4.9 |
Asia, South | 2,490 | 4,085 | 4,308 | 3,500 | 64.0 | 8.9 | -32.4 | 40.5 |
Oceania | 8 | 15 | 15 | 12 | 74.3 | 7.8 | -34.8 | 47.4 |
Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern | 108 | 169 | 183 | 128 | 56.0 | 13.0 | -50.8 | 18.2 |
Sub-Saharan Africa, East | 434 | 821 | 820 | 659 | 89.1 | -0.3 | -37.1 | 51.7 |
Sub-Saharan Africa, Central | 99 | 193 | 187 | 149 | 95.2 | -6.4 | -38.3 | 50.5 |
Sub-Saharan Africa, West | 310 | 569 | 562 | 428 | 83.6 | -2.4 | -43.1 | 38.1 |
DALYs per capita (per 100,000 population) | ||||||||
Asia-Pacific, High income | 225 | 213 | 332 | 212 | -5.0 | 52.5 | -53.0 | -5.5 |
Europe, Western | 307 | 283 | 366 | 257 | -7.8 | 26.9 | -35.4 | -16.3 |
Australasia | 320 | 299 | 392 | 286 | -6.6 | 29.2 | -33.2 | -10.6 |
North America, High income | 236 | 220 | 273 | 192 | -6.8 | 22.7 | -34.4 | -18.4 |
Europe, Central | 404 | 395 | 499 | 334 | -2.3 | 25.8 | -40.8 | -17.3 |
Latin America, Southern | 311 | 307 | 370 | 297 | -1.5 | 20.2 | -23.3 | -4.6 |
Europe, Eastern | 404 | 393 | 474 | 357 | -2.8 | 19.9 | -28.9 | -11.7 |
Asia, East | 207 | 207 | 269 | 222 | 0.4 | 30.1 | -22.9 | 7.5 |
Latin America, Tropical | 305 | 315 | 421 | 288 | 3.0 | 34.7 | -43.5 | -5.8 |
Latin America, Central | 254 | 265 | 340 | 232 | 4.2 | 29.6 | -42.6 | -8.8 |
Asia, Southeast | 216 | 224 | 280 | 219 | 3.5 | 25.9 | -28.0 | 1.3 |
Asia, Central | 267 | 274 | 310 | 241 | 2.9 | 13.4 | -26.1 | -9.8 |
Latin America, Andean | 253 | 262 | 326 | 246 | 3.4 | 25.4 | -31.9 | -3.1 |
North Africa/Middle East | 229 | 248 | 295 | 201 | 8.2 | 20.5 | -41.0 | -12.3 |
Caribbean | 310 | 310 | 389 | 261 | 0.3 | 25.4 | -41.3 | -15.6 |
Asia, South | 229 | 236 | 274 | 222 | 3.1 | 16.5 | -22.4 | -2.8 |
Oceania | 149 | 153 | 174 | 141 | 2.2 | 14.4 | -22.3 | -5.7 |
Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern | 212 | 222 | 265 | 186 | 4.8 | 20.3 | -37.6 | -12.5 |
Sub-Saharan Africa, East | 217 | 222 | 239 | 192 | 2.3 | 7.7 | -21.6 | -11.6 |
Sub-Saharan Africa, Central | 193 | 195 | 202 | 161 | 0.7 | 3.5 | -21.1 | -16.9 |
Sub-Saharan Africa, West | 161 | 164 | 174 | 132 | 1.7 | 6.2 | -25.7 | -17.7 |
Regions are ordered by mean age of death.
Estimates for 1990 were recalculated following the GBD 2010 Study protocol.
DALYs expected with 2010, 1990 population age structure, and 1990 DALY rates (in thousands).
DALYs expected with 2010, 2010 population age structure, and 2010 DALY rates (in thousands).
DALYs due to severe periodontitis and untreated caries in deciduous and permanent teeth increased by 57.3%, 5.3%, and 38.1% respectively, while those due to severe tooth loss decreased by 12.3% (Table 3). Severe periodontitis was the leading cause of DALYs in 9 regions (Australasia, Sub-Saharan Africa East, Central, East, and Southeast Asia, and Southern, Central, Tropical, and Andean Latin America), followed by untreated caries (Oceania, South Asia, North Africa/Middle East and West, Central and Southern Sub-Saharan Africa) and severe tooth loss (High-income North America, Western Europe, High-income Asia-Pacific, Eastern and Central Europe, and the Caribbean), each leading in 6 regions. Detailed information on DALYs due to each oral condition by region is presented in Appendix Tables 2-5.
