Figure 6. Effect of different force thresholds on kinetic event timings: forelimbs.
Histograms across all pooled strides for the difference compared to events based on a 50 N threshold depending on vertical force thresholds ranging from 60 to 150 N. Grey: no difference in timing, blue: 10 ms (1 frame) difference in timing, green: 20 ms (2 frames) difference, red: 30 ms (3 frames) difference, black: 40 ms (4 frames) difference. (A) foot on detection as the first frame exceeding the threshold. The greater the difference, the later the kinetic event occurs compared to the foot on event based on a 50 N threshold. (B) foot off detection as the first frame falling below the threshold. The greater the difference, the earlier the kinetic event occurs compared to the foot off event based on a 50 N threshold.