Figure 4.
FD reduces H/R-induced lung damage and prevents H/R-induced ET-1 up-regulation. (AD) Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of lung tissue at 400x magnification from SS mice under a SD (A and C) or supplemented with FD (B and D) exposed to hypoxia (8% oxygen; 10 h) followed by reoxygenation (21% oxygen; 3 h) (H/R). Lungs from SS mice given a FD have less inflammatory cellular infiltrate (B) and thrombi (D) than SS mice not fed FD (A and C). (E) Upper panel. BAL protein content from AA and SS mice treated as in (A–E). Lower panel. BAL leukocyte content from AA and SS mice treated as in (A–E). White bars show data from mice under normoxia and black bars show data from mice under H/R. (F) Immunoblot analysis with specific antibodies against ET-1, VCAM-1, and HO-1 of lung from AA and SS mice treated as in (A–E). One representative gel from six with similar results is presented. Densitometric analysis of ET-1, VCAM-1 and HO-1 immunoblots is shown in Online Supplementary Figure S4B.