The global burden of oral conditions increased from 1990 to 2010, while a reduction was observed for all conditions. The observed 20.8% increase in the global burden of oral conditions was mainly due to population growth and aging, since DALYs per capita due to oral conditions decreased 8%. These findings are in contrast to 0.5% and 23% decreases in DALYs and DALYs per capita due to all conditions, respectively, in the same period.
Untreated caries was the most prevalent of all 291 conditions. Oral conditions caused some disability and, coupled with their high prevalence, accounted for a substantial number of DALYs. The disability weight associated with severe tooth loss (0.073) was between those reported for moderate heart failure (0.068) and moderate consequences of stroke (0.074). Among non-fatal outcomes, oral conditions were ranked 31st, 34th, and 35th of health outcomes causing YLDs and were comparable with many non-communicable diseases, including maternal conditions, hypertensive heart disease, schizophrenia, and the totality of hemoglobinopathies and hemolytic anemias. Oral conditions accounted for more YLDs than 25 of 28 categories of cancer, and only stomach, liver and trachea, and bronchus and lung cancers ranked higher than oral conditions (Vos et al., 2012).
The global burden of oral conditions is shifting from severe tooth loss toward severe periodontitis and untreated caries. Tooth loss is a final common pathway when preventive or conservative treatments to alleviate pain fail or are unavailable. Thus, a dramatic reduction in the prevalence of caries and periodontitis in regions with advanced demographic and epidemiologic transition may underlie some of the reduced prevalence of severe tooth loss. Conversely, it is quite conceivable that the increases observed in untreated caries and severe periodontitis in the younger age groups in regions less advanced in the demographic and epidemiologic transition may lead to high levels of tooth loss in these areas in the future.
Challenges in this analysis were inherent in either the measuring or reporting of oral diseases and highlighted areas with incomplete data. The relationship between untreated caries (DT > 0) and lifetime prevalence (DMFT > 0) is not constant and has not been quantified, and, unfortunately, studies that included only DMFT > 0 data had to be excluded because DisMod-MR relies on fixed effects being relatively constant with respect to time and age. Periodontal diseases are not uniformly defined or recorded, and prevalence studies preferentially omitted young and old age groups. Severe tooth loss literature generally included only the proportion of edentate people, and only 3 valid studies reported the number of teeth present. Therefore, DALYs calculation was based on the prevalence of total tooth loss. Furthermore, oral health of populations varies more than for many other conditions. Uncertainty of models was relatively high, especially where input data were scarce or results were examined globally (Murray et al., 2012b).
It is possible that the GBD approach has underestimated the burden of oral conditions. The GBD case definitions included only the most severe forms of the 3 most common oral conditions. Mouth cancer, noma (Cancrum oris), and maxillofacial injuries were not computed. Mild to moderate tooth loss and periodontitis may also cause some disability, and symptomatic filled teeth are common. Also, oral conditions may lead to several disabilities (Slade et al., 2005; Sanders et al., 2009; Locker and Quinonez, 2011). A more thorough appraisal of symptoms related to oral conditions (proportion, duration, frequency, and nature), ability to eat, and socio-psychological impact would be ideal to help inform quantification of the burden of these health states in the future.
The implications of this study for oral health care investment are useful in the planning of workforce needs and the content of dental education. One of the fundamental challenges is responding to the diversity of urgent oral health needs for communities. The DALYs and DALYs per capita metrics should inform priorities. They can help identify those populations with both the highest concentration as well as the greatest overall need. East, South, and Southeast Asia and Western Europe had the highest estimates of total population disease burden, with East and South Asia having the least favorable changes in per capita oral health needs. This diversity reminds us that the organized social response to health problems must deal with a wide array of health care and public health priorities for action.
To conclude, the burden of oral conditions seems to have increased in the past 20 years, but not evenly. While the DALYs (in thousands) due to untreated caries and severe periodontitis increased since 1990, those due to severe tooth loss decreased. Oral conditions combined accounted for 15 million DALYs globally, implying an average health loss of 224 yrs per 100,000 persons. Oral conditions all ranked among the top 100 detailed causes of DALYs.
Supplementary Material
We thank all the individuals who contributed to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 for their extensive support in finding, cataloguing, and analyzing data and facilitating communication between and among team members.
This publication results from data analysis performed as part of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010, funding for which was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The sponsor had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report. The corresponding author had full access to all of the data in the study and the final responsibility to submit for publication.
The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.
A supplemental appendix to this article is published electronically only at http://jdr.sagepub.com/supplemental.
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